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05x17 - First and Last

Posted: 11/15/21 10:10
by bunniefuu
Gonna give you kisses.
Mwah, mwah, mwah.

Among the many perils of me
having time off

is increasingly gourmet breakfasts.

Oh, I think we can handle it, huh?

I'm just gonna try some.

Mmm. Want some?

What did you put in this
omelette? It's amazing.

- Wait till you try the coffee.
- I like jobless Daddy.

He can cook for us all the time.


Aren't we missing a step?

We're gonna do all the steps,

it's just planning the
honeymoon's always the most fun.

I think we need to hurry
in case we want to avoid,

um, baby makes four at 30,000 feet.

You're right. Let's not over-think it.

Let's be spontaneous.

Why don't we go for a drive?

And... ah, ah...
we see a place we like,

we'll, um, we'll do it this weekend.

You want to get married this weekend?

I don't think planning's ever
worked for us before,

so I think it's time to shake it up.

I know, but there's so much
to think about.

I have to write new vows.

I have to get a dress that fits
me in this current state.

And I don't think our
marriage license is valid,

- so I think we...
- Hey.

I love you.

And we waited long enough.

Let's do this.

Yeah, let's do it. Let's do it.


Okay, so most people, when asked
to complete sexual history,

don't go into such historical detail.

"It all started behind the
portables in grade seven."

I-I'm just trying to provide
the whole picture.

A-Anything could be important.

Right, and usually I'd agree.

But this is like a novel,
and not the good kind.

The kind where nothing happens,

until the chapter about having
unprotected sex

with a professional last week.

Where's that going?

You just close your eyes
and think of the portables.

20 bucks says penile swab.

You're on.

Who bet on swab?

Damn it. Every time.

Never bet against Jackson.

I wouldn't have to
if I wasn't so bored.

It's been too slow today.

- Hey.
- Zip it.

No way, I'm not buying
into your dumb superstition.

- They're not superstitions.
- They're rules.

Sekara, we live by them.

If you're in a betting mood,
how about this?

Next patient through the door's
gonna be a major pain

and it will be all
your fault... 50 bucks.

All right.

All right.

- Dr. Miller?
- Okay, here we go.

It's just a guy with a cough.

Howdy, sir, what's your name?

Randy. Sorry, I can't stop.

Oh, thank you.

Okay, you just come with me over here.

Hey, uh, guys, is there a...

do you have a phone? Pay phone?

'Cause I-I'm late for a job interview.

I just got to make a quick call.

Let's first have a seat here, okay?

Why don't you just take it easy
and breathe for us.

All right.

Okay, you, uh...

You don't have a fever,

but you're definitely
a little bit jaundiced.

Oh, no, that's just, uh, where I live.

No-window basement apartment.
Full of mold.

Okay, well, you need to talk
to your landlord about that.

No point now. They're kicking me out.

I can't manage first and last
at a new place.

I'm barely covering the rent as it is.

You know how it is, right?

Yeah, why don't you slide down
and relax?

And we'll run you some tests. Okay?

Put the feet up, it's okay?

Yeah. Please.

Hey, th-th-the pay phone?

Here, use mine. You can use it.

Thank you.

Yeah, no worries.

Looks like you really need
this job pretty bad.

That was nice.

Hi, Mr. Trottier, Randy Rogen speaking.

Yes. I know.

Crazy thing, I woke up sick
and I just jumped

into the hospital real quick.

I'm hoping we can reschedule
the interview for...

I've had some interesting...

Yes, I understand.

Thank you.


Here, let me grab that for you.

Guess it's not my day.

It's beautiful. Looks like
they're having a wedding.

A wedding, huh? Could be a sign.

No, Charlie, that's a sign.

I mean, how weird is that?

Oh, this is cute.

Let's keep it simple.

- Just a few close friends?
- Mm-hmm.

And my brothers, if I can get them.

Ooh, can we have croquembouche?

Yeah, if you tell me what that is.

It is a French pastry tower.

You can have that if I get
a nacho cheese fountain.

It's a deal.

Have you seen a man in a tux?

Uh, yeah. Yeah, once or twice.

We seem to have lost the groom.

Poor girl.

Apparently this isn't the first time

she's been left at the altar.

- Uh, we'll keep an eye out.
- Thanks.

Let's hit the road
before things get ugly.


Yeah, let's book the space

and leave the bride to her special day.

- Let's go.
- Foster?

Foster, where are you?



I'm a doctor. My name's Alex.

What's your name?

This is so embarrassing.
Please, just help me up.

- What's her name?
- Nadine.

Nadine, try to stay still, all right?

You had a big fall.
I need to check you out.

Am I bleeding? Don't get blood
on the dress, please.

I'm getting married today.

I know you are, and I love the dress.

Thank you. You are so sweet.

Charlie, you want to
check out this leg?


Hope Zion is expecting her.

Where's Foster?
I have to find him. I...

Ugh. He's here, right?

We're doing this?

You want to try not to think

about any of those things right now.

You just try to stay calm
and we'll take good care of you.

I can still walk down
the aisle, though, right?


You look elegant today.


Because I have a meeting with producers

on that, you know,
"doctor thing" show tonight,

so it'll be a miracle if any
of this elegance

actually makes it through the day.

You know, trauma isn't glamorous.

No, I know, but plastics
is supposed to be, right?

And that's... the show.

'Cause apparently
an emergency bowel repair

can't compete with a feel-good
face-lift for a single mom.

- That sounds...
- Like a step backwards, right?

I know, and I haven't taken
the job yet,

but trauma,
it's thrilling and exciting

and exhausting, honestly.

I don't know how much longer
I can keep this up.

Well, there's no shame in running away

the moment things get difficult.

Thank you for your support, Shahir.

You okay?
What's going on with Jonathan?

He... we...

You know, I have to break up with him.


after all the great relationship
advice I have given you?

Okay, I'm late for rounds.

I'm going to come with you.

Hang on.

I'm still in trauma as of now,

and what you're going through
qualifies as traumatic.

So where are we going?

- I really appreciate this.
- Yeah.

I mean, with Dr. Reid going
on mat. leave

and Dr. Williams leaving us,

we could definitely use
an extra gen. surg.

around here for a while.

Especially one as talented as you.

Well, I plan on drowning
my loneliness in work,

so hit me with all you got.

Thank you.

Hey, listen. Uh...

about everything that went down
with Charlie.

Should I be worried?

Ah, Jeremy, I don't know.

I mean, he needed a break.

He took it, so that's good.

Do you think it's the kind of break

that he's not gonna come back from?

Charlie Harris is gonna walk
back into an O.R.

The guy's ego is too big to not
swing around a scalpel.

I think he's gonna wait until
his little girl is born

- before he does, though.
- I hope so.

And, hey, in the meantime,
he's got a wedding to plan.

Ah, they're finally getting married.

Good for them.


- Hey.
- Hey.

Dr. Scott, what can I do for you?

Uh, I wanted to talk about my shifts.

All right. Well, get in
on as many surgeries

as you can because I am short-staffed.

It's the opposite, actually.

Never heard a resident say that before.

Does this have something to do
with what happened

with Dr. Williams and her patient?

No, no, no. I just, uh, I need
a bit of a break.

Because you were defending
Cassie and yourself

and so you know that if you
need to take some time...

I don't... I don't want time.

I want to work. I just...
I need a break from the O.R.,

so if you wouldn't mind maybe
putting me on rounds or ICU,

anything else?

Okay. See what I can do.


You're not the only one
who has experienced trauma

here at this hospital,
so if you ever want to talk.


Thank you, Dr. Bell, but no, I'm fine.

Trying to start a family
has been quite stressful

on our relationship.

Eating and sleeping is quite difficult,

and Jonathan's worse.

He started baking again.

Oof, that's not sustainable.

No, it is not.

I would eat 1,000 quinoa-goji cookies

if we could go back to the old us.

Thank you.

But failure to adopt a child

has come to symbolize the
failure in our relationship.

It's not fair, Dana.

Have you tried telling him this?

- I tried.
- Try harder.

It seems like there's always
another adoption form

or a parenting class,

and then when we lose out
on yet another kid,

it's a disappointment.

Well, my ex and I thought having a baby

would bring us closer together,

and you know how that story ended.

What are we doing up here?

We are monitoring brain activity

on our coma patients for a new study.

Well, on the bright side,

I guess you're looking at a whole day

of "It could be worse."

I thought you said
these were coma patients.

They are.

- Liam, you're up.
- What, what, what?

What... what... what happened to me?

What happened to me?

Well, it looks like you broke
your nose when you fell,

but, hey, you're awake.

Welcome back!

How long's he been in a coma?

- Three weeks.
- What happened to my hair?

And why do I look so old?

Uh, Liam, how old do you think you are?

Dude, I just turned 19.

Decreased air entry.

You got family?

Anyone we can call?

No. Nobody.

- You sure?
- Hey, could you write me a note?

I got to see if I can get the guy

to give me another shot
at that interview.

I need this job, or I'll wind up
on the street again.

All right, let's not go charging

out of here just yet, Mr. Rogen.

At least wait for your test results.

Hey, don't forget that note. Thank you!

Okay, so, results are back.
He's got a lung infection

from the mold... no surprise
there... but he's also...

he's end-stage liver failure.

Is he a drinker?

Tox screen's clear for alcohol.

So, either hepatitis,
acetaminophen overdose,

suppurative cholangitis?

Whatever it is,
with results like these,

he doesn't have much time.

Well, you two send him up to
imaging to confirm,

and I'll start on
the transplant paperwork

and have it ready when you're done.

Can't have a transplant.

What are you talking about?

Right, he's been evicted.

No stable housing to convalesce...

No new liver. Those are the rules.

Okay, the guy just found out
that he's being evicted.

That's not fair.

He's got no family to take him in?

He's got no one.

The ceremony is in a few hours.

Where is he?

Foster, he wouldn't do this to me.

Nadine, why don't you think
about good things?

Why don't you tell me
about how you first met?

Okay. Um... uh, yeah.

I was hiking on the West Coast Trail.

A week by myself, and Foster,

he just comes walking out of the
rainforest all like, "Hello."

So cute.

Honestly, I think... I think
the moment I saw him, I...

You just knew?

Only he was going the other way
and I got his e-mail,

but it totally got soaked,

and then all I had was this
photo that I'd taken.

And I showed it to everybody
that I met.

I looked all over for him.

So then, a year later...
like to the date...

I'm on a day trip on the Bruce Trail,

and... just to clear my head, you know?

And... there he is, again.

That's amazing.

It's the same date, today.

We're supposed to get married.

That's got to be good luck, right?

Are you two married?

We're working on it.

If Foster and I are
meant to be, then...

why did...

why did this happen?

Pressure's dropping.

She's going into shock.

Ouch. Horse-drawn carriage collision

or rabid bridesmaid bouquet tackle?

Stair fall. Open tibial fracture,

pressure's dropping,
could be internal bleeding.

On three... one, two, three.


Let's cut this dress off...
she looks like a meringue.

Don't you dare.

Uh, you know what I'll do?

I'll... I'll just cut it
along the seam.

You'll be able to fix it good
as new, all right?

Did you talk to Foster?

Went straight to voicemail,

but I'm sure he's trying to find
out where you are.

Okay, well, I'm gonna have to
get this dress cut off.

So let's do it now,
gonna have to run a FAST.


Mr. Rogen, where are you going?

I got to go. Thank you.

No, no. Jackson, get him
into bed right now.

And let's get Sekara down here.
We're gonna need an O.R.

All right, bud. Okay. Hang in there.

Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.


Just remarkable.

Okay, so... so, where am I?

And who... who are you?

Wh-what did you do to my face?

Well, in order... Hope Zion Hospital,

Dr. Kinney and Dr. Hamza,

nothing yet, but hold still.

Good as new.


Still got it.

Uh, I don't remember.


I was walking to my girlfriend's house,

and we were gonna head out
and see the Goo Goo Dolls.

When was that exactly?

Um, I can see the tickets in my hand.

It was, uh, Au... August 30th.

- What year?
- 1997.

Oh, my God. Jenny,
my girlfriend, is she okay?

Liam, you were involved in
an accident bicycling to work.

Three weeks ago, and it's currently

the year of our Lord 20...

2-2000 and what, lady?


2000 and what?

The accident caused a brain hemorrhage,

and you went into a coma.

Oh... this is a dream.

I am dreaming.

Okay, I'm 19. It's 1997.

And this is a dream.

Liam, you've just turned 40.


You need to stop talking.

I what now?

You cannot tell him how old he is

or what year it is. Not yet.

But you're going to let
this middle-aged buddy

think that he is a teenager?

We don't want to overwhelm him.

His brain is under too much stress.

I-I need to read up on his imaging a...

His wife comes every day.

I don't know how he's going
to react to her.

- Is her name Jenny?
- No.

Well, then, probably not well.

Dr. Scott!

Let's move our patient here
off the coma ward.

What's the rush? He just woke up.

Just find him a ward bed.

There's, uh, precedents
for this kind of memory loss.

I need to read up on it
before I update his wife.

Hey, I finally got hold of the groom.

- He's, um, on his way.
- Good.

How's her imaging looking?

It is bad.

Traumatic aortic injury,

and the blood from the tear
caused a pseudo-aneurysm.

So, major surgery on her wedding day.

Sounds familiar.

Yeah. I'm just trying to track down

Dr. Turser so I can brief her
on this tibial fracture.

Oh. Right.

Forgot I don't work here
anymore? Me too.

I did.

Good luck with her.

Charlie, can I talk to you
about something?

Yeah. Sure.

Do you think we caused this?

Alex, what happened today was
happening with or without us.

I miss scientists
who believe in curses.

I do understand how crazy it sounds.

It's not crazy. Who are you talking to?

I-I just think that maybe

this is our chance
to break free of this.

You know, if... if we can give
Nadine a happy ending,

then maybe we...

Maybe we can get one ourselves.

Forget it. It's stupid.

It's not stupid...

if you believe it.

And if you believe it,

then maybe you should go
in there and fix her.



All right. There you go, man.

You rest easy.

Thank you, man.

That's a huge pager.

Yeah, um, is there anything else
I can do for you, Liam?

Yeah. You know, I'd really like
to talk to my mom and dad.

Arthur and Gail Quinn.

I... can't remember their number.

Is it... It must be on my chart there.

Um, there's just, you know,
there's no number here,

so, let me see what I can find out.

And here, this ought to keep you
entertained in the meantime.

What is it? What is this?

The blood clot caused by his accident

caused a 20-year gap
in his long-term memory.

But he can get them back, yes?

Yes, it's possible in time
the brain can rewire itself

to circumvent dead brain cells.

Then you should tell him everything

and try and trigger it coming back.

No, no. Not yet. That's...
That's too overwhelming.

You avoid difficult conversations.

That's not true.

It's the same with telling Jonathan

about how you're feeling.

You can't handle the emotional fallout.

Okay, Dr. Kinney,
this isn't your patient.

This isn't even your office.

The whole reason why you're here

is to put off telling Dawn Bell
that you can't handle trauma.

That was a low blow, Hamza.

Well, it doesn't matter

how complicated our lives
are right now.

This young... middle-aged man...
his... his problems are worse.

If he can't remember 20 years
of his life,

then he can't remember
that both his parents are dead.

He has to experience that grief
all over again.

At least we get to decide
whether to put off our problems

or to deal with them.

The longer you keep him from knowing,

the longer you keep him from coping.

Thank you.

Excuse me. Hi. You must be Foster.

I'm Dr. Reid. I am Nadine's doctor.

I can't believe this is
happening to her.

I-I-It's all my fault.

It was an accident.

No, no. I-I-I didn't leave her.

I wasn't running. It just...

It came over me that my vows,
they didn't do her justice.

I just wanted some space, some quiet,

so I can make them better.

And you didn't tell anybody?

Stupid. I just needed a space

so that I could put into words
how I feel about her.

You know, no jokes, no cliches,

just... pbht!

My he... My heart spilled out,

no matter how embarrassing it got.

Please, tell me I'll get a chance

to say these things to her.

Oh, I'm going to do a procedure

that will stop the internal bleeding,

and then we have an orthopedic surgeon

that's gonna fix her leg.

Her condition is still very serious.

Look, I know that this feels
like the end of the world,

but if you guys can get through this,

you will be stronger than ever.

Will you tell her that I'm here?

Like, even if she's asleep, tell her.

I will. I promise, okay?


What's happening to him?

Liver's not filtering toxins anymore.

They're building up in his brain.

- Take it.
- I don't want your money.

Just take it, please.

Guys, what's up?

I'm doing an endoscopic sclerotherapy

with Dr. Bishop to stop
the esophageal bleeding.

It should buy us some time.

Get him on the transplant list?

Not until his living situation's
been resolved.

You can't just get him a liver
and work this out afterwards?

No. So, you go work your magic
with Bishop.

I have an idea.

Oh, great. Thank you very much.

That was very kind of you, Doctor...

You don't know my name,
do you, Dr. Miller?

I know your work,
and that's more important.

Thank you, Doctor... Taylor!

Dr. Taylor.

So, the sclerotherapy went well.

Esophageal bleeding stopped,

but his bilirubin levels
are still a nightmare.

- Okay.
- How are we doing on housing?

I found a nurse that was renting
out a bachelor apartment.

I raised 500 bucks. I'm just
gonna pitch in the rest myself.

So, he's on the list?

He's on the list. Now we just
need to find a liver.

Yeah. I found your number on him.

Listen, um

He's not doing so great right now.



You shouldn't have done that.

I called your son.

You spoke with my son?

You said you didn't have any family.

Nobody's coming, right?


I don't have any family.

Do you mind if I ask why?

I wasn't very nice to them...

or anyone.

The big real estate man.

All about the cash, flashing it around.

The sleazy clubs and coke
and cars... You name it.

Lost everything.


Don't expect them to forgive me.

I just hope I get the chance
to prove I can still do good.

Be worth something.

You believe people can change?

I see the same ODs coming
in here night after night.

Same husbands saying their wife
walked into a door.

My dad...

My dad, he tried to change.

It was too late for him,

so I never got to find out
if it was for real.

What happened?

Liver failure.

Same as you.

I'm sorry.


About my wallet.

I wanted you to have the money.

No. It's...

You take it. It's yours.

Just don't let me die alone.


Hey... I got you.

I'll be here for you,

or I'll make sure someone else is.

That makes you the best friend
I have in the world.



Thank you.


Uh, Elyse! Elyse. Mrs. Quinn. Hi.

Dr. Hamza, I've been looking
all over for my husband.

You moved him. Has he woken up?

Yes, he has, but it appears, though,

uh, he has lost some of his memory.

I need to see him.

Well, he may not know who you are.

He's my husband.


How much memory?

- About...
- 20.

20 years.

We're not certain
if the loss is permanent,

but to him, it's still 1997.

Come on. You're kidding me.

- Elyse.
- Liam! Oh, Liam!

Oh, sweetheart.

I am so glad that you're awake.

- Whoa!
- Sweetie, I...

Easy, lady.

Liam, it's... Sweetie,
it's me. It's Elyse.

You're, like, what, a friend
of my mom's or something?

No. I'm... I'm your wife.

We're married. 8 1/2 years?

We have a house in the Junction.
Two dogs.

I would like to see
my parents now, please.

Both of your parents are dead, Liam.

Whoever you are, get... get out.

- Okay...
- Get out!

Get out!

Uh, Elyse.


Is it true what she said
about my mom and dad?

You know, I am so sorry.

We should have prepared you for this.

We didn't mean for you to find...

I don't want to talk anymore, okay?

No more bad news.

Can I...

Could I just get some 3D Doritos

and the Pepsi Blue, please?

They don't make those anymore.

All the...

The future sucks.




Don't worry. I'm not here
to get my job back.

I heard about you and Alex.

Long time coming.

Yeah. Actually, we were, uh,

looking for a place to get
married today.

Yes. I heard about
the unlucky bride, too.

So, am I gonna get invited
to the wedding?

Yeah. Yeah, if, uh, you, um,

give Alex a little extra mat. leave,

I'm sure there's something
we could work out.

Charlie Harris, we are gonna miss you.

I will.

Me too.


After the baby's born,
when you're ready to come back,

I hope that you'll call me first.

Deploring the graft proximally.

So, I hear you and Charlie
are getting hitched.

Mazel Tov, Dr. Reid.

Yeah. We were just apart for so long,

we didn't want to waste any more time.

What about you, Bishop?
You seeing anyone special?

Have you talked to Dr. Williams
since you moved to New York?

I was thinking about
dropping her a line.

Or maybe, uh, a visit.

Well, you should.

What? You'll want a date
for our wedding.

Memorial has a donor liver,

but it's not a match for blood type.

We're out of time.

He doesn't have a relative that
can make a live donation?

According to him, all those
bridges have been burned.

I'm sorry we can't help him.

At least we can make him
more comfortable.

Hey, good news.

I found a live donor for Mr. Rogen.

How'd you do that?

I'm a match.



That is a big surgery, Jackson.

You need to think that through.

Yeah. I have, and that's my decision,

so let's make it happen.


How is she?

The surgery went well.

The stent is in a good position,
and she's stable.

Now Dr. Turser is working on her leg,

and she feels confident
that in a few months,

Nadine will be as good as new.

Okay. Okay, this is good.

All right. Is she awake?

No. Not yet,
but you're the first face

she'll see when she wakes up.

Man, if I hadn't left,
this wouldn't have happened.

I mean, it m... it meant
so much to her, to us,

to get married on the day we met.

She's superstitious like that.

I wish I hadn't blown it for her.

Hey. This got left in the E.R.
We should put it somewhere safe.

I never got a chance to see her in it.

Maybe it's not too late.

Wait here. I'll be right back.

- You're not doing this.
- Beg your pardon?

Don't even understand
why you'd want to.

You don't even know the guy.

Okay, you just paid
for his new apartment.

Yeah, a new apartment is not a liver.

Jackson, you're risking infection,

long-term intestinal damage,
bile leakage.

Dr. Miller, I'm a grown man.
I can do what I want.

Listen, you've heard a million
of these hard-luck stories.

Why this guy?

- I talked to his family.
- Okay. And I get it.

He's a beautiful man, halo on his head,

wouldn't hurt a fly.

Nope. They hate him.

They hate him? Okay, well,
now I'm even more confused.

It was the same way with my father.

He drank... a lot.

After a while, the whole family
just shut him out,

including me.

A few later, he comes crawling back,

saying he's gonna change.

We all heard it all before.
No one believed him.

No one gave him a second chance.

He got sick. Died alone.

He was sober.

I'm sorry to hear that.

The guy upstairs is not your father.

Okay, I know. I just...

I just feel like I owe somebody
a-a debt of faith.

Does everything you do make sense?

Okay, fine.

Listen, logic isn't gonna
work with you.

How about loyalty?
The hospital needs you.

I need you.

Everyone else who works here
is an idiot.

Look, I had a bad feeling this morning,

and it hasn't gone away, so just
give me a break, all right?

Don't go through with this.

We're gonna find a liver.

No, we won't.

And that's the point.

Yes. Thank you.

Well, now Liam wants plastic surgery,

so we need to do something pretty...

Yes. Yes. Thank you for the call.

We'll give you our answer
by the end of the day.


What is it? What's wrong?

That was the adoption agency.

They have a little girl in
Edmonton who needs a family...

if we want her.

Oh, Shahir.

That's wonderful.

I... can't do this. I can't...

Dana, I can't have a baby to
save a relationship when...

Finish the sentence.

When my heart's not in it.

And are you sure about that?

You really don't want to be a father?

Or are you just tired of the process?

I don't know anymore.

What's all this?

Those are Liam's personal effects.

- Oh.
- He left them in the coma ward.

I'm going to bring it down to him.

Oh, well, that's very nurturing
of you, Shahir.

One might even say "paternal."


Let's get his wife up here.
I have an idea.

I got the consent form for you.

I bet everyone's been trying
to talk you out of this,

haven't they?

Had about enough of it,
to tell you the truth.

So, if you're next...

Oh, I'm not going to join the pile.

It's a good thing you're doing.

The rest of your days,
you can walk around

knowing someone got a second chance

because you put your life on the line.

Yeah. Uh, we could ease off

with the
"life on the line" stuff.

I'm just saying.

We save lives around here all the time,

but what you're doing is giving one.

Good on ya.

Hey. It's time to go up.

I'm fine to walk, Dr. Sekara.

Come on, Jackson. You're a patient now.

You got to do what we say. Hop in.


Brought the car back.
How is Nadine doing?

She should wake up any time now.

Not exactly the day they had
planned, but, um...

It could still work out.

Oh... Oh, no.

You've got that dangerous
"Alex Reid with an idea" look.

Charlie, let's see this through
for them.

If Nadine truly believes that
this date is so special...

What... Are you talking about
today, here, now?

Yes. I mean, the close relatives
are already here.

I could suture the seam on a gown.

I guess I could get some flowers
from the gift shop.

The only thing we're missing
is somebody

to perform the ceremony.

The chaplain, if we can find him.

No one can ever find him.

Well, then a notary public.

A ship's captain.

There's got to be somebody
around here. Check it out.

I'll sew the dress.

Are we wedding planners now?

It's what we set out to do
today, isn't it?

Thank you.

We need to talk.

No, we don't.

Oh, don't you walk away from me.

Come here, I want to
show you something.

Ah, fine. What?

This, my friend, is your life.

And it looks like
a pretty damn good one.

It's not that I don't believe you,

I just, I don't have these memories.

I don't have the feelings
that those people do.

But doesn't it look like

it might be worth trying
to get them back?

Oh, hi!

Oh, no, no.

- Come on.
- No, come on.

- Hi.
- Hi.

What is all this stuff?

So this is, uh, your favorite food,

um, your favorite T-shirt,
got you your favorite book,

um, even your favorite cocktail.

Oh, actually, alcohol, that's...

That's not allowed.

That smells amazing, whatever that is.

Yeah, well, I know you, Liam Quinn.

Better than anyone else in the world.

I'm sorry.
You seem really great, Elyse.

But I don't know you.

All the adventures we've had,
the places,

I don't remember any of it.

Okay, so... so let's do them
all again, then.

Before your accident,
we saved money for a trip,

so let's just do all
the fun stuff again.

We can start where we had our
first date... at Vellichor.

I could never afford
that place... Vellichor.

Believe me, you can afford it now.

You're a lawyer, dude,
and a pretty good one.

To me, you're still
the same man I love,

same man that I built this life with.

Come on, Liam, please.

Just give me a chance to make
you fall for me again.

Just one date.

Uh, how about one drink?

- Okay, okay.
- Okay.

Well, that's not a bad idea,

remembering where it all began.

So, you and Jonathan...

why did you want to adopt
in the first place?

We were so happy.

We just wanted to share it
with someone who needed us.

We need to go back to the beginning.

- I think we both do.
- Exactly.

Why did you want to become a doctor?


You sure that I look okay?

Oh, my God, you look amazing.

And your dress looks stunning.

I can't believe they got
this dress all fixed up.

So, how many couples have you married

with the power vested in you

by the Interstellar Love Church?

Only three, but I re-married one
of them two more times.

You look so beautiful.

Thanks, you guys.

No, uh, you actually
kind of made our day.

She's a vision in that dress.

Yeah, and I didn't think anybody
could pull off a tux in here.

Fellow beings...

We mingle our souls in this
sacred temple of healing.

Peter, it's Dana.

Um, I'm flattered by your offer, truly,

but I'm gonna stay where I am.

Until they pry that scalpel
out of my hands.

But I'm really looking forward
to our weekend at the winery.

So, I'll see you Friday.

Look what we did.


You really did work miracles
with that dress, you know.

Oh, there was one more thing.

Um... you said that you were
having trouble with your vows,

so I thought that, uh, that might help.

Are you kidding me?

I lost these the day of the accident.

How did you ever get them back?

Um, let's just say they found
their way back to us.



Well, still all true.
Every single word.

What do you say?


Well, I asked our officiant,
and she has time for one more.

Are you serious?

As a heart attack.

But we can't. We need Luke to be here.

Well, then I'll call the sitter.

He could be here in 10 minutes.

We're really gonna do this.

Should I go get everybody?

No, no. Just you and I.

Come on, Dr. Harris,
let's do this already.

You okay?

I'm not supposed to be
in the O.R. today,

but we're short-staffed, so...

Just a little wound up.

Well, you're with me. We'll be fine.

You comfortable, Jackson?

Yeah, doing just fine.

You're a good man, Mr. Wade.

See you in recovery.

Wait, hold up. Wh-where's Billy?

- Billy.
- Yeah?

You're feeding my snakes
tonight, right?

Unfortunately, yes.

Thaw the food first,
not in the microwave.

Put it under some warm water.

I got it.


I've been looking for you, chief.

We need to talk.

I don't like the sound of that.

I want to start a burn unit.

Here at Hope Zion.

Now, I'll still operate, of course,

but mostly, I want to train.

I want to teach those young ones
how it's done.

Hospital needs this. City does.

So do I.

Come to my office tomorrow. We'll talk.

I should have stopped him.

No, you shouldn't.

I've never been more proud
of this hospital.

I still have a bad feeling.

It's gonna be fine.

Making the incision.

- Whoa, what's happening, Wayne?
- His airway's closing.


Must be having an allergic
reaction to the anesthesia.

Pushing epi.

Dr. Bishop, he's not getting
enough oxygen.

Did you talk to Jonathan?

He knows.

What? How?

They were supposed to talk to me,

- but they left him a message.
- Ugh.

And he got us two tickets
to Edmonton tonight.


This is a mass casualty alert.

All available staff on stand-by.

Okay, we got a highway pile-up.
It's bad.

Every ambulance on the way.

Clear the surgical board of everything

that is not life and death.

Make your personal calls quick.

Get fed and hydrated.

Tonight could be a very long night.