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02x08 - Karma Chameleon

Posted: 11/14/21 08:15
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Shut Eye"...

This shit is militarygrade.

We k*lled a f*ckin' gunrunner.

50 down, 100 on delivery.
125 on delivery.

Scoot over.

Who you textin'?

Friend from school.

Li'I Tony is not yet of age
to contribute to the household.

You want the Council to restore Fonso?

We want a kris to take this
request into consideration.

My visions, they're gone!

I haven't had one in a month.

I didn't pursue you

because you can see things.

I pursued you because you have talent.

And I'm in on the con.
Second row to your right.

Car accident. She was driving.

She may have lost her son.

How far along were you?

Five months.


What are you doing?!

I was just getting in
a few licks before sunrise.

Where'd this come from?
Sports Authority.

I mean...
Just part of my new regimen.

For your new venture?
For just my general wellbeing.

Okay. Honey, I know.

You might be worried about
Maggie's influence, but...

I'm not. You just seem so...

different all of a sudden.

Different how?

You don't seem like you.

Maybe it's the new me.

New and improved.

Maybe it's not you at all.

People can change, honey.

You don't have to be threatened by it.

I'm not.

I need to meditate.


For your new regimen?

Yes. Yeah.

There's coffee in the kitchen.






Sorry, sorry. Did I wake you?

No. Bad dream.

I can stop if you want.

Knock yourself out. Okay.

Tickets, tickets.

Has anyone seen my boarding pass?

The printer. No, it's not there.

Hey. Gotta eat your breakfast.
You're gonna be late.

I'm done. I don't think so.

Eat something.
I'm done. Let's go.

Gotta over some stuff
with your dad first.

What is this tomorrow at 3:00?

Interview. Dowser.

Uses a divining rod to find water.

I know what a dowser is.
Why do you need one?

Did you forget to pay the water bill?

I think he might be
a new source of revenue.

We're in the middle of a drought.

Drought's over, Dad.

That's what the fake news says.

Please. Where are these tickets?

In your back pocket?

Don't be nervous. I'm not.

Don't lie to me.

You're gonna kick it in the ass.

I want you to.



Morning. Morning! We're late.

So are we. Hey, where's my kiss?

Safe flight, honey. Nick.

What? Be good.


So, this is what an allAmerican,

happy family looks like?

AllAmerican, happyish.

Hey, don't be so nervous.

It's gonna go fine.

Look at you.

You got this.

You want something to worry about,

worry about our upcoming transaction.

You mean...? Yeah.

We have to load up tonight.


I thought that wasn't
until the end of the week.

I can't load up tomorrow.

Mateo is in a school play.


Come on.


You better get outta here.

All right. Hey, good luck.

Welcome. Big Jim!

Sorry. Josip.

This is it.

Great, isn't it?

We got everything. Minimart, dojo.

Sports bar.

Pawn shop.

Pawn shop's closed temporarily.

Latin Tax. Whatever you can...

I understand you have
a psychic call center.

Right this way.

That's impressive. Thanks.


Shitty cigar.

What do I expect
from a piece of shit like you?

Well... trying to improve myself.


Why bother?

You were born a piece of a shit.

You're gonna die a piece of shit.

God, I miss your father.
Tibor knew how to run a family.

Did it with class.
He did it with panache.

Do you even know what that is?

No. No, not really.


What do I expect from a piece of shit?

You think I got a chance, Josip?

With the Council?

I don't f*ckin' know,
and I don't f*ckin' care.

And it's a shitty cigar.

Just one second, okay?

A few minutes.

No, the other location.
I know they're confusing.

I'll... I'll...
I'll text you that address.

Okay, yeah. Okay, byebye.

I've been waiting forever.

I had to drop my kid off at school.

Well, where's Charlie?

He's out of town.

What now?

You gonna let me in, or what?

What was that about?

I thought you were banished.

I am.

For now.

Trying to work my way back in.

What about Fonsuardo?

The f*ck?

You and Eduardo.
You know, like Brangelina.

Well, that particular
relationship has been fruitful,

but, it's more than that.

I've been putting good into the world,
hoping to get some back.

I know.

Doesn't sound like me.

Maybe it's the new you.

New threads, new attitude.

I need a favor.
Charlie's not here.

Not that kind of favor.

You mind taking a look?

See if this is gonna work out for me?

I don't need to look.

You're putting good into the world.

Good will come back to you.

You think?

People can change.

I guess so.

I mean, look how different
things are between us now.

Things can change very quickly
between people,

if you're open to it.


You see Drina at school? Yeah.

I saw her across the lunch room.

Is that okay or am I supposed
to run when I see her?

I didn't say that.

Who you textin' with?

I'm just gettin' the math homework.


Must be some pretty funny math homework.

Well, no, no, no. This is just Jimmy.

He's a funny guy.

So, when does Dad come back?

You must really miss him.
Okay, if you wanna know,

Dad doesn't bug me about my texts.

He should, 'cause bugging you

is actually trying to protect you.

Sure. Yeah.
You're the responsible one.

Hey. Watch it.

Hey. Hey.

Were we supposed to go for a hike?

Yeah, three days ago.

Don't you have math homework?


And you missed our hike last week, too,

and the week before that, and...

I was avoiding you.

Yeah, I'm wondering why.

I guess I was avoiding having
an honest conversation

with you,

which didn't work.

So, I'm gonna try the opposite now.

Deductive reasoning.

I like it.

I have this bad habit of f*cking up

the good things in my life

and you have been good to me, so...

of course, I'm gonna try to f*ck it up.

I don't want to hurt you.

You won't.

I've already tried.

Yeah, so don't try again.

'Cause, um, I've missed you.

I missed you, too.

I don't want to lose you.

As a friend.

You won't.

For the next few hours, anyway, because

I am gonna make you dinner.

Really? Yeah.

Stage left, row 4. Ginger gentleman.


What's your name, friend?

Gavin, tell me about this.

I guess I've had a
lot of stress at work.

Lots of people hate their jobs, Gavin.

Why not quit? I have to work.

No one has to do anything.

It's a choice.

You choose to work to feed yourself.

You choose to work to feed...

Wife and daughter.
Your wife and daughter?


We have to own our choices

so we can understand why we make them.

You're right. And I don't hate my job.

I hate my boss.

Boss... Randall. Hold tight.

Got it?

Perhaps it's because...

he reminds you of your father.

Tell me what you really want, Gavin.

II want a new job. Are you sure?

A new job?

'Cause you just said you like your job.

Gavin, a friend of mine told me a story

about a 6thcentury monk,
Benedict of Nursia.

And you know monks...
they kneel, they pray,

and they make beer all day.

This monk

decided one day that it was
impossible for him

to live a virtuous life

in the fallen Roman Empire.

So, he makes a monastery

and he secludes himself there.

Doesn't that sound awesome?

Just walk away,

someplace new?

Start over?

None of your baggage.
None of your mistakes.

It's tempting.

No f*ckin' way.

You've got rent.

You've got a family.

You've got responsibilities.

You can't leave.

You stay.

You tear it down.

You build someone better.

And your assh*le father;
And your assh*le boss,

who reminds you of your assh*le father?

They're all excuses!

Sure, they make it hard,
but mostly they make it easier

for you to quit on yourself

and I'm not gonna quit on you, Gavin.

I'm not gonna quit on any of you,

as long as you do the work,

but it's not my job
to do the work for you.


I'm here to keep you honest.

You tell me, Gavin,

are you ready to build someone better?

I am. Are you gonna build

someone better?

I am. Make me belive!

I'm gonna build someone better.

Say it like you f*ckin' mean it!

I'm gonna build someone better!

That's what I wanna hear!

Great work today, Charlie.

It was way too hot in there.

I need it to be subzero.

When I sweat,
the earwig moves around too much.

We kept it cold.

It's just the bright lights of stardom.

The after-party is still onstage,
as far as we're concerned.

Can you give us the room?

May I have my phone back, please?

You missed a call from your wife.

Doesn't she know when you're onstage?

There's never a bad time
for my wife to call me

and I need to call her back.

Ooh, so tense!

But it doesn't show onstage.

You were a f*cking rock star
out there today.

I knew you had the presence
to fill that space, like...

David Copperfield.

He made the Statue of Liberty
disappear when I was a kid.

You're gonna play all the big spaces,

You are going to play
Madison Square Garden.


Hi. Thanks for coming.

Do you mind? Yeah, sure.

All right.

Sure. There you go.

Can you please wait?

It's Gavin. Yeah, I know.

All right. I'll see you in here.

All right, great. All right.

All right, ready?



Don't analyze.

Don't process.

Just take in, and then...


Thank you. I've been.

Waiting for this all night.

Ooh. You call that a Sazerac?

Stay right there. Don't move, mister.

Excuse me.

Here we go.



You must chill the glass.

A cube of sugar.

Two dashes of Angostura.

Three dashes of Peychaud.

A healthy ounce

of rye.

Hint of absinthe.


your lemon.

Prime the glass.

Let's build a better drink.

Who's next? Who's next?

Trouble. It happens.

you don't want a call from the cops.

I think every parent,
and speaking to this,

at least once maybe,

Mom. If they have a son...

Okay, let's hear one of your stories.

That Maggie,

she really is something.

Something, indeed.


Is this a good one? Yeah.

Um, superhandsome, old movie star.

Come on, Nick.
Will you help me with this?

I don't know who this is.
No, not...

What do you mean
you don't know who this is?

Montgomery Clift? Yes!


You next?

Excuse me.


Cowboy. Cowboy. It's a Western.

Yeah, it's a person.
I have to pee.

I have a pregnantlady bladder.

She's cool. She is.

This is very good.

Hi! What?

Charlie, may I have a word?

Sorry, might take him away for a second.

Charlie, come. Yeah.

Come on.


We had so much fun. Thank you.

No, it was my pleasure.

Good night.

That was fun. That was fun!

I'm glad.

It is good to see you

having fun.
It's good seeing you, Maggie.

Good night, Charlie. Good night.

Good night.

Aw, f*ck it.

The receiver...

and the microphone.

It's voiceactivated,

so all you need to do is talk into it

right before you go out and mingle.

I admire your ingenuity,
but I don't think

that Josip will sit down at the
kris and confess to a crime.

We don't, either.

You are afraid

I'll tell the Council
I'm under surveillance.

He said you were a sharp one.

Why would I betray you now?

How do I know you haven't
been betraying us all along?

You're a career criminal who wants me

to suddenly trust her like
she's a Girl Scout.

Whatever she is, she's smart enough

to play it straight with us.

One f*cking con artist
who's willing to lie

to a bunch of other f*cking con artists.

You're about that much
better in my book.

Were you a Girl Scout, Agent Sims?

I sold more Tagalongs
than any girls in my troop.

Well, do you realize it is
the same kind of pyramid scheme?

No, no, no, no. There's no...

let's refocus here. Look...

I'm rooting for you, but,

don't be confused
about which side I'm on.

Okay, if you're done with your lecture,
I'll go home

and help Simza get prepared.

You wouldn't want me missing too long.


He thinks you're smart enough

not to forget the jewelry,

or to tamper with it,

or find yourself not at home
and miss it altogether.

'Cause you'll know; You'll find out.

I understand.

I'll be very careful with my...

bespoke jewelry.

And be careful in general.

These people are K*llers, you know.

Of course, I know.

I'm one of them.


Please make yourself at home.

Have a drink.

Or three.

Simza. Welcome, Josip.

Lovely as ever.

I suppose we'll begin when
the head of the house appears?

Of course. He's coming right down.

Piece of shit.

Where the hell's your husband?

The Emo King?

He's bummed about something.

He's pouting by the pool.

Okay, you keep welcoming them.




What? "What?"

You're embarrassing me, okay?

And not just me, the whole family.

I just don't see the point.

In bringing Fonso back into the family?

I don't care about him.

Then what's the f*ckin'
point you don't see?

I'm supposed to be
the head of the family,

and I can't even do f*cking math!

I will help you, sweetie. I always do.

Can you help me with my wife?

Because she doesn't love me.

And you know what?
I don't think I love her.

But we're married
and I've got a wife and a job

and everything else all set out
for me for the rest of my life.

I f*cking suck at it all.

It's gonna be okay.

Yeah? How?

It's gonna be okay.



This is,

a con artist with a message for

a certain special Girl Scout.

Go f*ck yourself!


Grandma? Everyone's here.

You look so beautiful.

You, too. Aw.

I like your necklace.

This old thing?


Thanks for doing this.
Don't thank me yet.

First, we have to convince the Council

that your father has changed.

And, hopefully, he has.

Let's go.


Where's the head of the family?

You're lookin' at her.

I meant Anthony Ranko II.

Li'I Tony is in his room.

Like the other little children.

That's where he belongs.

And I am here with you, where I belong.

Simza... You're gonna let me

have my say.

Now, I have sat in the back
of a million of these,

keeping my mouth shut,

because I didn't think it was my place.


this is my place now

and I am f*ckin'
done being the boss' wife,

the boss' mother.

I am the f*ckin' boss

and I am here to tell you
fucks what's what!


I need a solid earner to get
my corporation back on track

and I have a house full of kids
who need a father.

There is someone just outside

who fits both f*ckin' bills.

Now, whatever else
you want to say about him...

and trust me, I could say plenty...

he has got his shit together now

and he loves his kids.

Well this is pretty unusual.

f*ckin' A, Big Jim.

Go for the hockey puck.

Stage right, front row. Seat 5.

This has some stories to it.

Been bounced around a lot.

Can't seem to sit still.

No, really,

that's what I'm feeling.

Cold feet.

What's your name?

Elizabeth. Liz.

Tell me what's on your mind, Liz.

I'm in love.

I'm feeling you're not happy about that.

What's the significance
of the hockey puck?

Um, we were...
My fiance and I were at a Sharks game.

It got deflected into the stands.

And he caught it
with his catlike reflexes?

He ducked, and I caught it.

No, I feel so bad.

He's the sweetest,
nicest guy in the world.

But not a hockey player.

Not a hockey player.

Parents split when she was three.

Mum remarried a younger man.
They moved away.

What are you afraid of, Liz?

You were right.

I am in love, but...

not with him.

I was afraid that I would
never feel real love...

but now I am

and I'm afraid of hurting him.

The sweetest, nicest guy in the world.

You are hurting him,
by not being honest with him.

And, if you're already hurting him,

what's the sense in hurting yourself,

But you haven't answered my question.

What are you afraid of?

That you'll end up being
just like your mom?

She left your dad, didn't she?

Yeah. And he was also

the sweetest, nicest guy in the world,

and you don't want to be just like her.

You're not her.

I know that because you're here.

You're trying to build someone better.

But to do that,
you have to be brutally honest.

Don't be afraid of looking selfish.

We're all selfish. It's human nature.

It's not bad.

No, no, no. ThThat's not it.


What are you truly afraid of, Liz?

Now that I feel it, true love,

what if I can't have it?

What if, now I know what I'm missing

and I have to live without it?

Are you okay? I haven't got any more.

You're gonna find true love
in your life, Liz.

You're more in control of it
than you think.

You need to go out
and get it for yourself.

Let's keep going.

You have to be quicker on the draw.

I was halfway across
the wrong side of the room

with those earmuffs.

And, please, do not chat with me.

Yes, sir.

And your phone, sir.

Your wife called again.

I'm gonna hit the hay. I am exhausted,

being on my feet.

I'm used to doing this sitting down.

I thought you were a magician.

When I was 12.

Get some rest.


Hey, I'm so sorry.

It's okay.

Linda, I think that something's wrong.

What is it? I don't know.

But it hurts.
Did you call your doctor?

Unhunh. Can you just come here?

Call your doctor. I'll be right there.

I gotta run out.

Why? What is it?

I got a sick friend.

You can call Vicki if you can't get me.

I can be alone.
Dad leaves me alone all the time.

You should probably stop
ratting out your father.

Keep your phone charged, okay?

Nora, it's me.

It's open.

I'm okay.

You're okay? Yeah.

Here. Um, I, um...

I spoke to my OB and she said

that I can just come by in the morning.

Did she say what it was?
No, just that she wasn't

too concerned because it went away,

and that I could wait 'til the morning.

I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry to
drag you out of bed like this.

It's okay.

Would you stay the night?

III don't know.


I don't want to be alone.

Of course.

Of course I will.

I can just sleep right there,
on the couch.

My... Don't be silly.

Come on, I can keep my hands to myself.

I'm sure you can, too.

Hi, Charlie.

Whoa. Um...

You're... Liz, right?

You remembered.

How'd you get in here?

I bribed the maid.

Don't be mad at her, though.
I was very persuasive.

You need to put
your clothes back on, and,

we can have a little talk maybe.

Didn't you say that there's
no shame in being selfish?

It's human nature?

So, I'm being honest about what I want.

And, Charlie,

it's you.

You're the real love that I feel.

Okay, Liz, I don't want to hurt you.

Don't thr*aten me with a good time.

Okay, there are lines you don't cross,

and you're crossing
several of them right now.

Then what's one more?
Okay, Liz...

Liz. Okay.


Okay. Unh.

That is enough.

You let her get on top of you?

Hell, you let her in the room.

She bribed her way in!

Did you leave when you first saw her?

No, you engaged.

He tried to help me.

He was trying to save me.

There are two f*ckin'
crazy women in this room.

Thank you, Liz.

That'll be all.

Pleasure working with you, Charlie.

Are you f*cking kidding me?

Is this some kind of sick lesson?!

It was a vivid and essential lesson.

One mistake like that
will cost you your career.

Charlie, women throw themselves

at Paz at every retreat,

but he believes he is a righteous man.

You, you know you're a sinner.

You are a f*ckin' control freak.

You need to be beyond reproach!
You don't own me.

You need to avoid even
the appearance of impropriety!

I don't belong to you!

I am your partner.

And only one of us knows how to manage

this kind of career. Agh!

Care to guess which one?

I want you outta here.

I want you out of my life!

Thanks for staying.

Of course.

You're right to be angry with me.

Good night.

Good night.



I didn't want to wake you,
but, I have to get back to Nick.

Of course. Of course.
Thank you for staying.

I really appreciate it.

It means so much to me
that I can count on you.

You know, you're such a good friend.

Just returning the favor.

I'll call you later. You better.

I mean, they said noon, right?

Yeah, noon.

I mean, they're late!
Yeah, they're late.

What the f*ck is that?

My g*n.

We agreed no g*ns.

You agreed no g*ns.

Mama Bustamante didn't raise
an ese dumb enough

to come to a meet like this unarmed.

We agreed no g*ns.

Those were the parameters.

You don't think Cordero's
gonna be packing?

He's buying g*ns!

Why would he have g*ns?!

He's a businessman, like us, okay?

We made a deal. Let's stick to it.

All right, partner.

I'll put it in the glove compartment.


What the f*ck?

You think that's them?

Or some kind of fuckedup field trip.

Agarren todo y vamonos de aqui­!


Where's our f*ckin' money?

The f*ck are you doing?

Tryin' to go green, m*therf*ckers.

"Reduce, reuse, and recycle."

Get on your f*cking knees.

Go f*ck yourself.

You won't f*ckin' do this.

No, I won't.

But the homie with the shotgun will.

Unless I get some truth.

Now, where the f*ck is Caygeon?

He's gone.

Who the f*ck are you?

His supplier?

'Cause that's what you told me,
that I wasn't gonna be

dealing with any middlemen. Just...

softaroundthemiddle men.

Yoi Devla,

del prikaza Cordero,

benga rakle.

What the f*ck was that?

You're f*cked.

It was a curse.

A Gypsy curse.

On you,

on your children,

and on your children's children.

A ver si tu maldicion para esta bala,

Sure. Go ahead.

k*ll us now.

Never enjoy another good night's sleep

until it's your f*ckin' last, or...

we go ahead with the deal as planned,

and all is forgiven.


Who the f*ck are you?

You wanna know who I am?

I'm Roma, m*therf*cker.

Fonso Marks of the Gypsies.

And you f*ck with Gypsies...

Gypsies f*ck you.



All right.

I asked a question. I got an answer.

No hard feelings, right?

Agarra el dinero.

Here is fine.

Your house is a ways up the road.

Like I said, here is fine.

Are we really gonna act out
some teenage farce?

Maybe it's an adult farce.

You are a guiltridden mess
and you are dismantling

the better you I've been building!

Was last night a tuneup for the machine?

Yours and mine.

I don't want to hurt my wife.

The only way either of us
can hurt her now

is by telling her the truth.

I'll see you Wednesday.

I'd like you to work on...

talking about yourself more.

It helps to build trust.

I don't know anything about you.

My case in point.