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02x07 - Define Normal

Posted: 11/12/21 07:53
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Chance".

Winter admitted that his
coping mechanism is k*lling,

He never actually said a number,

He did name one, though

I've got this friend
Frank at the D, A,'s office

who doesn't
completely hate me yet

I can ask him,

Katherine Atkins,

I'd like to know how she died,

And also, whether there were,
rocks in her throat,

The first guy you picked,

The drug dealer,
Chance: Spangler,

Put his mom in the ICU, Yeah,

I told you that is not the type
of guy who's gonna be persuaded,

I found Wade Pardo,

He was working in Daly City,
at a garage,

and then somebody showed up
and threw him a beatdown,

Same thing
happened to Matty Willis,

Those who live by the sword,
die by the sword,

Don't you ever wonder?

Why I would throw away
a 30year career

and let my life go
to shit over your boss?

Come meet me right now and I'll
tell you what you don't know,

Aah! Are pressing charges,

We'll figure this out,

There's a path here, Ryan,

A path to becoming whole,
What do I do?

You just walk into
a police station,

Ryan Winter,

He was asking for somebody
to come out to his house,

He just said that he needed
to talk to somebody,

About the things that he's done,

You deserve to be there, man,

Where's Frank? He's right there,

Frank, no, don't!

Probably should've thought
about "Frank, no, don't"

before this?

Like before you started
yapping your mouth

about how that bike's not mine

and I just can't go
taking people's shit,

like you're the f*cking
policeman of the world!

Stop it! f*ck!

Hey, Matthew,

What'd he do?

Saw me take Chris Anton's bike,

Said he was gonna tell the cops,

Now he's for sure gonna tell
the cops, Aren't you, Stevie?

Stop it! Help!

Please, anybody!

Please help me!

Anybody, please!

Please help me!




"I was in bed,
but I wasn't asleep,"


I was I.

I was in bed,
but I wasn't asleep,

"I heard something
out in the hallway,


I heard footsteps in the hall,

"Not Lyndsay's,
I know what hers sound like,."

So I got worried,

I got up, I went out there...

I knew it wasn't Lyndsay,

So I got my g*n,

No, Hey,

Don't skate over this, buddy,

Please take this seriously,

Now, we are so close

to being done with this guy,

And he just made it so easy
for us,

The only person who can f*ck
this up right now is you,

Garage door open,

Ryan, I

I've been driving around
for hours,

Um, we need to talk,

About things I,

Some things I,

Some things that I,

We have,

I'm so sorry,

Hey, hey,

I'm so sorry,


Did you hurt.

Is someone there?

Who is that?

This doesn't hurt us,

We just need to rethink it,

We need to rethink it,
nail it down, call it in,

But we can't wait too long,

So, here's what happened,

Your faithful assistant,
she tried to defend you,

and Hynes k*lled her,

You ran to her,

and you you thought,
you know, maybe there was time,

So her blood
Her blood on you makes sense,


Go back to the beginning,

Let's go,

I was in bed,
but I wasn't asleep,

I heard something in the hall,

Lyndsay's voice,

She was shouting something,

Then it just, cut off,

Good, I got scared,

I got up, and I went out there,


Thank you,


I'm Kym,


Why're you here, Nicole?

What'd you do?

Broke a girl's nose at school,


Just meangirl shit,

A girl I thought was my friend
did something to me,

Spread rumors about me,

So you broke her nose?



With a book,

You hit her with a book?


A big book?


Well, there aren't
any books here, Nicole,

So you won't be pulling any
more stupid shit like that,

Probably not,

Definitely not,


Say it,

Say it!

Now what?

Come on!

Come here!

You stay back!

Don't do any more, Get back!

What? You tell me,

Tell you what?

There's something going on,

Something like what?
To come over there?

You just keep it the f*ck up,

You hurry out of here
with the bags hanging off you

'cause your daddy found you,

And now you're back here
like nothing even ever happened,

You're gonna tell me,

Did you k*ll him?

Is he dead?

You know, I don't care if he is.

He's not, Why not?

Because we talked
and came to an agreement,

He leaves me alone forever,
he stays alive,

And you trust him to honor that?

Should I conclude from that

there's been a shift
in your view of the world?

I wouldn't,

Something happened,

At the house,

Something f*cking bad
happened at Winter's house!

Every time I feel like
I know where I am with things,

I'm wrong,

One thing I know for sure
is that I f*cked up somewhere,

Obviously I f*cked Nicole up,

f*cking her up was a thing,

I'd probably already done it,


'Cause being here for this
isn't enough to shut it off?

I'm sorry,

You didn't f*ck her up,

Yeah, right,

We did,

No, we didn't,

I did,

What does that mean?

She gets it from me,

Everything she's done
in the last year

that's happened to her.

I passed it to her,

It's filtered through her,


'Cause you stalk people,

You're a stalker and.

Yeah, I am,

I did,

I was not much older
than Nicole is now,

It was a patient, An ER patient.

Stop it, at Mass General,

I was their resident,
and we dated,

Come on,

And when she broke up with me,
I stalked her,

I was arrested,

I was hospitalized,

And I attempted su1c1de,

It's not a joke,

You're telling me this now and.

Have you told Nicole?

Yeah, When?

And she knows, and I didn't?

Did Did you even think
of telling me first?

Did you even think
of telling me when we met?!

When we were dating?!

When I maybe would have I

,, ,for my own
decisionmaking process?!

I was, ,

I was afraid
of how you would react,

I didn't want to drive you away,

You think?!

I know this is a lot to take in,

But this is This is fixable,

We can fix this,

Hi, guys,

Sorry, Come on in,

So, there has been a new twist,

The prosecution's now asking
for six months to a year

in juvenile detention,

What? A year? Wh.

No! The mitigating factors?

The socialmedia stuff?
Yeah, I said that,

There was an incident in holding
with Nicole last night,

My God!

What the hell happened?

It's okay, I'm okay,

So, she gets beaten up in jail,
and it's a strike against her?

Taken together
with the as*ault charge,

this looks like it speaks
to a pattern of behavior,

So, they are offering
an open plea deal,

What does that mean?

She pleads guilty,

Then the state will forget
the fight in detention,

take into consideration all
of your recent volunteer work,

and hand your case
directly to a judge,

Is that a good thing?

She's seen to be cooperating,

It also makes it easier
for the prosecution,

Takes the case
out of their busy hands,

I want to take it,

The deal, I want to do it,

Hey, Please,

All rise

for the Honorable
Judge Ronald Stavian,


Please be seated,

I understand the prosecution
has offered an open plea deal,

How does the defendant
feel about that?

The defendant has decided
to accept it, Your Honor,

Great, Back for a sentencing
hearing in two days,

Lorena got to work,

and there were cops
all over Winter's place,

Plus a coroner's van,

She saw him wheeling out
two body bags,

And she doesn't know
who was in them?

She didn't think
it was the best idea

to start asking cops
a lot of questions,

Being illegal and all,

Where is she now?

I sent her home,
Told her to sit tight,

Said I'd call
if we found out anything,


I'll call Hynes,
See if he knows anything,

Somebody better know something,

Hey, Who's this?

Eldon, A friend of Kevin's,

Is he there?

This your cell
you're calling from, Eldon?


How well do you know Kevin?

Well enough to know that
he's a homicide detective,

recently retired, and would
not let anyone use his phone,

When was the last time
you talked to him?

I Yesterday,

Is he okay?

This is Detective Solis, Eldon,

And I have some bad news
for you,

I feel like we don't eat
as well as we should,

Maybe, I don't know,

Feels like
if we put good stuff in,

we'd feel better,

No, for sure,

If I ate more organic food,

no way
I would've assaulted Pepper,

Honey right now?

I think you need to give me
a bit of a break, All right?

A A mother never wants
to feel the way I feel,

Which is helpless,

II don't know what to do,

Well, you've always
been helpless,

You know, this isn't
actually about me,

You did something awful,

No, what I did was dumb,

But I stood up for myself,

When have you ever
stood up for yourself?


That's not fair,

Life isn't fair,


Over the past several
years, Detective Hynes has waged

a consistent campaign
of harassment and stalking,

My client made multiple official
complaints against him

one just recently,
which resulted

in Hynes being asked
to leave the job,

I talked to Hynes' supervisor
in Fremont,

She confirmed that, Yeah,

D, A,'s office was
also informed of that complaint

at the time
of Hynes' "retirement,".

Hynes underwent mandated
psychological evaluation

three years ago off this issue,

So I hope the SFPD
has a good explanation

as to why he wasn't let go then,

Look, not
a whole lot to debate here,

I spoke to my boss,

And given
what we've been discussing,

she's not particularly inclined

to bring charges
against Mr, Winter,

And we're gonna take our lead
from them, so.

Glad to hear it,

Now, if you can keep
the press out of this,

maybe my client can see
his way clear to forgetting

how mishandled all this was
pretty much from the jump,


Let's go, Ryan,

We'll need your house for
another 24 hours, Mr, Winter,

If you don't have somewhere else
to spend the night,

we can try to about any of that,

But thank you,

I just want to say, Mr, Winter,

how sorry I am for all of this,

- What?!
- Hey, pal,

Told you we'd be okay,

Didn't I tell you?
Yes, you told me,

Well, now I'm gonna tell
you something else, pal.

No more talking to Dr, Chance,
do you hear me?

I said, "Don't do it,"
and you did it anyway,

And maybe it was fun for you
while it lasted,

but that is over,

Do you hear me?

I hear you!



Guys, can I
Can I steal him for a minute?

Thank you guys so much, Come on!

Hey! Frank,

You recognize?

What are you What are you.

Come here! Bring it in,

My God! It's been so long,

Did you watch that whole thing?

Yeah, I did,

I can't even program
my own f*cking remote,

and look at you,

You're You're like a wizard,

Seriously, Matty,
this is impressive,

Sorry, I know,

I know it's, not,
not Matty Debbs anymore,

It'sRyan Winter, right?

How did you find me?

II work for the D, A,'s office
here, believe it or not,

And, also

you haven't changed
as much as you think,

Come here, come here,
Yeah, Absolutely,

Um What?

Okay, then why?
Why did you find me?

Do you want some money?
No, Hell, come on,

Matty, please,

Well, I'm Don't insult me,

,, ,not trying to insult you,

I'm just wondering
what you're doing here,

I just came to tell you
something, okay?

Something that
a couple detectives,

they came into my office
a few days ago and told me,

It's about a woman,

She was found dead
up near Stinson, all right?

Mother of three,

Her throat
was slashed wide open,

And somebody had crammed
a bunch of rocks down inside,


Now, I know
it's sentimental, probably,

The rocks, And And I get it,


it's too specific,

You know?
It's too idiosyncratic,

And it is too easy to identify,

You understand?

So you can't use them
anymore, okay?

Not unless getting caught
is what you want,

But if it's not

then you and I should talk,

Thank you,
Mr, Spangler, for coming in,

I'll be honest,

It was pretty weird
to hear from you,


Because your mother
was my patient?


I just hope you know there's
been a lot of f*cking water

under the bridge since then,

After what happened to me,
I got clean, I found clarity,

I'm not that guy anymore
who could do that to her,

I'm glad, Mr, Spangler,

But that's what I wanted
to talk to you about,

The attack,

You filed a police report?

But they didn't do anything,

What did the man look like? Big,

6 foot, 300 and change,

Bald, tattoo behind one ear,

Beastmaster of a guy,

Had you ever seen him before?

No, I thought
he was gonna rob me,

But then he starts talking
about my mother

how II beat the shit out of her

to to make her sign
the house over to me,

"How did he even know about
her?" is my first thought,

But then I got too busy
trying to defend myself,

I deserved what he gave me,
I know that now,

I don't want to thank him
or anything,

But I do think
about things a lot,

Dr, Chance,

I called,

Lucy said you were
expected in by 11:00,

What's going on, Ryan?

You look very upset,


What we had talked about,
what I was going to, um.

I won't be able to now,

To To turn myself in, For what I

I'm really sorry,


What happened?

That cop, the detective Hynes.

He, um.

He broke into my house,
Lyndsay tried to stop him,


I was in bed,
but I wasn't asleep,

I heard something
out in the hall,

She tried to defend me, and he

he k*lled her,

Hynes k*lled her,
and then he att*cked me,

Came over to me,
I didn't know what to do,

I tried to fight him off,
Why are you here?

So I shot him, Why are you here?

What do you mean?
What are you doing here?

What do you mean? You shot him?

I had to! You shot him?!

He came after me, You don't
understand what happened,

The last time we talked,
you were ready to confess,

You said you were going to,

You seem very
You were gonna leave,

You were gonna set
your life in order,

Then you come here
and tell me this?

You seem between then and now?

You seem very angry, I am angry!

'Cause you're lying to me!
Please, I'm not lying to you,

Don't lie to me!

What was Hynes
doing at your house?

What was he doing there?

You said I could be whole,
but how can that happen now?

I can't get there,

Look what I did, I k*lled a cop,

He's one of them,
They're gonna make me burn,

Bullshit! Liar!
You don't underst.

I wanted to more than anything!

Not for me, For you,

You're the one I trust,
But I can't,

I just can't,

I can't,

How bad you hurt him?

Not bad enough,

You think he'll tell the cops?

If I had to bet, I'd say no,

And it was kind of strange,

He actually He apologized to me,

And I think he meant it,

Did he f*cking apologize
for k*lling Hynes?!

No, he No,

He will,

And then he'll be done,

Look, Hynes.

Hynes wanted everyone to know
what Winter does what he did,

And he wanted Winter
to be alive to tell them,

We owe it to Hynes
to do it the way he wanted,

If we can, So, then what?

What the f*ck are we doing?

Tell me we're doing something,

Yeah, we are,

We will,

I have an idea,
A Hail Mary pass,

In the meantime, I need you
to do something for me,

You know the girl
that Nicole hit?

She pressed charges,

Nic could go to
juvenile detention for a year,

If it happens,
it's gonna happen tomorrow,

That's not good,

Wish I could help,

Yeah, well, you can,

Remember, location is
more important than force

when it comes to strikes,

An open hand
to your opponent's ear

can be just as effective
as a left hook to the jaw

if you're trying to disrupt
their equilibrium,



Every girl in the zoo
is gonna be sizing you up,

Trying to figure out where
you fit in the pecking order,

Like what happened to you
in holding, but worse,

You have to projectconfidence,

Perception is reality,

and perception
is formed right off the bat,

You have to figure out who
to impress and who to knock off,


By paying attention,

Who are people afraid of?

Who's the enforcer?

Who's sitting together at meals?

And if you're ever in doubt

about if somebody wants
to hurt you, hurt them first,

So, you've been in jail before?

No, Arrested a couple of times,
but it never went that far,

Then how do you know all this?

Because the rules in there

are the same as they are
on the street,

But with higher walls,

I'm scared,

That's okay,

You should be,

Just don't admit it,

I'll be right back,

I just need to blow my nose,

Hola, Esto es Lorena,
Deja un mensaje,

Are you sure he really doesn't
mind strangers in his house?

Well, I'm sure
that he's out of town,

and so it don't matter, Okay,

Here's the thing,
He's fine with it,

Okay, well, I can't stay
too much later, though,

'Cause if I get back late,

my sitter
seriously gouges me, so.

Back to the babysitter, okay,

Let's go, How How did you.

Or where did you guys meet,

Your Your rich friend?

Believe or not, we knew
each other as kids,

And he wasn't always rich,

He was just like me, Come on in,

Here we are,.

Thank you,

What's What.

There's something on the floor,

Whoa, All right,

I'm not into whatever this is,

Okay, Please!

Stop! Let me go!

Please! No!


All right,

Put her down,

Cover her,

Come on!

He met one of my patients

in group therapy at the Unit,

I showed this picture
to the detective

investigating Josefa's death,


He told me that if Winter had
no prior record of violent acts,

he never threatened Josefa
or anyone else,

then the police couldn't act

on any information
I was giving them,

When he k*lled her, he posed
her body to mimic this picture

that I'd shown him as part
of a psychological evaluation,

I mean, I see
what you're talking about,

But, unfortunately, it's
the same for me, you know,

You say
that he confessed to you,

but you legally can't
give me any specifics,

And the truth is,
without specifics,

I'm I'm basically hamstrung,

I don't know what to tell you,
I feel bad,

You go out on a limb, and
the detective smacks you down,

and here I'm smacking you down,
but I don't know,

I'm really sorry,

Socan I ask you, is this
how you and Kevin met?

He was sniffing around
on this Josefa Pefaur case

because of Winter?

No, We We met last year,

He was investigating a case,

It was unrelated,

A psychiatrist
was m*rder*d in Berkeley,

and he wanted to know
if I knew them,

I didn't,

I see,

And then
he reached out to you again

when he found out that Winter

was under your care
at the hospital,

Is that it?

More or less, This f*cking guy,

This f*cking guy was like a dog
with a bone with this shit,

But he was right,

I thought he was crazy
to begin with,

but when I saw Josefa,
I knew he was right,

Way before
Winter confessed to me,


It was hard
not to believe in Kevin,

And I tried,

And he made it pretty hard
to be his friend

without getting yourself
in deep shit

with the powers that be,

But he was a really good man,

Do you believe that Winter
k*lled him in selfdefense?

Do I believe it? No,

Can I explain to myself
what happened any other way?

No, that he'd asked you

to look into a couple of things,

Yeah, he came by my office
the other day,

and he was was rambling,

You know, he was He wanted me
to check up on this for him

and and
and make a call about that,

but What did I tell him?

I told him, yeah, I would,

but then I just

just bumrushed him out the door,

I don't know, Maybe if I'd
made more time for him then,

he'd still be here today,

Did he ask you
about Winter's assistant?

Lyndsay, right? Lyndsay,

Yeah, he asked if God,

He asked if she had had
a criminal record

when she lived in Connecticut,

What was that about?
Did he ever tell you?

He thought that she might be
Winter's accomplice,


Well, he never never said
anything about that to me,

Did Winters say anything about
it when he confessed to you?


What do you think?

Do you think he You
think he had an accomplice?

I don't know,

Listen, I've I've got
a deposition, and I got to go,

So, Doc

I want to thank you
for coming out,

You know, it's it's nice to know

that Kevin had
somebody else in his corner,

And I'm not closing the case
on this,

Or him, Not until I'm satisfied,

Me neither,

Okay, well, let's keep
the lines of communication open,

Either of us hear something,
we'll let the other one know,

Okay? All right,

Great, Thanks for coming in,



We need to meet, buddy,

Right f*cking now,

Lillie Coit,
who the tower is named after,

was an eccentric socialite,

She smoked cigars,
wore trousers, gambled,

In a lot of ways,
she was like my first husband,

No, I'd say
there's half a chance

that he's who
choked you out not Hynes,

So he could put
therapeutic mind control,

You know, I blame myself, I do,

For thinking that you heard me,

For not stepping in,

And for not realizing how
how f*cking convenient it is

that you get jumped,
you end up in the hospital

with a guy
who suddenly makes you

f*cking wonder
why you do things!

So g*dd*mn obvious,

You know your Dr, Chance
and Hynes.

They were friends, okay?

Hynes told Chance
everything he knew about you,

And Chance told Hynes

everything that you told him,


You see, they
they were working together

to bring you down,

Don't you get that?
Was completed in 1933,

That's why he was
so angry with me,

Why he beat me up,

Because Hynes was his friend,


That's what you're f*cking
thinking about right now?!


I'm thinking about
how stupid I was,

about what he did.

Keep your voice down,
,, ,what he said,

what he promised me Shh! Shh!

Trust, betraying trust Shut up,

Hey, there was
no betrayal of trust,

'cause there was no trust
to betray,

They were both trying
to hang you,

f*cking Chance still is,


So, what now?

Those that are good
must suffer the same

as those that are bad,

He has to suffer,

Like I have,


Very good,

Case 2231981,

Nicole Chance,

I looked at all the statements

and been made aware
of Ms, Chance's open plea

to reduce the charges to battery

causing serious bodily injury,

I was prepared
to issue a sentence

when I got a call this morning
from a colleague and friend

who wished to speak
on Ms, Chance's behalf,

What is she talking about?
What's going on?

And as it is too late to include

her written statement
in the file,

I've asked her to appear
and speak on the record,

I'm Dr, Kirsten Clayton,

and I would like to say a few
words about Nicole Chance,

It was nothing,

I wanted to do it, Seriously,

It was not nothing,

It made a big difference,

Trust me,

You want to.

You want to come over tonight
after work?


I was so nervous, I mean.


That was wonderful and moving,

and I will never be able
to thank you enough,

I meant it,

You can stay out of trouble
for a year of probation, right?

Yeah, And thank you,

I'm just glad it worked out,

I'll see you,

Thank you,

I can breathe again,

Me too,

How do you feel?

Really good, She was scary, was

I thought
you were gonna get scared,

I was! I know,

Would you just give us
a second, sweetie?

Yeah, I'll meet you outside,

And thanks, Dad,

For everything,


I just don't understand
what took you so long,

I can't stop thinking
about what you told me,

About that girl from your past,

Yeah, I know,

Do you?

'Cause I know now

that I was what you settled for

that there was just no danger
of becoming obsessed with me,

I was the low charge that was
just gonna keep you

from shorting out, Stop it,

It's no wonder I was so alone
in our whole relationship,

We're just gonna have to make
some changes going forward,

I'm gonna have to,

What do you mean? What changes?

I don't know yet,

But I will,

God damn it,
Where is this f*cking guy?

What about asking Lorena?

She might know
where else Winter might go,


I can't get ahold of her,

Been trying
since she left the shop,

First, the calls were
just going to voicemail,

Now the phone's turned off,

Is that a cause for concern?

She's pretty on the ball
in general,

And she's got stuff going on,

It's not like she has to
report back to me or whatever,

I don't know,

I think she probably should've
called back by now,

I think you're right,

Nic, you know, obviously,
I'm I'm so happy

that things turned out
the way that they did,

Sounds like
there's a "but" coming,

Just because you're not
going to juvenile hall

doesn't mean we can go
back to the way things were,

So, what does it mean?

We need to make sure
that you are presented

with good choices now, always,

That you are surrounded
with good energy and.

Mom, stop trying
to not say whatever it is

and just say it,

You're gonna be spending
less time with your father,



Because he told me
about his past,

About what he did,

And I know that you know,

Well, so what?

So, that was like 20 years ago,

And he needed help,

and that's what he got, so
And I went,

and I spoke
to a family therapist,

And until I'm confident
that your father

can be a positive influence,

given everything
that's happened.

You don't know what
you're talking about,

Dad actually gets all this,

Okay, Gets what?

Talk to me, I'm right here,

I did what I did not Dad!

He was just trying
to help me get through it,

Better than you have ever been,

Like, if I had gone to juvie,
Dad was making sure

that I would know how
to defend myself there,

What? What does that mean?

What was he doing? Tell me,

Why?! You won't understand!

You never understand anything!

And I'm not f*cking listening
to you!

In through the nose,

A count of four,

Out through your mouth,

Hey! Sorry we're late,

We took a car, but it's still
kind of a hike from the road,

Who's this?

It's Willow,


My mom, she bailed on me
last minute

for pinochle club,


I'm I'm sorry,

II should have checked with you,

But I thought if I told you
I couldn't get a sitter,

you'd just say, "Don't come,".

She's really good,

She honestly just sleeps,

She's basically like
a people larva,

I swear, it'll be fine,

It will be better than fine,

It'll be perfect,

Do you want to come in? Yeah,

Hola, Esto es Lorena,
Deja un mensaje,

The mailbox is full

and cannot accept any messages
at this time,


It was a federation
of children's charities,

She was on the governing board,

I pledged them
some class B mutual fund shares,

and Lyndsay was
the one I dealt with,

And then she quit,
to help just me,

That's awesome that,
you know, you had that,

You're lucky,

Does Dr, Chance know
where you are right now?

No, Nope,

Does he know anything about

I keep starting
to tell him, and then I don't,

You care
what he thinks about you?

He's a good person,

He's f*cking crazy, but he's
always been there for me,

Maybe not exactly when I
thought he should be, I guess,

But times that it turned out
to actually matter,

looking back,

Before I left to have Willow,
I never saw it,

But going away
and being back now,

I can't believe that I didn't,

The burnout, The weight on him,

How he hears and sees what
he hears and sees every day,

and then he has
to just go back to living,

in the world,

I don't want to give him
anything else bad

to think about,

I don't want to weigh on him,

I won't,

Nicole, wake up,

My name is Dana,
I'm not here to hurt you,


We're just gonna take you
with us on a little trip,

f*ck that, I'm not going
on a trip with you,

We're taking you to a place

where you can figure stuff out,

No way!

God damn it!


Walk her now?
Got her? She's a fighter,

Mom, help me! Got her?

Please, Mom, help me!

Flip! Flip!

Mom! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!

Don't let them take me! Please!

You're just gonna have
to trust me!

I'm sorry!

Please don't let them
Make it tight,

Mom! Take you someplace

where people can help you!
All right, hold her in,

Hold her in, I love you, honey,

I love you, take me!

Please don't!

Mom! Please don't!

- Don't let them!
- Sorry!


Shit! Sorry!


Are you all right?

What the f*ck are you doing?!


Get off! No!

Get off!

II know,


What do you know?

That I ssshouldn't.

It's all right,

That I shouldn't have,

I'm sorry, it's all right,

It doesn't matter,

You're all right,
He was attacking me,

and he had a knife,

and all I could think
about was if if he.

And if I couldn't, I know,

Then she'd be all alone
with him,

All alone!

And And hhelpless and.

It's all right, it's all right,

You're You're safe now,

You're both safe,

He wanted to k*ll me,

He was going to k*ll me,

But then he just He He didn't,

He just He I don't know
why he just let us go,

Do you know why he let us go?!

Why did he do that?

I don't know, I don't know,

It doesn't Why?!

It doesn't matter,
You're safe now,

Lucy, I'm so sorry,
I'm so sorry,

After that, he picked her up,

and he handed me a ph phone

and said I should call you,

Go call Dr, Chance,

And so I did, I called you,

And we just waited there for
somebody to come and get us,

Call Dr, Chance, because I.

Call Dr, Chance,

I brought her there, No,

Call Dr, Chance,

It's over, and you're safe,
You're both safe,


I thought Sirocco
was on call tonight,

No, Sirocco's on Thursday,

What's up?

A lieutenant at Richmond
Station just called,

Had a guy walk in an hour ago,

starts confessing
to multiple murders,

Waives his right to a lawyer,

Now, at first, they thought,
you know, a bedbug,

but apparently the stuff
that he says

is all starting to line up,
For real,

No shit? Yeah,

Also, I guess he's a big deal
in tech or something,

A lotta lotta money,

Big guy in tech?

Okay, Chin,

This or,

A little rounder,

So, that?

Yeah, yeah,

Well, shit, Give it to me, then,


Let's get to work,

And you said the neck
was more right.

Then we, ,

That is what he looked like,


That's the f*cking guy
who att*cked me!

What do we do now?

Who I am calling over there?

Lieutenant who, you said?
Did you write it down?

Yeah, Lieutenant Bibb,
Did you write it down?

Lieutenant Bibb, Okay,

Actually, you know what?
You do it for me,

Get him on the phone for me
right now,

Please, Got you,

No light when all the dust
has settled.

No life at all
will ever come from here.

Nobody left
when all the dust has settled.

You keep on trying,
but I see cold, cold blood.

Cold, cold blood.

Cold, cold blood.

Cold, cold blood.

Cold, cold blood.
