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05x08 - Knowing Me, Knowing You

Posted: 11/15/21 09:58
by bunniefuu

Good morning, Sunshine.

Or not.

I bought that painting
at a gallery in Munich.

Okay, I'll have Ken take it down for you.

- Ken?
- Yeah, my new assistant.

My new "interim" assistant.

Okay, I'm gonna be upfront
with you, Charlie.

I want my office back.

Yeah, I could tell that by
the way you just broke in here.

I did not break in here.

I still have keys.

Okay, Dawn, we'll share the office.

We'll get bunk desks.
Be like when we were married.

Oh, you mean like inhabit the same space,

but not acknowledge each other's presence?

Come on, it wasn't that bad.

Mm, yeah, that's what we say
about a colonoscopy...

[whispers] not a marriage. [sighs]


I should still be chief of surgery.

Maybe, but that's not my call.

[knocks on door]

Luke has a fever.

What? I just dropped him off.

Well, I went to the daycare to go say hi,

but they need either you
or Alex to go get him.

Well, Alex is away this weekend.

What... how high is his temperature?

Can you excuse us? This is a family matter.


It was 100 degrees on the dot.


Charlie, I saw a little girl there.

She had mucus all over her face.

She had our book in...

Charlie, she had our book in her mouth.

Yeah, yeah. Yes, Shahir.

I'll go... I'll go grab him right now.

Okay. Hmm.

"For Luke. Love, Uncle Shahir."


Ooh. This...

Oh, you dirty little spud.

Hey, Alex, just letting you know
Luke's got a slight temperature.

Probably just molars coming in,
but nothing to worry about.

In case anybody calls and... Ah! Um... Oh!


Someone had their Wheaties this morning.

Um, yeah, breakfast.
Thank you for the reminder.


I, uh, I hear your study's moving forward,

your cancer study at Mississauga Memorial.

Yeah, the board thought
after what happened with Bree...

Well, you and Alex got that
study off the ground.

- Don't forget that.
- Yeah, I know. I just...

So I finally found my thing
and then I lost it just as fast.

I miss having a project.

Ooh, I might have something
for you if you're up for it.


I need a new chief resident.

Leffering offered Cassie the post but, uh...

Perhaps not an entirely impartial choice.

Yeah, that is a concern.
Dawn's been evaluating them,

but I could use a second opinion.

Ah, yes, feels like only
yesterday Dawn was fixing

that icy blue stare on my every move.

- Mm.
- Ah, wait. That was yesterday.

Dawn's tough, which makes her great.

You... are a great counterpoint
because of your...

Compassion, cheery disposition...


Wow, that's validating.

- Mm-hmm.
- Thanks.

Mwah! Thank you, Mags.


[speaking indistinctly]

[door closes]

The board wants me to stay.

Asked me to finish out my term.


Then I resigned.



Since he died... Eli King...

I'm not doing so great.

Thomas, there are people here
that can help you with that.

I also asked them to consider
reinstating you

as chief of surgery.

You didn't need to do that.

I told them it was ego
and hubris that got you fired.


But things should probably go
back to the way they were

before I got here.

Thank you.

Good luck, Dawn.

Mrs. Crace, I'm happy to hear
that Hope Zion will be

going back to a more familiar
way of doing things.

Dawn, I-I can't reinstate you as chief.


I'm sorry, so much is in flux right now.

We have to stay the course.

Dr. Harris is doing a fine job.

I see.

Uh, we'll, um, post the job
and fill it permanently

in a few months.

We're happy to have you reapply, of course.

- I would be honored.
- Wonderful.

Now, if you'll excuse me.

Up and at 'em.

[claps hands] Okay, good news.

You three lucky contestants
are in the running

for chief resident.

Oh, wait. In the running?

No, no, no, the race is over. I already won.

Oh, yeah. Her, uh,
her boyfriend appointed her.

He's not... I won the job
because I'm the most deserving.

[under breath] In bed.

That's enough, dude.

Dr. Harris says the post
is still up for grabs, so...

[scoffs] I hear he's single.

Okay, let's focus on the positive.

I'm doing the evaluating, and my motto is,

"Do your best and don't stress."
[cellphone vibrates]



[lowered voice] Hey. Lay off Cassie.

Bro, she ditched you for that suit.

Why you defending her?

Because if she was a guy,
you'd be high-fiving her.

This evaluation is serious.

Lame jokes aren't gonna win you any points.

Au contraire, I think Dr. Lin
enjoys my witty repartee.


But Dr. Bell is evaluating us, too.

And she slapped a resident
in the middle of a surgery.

Yeah, I heard about that in med school.

- It's just folklore.
- No, it was very real.

Resident's name was Lana Davis.

She quit on the spot.
No one's heard from her since.

Okay, now you're just trying
to get in my head.

[whispers] That's a frightening proposition.
[pats back]

Charlie's got this interim chief
gig for the next few months,

but after that, it's gonna open up again,

which means... sign here and here...

which means that you have a few months

to convince the board that
you're their best bet.

How am I gonna do that?

You can, uh, come up
with a mission statement

and get some recommendation letters

from your heavy-hitting peers.

You wanna be my campaign manager?

Well, in the 12th grade, I did
help Marty McGuire

sweep student council,
and he had a lazy eye,

whereas you have beautiful eyes.

Okay, your point.

What's first?

Well, rule number one, be nice.

It's better to be feared than loved.

Uh-huh. Just be yourself, but nicer.

Like you are with me.

Good morning.

Dr. Lin.

Good morning. How are you?

Oh, I'm fine. Thanks.

I'm just, uh, evaluating
the residents today.

Well, I can't think of
a better person for the job.

You are in good hands.

- [whispers] How was that?
- That was good.

I mean, you don't want to peak too soon.

That was really good.

Welcome to the freshly restored ER

and our brand-new Leave No Trace policy,

which means whatever you bring in

must go with you when you leave,
if you catch my drift, Dr. Lin.

Okay, they're with me all day.

- They're being evaluated for chief res.
- Hmm.

[siren wailing] One false move and...


- Ignore him.
Man: - Incoming!

We saw pulsatile bleeding at the scene.

He's had 20 mikes of fentanyl.

Okay, we got two beds coming
and you take this one.

Okay, that is arterial blood.
Carotid is cut.

Okay, gauze and pressure.

- Sir, can you hear me?
- He was talking at the scene.

Maggie: - Okay.
- Ready? 1, 2, 3.

[groaning] That's a good sign.

That means his brain is still perfused.

Dev: Is that a knife?

No, if I know my ancient weaponry,

that's a ninja throwing star.

- I'm getting a weird sound.
- Weird how?

Like Rice Krispies.

Dr. Lin, he's got bubbles.

Bubbles and Rice Krispies.

This guy should do kids' parties.


Subcutaneous emphysema.
Air trapped under the skin.

- Very good.
- There's a rupture in his airway

somewhere between the trachea
and the lung parenchyma.

Also correct. This is not good
for our patient.

What was he doing? Playing ninja?

We were at the Ninja Binja.

It's like drop-in training for ninjas.

And everything was going fine
until this idiot

- bounced a ninja star...
- Sammy...

- Hey, hey, don't move!
- His air is compromised.

He can't breathe. He can't breathe.

I wanna help him. I wanna be in there.

I know. That's okay. We got him.
Now what's your name?

- Samuel.
- Samuel? Just wait here.


- What do we got?
- A man in cubicle 2,

broke his fall on a glass table.

Guy's hand is pretty banged up.

- Oh, FOOSH injury. You need ortho.
- And plastics.

No way. I've been on trauma call all night.

And I don't do plastics anymore.

Dr. Harris says that you do,
and I just follow orders.

So bed... 2.

[curtain rings swoosh]

Whoa. Let's keep it G-rated, shall we?

I'm Dr. Kinney, and you must be...

Just call me Mario.
And this is, uh, Claudia.

I don't...

I know what it says on the chart, but, um,

- please, just call me Mario.
- Okay. Mario.

Let's look at that hand, shall we?

- Mm.
- Can you feel that?

Yeah, a lot, actually.

I knew we shouldn't have had dinner in bed.

Never got out of bed.
We had to eat sometime.

It was all fine until I started choking.

I went for the phone. I got
tangled up in the sheets.

Fell out of bed, put my hand out
to break my fall.

Yeah, well, you've definitely
broken something.

I'll need an X-ray to confirm.
But look at the bright side,

you got a hell of a story
to tell about your honeymoon.

Oh, uh, we're not married.

Oh, sorry. Just assumed.

Wild nights, dinners in bed, you know,

thought you were newlyweds.

- We're kind of the opposite, actually.
- Uh-huh.

We don't even know each other's name.

And we never will.

That one goes... here.

[inhales sharply]

Where's... oh, sh**t. This one is...


I know. I know, I know, I know.
I'm obsessing.

That's one of your best qualities.

You care about the details.

Can you remind me again
why I quit my finance job

to sell homemade cookies?

Well, you said you were
following your bliss.

Yeah, I just wish my bliss paid better.

- I really need to make a sale.
- I think you'll make one day.

You must be Jonathan.

I've heard so much about you. Dawn Bell.

I've heard a lot about you, too.

Look at these marvelous confections.

- Did you make these?
- Mm-hmm, yeah.

It's millet with carob and goji berries.

Yes. Jonathan has a meeting with the head

of Food and Beverages.

We're hoping he can sell these
cookies in the hospital.

I have been saying for years
that this hospital

needs to serve healthier snacks.

I never heard you say that.

I'll tell you what.
You sell me some samples,

and then tell Food and Beverage
that it has been endorsed

as a healthy by
the Chief of Cardiac Surgery.

Amazing. [laughs] Thank you.

Uh, so, uh, a dozen is $48.

So two dozen is 96 bucks.

That... that's great. [laughs]

Uh, as soon as I can change
my clothes, I'm good for it.

That's very kind of you.

I am happy to help.

- Oh, Shahir.
- Hmm?

Since I have you, uh,

I'd like you to consider
writing a letter to the board

endorsing me for the next chief posting.

I think that sounds like a fair deal.

Hmm? Okay?


Thank you, Shahir. Thank you.

Your cookies. [chuckles]


[imitating race car vrooming]

[imitating brake sound]

- Hey!
- Hey.

He looks flushed.

- Is he febrile?
- No, his temperature's normal.

Just need to go for a little
spin to calm him down.
[cellphone vibrating]

- Okay, that's good.
- You're such a worrier.

You know, you get that from your mother.

And of course they're calling me to the ER.

Do you guys mind, uh...

- Are you kidding? We'd love to.
- Thank you.

Actually, you know, I have
a consult in five minutes.

Go, go, go, go, go. Heal the world.

Hey, Lukey, you want a cookie?

You know, why don't I hold on
to these cookies

- while you take care of Luke?
- Don't be silly.

I'll leave them in your office
until the meeting.

And stop worrying.
You're gonna get wrinkles.

Wanna get in some trouble,
buddy? Let's do this.

Let's do this!

Dana: No evidence of nerve or tendon damage.

Clean colles fracture.

So no need for plastics, which is good,

because I don't do that anymore.

Look, I'm trying to hire someone new,

but until I do, I need to know
I can still count on you.

It's not easy being so wonderful, you know?

[singsongy] Sleeplessness does become you.

Hello, I'm, uh, I'm Dr. Harris,

- Mr., um...
- Uh, call me Mario.

Okay. Mario.

Um, you have a fracture
of the distal radius.

So you're gonna need a lot of help

for the next six to eight weeks.
I take it that would be you.

Me? No, no. That's not... no.

It's not part of our deal.

Okay, well, you may want to
renegotiate those terms

'cause that hand's gonna be
completely immobilized.

I'll manage.

Uh, you should go.

Wait, wait. You're just gonna leave?

Well, I have to. That's part of our...

Deal. Right. You said.

- You're my heart.
- And you're mine.

Till next year. Ti amo.

So, uh, what happens next year?

We... do it all over again.

Uh, well, not all of it.

[curtain rings swoosh]

Is my dad okay?

[sighs] We're doing
everything we can for him.

We do need a signed consent
before we take him into the OR.

- Is your mom around?
- She passed away.

It needs to be someone over 18.

I mean, we only moved here
a couple months ago.

It's been just the two of us.

You and your dad must be pretty close.

Yeah, we are. Since my mom died.

We've gone ziplining, swam with sharks.

You guys are gonna operate
anyway, though, right?

Of course. Not to worry.

I'm not. He'll be fine.

He's the strongest person in the world.

Okay, just relax your wrist for me.

[groans softly]

Everything feels so heavy.

Listen, I know this is
none of my business, but, um,

I do recognize the look
of someone who knows the, um,

best thing in his life
just walked out the door.

What am I supposed to do about it?

Feelings weren't part of the...

Deal, yeah. You, uh, you keep saying that.

I met Claudia, um,
at a conference three years ago.

And it was like, boom. Best week of my life.

So we did it again the next year
and the next.

We never talked about our real lives.

We got to know each other
from the inside out.

Only the craziest thing happened.

You fell in love?

[siren wails in distance]

I never planned it, but I, uh...

just couldn't stop it
from happening, you know?

How come you never told me?

Okay, I'm gonna, uh, leave the two of you

to sort this out.

- Hey, Doc.
- Yeah?

If you're gonna bail on me,

you could at least look me in the eye.

Will you excuse me for a minute?

[clears throat]

We weren't supposed to
fall in love.

How could he do this?

Claudia, I think you might have
bigger problems right now.

Which way did you come from?

I don't...

Back there.

You all right, Dr. Harris?
[gasping, murmuring]

Woman: We need a doctor!

Charlie: Call a code team now!

[indistinct conversations]

Claudia? Claudia, can you hear me?

- Yes, yes. Say yes.
- How do you know this person?

Uh, she came in with a patient of mine.

Carotid's a little thready.

This is my fault.
It's my punishment.

Okay, we gotta get an IV in her right away.

- Let's get her to the IR.
- Am I gonna die?

She needs triage. ER's her best bet.

She needs a gastroscope. Right down here.

Okay. IR it is. Let's go, guys. Let's move.

Please, don't let me
die like this! [gasps]

A fortifying pre-operative treat
for all that you do.

Dr. Bell, I'm taking the residents in

on a suspected tear of the carotid artery.

Could be a simple suture, or it
could be a PTFE graft repair.


That is a perfect procedure
for an evaluation.

What the hell? I'm gonna join you.


Don't worry, Dr. Scott. I will not slap you.

Unless, of course, you screw up.

What's the occasion?

I'm just giving back to my staff

who has given me so much.

You want your old job back, don't you?

I do.

Our former CEO finally saw
the error in his ways.

Sorry. Former?

Thomas resigned this morning.

Obviously, he hasn't told you.

Doesn't matter.

I need to focus on the surgery.



Yo, Samuel. You lost?

I wanted to see the operation.

Oh, no, man. You're not allowed.

Only staff are supposed to be here.

Um, are you his doctor?

Yeah, I'm one of them.

Dude, your dad's got
a great team looking after him.

Is he gonna be okay?

Hey, look at this face.

Does this look like the face
of a nervous man to you?

Mm, I guess not.

No, that's right. Now come on.

Waiting room's at the end of the hall.

[pats back]
I'll come get you
as soon as we're done.

Okay. Thank you.

[exhales slowly]

Um, why don't the men's washrooms

have diaper stations?


We should talk to Charlie about that.

- Yeah, that's a good idea.
- Okay.

- Here. You better go.
- Great. Yes.

You'll be late to your pitch.

Listen, I gave him a cookie,
but he barely ate it.

Maybe he really is sick.

He's probably just not hungry.

- Um, wish me luck.
- Yes. Good luck.

- Bye.
- Bye.

[exhales deeply]

[door closes]

It's okay. I saved you one of the good ones.

Maggie: Dr. Williams, continue through prep.

Cassie: As the neck is
our area of concern...

Dawn: Suboptimal. Anyone else?

Dev: With the subcutaneous emphysema,

we should prep the chest, too.

Maggie: Good, Sekara. Go ahead.

We need to keep our options open.

Billy: Okay, then we'll make
cuts above and below...

Dawn: No pointing. Verbally describe.

Billy: Uh, yeah, we would do a...

Cassie: Follow the anterior border

of the sternocleidomastoid.

Dev: And curve medially towards the midline

in case we have to do a sternotomy.

Maggie: Right on. And the arterial repair?

Dev: Uh, h*m* graft would be best.

Maggie: And barring a simple
suture closure, uh,

from where would we harvest
the autologous graft, Dr. Scott?

Billy: Uh, yeah, we probably...
best bet would be...

While you're thinking it over,
this man goes brain-dead.

- Anyone else?
Dev: - The saphenous vein.

Cassie: So we also need to prep the leg.

Dawn: Nothing motivates
like the fear of failure.

Sharpe: Well, whoever's up,
the patient's good to go.

Maggie: Who'd like to do the honors?

Dawn: - Sekara.
Dev: - Scalpel.

[door opens] Woman: Dr. Bell?

You're wanted in interventional radiology.

Carry on.

Would you like to help
finish evaluating later?

Oh, no. I've seen enough.

[door opens, closes]
Billy: Well, I'm screwed.

Cassie: You're not the only one.

Maggie: Dr. Bell is tough,
but it's not personal.

It's just the way she learned.

Sharpe: Old school. All stick. No carrot.

Maggie: It's a method, but
I don't think it's the only one.

Remember, I'm evaluating you, too.

Sharpe: Millennials. So sensitive.

All right, there it is.
Right in the esophagus.

Could be a mycotic aneurysm.

Must have aortoesophageal fistula.

This the woman that was vomiting
blood in the elevator?

Yeah, esophageal,
we ruled out liver disease.

I'm holding the bleed with a scope,

but I can't do it for much longer.

She's losing volume fast.

Okay, she's going into v-tack.
She needs a CVP line.

Pump those bags. Dr. Kinney,
she needs more volume.

- What do we know about her?
- She was choking on her dinner last night.

- Didn't say what she ate.
- We had fish.

It's an aphrodisiac.

It's a fishbone.

You sure?

Yep. 100%.

Okay, well, clear an OR,
because if it's a fishbone

and it gets into her aorta, she's dead.

Let's move.

She's already fistulized.

There may be nothing else we can do.

Okay, well, if it's a sentinel bleed,

then the worst is around the corner.

I'll put a stent in, but it's only...

No, that wouldn't give her
more than a few months.

Her only chance is a thoracotomy.

And even that is a long shot.

All from a damn fishbone, huh?

I'll handle the esophagus.

Okay, I'm gonna bring in Dr. Kinney.

I'll go see if I can get a more
extensive medical history.

- I'm surprised you don't already have one.
- What?

It's just that you always seem
to have this information

that no one else does, you know?

It's like your super power?

Yeah, one more time.


Sorry, that, uh, went a little
longer than I thought.


Uh, I need to talk to you about something.

Um, you know, they're holding an OR for me.

How did the meeting go?

Uh... Well...

Oh, it went well. That's good.

Yeah, they liked the cookies.

Excellent. That is excellent.

I wanna hear all the details
when I come out of surgery.

[door opens]

Hey, Doc, so am I good to go now or what?

Uh, no, you need to stick around
for one more X-ray.

But, Mario, you should know that
we just admitted Claudia.

What... why? What happened?

Um, it turns out last night

when she was choking on something,

that it was a fishbone, and it got lodged

in her throat, causing quite a nasty tear.

Is she okay?

We hope so, but we need
to find out something

about her medical history.

I told you, I don't even know her.

I don't know anything about her.

This is a disaster.

Dr. Harris.

The woman with the fishbone, I was told

you're the surgeon to consult
while she's in surgery?

Uh, yeah. Do you have a question, Taylor?

No, but, uh, her husband does.

Dr. Harris, this is Derek Adams.

I don't know what's worse,

that my wife choked on
a fishbone that might k*ll her,

or that she was in bed with
another man when it happened.

When can I see her?

Uh, it's gonna be a few hours.

But, um, until then, I'm gonna
need as much information

about her as I can get.

Well, first of all, her name's Claudine.

She always thought that
"Claudia" was sexier.

You know, I met her in a hospital.

She was doing some volunteer
work and I'd gotten mugged

on my way home from the library.

Three stitches and a broken nose.

And when I saw her, I said,
"Derek, that is the one."

You married?


Maybe for the best.

You could've been sitting here
the cuckolded fool.

You're not a fool, Derek.

But I am. You wanna know why?

Because I don't care about the other guy.

I just want her to be okay.

I need to see her again.

That doesn't make you a fool either.

[exhales sharply]

Oh, I, uh, I brought this.

It's hers.

I always carry around a spare.

She's a bit of a scatterbrain.

Thank you.

I'll, um...

I'll let you know when
there's something to report.

[machines beeping]
Emmanuel: Roxy, it is hard to
work with all that noise.

Roxy: I'm sorry to disturb you, Dr. Palmer,

but something's going on.

She's having a reaction.

She has asthma, so be on
the look out for bronchospasm.

Dana: Is that it there?


Just like the man said. Uncanny.

How's she doing now, Roxy?

Airway pressure's stabilized.

The bone perforated the esophageal wall.

I can't make any predictions
until I get a look at

the aortoesophageal fistula.

I'm done in the chest.
Fill your boots, guys.

I'm gonna leave you to it, then.

[door closes]

He's gonna leave us to it
until the next time

he comes back with another random tidbit

of mysterious information, right?

The guy's like Scooby Doo, am I right?

Hey, when you're chief of surgery,

you get to be weird, okay?

Just ask Dr. Bell.

Maggie: How's it going with those
vessie loops, Dr. Williams?

Cassie: I've got the artery clamped.

Okay, now it should be safe
to remove that star thingy.

Dev: This might be a stupid question.

Maggie: - No such thing. Go ahead.
Dev: - How do we do that?

Cassie: Well, it's not lodged
in the jaw or the spine.

It should come right out.

Do you know how sharp those things are?

- Ninjas used them to k*ll people.
- I know that.

Dev: I'm just saying.
Trachea's already injured.

If we nick the esophagus,
it'll be a disaster.

Maggie: Okay, focus, people.

Billy: Yeah, it comes right out.

[monitors beeping rapidly]

Maggie: Step back.
I need to find this bleed.

Sharpe: Quickly, Lin. SATs are dropping.

Is it the jugular vein?

You ripped it to shreds
tearing it out like that.

What were you thinking?

I thought you said
we could safely remove it.

I didn't say to do it now, did I?

Okay, you didn't cut the vein.
The jugular's already injured.

The artery shouldn't be
clamped off like that.

- I can tie the jugular.
- Okay, do it.

Right AO?

Dr. Lin, I don't like his BP.

[monitors beeping]

- Dr. Williams?
- Hold on.

Dev: Cassie?

It's tied off. That's it. I think.

- Is that it?
- Well, the bleeding's stopped.

Dr. Sharpe?

[beeping rapidly]

BP rising. He's stable.

Okay, hell of a lesson plan, Dr. Lin.


Thought I might find you in here.

Masked strangers cutting
my body open.

I wouldn't miss it.

You must think I'm a terrible
person after what I did.

I don't, but doesn't really
matter what I think.

- Matters what you think.
- [sighs]

You know that woman
you met in the emergency room?


She's wild and reckless

and doesn't give a hoot
what anyone thinks.

[scoffs] She also wouldn't
use the word "hoot."

But me, I do. I just did.

Maybe your time with Mario's more about you

than it is about him.

With Mario, I...

I get to be messy.

He surprises me,
but most importantly,

I surprise myself.

After 10 years of marriage,

Derek doesn't surprise you anymore?

He supports me, he hears me,

but... no.

No surprises.

Have you told him that?

[monitors beeping steadily]

- Nice suture.
- Hmm.

- How we doing, Roxy?
- A-one, Dr. Bell. She's stable.

Dawn: Okay.

Removing the clamps.

[muffled laughter]


Dana: So you're gonna throw
your hat in the ring for chief

when the time comes, huh?

Dawn: Uh, I will be.

And I'll be looking for letters of support

written by my most esteemed peers.

Dana: Go on. [chuckling]

You know, if you wanna beat Dr. Harris,

you could just let everyone know
what a nut job he is.

[sighs] I thought we were gonna lose him.

The key is to stay a few steps ahead. Chess.

[chuckles] I never liked chess.

Always overidentified with the pawns.

Plodding along one square at a time.

Well, then just think of it
as a super intense

- life-or-death game of Dungeons & Dragons.
- Hmm.

So, like, every game of D&D.


You know, Billy almost just k*lled that guy

and somehow he's still in
the running for chief resident.

Hey, we saved our patient.

- [scoffs]
- Today's not all bad.

You know, there shouldn't even be a race.

I was promised something

and it was immediately taken away from me.



I agree.

Go tell someone who matters.


You matter, Dev.

[indistinct conversations] [tone beeps]

[woman over P.A.]:
Radiology, code seven.

[tone beeps]

You guys are smiling. That's good, right?

Your dad's gonna be fine.

He's gonna need some time, though.

He's gonna need a lot of help.

Yeah, I'm gonna put some
handrails in the shower,

move his bed to the main floor.

It'll be more than that.

There'll be medications to remember...

Oh, yeah. No problem. I got that. Done.

Just tell me... [chuckles] what you need.

You shouldn't have to. You're a kid.

Let's find you some help.

When my mom died, we said
we'd look after each other.

He spends all his time with me.

Gave up everything.

He's really there for you.

I just... I wanna show him that
I can be there for him, too.

That I'm strong enough.

I'm sure he knows that.

You know, there's strength
in knowing your limits.

I know you're scared, even
if you got your game face on.

And you both have needs.

It doesn't help your dad
to pretend you don't.

Dr. Scott, why don't you show
Samuel to his father?

Yeah. Come on.

Cassie. Does that look straight to you?

I know what you think, Dr. Bell.

You think I flirted my way to the top.

Did you?

I covered call every other night
and I studied my ass off

and you barely noticed.

So when Thomas came around and did...

I noticed, Cassie.

But the truth is, is it's not
enough if you wanna compete

with Dev and Billy.

You need to work 10 times harder
than they do to get ahead.

And that is just the way that it is.

So that's why you're pushing me?

There's no point in complaining about it.

We signed up for this, and there's no sense

in playing the victim.

You go after what you want,

and you make no apologies about it.

Do you think I deserve to be chief resident?

Yes, Cassie, I do.


- Mr. Adams.
- Dr. Harris.

Sorry, I didn't mean to leave.

Is everything okay?

Yes, the surgery was a success.

She's gonna be all right?

Yes, Claudine's in recovery right now.

- [laughs]
- Oh, hey!

Uh, sorry. I know some people
aren't huggers.

Yeah, I think in the
circumstances, I'll accept it.

Why don't we, uh...
Why don't we go see your wife?

Um, I'd appreciate it
if you didn't tell Claudine,

well, anything about
what we talked about today.

It's none of my business.

I knew before I came.

Yeah. I found out last year.

And you never told her?

I wanted her to tell me.

I don't know. Maybe being passive about it

isn't the greatest approach.

Yeah, maybe you gotta fight a little harder.

It's like this Great White kept,
like, biting the bars

and, like, rattling the cage.

And, like, we look up, and
the latch on the cage was open.

No way.

And he kept, like, circling and circling.

Ugh, I'd be freaking.

I was, like, so scared, I peed my wetsuit.

Yeah, that I can relate to.

It does sound crazy, but...

Oh, man. Must be cool to have a dad, though,

that's like a best friend.

I mean, yeah, but, you know,

sometimes I wish I had more of a dad

than a best friend.

Hmm. Having your game face on all the time

gets pretty tiring, huh?


But, like, don't tell him I said that.

Billy: It'll be our secret.

We'll be back to check on him in a moment.

Hey, um, thanks for taking care
of my dad, you know.

Sometimes I can't.

Hey, uh, I was wondering,
not to be too forward,

but I was thinking...

Oh, you're not gonna ask me out, are you?

What? No, no. Aren't you...


[sighs] Never mind.

What is it, Billy?

Will you be my mentor?

Nobody's ever asked me that before.

Mm. So is that a yes?

Oh, come on, Dr. Lin. Look at this face.

You wanna spend more time with this face.

Thanks, Billy, but no, thanks.

[sighs] Okay, okay. Look, real talk.

[inhales deeply]

Watching Cassie and Dev in the OR...

I'm not that good.

Not yet, but I can be with your guidance.

I'm not really a Dawn.

Yeah, which is cool because I can't learn

around that kind of pressure.

Reminds me of my old man,
and not in a good way.

I much prefer your style of leadership.


Unconditional positive regard.

It's kind of your brand.

Makes it easy to be real around you.

All right.


Hey, baby, how you feeling?

I've been so worried about you.

They called me after they
found you in the elevator.

Dr. Harris has been looking out for me.

For both of you.

I think maybe we should talk.

I'm really tired, Derek.
Can this wait till tomorrow?

Derek: No. It can't.

It has to be now.

'Cause if it's not, well,

I'm not sure I'll be here tomorrow.

I'm fighting for us.

Dr. Harris, uh,

how's she... how's she doing?

Um, Claudine's gonna be fine.

What about Claudia?

I'm not sure Claudia's gonna make it.

Is he a good guy?

He seems to be, yeah.

Good. That's good, uh...

Listen, listen, you mind, uh,
giving her something for me?

That's my name and number, uh, just in case.

That's your real name.

Yeah, uh, you know,
if she wants me in her life,

she can contact me.

[siren wails in distance]

Don't forget your "Number One CEO" mug.

[door closes]

- Funny.
- [chuckles]

I'm really sorry that
you're leaving like this.

Good news travels fast, huh?

[briefcase latches click]

It's okay. I can use the time.

I'm gonna get my head straightened out.

Figure out how I let this happen.

You've got to let it go, Thomas.

You know, everyone keeps saying that,

but... no one actually believes it.

So that's that, then, huh?

Cassie, I'm sorry

if I made things harder for you here.

- It was never my intention.
- I know, I know that.

And from everything I've seen,

I think you're a great doctor.

Thank you.

Even if you had to flirt with
a pencil pusher to get ahead.

- Oh!
- That was a joke.

[laughs] At least I didn't
make promises I couldn't keep

to a power-hungry resident.


See you around, pencil pusher.

See you around, power-hungry resident.

Henri Bardot: ♪ I stole the words of ♪

♪ A great loved ♪

♪ Writer I read once ♪

♪ In the backseat ♪

♪ Scheming ♪

♪ How to make you love me ♪

♪ How to make you love me ♪

So total nut job, huh?


Man, um, I was just giving
Dr. Bell a pep talk.

No hard feelings, buddy.

You know, if you have any questions,

I'm more than happy to answer them.

No, no, no, you're not.

You know, 'cause I've already asked you

a couple times now, actually, so...


Okay, since you're offering.

How was it that you knew that
woman was in the elevator?

I just happened to be there, same as you.

Okay, I'll buy that.

But then, you, like, you knew...

like, instantly knew

what was causing the obstruction.


Yeah, well, what can I tell you?

[whispers] I know bones.

[chuckles] You know bones.

[normal voice] Anything else?

Yeah, um, just one more thing.

This... this one's a bit awkward though.

Yeah, 'cause, like, the last 30 seconds

haven't been awkward enough?

See, I haven't heard
from Alex since she left.

Should I be worried?

[mouths word] No.

No, she's fine.

She's, um, probably
just at her family's farm

wearing her dad's old sweater

and eating popcorn for dinner.

So you heard from her?


No, I, uh, I just know her.


- [door opens]
- Shh.

[lowered voice] He just went down.

Charlie said he got held up,
but he'll be here any minute.

[door closes]

[lowered voice]
Well, we should go out to eat. Hmm?

To celebrate our success.

I take it your endonasal
endoscopy went well.

Yes, um, I expect Mrs. Berry
to make a full recovery.

But... but, Jonathan, I am so proud of you.

You know, for following
your hopes and your dreams

and for really putting your heart and soul

into those cookies.

Cut the crap, Shahir.


I know you bait-and-switched my baked goods.

Yes, yes, but I... yes.

That... that's...

Well, you just...

I... [clears throat] love you.


They were that bad, huh?

- They were awful.
- Oh, man.

Babe, why didn't you tell me?

You were so proud of them.


Look, I love that you love me
so much that you'll lie

to my face to protect my feelings, but...

You shouldn't make a habit out of that.

So from now on, promise me

you're always gonna tell me the truth.

- No matter what.
- Okay.


I'm tired of being Uncle Shahir.

And I want to be a father.

With you.




So I stopped by Jade Palace on the way home.

Figured I'd thank you guys
for saving my ass today.

I'll get the plates.

And I'll, uh, open some wine.

Yes, please.

Shahir: Excuse me.

Jonathan: Uh, where do you keep
your corkscrew, Charlie?


second drawer on the left.

Shahir: Jonathan, hot sauce.