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05x10 - Change of Heart

Posted: 11/15/21 10:00
by bunniefuu
Alex: When I was five, our AC broke.

The house was so hot, she made Dad

drag a tub under the porch,
where it was cooler.

I was too shy to get into it
because the neighbors

were watching, so she jumped in first,

to show me that it didn't matter

what anyone else thought,

that the Reids could do
whatever they wanted,

as long as we had each other.

Oh, no, no, no.
These-these have to go.

My mother hated yellow flowers.

Way to go, Jasper.

My little brother sent those?

Yep, still backpacking in Nepal.

Yeah, of course he is.

I bury my troubles with work, he travels,

and my mother chose to redecorate.

She did a great job in here.

She did, didn't she?

- Is Dougie gonna speak?
- I don't know.

I don't know if he's even
gonna show up.

Charlie and Shahir
are taking care of that.

My dad, my little brother, my mom.

I'm telling you, the Reids
are dropping like flies.

Does the fact that you're going
to get Douglas

mean that you and Alex
are back together?

No. No, it just means that
we're family 'cause of Luke.


Do you always bring your med kit
with you when you travel?

Mm-hmm. I like to be prepared.

Plus, it holds my snacks.

So tell me about Douglas.

I've never met him.

Uh, well, what can I tell you?

Um, after Alex's father died and
Martha went off the rails,

Dougie kind of became
the man of the house.

That's a lot of responsibility
for a 12-year-old.


Well, Charlie, how...

big do you think he is... size-wise?

I like to prepare an adequate dose.

You're gonna drug him?

Alex did say he wouldn't come easy.

Road trip!

I've crafted the perfect system

for scheduling the surgical residents.

I can see that you are very passionate

about your chief resident duties.

I worked out eight other versions,

but this is the best one.

Okay, I'm impressed, Dr. Williams.

Talk me through it.

Taking into account...

- Hi.
- Hey.

Haven't seen you in a while.

I'd heard you've been getting
reacquainted with an old friend.

I've been helping Alex plan
her mother's memorial.

Well, that's the less sexy
version of what I was imagining.

Not imagining imagining, just...

How's Dr. Katz?

I actually don't know.
I've been avoiding her.

I heard she came back for you.

Yeah, I never thought I'd see her again,

and now she's back,
making declarations.

I just... I'm still processing.

You better speed it up.
Good morning, Dr. Katz.

- Hi.
- You look lovely today in those scrubs.

Oh, thank you, Dr. Miller.

If we move this chunk...

We should probably go.

There's a...

gas leak.


Uh, I think you're in great shape.


Um, I just wanted to show you
one more thing...

You're in scrubs.

So everyone keeps pointing out.

Are you working here again?

Mm-hmm. Charlie reinstated my privileges.

So are you sticking around or what...

Maggie, I don't want to make small talk.

I told you how I felt, and I
haven't heard from you since.

I've been working doubles,
and there was the cremation

and now the memorial and...

The last thing I want is to complicate

your life any further.

So I'll see you later.

Syd, it's...

Woman on P.A.: Assistance in 14, bed two.

Assistance in 16, bed four.

Maggie, my mom's urn
got held up at customs.

I ordered it on Etsy,
custom-made out of oak,

- just like the tree from her back yard.
- Alex, slow down.

I need you to help me
get it back before the memorial.

Where is Martha now?

I didn't know where else to put her.

I mean, she just brought these
cute little rain boots

for Luke, and they were...

So, actually, this is the last
thing that she...

I'll handle it. Just do you have
a tracking number?

I will e-mail you it.

I have to go to the E.R.

Here. Just keep her with you,

I don't want her to be alone.

You are a godsend, Maggie.

Oh, Dr. Reid.


I'm so sorry about what happened.

I hope she didn't suffer.

I can't believe you're back
to work so soon.

If my mother died,
I don't know, I'd be...

Dr. Williams, I'm just trying
to get through the day.

So if we can keep this
as professional as possible...

Yes, of course.

The new surgical schedule is out.

I'm with Dr. Scott.

Oh, is that a problem?

He's kind of chatty,
and I wanted to be alone

with my thoughts today.

Oh, yeah, I totally get that,

but I can't switch the assignment.

It's a house of cards,
and my system is flawless.


Oh, and, Jackson, don't forget
to take his tongue ring out

before you stick him in the MRI.

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, I know.

It will split his tongue in half...

look like a tiny burrito
exploded in a microwave.


Hey, Zach, what's up?

Alex, I heard about your mom.

Just wanted to say...

It-It... It's fine.

I'm fine.

Honestly, Zach, just raise
a glass to her tonight,

celebrate her life... That's
what she would have wanted.

That I can do.

But if there's anything else at all...

Who's your resident today?

I've got Brown Clooney.

- What?
- He calls me White Denzel.

It's a thing.

Well, trade me for Billy.

That's like trading a race horse
for a llama with bangs.

You said anything.

No, not that.

Paramedic: Erin Avery, 16, short breaths,

swollen extremities, back pain.

Okay, let's get her to bed four.

Sekara, Katrina?

You're in the hospital now, Erin.

You're gonna be fine, okay?

Alex: Honey, you need to hang back

and let the doctors work, all right?

Erin was diagnosed with
polycystic kidney disease

at three and a half,
but she's been receiving

biweekly dialysis treatments
for the past six months.

But lately it's gotten much worse.

Okay, on three. One, two, three.

Is she on the kidney transplant list?

She doesn't need to be.

Her little sister is a match.

She's getting one of Vicky's kidneys.

All right, somebody's
gonna stay with her, right?

B-Because dialysis carries some risks.

I mean, there's hypertension
or stroke or... or arrhythmia.

Dad, he's a doctor. He knows.

She's in good hands, Mr. Avery.

Where are you going with
Dr. Reid's patient?

- Where's Billy?
- Dr. Miller and Dr. Reid traded.

What?! No! They can't do that!

It covers 11 years of Erin's
medical records...

every test, every scan.

It looks like it's been

meticulously sorted and color-coded.

- Wow.
- Unbelievable.

Oh, my God.

What is it?

Vicky's file.

It looks like they tested her in utero

to see if she was a match.

She's a savior sibling?

Looks like it.

What's a savior sibling?

Vicky was conceived
to be an organ donor

for her older sister.

I can't do the transplant.
It's unethical.

Where are you?

I have to...



Ugh! Syd?! I need you!

Sorry, Maggie, I can't.

I lost Martha! I had her ashes!

They were in a shoe box,
I put her down

for two seconds... Max. Two seconds!

- What?
- Damn it.

I have a consult.

I know the last thing
you want to do

is help me right now,
after everything...

Fine, go to you patient.
I'll take over the search.

You're looking for a small,
red children's shoe box.

- Got it.
- Thank you!

Hey, chocolate milk...

Dr. Katz is in the house.

Hi, Olivia, I'm Dr. Lin.

I'm Jesse, her fiancé.

Olivia had terrible
stomach pains all night.

Okay, were you vomiting at all?

Can you show me where it hurts?

Does it hurt right here?


Okay, I'm gonna send you up
for some scans just to rule out

appendicitis... just better
to be safe than sorry.

Can you get me a bottle of water?

Yeah, of course, babe.
I'll be right back.

Okay, let's cut to the chase,
it's not appendicitis.

It burns when I pee.

We all know the risks of live donation.

The girls have talked
to doctors and counselors

and to each other.

Vicky, do you think we could talk,

just the two of us for a minute?

Anything you need to say
to my daughter

you can say in front of me.

Well, Vicky, because you're
under the age of consent,

the transplant will need to be
approved by our ethicist.

You okay?

I get emotional when Erin's sick.

- Of course.
- Can we move this along, please?

I will take you to Erin's room the minute

they finish setting up her dialysis.

Then we'll discuss the next steps.




Um, I'd like to ask you
as interim chief of surgeon...

Shahir, you don't have to say
"interim" chief every time.

Right. Well, I need you
to reduce my hours.

What? I don't have a budget
for another neuro.

You have to.

Jonathan and I
are adopting a baby.

Shahir, congratulations, man.

That's great. I'm-I'm happy for you guys.

Oh, thank you. Yeah, it's very...



Well, I guess we don't need to drug him.

Want to grab his feet?


Hey, Doug.

What's going on?

Oh. Hey, buddy.

Long time, no see.


Hi. I'm Dr. Shahir Hamza.

Hey, Doc, I really think I'm gonna ralph.

Okay, let's put him down.

- Put him down.
- Oh, right.

Put him down, put him down,
put him down, put him down.

I've checked the ward, the
nurse's station, and the lounge.

Nothing yet, but there's still
lots of places to look.

Like where, the City Morgue?

Have a little faith in me. I'll find it.

Sweetie, I hate to ask,
but I really feel like

something to eat now, too.

Sorry to be a pain.

No, it's like practice... for
when we get pregnant, you know.

Getting you bacon
and ice cream at 2:00 a.m.

Either of you have kids?

Do you want 'em?

- I do.
- Yes.

You remember the deli we passed
on the way here?

Two blocks south on the west side?

One corned beef sandwich, coming up.

Please tell me it's good news.

I'm afraid not, Olivia.

You tested positive for chlamydia,

which means that Jesse
should probably be tested, too.



No, he's fine.

We-we haven't had sex yet.

He just got out of jail.

Not for, like, m*rder
or anything...

For smuggling iguanas from Brazil.


Yeah, he used to be a reptile wrangler

for kids' birthday parties.

Oh, he's a lizard wizard.

Totally. See, she gets it.

Anyway, we went online and, um...

we wrote everyday, and all of a sudden,

I realized we were in love,
and then suddenly,

we're getting married.

And before he was being released, I...

I had a one-night stand.

Well, you felt like things
were moving too quickly,

and you panicked. It's understandable.

Well, sometimes when you meet
the right person,

things just happen quickly naturally.

I'm sorry, who are you?

Dr. Katz. I'm an obstetrician.

Okay, why do I need an obstetrician?

Because chlamydia can spread
into the reproductive system,

and if that happens,
there can be complications.

What kind of complications,
like, worst-case scenario?

Worst-case scenario, infertility.

But Jesse and I want to start a family.

Saira: You're suggesting
she's been coerced.

Look, she grew up in a house
with a sister who was sick

all the time, being told
that she's the answer

to Erin's pain and suffering.

Maybe she feels like she has to do this.

Let's hear what she has to say.


Hi, Vicky. I'm Saira Clemmons.


I'd like us to get to know
each other a little bit.

- Is that cool?
- Mm-hmm.

All right, I'll go first.

Um, I have an older brother named Amir.

And I kind of grew up all over the place,

but mostly in Thunder Bay.

I'm Alex.

I have three brothers...
two younger and one older,

named Dougie.

And we grew up in St. Catherine's.

Can you tell us a little bit
about yourself?

Can I please have a tissue?


I wrote something. Is that okay?


"My sister doesn't think
I'm lame or annoying,"

"like most older sisters do."

"I love Erin, even though
we never get to do fun things"

"like play sports or go on vacation."

"One time, Erin didn't get sick
for two months"

"and we were like a normal family."

"We even talked about
going to Wonder Land."

"Then she fainted in the shower"

"and we never talked about it again."

"I just want Erin to have a normal life."

Am I allowed to ask questions?

Whatever you want to say will
help me make my decision.

I guess the one thing I really
want to know, from you, Alex,

what does saving a life feel like?

Feels kind of awesome.

I bet it would feel even better

if it was Dougie's life you saved.

May I please go to the bathroom?

Of course.

I think I've heard everything
I need to hear.

It's down the hall, on your right.

Dr. Sekara, you've got to see
this video from my birthday.

You said you wanted a beach theme,

and that's exactly what you got.

And I don't care what anybody says,

I think I look fierce in that bikini.

Vicky laughed so hard, I thought

she was gonna fall into the pool.

Sorry to interrupt.

I just wanted to let you know
that the ethicist

has made her decision.

How did it go? Did Vicky convince you?

Well, she is a very intelligent young lady.

And what is the decision?

Vicky can decide for herself
how she'd like to proceed.

So you will do the transplant?

If that's what Vicky wants, yes.

Where is V?

You know what? She probably got lost

coming back from the bathroom.

I will go find her
and tell her the good news.

Dr. Sekara.


I'll be right out.

Is everything okay?

Hey! Oh, what happened?


Nothing. I'm fine.

Oh, my God, you are burning up.

Okay, all right.

It's okay, honey.

You okay?

Please don't tell my parents.

I'm supposed to be the strong one.

I know, sweetie, I know.

Everything is gonna be okay.

I should tell him, shouldn't I?

Not necessarily.

Yes, he's your fiancé.

Well, you're not sexually active yet,

so it's technically not his business.

Hmm, Dr. Lin, could you slide
the wand back over

the left Fallopian tube?

What is it?

This gray spot here looks like an abscess

caused by the bacteria from your STI.

Does that mean I can't have babies?

No, no, it's just a blockage right now.

We can drain it and clear
the tube with a minor procedure.

I have to have surgery?!

It's minimally invasive, but, yes.

No, I can't go into surgery
without telling Jesse the truth.

The truth about what?

We'll give you two some space.

Is your arm acting up?

I can write a prescription
when we get back.

Dougie: Hey, can I get in on that action?

You're fine with the saline, Doug.

I'm always prepared.

You know, chuckles,
if you weren't such a good guy,

I'd kick your ass for kidnapping me.

You're mad at Alex. She's mad at you.

You'll work it out.

What does she have to be mad about?

Uh, I guess you'll find out
when you see her.

You have to make amends with your sister.

Otherwise, the whole Reid family
structure will crumble.

You got a good relationship
with your family?



Until recently.

Oh, yeah? What happened?

I'm adopting a child
with my partner, Jonathan.

But my parents don't approve.

- You're gay.
- Yes.

Well, screw 'em.

Your kid's lucky he's not gonna have a mom.

Billy, what are you doing here?

Okay, so you know how you
assigned me to Dr. Reid

and then she traded me to Dr. Miller?

- Yes.
- Well, Dr. Katz commandeered me.

Does she even work here?

The whole thing could just be some weird

lesbian mating ritual between
her and Dr. Lin, which...

I'm totally down with.

Dr. Williams, there were no residents

assigned to my rhinoplasty.

Do you know why?

I-I-I'm so sorry, Dr. Storms.

There was a little horse
trading, and, clearly,

the schedule's been affected.

Get your act together, Williams.

I'm handling it.

I'm handling it.

Well, Olivia came clean
about her one-night stand,

and Jesse walked out on her.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

But being honest
was the right thing to do.

We should scrub.

Maybe for you, but...

people deal with their issues
in different ways.

Like, say, turning their phones off?

I thought we wanted the same thing.

- So did I.
- Then what's the problem?

I don't know.

I'm so happy you're back.

It's just ever since
you told me how you felt

and you kissed me, I've been
fighting this feeling...

almost like I'm being
strangled from the inside.

That's how I make you feel?

No, I'm not being clear.

No, that's the clearest
you've been since I got here.

No, it's not. I'm...

This is why I've been avoiding you.

I'm just... I'm still processing.

Okay, great.

You process. I'm gonna scrub in.

Hey, I... I should come back.

Did you find Martha?

Nada. It is adios muchacho
to that bag of ashes.

Dr. Scott, you weren't supposed

to be looking for a bag of ashes.

You're supposed to be looking
for a red shoe box

with ashes in it.

Well, this changes things.

Keep looking!

The symptoms suggest that
Vicky's caught a virus

and that it's become quite severe.

Oh, she... didn't even know she was sick.

What kind of parents are we?

Vicky always been so strong.

Doctor, we... you need to know
that we didn't have Vicky

just to save Erin's life.

But when you have
a three-year-old who's so sick

she can barely open her eyes
and the doctor

tells you eventually she's gonna
need a kidney transplant

and that a related donor
is the best option...

- Well, we always wanted a second child.
- Of course.

But you should know that until
Vicky's 100% healthy,

- she won't be eligible to donate.
- Yes, of course.

We-We just want both
of our daughters to be healthy.

Uh, I'm sorry to interrupt you.

Dr. Reid, we need to speak with you.

I'll see you in a moment.

As soon as Vicky's chest CT came back,

I knew there was a problem.

So you paged Dr. Bell?

No, he paged me because of this.

What? She's been scanned head
to toe every day of her life.

How did somebody miss this?

I guess it's new.

The virus that Vicky caught
has spread to her heart.

It's called viral myocarditis.

The heart will continue to get weaker

until it can no longer pump on its own.

Can you fix it or...
or reverse the effects?

We can surgically implant a device.

It's called an LVAD.

That is a pump that helps the heart

move the blood
through the rest of the body.

Yeah, and... and that will fix her?

It's not a cure.

But it will help her to remain healthy

for a little while longer.

With some luck, Vicky's heart
could heal on its own.

What if it doesn't?

She'll need a heart transplant.

Look, I know that this
is a lot to process,

but the sooner we get Vicky
into the O.R.,

the better her chances.

Please, just save our baby.

We'll do what we can.

Excuse us.

Okay, so we'll put her on pump first

and then we'll do the implantation.

Is there something wrong?

It's a family thing.

It's gonna be a while before I need you.

Happy to pinch-hit in the meantime.

Thank you.

Dr. Bell, I've already assisted
on a few LVAD insertions.

Maybe I could take the lead on this one.


Actually, Dr. Bell, I'll be assisting you.

Dr. Sekara has been reassigned.

Okay, well, you two duke it out,
and whoever wins,

just meet me inside.

You're poaching my surgery?

If everyone's going to disregard
my schedule, then so am I.

Wow. Okay, so that's how
we're doing things?

I tried to play nice.

Remember this tomorrow
when the new schedule comes out.

Just come inside and talk to her.

She deserves that much.

Even after everything,
you're still beside her,

backing her up.

Yep, I am.

Honey Nut Shahirios,
can I offer some advice?

If things go south with your family,

make sure your kid knows
it's not their fault.



Well, I'll see you inside.

Those two...

You got a lot of good guys
in your corner.

I miss having you in my corner.

Oh, yeah.

St. Alex.

I'm not a saint.

Yeah, explain it to me, then.

Dad hangs himself on your birthday

and Mom downs a bottle of meds,

and here you are,
your halo still shining.

I don't want to fight with you.

Maybe I want a fight.

What would be the point?

It'd be honest, for one thing.

Lord knows we're short
on honesty in this family,

which is why we make
such good drunks.

And you'd know everything
about that, wouldn't you?

You know, you're too busy
at the pub to help me with Mom,

you're too busy running away
from all your problems

to pick up the phone.

I'm not the one who let her die.

"Let her die"?

- Yeah.
- You're saying I let her die?

You were right there.

Why didn't you try to do
something to save her? Huh?

You know what, Dougie,
you have no idea what happened,

because... you weren't there.

Because you're never there.

- Ever!
- Yeah.

That's right. So why change that now?

Never get tired of seeing that.

Great. Stitching the LVAD
into the ventricle.

Get ready on the suction.

Scalpel. Roxy, what are you doing?

Lining up my protection stones.
Is there a problem?

No. Just thought you were a doctor.

Hey. Everything okay?

Of course. Absolutely.

Okay, we're about to graft the inflow.

Jump in.

Well, the, uh, break seams
to be setting nicely, Marvin.

That's awesome.

Can I help you?

Oh, no, you've already done so much.

Oh, uh, take him up

to the fracture clinic
for me, would you?

Thank you.

- Hi.
- I'm looking for my sister, Erin.

She was getting dialysis.

Okay, and do you know you're a ghost?

I really need to find Erin.

Okay. Well, dialysis
is this way, so follow me.

That's my sister.

Dev: - Dr. Reid?
- What is it?

It's Vicky's sister. She had a stroke.

Shahir thinks it was caused
by the heparin in her dialyzer.

Roxy: You've got to be kidding me.

This family can't buy a break.

Where is she?

With Dr. Hamza in O.R. 2.

Excuse me.

Dawn: Okay, the sewing cup is in place.

Where's Erin?

Is she in one of these rooms?

Yeah, but, uh...

kind of got to let the doctors
do their job, right?

I just want to know that she's okay.


Hey, what's going on, Charlie?

Um, I was just talking to Vicky.

Just talking to her?

Just talking to her.

Well, that's not a good sign, is it?

No, I would assume not.

You haven't seen her sister
around, have you?

- No, why?
- Because these girls are hanging by a thread.

I've got one whose kidney is shot,

and the other one's heart is failing her.

And if they don't
wake up soon, it's just...

Okay, okay. I'll do what I can.

Great. Thank you.

Well, you heard the nice lady doctor.

Let's get you back inside your body, right?

- Vee?
- Erin!

You won't believe it!

I finally feel better!

Come on!

Charlie? What's wrong?


Nothing I can't handle.

Port sights look good.

How are you feeling?

I can't believe I told him.

Dr. Katz, I ruined the best
relationship I ever had.

Remember, if you have
any pain or bruising

around the incisions,
I want you to come back

right away, okay?

Look who I found.


Oh, you brought flowers.

They're so pretty.

Red flowers mean love, I think.

Do they mean love?

Yeah, they do.

I know you're scared.

We haven't spent very much time together.

Liv, you're my best friend.


And... if it's okay with you,

I'd still really like to be your husband.

I love you, too.

I want to be your wifey.

- We should talk.
- I can help you find Martha's ashes,

but then I think it's best
if we keep our distance.

No, I don't want to...

I'm sorry. Just one second.

The urn is here!

Wait, it's not here,
it's at a depot across town,

- and they close in an hour.
- An hour?!

No, I say we forget the urn
and focus on the ashes.

We don't have the ashes.

Then we'll get someone else's.

My cousin, Jerry, he can get
his hands on anything

if you give him a few hours
and pay cash.

What are you talking about?

I'm not switching out Martha's ashes.

Okay, then we'll divide to conquer.

You get the urn
before the place closes,

I'll rally the troops
and find the ashes.

We can do this, Maggie!

Ready, jump!

Guys, I know this seems like fun,

but it's actually quite dangerous.

Well, we've never felt closer.

Why would we give that up?

Because the longer
you stay out of your bodies,

the harder it's gonna be
to get back in them.

Dev: Blood won't stop coming.

There must be several
micro-capillary ruptures.

If we don't relieve
the pressure quickly...

It will block the blood flow
to the brain.

That's right. And then she
won't ever wake up again.

Thank you.

Here it comes. Ready?


It feels like you're suspended in space

for, like, a split second.

Come on, Charlie! Hit the 2 button.

We'll all jump together.

You got to think about the long
lives you're gonna have together

once you're both healthy.

You can go to the same colleges,

you can backpack across wherever.

2 minutes, 55 seconds.

Okay, I found the bleeder.
Suction, please.

You're gonna have your whole
lives in front of you,

but you got to be alive.

- Whoa.
- What is it?

I feel really light all of a sudden...

like I'm floating for real.

Am I floating?


What happened to the girl in O.R. 2?

She had a hemorrhagic stroke.

I couldn't restore the blood flow in time.

I should inform the parents.

I don't feel dead.

I don't feel anything.

Yeah, that's...

that's because a ventilator
is breathing for you.

All I wanted was a little
more time to feel normal,

to be with Vicky.

I didn't know that this
was going to happen.

It's okay.

Now we can stay like this forever.

No. No, you can't.

I'm sorry.


you still have a chance.

But not with Erin.


your little sister needs you.

I think it's time to step up.

Vicky, we don't have much time.

I'm not going.

Listen, you've done everything
that you can for me.


Now it's time to live your life for you.

Do it for me. Please.

Go on the rides at Wonder Land...

the biggest, scariest ones.

Scream at the top of your lungs.

It's the last thing I'll ever ask of you.

I promise.

Ready to close.

Well, it doesn't make any sense.

The VAD is working properly.

She must be in RV failure.

Close her up.

What does that mean,
the LVAD's not enough?

No, the heart muscle is too weak
to pick up the slack.

Keep her heart beating.
I'll be right back.

Let's get her back on pump.

What's going on?

Vicky was stable,
now her vitals are on the floor.


Erin didn't survive her surgery.

She's brain dead.

And, uh...

Vicky doesn't want to leave
without her sister.

Well, Charlie, we can't lose them both.

I know.

Maybe there's a way we can save Vicky...

and let them stay together.

That's all we want.

Give Vicky Erin's heart.

♪ When no one ever tells you ♪

♪ Oh, how will you know ♪

♪ That we were not designed
to carry mountains ♪

♪ And we were never meant
to walk alone ♪

♪ And everybody's heart breaks ♪

♪ No matter who you are ♪

♪ The fire burns much brighter
in the darkness ♪

♪ So let's k*ll the lights
and look up at the stars ♪

♪ I know it's bad ♪

♪ So bad ♪

♪ And we are tired
of this bad weather ♪

♪ It's bad ♪

♪ So bad ♪

♪ But all that bad
makes the good better ♪


Alex Reid.

Oh, uh...

Oh, that's... that's just not possible.

That... that's not gonna work.

Well, I-I can't exactly
check my voicemail

while I'm in the middle
of a heart transplant,

so you-you...

No, no, you listen.

My mom may not have been
a saint, but she deserves

to be remembered by the people
that loved her

in the beautiful garden terrace
that I booked over a week ago.

No, I... understand.

Well... I'm an ass.

You are.

I've been stuck in a loop for...

since we were kids.

Missing Dad, blaming Mom.

Resenting you for...

rising above it all.

Lexi, I'm not mad at you.

I'm mad because I thought
I was gonna have a chance

to patch things up with Mom.

Before she died...

she reached out to me, and I...

just thought I had more time.


But... I'm here now.

I want to come to the memorial.


That's the thing, there...
there is no memorial now.

It's double-booked.
They just called, so...


you and I both know
when the Reids want to party,

no, nothing can stop us.

Give me an hour.

An hour?

All right?


Okay, Charlie, why am I blindfolded?


'Cause your brother's a weird guy.

Yeah, but I do love him.

Mm-hmm. Hang on, hang on there.


All right, the big reveal.

All right.


I hope it's okay.

I know it's not a fancy garden party.

Are you kidding me? It's perfect!

Mom would love this.

How did you do this in an hour?

Well, you know, after you
called me an alcoholic,

I went to a pub on the corner.

And as it turns out,
the guy who runs the place...

had his own party planned
for tonight.

So I went back asked and him
if we could borrow it

and told him the family sob story.

You're incredible.

Hey, at least the family curse

finally worked to our advantage, huh?

Uh, him and his buddies
are coming at 10:00.

I hope that's not weird.

Well, you know Mom's party
motto... the more, the merrier!

Let's get our drink on!

You okay?

You're being quiet.

I had a young patient today...

I couldn't save her.

I can't stop thinking about her parents.

It's this adoption, Jonathan.

It's making me feel things
I don't want to feel.

It's making me a worse doctor.

Look, I can't control
how you're feeling, Shahir...

but I can be here for you.

Alex, there are no words to describe

the remorseful feelings that I feel.

Alex: Maggie?

The urn... it's beautiful.

- Isn't it?
- Yeah.

- It's also empty.
- What?

We thought you'd want
to put the ashes in yourself.

Of course.

Thanks, Maggs.

Please do not tell me
those are from cousin Jerry.

No. It's Martha!

Thank you!

Let's take a walk.

I'm really happy you're here.

Ever since I met you, I've wondered

what it would be like to be with you...

to actually be with you.

Is that such a frightening prospect?

It's paralyzing, actually.

It's like I've been waiting
three years for Christmas,

and now it's finally here and...

I'm Jewish.


What if we can't live up
to the expectations?

You know, today,
we kind of fast-forwarded

through a Shidduch.

What is that?

It's an Orthodox thing...
It's when you go on

a series of dates
and you talk about big things

like morals and values,
and by the end of it,

you know if you're compatible or not.

I'm gonna say we didn't pass
with flying colors.

No, we did not.

But it didn't make me
want to be with you any less.

Maggie, I don't want some epic,
tortured love affair with you.

I just want you.


Promise me you're not
gonna leave again.

I'm not going anywhere without you.

♪ Sow your dreams ♪

♪ Where nobody knows ♪


You know, my son's never met you.

Yeah, maybe he's better off.

No, he's not.

He needs an uncle.

He needs someone who's going to

teach him to drive
five years too soon

and someone to talk to
about his first crush

when he's too embarrassed
to tell me or Charlie.

Now, listen to me, Dougie...

you are a good man.

And I want my kids to know you.

Kids, huh?

Are you having more little brats?

Are you pregnant?


And it's Charlie's... I just
want to get ahead of that.

You're such a Reid!


Anybody want a fresh drink?

You're having a baby!

Whoa! Okay, all right,
Doug, all right.


These guys are pregnant.

Alex: Uh, yes. It's true.

Charlie and I are having another baby.

To Alex and Charlie.

All: - To Alex and Charlie!
- Cheers.

Alex: Thank you.

Anyways, I just wanted to thank
everybody, uh,

for coming today to celebrate Mom.

So if you could all raise a glass.

To Martha. To Martha.

To Martha.

All: To Martha.

Oh, my God, I found fireworks.

Must be a sign from Martha.

Want to do it?

Both: Send her off in a blaze of glory.

♪ Something with... ♪

All that panic today, and
they're feeding her to the fish.

It's beautiful.
It's her Viking send-off.

♪ No time ♪

♪ No time ♪

Alex: In the end, Martha's
legacy wasn't her flaws

as a mother or her illness.

It's in Jasper's lust for life.

It's Dougie's big, bleeding heart.

For me, I guess it's my optimism.

Because my mother always saw
the best in people,

even when she couldn't see
the best in herself.

She loved deeply
and as best she could.

And, really, that's all anyone
can ask for.

Rest in peace, Mom. You deserve it.

♪ No time ♪