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05x02 - Midlife Crisis

Posted: 11/15/21 09:50
by bunniefuu
This is what you do when someone is sick.

You make them smoothies.

I think you mean soup, and she's not sick.

She could have a parasitic worm
in her brain,

causing her to behave erratically.

What are you doing?

I got this key the last time
I dropped off Luke.

The nanny gave it to me.

She's new. I took advantage.

It's been four weeks

since she turned down Charlie's proposal.

She's been distant and glum ever since,

and that's not Alex.

They'll sort it out, Shahir. They always do.

Look, I'm Team ShAlex.
It's my job to be here.

You can leave if you want.

Your smoothies taste like vomit.

Alex? It's Maggie and Shahir.

You better not be naked.


[tires squeal]

Charlie! Medic!

Charlie: I see ghosts.

This is insane. I feel like I'm going crazy.

No, no.

I'll fight for us, I'll...
I'll fight for you.

I know. That's the problem.

It's me. I'm cursed.

I will stay away from him, I swear.

Just please...

Please, please, please let him live.

[blender whirs, stops]

Maybe it's a midlife crisis.

No. She's not old enough.

How old do you have to be?

Between 43 and 45.

Oh, fun fact... did you know
the male midlife crisis

lasts anywhere between 3 to 10 years

while females only suffer from 2 to 5?

- Hmm.
- Hmm.

Shahir, everything's gonna be just fine.

Alex: Oh, my God.

Alex? What's wrong?

I think I did something really stupid.

Okay. It's fine.

We'll just pin it back.

Oh, my God.

Alex. Smoothie.

Yeah, I could use one. Thank you.

We use the microtome
to study the cancer cells.

If they stop dividing,

we know that our gene therapy is working.

And then we use chemo to blast
the existing cancer, and...

And your patients get better.

That's the plan. Any questions?


What's going on
with that little piece of hair?

Uh, I have a short list
of potential candidates.

I just need to run them through Alex,

and then we'll be good to go.

Well, choose wisely.

A study can live or die
by patient selection.

I just think that

if you were to kind of cut it on an angle,

it would kind of highlight
your features better.

[clears throat]

Can I talk to you for a sec?

There was this little issue about a thing.

That dating profile we started for you...

[groans] I thought that was a bad dream.

Please do not let me drink gin
when I'm feeling vulnerable.

But you only drink gin when
you're feeling vulnerable.

Then don't let me drink gin!

Your profile's had two dozen
hits in the past 48 hours.

Sure, some of them are freaks,

but some of them actually
check off a few of your boxes.

That does not look promising.

Okay, you're not gonna find someone

to check every single one of your boxes.

Nobody's that perfect.

Except Dawn. Anyway.

I have to focus on my cancer study.

Especially now that Alex is so preoccupied.

Yeah, what's going on there
between her and Chuckles?

Eh, just another detour

on their way to "happily ever after."

Looks like your office is all set up.

Let me know if you need anything else, okay?

- Thank you.
- We're good.


Hello, Dr. Palmer.

- Should I put him on the list?
- There is no list.

- Morning.
- Doctor.

But if there was...

You got to woo her, Charlie...

flowers, chocolates, courtside seats.

Whatever it takes to win her back.

She hasn't gone anywhere, Coach.

We're just taking some time
so that she can...

I don't know what.

How long's that gonna take?

Who knows?
Which is why it's important

I get back in the O.R. as soon as possible.

All right, you got knee replacements down.

Let's do something to really test that arm.


But could you cover me up first?
It's freaking me out.

Yeah. Right. Sorry.




Why don't I stabilize the sacroiliac joint

using an S.I. screw?

Show me what you got.

[drill whirs]

On second thought...
let's try a real challenge.

No one likes a show-off, Charlie.


How's the arm?

[groans] Hey.

Never better.


'Cause I could have sworn
you got shot four weeks ago.

Yeah. Well, I'm a fast healer.

[clears throat]

[exhales sharply]

Alex. Isn't it time I came home?


Dr. Harris, I'd like to go over your scans.

You want to do it in front of Dr. Reid?

I mean, I can come back if you want.

It's... It's all right.

Um... yeah, we can talk later, okay?

Back on the bench, I guess.

Bree Hannigan and Violet Jackson.

Got sideswiped by a tow truck.

Dr. Reid, Dr. Lin.

This is Bree and this is Violet.

- Hi.
- So, what happened?

We were just sitting at a light,
I was mid-Kelly Clarkson,

like, really going for it,
and then... pfft! wham!

- This...
- The truck hit my side,

and the window shattered.

Should we divide and conquer?


The way I see it,

I'm the front-runner
for Chief Surgical Resident,

but I don't want you to let me win

just 'cause we're sleeping together.

Slept together.

We slept together, Cassie.

We're not sleeping together.

Okay. Sure. Whatever.

[scoffs] Thank you.

But the sex was, like, really good.

Way better than before.

So, why would we stop?

So you can focus on being Chief Resident?

I mean, you are the front-runner.

Dr. Sekara. Dr. Williams.

Dr. Kinney.

Good morning. How are you?

Uh, under-caffeinated. Oh.

Thank you, Dr. Williams.

Ugh. A touch too sweet.

Okay, we've got incoming MVCs.

I'm Trauma team leader.

I want you guys scrubbed and
ready to go when we hit the O.R.

Let's go.

Dana, you sure you're ready
to get in the trenches?

What's the matter?

You worried you'll lose our bet?

- Mm, no. You?
- No.

Two more glorious weeks in Trauma,

and I've got you where I want you.

Can't wait.

This one's gonna be nasty.

Yes, indeed.

Okay, let's clear the way to the bay.

- Giddy up.
- Clear the way!

Fernando Esperanza. 19 years old.

Pulse is thready, hypotensive,

third-degree abrasions to his entire torso.


Dawn: All right, Fernando,
we've got you now.

Okay, let's get this sheet off.

- Oh, boy.
- Aah!

How much morphine is he on?

- Not enough.
- Push 15 more milligrams.

We didn't take his helmet off just in case.

Smart. Somebody call Shahir.

How can I help?

- Check the extremities.
- On it.

Fernando, I need you to look right...

There we go. Good job.

Oh. Fibula's gone, tibia's a mess.

- We need Charlie.
- He's not cleared.

I just watched him put
an S.I. screw by hand.

- His arm's fine.
- [groans]

You think anyone else can fix this leg,

go ahead and call them.

Jackson: His pulse is bottoming out.

Make the call. We got to move.

[Fernando groans]

Somebody page Charlie.

All right, Fernando, stay with me.

[groaning] It hurts.

Just a little longer.

Once you get to the O.R.,
you won't feel a thing.

- [groans]
- It's bad.


- Rails up. Let's move.
- Watch out, watch out.

Game on, Charlie.

[whistle blows]

Violet, are you ready?

Do you know when Bree will be back?

As soon as her CT scan is done,

Dr. Lin will bring her right back.

But she's okay, right?

Yes. It's just a precaution

because of the seatbelt bruising.

Then maybe I could just
meet her when I get home.

I'm sure she won't take that long.

I... I have a lot to do.


We're getting married.

I'm... I'm trying to plan.


Yeah, thanks.

We were actually on our way back

from a cake tasting when this happened.

Oh, yeah?
Which one did you choose?

Bree liked the red velvet

until I told her it's made of bugs.

[both laugh]

Crushed-up beetles.

That's how they get the red coloring.

That's disgusting.

One last piece.

That's the last one. Good job.

I'm going to go
and get you some bandages.

Don't bother.

I'll... I got lots at home.

Dr. Reid, did you know these two
are getting married?

I did.

You guys should come.

March 19th, the Berkeley Church.

What do you say?

You probably don't want me there.

I'm bad luck with weddings.

We want the biggest party we can get.

But our guest list is still pretty thin.

Our hometown is kind of small.

And we're the only two weirdos
in the village,

so it didn't take us long
to find each other.

Whoa! Oh! Bree!

Violet: Bree! What's wrong?

Sit back up here. Talk to me.

Talk to me. Are you in any pain?

Uh, my chest. My chest. [gasping]

Okay, let's have a listen.

- It hurts when I inhale.
- Okay.

Is it a sharp pain or a dull pain?

Sharp. I have a cramp in my leg.

Violet: Why does her leg hurt
if she can't breathe?

Could be a P.E., but we need
a CT angio to confirm.

Okay, right up to I.R.

Yeah. Someone page Dr. Palmer.

Tell him we'll be on our way.

All right, I need you to have
a seat, honey, all right?

Take it easy. We're gonna
take good care of you.

- Got it?
- See you up there.


I'm gonna have somebody

bring you to a waiting room on 4,

and I will come and find you

as soon as I know anything, all right?

Man on P.A. system:
Dr. Palmer to I.R. Dr. Palmer to I.R.

[drill whirring]

[monitors beeping]

All clear.

Dawn: Okay, let's get back to work.

Dr. Kinney on irrigation.

The skull is intact.

Pupillary response is good.

Can we get a collar on him?

Okay, I need you to go faster.

Dana: Well, I'm trying,
but this debris is...

Try faster.

Sekara, flex those pipes.

Uhp! Clamp!

I must have dislodged a clot.

Dr. Williams, I need help over here.

- How's that?
- Perfect.

Fernando: Hello? Hello!

Can anyone see me?

You? You can see me?

Please. You got to help me, okay?

I think I'm going nuts.

One minute, I'm on my bike,

and the next, I'm trapped in this hospital.

That's my helmet.

Oh, geez. Is... is that me?

Am I dying?

Alex: Bree?

Bree, you have a clot in your lung

that's inhibiting your breathing,

but Dr. Palmer is gonna
remove it, all right?

And lucky for you, I am
really good at my job.

[muffled] I'm scared.

Don't be scared.

Just focus on your breathing

and let us take care of the rest.

You're gonna be all right.

Dr. Reid. How is she?

Bree's having a procedure
to clear her lungs.

Once she's done, we'll move
her to a ward room,

and then you guys can be together.

How did this happen?

We're not quite sure.

If you'll excuse me a moment.


Dr. Palmer found something.

Another clot?

A spot on Bree's chest.

A mass.

Cancer could cause
spontaneous pulmonary emboli.

And if it's big enough to see
with a C-arm...

It's probably metastasized.

- Right.
- Dr. Lin, your scans.

Thank you.

Alex: It's already in the lung.

What? What's wrong?

Is it that bad?

Violet, we really can't...

Please. Don't do that.

Bree shares everything with me.

Just tell me what's going on.

What do you know about
her family's medical history?

Her mother died of ovarian cancer.

Oh, my God. Is that it?

She has cancer?

Bree has some spots on her breast and lungs.

And we need to do a biopsy.

[sighs] This can't be happening.

Not today.

Violet, let's not jump
to conclusions, all right?

I have to go.

You're leaving?

At the cake thing this morning, I decided

that I was gonna call off the engagement

as soon as we got home, and then
that stupid tow truck...

Take a deep breath. You're just in shock.


Dana: Keep debriding.

Get that saline gauze on these wounds.

We don't want him losing any more fluid.

Wayne, how's he doing?

Considering how much of this kid is missing,

pretty good, actually.

Okay, there's 2 inches of bone lost.

I'm gonna need to shorten
the leg to reattach the tibia.

Can we get the pins for the ex-fix, please?

You're gonna have to restore
the blood flow, Charlie.

That leg's been clamped off too long.

Not with these bone shards
sticking out, we won't.

Well, do the vascular work now
while he's stable.

Well, we can't keep him stable
if he's bleeding out

from a laceration
that you should have closed

- five minutes ago.
- Ugh.

My sutures keep tearing the skin.

No, you're trying to do two jobs at once.

Time's up.

Dr. Sekara, take over
for Dr. Kinney, please.

He most certainly will not.

You said it yourself,
the vascular work can't wait.

Go and help Charlie.

- Page Plastics!
- You're here.

Sekara, what are you waiting for?

I'm so sorry. I...

Well, move!

I need a vascular tray
and a boatload of 5-0 sutures.

Please. Tell me what's going on.

I'm gonna give you some space
while you do the vein graft.

We're gonna put a rush on the biopsy results

so we can talk options before you leave.

Dr. Lin, can we talk about
something else, please?

I can't.

We can talk about whatever you like.

Well, we don't have a ton of money,

but for our honeymoon, we're going

to this little poolside resort
just north of the city.

We'll have a couple of margaritas,

and we're hoping it'll be
just like the Dinah.

That sounds lovely.

[door opens]

We ready to go?

Oh, we should wait for Violet.

She'll want to be here.

We can brief her when she gets back.

Oh, where did she go?

She went home to get a few things.

I'm sure she'll be right back.


I want to put Bree in the study.

Based on what?

She has metastatic breast cancer.

That's one qualifier.

And her family history suggests
she's BRCA-1 positive.

- That's the second.
- Yes.

But we don't have confirmation
on that just yet.

Her mother died of ovarian cancer.

A strong support system

is key in these kinds of studies.

Okay, we are not gonna give up
on her just because...

Because her only family
just walked out the door?

Violet will come back.

What if she doesn't?

Well, whether she does or she doesn't,

we're putting Bree in the study.

- Because you say so?
- Yes.

If someone needs to be the deciding vote,

it should be me.

Because it's your study, it was your pitch,

and I'm just along for the ride?

You tanked the pitch for your study,

and I let you piggyback on mine.

You know what? Let's not do this here.

I'll put a rush on the biopsy results,

and we can meet in our office.

I need someone to call my dad.

He was waiting for me. He'll be worried.

Have we tried to get ahold of the family

of the patient in O.R. 1?

Yes. His mother's on her way.

What about the father?

He's not in the picture,

according to the mother, anyway.

That's not true, okay? She's lying.

[monitors beeping rapidly]

He's asystolic.

Dawn: Dr. Williams, Dr. Sekara,
look at the monitors.

Assess what's wrong.

Cassie: He's going into hemorrhagic shock.

No. We just hung another I.V.

It means he's still losing fluid.

It's hypovolemic shock.

Dr. Williams, what next?

Prep the paddles and get me an amp of epi.


You missed about three steps.

Hold that open.


Don't worry about the ribs.

We've got bigger problems.

[scoffs] I forgot about cardiac massage.

That's right.

I'll take that amp of epi now, please.


Try the father for me, please.

Nurse: Okay.

[sighs] Look.

We'll keep trying him
until we get him, all right?

But in the meantime,
don't go towards the light

or anything vaguely
resembling a tunnel, okay?

Just keep fighting.

Only if you promise me that no matter what,

you won't take my leg.

Your leg is not a priority.

It is to me.

Why would that be?

He left me when I was 6. Okay?

When I was 12, I hopped on a bus

and traveled 500 miles,

and he put me right back on it.

He didn't want to see me. Okay?

This time, I'm not going on a bus.

The motorcycle.

That's his thing.

Riding. And now it's mine, too.

We're supposed to ride Route 66 together.

You take my leg, and that dream is over.

Okay, I know what's it like
to grow up without a father.

Then help me get mine back.

Fix my leg.

[monitors beeping]

Your heart's beating again.

[knock on door]

- Hey.
- Hey.

What ya doing?

Oh, you know, stewing.

I've never known you to stew.

Pout, yes. Occasional glower.

Alex and I had our first
professional disagreement

over whether or not to let
a patient into our study.

Mm. I'm sure you'll figure it out.

Will we? Because I can barely

get her to look at this list, let alone...

Ugh, it's the worst

when people won't look at your lists.

Zach, you have to let
this online-dating thing go.

I will.

You just have to pick somebody,
and I'll stop.

Fine. I pick Matilda McPhee.

I don't think she's on my list.

Hmm. She's on mine.

Okay, let's review.

Why did the patient's heart stop?

He's losing too much fluid.

- Dr. Williams?
- Because...

Dana: Half the skin on his torso is missing.

You want to keep him stable,
you're gonna have to cover

those wounds with
something more substantial

than saline gauze.

Just from a Plastics perspective.

Any idea on how we do that?

We could use cadaveric skin grafts.

That's a bad idea. A patient this unstable

is gonna reject whatever graft
you use first,

so it's better to waste
synthetic ones than real skin.

Dr. Williams, go and find

all the synthetic grafts that you can.

You want me to leave the O.R.
to collect supplies?

Are you here to help or not?

Dana: Done the vein.

Charlie: Great. Let me do the ex-fix

before you move on to the artery.


What is it?

It's nothing.

[drill whirs]

Still ice cold and pale.

I hate to say it, but...

Then don't.

Well, we can talk about amputation now

or in a few hours

when the foot's complete ischemic.

Well, you do the arterial graft.

If there's still no pulse, then we'll talk.

I'm not giving up on this kid yet.

Look, I get it.

Her partner left and you feel
bad, but you heard Dawn.

We have to be selective.

Bree is a good candidate.

Speaking of which,

Matilda McPhee is coming in
next week to be enrolled.

I haven't looked at her chart.

I know things are complicated

and that you and Charlie
are taking a time-out...

We're not 4 years old.

Well, whatever it is, you're preoccupied.

Why are you cutting off chunks of your hair,

and why is Charlie in a hotel?

Maggie, my personal life

has nothing to do with the study, all right?

Alex. May I speak with you, please?

Shahir, whatever it is,
it's gonna have to wait.

I need to go to the lab.

Yes, I still think
everything is gonna be fine.


I come bearing good news.

That seems impossible,
considering the day I'm having.

Well, you meet all the criteria
for the gene therapy study

I've been doing with Dr. Lin.

Oh. What's gene therapy?

We give you a pill every three days.

The pill stops the protein
which causes cell division.

That should stop your cancer from spreading.

We couple that with some chemotherapy,

and it's your best shot at beating this.

Okay. I have to talk it over
with Violet first.

I think you should consider moving on

with or without Violet.

Why would I do that?

In these types of cases,

it's important to move quickly.

I'm sure she'll be back soon.

We can't count on that.

Did she say something to you?

She wasn't thinking clearly.

Dr. Reid, tell me what she said.

She said that she had been
thinking about leaving

even before all of this happened.

But... but we're getting married.

Bree, I'm sorry.

Bree. What's wrong?

You came back.

I got lost coming back from the gift shop.

I didn't know how long you'd be here,

so I just bought everything
I thought you might like.

There are some magazines, some chocolate,

a puzzle, and this guy was on sale,

but he's still pretty cute.


I'll come back once you two
have had a moment to talk.

No, I don't want you to be
my doctor anymore.

I don't want to be in your study.

The only thing I want from you
is to leave us alone.


- Hey.
- Hey.

James Wallace.

6', 180 pounds, face like an angel.

You printed them out?


His toddler is eating a crayon
in the background.

He might have noticed
if he wasn't flexing so hard.



Kirsten Followes.

Says her fiery hair matches her personality.

The last time I slept with a redhead,

she turned out to be engaged

and promptly moved to Israel.

Well, you are in luck,

because she's not a natural redhead.

- I can tell by the roots.
- Nope.

How about this guy? Hmm?

Huh. Maggie.

Just pick someone.

Oh, I tried, and you rejected me.

Not my fault you feel guilty
about that, Zach.


[siren wails]


Ugh! Damn it.



- Hi.
- Hi.

You know, you're actually
probably doing the hospital

a big favor right now.

Who knows the last time

these floors were cleaned properly?


How's Bree?

Well, I told her that her fiancée left her,

and then her fiancée walked into the room.

It's an unorthodox move.

I'm sure you had your reasons.

Oh, and she has cancer,
but you already knew that.

I do. I do know that.

Is she, um...

Is she eligible for your study?

Yeah. But I screwed that up, too.

So, you've just been on one big roll

since I last saw you?

It's a mess.

I'm a mess.

Adversity introduces man to himself.

I mean, well, in this case, a woman, but...

You aren't seriously
quoting Einstein, are you?

I am. I am quoting Einstein.

But my point is

that you do not strike me
as the kind of person

that would let some
adversity keep them down.

[knocks on door]

Hey. Have you seen Zach?

I thought he was in Dawn's office.

Are you okay?

Yes. No.

It's complicated.

Anything I can do?

Fall in love, start a family.


Oh, you're serious.

Okay. What's up?

You know, when I was diagnosed
with Asperger's,

I saw a lot of counselors,

but the one who helped the most
was a behaviorist.

At least that's what he called himself.

What did he do for you?

We'd role-play different scenarios...

coffee with a friend or a first date.

He'd teach me
the right things to say.

You know, how normal people react to a joke

or a sad story.

How to... how to have empathy.

You have empathy, Shahir.

Yeah, because I studied it, I practiced it.

Just like I practiced

being in a relationship with Jonathan.

I love him.

I love him very much.

Then, what's the problem?

Well, if Charlie and Alex can't make it,

then what chance do I have?



I didn't want to tell her.

I think deep down she knows.

She's just better than me at pretending.

Can I ask why?

We fight all the time...

about everything.

I used to think it was
our town or our families

that was making everything
so hard, but then,

we moved here and nothing changed.

Why'd you stay together?

Our whole lives,
it's been Violet and Bree,

Bree and Violet.

We're so young, and I need
to figure things out

because I don't know who I am without her.

This must be really difficult for you.

What choice do I have? She's sick.

Violet, we're gonna do everything we can

to make her well.


Her mother weighed 90 pounds when she died.

She would wail all day and
night, she was in so much pain.

I can't let her go through that alone.

Even if I have to fake it
for 5 or 25 more years.

If she signs up for your study,

that means you'll look after her, right?


Good. I'll make sure she does.

And artery's done. Go.


- No pulse.
- Anywhere?

Still nothing.

Then the foot's dead and we need to amputate

before he becomes unstable again.

Go ahead. Cut it off.

Just do it already.

Charlie, make a decision.

We need to get him to the ICU

before he loses any more fluid.

Go on. Let me down.

I'm used to it.

There's something else going on here.

Pulsating in the vessels,
but it stops right there.

There's an injury to the tibial artery.

How did we miss that?

Injury to the leg was masking it.

We couldn't see it till
the blood flow was restored.

I'm gonna need a new 15-blade.

Okay, we'll need two bulldogs
and some 5-0 monofilament.

Sekara, Williams, it's been a long day.

You two can scrub out.

- I'd like to stay.
- Me, too.

There's damage to the intima.

I'm going to tack it up.

You okay?

[scoffs] Long day.



Moment of truth.


Let's check for a pulse.

[clears throat]

[monitors beeping]

Turn the monitors down, please.

[beeping stops]

[doppler whooshes]

Oh, my God.



- Oh!
- Whoo!

[all cheering]

[laughs] It worked?


Charlie, you did it?


You're right. I do feel guilty, Maggs.

And that sucks 'cause I don't want

to feel guilty when I'm around you.

That is a terrible apology.

So, I pushed this whole
online-dating thing on you

to make myself feel better.

But more than that is,
I want some lucky bastard

or lady bastard to see
how truly awesome you are.

That's better.

I want someone to love you like I love you.

But better than I love you.

And with the sex parts.


I probably could have stopped
two sentences ago.

The point is, I'm sorry, Maggie.

I need more.


Remember how you put yourself
through med school?

No. You said you wouldn't bring this up.

[door opens]

Tell her.

- Yeah, I just...
- Okay.

Um, when I went to med school,
I had a couple odd jobs

to pay the bills, and one of them

was working... at Supercuts.

I was really good.

And I'm here to help.

I'm in pretty rough shape, huh?

Well, down but not out, you know?

It's gonna be a long road, Fernando,

but if everything goes well,

you should be able to ride again.

Maybe motorcycles aren't for me.

I thought you wanted to go
on that ride with your dad.

I guess I'm saying, he can
take me or leave me how I am.

You saved my leg, but now it's time

I stand on my own two feet, you know?

Yeah. Screwed-up dads.

Everyone seems to have one.

I don't know. Luke did all right.

I'm gonna go sit with her.

She's always been there
for me no matter what.

The ones who really love you,

they're the ones who will fight for you.

That arm is not okay.

Uh, Palmer says it's healing.

Healing. Not healed.

Come on. Don't be an idiot, Charlie.

I'll keep your secret,

but you stay out of the O.R.
until it's healed.

You're too good to piss it all away.

Thank you... I think.

So, how are things with Alex?

Uh, I think you would know better than me.

[scoffs] That girl.

Well, she loves you.

And if she's taking this much time,

it's because she wants
to find the right words.

Hmm. Yeah.

In the meantime, I'll just
stay here in the dark.

Yeah. Sucks.

Maybe, um...

Maybe it's time to force her hand.

You know, sit her down, make her talk,

right words or not. Just...

God, I felt like a first-year
med student today.

Total amateur hour.

Give me your foot. Come on.

It's Dr. Kinney, you know?

She gets in my head, throws me off my game.


God, that feels amazing.

I say we go to the pub,
drink a couple pints...

Or we could skip all that
and just go back to my place.

That's a great idea.

- Shoe.
- Yeah.

Ugh. What a day, huh?

Tell me about it.

- You were great, though.
- Hey.

Just trying to keep up with you two.

Have a good night, Dr. Kinney.


Oh, God.





No. No, no.

Never better.

Thinking about hitting the gym.


Dana, that vascular work
that you did today...

You were a Plastics superstar.

I am not going back to Plastics.

Look at you. You're exhausted.

All right. I will concede one thing.

Trauma is hell.

But I haven't felt a buzz
like this in years.


You're on Trauma call tomorrow.

And every fourth day until I say so.

Buzz, buzz.

I'm looking forward to it.




Hi, Jonathan?

It's fine.

I just wanted to hear your voice.

Can you tell me about your day?

♪ I'm sick of learning ♪
♪ from my mistakes ♪

♪ It's getting hard to take ♪

This is gonna look great.

♪ Sick of writing ♪
♪ these sad songs ♪

♪ If you had a rough day, ♪
♪ well, sing along ♪

♪ Yea it will get better ♪

♪ It's just one of those days ♪

♪ I keep on dragging my toes ♪
♪ down this lonely road ♪

♪ I keep on dragging my toes ♪
♪ down this lonely road ♪

[knock on door]

Come in.



You, uh, cut your hair.

It looks good.

Thanks. Kind of spur of the moment.

Do you want a drink?

Oh, yeah.

Uh, the nanny took Luke swimming.

He fell asleep in his spaghetti.

That's, uh... that's my boy.

So, what's going on, Alex?

What's, uh, what's happening?

I think I deserve an explanation.

An honest one.


I... I can't marry you because...

because I made a promise...
to God or whoever,

whatever's out there.

What are you talking about?


When Shahir was removing
your tumor, you, uh...

you flatlined on the table.

And I-I was terrified.

I was desperate.

I... I got down on my knees,
and I made a promise

that I would stay away from you
forever if you lived.

And you lived.

You lived.

And so, maybe that's a sign
that we need to stay apart

because... because I'm bad luck.

Baby, that's... that's insane.

Says the man who talks to ghosts.


Well, that's not the first time
you brought that up,

so is that what this is about?

No, you're not listening to me.

No, I am listening to you. I just...

I want to hear something
that makes some sense, okay?

I just want to hear the truth.
What's the truth?

You don't... You don't want the truth.

- Yes, I do want the...
- You want an apology.

No, I... I thought you were
okay with all of that!

I was, I am!

And that you're supportive of me.

I am supportive of you!

I have always been supportive of you.

From the moment we got together,

I have always stood by your side.

When you were Chief and I was a resident.

When you were in a coma,

you couldn't have found a more supportive...

What? What were you gonna say?

Finish it.

A more supportive what?


But you're not my wife, Alex.

Because I asked you, and you said no.

Because I... I can't.


If there's something broken between us,

just tell me what it is. I'll fix it.

Unless you don't want me to.

Don't you see?

Whenever we're together,

we have these little pockets of happiness,

and then disaster strikes.

That's not a coincidence.

Okay. Okay.

♪ Dreams of far off times ♪
♪ to tame ♪

You know what?

I know you had a tough time growing up.

And I know that your mom
put you through the ringer.

I am not her, Alex.

I'm not her.

I'm not gonna... I'm not gonna
pay for her mistakes.



You know what?

If you don't believe that
you deserve to be happy,

then maybe you're right.
