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02x04 - Muya

Posted: 11/14/21 07:47
by bunniefuu
- WARUU: I'm glad we could help.
- It's very impressive.

Ever since the announcement,
we've had a large number of Hairies

come forward for the initiative.

Well, you're making us both look good.

NARIDA: What are you doing?

Grab your stuff.

I need to know who or what that is.

It's a power not to be messed with, boy.

Anyone who's caught in its blast can
no longer move on from this life.


I'm pregnant.
My child's a Hairy. Please!

Well, you've been dealing with this
your whole life.

But it's moulded you,
shaped you for this role.

You're ready for this.






♪ Take the hand
and the body will follow ♪

♪ Take the hand, take the hand,
take the hand ♪

♪ Take the hand
and the body will follow ♪

♪ Take the hand, take the hand ♪

♪ Take me home ♪

♪ Take me. ♪


I can't keep up this pace.


What are you doing?

I can walk.

Alright. I'll walk.


MAN: I've never seen one
like this before.


And I'm sure it's not a random attack.

No police.

Of course.

Whatever happens, she mustn't
be taken to a hospital,

subjected to a barrage of tests.

I understand.

Street surveillance cameras
would have found them.

Won't take me long to track them down.

And get that footage off the CA system.

We don't want them anywhere near this.

Consider it done.

I'm pregnant. Please don't hurt me.



Please, I need... I need food and water.

I'm worried about my baby.

Do you speak English?

- We'll get you some water.
- Oh, thank God.

- Please, please let me go.
- _

I don't understand. Why have you
brought me here?


Perhaps I can help. I'm a doctor.

I looked after your people in the city.

- I wish your people no harm. Please.
- _


Please don't go.

Don't leave me here with him.

Oh, God.

headline news today,

the search continues for the subhumans

that escaped the Containment
Authority's prison convoy.

Numbers at the Inclusion Clinic,

led by the Department of Human Safety's

newly appointed Waruu West,
are lower than expected. In...


Have you got a minute?

How can I help?

Anything you'd like to report?

The other creature.

The thing with the blue light.

You were going to investigate
and get back to me.

He... didn't k*ll any of those men,
did he?

No. They appear to have been...
stunned only.

Are you suggesting it's not dangerous?

Not at all.

I'm just gathering
as much information as I can.

If you can't tell me what it is,
what it wants,

how we can deter it?

Trust me, Minister, I will
find a way to stop him.

Let me know if there's any developments.

- Been worried about you.
- Waruu tried to k*ll me.

That prick's trying to wipe us
off the face of the earth.

He's pumping Hairies full of chemicals.

Makes them lose their hair,
their strength.

All you've gotta do is volunteer,
play nice.

Eventually, no CA.

No containment. No DNA testing.

- He can't do that.
- He's doing it.

Well, then, we need to stop him.

AUNTY LINDA: Its scales would
shimmer under the water like jewels.

And that fish was so big, so big,

that whenever it moved its fin, huge
waves would crash against the shore.

You telling her lies too?

I'll finish it later.

Don't do this here.

You k*lled my parents.

Stoned off your head.

Driving a car with your own son
in the back.

What kind of person...

...mother does that?

Did you plan it?


Deliberately set the whole thing up?

Answer me.


I'm so sorry.

That's it?


What the hell was that?

I don't even know you.

Just... listen to me.

Koen, listen.

She's sick.

Uncle Jimmy.



Uncle Jimmy!

How many more people knew
about the accident? Huh?

You knew.

Waruu knew.

So was it everybody except me?

You all lied to me.

My whole life.

I grew up in bullshit!

Tell me you've found them.

Cameras tracked them all the way
through the city,

but then we lost them
after they left sector .

Lost them?

They've travelled west
out of the city some hours ago.

No cameras. Moving surprisingly fast.

Highway patrols?

They weren't using roads.

But she's still alive.

West could mean mountains.

Well, can you show me?

How do I find her in there?

You'd need an army.

No-one's seen Latani?


Maybe she found a way out.

We need to believe that.

After Djukara...

Our boy.

I have to go.


I understand why you gave up hope.

- Came here.
- No.

They forced me.

I never would have chosen this.

- Waruu.
- Minister.

A word?

Of course.

The polling results are in.

We've dropped several points on average.

Granted, there's a drop
in competence across the board,

but responses to your specific
appointment and performance, well...'s not good.

You're not invoking faith
in the electorate.

They see you as
an ineffectual poster boy.

Takes time. As a black man,
I'll always be seen as a poster boy.

Opinion will change once
we start getting results through.

We don't have time. You need to
change people's perception of you.

Convince me to trust you.

LOUDSPEAKER: If you have seen these
subhumans or Hairy sympathisers,

contact your local
CA branch immediately.

If you have seen these subhumans
or Hairy sympathisers,

contact your local
CA branch immediately.


You have entered a prohibited area.

Run. Run!

Run. Go!

- No.
- Come on, Alinta.


- MAN: Drop the w*apon.
- I will sh**t.

I said drop the w*apon.



Go! Run!


Step back. You're under arrest.

You bastard.

- (g*nsh*t)
- Latani!

- Latani!
- Latani!

You've been with Jimmy.


The old bastard showed you
the accident, didn't he?

You have every reason to hate me.

Yeah, I do.

He showed me something else too.

What's that?


Anyone who gets caught in the
blue blast, their muya gets trapped.


Yeah, anyone.

Oh, if the cancer takes me right now...

...there's no reunion for me
with the ancestors.


ALINTA: CA scum.

I'll take that as a compliment, darling.

Thank you, boys.

We'll take it from here.

I'm sorry.

- We gotta let 'em go.
- What's your problem?

Let 'em go.

Stand down, Dolan.

They're just kids.

- Subbies aren't kids.
- She'll be right.

- They're animals.
- Hey?

- What the hell is wrong with you?
- Are you OK? You sure?

The woman...

She's the one I told you about.

- You're doing her mum?
- Mm-hm.


You're doing her mum? (CHUCKLES)


Well, I never would have expected that.

Turn around. Face the car.

Turn around.

These subbies are ripping out
people's hearts,

and you're supposed to be stopping them.

Get in the car.

What are you going to do with me?

You know they'll be looking for me.

Where are you going?


Why are we stopping?

Why are we stopping?

Dolan. Dolan!

OFFICER: Come here.

You can have your woman.

Go on, take her. Get out of here.
But just the mum.

You can't separate them.

You are in no position to negotiate.

- It'll be alright.
- What about the girls?

I'll take them in for processing.

Oh, man, you can't do that!

Listen, sunshine.

Take the deal or I'll report you.

Your call.

Wise man.

- ALINTA: Let her go!
- Come on, you're coming with me.

- Let her go!
- Come on.


- Stop it!
- You're going with me.

In the van. Get in the van.

- Shush! Quiet down, darling.
- Watch your head.

- Watch your head.
- Mum!


Where are they taking them?

Processing, alright? We have got to go.

You can't separate us. Please!

You being locked up won't help, alright?

Alinta, I'll come for you.

I am so sorry, Jarrod. This is...
This is terrible.

It's an outrage.

Must be beside yourself.

Have you heard anything from them?
Any set of demands?


Well, the Containment Authority
should handle this.

We really don't need news of it
getting out.

This footage has already been edited
into a package for broadcast.

Look, I understand this is your wife,

but this is also a terrorism issue,
national security.

On that basis, it would be
a criminal offence...

indeed, treason for you to...
disseminate the footage.

Wouldn't you say the public
has a right to know

the serious danger it faces?

I would say the public has a need

to feel assured they are safe
and protected from terrorism

by the government.

But they're not.

Do not broadcast that footage.

The last sighting of that Hairy
and my wife

was in sector ,

which would suggest they're headed
for the mountains.

How do you know which sector?

I want full clearance
for Steve McIntyre.

You're blackmailing me.

I'd like to think of it more
as a strategic alliance.

The government and Slade Industries
have worked together before.

- We can do it again.
- That's just not possible.

Well, perhaps this might persuade you

that we all want the same thing,

That's from one of
your CA surveillance cameras.

- But this is classified information.
- Vigilante.

Some sort of superpower,
roaming the streets.

A new kind of Hairy.

The government hushes it up.

Give full access to Steve McIntyre.

And I want whoever gave that footage
to Slade.

I don't care what rules
you have to bend or break.

Waruu West.

He's the first place you should look.



- How you doing?
- Good.

My partner, he took the two young
females for processing?

The human and the Hairy?

Yeah. Female human, yes.
But she was processed alone.

There's no Hairy prisoner recorded.

OK. Um... no worries.
He must still have her.

Can I have a quick word
with the young girl?

I've gotta follow something up.

Sorry, she's being interviewed.

I'd say she won't be
going anywhere tonight.

Give me a call when she's done.

Dolan, .

AUNTY LINDA: Uncle Jimmy...

Did he mention a way
to get my muya back?

I think the muya can only be
re-entered if someone's dead.

I have to wait?

You should k*ll me.

I don't know if I can bring you back.

Why would you want to?
After what I did...

That's not it.

- Something's broken.
- What do you mean?

I can't heal right anymore.

This is Waruu, isn't it?

I messed both you boys up.

I thought cancer was my punishment,

but I should have realised
it was bigger than that.

I'm condemned to live alone
for eternity.


It's alright, boy.

I don't expect anything from you.

Things are as they should be.

I guess we've got nothing to lose
if we give it a try, then.

Your friend, Tim Dolan, gave you to me.

That was nice of him, wasn't it?

You're the worst kind of subbie.
You know that?

Not sticking with your own kind.

Preying on weak, innocent humans.

Selling them your sob story.

I'm not afraid of you.


Well, we're going to
have a little fun, then.

- Don't touch me.

Not if you were the last thing
on earth, darling.

You're probably crawling with lice.

So, how fast are you, subbie?

I want to see you run.



I'm sorry...

- What's that?
- _

What's that? You're casting a spell
or something?


You're going to need a lot more
than that.


Are you ready?




- _
- Three...









Come on, come on.


Shh, shh...


You alright?

That calls for a smoke.


MAN: Jarli.




I know your people.
I've worked for them.

- I've helped them.
- _










You will stay here.

What? How long?

As long as it takes.

No, I... I need to be in a hospital.
I need a doctor.


I can walk by myself.

I can walk by myself.


Been searching for your girl?


One day, you won't come back.

You know that.

Until I know she's...

I gotta keep trying.

Sometimes, you've got to learn
to live without them.

I already lost two to the CA.
They're not getting them all.

I'll die before I let that happen.

You probably will, looking like that.

She'll never even know you tried.

I've got none left.

And look at me.

First day I walked without fear...

...was the day
I walked out of that clinic.


I think I have something you might be
interested in.


Been looking for your man, the creature.


Nothing on his movements.

Got another lead, about to follow up.


I think I know someone who can help.

And who is that?

JARROD: That animal has Charlotte.


Took her, out the front of the house.

Know where she is?


Same clan as our initiative man,


You should have told me you had this.

Of course, without the Cleverman,
it's just a stick.

All this is useless.

It has a pulse.

One drop of Koen's blood activated it.

Now, nothing can damage it.


Except this.

But I don't know how yet.

May I?

It's organic.

Once plant material and now,
through petrification, stone.

It's amazing.

It was liquid when I took it.

Is that so?



Waruu West.

Don't do anything until I get there.

Gotta go.

We're working together now, aren't we?

I'll bring it back.

We'll lose valuable time.

Turn it back into its original form.

It'll be my pleasure.

Where's my daughter?

Alinta West was found in the company
of a Hairy.

That's a serious offence.

That offence needs to disappear.

Your daughter's details
are not in the system.

It's as if she never existed.
Can you explain that?

Then how do you know the girl
you have is my daughter?

She told us... after some argument.

If you've hurt her in any way...

She's unharmed. Don't worry.

And all of her details now,
including her crime,

- are in the system.
- I am the system.

Release her to me under house arrest,
put a security tag on her.

I'll deal with the charges later.
Now, where is she?

I'll take you.



Thank God you're alright.

How stupid are you?

Nice to see you too, Dad.

Does your mother know
what you've been up to?

- Where is she?
- I don't know.

Tell me.

I have no idea.

We all got split up
when we were arrested.

I need to find Latani.

- You're coming home with me.
- No way.

I'm not losing you again.

You didn't lose me.

They're going to fit you with
a security tag. I'll take you home.

You're sick.

You want this back?

It's yours.

You're in a good mood.

Are you coming?

- Keep this warm for us.
- I reckon.

Maybe you're not such a prick.

- That's a crap apology.
- Who's apologising?

Whatever you said to Linda worked.

Good one.

Getting any better?


Any news on Nerida and the girls?

Mustn't have been easy, what you did.

Just a bit of deep breathing,
that's all.

Nah, not that bit.

You forgave the unforgiveable.

Why'd you do it?

I was crazy with grief.


I loved your father.

Too much.

I just drove straight at them.

And I could see your mother had gone
into labour.

I grabbed her arm and I pulled...

I pulled her from the wreckage.

There was... so much blood.

And you were coming.

I could see that.

Weren't nothing going to stop you
popping out right there,

in the glass and... blood and metal.

I didn't have to do much.

I always thought it was my fault
that she died.

This got nothing to do with you, boy.

I brought all this on.

I guess we're even, then.

Enough yapping.

We gotta get you out of them clothes.

You're a leader, boy. You're going
to start looking like one.

Like Uncle Jimmy...
mad hair and no shoes.


Do you like it?

Don't I get to choose
any of my own stuff?

Step outside, the alarm
gets activated at CA.

Damage or break the security tag,
same thing.

I'll make us some dinner.

Come inside. It's safe.

You can have a shower, get some rest.

We can talk later. I promise.

You're just another slaver.

What makes it worse
is that you're a black slaver.

I'm more black than you'll ever be.

Your skin's the only thing about you
that says black man.

I need this tested.
I'd appreciate if you kept this

- between the two of us.
- Of course.

MAN: One of your people
took something that belongs to Slade.

We are going to get it back.


Keep quiet.

You shut this down, then what?

I go back to being hunted
on the streets.