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04x04 - New Horizons

Posted: 11/11/21 18:21
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Strain...

You find it a bit of an insult
that you're being asked to be

a baby vessel? I want
you to work for me,

be my special liaison
between myself and the ward.

So you want me to be the mouthpiece

- for your bullshit?
- Excuse me?

It seems your operation has expanded.

Yeah, I got a new partner
now. You remember Creem?

If you could find a way
to put something poisonous

into their blood, you
could take out thousands

of strigoi and they
wouldn't know what hit them.

Over 2000 of our brethren

were poisoned. Tainted blood

from one of our trucks.

These are all towns in Pennsylvania.

- What the hell are they up to?
- These t*rrorists will be

hunted down and destroyed.

(Indistinct chatter)

- (Indistinct chatter)
- (Soft piano music)

Mmm, that's so good.

Thank you.



No, thank you.

You're not gonna eat?

I'm not hungry.

You know,

this is the only normal hour

of my day. If you could
at least pretend to...

- to have a good time...
- There's nothing normal

about having armed
guards watching you eat.

You know what? What
do you want me to do?

This is the safest room in the
whole g*dd*mn city for humans.

Do I ask anything in return? No.

All I want... all I need

is, I don't know, just a couple

of minutes where we just pretend that...

Mr. Desai.

Mr. Eichhorst.

You-you know... you know my wife, Selah?

Frau Desai, of course.

- I'll give you two some privacy.
- No, no, no.

Please, stay.

Don't mind me. Eat.

I insist.

I stopped by your office

and was surprised you weren't there.

I trust this means
everything is in order.

Yes, actually. It is.

Ahem! The delivery
room is fully equipped.

Staff all been briefed.

We've taken every possible measure

to ensure the safety and
well-being of the mother.


And afterwards?

Ahem! Well, it's...

as... as we discussed.

I'm not talking about
the baby, Mr. Desai,

I am talking about the mothers.

Everything is going

to change the moment
this first child is born.

Surely, you have a plan

for dealing with their reactions.

Honestly, sir, I don't see
how it's gonna be so different.

Perhaps you should have
your wife explain it to you.

Or perhaps I take
something important from you

to help you better understand.

- That won't be necessary, sir.
- Good. Because I confess

I'm more than a little
disappointed in your progress.

We're delivering our
first baby nine months

almost to the day.

I don't know how we could have
done it any faster or better.

No? Well...

what if you harvested

the babies earlier?

Say, seven or eight
months instead of nine?

Perhaps even as early as six

provided it's an acceptable size.

- I think I'm going to leave...
- Sit!

Then, if you shorten the recovery time

for the mothers, each
of them would produce

nearly two babies per
year instead of one.

That would almost double
your output, would it not?

It's highly optimistic

and well outside the margins for safety.


But, yes,

it's possible.

Shall I do more of
your thinking for you?

- No, sir.
- Good.

- (Indistinct conversations)
- Look around, Mr. Desai.

Every single person in
this room serves a purpose.

That's why they
are allowed to dine here.

If you can't fulfill your purpose,

I will find someone who can.

I understand.

(Theme music)

= synced and corrected by Shahrazade =
... ...


(Indistinct chatter on TV)

Him? Are you serious?

Check his belt. It's Willy
Wonka's golden ticket.

It opens every door in this facility.

That's great, but how
are you gonna get it?

We can't even go to the bathroom

after what happened last
time with our chaperone.

I'm working on it.

(Woman on PA system):
Miranda, report upstairs immediately.

So, I'm gonna need your
help with something, Miranda.

I told you, I'm not interested.

This isn't a request.

Um, Sophie's going in
for a C-section tomorrow.

And it's going to be a
very emotional time for her.

Yeah, especially when
you take her baby away.

I'm not an idiot.

What are you gonna do with it?

Baby's going to be well taken care of.

But not here. And not by her.

No. Babies born in
this facility are raised

by non-B-Positive people
because that's their job.

Sophie's job, and the
rest of the women here,

is that more B-Positive babies...

to increase the percentage
of the population.

She's gonna freak out.

That's where you come in.


Sophie trusts you,

so you're going to be
right there by her side

every step of the way, you're going
to reassure her everything's fine,

you're going to tell her that
her baby's in the best of hands.

I'm not gonna do that.

- I'm not gonna lie for you.
- Miranda, look,

I know that this place, it's
not really your idea of paradise,

but, you gotta believe me,

there are places out there that...

would be a living hell
for a girl like you.


turn me down again,

and that's exactly where you're going.

What am I gonna do?

If I say yes, then I
am just as bad as he is.

But if I say no, he's
gonna send me away.

You have to do it.

- I can't be part of this.
- It doesn't matter

whether you're part of it or
not; he's gonna do it anyway.

If you turn him down, he'll
just find somebody else to take

your place. And you'll get
shipped out to God knows where

and nobody will ever hear
from you again. And for what?

I get to keep my soul.

Look, you only have to do it long enough

to get your hands on a key card, right?

Just do what he says.


- Hey, how's it going?
- It's quiet.

- No strigs all morning.
- See ya.

(Distant, indistinct chatter)

- Hey there.
- Nadia.

Thank you.

So, I'm gonna grab a couple a guys,

I'm gonna grab another truck tonight.

- Eph?
- They'll be guarding

those supply lines closer than ever now.

Besides, they're onto something
new here, something big.

It's here. I just have
to figure out what it is.

- How long is that gonna take?
- I don't know.


Eph, we got 'em on the ropes, man.

(Frustrated sigh)

They're turning everyone they can

just to try and find us. We can't just

sit back twiddling our thumbs
while you play Sherlock Holmes.


Give the guy a break, will you?

- Have some breakfast.
- I'm not hungry.


Thank you. It's hard

to concentrate with
"Che Guevara" up my ass.

(Alex chuckles.)

Find anything?

There's a shipment today

a few miles from here. I
want to see it for myself.

I'll go with you after you eat.

What if I'm not hungry either?

One omelet, coming up.

God knows when we'll run
across real eggs again.

(Engine roaring)

(Indistinct chatter outside)

Oh, shit!


(Fire alarm ringing)

- We gotta move! Go! Go! Go!
- Come on, let's go!

- People, move it!
- Wait, don't go!

Move your butts!

(Indistinct shouting)

(Creatures growling)

Get 'em! Come on!

They want to turn us!

Don't let them sting you!


- (Shrieking)
- (Jason): Nadia!

Get him out of her! No!


Oh my gosh!

- (Growling)
- Eph?


Jason! No!

(Jason panting)

(Soft music)


Do it.

(Touching music)

It's OK, sis.


(Jason sighing)

You make 'em pay.


We have to go!



(Eph sighing)



We can watch from here.

- (Ruckus)
- Argh!

(Alex sobbing)

- You ever fire one of these?
- My dad had a 38.

We used to sh**t bottles
on the river bank.


There's a big difference
between sh**ting at a bottle

and sh**ting at a person.

First of all, the bottle
doesn't sh**t back.

Never point at anything

you're not ready to k*ll.

What else do I need to
know? Like, are there rules?


Look, these guys are
gonna give you shit.

Keep your head down,

stay ready,

and remember

this is just a tool.

This is your real w*apon.

And when it's time to pull
the trigger, you don't hesitate

or you're dead. Do you understand?

What are you doing? Hey,
hey, hey, what are you doing?

I'm hungry.

You already got your cut.
On the table, it's merchandise.

- What's wrong with you?
- Need some help!

- Coming through.
- Rafi! Rafi! You alright?

What the hell happened?

(Groaning in pain)

- What happened?
- I was making my deliveries...

- I got jumped.
- By who?

- By who?
- Two guys came out of nowhere.

Said it was their spot
now. Took all my shit.

Let me get a towel. Let me get a towel!

(Rafi coughing)

You're gonna be alright?
Just relax, OK? Alright?


There's no way two guys pulled
a move like that without backup.

- You're sayin' there are more?
- Hundred percent.

It's not gonna be enough
just to take out two of 'em.

I'm gonna find their nest,
and we're gonna burn

- that damn thing to the ground.
- I like the sound of that.

I'll be back.

(Door opening)


(Indistinct chatter)

- Any idea what they look like?
- I talked to some customers.

They say the new guy has
a black and grey beard.

Like that guy over there?

- Yeah. Just like that.
- What do we do now?

Go back to Creem. Tell
him to hold on. I'm on it.

I'm gonna follow this
rat back to his nest.

(Indistinct chatter)



(Indistinct chatter)


- Hey.
- Hey, uh.

- Hey, guys.
- See you.


- Any good stuff?
- Yeah.

(Indistinct conversation)

Let me show you real quick.

- Get a new piece?
- It was fun.

Yeah, we got g*ns.

- Here you go.
- Thanks.

- This is good.
- Uh-huh.

- Put it away over there.
- Alright.

When is the next driver coming?


Next time we get some stuff
from those locos.

Better get some quick.

(Dramatic musical cue)

Yeah, punks.

It was too easy.

What am I supposed to do, exactly?

Keep her company until
it's time for her spinal,

answer her questions, allay her fears.

- How do I answer her questions?
- Every mother going

into a C-section wants
to know the same thing,

"Am I going to lose the
baby? What if it gets cut?

Will it hurt?" The
answer is always the same.

- Which is?
- "There's nothing to worry about.

Everything's going to
be fine." And, Miranda,

she won't believe it if you don't.

(Regular but fast beeping)

Where's Dr. Weiss?

She's getting ready for
surgery. Stuck with me for now.

- (Sighing)
- Great.

Come on, I'm not totally useless.

What's going on?

That's just it. I don't know.

I have been asking for the doctor

and, what, she doesn't have
like five minutes to talk to me?

I am having a baby for Christ's sake!

It's like they don't even care anymore.

I'm sure they care, Soph.

I'm just nervous.

I know it's a horrible thing

what they are doing to us,

but I can't help it.

This baby

is the only family I
have left in the world

and I just want to make
sure that everything is OK.

I'm sure there's nothing to worry about.

- Everything's gonna be fine.
- (Door opening and closing)

We're gonna begin your
epidural in just a few minutes.

Miranda, you're gonna have to scrub in.

How... how long will the operation take?

Why? You have somewhere better to be?

All the bedside manner of a tarantula!

She reminds me of my grandma... Ruth.

She was a cold-blooded bitch, too.

(Amused sigh)

It's a pretty name, though. Ruth.

Don't know. It's a bit
"Old Testament" for me.

What about Olive?

Do you like that name?

For a cartoon character, sure.

It was my mother's name.

- Sorry.
- ♪♪

Now it'll be her name, too.

Another blank, Bob? You're no fun.

- (Beep!)
- This isn't supposed to be fun.

But I need you to stay focused, alright?

I can't repeat myself.
It's all gonna be working...


What the hell are you doing out here?

Nurse Ratchet gave me a few minutes.

- How is Sophie?
- Peachy.

Look, she's scared and
emotional, and everything sucks,

but she's going to be fine.

I understand that this
is very difficult on you.

But you gotta believe me,
this is for the greater good.

You'll see when it's all over.

I'll show you my gratitude,
OK? Take five minutes.

(Woman on TV): Oh, you read that one?

(Laughter and indistinct
chatter from TV)


(Woman on TV): I never said four weeks.

- You did too.
- I said, "Yahoo!"

(Man on TV): Same thing.

Why don't you get your boyfriend to put

- something new on the TV.
- (Indistinct TV chatter)


(Laughing): Marta...

You're kidding, right?

You know, I'm usually
a pretty good judge of character...

but I was wrong about you.

I thought you were
one of the smart ones,

that you got it.

No. Here you are chatting him up,

getting called to the office
for closed-door meetings.

It's not like that.

I hope it's worth the rug burns.

Go to hell.

You know what? Believe what
you want. I'm trying to help.

Cut the bullshit, Miranda.

Only person you're
helping here is yourself.

(Laughter and indistinct chatter on TV)

They're emptying the entire building.

I've never seen them do that before.

Usually, it's squatters or
people living off the grid.

Thank you, Baby Jesus.

- Food?
- Even better. Alcohol.

(Indistinct PA system
announcements outside)

- No, thanks.
- Come on, have a drink with me.

- I can't.
- Eph, after the day I had,

- I think you owe it to me.
- I really can't.


Got it.

How long?

Nine months, four days.

Ever since, uh, Illumination Day.

Sorry. If I would have
known, I wouldn't have...

It's all right. It really is.

I'd love to, I...

but, uh, I don't deserve it.

Well, I do, if you don't mind.

Knock yourself out.

But I can say from experience,
it's not gonna help.

Great, you're an expert on this too.

Enough to know what
you're going through right now.

I doubt it.

You're feeling guilty.

Feeling angry. Mostly at yourself.

Because you spent all that time fighting

and you thought maybe you
could make a difference,

and now you're back at square one.

And you've lost your brother

and your team,

and now you're wondering...

what was the point

of any of it?

I told you, I've been there.

You and Jason

relit a fire in me that
I thought had gone out.

What is it?

There's a lot I haven't told you about
what happened in New York.

The expl*si*n,

the counter strikes,
the nuclear winter...

all of it happened because of me.


What do you mean?

My son,

he set off the nuke.

I don't understand.
How is that possible?

He and his mother had
been taken by the Master.

She had been turned,
so I "released" her.

Zack saw the whole thing.

He didn't push the button
'cause he wanted people to die.

He did it 'cause he was angry with me.

What happened to him?

I went looking for him in the aftermath,

but he'd disappeared.

Do you think he's still alive?

I don't know.

Some days I hope so.

But if I'm being honest,

there are other days where
I think he would be better...


I can get you to the SEPTA tunnel.

If you want to part ways
after that, I understand.


Jason wanted us to make 'em pay.

That's what we're gonna do.


- where to?
- There's something

going on here. That wasn't a raid.

We're used to blacked-out buses,

strigoi enforcers, people screaming,

trying to escape, but this
was the exact opposite.

This was the very definition
of a "calm, orderly fashion."

What is that?

"Join The Partnership in
this exciting new venture

"building sustainable farms
for a better, brighter tomorrow.

Get out of the city,
get back to the land."

Recognize the name?

"New Horizons."

It's on the wall in the
transportation office.

And the train schedule too.

The units,

they've been shipping
people out of the city.


Well, think about what they've
been doing the last nine months.

They've built up all this infrastructure

for The Partnership, but they
haven't been maintaining it.

They stopped repurposing
materials and repairing vehicles.

Now they're rounding up the workforce,

shipping them out.
The question is where?

I don't know,

but I can tell you one thing:

I bet it doesn't look exactly like this.


I followed them back
to an old NYPD armory.

They've got two men
guarding the front door,

it's reinforced steel, and at least
four more inside, maybe more.

- Armed?
- Definitely.

With all the stuff they got in there,

this will be the score of the century.

So let's go take it. What's the problem?

The problem is they're ex-cops.

I recognize 'em from the neighbourhood.

One of 'em is a beat cop named Flores;

the other's a bitch-ass
lieutenant named Ricci.

- How many total?
- Six.


We take out the guards,
go in through the front,

hit 'em with everything we got. I mean,

- they can't k*ll us all, right?
- You wanna bet?

Look, they're ex-cops.

That means they're highly
trained and armed to the teeth.

We gotta be smart about this.

- So what's your plan?
- All right.

We go in through this tunnel.
There's a section of ductwork

that leads up and through the back wall.

Hell with that.

We're not crawling in on our bellies
like a bunch a g*dd*mn cockroaches.

When they came into our place,

- they disrespected us.
- That's right.

We're going through the front, like men.

- That's right.
- Wanna bum-rush the front door?

That's fine by me.

But what are you gonna
do about the trip wire?

- What trip wire?
- Exactly.

We don't have any idea
what's waiting for us

behind that front door. And
I don't wanna be the first one

down that hallway. Do you?

- Not me.
- Good point.

Anybody else wanna volunteer?


Alright. We'll going through
the tunnel then. Shit!

Now, this is not gonna be a cakewalk,

but if we get it right,

we're gonna be set for a long time.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

And we get the sons of
b*tches that k*lled Rafi.

Alright, listen. This is gonna be
the easiest way into the tunnel.


Is it this?




(Distant, indistinct chatter)

Pair of nines.

(Woman laughing)

Come on, cough 'em up.

- ♪♪
- (Indistinct conversation)

- Haha!
- You don't even smoke.

- I do now.
- (Ex-cops laughing)

(Ex-cop): Alright, guys, I'm out.

(Indistinct chatter)

Light 'em up.

We got company!

Taking fire! Vito's down!



- Go! Go!
- Get your gear!



- Shit!
- Oh!


(g*n clicking)

Ugh! Argh!




You did what you had to do.

My man Gus, the man with the plan.

(50s song Walkin' After
Midnight by Pasty Cline)

Do you feel any pain?

- (Female nurse): Here you go.
- Just a little pressure.

- (Weiss): Pressure is normal.
- (Heartbeat sound)

- What's happening?
- (Weiss): I'm getting ready

to make the second incision.

Just keep breathing.

Making the second incision now.

(Squishing and suction sounds)

- There we go.
- Hey, it's all right.

I'm scared.

There's nothing to be scared of.

Just try to relax.

I can't!

- (Female nurse): BP is normal.
- (Weiss): Pick up some Mayo scissors.

- Tell me about your kitchen.
- (Weiss): Mayo scissors.


When you were growing up.

Everyone spends a lot
of time in their kitchen.

What was yours like?


(Weiss): Two culture clamps, please.

It was... it was sunny.

My mom painted it yellow

herself, like,

three different times trying
to get the right shade.

(Weiss): How is she doing
up there? Vitals stable?

Close your eyes.

(Male nurse): Yes, Doctor.

(Miranda): Now breathe deeply.

Tell me what else you remember.

(Weiss): Bladder blade
and Richardson retractor.

I remember the smell.

What did it smell like?

Vegetable soup.

That was her favourite.

- Suction.
- (Suction sounds)

And she was always playing music.

What kind of music?

Bob Dylan.

Simon and Garfunkel.

We're ready, Sophie. You're
going to feel a slight pull.

(Suction sounds)

- (Sigh)
- Got it.

- It's OK.
- (Weiss): Here she comes!

- Here she is!
- (Female nurse): There you go.

- (Weiss): Clamp.
- (Female nurse): Yeah.

- (Weiss): It's good.
- You did it. Hey, you did it!

- (Weiss): There we go.
- (Sophie breathing hard)

(Sophie): Why isn't she crying?

(Weiss): Respirator.

Miranda, why... why isn't
she crying? What's going on?

- Relax.
- One moment.

(Baby crying)

- There we go.
- (Sophie laughing)

- (Weiss): Prep for closure.
- What does she look like?

She's beautiful.

I want to see. Dr. Weiss?

- (Weiss): There you go.
- (Female nurse): I've got her.

(Sophie): What's going
on? Where's Olive?

- Why can't I see her?
- (Weiss): Clamp.

- Needle driver.
- You're not even gonna show it to her?!

- Suction.
- Dr. Weiss!

You have to leave now.
We're closing her up.

- I want to see my baby!
- Show her the g*dd*mn baby!

- Outside now! Get Miranda out!
- (Sophie): I wanna see

- my baby!
- (Desai): g*dd*mn it, Miranda!

(Weiss): Miranda!

- What the hell?!
- (Weiss): Miranda!

Jesus. OK. Easy, easy,
easy, easy, easy, easy.


- Hey, tell her to back off!
- Do it!


Ugh! Key card! Now!


Easy, easy.

- Easy, easy, easy!
- Which way?!

I can help you, listen to me!

- (Buzzing alarm ringing)
- (Grunting)


Did you honestly think
I was gonna let you...?

Ugh! Ah! Oh! Oh!

Open this door now!


- w*nk*r!
- Miranda, you're not gonna

- get away with this!
- (Alarm ringing)



(Man): She went down there!

(Alarm ringing louder)

(Indistinct shouting)

- Please help us!
- (Indistinct screaming)

(Woman): Let me go!

- (Indistinct shouting)
- Let me go!

(Baby crying)

(Creatures snarling)