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02x06 - Treasures in Jars of Clay

Posted: 11/12/21 07:51
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Chance"...

Nic thanked Pepper?

Right after she broke her nose.

My father hired new Pis to track me.

It'll just be for a couple of days.

Why don't you just talk to him,

just get everything out on the table,

even if it's only to establish terms?

My son... the last time I saw him,

he was just a little boy.

- What happened?
- Well, gay is what happened.

Winter's people reached out.

I'm telling you, as a friend,
you need to back off.

He wants to torment you,

and you can't let him get away with it.

We can't.

Winter filed another complaint.

I've lost my job.

Mr. Winter has
suffered a trauma.

It's raised issues for him
that he wants to work through

with therapy.

Does he want that, or do you want it?

He says he has to trust
the process, trust you,

but I don't have to, and I don't.

I hurt people.

I hurt them so bad...

that they died.

I felt helpless.

Then I found a way not to be.

She woke back up...

at one point.

Regained consciousness.

Mommy! Mommy!

It's funny, she was, pretty
lucid talking about...

well, not funny,

but it's curious, the kinds
of things people will say.

She said that she was worried about

a driver's test she had the next morning

and asked me if I was there
to help her study.

To tutor her.

Her name was Catherine.

And she made me feel better.

That was the first one?

First one you... you hurt?

You k*lled?

That was your coping mechanism.


But it didn't last.


Once you know how,
you want to feel better again.

How many?

How many have there been?

How do you choose them?

Your victims?

Sins choose us...

according to our weaknesses.

But there are people

who shine with vulnerability,

whether they know it or not.

Their faces say,

"I am afraid of you."

Their faces tell you what
they expect you to do to them.

They expect to be hurt.

They invite it,

because they expect it.

And if I chose anything,

it was because their weakness
spoke to mine.

Were they all mothers?

A child shines with vulnerability.

A child who's been hurt
expects to be hurt again.

Does that mean they deserve it?

Or do they deserve to be protected?

Cared for? Loved?

Who told you this,

about sin and weakness?

Who said that to you?

A very damaged woman

who was carrying her own
terrible psychic pain

she tried to give to you...
pass on to you.

Before she tried to destroy you.

I'm not dead.

I'm lost, but I'm not dead.

I'm not dead!

Old school.

But effective.

How's this?

How about now?

Fear stops when you k*ll
the thing you're afraid of.

Or it kills you.

How many?

He talked about how he kills
them and how he tracked them.

He implied it was many,

but he never actually said a number.

He did name one, though... Catherine.

II... I had him.

He was right there with me.

Let's just go for a drive.

Maybe we just go for a drive.

Yeah. I'll drive you
wherever you want to go.

I don't feel right.

Listen, I think you're
being very brave, Ryan.

You've had to carry this
whole thing alone for so long.

Give me a second.

You know what I think
we should do right now?

I'd like to bring you to the hospital.

Get you admitted.

You got further than I ever did,
than... than anyone could.

But then to f*cking lose him...

Kitchen door open.

No. No, no, no.


She's here.

Ryan, are you all right?

I'm sorry, I... What's going on here?

This... This doesn't
change anything, all right?

I heard you. I want to help you.

Help him? He's a wreck because of you.

You can't go back on this now.
You know that.

The only way out of this is through.

Please come with me now.

- Please?
- Come with you?

Ryan, please!

I don't know if
he actually wanted to stop.

You know what people do
that don't want to stop?

They keep f*cking going.

- He wants you to leave.
- He didn't say that.

He doesn't need to.


Maybe I should call 911.

Go ahead. Let's get the police here.

You're awfully confident.

Wonder why that is.

You're ready?

Let's call them.

I didn't get him to turn himself in,

I didn't get him to admit anything

that I could legally take to the police.

I should've...

My head was just fill... I wanted to...

What? Get yourself arrested?

f*ck that. You played it
the way you could.

And you... you didn't blow it.
You got us a name... Catherine.

I've never heard of
any unsolved Catherines.

Maybe they never found her body.

Or maybe she's one of the bodies
out in the Headlands, even.

I'm gonna look into that.

- Look into it how?
- Well, I mean, I'm...

I'm gonna look into having
someone look into it for me.

I've got this friend
Frank at the D. A.'s office

who doesn't completely hate me yet...

I c... I can ask him.

And speaking of looking into things,

that f*cking Lyndsay,

I looked into her way back when,
and nothing.

Where is she from?

Connecticut or some shit. Why?

I don't know. Just grasping
at straws, I guess.

Maybe Winter doesn't
have any involvement

with Stevie Benjamin's death.

Well, this is... Christ.

Maybe he just had a
morbid fascination with it,

from growing up close by.

Maybe the rock that D found in his house

doesn't have the significance
we thought it did.

Maybe since we're dreaming,
I'd like a pony.

I know. II agree.

I'm just saying, if we're not
dreaming, if we are right,

then we still don't actually
know who that DNA belongs to.

No, we don't, do we?

So, Winter admitted that his...

coping mechanism is k*lling.

And he also admitted that
it's not working anymore.

I don't even want to think about
how he came to that conclusion.

I've got enough on
my conscience as it is.

Right now, my focus has
to be to get him back.

You know, when I was
sitting opposite him,

he was rambling on about
dealing out death...

I thought about dealing it
right back at him.

More than once.

I don't know how you do it,
all those years.

Sitting opposite K*llers,
encouraging them,

getting them to elaborate without...

Stabbing them in the f*cking eye?

Let me tell you something.

You know how many times

I pulled out my piece
in the line of duty?

7... 26 years.

You know how many times I've shot it?


You know how many people I've k*lled?


If you're not acting in selfdefense,

or the active defense of someone else,

then you're a f*cking m*rder*r.

Ryan Winter is a m*rder*r.

And that's who he wants to be.

I'm not gonna be like him.

We have a deal.

Ryan Winter in front
of the bar of justice,

to bare all before the whole world.

I'm gonna do this the right way.

Not Ryan Winter's way.

And your supersized friend?

I'm sure he's gonna be
asking the same question.

So, you're gonna have
to tell him that we...

we have a deal.

His parole officer called
me, told me he'd been working

in a 24hour garage in Daly City
for about the last month.

Called over and talked to the manager.


And Pardo's not
the most popular guy there.

So when some big bald guy
showed up recently

and gave him a beatdown,
nobody was that surprised.

Or sad.

Broke a bunch of bones,
put him in the hospital.

When he got out,

went to live with his sister
in Castro Valley.

So, what's the deal?

Who's this Pardo guy to you?


Mass attack.

I need six guys.

I want you to come at me, hard.

I want you to really try to hurt me.

And I'm gonna really try to hurt you.


- No! Please. He's mine!
- You can't take care of it, man.

You know that. This is an animal abuse.

- Hey, come on, man.
- That's his dog.

Yeah, well,
he can't help himself.

- How's he gonna help the dog?
- No, please!

Put your phones away.
It deserves to be protected.

- It deserves a home!
- Hey! You're hurting him!

- Hey, watch it.
- No!

Get their plates.

Who does that?


Dad's not here.

I know.

Futon's all yours again.

- Hey, you okay?
- Yep.

- You get in a fight?
- Nope.

What are you working on?

This morning, I saw this rich couple

steal a homeless guy's dog.

At least they looked
like they were rich.

So mean and shitty.

They just yanked it right out
of his arms and drove away.

We all just stood there watching.

Or even worse, filming it.

How f*cked up is that?

- Pretty f*cked up.
- Yeah.

So, anyway, I'm trying to find them

through the gross magic of social media.

- The rich hipster couple.
- To do what?

I don't know. Talk to them.

Say if they let me take the dog back,

I'll keep an eye on it
if they're worried,

make sure it gets
its sh*ts and whatever.

That way, everyone
can get what they want.

These rich people
you're talking about...

they have what they want.

They don't care about you.

Before you even open your mouth,

you'll be wasting their time.

You can plan shit out in your head.

Everything you want to do and say...

everything you think
the other guy might do or say.

But when you get to it,

nothing is like you planned.



If I left anything here that
you find, just throw it away.

Hey, I got it. I got it. Thanks.

Knock, knock.

- Kev.
- Frank.

My man.

That thing you're working on pan out?

- What's up?
- Yeah. No.

We had a little setback there,
but we're still on track.

But, in the meantime,

I could use a favor.

Well, a couple of them, actually.

Jesus wept.

- Katherine Atkins.
- Mother of two.

And the DOJ website
reported her missing in 2005

in, Alameda County.

So I called Alameda PD
and got the runaround.

And long story short, they found a body,

but they won't tell me shit.

Well, like, what do you want to know?

Well, for starters,
I'd like to know how she died.

And also, whether there were,
rocks in her throat.

Okay. I'm not even... Yeah,
I can make a call. Okay.

What else?

You, know somebody

in the State's Attorney's office

in Bridgeport, right?

In Bridgeport?

You're talking Bridgeport, Connecticut?

- Yes.
- Jesus Christ, buddy.

You are... You are
all over the map today.

Yes, I do. Why?

Great. Can you ask them
to run that sheet?

I'm looking for any
expunged criminal records.

I mean, I...
Look, I ran her a few years ago,

but I only did it in California, so...

Who's Lyndsay Hamilton?

Well, she's, Winter's assistant.

- Wint... Come on.
- Yeah, I know.

- Kevin, why?
- I know, but listen to me.

I'm just thinking maybe Winter
had some help along the way.

- So let's just leave it at that.
- No, but that's just it.

Help with what? And... based on what?

Kevin, not for nothing,

but being your friend is like
having a g*dd*mn colonoscopy.

Please, Frank?

I need your help. Please.


Thank you.

Appreciate it.

- Now leave me alone?
- Yes.

- Please?
- For today, I will.

Thanks again, Frank.

Hi. This is Ryan. Leave a message.

Ryan, it's Eldon Chance here again.

Please call me.

Please reach out, okay?

III need to know you're all right.

I'm here to help you.
I want to help you.



Stop calling him!

Lyndsay, Mr. Winter is
in a fragile state right now.

He needs constant medical supervision.

It's possible he might hurt
himself or someone else.

I will lodge a formal complaint
with the state medical board.

I get it. You care about him.

So do I. We're on the same side here.

You will lose your license,
face charges.

Should I keep going?

Listen, if anything happens to him,

you could be held responsible.

I am trying my best
to be civil, Dr. Chance.

You don't want to see
what happens when I stop.

Or maybe I do, Lyndsay.

Maybe that way, I'll find out
what it is you're hiding.

- Hey.
- Hey.

So, full disclosure?

That could mean almost anything,
but sure.

I found Wade Pardo.


I know you said you thought
he wouldn't come back here,

but still.

I asked a cop friend of mine
to try and track him down.

In case.

And what'd you find out?

He was working in Daly City,
at a garage,

and then somebody showed up
and threw him a beatdown.

Broke a lot of bones.

Not too long after his runin with you.

Same thing happened to
Matty Willis a couple weeks ago.

He's the guy who broke into

Clara Santiago's apartment
and r*ped her.

I think that the charge was dropped

on an illegal search issue.

But Clara came and told me that...

that Matty'd been robbed,
he'd been stabbed.

He survived, but one of the
nerves in his arm was severed.

Really? I didn't hear about that.

Well, honestly, if we followed up

on every person
who put a patient in here,

I think we'd find the percentage of them

volunteering in soup kitchens

and helping old ladies across
the street would be pretty low.

Those who live by the sword,
die by the sword, I guess.

Or get maimed by the sword.

And our job is to deal with the fallout.

And we've got enough fallout
to last the rest of our lives.

Speaking of which...

Didn't you come in to get coffee?

Yeah, I did.

Obviously I need it.

- Come on.
- How's he gonna help the dog?

- Put your phones away.
- What gives you the right?

You're hurting him!

Crazy messed up. Get the plates.

What the hell?

No, no!

Go, go, go!

Stop it!

That's closed now.

It was up on 18th.

It's the only place I could go.

Come on, there weren't
any other gay bars

in the Castro in the '70s?

The only place a black man could go..

Besides Oakland.

So what happened?

I became...


If once a week was fine,

four times a week was that much better.

I told myself, before I told Olivia,

I was trying to find what exactly it was

that I was telling her.

And while I was finding out,
she found me out.

Took Alvin to her mother's
and followed me to the Pendulum.


It was a betrayal, no question.

Made worse by having been discovered,

rather than confessed.

So, you... you never thought
about just giving it up?

I mean, pretending
that it never happened

and saying it was a mistake?

You can't close your eyes
once they've been opened.

No, you can't.

You know, you may not be
a married man with a child,

but still.

People are going to
look at you differently,

and that's fine.

If you are strong in yourself.

And, Kevin, I see that you are.

You are strong.

You are ready.

You are a treasure in a jar of clay.


Yes, indeed.

Pressed on all sides, but not crushed.

Perplexed, but not in despair.

Persecuted, but never forsaken.

Struck down, but never destroyed.


have another cup of tea.


Yeah, you need to stretch more.

I don't know why guys don't stretch.


My God!

Where'd you come from?

I'm so glad to have you back.

So, you're here again?

Safe to come back now?

All good, brother.

Say it.

Your face.

I needed to work something out.

Something that didn't feel finished.

So I did.

And it does.

Winter. You get back with him yet?

No, not yet.
It's not for want of trying.

I drove by his place,
I left a ton of messages.

Why is he stonewalling now?

It's Lyndsay who's doing
the stonewalling.

I don't know what Winter's doing.

f*cking Eva Braun.

I hope Hynes can dig
something up on her.

Yeah, so do I,

but that doesn't help me right now.

Right now the problem is that
she's denying me access.

Every hour that passes is an hour lost.

Winter could change his story,

change his mind, he can end the game.


Unless we can separate
the sheep from the sheepdog.


There is the instance
where a monk,

having gone into the wilderness,

sits down under the shade of a tree,

setting mindfulness to the fore.

Always mindful,

he breathes in.

Always mindful,

he breathes out.

Always mindful...


Hey, Lyndsay.

Who is this?

Well, you filed the complaint
that got me fired...

seems like you should know who I am.

You got yourself fired.

Now, it seems you want to get
yourself arrested, as well.

Crazy, right?

What the f*ck am I thinking?

- Don't you ever wonder?
- Don't I ever wonder what?

What I'm thinking.

Why I would throw away a 30year career

and let my life go
to shit over your boss?

Or what I might know that you don't?

Come meet me right now and I'll
tell you what you don't know.

I'll even let you pick the place.

Public place if it makes you feel safer.

But pick it right now.

Before I change my mind.

Or you'll never get the answers
you've always wanted.

He's in his room. Mr. Winter.

I have to run out,
but I'll be back soon.

I'm going to end this insanity
once and for all.

Just call me if you need me,
but don't leave.

And don't let anyone in.

Easiest noncheese
mac and cheese...

Nic, are you in there?

Nicole, open the door!

Packed full of nutrients, proteins...

Nic, open the door!


Why didn't you answer your phone?

II don't know.
It's charging in the kitchen.

Why? What's wrong?

Don't worry. It's gonna be fine.

I hired a lawyer and he's gonna
meet us down there, okay?

We will figure this out. Don't worry.

Mom, don't worry about what?

MMom, they stole his dog!

II just took it back to him.
I never did...

- I promise! Nic, what are you saying?
- Stop talking.

Nicole Chance, you're under
arrest for aggravated as*ault.

Please place your hands
behind your back.

Pepper's parents are pressing charges.

It's gonna be fine. II promise.

We'll figure this out.

Ramona Marquez, 34, one son...

he cut her throat.

Ivy Maitland, 31.

She had a son.

He cut her throat.

And Josefa Pefaur, 30.

Twin girls and a baby on the way.

Winter met her in group therapy,

at the Victims of Violent Crime Unit.

Cut her throat.

Katherine, Travis, Su Yee,

Leigh Ann, Ramona, Ivy, and Josefa.

That's as many as I'm sure of.

And I don't believe that
that's all there are.

So... these are things
you think I need to hear?


Those are the things
that everyone needs to hear.

When Winter was 4 years old,

his name was Matthew Debbs.

This is a picture of his mother, Amy.

When Amy was 33 years old,

she tried to k*ll herself
by cutting her own throat.

But it didn't work.

So she tried to k*ll Matthew instead.

Now, I'm not sure,

but it's probably
why he does what he does.

I mean, it seems pretty likely.

But still, if I could,

I'd talk to him about it.

I mean, wouldn't you...
like to talk to him about it?

Or... do you not need to?

Do you know everything, Lyndsay?

I'm done.

Well, I'm not.

When I am, you'll know.

And how are the factors
for awakening

developed and pursued

so as to bring clear knowing

and release to their culmination?

A monk develops mindfulness

as a factor for awakening.

Persistence as a factor for awakening.

Concentration as a factor for awakening.

Serenity as a factor for awakening.

Dependent on seclusion.

Dependent on dispassion.

Dependent on closure.

Resulting in surrender.



It's okay, Ryan.

I'm here.

You're here with me.


Where the f*ck is here?

This is a safe place.

I brought you here because
I thought it was best.

A quiet place for us to
finish what you started.

You're not a prisoner.

Ryan, you're not a hostage.

You want to call someone,
you can call Lyndsay

or you could call
the police if you want.

You can tell them that
you were kidnapped,

brought here against your will.

It's up to you.

I told you things.

And I know you're not finished.

No, I can't. I can't.

Yeah, you can.

I'm not going to prison.

I'm not asking you to.

I've seen this before, Ryan.

I had a patient. A woman.

She went through this, too.

She and I did. Together.

Who was she?

What was wrong with her?

She hurt people.

Like you did.

Like you do.

She also had a history of abuse,

going back to when she was a child.

She was beset by feelings
of guilt and rage, remorse...

Retreating into dissociation.

She also told me that
she couldn't face prison.

She was too afraid.

But, as afraid as she was...

she trusted me more.

She admitted what she'd done.

In court.

There was a plea of diminished capacity,

and I testified on her behalf.

She was committed to
a psychiatric hospital.

Not a prison.

She's receiving care
and she's rebuilding her life.

And I am helping her do that.

It's slow, but it is happening.

There's a path here, Ryan.

A path to becoming whole.

And I think you're brave enough
to take those first steps.

And I'll walk it with you.

How do I know any of this is...

If it could really all work out
for me the way you say?

What you can know is what
the future will look like

if you don't change it.

It's going to be like the past.

No. No. I'm not...

I mean, II can't just leave my life!

I mean, I have to put
everything in order first.

I can't just walk away!

Yeah, you can.

You can and you have to.

You deserve to.

I asked you once
how someone could consent

to let you in their head

without knowing what
you would find there.

But I knew what you would find.

Yeah, you did.

But you said yes anyway.

You trusted me to
bring you to this moment.

Nothing worthwhile is ever
done through thinking alone.

At some point, you have to act.

What will it look like?

Where do I go?

What do I do?

You just walk into a police station,

any police station.

- With you?
- No. I can't.

They would think I'd coerced you.

They'd be thinking that
down the line somewhere,

some defense lawyer's gonna
use my presence against them.

But you'll come after? When it's done?

When it's done.

Well then...

I guess it's time to act.


I'll see you on the path.


I think this is it.

What is this?

Why are we here?

I called your son.

Said how you never stopped
keeping the faith

the entire time I've known you.

Told him what you did for them,

how you'd take all
the beatings there are.

How you never hated,

no matter how hurt you were.


They get it now.

They're up there waiting.

They want to talk.

Good call.

All right.

Let's just get it over with then.

Go ahead.

Here's a fuckedup thing.

When I needed you, you were gone.

When I told you what was happening,

you heard enough to know.

I didn't get it, though.

I kept thinking that you left
because you didn't understand.

That if I could just be
clearer, explain better,

that you'd finally step up.

It took me years to see that
you just didn't give a f*ck.

And now, when what I really need
is for you to be gone,

here you are.

With your money, your boughtoff judges,

your Pis hunting me down.

With all the shit that got us here...

on you.

So here's my offer.

Never try to find
or interfere with me again.

In this life or any other,

by way of covering all bets.

As long as you can do that,

I can even thank you.

You made me who I am,

and I'm okay with it.

How about you?

Are you okay with it?

You know what?

I don't give a f*ck if you are or not.

I just need to know if we're done.

For good.

Last time we speak.

Last time we anything.





Hey, sorry so late.

Forget it. What's up?

Ryan Winter.

Yeah. What about him?

Well, I don't have
any details yet, just...

he called the office.

He was asking for somebody
to come out to his house.

And it probably should be my boss,

but my boss is in Tahoe.

Come out to his house? For what?

He just said that he needed
to talk to somebody.

About the things that he's done.

Now, obviously, I said that I'd go.

I'm rolling out there now.

I thought I'd give you the heads
up in case you wanted to come.

- You f*cking serious?
- Well, nothing's official,

but if this is what it
sounds like it could be...

you deserve to be there, man.

I mean, you, of all people.

You're the best, Frank. I'm on my way.


Where's Frank?

I said, where the f*ck is Frank?!

He's right there.
