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02x03 - Barn Burner

Posted: 11/12/21 20:28
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪


We got to go. We got to go.

Come on.





♪ ♪

BONHAM: And... and I think that
I should have pieces for it.

They're just not there.


I don't want that one. (LAUGHS)




Night, Cordi.

Night, Ger.


♪ ♪



All right, back to Serano.

Convoy's en route to Austin now.

So we should be able to
question him tomorrow.

Talk soon. Bye.

- Done? Good. Let's get to it.
- Hey, hey, hey, Earl.

Check this out.

LIAM: All right, back to Serano.

Convoy's en route to Austin now.

So we should be able to
question him tomorrow.

- Am I hearing what I think I'm hearing?
- The boss is toast.

We need to get out of here, Horace.

We don't know if we've been burned.

And the NSA wouldn't even
be able to find the cameras.

This op has been perfect.

A guy like Serano goes down,

someone's always waiting to take over.

Starting with tying off any loose ends.

Let's go.

Not necessarily, Earl.

Spit it out.

If not, I'm pulling the
k*ll switch, wiping it all.

We were sent here to make sure
this Ranger wasn't onto us.

Don't need a mission recap.

A live feed into the home
of not only a Texas Ranger

but also an assistant district attorney.

Serano's not the only kind of guy

that could benefit from
this sort of access.

And you heard it yourself,

this family collects
enemies like trading cards.

Great, so we put out a wanted ad
for an illegal surveillance op?

I already have a buyer in mind.


♪ ♪


Hey, don't we have enough?

- Uh-oh. Here we go.
- I'll you know when there's enough.

- Less talking, more chopping.
- Come on, Mawline.

We do this chili
contest, like, every year.

Yeah, Mom, you've never been this tense.

Okay, well, this year is different.

The winner gets their chili on the menu,

- so it's a whole different ball game.
- Oh, yeah.

This is the first time we're using

Gran's original recipe, right?

- Huh?
- Uh-huh.

LIAM: Well, let's get to it.

You know, I heard there
was a, uh, a $ , prize.

Maybe we can, like, split it three ways

- since I'm helping you out here.

- Nice try, but if we win...
- Uh, when, when you win.

- Thank you.
- Okay, well, when we win,

it'll just be a thrill to
see Mama's recipe on the menu.

AUGUST: Oh, we can just put
it on there. We own it, right?

ABELINE: Oh, it is much more
savory if it's earned, kiddo.

Right, okay. Uh, Trey's
grabbing the brisket.

Oh, good, 'cause I can't
really do anything without it.

Yeah, I know, I know, I know.

Hey, hey, hey!

- Hey!
- AUGUST: Oh, I'm sorry.

- I'm so sorry.
- What's wrong with you?

You trying to burn the damn house down?

- It was just an honest mistake.
- You got to be careful.

ABELINE: Cordell.

It's fine.



When did your nightmares come back?

Uh, about a week ago... two weeks.

- Damn Davidsons.
- No, I'm just standing there.

Daddy, I... I... I can't
move. I... I can't... focus.

I can hear him screaming.

You know, uh, crying for help.

Until he's not.

These nightmares...

That's just your brain trying
to make sense of it all.

No. No, it's not just like that.

I... it's like I'm...
I'm missing something.

But you did nothing wrong.

We spent a fortune on lawyers

when Gale tried to say differently.

Okay, but the Davidsons, Daddy,

the Davidsons lost everything

because of that fire.

And... and they just tried to
come home and... and rebuild

and regroup. And there's... there's
a world of hurt in their family.

In ours. Between us.

- You know, I...
- No, I... I think we should invite them

to the chili cook-off.

The least we could do.

Look, I want The Side
Step to... to... to be...

uh, friendly and home to all of us.

And, you know, this could help
them mingle back into Austin.

Oh, you're trying to
give your mama a coronary.

You don't know that
family anymore, Cordell.

Now, you listen to me.

You give Gale an inch,

she'll take damn miles.

♪ I don't know ♪

- ♪ What the future... ♪
- Daddy...

it's the right thing to do.

(SOFTLY): Well...

If that's gonna clear your
conscience, go right on ahead,

but you make sure...

... that this does not
blow up on our faces.

And I don't want anything
like that brawl the other day.

This is supposed to be
fun, for crying out loud.

Yes, sir.

Now go talk to your boy.


♪ ♪

Watch your hands. You'll want
to do a quick-release knot.

I got it. Eagle Scout.

- So, what now?
- Oh, lunch, probably hay.

Lots, lots of hay.

Not exactly what I meant.


Did you get to talk to
your dad about keeping him?

How'd that go?

Ah, he said, "I work in
real estate, not zoology."

(CHUCKLES) Then some kind
of "grumble, grumble, sorry."

So then I asked my grandma,
and she said no, too.

Well, what about you?

Um, well, with rehab for the
injury and other expenses,

my family thinks it's
better if we give him up.

Well, didn't you say you sprung
an alpaca on them, no problem?

That didn't really
help my case. (CHUCKLES)

There also may have been
some concern about us,

given the whole

feud thing.

So, this horse has to pay because
of your stupid family, okay.

I'm sorry, what?

(TAKES DEEP BREATH) Anyways, focus.


Grandpa says he can stay
here for a day or two.

Well, and then what?

I've seen enough derbies to know
what happens to injured horses.

Come on, we... we have
to figure something out.




- Hey.
- Hey.

You answered, uh...

- Are you okay?
- Yeah. Of course, I'm just, uh...

finishing up some
paperwork from the case.


Yeah, you know, I... I keep
thinking about that guy Spider.

I've seen some horrible
stuff but never stateside.

- I can't even imagine how you felt.

- Did you ever figure out what happened?
- Yeah.

They found out he wanted to
turn over a new leaf, so...

Damn, that's... That's
awful, Mick. I'm... I'm sorry.

Well, just so you know,

you are talking to Sacred
Heart's newest guidance counselor.

- And I have a coffee cup to prove it.
- (CHUCKLES) Oh, yeah?

Well, I look forward to stealing that,

since you broke my favorite mug.

Yeah, that's not how I remember it,

but I will get you a mug,

as soon as you come home.

Uh, I know it's only been a day, but...

when are you coming home?

Yeah, I don't know.

Maybe I'll just pop in
when you least expect it.

- Mick, listen, I...
- Listen, I got to finish this, okay?

- Bye.
- All right, bye.


- Ah, thank you.
- There you go.

- Hey.
- Yeah.

How's, uh, Colton handling all this?

Well, what do you mean,
the move or the divorce?

Mm. You can pick one.

(GRUNTS): You know,

I think he's rolling with the punches.

He's looking for something to fixate on.

- I think he found it.
- Oh, yeah?

Fixating? What's her name?

- Whoa, hang on.

Should I say his or theirs?

I'm... I'm still playing
catch-up with these kids.



- Hey.
- What can we do for you, Cordell?

- Welcome back.
- Oh, thank you.

Sure. Of course. Yeah.

Uh, look, I... the other day, when I,

when I set up that meeting, and I...

Oh, the meeting where you...
you left us high and dry?

That was a nice touch,
paying for our bill, though.

I... I hope you didn't come all
this way to apologize for that.

No. No.

O... or not... not just that.

I... I wanted to extend an
invite to the Harvest Fest

and Chili Cook-Off competition

tonight at Side Step.

- We'd all love it if your family could... could join.

- There are games, uh...

- chili of course.
- Aw.

Well, thank you, but I just...

It... it's just good, clean family fun.

My mom is joining the
chili cook-off competition.

She does every year. This year,

the winner gets their
recipe on the Side Step menu.

- Huh.
- Um...

It'll be a good time, uh...

You know what? We'll be there.

- Yeah?
- Yeah. Sounds like a perfect opportunity

for us to reestablish ourselves.

- Great. Yeah.
- Yeah.

And... and I think I'll
even enter the cook-off.

Yeah, give everyone a run
for their money. Right?


Yeah. I mean, entries are
closed, but I might know a guy

- with some connections.
- Oh.

All right. Thank you.

Yeah. Uh, well, we'll see y'all later.

- Yeah, yeah.
- Yeah.

Yeah, uh, Cordell.

Yeah, you know, this, uh...

This won't make up for what you did.

You know, I don't, I don't
know you, and you don't know me,

but this family is everything to me.

Family is everything.

So maybe you and I aren't so different.

Now we hurry up and wait.

Do I have time to finish my legal brief?

Can you do it in six hours?

I don't know. Our new district
attorney demands thoroughness.

You two are like bathtubs and toasters.


- You don't mix.
- Oh.

So, is she, uh, is she
going to the Harvest Fest?

No, thank God.

She's down in Del Rio
wrapping up a case.

All I'm saying is that, you know,

if you are no longer
happy at the D.A.'s office,

maybe it's time for a change.

(SIGHS) Maybe you're right.

On the other hand, I've been shot,

branded, nearly blown up.

I didn't go through all that to have
Denise Davidson run me out of town.

WALKER: Smells good, Mama.

Well, it would smell even better

- if you remembered to bring the...
- LIAM: Hey...

Yeah, that's my boy.

Hey, uh, uh...

Gale Davidson has decided
to enter the cook-off.


- Why would she do that?
- I invited her.

Not on purpose. I invited her

to bring her family to the Harvest Fest,

and she decided she wants to
throw her chili in the ring.

I mean, I'm sure it'll be fine.

Oh? No, it won't.

The only thing that Gale Davidson knows

how to cook up is trouble,

and she's only entering to stir the pot.


All I'm saying

is that she has always blamed you

for her husband's death.

And... and contrary to popular belief,

I do not hate her family. I mean, hell,

I still place flowers on Marv's grave.

But that does not mean
that I will allow her

to go after my boy again.

- And so help me God, Cordi...
- She won't. She won't, Mama, she won't.

I'll see to it.

Well, I hope you do, son. Or I will.

Guess we got ourselves a competition.

- Trey!
- Hey.

Hey, for both our sake,

I hope you got my mama's brisket.

- That I did.
- My man. Thank you.

- Yeah, of course. It's hot.
- Ooh, toasty.

Yeah, it is.

Uh, hey, um... (CLEARS THROAT)

Can I ask you about Micki?

Yeah. Of course. Uh, anything.

What's up?

Do you know why she
hasn't come home yet?

Well, it... it's only been a day.

She's got to debrief,
paperwork and, uh...

Yeah. No, no, no.

Of course. I, I get it.

Um, you know, is there something

- I need to be worried about?
- No.

You know, being undercover
is a different beast.

It... it takes a... a second
to, to shake that, you know.

- Yeah. Look,
- Totally normal.

I... I hear that.

I just...

When we came back from our
last deployment, Micki...


Micki made us go
directly from the hangar

- to the nearest Tex-Mex.

- Yeah, I believe that.
- Yeah.

But I... I hope you don't
think anything's wrong

- 'cause she doesn't want tacos.
- No, no, no.

It's just, um, I know Micki.

I think something

is bothering her
beyond being undercover.


I would really love to
be your wingman on this.

You know I would,
but... it's not my place.

Here, I think you two should talk.

You know, maybe someplace with food.

Maybe chili, and... and maybe someplace

with family and friends,
like the Walker family.

- You mean the festival.
- I mean the festival.

Uh, hey, I got to stop by
Ranger headquarters on the way,

so I'll float the idea to Micki,

and, yeah, I'll... I'll guilt-trip her

about missing Mawline's famous dish.

Whoa, you... you think
that's a good idea?

I think it's worth a shot.

- All right.
- All right. Hey, thank you.

- I appreciate you, thank you.
- I appreciate you.

Good news.

We may have a new buyer
who hates the Walkers

as much as Serano does.

This interested party give a price?

Oh, yeah. A high one, too.

How high?

Let's just say they want to ensure

that the surveillance op continues.

I set up a meeting for tonight.

Glad you convinced me to stay.

Only, there's just one problem.

Don't know what that could be.

Micki. Or, uh, Ranger Ramirez.

- Hi.
- How's the report coming along?

- Slow.
- Good. Great.

Uh, not... not good, not great.

It sucks. I'm sorry.

Uh, but don't fret.

- Fret?
- Indeed.

Do not. For I have come to save you

from your writer's block.

- Uh...
- Whoa...

Why don't you come join everyone

at the Harvest Festival
and Chili Cook-Off... today?

Uh, it's good eating, and you know,

the picadillo waits for no one.

(CHUCKLES) Whoa, you truly are a gringo.

- Hmm?
- It's picadillo.

- Yeah, that's what I said.
- Hmm?

Um, you know, Trey's
gonna be there and...

Ah, there it is.

- What is?
- That.

- That what?
- Don't do that.

- Don't do what?
- Don't act like your invite is anything more

than you meddling.

Uh, I hate it when you're right.

Um, okay.

Uh, I want to be honest.

Um, I... I probably
know more than anyone

what you're going through right now.

You know, Yvette and Duke.

You go undercover, and
then, when you come back,

the mission's completed, but

it doesn't make the loss any easier.

And I kind of have a...

sense of that,

but please...

I speak from experience here...

don't blame yourself.

Do not blame yourself.

Because then you'll lose
sight of who you are.

I hate it when you're right.

Doesn't happen often.

You know, a broken clock
is right twice a day.

You know what I mean?

I'll, uh, see you at the chili cook-off.


- WOMAN: You're gonna miss!

Oh-ho-ho! That's a shot. Look at that.

- How you guys doing?

All right, man, cool.

- All right, have a good time.
- GERI: Hello, hello!

Welcome to the TX
Whiskey Harvest Festival

and Chili Cook-Off!

- Here is Graham Wilkinson.
- ♪ Let it go, let it fly ♪

♪ Let it be, let it glide ♪

♪ Let it go, yeah, let it be ♪

♪ Let it see, let it grow ♪

♪ Let it go, let it fly ♪

♪ Let it be, let it glide ♪

♪ Let it go, yeah, let it be ♪

♪ Let it see, let it grow ♪


- ♪ Pushin' out the foyer ♪

♪ Dime store, nickel bag ♪

♪ Watch it all slip out of reach ♪

♪ Out of time, lose grip ♪

♪ Fall down, jiggle it ♪

♪ Do the dance, sing the song ♪

♪ Laugh until life
makes sense, come on ♪

♪ Go on and laugh ♪

♪ Until life makes sense ♪

♪ Go on and laugh ♪

- ♪ Until life makes sense ♪
- Geri!

- Hey.
- For you, ma'am. Mawline's very own.

Uh, because you shouldn't
be doing anything

other than eating right now.

Someone's got to keep the
whiskey flowing, right?

- Here you go.
- Fair enough.

I'll drink to that.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

Wow, that is a big bowl
of chili. Want to share?

Love to, uh, but I can't.

- As the judge, I have to blind-taste the final two.
- Oh.

Got it. All right.
Well, then, I will eat,

as you suggested, and you talk.

Sounds like every date
Em and I ever went on.

Go on, taste it. Let me know.

♪ Turn around, you're
bound to forget... ♪

- Wow.
- Yeah?

That is delicious.
Abby missed her calling.

- Oh, my gosh!
- Yeah.

Are you sure you don't want a taste?

I would love to, but
that would be cheating.

Well, then I will go at it alone.

You will never have to go at
it alone, Geraldine Broussard.

You have my word.


Uh, but, hey, I should
probably check up on everybody.

Keep hosting. Uh, keep this safe for me?

- I'll drink it.
- Mm!

Hey, do you know if he's available?

I am sorry, ladies,
but he... he is married.

Damn. Told you.

- Yeah, do the longhorns look good?
- Actually,

I'm sorry. He's... he's not...

He's not married anymore.





♪ Open up the package with your teeth ♪

- Thanks, my man.

♪ Tear into the platter like a beast ♪

Is that for me?

♪ If they told you that
there's nothing left to eat ♪

♪ That's a dirty lie... ♪

Mick, uh, listen, I, uh...

I know the past three months
must have been unbearable.

- Oh, Trey...
- And I also know

the last thing you
probably need right now

is everybody wondering if you're okay.

But I'm not everybody.

I'm the man who's literally
been to w*r with you.

That's how deep this goes.

So for now...

- I'm gonna shut up.

But just so that you know,

I love you, Micki Ramirez,

and there's nothing that's
gonna come between us.

S... so, uh, are we good?

Yep. I mean, I think we are.

At least after I kick
your ass in darts... again.

Oh, wow!

And what do I get when I win?

Oh, you know.

Oh, let's go.

WALKER: Hey. Everything's well?

I... I would love some chili. I can't.

All right, it smells great.

You know I got to
blind-taste, but, uh...

you let me know what
y'all need, all right?


Okay, the next two teams
being eliminated are

the Dripping Springs
Fire Department chili

and The "Hole" Thing
Chili Cheese Donuts.

Let's give everybody
a round of applause.

We are getting down to the wire, folks.

There are only a few teams
left in this competition.

- Let's go!

All right, y'all ready?

Yeah, yeah.

- Oh!


- That's what you get.
- That just ain't funny.



♪ The devil and me ♪

♪ The devil and me... ♪

Why don't you line up right here...

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Thanks so much.

- Oh!
- Oh, my God.

I'm such a klutz. I'm so sorry, William.

- What the hell?
- I must've tripped. I'm sorry.

You know what, I would accept that
if it was actually an accident.

Excuse me?

Are you suggesting that
I did that on purpose?

Oh, I'm suggesting, Daniel, that
you watch where you're walking.

Or else did you forget
what happened last time?

Oh, no, I remember your cheap shot.

And I'm happy to go outside

- and I finish what you started.
- BONHAM: Hey, hey!

Why don't you take a run at me, Jethro,

- see how that works out for you.
- WALKER: Dad!

- Daddy, Dad, Dad.
- No, don't "Dad" me, damn it.

They started it, and I ain't having it.

Okay, boys, settle down.
This is supposed to be

a friendly event.

Until you entered.

Okay, how about this?

Uh, in order to resolve this squabble,

let's, uh, let's spice it up

- by upping the ante.
- Good.

- You can start by paying for Liam's dry cleaning.
- Mama.

Look, clearly we are the front-runners,

so what would you say to, I
don't know, , more dollars?

You Walkers have more than enough.

Okay, Gale, you're on.

All right.


You forgot about my skills, huh?

Ah, okay.

Wait, so...

the goal is to hit the bull's-eye,

not just the wall, right?

Okay, watch and learn,
young grasshopper.

You know, if you ever need to talk about

Del Rio or anything,

I'm ready.

I'm ready to listen.



- Yeah.
- Okay.

I didn't like that you
came down to Del Rio.

- Mick, I went...
- No, no, please.

I've had this talk a dozen
times in my head already,

so please just let me get it out.

Okay? Yes, it was chivalrous
and sweet but also careless.

You jeopardized the
entire op, and not only put

my life at risk, but
yours in danger, too.

And having said that,

I know your heart was
in the right place,

and at the end of the day that's...

It's what matters to me the most.

You're absolutely right.

It was reckless, and,

look, hey, I'm sorry.

Babe, I was just worried about you.

I know, but you don't have to be.

- We're okay.
- ♪ Don't be sad, I know you will ♪

♪ Don't give up until ♪

♪ True love will find
you in the end... ♪

I got to go.

Mick, what?

Is she, uh... Is she all right?

Are you sure there's nothing
that you want to tell me?

Trey, listen to me... I... I can't...

- Yeah. Mm.
- Yeah.

Man, you got one hell of a
talent for calling out a problem

but not coming up with
one single solution.

- Thanks.
- ♪ True love will find you ♪

♪ In the end. ♪

♪ Woke up this morning ♪

♪ Feelin' a horrible pain... ♪

Looks like you needed a break, too.

You saw that.

Love is a b*ttlefield.

And please don't ask me
to explain that reference.

What's his name?


You can't talk to Walker,
you can't talk to Trey.

You hear a song and you bail.

Who is he?

After years of dealing with men,

you develop a sort of sixth sense.


His name was Garrison.

And we definitely had a history.

And now he's...

making me question my future.



Can I give you a bit of advice?

How do people normally respond
when you ask that question?

(CHUCKLES) I don't know if
I've ever given them a chance.

At the very least,

be completely honest with yourself.

Because if you're not,

the truth finds a way
to rear its ugly head.

Case in point, my,

son is wearing my chili.

So that's all about you?

It's all about the past.

A complicated one.

But I wonder, if,

there'd be any bad blood
between our families at all

if I had handled things
better in the past.

Do what's right for you,

and the rest will fall in line.


♪ Hands of destruction ♪

♪ Hold me by the collar ♪

♪ I take a sip to slip away ♪

♪ The spell of illusion ♪

♪ Looks like how I want it ♪

♪ But when I reach out, there's... ♪


You must be the buyer.

I understand you're interested
in taking over the operation.

Well, depends what you show me.

I know you.

What assurances do I have
this won't become pillow talk

- with the district attorney?

The same assurances I have that
you won't sh**t me in the back

- once I give you my money.

It's an elaborate setup,

completely ready for new management.

There's more footage back at the shop.

The Ranger's been on the
phone with quite a few people.

With your wife being one of them.


All right, folks, listen up.

We are down to just two chilis.

We've got Abby Walker's...

- MAN: Yeah!

... and Gale Davidson's.

So, this is gonna be a blind tasting.

Winner takes all.


GERI: All right. Ready?

Mmm, mmm.


GERI: And the winner is
Gale Davidson and her chili,

- the Barn Burner.


Oh, thank you.

Oh, thank you. Ah!


Thank you, y'all. Hey, thank...

Um, hang on. Just hang on one second.

Just gonna put that here.

Here we go. Ooh! Okay.

Ah, I would like to thank my opponent

for making this such
a stiff competition.

- Yeah, right there.

I would also like to thank
the Walker family as a whole.

Truth is, you are the reason
I stand before you tonight.

You know, when my late husband
Marvin was taken from us and, um,

we had to leave town, I, uh...

I never thought I'd see Austin again.

My life stopped for a minute there,

but here we are.

A grand return if I do say so myself.

- Yeah. Oh, thank you.

Uh... and so, um, in
the spirit of giving,

our family has decided
to reinvest our winnings

back into the community
by building a horse rescue

for any beautiful
stallion or strong mare

in need of a home.

Yeah. Yeah.

Thank you. My grandson
has single-handedly

been caring for a wounded horse.

I... I have no idea
what she's talking about.

At least the horse found a home.

Right. It's what we wanted.

Where others have
turned this animal away,

we will see that it is
delivered to the rescue

and sheltered for the rest of its days.


Thank you.

Now that the Davidsons are back,

I promise you we will
not fault this city.

Thank you.



So, Gale won, huh?

- Yeah.
- I know you handed her the win.

I just want to know why.

(SIGHS) It was the,

it was the right thing to do.

I mean, the Davidsons, they, uh,

lost everything

because of that night.

You know, Gale lost her husband.

Uh, Denise lost her father.

- Cordell...
- The... the... the loss, the... the...

the pain that it...
It... it cuts you so deep.

It makes you sick.

It's something you
can't really understand

if, uh, if you haven't
experienced it. But their

losses didn't stop that night.

You know, their financial troubles.

Or... or their legal problems.

And... and everyone took
our side, Mama. Everyone.

So even if you can put aside
the... the public humiliation

a... and shame, they lost Marv.

And they lost their friends,

they lost their home,
their... their land.

And here we come,

swooping up their real estate
for pennies on the dollar.

So then, they have to leave town

with a, with a dark cloud of shame

and grief hanging over their heads.

I'm starting to think that maybe, uh...

you know, maybe...
maybe we're the bad guys.

It was complicated back then.

I know. I get it, yeah. It was.

But it's not now. It's really not.

These, uh...

... these nightmares I've been having,

they're... they're...

they're more than that.

They're memories.

I remember...

... taking a lantern into the barn...

... and leaving it there.

I know I did.

I know I did it.

So, the fire, the barn, Marv's death.

It's my fault.

No, baby.


♪ The clouds coming ♪

♪ When the sun disappeared,
the shadows moved... ♪

It was an accident.

♪ On the wall... ♪

It was an accident.

♪ There's never a good time ♪

♪ There's never a good time ♪

♪ There's never a good time ♪

♪ Is what they say... ♪


Uh, welcome home.


Uh, I'll get you a beer.

- ♪ Time was never called... ♪

♪ Oh, we made a vow... ♪

Babe, you just got home.

Have a drink, relax.

Do you really need to
be doing this right now?

I don't see why not.

It's got mad skills.

- Who's the artist?
- Can we not?

Can we just not?

Okay. Micki.


Do you want to tell me about
what happened earlier today?


I promise.



Trey, I love you.


'Cause I love you, too.

♪ Roots buried in the sand... ♪


And I miss you.

♪ The call was a gale ♪

♪ It blew cold to our bones ♪

♪ We saw the clouds coming ♪

♪ When the sun disappeared ♪

♪ The shadows moved something ♪

♪ On the wall. ♪