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02x01 - Always On My Mind

Posted: 11/13/21 07:41
by bunniefuu
My name is Billie Carter
and my life is a mess.

It used to be simple. I had my dad, Gus.

My best friend, Layla. And my band.

- And then I hit this fella.

- Literally.
- My name's Jack.

Billie Carter. He showed me a photo
of a young black girl and said

she was his secret daughter.

NEWSCAST: The pilot of the
doomed chopper

has been identified as Jack Norton.

His son turned up and took a
shine to me and, because Dad

had to leave town in a hurry...
Get in the boot.

I said, "Yeah, that girl
in the photo was me."

Oh, and did I mention
the son was good-looking?

This is Billie, Dad's daughter.

This new family was so
rich, they owned a hotel.

But there was a wicked stepmum
who made me take a DNA test.

Turned out I was
the secret daughter after all.

Your mum was two months
gone when I met her, Bill.

My dad? He's not my actual dad.

And that good-looking bloke?

Turns out he's my brother, Jamie.

Then my bestie, Layla, fell for him.

His sister Harriet, told me she
switched the DNA,

which means I'm not family after all.


a record company guy heard me sing

- and wanted to sign me.
- That was awesome.

And the good-looking fella,
who's not actually my brother,

gave me a hug and I thought
my heart was gonna pack it in.

I'm sorry, Jamie.

Jack Norton wasn't my father.
I'm not even related to you.

I have no right to be here.

Confused? Tell me about it.

That's why we caught
the last train out of there.

She said something
about flying to Melbourne.

Billie, don't leave yet.
Not before hearing me out.

World's at our feet, bub,
like it always was.

♪ Sometimes, when this
place gets kinda empty ♪

♪ Sound of their breath
fades with the light ♪

♪ I think about the
loveless fascination ♪

♪ Under the Milky Way tonight ♪

♪ Mmm ♪

♪ Lower the curtain down on Memphis ♪

♪ Lower the curtain down all right ♪

♪ I got no time for
private consultation ♪

♪ Under the Milky Way tonight ♪

♪ I wish I knew what
you were looking for ♪

♪ Might have known what you would find ♪

♪ And it's something quite peculiar ♪

♪ Something shimmering and white ♪

♪ Leads you here despite
your destination ♪

♪ Under the Milky Way tonight ♪

♪ I wish I knew what
you were looking for ♪

♪ Might have known what you would find ♪

Layla again.

She'll be worried about you.

I just don't know what to say to her.

How about 'hello'?

- I'll text her.
- That's my girl.


That pie I ate wasn't good.


"All good, babe.
Gonna lay low for a while.

Talk soon. Heart emoji."

I don't get it.

So she found out she wasn't
Jack's kid and then she bolted.

- I knew something was wrong.
- How?

I gave her a big hug backstage,
she gave me the weirdest look.

- Weird like?
- Just weird.

So you give her a big hug
and tell her how awesome she is

and the next thing you know,
she's headed to the airport?

- Are you a complete moron?
- What?

Hey, it's me again.

I get it, you're freaked out.

But remember that New Year's
where we both pashed the same bloke?

It's kinda like that, just dodgier.


Call me when you're ready, okay?

And stop beating yourself up about it.

Bye, sissy. Love you.

I didn't... That's not what I...
I thought she was my sister.

You were just being a
super-nice brother to her.

Call me when you're ready, okay?

And stop beating yourself up about it.

Bye, sissy. Love you.

Ooh. I wouldn't go in there in
a hurry if I was you, darlin'.

Too much information, Dad.


So, what's the plan?

I never needed one
before, why start now?

I thought you were starting to look
like you were fitting in back there,

- you know?
- Yeah, pretty stupid, eh?

No. They're lucky to have ya.

- What about the boy?
- Nah, not going there.

You're all I need.


You still wanna know
who your real dad was?

Would it make it any better?

I dunno.

You know I said your mum had
an older sister?


I think we might jump off a couple
of stops down the track, eh?

♪ ♪

Thanks, Dan.

So, what's she like?

Oh, your mum's family's got
a habit of holding grudges.

- What did you do?
- Oh, look, I might've borrowed a car.


Your mum and her had some sort of fight,

your mum never told
me what it was about.

She's a fierce woman, your aunty.

Hey, maybe she won't be
too happy to see us, then.

Listen, I tell you what. Why
don't you just wait here, all right?


- I'll have a bit of a chat to her first.
- Okay.

How hard can it be?

Hey, bloody thing. Sit down! Sit down!

Sic him! Go on!

- Mim.
- What are you doin' here?

Listen, Mim,
I haven't come here to argue.

Oh, you've got a nerve,
showing your face around here!

- I haven't come here for a fight.
- Go on, sic him.

- Mim.
- You leave my dad alone!



Come on.

Here, Carly.

Hey, my granddaughter, Carly, your niece.

- Say hello to your Aunty Billie.
- Hi.

- Hello.
- And this is Gus.

- He won't be staying long.
- Don't worry about that.

What was that?

Oh, Mim. What, Mim, you're gonna go
on about the car? Because you know

- Ruby always said that it was fine.
- Don't say her name when she's not

- here to defend herself!
- Mim, did you ever

think maybe if you hadn't cut
her off like you did...

- Oh.
- ...that things wouldn't be this way?

- Oh, oh.
- Did you ever ask yourself that, Mim?

What are you saying, it's my fault?

- No, I'm not saying it's your fault!
- Eh? Of course it's not my fault.


Oh, now look what you've done. Here.

Listen, Mim, I didn't even...

You can't bloody help yourself, can ya?

- Look, I know why you're growling at me...
- You make a bloody mess of everything!

- It's all you've ever done, hey?
- I never...

- Well, then what are you doing here?
- Because Billie needs to talk to you.


Your mum teach you that?

You sound just like her.

I guess you wanna ask me some questions.

- Mum was gorgeous.

Yeah. So was I.


Yeah. Oh, he's a
big bloody kid, your dad.

Hey, Aunty, I know he's not
my real father,

but I was hoping you could tell me
who was.

I never actually met him.

He took off straight after your mum
got pregnant with you.

Couple of months later, she turns up
here, with Gus.

How come I never met you? What happened?

I thought your mum had
gone off the rails

and... I told her she was
a disgrace to the family.

Anyway, then Gus borrows
me station wagon,

wraps it around a tree

and I told him
I never wanna see him again.

So you don't know anything about
this bloke who was my father?

Except that he was a white fella.

Oh. She was a star, your mum, like you.

Just never had a chance
to make anything of it.

Who's this?

- You serious?
- Aunty, who is this?

It's you.

Your mum sent it.
We still weren't talking,

but she wanted me to see you.

Hey, Wendy, it's Gus.

Listen, I need some more of those pills.

I'll send you another address, all right?

Bill? One second. Bill?

What's up? Has she been
bagging your mum out again?

Jack had this. It's me.

I'm Jack Norton's daughter.

So, this city mob, were they bad to her?

Those sort of people
have got everything.

You look at Billie, you
realise they've got nothing.


You did all right with that one, Gus.

Bit of a shock, eh, kid?

Hey. We got a big mob of family
coming around later for a feed.

Give you a chance to meet everyone.
Okay with that?

I don't know. I don't
wanna get in the way, Aunty.

Here, shut up!
You're not gonna be in the way.

You're one of us.


Yeah, I guess that goes for you, too.

It's going to be all right, darling.

You know that, don't you?

I just think an apology
is the right thing to do.

That's absolutely fine.
We'll take care of it. Okay. Cheers.

Marc Laurent just bought
forward the booking.

- Lucky we pushed the renovations.
- Afternoon.

Oh, hello, Vivienne.

Okay, um, I gotta get back to work.


Harriet has something to say.

I know that switching the DNA was wrong.

I hurt a lot of people
and I'm really sorry.

It's been an awful couple of weeks,

but it's time to put the past behind us.

Must be strange without your friend.

- Will you be staying?
- Yes.

As long as she wants to.

Of course.

MAN: Mate, the Tigers are doing
all right this season.

You reckon?

You mob met Billie yet? Aliyah. Maleko.

- Hello.
- How are ya?

That little one there, Keith.
Now, you had enough to eat?

- Yeah, Aunty.
- Okay. Let's go sit by the fire.

Yeah, Marlon. Uncle, this is Billie.

- Hello, Uncle.
- Hello.

- Now, you gonna play us a song or what?
- Yeah.

This one here got a deadly voice.

Come on. Come on.


See how you go.

Hey, you mob,
Marlon's gonna play us something.

♪ Maybe I didn't love you ♪

♪ Quite as often as I could have ♪

♪ Maybe I didn't treat you... ♪

♪ Quite as good as I should have ♪

♪ If I make you feel second-best ♪

♪ Oh I'm so sorry I was blind ♪

♪ You were always on my mind ♪

♪ You were always on my mind ♪

♪ But you were always on my mind ♪

♪ You were always on my mind ♪

- Welcome to the family.
- On ya, Marlon.

- Yeah, Billie.

There were so many people here tonight.

I don't know how I'm gonna remember
all of their names.

Well, you've got
plenty of time for that.


I was only trying to look out

for your mum, you know, and I
said some things that I regret

and I never had the chance
to take them back. But...

you never shut out family.

Even that city mob.

I can see that you're a girl
with questions

and you've found some answers here, eh?

But you've got a lot more
to find back in that city.

And don't forget,
you've always got a home here.



This was hers.

You should have it.

I reckon Mum would've loved having
you as an older sister.

Well, looking at you,
I feel like I've got her back.

Hey, Dad.

Look. It's Mum's. It's beautiful, eh?

Yeah. It sure is.

We're going back to the city.

We're gonna set the cat amongst
the wood ducks if we do kid.

Yeah, I know.

Okay. You ready, Bill?

I ca... I don't... I don't know
if I can do this.

I think that is a lovely idea,
darling, help us to move on.

Harriet suggested we all have an
early dinner tonight. Are you free?

- Great, I'll check with Vivienne.
- Maybe just keep it to family.


- Billie! Hi, darlin'.
- Hi.

Oh, I'm so glad to see you.

You, too, Gussy.
You know everything's cool, right?

I know this is kinda awkward.

But, it turns out
I'm Jack's daughter after all.

I know you wanna check DNA and
everything. I'm good with that.

- Let's not do this here.
- No. I need to get this off my chest

right now. You don't owe me anything
and I don't want anything from you.

Then why are you here?

I'm here to find out where I came from.

Hear stories about Jack,
get to know him a little bit better.

I'll be here for a few
days and then I'm gone.

- Oh, don't be too hasty, love.
- That's all I want.

I know things were weird before.

I just wanna sort it out, move on.

Well, if that's what you want,
I'll let the boys handle it.

Come on, sweetheart.

- Wait, why are we...
- Let's go.

You don't have to leave, you know?
We can talk about it.

There's nothing to talk about.

- Billie.
- No, end of discussion.

Can Billie get her old room back?

- Of course.
- Great.

You two, come with me.

Layla, what's going on?

Mini bar's fully stocked.

Well, you're a brave man Chris.

- I've known you for how long?
- years.

And you know I love you, right?

Yeah. Where are we going?

After you.

Sort yourselves out.

What are you doing? Open the door.

Layla! Layla!

We really need to talk.

Excuse me. Excuse me.

What's going on?

Billie and Jamie.

Before you say anything... it's okay.

It's just been a very strange time.

I was confused. And when I
found out I wasn't your sister...

- Bloody Harriet.
- I know.

And you've always been so good to me.

It's easy to be good to you.

Oh, my god. Did that sound like a

pickup line? Everything I
say now sounds like a...

- Sounds really dodgy.
- Really creepy.

Oh, and then I went in
to hug you and you were...

And I came so close.

- Oh.
- My own brother.

It's just...

So weird and... And that's why I ran.

I get it.

- So, are we okay?
- I think so. What do you reckon?

- Yeah. Yeah.
- Yeah.


Think they're ready to come in.




- Gus. How are you?
- Oh, not real good.

Course you're not, you idiot.

Have you done anything about it?

- Didn't think so.
- D'you send those pills?

Spoke to a chemist in the city

and they're sending some over to you now.

One week's supply.

One week?
What am I supposed to do after that?

You know what the next step is.

I got a lot on here.

- You told Billie?
- Oh, come on, Wendy.

No more pills until you come back.

Hi, Sir. How can I help you?

I think that might be for me.
Gus Carter?

- Yeah, mate.
- Yeah. Thanks, Tara.

- Just sign.
- Ta.

- Thanks, mate.
- Cheers, mate.

Yes, that sounds wonderful, Trudy.
Count me in.

Red Mercedes parked out the front.
I'll pick it up tomorrow.


Come in.

- You lost, mate?
- Not anymore.


Hey. I was gonna come and say hello.

No, I have to say this.

I'm so sorry.

I was just trying to keep you here
and it was all such a mess

- and I didn't know what to do.
- No, stop.

That's what happens
when you muck around.

Turns out I was your sister all along.

You know you stuffed up, right?

You gonna do better from now on?

Yeah, I'll try.

Come here, then.

You're absolutely certain?

Just, given the confusion
with the last test?

I understand.

Thank you.

They've confirmed the DNA.

- She's Jack's daughter.
- And what does she want?

Well, she says she doesn't want anything,

just to get to know her dad.

- And nothing more?
- Not according to her.

I know your advice was
to take this slowly.

Well, this was when we
thought she wasn't related.

Then please do
what my stepdaughter wants.

Draw up the papers
and I'll have her sign.

So, is this my boss checking up on me?

Get a room, you two.


Had to come and say hi.

- Oh, so great you're back.
- Oh, it's not for too long.

Harriet's organising a family dinner

and I'd love it if you both came.

Come on.

I will if you will.

- All right. I'll see you then.
- Okay.

And I had better stop slacking

- off before my boss sacks me.
- That's right.

- Mm-hm.
- Back to work.

Right. Let's get this prep started.

Hey, there you are.

You know what?
You look like you belong here.

- Don't start.
- Hey, Billie.

Hey, Carmine.

I always knew you were
Jack's daughter from

the moment I saw you. Welcome home.

Thanks, but I won't be staying
long. I'll be here for a few days

- and then I'm gone.
- But you're still gonna call

- the record company, right?
- Thank you, Carmine.

We all set?

Remember what I always used to tell you?

"Never bet on the favourite."

- No, the other one.
- "Just because they drive a fancy car

doesn't mean
they don't fart in their sleep"?

- Ahh.
- Ahh, okay.

Would you like some water?

Ahh, Susan?

I just want to say thank
you for having us here.

I know it's been really tough.
We really appreciate it.

So, who's gonna tell me the first
story about Jack?

Ahh, he was the worst guitarist.

That's the first thing you thought of?

- He played guitar?
- Didn't play it. Abused it.

He was a real perfectionist
when it came to the hotel.

All the guests loved him
but he was a tough man to work for.

- You reckon?
- Mate, you weren't around much.

- He was a sl*ve driver.
- Yeah, I guess he always

took it pretty easy on me.

I half-expect to see him walk
round the corner, you know?

- Like nothing ever happened.
- I have some of his voicemails.

I still listen to them.

It's good to talk about him.


Thanks, Billie.

A total cricket tragic, obsessed.

- Rugby fanatic.
- Loved a good whiskey.

Taught me how to swear in Spanish.

- To Jack.
- ALL: To Jack.

- I'd like to...
- Actually, Susan,

if you don't mind,
I'd like to propose another toast.

You and me, Susan,
uh, we've got a lot in common.

You know, being the only
parent, it can be tough.

I mean, you are...
you're a good-looking wom...

I mean, you're a handsome woman,
Susan, and you done a damn good job.

- Here's to Susan.
- To Susan.

ALL: Susan.

Billie, I'm so glad you came back.

When Mum told me you'd
gone to the airport, I...

- Thanks, Harriet.
- The airport?

Well, I think I've had enough.
I'll take care of this on the way out.

You can take back the handsome bit, eh?



Why'd you tell everyone
I'd gone to the airport?

Are you that scared of me?

That's hardly a concern right now.

At least I had the honesty to
tell you Harriet switched the DNA.

Yeah, took you long enough
to tell me, didn't it?

You already knew. How?

- It doesn't matter.
- It matters. How did you know?

Because I overheard my
daughter grovelling to you.

You knew and you just let it go on?

- You never wanted me here.
- Of course I didn't want you here.

You remind me that my husband lied.

That he cheated. That he was so
selfish, he slept around, got a

woman pregnant and didn't even tell me.
And now my own daughter would

- rather spend time with...
- With what?

With someone who has no
business being in this family.

So please,

just sign this. And we never
have to see each other again.

If you don't sign,
you'll have to face me every

day for the rest of your life.

You ready for that?

You never shut family out.

- Oh, enough!
- Not even when one of them is being

- the biggest bitch in the world.
- Just sign it.

Billie! Billie!



Hey, where are you going?

- Oh, nowhere. Just to...
- BOTH: ...see a man about a dog.

You know it.

Susan? Not too scary?

Go on, behave yourself.

You know it.

- Oh!
- Ooh, Layla. G'day. See ya'.

- See ya, Gussy.
- Hmm.

- Oh, how was that dinner?
- Yeah.

- And how's Susan?
- She hates me, Layla.

- Oh, she hates everyone.
- No.

I called her a bitch.

- Maybe you're human after all.
- Who's human?

No-one. Nothing. What are you doing?

Chris and I were talking.

- Why don't we all go out?
- Ahh, I don't know about that, Jamie.

We know our family can be hard work,

so let's all go out and have some fun.

Come on, Billie.

Let your hair down.

All right.

- Mr Carter.
- Jasper.

You had a good win today.
You sure you wanna keep going?

Yeah, yeah. Yeah, why not?

- How are you, mate?
- Hey, guys.




Talk to me.

You knew what happened with the DNA
but you didn't say anything.

Why not?

I was trying to look out for you.

How is that looking out for me?

You knew what a mess I was.

Sometimes, when you're a parent,

you have to make some tough decisions.

- I know it's hard to understand...
- I heard you.

You lied, you tried
to get rid of Billie.

I thought it was for everyone's
good. If I didn't step in...

Don't. Just don't.

I want to be a better person.

I'm trying.

How can I with a mother like you?

- This better be the best place ever.
- Trust me, you'll love it.

VIVIENNE: This is too good.

CHRIS: Um, mate, how do you know
about this place?

I'm sure it's fine.

♪ Take my hand, cross your heart ♪

♪ And slowly count to three ♪

♪ Tell me that your love was there
with me... ♪

A mate of mine told me about this
place. What do you think?

Who wants a drink?

No. Fold.

No, I'm out.

Ahh, you've gotta be in it to win it.


Oh, ho, ho, ho, ho.

Look at that. Goodnight.

A grand to start
the next hand, gentlemen.

Mr Carter?


Actually, uh... anyone interested in
an SLC Mercedes?

♪ I got this feeling on the
summer day when you were gone ♪

♪ I crashed my car into the bridge ♪

♪ I watched, I let it burn ♪

♪ I threw your shit into a bag
and pushed it down the stairs ♪

♪ I crashed my car into the bridge ♪

♪ I don't care ♪

♪ I love it ♪

♪ I don't care... ♪

- Come on.
- CHRIS: Yeah, go, Jamie.

- Come on.
- Oh, no, no.

- Don't get in the way.
- Show us the robot.

- ♪ I love it, I love it, I don't care ♪
- Whoo!

♪ I love it, I don't care ♪

♪ I love it, I love it, I don't care ♪

♪ I love it, I don't care ♪

♪ I love it, I love it, I don't care ♪

So, is that place all right or what?

- Come on, you lot, home.
- My feet are k*lling me.

Smile, you guys.


Billie, you're not really gonna
leave us, are you?

CHRIS: Oh, no, no, no, no.
You're a Norton, you've gotta stay.

You can't just walk away, not now.

Things are better when you're around.

We're better.

- Yeah.
- Stay.

- Please, sissy.
- VIVIENNE: Come on.

- It's your home.
- You know you'll miss us.

- You know that, right?
- He's right, stay with us.

- Right?
- All right, then.

ALL: Yay!

- Billie.
- Hey.

I heard what Mum said to you.

- Please don't listen to her.
- Harry, I don't want to get

- in between the two of you.
- You're not.

Just don't let her kick you out.

- It's all right. I'm staying.
- Really?

But, I don't wanna make things difficult.

She's your mum,
you need to remember that.

Okay. I'm just glad you're staying.

Uh, sorry about the summons.
Just got some paperwork to go through.

- Okay.
- Yeah.


It all comes so easily
for you, doesn't it?


You've been giving Billie and me
a hard time for weeks now, Susan.

And you've been staying
at our hotel for free

ever since you got here.
How's that giving you a hard time?

I'm with Jamie. Maybe you better
get used to it.

I'm sure we will,

as we've had to for all his
other gold-digger girlfriends.


This is the Norton file from the
last financial year.

Oh, nice of you to show up.

This is a document detailing owners'
rights and responsibilities,

including procedures for all votes.

There are other forms
we'll need you to sign and...

Probably talking a different
language right now, right? Yeah.

Basically, we're owners.

We get together and make decisions
and we get paid a weekly wage.

Wait, what?

You get paid for being a Norton.

Um, no free rides here.

- I want to earn it.
- Yeah, thought you might say that.

That's why Carmine wants
you to help him run the bar.

That okay with you?

Uh, does Susan know about this?

I will tell her, but this is standard.

Good. Now, some important
things you need to know.

Super-wealthy app guy Marc Laurent
has booked out an entire floor,

so we're all on very high alert
to make sure he feels welcome.

Except for Jamie, who's
hiding out in the cellar.

I'm sorting through Dad's stuff.
Chris just thinks I'm slacking off.

So, you wanna find out
some more about Jack?

Hey, Carmine.

Hey. I hear there's been
a bit of a change of plan.

Look forward to working together.

Me, too.

Door's a bit dodgy.

So, what do you have to do?

Oh, sort it all out.

Keep what's important,
the rest goes to the op shop.

- Hey.
- You want it?

You should hang this over Jack's Bar.

That's a good call. Hey, Carmine.


Billie thought you might find
a place for it in the bar.

Tell a lot of stories, these things.


- Play me something.
- No.

Not until you call that record company.

I mean, the guy gave you his number.

It's a good point,
especially now that you're staying.

Girl's got a gift.
Not gonna let her throw it all away.

I'm totally with you on that.

- But you know what sisters are like.
- Oh, enough.

I'm not gonna call them.

I'm gonna go down there myself.

Hey. I'm here to see Shane Finney
and that card was mine.

You can't see Shane
and the card's in the bin.

Well, um, Shane heard me sing
and he told me to call him.

So call him, then,
but he doesn't work here anymore.

- Well, can I please get that...
- No.

- Is there...
- No.

- Do you even care?
- No.

Anything else?


- Oh! Sorry.
- Bloody hell!

- So you should be.
- What's your problem?

Have you any idea what
one of these is worth?

No, and I don't wanna
know because I don't care.

You don't have to be so rude.

Well, maybe you should just watch
where you're going next time.

You ran into me. Look,
I'm sick of fellas like you.

Stick your phone and see
where that gets you.

Did she just say that?

♪ We're a thousand miles from comfort ♪

♪ We have travelled land and sea ♪

♪ But as long as you are with me ♪

♪ There's no place I'd rather be ♪

♪ If you gave me a chance,
I would take it ♪

♪ It's a shot in the
dark but I'll make it ♪

♪ Know with all my heart,
you can't shake me ♪

♪ When I am with you there's
no place I'd rather be ♪

♪ N-n-n-no, no, no ♪

♪ No place I'd rather be... ♪

Hi. I'm Eddie.

I'm Billie Carter. Shane Finney
asked me to come in.

He doesn't work here anymore. I do.

And you're gonna be huge.

- Hey, Chris.
- Gus.

Hey, um, you remember the,

uh, money you paid to get
me out of a spot of bother?

I seem to recall something
along those lines, yeah.


- Here's a grand interest.
- Gus, you don't...

And there's
the pineapple you spotted me.

Gus Carter always pays his debts, mate.

- Thank you, Gus.
- Thank you, Chris.

- Hey.
- Dad.

Well, you're looking very pleased
with yourself.

I think the record
company wants to sign me.

- We have a meeting tomorrow.
- Oh, that's great. That's my girl.

- I had a bit of a win, too.
- Hey?

You know I'm really bad at cards?

Until you're really good at cards?

You're shocking.

- I gotta wet my whistle.
- Go on, then.

I'm so glad you like the rooms.

It is such a pleasure having
Mr Laurent staying with us.

Whatever he needs,
we'll take care of it.


Mr Laurent, this is Billie Carter.
She's a part-owner in the hotel.



Then I'm outta here.
You can cancel the booking.

Natalia, we'll need new
rooms somewhere else,

- closer to the harbour.
- What have you done?

MALE VOICE-OVER: Jessica Mauboy is back
for brand new Secret Daughter.

♪ All I'm askin' ♪

- ♪ Is for a little respect... ♪
- It doesn't have to be this way.

- I think it does.
- But not everyone's happy to see her.

- ♪ R-E-S-P-E-C-T ♪ I'm really sorry.
- No you're not.

- ♪ Find out what it means to me ♪
- I just wanna say...

- Don't bother.
- ♪ R-E-S-P-E-C-T... ♪

Where do you get off being such a knob?!

So, that went well.

But a message from the past...

will reveal a secret that could
cost them their fortune.

We shouldn't watch this.
It wasn't meant for us.

MALE VOICE-OVER: You've never seen
anything like Jessica Mauboy

in the nation's favourite Aussie drama.

The Secret Daughter, next
Wednesday after Instant Hotel.