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02x07 - Growth Hacking

Posted: 11/13/21 14:57
by bunniefuu
I almost died today.

-Wait! Someone tried to k*ll you?

These Russians thought
I put a virus in their software.

All I could think about was you
and how much I love you.

There is a man in jail.

He k*lled my partner.
He's in prison for it now.

And you a bitch-ass, Dacey!

Touie ain't here no more
'cause of him.

Well, Wes Chandler's in. While you
were committing corporate espionage

and getting kidnapped, I closed
that deal. You're welcome.

-We got some competition.
-Kazankov family.

They ain't gonna stop
until she dead.

You're all gonna be living
on the island with me.

I'm gonna send 'em away,
someplace safe.

So, how do you see
yourself fitting in?

Can you protect my investment?
Talking about Izzy.

This ArakNet shit,
I'm gonna see it through,

'cause that's
all I got right here.

Hey, breakfast is ready.


We a family here.

Gotta be,

'cause family all about trust...

-All about loyalty,

and those are the things
we depend on.

'Cause what we doing here...

is far too important.

What we working on is a highly
encrypted new version of the dark web.

Can't nobody know about it.

Anybody ask, Izzy Morales,
she don't exist.



Everyday, just like today,

you are to report
to the spot that we set up.

Me or one of my crew, we show up,
we drive you the rest of the way.

There are plenty of people out
there who want to see us fail,

some that even want to hurt us,

so it's damn important
that you follow protocol.

We not playing,
y'all need to understand that.

We will sweat together.

We will bleed together,

'cause we a family...

and that's what families do.

But security is tops,

'cause the stakes
is way too high here.

And if you stray,
I will find you...

and I will break your neck.


Welcome aboard!



I'm gonna get the nurse, okay?
Okay. Be right back.

So, look, growth is really good.

We should be
really happy about that.

Word of mouth is strong.

Umm, I mean, it's not enough
to top Guizer, but...

Guizer's expected to hit
their first million this week.

-Where are we?

Yeah, but we're
trending upward really quickly.

You know, I'm done
looking at this, you know?

When your competitor
takes a piece of the pie,

it's not just that his piece
of the pie gets bigger,

it's that the whole pie
gets smaller until he's the pie.

So, what do we do?

I need inspiring. You know, I'm-I'm...
I'm a little underwhelmed right now.

I need to be whelmed. Well,
Mara and I have been talking,

What we're doing is working...

Slow, steadily.

That's how
all great networks started.

Yeah, but that was
a different time.

Now we need to be aggressive.

You're either the only
or you're nothing.

She's right. We gotta move fast.

BuzzTech Miami
is next week,

and I think we can go
and make some inroads.

Wait. Pause. What?

Nothing fancy,
no booth or anything.

Just going to get
in people's ears.

Software developers,
app makers...

We need to get them
to start using our network.

This is good. I like this.

I'm whelmed.
It's a terrible idea.

Why? -Developers are not
gonna buy into the dark net.

Not now. The dark net
sounds terrible.

-It sounds illegal.
-We're gonna reframe it.

ArakNet needs
to be a household name.

No one's gonna say,
"I'm on the dark net."

They're gonna say,
"I'm on ArakNet."

And lots of companies
have been looking, actually,

since net neutrality's
been compromised.

Yeah, KolPart, YapGrab.

-Those are all falling apart.

That's why they need us.

Yeah, they keep getting hacked.
Trust is evaporating.

This is good. I mean, all they
need to do is download ArakNet,

get people talking,
people share.


Dumbest shit
I've heard this whole meeting.

You wanna go to BuzzTech?

-What'd I say?
-I'll go. I'll go.


I want that tiny bitch out.

This isn't just her.

-Yeah, it's a huge opportunity.

We're trying to stay hid. -Okay, you stay
here with Ronald, I will go with Mara.

I'm not scared
of getting capped, Nick.

-That's not the problem.

I'm worried about making
ArakNet a public thing.

But it is a public thing.

People are writing blogs
about it

and having
Reddit forums about it.

This is how it spreads.
This is what we want.

Yeah, through...
Through word of mouth,

not through some...
I don't know, some PR bullshit.

What are you doing?
What is this?

What do you mean? What? -I mean, what
are you doing? Why are you doing this?

Is this not what
you wanted? To win?

I'm just saying we don't need
some big conference.

-Yes, we do.
-No. No. Our platform is better.

It's... it's bigger. It's huge.

People are gonna see that.
But Wes-Wes is also right.

Guizer is gonna scoop up
these developers.


Our speed is up,
our encryption is huge,

our hops are more efficient.
We're gonna go.

I'm CEO. It's my call.
You're gonna make that call?

Yeah. -'Cause you're CEO? You
can't keep playing that card!

I am going to play that card right now
because if not, what are we doing?

We're just spinning our wheels.
That's all we're doing.

-We're supposed to be a team.
-We are a team,

meaning this isn't
just about you!

Meaning there are other people
sacrificing as well...

Sacrificing careers
and sacrificing lives.

How about that?
Potentially sacrificing lives.

I want that tiny bitch gone.

My God.

We talked about this.

The only way
that we get out of this alive

is if we're too big to fail,

so myself and that tiny bitch
are going. Thanks.

Nice job.

in Hong Kong...

Mr. Bell.

Good to see you. Vera, chat?

Would you excuse me?
. Absolutely.

Thank you.
Very gracious.

Help yourself to a drink.

We can use BuzzTech as a way to
hand over the company publicly.

Okay? I'll just explain that I need
some time to work on my next project.

The conference is
tomorrow, Alex.

Why are you doing
this right now?

'Cause I'm done, okay?

I want a buyout.

You still have two years left.

Guizer has a million users.
It is on cruise control...

because of me.


Guizer is winning.
It is unstoppable.

I... I earned my take.

What are you...?

What is this?
The conditions of your buyout.

-Ten million users?
-Our second milestone.

No! No! -Alex! We need
your face at BuzzTech.

We need your face
at Disrupt in San Francisco.

We need you...

at the summit in Tokyo.

And by then, you're right,
Guizer will be bulletproof.

GenCoin will be
a ubiquitous global currency.

We'll have horizontal integration
across the dark web,

and you can take
a comfortable buyout

and become a passive earner

in the largest tech revolution
in history.

Hey. You have 'em?



You guys are
really doing this?

What if Vera tries something?

-With that many people?
-I doubt it.

I don't know.

You know this is our best shot.
Deep down, I know you kn

Wish us luck.

Hey, Nevin.

-My gosh.
-How are you?

-How are you?
-Good to see you.

-Nick Talman.
-Hi, Zack. How can we help you?

Zack, nice to meet you.

Nick Talman. Can we chat for a sec?

There is so much red tape and
so many unexpected roadblocks,

and that's the beauty
of ArakNet.

It's gonna give you the power
to expand globally,

without restriction.

I know you guys are looking to be
in China by 2018. Is that correct?

Yeah, 2017, 2018. -Great, but there's
no way you're gonna be able to do that

without a dark web network
like ourselves.

Nevin, I'm Nick Talman,
I'm with ArakNet.

I believe Mara spoke to you?
Yeah, what's up?

This isn't a new platform, guys.
This is a revolution.

Your users are gonna eat up
this sort of freedom,

the lack of regulation.

Guizer isn't just
the future of the dark net.

It is the future
of the Internet.

Wasn't blown away
by the interface.

-So, you guys are amazing,

but with Guizer,
the world is your playground.

Look, I sat down with Alex Bell
last night, and he got me thinking.

And with each of their companies
becoming exclusive to our platform,

we will be the ubiquitous
dark web access point

for generations to come.

Paul? Good to see you, man.

You... you got your prototype?

-Where'd you get the funding?
-Lucas Fein.

He called me back in
when they found out I wasn't...

-With you anymore.

-I see.
-That all sounds great.

The thing is, we just agreed
to the same thing with Guizer.

All right.

If we're gonna do this sort of
thing, it's gonna be with him.

Okay. I see.

We're here. We're born.
Thank you, everybody.

How about this? Mara.

Okay. You help me
get up in that,

-All right. Go f*ck yourself.
-I'm all yours, bro.

I'm not sure if you guys are aware, but
we're getting a really good ass-whupping.

Guizer's got over a mill,
we've barely reached 20K.

The configuration
that we tested last night,

actually outperformed
their up/down.

Yeah. Yeah, we've got
their decryption totally beat

since I souped up
that cipher, so.

So we have a better configuration,
and our exit is faster.

They still have the drop on us.

It's because
our front end sucks.

Our front end doesn't suck.

Our front end is as clumsy
as a bag of dicks, girl.

Is it?
Because I built that front end.

I know you did,
and that's why I'm saying,

maybe we should get somebody
who does this kind of thing.

It could help.

It's not the interface, Rance.

-I'm gonna pitch them my idea.
-No, don't.

It's too risky. They're
not gonna... Cassi?

You have an idea?

Spit it.

Okay, I was just thinking...
I don't know...

I-I-I... I could write a virus

that hijacks
the app review plug-ins

and turns them
into advertisements for us.


-Like classy, like cooler...
-I love it.

Like, just the ArakNet logo.

Like... like a spider crawls
across their screen. Like...

-Just a little...
-Yeah, right.

Like real cool and cryptic.

It would make people wonder,
you know?

Yeah, it's-it's...
It's an interesting idea,

but it's illegal,
so it's... it's...

Well, yeah... -It's a great idea, and
it's only illegal if you get caught.

Don't get caught, Cassi.


-I'm good.
-Okay, whatever.

-Meeting adjourned.
-Time to work.

She ain't tell you
what's going on here, did she?

Yeah, she told me.

And you're still here.

I just needed a change.

You know?

That's one hell of a damn
change, that's for sure.

You have no idea.

So, why aren't you
living out on the island

with the rest of us?

Y'all ain't the only people
I gotta look out for.

Have you always worked
in private security?

I mean, he has
an entire media machine.

It's very hard
to compete with that.

-Sit down.
-No, thank you.

You're driving me nuts. Sit.

-Have one of these, please.
-I don't smoke.

It's not smoking. It's a cigar.

Just give me...
just give me a scotch.

I'm gonna take it tomorrow...

at BuzzTech...
The coffees, the meetings.

-Look, I... I really feel...


It's what I do.

I paid
good money for that stuff.

It ain't poisoned.

I'm sorry if I annoy you.

No, I don't get you.

First you stand me off.
Like, okay, that's class.

Hey, this is Tam.

Leave me a message,
and I'll get back to you.

-Hey, Big Ron.
-How you do, Marv?

Keep the change.

What's going on around here?

What's the matter with you?

That man is after me.

You gotta stop him.
He's after me again.

Where you from, Kantavious?


So, how long you been
with these guys?

-Since the beginning.

Yeah. -They put you
in a suite, right?

Not a suite, but...


-That's fantastic, man.

And they canned you?

-Well, kinda, yeah.
-Yeah, but it was for the best,

'cause now we got this.

-So, why Guizer?
-Alex Bell.

Great reputation.

I mean, yeah.

We saw that they had
k*ller bandwidth speed.

We're not talking
about scramjets and smart homes.

I mean, we're talking
anonymity here, man.

We're talking freedom.

Let me tell you something
about Alex Bell, okay?

He had three companies
that failed miserably.

Wants to be the next Elon Musk?
He's not Elon Musk.

He could eat
the peanuts out of my shit.

What? Let me ask
you a question.

Would you buy ad-block software
from Mark Zuckerberg?

No. -If you wanna
trust a corporate-run,

publicly traded company
like Axis

with the future
of digital democracy,

well, then you go
right the f*ck ahead.

Listen to what I just said.

I mean, heck, say it... say it
yourself a couple of times.

It's basically satire.

They've got billion-dollar
contracts with Samsung, Amazon,

with Microsoft. You think your
investment's gonna be safe

using their cloud?

I mean,
I'm just saying, you know?

I-I... I might be wrong.

I hope I'm not
out of line, you know?

But, f*ck them!

-Big Ronnie.
-'Sup, Mickey?


Hey. So sorry, friend.

from me, Nadia, both.

-Yeah, thanks.

-Yeah, all right, bruh.
-Are you hungry?

Yeah, yeah.
What can I get you?

All right.

I got real nice
fried cod tonight.

-You change the menu, bruh?

Thought it was time, you know?

-You know...
-Let me get that cod then.

Sure thing. -If that's what's
up, let me get that damn cod.

Yeah, it's good. -You got
a new chef back there too?

-New chef. Everything new.
-g*dd*mn, bruh.

-A Coke?
-Yeah, let me get a Coke.

Thanks, bruh.

I'm gonna grab
a smoke right quick.


Hey, say, Mickey.

Maybe a cold beer to go with this?
Go good with the cod, right?

Sure. -Yeah, all right.
Thanks, bruh.

Thanks, bruh.

Maybe a little rum to go with that?
Just a little... Just a little finger.

Just... thanks.

That's good, bruh.
That's real good.


-E? Mick.

Hi. Good to see you.
Thank you so much for visiting.

Thanks for, inviting me.

Sorry, I was just in the middle
of... Would you like some?

There's plenty going.

No? This is actually not bad.

I would come back
just for the food.

-Thanks, no.

You know, the weird part is, it's
not even gonna come out of my ass.

'Cause your boy's b*llet ripped
through my small intestine,

my own shit started leaking into
my bloodstream, went septic.

So it wouldn't even have been
the b*llet that k*lled me.

It would've been my own shit.
You believe that?

My own shit.

Anyhoo, I figured
you'd be wondering

where on God's green Earth
I'd been for the past few weeks,

so I... thought
I'd give you a call.

How are you?

Grigory is going
to come to his senses.

I'm sure he is, yeah.


He will be released from prison

and Agent Pierce's
m*rder case will be reopened.

I'm not sure what
you thought was gonna happen.

That's fair.

So when I take the stand,
I'll be telling them

about the cover-up
with Delfia Morales

and the attempted m*rder
and kidnapping of Izzy,

and all the other
financial shenanigans

that you've had going on
for the past five or six years,

with which I could
sink you like a stone.

I thought I should
let you know that.

-Are we clear?


I've finished talking now.
You can go.

My n*gg*s. You know who I am?

-I said, do you know who I am?

No, man.

Do you know who I am?

What my name is?
What my name mean in this 'hood?

No, man. You don't
know me, n*gga?

No. We just came to...
get a beer.

You came
to get a f*cking beer.

-You n*gg*s came to get beers?


You wanted to see
what the 'hood like, right?

No, we just... No.

You, what, thought you'd
be hard for a night?

You wanna be tough?
You gotta get hurt, bruh.

That's a rule.

-That's a rule, bruh.
-Chill, man.

What'd you say?

You steppin' to me, n*gga?

You in the 305 right now.

m*therf*ckers come
to the 305, they get hurt.

It's what happen, bruh.
We're just-just...

-Y'all wanna get hurt?

Yo! Yo! Hold up!

Hey, hey, hey.

Leave him alone!

Get the cops up here, man.

Ron! Yo, Ronnie, man! Hey!

Hey, stop hitting him, man.
Hey, hold him.

Get off!
Hey, get off me, bruh!

Yo, man, chill out!

Brother... -He came here to get hurt!
Starting shit!

No, he's talkin'
all kinds of shit!

Talkin' all kinds of shit, man!


Now just sleep it off, man.

Just gotta sleep it off, man.

We got you. No, no, no, no. Chill, bruh.
We got you, man. chill, man.

Now tell us, man, what it take
to make you better, man.

We got you, man.
Whatever you need, bruh.

We your fam. You know?

We got you, man.
We your day ones, all right?

We your day ones, bruh.
You good.

You hear me?
We your day ones.

All right?

Know that.

Well, we definitely shook
things up the other day,

because early this morning,
we broke 300,000 users.

That's a quarter-million people
in just a couple of days.

All because of you, Wes.
He put on a clinic at BuzzTech.

You lubed 'em up for me pretty
good, kid. You really did.

And, Izzy, your code...

star of the show, man.
It's all anybody can talk about.

I also should say that,
you know,

none of this would've happened
if Ronald didn't get us started.


Well done, man.

-Hey, you.
-Hey, babe.

You looked like you were
passing out for a second.

I am.

You should really let Sal
and Cassi help more.

And me.


Baby, I just want it
to be perfect.

I don't, actually.
I don't want it to be perfect.

I want it to be the best.


What would you do if you were
still part of GenCoin?

All that success?

And what if ArakNet
is just as successful?

I mean,
would you even enjoy that?

Where's this coming from?

You know, maybe take
your nice little corner office?

Vacation time?

-Stella, why are you...

It's scary when
all the noise stops, isn't it?

You talking to Nick?

Izzy, you almost died
a few weeks ago.

You don't even
wanna talk about it?

And that guy who saved you,
you don't even...

Do you even know if he's okay?

Baby girl, why does it matter?

I'm not worried about that.

Stells, I'm trying to move on.
I'm worrying about us.

Look at this.

-Yeah, okay, look.

I wanna be with you,

whether we're working together
or if we're just together,

but... listen, if you just keep
all this shit bottled up inside...

-What shit?
-"What shit?"


Stells, a lot of shit
happened this past year.

You... become numb.


-Help! Help!
-Get him.

-Help! Help!

Help! Stop! Stop!