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02x05 - Charles the Magnificent

Posted: 11/14/21 08:11
by bunniefuu
- Previously on "Shut Eye"...
- A dear friend told me once

that the universe
is always speaking to us,

Maybe he can help.

- You see things, too?
- I hear things. Messages.

- From the other side?
- From everywhere.

- From the universe.

I used to make a lot of money
with this deck.

Can you teach me how to do that?



- Do you know where she is?
- She's gone.

- No, I don't.
- You don't.

I sense a seeker
who has something to share.

- Are you listening?
- I am listening.


♪ Life is so strange
when you don't know ♪

♪ How can you tell
where you're going to? ♪

♪ Something could change,
and then you won't know ♪

- ♪ Ask yourself ♪
- ♪ Where do we go from here? ♪

Step right up, folks.

Come witness the greatest
illusionist in all of Las Vegas.

Beautiful flowers for a beautiful

and generous young lady.

- Oh, no.
- No? They're not real, anyway.

Pretty hot out here. Don't you think?

Ooh, where'd it go?
Must have caught the red-eye.

Ooh, quick return flight, though.

Allow me to introduce to you
the amazing, spectacular,

the stupendous Princess Bunny!

Now, wish Princess Bunny a safe
journey to the fifth dimension.

- Sim sala bim...

- Whoa!
- You're hurting her, Charlie.

My sister's upset
now that Princess Bunny is gone,

so I say we ought to bring her back.

- What do you think?
- Absolutely.

- Say the magic words.
- Sim sala bim.

- Uh, donations are welcome.

- Let's give him something.
- Anything helps.


- Quarter?
- Nickel.

You got to work on your lines.

You're supposed to be my assistant.

- When's Mom coming back?
- Tonight.

I think.


This is fun, huh?

You said you'd be home for dinner.

Well, we are eating dinner, aren't we?

- Charlie made me dinner at home.

Well, that is so nice of Charlie.

I thought the plan
was to have a family dinner.

Sylvia was hungry, and you were late.

Not my fault we were delayed
coming out of Kansas City.

Right? Hmm?

Okay. [BLOWS] You win.

How about I buy your affection? Huh?

This is for you,
and, Sylvie, this is for you.

- Thanks, Mom!

It's from Tannen's.

- Duh. It says so on the box.
- Don't be a smart ass.

Yeah. What he said.


I saw this in the catalog.

One day, Charlie, I'm gonna
take you to Tannen's. I promise.


If you guys are gonna get dessert,

you had better get it now.

You have to leave again?

Mm, I have the 12:03 to LaGuardia.

You know, got to bring home the bacon.

I got to pee.

This is so Madonna.
Isn't it so Madonna, Charlie?

Yeah. Madonna.

- I got to pee.
- I got to pee, too.

No, you stay here, Sylvie.


All right.

What? What's the matter?

I don't think you should do this anymore.

Do I need to remind you this
is how we put food on the table?

It's how we pay the rent,

not to mention the magic tricks
and the rabbit food.

I know, but...

Look, this is what it means
to be a grown-up. Okay?

Sometimes you have to do stuff
you don't like

to take care of your family.

And I can't do it without you.
You're my secret w*apon, right?

Last time, all right? Okay?

Okay, hurry up.
Tie your Sly Stallone knot.



Oh, Slydini. Slydini. I'm gonna get it.

No, no, that's too lose.

Damn it, Charlie, hurry the f*ck up.


- Okay?
- Great.



You're my Magic Man, Charlie.

Okay, go.


Princess Bunny has some
very important business

to attend to in the fifth dimension,

so I am going to open a portal for her.

- Oh.
- Wow.

Sim sala bim!


- Sylvia?
- What?

Um, my sister is very upset
now that Princess Bunny is gone.

She's doing a great job hiding it.

So I'm gonna bring her back.

Sim sala bim.


Holy shit.




- Are you listening?
- I am listening.

What are you listening for?

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt.

All those who wish to commune
with the universe are welcome.

Charlie, are you listening?

- You bet.
- Then, please, sit.

Join us in dialogue with the universe.

Psst. Hey. Charlie.

I sense a seeker who recently...

Would you mind if I sat next to my wife?

Truth is an absolute of the universe.

It's not something that we can control.

You must be proud of yourself.

Nick and I have been worried sick.

- You didn't bring him here.
- Of course not.

I left him with Vicki.
We thought you were dead.

If you're deceiving those around you...

Sorry to disappoint.

I'm hearing a voice
bleeding through the ether.

Someone named... Gina.

Now, I don't know if Gina
is someone's mother

or someone's boat, but she has a message.

Is someone here listening
for this message?



Would you like to hear her message?

Maybe she doesn't want to talk about it.

Maybe not, but let's ask her.


It's okay. She's a friend.

Gina has transformed to the next phase?

If you're asking if she's dead, then yes.

She wants you to know
that she did deceive you.

But she wants you to know...

that she loved you.

Thank you for sharing that with me.

I am but a conduit.

I am heartened by your share, Linda.

I hope that there will be many more.

The universe has much to say
to you, as it does to all of us.

I am listening.
That concludes our evening.

Now, remember,
when you leave this circle,

you enter into Reflection Time.

Silence until sunrise
while we contemplate the wisdom

of what the universe
has shared with us today.

Linda. Linda.

Do you want cucumber water?

- Cucumber water?

Look, I didn't know she was here
until I got here, okay?

But I'm glad you came.

This could change your life
if you let it, but no one,

in... including me,
is forcing you to stay.

- All right.
- Really? Okay.

Well, then, I'll help you
check in. Come on.

Look, I'm not gonna harass you
the whole time, okay?

But I just... I'm gonna
give it one more go.

Whatever we do here,
whatever Paz suggests,

no matter how uncomfortable
it makes you feel,

especially if it makes
you feel uncomfortable,

I just want you to try it.
It's not gonna k*ll you.

- Okay, doc.
- Okay.

Uh, Maggie, this is Charlie Haverford...

- Ooh.
- ...Linda's husband.

Charlie, Maggie.

We are so pleased you could join us.

- Thank you.
- Yeah. Okay. [CLICKS TONGUE]

Well, you already missed a day,

but although all
our activities are voluntary,

the pass is all-inclusive.

So we encourage you to have
as much fun as you can handle.

How many of these do you move a week?

At the moment, I'm only
concerned with moving you

through the check-in process,

unless you'd like
to purchase something first.

Uh, a little rich for my blood.

Do you have any fridge magnets?

Oh, better yet, have you
thought about Paz Pez?

I mean, if you haven't, you're
missing a big opportunity there.

With me, please.

Can you make sure that I'm
in the same tent as my wife?

Oh, I am sorry, but men
and women are kept separate

until sunrise.

I thought it was silence until sunrise.

You've got a lot of rules.

Each detail of your stay
is curated by Paz

to deepen your understanding
of one's place in the universe.


And right now your place is here.

- Medium?
- Large.

Here are your new clothes.

And my new self.

Shedding the connections to home
helps shed the attachment

to what may be holding us back

from the expression of our true selves.

- I see you have experience.
- A little.

You can put your belongings
in any of our secure lockers.

Uh, don't forget to set your pass code.

Oh, and be sure to include your cellphone

and any of your worldly conventions.

What if I need to make a call?

Oh, you won't.

What if there's an emergency here?

Are you planning on causing one?

You can come to me
or any of the associates

if there is anything that you need.

Shall I leave you to it?







Hey, troublemaker.

I can't stop thinking about last night.

I can still feel your teeth on my skin


You better be on your way
over to do it again.

Think of nothing but me
till you get here.



So, I said, "Sim sala bim," like always,

and then I opened the box
and a big black raven flies out.

It scared the crap out of me.

Charlie said "crap."

I'm old enough to say "crap," okay?

Anyway, it was weird because
I was the only one that saw it,

but I swear there was this raven.

It was there one minute,
and then it was just gone.



Mm-hmm. Yeah. So it was, uh,
not a rabbit anymore?

It's a raven?

No, Princess Bunny was still in the box.

I- I just saw a raven fly out.

Oh, okay. So you're just seeing things.

Yeah. No.

- It was so real.
- It was crap.

Hey, you know what, Charlie's
not the only one in this family

who's seen things. Happened to me once.


It was late one summer night,
way too hot to sleep.

So I was lying in bed
in the dark wide awake.

And, uh, Grannie was staying with us.

That's your great-grandmother.

She was, um... She was sick again.

And she'd fallen asleep
on the sofa with the TV on.

But it was so late that station
had already signed off.

So I could hear, you know,
that static from my room.

So I got up out of bed
and went into the parlor

to shut the TV off, and then I, um...

pulled a-a blanket over her
'cause sh... she was shivering.

And, um, anyway, I went back to
my room, and I'm not kidding...

one of my dolls

that I kept up on a bookshelf

was lying in my bed.

- Creepy.
- What kind of doll?

A creepy one. She was missing an eye.

Oh, and she was missing one of her arms.


I may have performed
some major surgery on her,

but that is another story.

The thing is I still can't
figure out how that doll

got from the bookshelf into the bed.

- Maybe you had an earthquake.
- Well, not in Virginia.

But, guys, this is the weirder thing.

When I went to pick it up
and put it back on the shelf...

...I swear that doll talked to me.

- What did she say?
- It said...

..."She knows."

- Wh... Wh...
- What does that mean?

Were there other times
that it talked to you?

Charlie, every kid
imagines crazy things, okay?

Our minds play tricks on us all the time.

We see the things
that we are most scared of,

or we see the things we most want to see.

It's our brains, you know,

showing us what it would be like...

that it wouldn't be so scary or
so great if it really happened.

Shit! f*ck! Sorry. [CHUCKLES]

I got to pee.



Jesus, Mom.

What took you so f*cking long?

Don't start with me.

You said it was the last time.

It is the last time.

You said that last time
and the time before that.

So don't make me keep saying it.

I'll stop doing magic.

Charlie, I'm trying to keep
our heads above water here.

It's not up for discussion. Get to work.

Come on. [CHUCKLES]


[GARBLED] Mm-kay?

Oh, shit! [LAUGHS]
I forgot your presents.

- Thanks.
- All right.

I got to run, baby.

- What about Sylvia?
- The sunglasses are for her.

- Just tell her I love her.
- Mom, I...

I can't take her crying right now.

You're better with her than I am, anyway.




Hey. Hey, Chuckie. Hey.

Psst. Hi. Hi.

[NORMAL VOICE] Rise and shine,
Sleeping Beauty.

W-What are we doing now?

[WHISPERING] Shh. Still silent time.

- You're talking.
- [NORMAL VOICE] I'm a rebel.

Now, don't be scared.

I'll be your personal guide
to the festivities, okay?

Come on. Come on.


Big guy, little yurt, huh? [CHUCKLES]



- What is that?
- Tempeh bacon.

Jesus, don't you live in L. A.?
It's really good.

- Where's the coffee?
- No coffee.

What are the mugs for?




- Hey.
- Whoo! Jump in. Water's fine.

Actually, it's f*cking freezing.

But it's invigorating.




While we spend most of our time

bridging the gaps
between our differences,

it is also powerful
to feel that distance,

to allow the pull between
the poles to grow,

to feel the opposing energies
of night and day,

of woman and man, of music and silence.

And just as night and day merge together,

so do we merge our energies
back into one.



Everybody cut loose, Charlie. Come on.

- One, two, three!
- Whoo!


She was eight years older than me,

and she was more of a mom to me
than our own mom.

She was a sugar high
packed into a 16-year-old girl.

And when she was on
the other side of the seesaw,

she would, um...

she would disappear
into her room and shut the door

and tell my parents
not to let me see her.

She started to spend more
and more time in there

until she was spending
all of her time in there.

And then... one day,
I don't... I don't know.

I guess it just got to be too dark.

And she, uh, opened
her veins in the bathtub.

It was a Wednesday.

I don't know why I know that.


I know I've asked you before, but, um...

...have you heard from her?


It's okay.


I became a neurologist
because I wanted to understand

what goes on in the brain...
in her brain.

But what is going on up here
is as full of mystery

as the rest of the universe.


And one of those mysteries

is whether there's
a genetic predisposition

to bipolar disorder.

I've been thinking about that a lot

since I found out that I'm pregnant.

What if my sister's last message to me

was that life is just too painful,

you know, to make it worth it?

And what if...

my baby has the same illness
that made her feel that way.

I have not heard from your sister, Nora,

but I have heard from your child.

And the voice that I have heard

is of a happy, healthy little boy.


Thank you.

Thank you for sharing, Nora.






Okay, shake it out! Shake it out!

Shake it out! Come on!

Come on! [SHOUTS]

We're shaking it out!
We're shaking it out! Reset.

We have a lot of work to do, okay?

Who is ready to listen?

I think I'm ready.


What are you listening for?

Well, I'm not sure
what I'm listening for,

but after listening to you,
don't take this the wrong way,

but something about you reminds me...

of my dad.

- Charlie.
- It's okay, Linda.

Have you heard from him?
He's, uh, changed phase.

Now, I sense that
you're not being truthful.

It's not unusual.

In fact, everyone is resistant at first.

So in spite of your resistance,

I hear that there is something

you really do want to share with us.

Maybe it'd be a little easier

to tell you if we had some privacy?

Please, friends, forgive
the breach of protocol,

but may we have the room?

Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you.


This is really great
what you got going here.

I get it, and I respect it, even.

I wouldn't want you to come to my shop

and tell my customers
that my crystals are just rocks.

But you're f*cking with my wife, Paz,

and I can't let that happen.

Look how resistant you are
to what I can offer you.

I understand why.

Look, I know better than most
what it's like to realize

that you're different
from everybody else.

You and I... We're kindred spirits.

Yeah, I'm not seeing that.

We both help people
who are spiritually distressed.

Oh, you're running a charity here.

It's my profession.

I don't hide it.
The price is on the ticket.

You need an extra-large ticket
to fit that price.


Well, the money makes people
take it seriously.

You didn't pay. Maybe that's
why you're so resistant.

No, I just see through your schtick.

I'm not hiding anything.

- But you...
- Me? Yeah.

Tell me, Columbo,
what is it you think I'm hiding?

Pain. Fear. And a lot of guilt.

So much guilt you are drowning in it.

What do you see in me?

- Just a man.
- Good. That's all I am.

- But people listen to you.
- People listen to you.

No, no, no, no, no. Not like you.

I mean, you got Dr. Nora
eating out of your hand.

- No. If only.
- What does that mean?

- Uh...
- What?


She called me a few weeks ago, and...

Well, about you, actually.

But she shared that she was pregnant.


...I asked her to marry me.

- Is it your baby?
- No.

But I wanted to raise it with her.

- What did she say?
- She said that I was

more valuable to her
as a guru than as a husband.

Hey, who knows? Maybe she's right. See?

I get my heart broken.

I'm just like everyone else.

Then how are you hearing voices
from the dead?

How are you seeing your visions?

I don't know. I fell recently.

- That's not how.
- Okay.

I was kicked in the head recently.

Do you think that's when it started?

Because I started hearing things
when I was 8 years old.

I don't know. I think, uh...

I might have seen some things as a kid,

or, you know, maybe imagined them.

I mean, every kid sees crazy things.

Sure. Maybe you imagined all of them.

Maybe I imagined hearing Gina.

Maybe I imagined that
when you brought up your father,

you really did want to talk
about him, but I don't think so.

You were right about one thing.
About my guilt.

I do feel guilty.

I hear that.

Yeah, but not just from you.

I hear that...

...something is wrong with the marker

at your father's resting place,
and you feel responsible.



You trust me now?

Actually, I need you
to trust me and follow me.

Oh, oh, I'm sorry, but can I help you?

I need to show Paz
something in my locker.

Paz feels very strongly

that when we sever
our ties with the outs...

I feel very strongly

about showing Paz something on my phone.

I'm afraid that's not possible.

- It's fine, Maggie.
- Respectfully, Paz, it is not.

You didn't set these rules arbitrarily.

They're essential for you to be
able to do your work properly.

You're acting like you have
something to hide.

And you are acting like a bloody lunatic.

Okay, why don't we
all just take a breath, hmm?

It's fine. Come on.




Take a look at the last
text message I received.

It's a Grubhub order at 12:04
last night. Looks like pizza.

No, the one before that.


It's Nick asking if he can order pizza.

From my wife.

- But...
- Are we finished here?


Thank you for joining me.

Some people have trouble with
honesty in front of a crowd.

Well, me and honesty have always had

a bit of a rocky relationship.

Well, then I imagine that
your other relationships

must be rocky, as well.

You want to talk about Charlie.

I want to talk about Linda.

And I get the sense that you don't.

You don't have to be able to
hear the universe to sense that.



If you don't want to talk
about Linda, tell me about Gina.

- She was a hypnotist.
- Hmm.

I was a wife. It was brief.

Those are facts. Facts are boring.

[SIGHS] You asked about her.

I asked you to tell me
about her. Try again.

And this time, don't be afraid.


It was supposed to just be sex.

But it took me by surprise.

She took me by surprise.

It's not like there's something
missing with Charlie.

There's something missing in me.

And maybe... maybe I saw it in Gina.

Then she died.
I've been carrying this weight.

A lot of guilt.

Guilt... is not as heavy as love.

You must admit that you carry
love in your heart for Gina.


I know you deceived your husband,

and you feel guilty, yes,

but you have been deceiving
yourself since she died.

I feel like she's haunting me.

She's not haunting you,

but you can't have closure until
you acknowledge your feelings.

What would happen if you let go of Gina?

Where would that leave you?

- With what I have now?
- And what is that?

Charlie? What is wrong with that?

There's nothing wrong
with Charlie. I love him.

Then why don't you
believe in him anymore?

I believe in him.

Why don't you believe in him anymore?

It's not that. I-It's just...

Why do you not believe in him anymore?

Oh, God. He just keeps f*cking up!

He fucks up.

- He makes these promises...
- Mm.

...and I want to believe them.

I want them to be true.



Aren't you loving this place?

My chakras are so f*cking aligned.

Or is it open? Maybe both!

I mean, point is,

is my chakras haven't felt
this good in, like, ages.

And Paz is a real miracle worker.

Listen, Marty, I don't want
to burst your bubble,

but Paz is, uh...

Not all spiritual advisers
are as honest as I am.

Charlie, don't be jealous, seriously.

There's room for both of you in my life.


- I'm glad to hear that.
- Oh, my God.

Charlie, you should do seminars.
You'd be great at it.

Maybe get you, like,
a peasant shirt, judo pants...

- Can I have a word?
- Yes.

Excuse me.

Sorry. Ooh, falafel balls.

Look, I put myself on the line
with Paz for you and Linda.

- I didn't ask you to do that.
- Well, actually, L-Linda did.

And you're embarrassing both of
us, and yourself, if you care.

You know what I do.

How could you not think
I'd see through his act?

- It's not an act.
- Come on.

His act is classic mentalist.

It's like he watched The
Amazing Dunninger on YouTube.

He can talk to the dead.

He reads our e-mails,
and he does a background check.

Why, because that's the way you do it?

Just because you're a criminal
does not mean that everyone is.

How could he have known about Gina?


How did you know I was pregnant?

- Are your visions fake?
- No.

Right, so you're, what,
the only one in the world

who can see things other people can't?

You're the only special one?

I saw a girl. My vision of
your baby... you had a daughter.

So one of us is wrong.

How do you know it's him?
Because if I had to bet...

Because there's no other
explanation for what he's doing.

There are more things in heaven
and earth, Horatio,

than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

Sorry, I didn't mean to sneak up on you.

It's fine. I'm just talking
about you behind your back.

Good. Now you can talk to my face.

You're preying on my wife.

Linda is working very hard
to open herself up

to radical honesty.

I'm losing hope that
you're willing to do the same.

Try me.




You didn't join me.

I was waiting for "Stairway to Heaven."


Well, I would gladly chant
Led Zeppelin if you'd like.

- I'm good. Now what?
- That's up to you.

No, actually, Paz, it's up to you.

Give me your radical
honesty, man. I'm ready.

I'm confused as to why you're here.

I'm here to protect my wife.

From what? From the truth?
What are you trying to hide?

Uh, nothing. I'm letting it all hang out.


You know what I see?

Pretense, defensiveness, bullshit.

All I can see is a con man.

Just because you can't read me

doesn't mean I'm trying to deceive you.

Not everyone is trying to
take advantage of you, Charlie.

Oh. What do you want from me, Paz?

- I want you to lose control.

You won't dance. You won't share.

You won't do anything.

And you stay here for your wife,

and that's what she would want you to do.

For f*ck's sake, just unclench.

Unclench? Is that what this is for?

This is a spiritual place.
This is a sacred place.

This is a sauna.

In some cultures,
it is the place of transition.

Women come here to give birth.

The dead pass on,

lingering sometimes a moment

to commune with the living.

You see, I think that you and I...

are connected to this in-between realm.

And what is this in-between
realm trying to tell me?

I am desperate to know.
It's why I wanted to meet you.

It's why I wanted to learn from you.

So far, you've been
quite a disappointment.

Sorry, Paz. I'm not here for you.

I'm here to protect my family.


- You fucker!
- Bullshit!

This is not about protecting anyone.

This is about besting me.

You're not here for your wife,
your family.

You don't give a shit about any of them.

- f*ck you, Paz!
- f*ck you, Charlie!

f*ck you! You're too afraid
to take help from me...

- I'm afraid.
- ...from your doctor,

from your wife, from anyone.

When are you gonna stop
being a little shit...


...and realize that
you can't do this alone?

Can or can't,
it doesn't really matter, Paz,

'cause it's none
of your f*cking business.

It is my business because
they're my family now,

and I'm not gonna stand by
and watch you sabotage

the only people in your life
that love you.

Sabotage? I would never do that.

More bullshit! Tell me why.
Why do you want to fail?

- I work my ass off.
- Why do you want to fail?!

- I don't, you son of a bitch!
- Why do you want to fail?!

He knows why.

What is this?

Is this some kind of intervention?

Let's just get the f*ck out of here.


Why do you want to fail?

I don't know.
Why don't you ask your friend...

He says you're afraid.

You gave the money back, Charlie. Twice.

You're afraid that
if I have enough, I'd leave you.

Help me.

Damn it, Charlie. Hurry the f*ck up.

I want to feel your teeth on my skin.

This is sick.

Don't pretend you didn't want
to sneak a peek

when you were scrubbing my body.

You couldn't help yourself.
I'm everything you're not.

Yeah, you're dead.

I was man enough to keep the money.

- And it got you k*lled.
- Oh, I forgot.

You're the smart one.
Not just the coward.

The failure.

- I'm not afraid of you.
- Then you're crazy.

'Cause I'm never going away.









I wanted to apologize
if my technique was too intense.

I always like a deep-tissue massage

as part of my spa experience.


Well, I knew you could take it.

You're strong.

That's why I think you can
challenge yourself even more.

But you're on the right path.

Because you said the right
thing and put me there?

Who knows?

But I do know that
you coming into my life

has altered my path.

Thank you.

For sharing your light and your dark.


I don't want to fight.

I just want to collect my things
and be on my way.

- Exit survey.
- I'm good.

Oh, but we just want to know
how much you enjoyed your stay.

You say "we." I can't figure it out.

Are you his assistant or his boss?

Why? Do you want to lodge a complaint?

Is it about the food?

Because there is a box
for that on this form.

- The food is terrible.
- It is healthy.

Maybe you're just not accustomed
to making good choices.

- Have we met before?
- It is all over your face.

You want so desperately for me to believe

that you are a rogue-ish cad,
a charming scoundrel.

What am I, really?

You are whatever your clients
need you to be.

And what do you need me to be?

On your way, as soon as possible.

- [CHUCKLING] We finally agree.

You and Linda, you are welcome here.


- For the requisite 3 grand?
- $2,875.

Yeah, I think she'll want to pay it.

Of course she would.

Paz can give her
something that you won't.

Or can't.

Oh [CHUCKLES] you are trying so
hard not to ask me what that is.

You're only half as clever as you think.

Twice as clever as I need to be.

I'll be seeing you.

I looked for you at the brunch.

They had a mountain
of that fake bacon you love.

I'm not a big fan of buffets.

Oh, I thought you were
practically raised in one.

Yeah, thanks, Ma.

Hey, honey.

I want you to know,
I'm really glad you came.

I am.

Helped me work through some of my shit.

I'm glad, too.

I got to slumber party with Marty.

- Breakdancing at dawn

and manhandled by a half-naked guru.

I mean, that's my kind of weekend.

- Okay, okay.
- I am glad.

I'm glad my Linda's back.

Your Linda needs a good night's sleep.

- My cot was m*rder.
- See? The truth comes out.


Shall we head back? Home?

I'll see you there.

That was the plan, right?

You were gonna go home after this?

Of course.

Hey, we should do this again.

Uh, Paz's keeper... what's her name?


Yeah. Maggie said
we were invited anytime.

- For 3 grand.
- Yeah, $2,875.


♪ We lie about each other's drinks ♪

♪ We live without each other ♪

- When's Mom getting back?
- Soon.

What'd she say on the phone?

She told us to meet her here,
and that's what we're doing.

I don't like taxis.

I'm sure they don't like you, either.

♪ It's like I told you ♪

Hi, Mom.

♪ Only the lonely can play ♪



You little shit.

The knot came undone in the
middle of my first flight.

- Oh, no.
- "Oh, no"? You think?

It's a f*cking disaster.

Shit. I left my cigarettes on the table.

I'm sorry.

Did you do it on purpose?

What? No.

You tied the wrong knot on purpose.

No, I swear.

Oh, Jesus, Charlie.
Okay, um, you know what?

Just go out and entertain your sister.

She's probably smoking
all my cigarettes by now.

- Okay.
- Go.

I don't want her
to think anything is wrong!




Police! Get on the ground! Now!

[GASPS] What'd she do?

Put your hands behind your head.

♪ Only the lonely can play ♪

Okay, get up.

♪ It's like I told you ♪

It's okay, Charlie.

♪ Only the lonely can play ♪

♪ Only the lonely ♪

♪ Only the lonely can play ♪

