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02x03 - Early Adopters

Posted: 11/13/21 14:52
by bunniefuu
That boy in there,
he needs his father right now.

-I had a family.
-They cared about me.

While you only think
about yourself.

Coming here to tell me
to sit still.

Business has been
cut in half the last month.

Couple of hoods over, they've been
pulling money down on the Dark Web.

You know about that shit?

What are you
doing over there?

Using individual PCs

as a decentralized
data storage.

I created a software that you
can copy onto any device.

It gives you access
to the Dark Net.

It's my Dark Net.
I call it ArakNet.

I'm gonna find him for you.

You take me to his front
door, we got a deal.


And now, Andrew's only son,
Nicholas, will say a few words.

-Thank you.
-That was beautiful.

Thank you.

Hi, there.


Dad and I,
we'd fish a lot.

That was...

That was kind of
our thing, I guess.


So, one time,
when I was very young,

must have been eight or nine,

we were staying in this
cabin on Lake Okeechobee,

and we were out on the
dock, my dad and I,

and I reeled in
this two-foot pike.

And if you don't know,
pike are really ugly fish.

They're bony,
they're skinny, ugly.

Anyways, it was the first fish
I've ever reeled in by myself,

so I was ecstatic.

I was very, very, very pleased.

And I really wanted to eat it.

My mom
was less than thrilled

because she's gonna
have to cook it.

And so, she's explaining to me

that after it's
cleaned and deboned,

I mean, there's gonna be
no meat left to eat.

But I didn't want to hear it.

I was determined
to eat that fish.

So dinner was served,
and I had it in front of me,

and I took my first bite,

and it tasted awful.

Just really, really, really bad.

Man, I was disappointed.

And, my dad
could see that.

He reached over and he
took a bite, and he...

He was, I mean,
really, really tasting it.

I mean, closing his eyes
and absorbing all the flavors.

And he opened his eyes,
and he says,

"This is the most
amazing, delicious fish

I've ever put
in my mouth."

Slaps me on the back.

I didn't believe him.

But, still...

Still really nice to hear,
you know.

And everywhere we went
for the rest of the weekend

he would tell anyone who would
listen about this delicious fish

that his son caught.


I think that was my dad
in a nutshell.

He was always trying to make
those around him feel good.

Didn't matter who they were,

whether they were, a complete
stranger or his only son.

So sorry. -Thank you.
Thank you for coming.

-Good job.

-Yeah, really.


I'm not even sure
you remember me.

No, of course I do. Wes.

-My deepest condolences.
-Thank you.

He was a dear friend,
a beautiful human being.

-I appreciate it.

Look at you.

The last time I saw you...
Yeah, it was long ago.

-You were a scrawny little kid.
-I know.

It was quite a while ago. I'm not even
sure if this is appropriate here,

but, look,
let me buy you dinner.

Okay? We'll sh**t the shit.

Tell great stories about your
old man, like that pike story.

-You liked that?
-I love that story.

More of that, please.
Sure. Absolutely.

Let me...

I think my schedule is pretty
hectic the next couple of weeks,

and then I should be...
No. No pressure, bro.

It's just...

I thought the world
of your old man,

the least I could do
is buy his kid a meal.

I appreciate that.

Hey, come here.

I wish the circumstances
were different.

Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, can't win 'em all.

That's a good one.

Can't win 'em all.
Take it easy, Nick.

Where you been?

My dad's funeral.

Wait, what?

Dude, are you okay?

Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay.

You just went to Panama and you
didn't find him, I thought...

I know, I know.
I didn't tell you that part.

Sorry. I... I did find
him, not in a jar.

But, someone k*lled
him, so he's dead.

f*ck! That's you dad?

Well, police said there are multiple
K*llers, people, I don't know.

Some local g*ng...

He was just probably into them
for a lot of money,

like everyone else
in his life, so...

I'm gonna go and take a
shower and go to bed.

Dude, I'm sorry.

Thank you.

-He's good.
-He's good.

-He's doing good.
-Right. Right, right.

He's f*cking with him, right?
Yeah, he's f*cking with him.


Izzy told me what happened.
Yeah, yeah, thanks.

Thanks. That's okay.
I'm fine.

-That's your old man, bruh.

Don't matter
if you don't like him.

Yeah. What you guys
working on?

I'm fine. I am.
What are you up to?

She ain't tell you
what we got cooking?

No. I saw she h*jacked my
living room while I was gone.

-I sure did.

Okay. So this is
a highly encrypted network.

It's based off of the
Onion routing method.

I call this baby ArakNet.

-He liked the name.

So I was just showing Ronnie how many
users are on the network already.

Basically, 12 users actively
buying and selling goods.

All right. -Is it like the Silk Road?
Kind of like that?

No. Silk Road
is just a marketplace,

this is, basically,
the new Dark Net.

And nobody can touch it
except us.

So then how, how do
people know about it?

Where'd you get the users?

I just handed out software
to big dogs around town.

Buyers, sellers,
that kind of shit.

Speaking of.

Then it grows by itself.bulk?
Just till there's enough

It's just little seeds that
we're planting around the city.


All right, so,
I'll talk to Big Keith.

He runs this area up here.

Who's this? He's gonna
be my number one.


And what did
the DOJ say?

Well, it's
a little trickier now

with his old man m*rder*d.

Have they found
who did it?

Local boys think
it was a mercenary job.

And no-one thinks
it could have been Nicholas?

They're suspicious of the
timing, but they'll let him go.

Plenty of other people
wanting that guy dead.

We're about to launch a new product
in conjunction with GenCoin,

but my investors are still
feeling very shaky,

with Talman
not behind bars.

Well, it takes time.

You know, there's lots
of regulations here.

It's not like your country.

And Isabelle?

What? She's...
She's fine. What?

She is.

Look, she knows
she messed up.

There's nothing
to be done there.

Phil, if you're
wrong about this...

Yeah, I know.

I know.

I'm here to see Big Keith.

I'm gonna want that back.

Big Keith, my n*gga.
So where you hurtin' at?

Toolies? White?
What's up?

I got no problem moving
nothing right now, homeboy.

How many of your jits
got sent away last year?

What you doing
down here, Ronnie?

You know I still owe you.

If DeAndre come up in here and
catch your Haitian ass up in here,

he gonna put a zo down.
You feel me?

I'm not here
to talk to DeAndre,

I'm here to talk to Big Keith.

If you want DeAndre and them

to see you do some new
shit around here,

see you making moves,

install this
on your computer at home.

Make copies.
Tell all your friends.

Your customers, your
dealers, everybody you know.

I guarantee
you'll see what's up.

If you don't,
burn this shit.

No big.

-What's funny?
-What's that?

This shit right here is funny?

Look, you're still
running around here

with more of that
computer shit or whatever.

All the people
are talkin', man,

they're saying
you some sort of damn fool

for letting the northside
fall apart the way it has.

The pigs busted up Lemon City.

Ain't nothin'
I could do about that.

But you was on some
Bitcoin shit, then.

People thought
you was tripping, right?

Now, you're on this shit.

What's next, brother? You're gonna
be talkin' to Allah or some shit?

You waiting on some kind
of divine intervention

or some shit?
Is that what's next?

-It was GenCoin.

It's not Bitcoin,
it's GenCoin.

And me and mine, we got cheated out
of that shit by some Russian thugs.

But had we still been on that...

If you, DeAndre, everybody that
I talked to had been on that...

What's this?

That's where
GenCoin at right now.

You missed out on this, bruh,

so maybe you don't want
to miss out on this.



it's been a minute.

Yes, it has.

Can I get you something?

Jude make
the best flan there is.

So, where you hurtin'?

Pills, mostly. Some flakka
up around the beaches.

All right.

Load this onto your PC,
laptop, cell phone.

Share it with your customers
and with your friends.

Network already 100 strong,
and it is still growing.

And it ain't just
toolies and white.

We got that fraud game,
that ID theft,

and a whole bunch
of new hustle type shit.

That right there,
that's ArakNet.

You made that shit?

Don't nobody know
who made that shit.

I'm just pushing it
out to you

'cause this shit good
for all of us.

All right,
take it or leave it.

We both know
the feds are cracking down

on them pill poppin' kids
in Pinecrest.

That shit...

That shit will solve
all your problems.

Hey, Nick!

This grouper is about
to swim back to sea, man.

Come on!

Well, there's enough nodes on the
network where I can add another hop.

It'll make it more secure.

Yes, still don't know
what y'all talking about

because I'm old as shit.

Yes, you are.
Look real quick.

Liberty City dude
makes a transaction

with a dude in Homestead.

These two computers
aren't talking

directly to each other.

Any cop or hacker
can easily intercept that.

So what ArakNet does, it turns all
the other computers on the network

into hops, right?

Liberty City here
is the entrance node.

Dude buys a gram of pookie
from Homestead dude,

Homestead becomes
the exit node.

Right. But the request comes from
Liberty City, the entrance node,

hops over to somewhere over
here in North Miami Beach,

down to some pill popper
in Coral Gables,

to a computer in Overtown,
back to homeboy in Homestead.

Different configuration
every time,

that's what makes it
impossible to trace.

My girl.

Yo, if you ever need any help
with anything, just let me know.

-You know JavaScript?
-No. But, I mean...

I'm interested.
You know, I wanna learn.

Cool. Learn JavaScript,
then we'll talk.


Yo, kid.

Go on this website, there's a
bunch of self-teaching programs.




I did a little thinking after you
showed me the ArakNet thing.

I've been doing a little
of my own research.

There is
an overwhelming demand

for this sort of thing
right now.

Law enforcement's
getting smarter,

hackers are getting savvier.

Just forget about
the pedestrian Internet.

I mean, even the Dark Net
itself is becoming polluted

with corporations
and surveillance.

And new and upcoming generations
are absolutely looking

for a new safe haven,
somewhere pure.

So I think...

I really think that this could
be not only the new Dark Net,

I think it could be
the new Internet.

So... Yeah, that's, kind
of what we're already doing.

Yeah. But what are you going to do
when your network grows to thousands?

Or millions?
Or billions?

Where are you gonna store
all that data?

Each computer on the network
lends storage space.

It's like one big
decentralized server.

All right, sure. I've read about
another home-grown network

that's doing that same method.

But it's really slow,
isn't it?

It's not slow.

It's slow.
It's really, really slow.

You want this thing to grow,
you want it to spread?

You want to have
hundreds of people

buying and selling dr*gs

or do you want millions of people
buying and selling legitimate goods?

You have to think
about the average customer.

Now, there's no way in hell any millennial
is gonna wait more than.4 seconds

for something to load or buffer.

So, in the meantime,
you're just gonna be waiting

until somebody comes along with
more money, more global reach,

and they're gonna
swallow you up.

There's one company out there
that's already off to something.

They've been... They have a
product that's been generating

a little bit of heat
in the last couple of months.

Husband and wife team
out of Sweden,

they invented a browser
encryption called Guizer.

-Never heard of it.
-Well, you should have.

You have to be in front of these
things, that's why you need me.

To do what?

I think I should be your CEO.

Why are you laughing?
It's not... It's not funny.

It's kind of funny. I think you're
getting hung up on the word.

We would all be equal partners.

I'm not saying
I would be a larger partner.

But I would make the decisions.

You need somebody to make
the decisions and lead.

And what makes you
more qualified to do that

than either one of us?

Let me ask you this.
Let me ask you guys both this.

Who here, as it stands,
is the decision maker?

-We both are.

That's exactly my point.

Guys, we lost GenCoin
'cause we were sloppy,

and we were all lookin'
at each other,

hoping someone else
would solve the problem,

and we just imagined
it would work out

based on the merit
of Izzy's code.

Izzy, let me take all the
bullshit off your plate.

Let me do all the things
that you don't wanna do

so you can spend 100% of your
time creating and innovating.

Nick, all this going
global stuff, I get it,

but it's an assload of money
that we don't have.

I'll get you money.

How much? How much would
you need to blow it out?

To go global and...
Just your dream version?

Aim high.
I need a real team.

-Okay. How much?
-I need a network manager,

I need at least
two cryptographers,

I need a couple of more
coders other than myself.

-How much?

I can get you millions.

Then why the hell
you still waitin' tables?

I'm not. I quit.

-What? When?

Thirty-eight minutes ago.

You're sitting
on the next big thing.

You need somebody to make it real.
I can do that.

But you have to empower me.

I do need this thing
to move fast, though.

At the hood,
we're seein' some returns,

but it ain't close
to where we need to be.

We're gonna
bastardize ArakNet.

The whole point of this thing was that
there was no funding and no strings.

And before we know it... somebody else
gonna create something just like this,

everybody's gonna
jump on it then.

Yes, they are. Listen,
just give me three weeks.

That's what I'm saying. Give me three
weeks, I'll get you the money.

If I don't, I'll leave.

We'll say goodbye,
no hard feelings.

I'll go back to selling
tuna tartar on the beach.

And I can't
eat out of this, or...

No, sorry. But I do have
these hand-made bowls

if you're looking for something
more dining oriented.

Yeah, I don't really know.

It's a gift
for my daughter in law.

That's nice.

How's work?

Fine. Work's fine.

Look, sweetheart, can we get dinner?
I wanna catch up.

Just an hour or so.

Kevin and I were supposed
to go out with friends.

Just an hour. We can go to Emily's
or somewhere else this time.

-I really can't. Not tonight.
-No? Okay. All right.

Okay, what did Mom say?

About me? She said some things, right?
So, what did she say?

Why are you avoiding me?
Come on, help me out.

She said that
you've been acting weird,

and that she's worried
about you,

that you're not
quite yourself.

And she told me to steer clear
for a bit, till you get help.

Finley. Finley...

Can we sit?

Will you just
sit with me, please?

I just wanna talk to you.

First of all, she's right.
Your mom is right.

You should steer clear.

I'm not well.
I'm not well.

Also, I think something
is about to happen soon.

Something big,
something messy.

And you're gonna
hear some things.

You're gonna hear some things
that I'm not proud of.

But I want you to know it has no
bearing on how I feel about you

or your mom
for that matter.

Dad, what do you mean by...

I just needed to tell
you that in person.


To your father, a man
who knew no boundaries,

who lived every moment
to its fullest,

and who loved bigger
than any man I've ever met.

That eulogy,
it was very touching.

It takes a real man to lay
his sword down like that.

Well, thank you.

Is it true?

-Was the story true?


I mean, look, nobody says the
bad things at a funeral, right?

I said some awful shit
when I buried my mother.


Yeah, I think...

Think I even used the word
"whore" at one point.

In the eulogy?

Now, look, there's...

I mean, there's plenty more
I could have said.

So... I know
about the investigation.

Yeah. Good.
Let's talk about that.

That's, That's
actually bullshit.

That's gonna be cleared up.

We're fine.

I mean, rich white guys,
we don't go to jail.

Well, I imagined, you have a little
experience with that, right?

Please don't take offense.

The only thing that offends
me, son, is dishonesty.

Okay. Well...

Then let me just say that I
didn't call you to share stories,

as delightful as that sounds.

That... That part
was dishonest of me.


So, hit me.

First of all, you and my dad, I know
what you guys were doing back then.

Well, if you didn't,
you'd have to be pretty thick.

Fair enough.
So I would imagine

that it's been pretty difficult,
the last 17 years or so,

to get back to where you were
before the tech bubble burst.

What if I told you there's a new
tech frontier on the horizon?

A new Dark Net, completely
separate from Tor.

It has its own software,
it's on its own network.

Goods and services can be bought
or sold, information exchanged,

political uprisings

All securely,
all anonymously.

It's free from
government interference,

it's free from

This network
is controlled by myself

and two other
very smart people.

And what if I was to tell you
that we're not even financed yet.

But we have a faster growth
rate right now than Tor.

I'd say that was impossible.


I mean, unless...

Unless you've got
some government agency,

or at least a massive
corporation behind you.

See, you don't need
those things,

not when you have
my secret w*apon.

The Albanians
might do it.

I could call my guy
in China.

Nah. f*ck that.
He's too safe.

It's zero risk for them.

As long as you connect us,
rent them as nodes.

Maybe they'll do it for free.

Jesus Christ. And
you want five hops?

Maybe six.

Six hops,
different countries?

Impossible to trace. I mean, that's
the safest network ever built.

Literally. Encryption
is gonna be a beast.

Slow as Southern balls.

You just need to have
the right cipher.

What, you're gonna
build that, too,

while you're working
on the code?

I bet Stella could do it.
I'll find someone.

You talk to her?

Stella. I said she'd do a
great job with the cipher.


What's up with her anyway?

Heard she turned down
some big job at Raytheon.

Heard she's getting married.

She's not gonna do it.

Come on, Queen.

She's not gonna do it, okay?
So I'll find someone.

That's fine.
Your call.

Just gonna need
half of my money upfront.

-I can't do that.

Then you sholdn't have any problem
finding somebody else to work for you.

Rance, come on. Maybe we can
work out some sort of stake.

Company's gonna be printing
cash once we launch.

So just like GenCoin, right?

It's not like I cut you out. I
worked for you for three months.

Moonlighting for free.

You screwed me, bitch.
I got screwed, Rance.

Had it not been stolen from me, we'd be
sharing a nice little office right now.

You are so good with promises.

Think it's your favorite part.

Follow up, not so much.

I'll absorb your debts.

Just put me in contact with whoever
you owe, and I will take over.


Don't know
if you'd wanna do that.

Is that a yes?


Alma. Hey, girl.

How are you?

I made
way too much of this.

I bet you did.

Thanks for
having us over, Alma.

That's some
good-looking meat there, son.

What they do, big man.

Sorry, dog, my hand is all
pork juiced and shit.

You want a beer or something?

-You know I don't drink, E.
-That's right.

Thanks for comin',
though, fam.

Thanks for having us.

Is your girl good?

Word. She good.
She straight.

We cleaned that rent situation
up for you, ain't that right?

Money flowin' in.
For sure. For sure.

Business is good.

Business with the Klan
or some shit.

-What's that?
-I'm saying, dog.

Declan? Declan?

E, you understand
how business works?

This here is business.

Big Keith...
talk about business.

Liberty City... overtime.

This is where
the future is going.

We need everybody. We need
everybody to be in this.

You understand
what I'm saying?

It's the white man's future,
if you ask me.

My n*gga,
y'all come up to me,

ask me to come up
with a solution.

I found a solution.
There's food on the table.

-ArakNet put this here.
-You understand?

If you don't like it, you
ain't got to eat it, n*gga.

If you ain't like it, n*gga,
you ain't got to eat!

You ain't got to eat, n*gga.

None of y'all got to eat
if you don't like it.

None of y'all got to eat!

There's food on the table!


Just come with it, babe.

They tryin' to tell you
something, Ronnie.

Okay? They tryin'
to talk to you.

Yeah, they talkin' nonsense. They wanted
more business, that's what I'm doing.

I'm bringing back
more business.

They want more than that.

I done broke off
as much this week

as we done before that
whole Lemon City thing.

It ain't just about
money, Ronnie, okay?

They want...

They want power.

Ain't no difference, Tam.

Yeah, there is.

Because all them n*gg*s
have been talking shit.

All of them,
not just E.

And you don't like it when
people talk shit about your man?

You g*dd*mn right I don't.

'Cause that shit
make you look bad?

Ronnie, you trippin'.

You think you on?

For real, Ronnie?

You just gonna...

You just gonna
do me like that?

Ronnie, don't walk away
from me.

Ronnie, I ain't you n*gga.
Don't walk away from me.



I ain't tryin'
to hear that shit

about who run
the streets harder!

I ain't tryin' to hear
that shit from E.

I ain't tryin' to hear
that shit from friends,

and, baby, I ain't tryin'
to hear that shit from you!

I'm tryin' to make money!

And when we make that money, the rest of
these fools, they can fend for themselves,

'cause we're getting up
out of here.

We're taking Touie,
we're taking Els,

and we're getting out of here.

Come on!
What the f*ck?

Who are you?

Who are you? -I am
f*ckin' Izzy's friend.

I'm crashing here.
You're in my f*ckin' loo.

Shut the g*dd*mn door!


So rude.

Yo, our network manager needs
to stay here for a bit.

Yeah, I know.
I just saw his d*ck.

Ybor City's, like,
four hours away

and he's workin'
for free so...

-Okay, I get it.
-We got to pay him soon.

I sort of floated him
some cash.

-We don't have any cash.
-Yeah, exactly.

So I have a problem
right now.

Why are you
just, like, smiling?

'Cause I may have
fixed that already.

Shut up.
Your dad's friend?

He's interested.

He's really interested.

Wants me to go
to his Key this week.

His "Key"?

What the f*ck is his Key?

Well, you know
how there's the Keys?..

-This is just a Key,
as is one.

So I should come with you
and explain...

Nope, nope.
He asked just for me.

You have that call
with the Swedes soon.


Ronnie, they're
about to call us.

Okay, right here.
Just right here. Cool.

All right, listen. That's them.
That's them calling.


Let's just be super nice,
and keep an open mind.

Might even be worth
partnering with.

-Wait, what?
-Wait, partnering?

I'm just saying let's keep
all our options open.

No. This was
supposed to be a brain r*pe.

-She wants to steal their shit.

Hey, we're not
stealing anything.

I am interested in what
is best for ArakNet.

And if partnering with them
is what's best,

we should
strongly consider that.

I'm gonna make these decisions.
That was the deal.

Pretty sure that's the deal we made.

Okay, I'm gonna answer this,
hope you stick around.


Hi, hi. Can you guys...
Can you see us?

Yeah, we can see you.
Can you see us?

Yeah, we can. Looks
dark out there already.

Yeah. You know, it's 5:30
in the evening here, so...

-That's wild.

This is, Ronald,
this is Izzy, and I'm Nick.

I'm Joni, and this is my wife
and research partner Milla.

-Nice to meet you.

Thank you so much for hopping
on with us. Yeah, of course.

So we were doing a little research
and we came across your project.

Now, did you guys
write it?

Yes. So Joni authored
the browser program,

and I did the encryption.

Yeah, I think I read about you
guys a couple of years ago

-on the WireTap blog.
-Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, they do an article.
That was very nice, so...

Yeah, it was very nice.

And we are a fan of your
work, too, Isabelle.

Yeah. We take a look at your
GenCoin code, and it's amazing.

Yeah, thank you.

Why did you
decide to leave?

If you don't mind us asking.

I'm just, like,
into new things now.

Yeah, anyway, we don't want to
take up too much of your time.

Just wanted
to introduce ourselves,

and, you know,
maybe talk a little shop.

See how things are going on
in your project,

how far along you are.
Yeah, yeah, of course.


Yeah, so we would really like
to talk about Guizer, but...

But we can't really discuss
any details is the thing.

Yeah, so we just signed an
NDA with someone because...

We wouldn't want to get you
in trouble or anything.

Are they out there already?
The company?

Yeah, it's actually
a real coincidence.

Well, maybe not really.

I mean, come on, it's one of the
biggest there is. But still.

What's the coincidence?
Who did you sell to?

Who did you sell to?

To Axis.
Your friend, Alex Bell.

Yeah. Isn't that wild?

