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04x09 - The Traitor

Posted: 11/11/21 18:33
by bunniefuu
Previously on the strain...
We're here, and now we're

Coming for you.

You really think the nuke's gonna
be safe just, like, sitting here

While we go find your friends?
That's an excellent

Point, roman. We'll send word
as soon as we can.

Mr. Quinlan.

We can't think

That this doesn't involve us
anymore. Every deal you make,

The master has a hand in it.
And if we don't fight,

We're helping him win. I think
i know how we can find the master.

Sanjay desai. If we grab him,
we can bring him back here

And make him tell us
where the master is.

Our enemies are closing in.

They have managed to bring
an atomic b*mb onto this island.

There must be something
we can do.

There is something. You have
nothing to worry about, zack.

You were born to do this.
That's why the master chose you.

We bumped into this kid
out there. Said he was looking

For you.
What kid? Where?

He was in the market on m.L.K.

Hey. I brought you some food.


Sorry for locking you in here.

The others don't trust you.

What about you?

You were with the master
for more than nine months.

I want to trust you.

But you don't.

Why don't you tell me

What happened after
you left me at stoneheart?

The whole story. Everything.

Can we please just talk
about this later, dad?

I haven't slept in days

And i can barely
keep my eyes open.

Yeah. Sure.

Get some sleep.
We'll talk after.

What did he say?


Not much. He's exhausted.

I'll talk to him
when he gets some sleep.

Need i point out that this is
an incredible coincidence?

Right after we bring

A nuclear w*apon onto manhattan

To use against the master,
your son suddenly escapes

And miraculously finds you.

Yeah. Full of heartfelt
pronouncements about...

How much he missed me.
I know, it's suspicious as hell.

Who knows? Maybe he has
stockholm syndrome.

Maybe the master
warped his mind.

Or maybe he's just
a scared, confused kid.


I need you to tell me

That your feelings for this boy
will not comprise

Our mission. There's
too much at stake.

You think in a...
Moment of emotion

I'm gonna tell him
where the b*mb is hidden?

Your attachment to your son has
clouded your judgement before.

Not this time. He was
brought here blindfolded.

He has no idea where he is.

As long as he's kept locked up,

He won't know anything
we don't tell him.

I should remind you,

He could tell us
where the master is.

As long as he tells us
the truth.

He could have been sent here
to feed us lies. Trick us.

That's what i intend
to find out.

Help me understand.

Help you understand what?

How you could
sit in your office

Every day, sipping lattes,

While right outside your window

Bus after bus of people

Arrived to be drained
on your assembly line.

Ok. Hold on a second.

Let's just be clear about one thing.
That's not My assembly line, all right?

I mean, technically,
yeah, it's...

It's in my area
of responsibility,

But i didn't build it, i didn't
design it, i didn't run it.

It was eichhorst.

Eichhorst did all that.


The screams...

The stench...

Of human bodies

Piling up?

Did that... That didn't
bother you at all, no?

Of course it did.

It was a horrible,
horrible thing.

That's why i...

I went in there as little
as possible, because i had

To stay focused on...

Saving as many human beings
as i could.

You see, if...

If i could prove

To the strigoi that most of us
believed in the partnership,

Then millions of people

Could have a chance at...

At meaningful, productive lives.
So the thousands

Drained on hooks...

They were just our price
to pay to survive.

The price we pay
to build a better world.

So this...
this here...

This is a better world?

Do you remember what it was
like before the partnership?

The carnage
in the streets, the...

The gangs creating mayhem,

The t*rrorists,
the armed lunatics that walked

Into churches and schools,
slaughtering innocent people?

We were living in a
dysfunctional society!

And why?

Because... No one had the balls

To face an inconvenient
little truth.

What truth is that?
Too many people.

Drug addicts,

Alcoholics, mentally ill.

And how many billions
of dollars did we spend

Warehousing them
in prisons or...

Or keeping them going
on welfare? Come on!

So the solution is just to...

Put them up on hooks and drain
them of their blood, huh?

Yeah, i know
it sounds cold, but...

At least...

They're making
a positive contribution.

With their blood?

You look at me like i'm some
kind of monster, you hypocrite.

And how many people
have you k*lled, huh,

On this messianic
campaign of yours?

How many more are you gonna k*ll

When you blow up that nuke
in the middle of a city?

What? Two, three million?!

Yeah, sure, we paid a stiff
price but it was worth it.

Worth sophie's baby?!

You let them take it
and drain it!

So sophie could live, you...

Look, i am not gonna
sit here and pretend

That all these compromises
were ideal.

But, come on, if we're gonna be

Absolutely, brutally honest,

A newborn baby is hardly worth

That of a...
Of a fully developed adult.

It's... It's not self-aware,
and it didn't even know

What was happening to it and no doubt
is in a better place right now!


Hey, hey, hey.
Look, that's enough.

Ok, all right.

All right. All right. All right.
All right. All right.

All right. All right.

(indistinct speaking
from television)

Stop right there, buddy!

Step into the light.

Drop your w*apon!

Ok, then.

Don't sh**t.

I told you
to put your w*apon down!

How 'bout you put
yours down instead?

You sh**t, i take
your friend with me.

That's unlikely.

But let's not
find out, all right?

Vasiliy fet sent us.

Russian? With a beard?

Nice try.

His face is plastered on every
video screen in the city.

He calls strigs "munchers."

And your name's roman, right?

Ok. So?

Now, you wanna know what's
funny about this, rambo?


We're here to help you
keep the nuke safe.

Now, put the g*n down.

Put it down.

I'm gus elizalde.
That's my boy marcus.

Where's fet?
They captured desai.

That dude
from the partnership videos?

Yeah. They wanted
to ask him some questions.

Oh, yeah. I want to know
why the partnership bars

Taste like donkey ass, man.


Hey oh! Come on!

Got somethin' to show you.

We're good.

We brought you
some brand new power tools.

Holy shit.

So, where do you
have the nuke?

So, if we set this off...

How big is the expl*si*n?

You can adjust the yield.

All the way up?

Pretty much half of manhattan.


It's like talking to someone
from an alternate universe.

He's completely

Convinced himself
that he's some kind of hero.

How else could he
live with himself?

He can't afford
to face the truth.

If none of this had happened,

He'd probably be
some... assh*le executive

In an office somewhere.

A prick, definitely.

Not a k*ller.

So, the master just...
Changes all the rules,

And says wrong is right
and right is wrong

And he just embraces it?

Are we any better?

If none of this had happened,

We wouldn't have
k*lled anyone either.

Are you sure that we're doing
the right thing?

What's the other option, hm?

We let desai go free?

We let the master win?

It's the best hope that we have.


I wish the professor was here.


Me too.

You're awake. Good.

We need to talk.

What did you do

After i last saw you
at stoneheart?

I was so upset that...

I ran.

I ran down the stairs...

Into the street.
I saw all the dead people

And all the trashed buildings.

I had no clue what to do.

Then i ran into
that guy... Eichhorst.

What was eichhorst doing?

He was looking for the master.

So he took me with him.

And you were with the master
from then on?

What was that like?

It was all right, i guess.

He gave me lots
of cool stuff like...

Computers and video games.

But he was always working on me.

Telling me how he was trying
to help the human race.

Did you believe him?


But i pretended to...

'cause i was afraid
of what he might do.

He had me do some
pretty messed up things.

Like what?

He took me
to the central park zoo

...And made me k*ll the tiger.

Why the hell would he do that?

He said something about

Feeling the power
of looking into the eyes

Of a creature
and taking its life.

And did you feel that power?

It made me feel
sick to my stomach.

But of course,
i didn't tell him that.

Why do you think
he did all this?

'cause he wanted me
to turn against you.

'cause he knew i was upset
that you k*lled mom.

That wasn't your mother.
That was a parasite.

I know, dad.

And i see that now, but...

I didn't then.
I just missed her so much.

And he said you hated mom.

And when she turned,

It just gave you
the excuse you needed.

Is that what you think?

I did...

For a long time, but...

He was just trying
to get me to hate you.

And i couldn't.

'cause i remember the look
on your face after you did it,

And i realized...
That couldn't be the truth,

No matter what the master said.

So, how'd you escape?

I didn't.

The master let me go.

Why would he do that?

Because he wanted me
to find you...

...And spy on you.

Find out where
the nuclear b*mb is...

...And go back and tell him.

Goodweather took these videos
in pennsylvania.

He's also seen

The official partnership
manifests ordering people

To be transported to half
a dozen of these places.

If the master gets his way...

...The entire human race will
end up in these feedlots.

Look, i know people
who've been to new horizons

And those places.
They're nothing like that.

They're communal farms.

Everybody is pitching in

Side by side in those fields.

And, honestly,
it's working beautifully.

But you've never actually
been to these places.

Can you just
think for a second?

Use your brain.

Why would the strigoi

Put people into conditions
like that?

Can you imagine the diseases
that would breed?

It would contaminate
their blood supply.

It's the last thing they want.

The healthier we are,
the healthier they are.

Then how do you explain this?
It's fake.

You really think we have
the resources to build a camp

And gather thousands
of people to stage this?

I think that if dutch velders
has the skill set

To crash the internet,
a few little pictures

On a cell phone
are child's play for her.

Tell me something, then.

Why the hell would we go
through all that trouble?

The same reason you're blowing up
a nuke in the middle of manhattan.

To sow chaos and panic
so that you can seize power.

This is getting us nowhere.

Have fun with this guy.


Oh, shit. No, no, no, no, no.
Look, you don't want to k*ll me.

You don't want to k*ll me.
Dutch, you can't k*ll me!

You'll have nothing
to bargain with!

oh. Thank you.


Listen to me!
You don't want to do this!

Let me talk to you! Please!

I swear, you don't
wanna k*ll me!



What's going on?

How dare you?

Selah has nothing
to do with this!

Your wife profited from the people you tortured and k*lled.
She's just as guilty as you are.

We're finished debating
the moral ramifications.

This woman may be all you love

In the world,

But to me...

...She's lunch.

No, no, no, no.
Tell us where the master is...

Or i drink her. Here.

I can't.

If i tell them, the master will
come after us.

I am so sorry
that this is happening

But you have to believe me, I did
everything i could to protect you.

no, no, no! Please!

Please! Stop this!
Oh, sanjay, please!

Stop it! Ok! All right.

The master's nesting
in the empire state building.

He's on the 102nd floor.

Now, that wasn't so hard,
was it?

Draw us the layout.

Where everything
and everyone is.

Leave nothing out.

So, what do they want?

They just want
to ask you some questions.

Hey, fet.


And this is--
the born.

Shall we get on with it?


Do you know
where the master's nest is?

Yeah. I've been there.

Where is it?

It's at the top
of the empire state building.

Can you draw
what you saw there?


I never thought silver
could be this heavy.

That's 'cause you never
ripped off anything bigger

Than your grandma's tea set.

You got that right.

What rock did quinlan
find you under, huh?

Hold on.

What is that supposed to mean?

I thought you were here
to help me guard the b*mb.

Now you're down here
and you're looting the vault?

Slow down, bro.

You see any gold on this cart?

Now, there was a time
i would've worried about lining

My pockets but that kind of thinking
brought me nothing but grief.

So, what's this about?

It's cool.

Now, this plan
to nuke the master --

It might work but it might not.

I've been on this merry-go-round
a few times.

This man i knew,

He taught me...

The most valuable thing
in this fight... Is silver.

You gonna help us or not?

That's all i can remember.

They're almost identical.

Zack and our prisoner were
kept separate. Neither knew

The other one was here
or what we were talking about.

Yes, it appears
he's being truthful.

But, then, a good spy would
tell the truth,

Or at least a portion of it
to gain our trust

You don't trust me? Fine.

Lock me back in that cell
and leave me there.

Can i... Can i just go back now?


What about 34th street?

Same problem. If i were
the master,

I'd have strigoi on top
of every one of those buildings

To spot us before
we got into reach.

How is he?

He's upset.

Or doing a good job
pretending to be.

If ever there was a kid that
had a right to be messed up,

It's zack. Losing his mum,
his home, his friends.

So, you think he's
telling the truth?

I didn't say that.

I'm just saying
he's traumatized.

So, you think he's lying.
No, i didn't say that either.

I want to believe him.

There's just something
in my gut telling me not to.

What do you think?

Look, i want this
to work for you.

And for zack too; i really do.

I was always fond of him, but...

But he knows that.

And maybe he's
using it against us.

What about the anti-t*nk
rockets? You want them

All in there, or should we put
some in with the nuke?

Let's start with the silver;
i'll let you know. Hey, roman?


About these rockets.
If one of 'em gets hit,

Is it gonna set off the b*mb?
Nah, nah.

These things are built
to blast into space,

Survive re-entry,
and still go off

Right when they're told to.

Miracles of engineering.

These miracles
of... Engineering --

They're responsible
for climate change, right?

I mean, why the hell would you
mess with these things

In the first place?
I didn't join up to sling

Missiles. I wanted
to fly fighters.

But i was an lt and, uh...

There were four captains
in my class.

Well, life isn't fair, my man.

Tell you what, though.

We k*ll this master,

Vaporize his super worm
or whatever...

...And that gold downstairs
would come in handy.

Holy shit.

Captain roman is
a thief at heart.

I'm not. Really.

I just got to, uh... Gotta
promise myself something good

Or i'll... I'll stop moving.

Don't you need
something to dream about?

You know, like going
someplace you've never been

Or... Or looking up

Someone you wanna see again?


It's just this girl i met.
I helped her and her family

Get out of the city
before it went to hell.

I just pray she didn't die...

Like everybody else i know.

Or like i'm going to
by the end of this whole thing.


I mean, if you don't make it,

You wanna give me her address
so i can console her?

Nice try, romeo.

But that's what i'm gonna do.

Thanks for gettin' me
out of there.

Well, we put you
through the wringer today.

You deserve a break.


I can't remember the last time
i had a ginger ale.

What're you looking at?

It's just so quiet.

You remember
when all this started?

Sirens every night,

Helicopters everywhere.

I wish we could
see some stars.

Me, too.

It's been a long time
since i've seen stars.

Since i set off the nuke.


I'm so sorry.

I know i did a terrible thing,

And i wish i could take it back.

You can't...

...Any more than i can
take back my mistakes.

Then what do we do?

We move on, somehow.

You're gettin' big!

You'll be taller than me soon.

I doubt it.

Ah! Ah!

What happened?

Ah. Cut my thumb.
Let me see?

We should probably get
this cleaned up. Come on.

You gonna get some

Yeah, not yet.

Is something wrong?

How many cans of soda have you
opened in your life?

I don't know.

You ever cut your thumb
opening a can of soda?

Why'd you do it tonight?

I was upset, i guess.

I think you did it on purpose.

Why would i do that?

To mark our location
with the scent of your blood.

That's crazy.
I don't think it is.

I think you came here
to betray me.

Dad, i told you
everything i know!

As a matter of fact, i think you've been
lying to me from the second you got here.

I'm sorry for what i did, ok?

But i already told you that!

Will you just have
the decency to look at me

And tell me the truth?!

The truth is my mother is
not a parasite.

What? What do you mean,
your mother "is" not a parasite?

You didn't k*ll her.
She's still alive.

What are you talking about?
Mom's alive...

Inside the master. And he lets
her come out and talk to me.

She remembers everything!

You're the liar, not me!

She told me all
about you and nora.

How you had sex with her!

That's why mom kicked you out!

That's the truth!

Guess what, dad, you were right.

The feelers can track

The scent of blood for miles.

Now listen carefully, dad,

'cause we don't have much time.

The master said i get to decide
what to do with you.

So tell me where the nuke is,

And i'll let you live.

Where is it?

Goodbye, zack.

Where are you going?
You made your choice.

Live with it.

Dad! Dad!

I'm trying to save your life!

dad, wait! Dad!

We could surface right here,
around 42nd street.

Then we'd have to steal a vehicle
and transfer our payload.

We have to go right now.

You were right.

Zack's working with the master.

I took him up to the roof.
He cut his thumb open.

It's like setting off a flare.
Oh, god damn it.

I'm so sorry, eph.

Me, too. But right now,

The master's sending his troops.
We have to go.

The federal reserve.

We'll come up with the rest
of the plan there.

What's our target?

Empire state building.
Zack and desai,

They both confirmed that
the master was nesting there.

Zack is a tool of the master.

If he told us about the empire state building,
it's because the master wanted him to.

Means he's moved
somewhere and probably

Set a trap for us there.
It's possible.

But if it is a trap,
we can turn it to our advantage.

Yeah. Like a rat springs
a trap to get the cheese.

This is an opportunity
we can't afford to ignore.

Obviously the master wants
to lure the nuke

Out into the open
where he can get at it.

Is there a way to trigger
this b*mb remotely?

Yeah, i, uh...

I rigged this up.

Problem is you can only trigger
from about a thousand yards,

Which means you're still
gonna be in the blast zone.

It's not a factor.

I don't plan to survive.

Hard core.

If the master wants
to draw us into a trap,

Then into his trap i shall go.

If i can lure him to me,

I'll contact you via radio.
You'll then drive the b*mb

To the base of the building
and escape

Before i trigger the w*apon.

Hey, that's a hell of
a hail mary play there, born-o.

You have a better idea?

How... How big a boom
are we looking for?

We just want to take out
the empire state building.

Ahem. I'll set it
to 15 kilotons.

The fireball will
vaporize the building

And leave nothing but a crater
a hundred feet deep.

Jesus christ.

Are you sure
you're ok with this?


But it's the least-bad
option we have.

We should have seen
some strigs by now.

Where the hell are they?

Something's not right.

You know, i'd feel a damn
sight better if you stop

Monkeying around
with that trigger.

I've been handling
weapons safely for--

2000 years, right.

But it takes one screw-up

To ruin a good streak, born-o.

Stay here.

Wait for my call.

Well, born-o...

Good hunting.

Good luck.

All of you.

That one has
quite a pair of balls.

Actually, he doesn't.

- Hear anything?
- No.

They must have
left someone to guard us.

Not if they're going for the master.
They're going to need

- Every last person they got.
- What if they all get k*lled?

No one knows
we're locked in here.

We could starve to death.
Selah, it's ok.

sh, sh, sh, sh, sh.

I'm sorry this happened.

I'm sorry i couldn't
protect you from this.

But you have to believe i tried.

Everything i did, i did for you.

You didn't do

A god damned thing for me.
You did it for you.

I... No. You're saying i...
I liked working for eichhorst,

Dealing with all that...
That pressure and that shit?

Yes, i do.

Ok. Yeah.

I'm very sorry
that you feel that way.

But you're wrong.

I did do it for you.

And what about
banging your assistants?

Did you do that for me, too?

Excuse me?

You really think
i'm that stupid?

You have always been the one
for me, always. I have never

Been unfaithful to you!

What was that?

Where is the w*apon?

They wouldn't tell me.

You were not supposed
to signal me until you found it.

I know, but... They saw
through me, so i thought--

Where are they now?

What do we do now? Hm?

Sanjay! Just shut up!
I'm trying to figure this out!


Thank god.

You're injured?

Oh. Dutch. Dutch velders,
she did this to me.

They interrogated you?
No! Yes! They tried.

What's she doing here?

They tried to use her

As leverage. But it didn't work.

We... We didn't say anything.
He's lying!

He told them you were
at the empire state building!

I heard the others
talking about it!

She... She told them.

I tried to stop her.

You know i didn't!
Selah, i'm so sorry.

I begged you to stay quiet. I
wish you had listened.

You son of a bitch! I...

I tried to control her, sir.

She was always so impetuous.

It wasn't your wife.
It was you.

But it was only because...

Sir, please!

Please don't! You need me!

Such a creature is
beneath contempt.

Perhaps it is clear to you now

That i have no tolerance

For the weak.

we've gone hot.

What's going on, born-o?

I'm just entering
the lobby now.

Looks like nobody's home.

I'm going up.

could be a boatload of munchers
between you and the top floor.

Then it might take me a while.

- He's not here.
- Where is he?

You think i'm gonna tell you?

Tell them, invictus.

Tell them how you have failed...

Yet again.

He's not here.

Not here?

"not here" as in
"not on the top floor"?

Or "not here" as in
"not in the building"?

Not in the building.

So, what do you want us to do?

Such a pity

You've wasted your existence

With humans

Instead of taking
your place beside me.

And become a pawn
like the boy?

He's more of a son to me

Than you have ever been.


Is this the best you can do?

Dispatching these vermin

Instead of having the courage
to face me yourself?

You think i'm foolish enough

To come within range
of your b*mb?

Until you confront me,

You will never have
the security you crave.

No matter how many humans
you enslave,

No matter how many cities
you hollow out,

I shall never give up
my pursuit of you.

You'll have
your confrontation.

But not here,

Not now.

It'll be at a time and place

Of my choosing.

Not yours.

He didn't take the bait. Leave at once.
Get the b*mb to safety.

What about you?

We got trouble.


Brace for impact.