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03x02 - Father Time

Posted: 11/11/21 18:05
by bunniefuu
People go missing.

Will you make sure nothing
happens to me and my mom?

Yeah, of course.

Okay, someone took them.

An hour before CPS arrives
to remove the kid?

My sister, Zoe, she suffers
from mental health issues.

It's the beginning
of the end of you.

Joseph Peach.

He would be almost 130
if he were still alive.

I need to get out of here.

Nice to meet you, Zoe.

What a funny question, Timmy.

What do you mean,
why do we eat pigs?

That's like asking,
why do we eat chicken

or any of these other
kinds of meat?

We eat meat because
of the food chain.

Do you know what the
food chain is, Timmy?

Well, the first thing to
know about the food chain

is that we're on top of it,

and everything else
is lower down.

You know how Rascal catches rats

in the alley behind the house?

Well, that's because

he's higher up on the
food chain than they are.

It's just how things work.

Animals that get eaten

are supposed to get eaten,

and sometimes there were just
too many of them anyway.

But don't you worry
about a thing, Timmy.

You just tuck in and
enjoy your meal,

'cause Mama made it real nice.

- Hey...
- Hey, you're not actually gonna

leave a voice mail, are you?

Hey, Zoe, it's me.

Um, listen, I get the point.

It's time to call me back, okay?

What are you doing?

Father Time.

What? Where? Where?


Jeez, Zoe.


I still think we should've
gotten that chinchilla.

It's basically a
hairless ferret.

No, it's not.


Stop, Zoe. Please,
don't do that.

Please, please, please,
please, please, please.

Zoe, stop it.

Zoe, stop.

Was that Mom?


♪ I was weary and ill at ease ♪

♪ And my fingers wandered idly ♪

♪ Over the noisy keys ♪

♪ I knew not what
I was playing ♪

♪ Or what I was dreaming ♪




Who is this?

This is Dave from Collections.

I'm calling about your overdue
student loan payments.

You've been hard to reach...

This isn't Alice's number.
Alice is dead.


I want you to show me
exactly where you saw him.

Last night in Butcher's Block,

Zoe saw something.

What kind of something?

I don't know, and
she wouldn't say.

But Zoe was terrified.

So let's retrace your steps.

So is this it?


Hey, uh,

you seen the little girl who
lives in this house today?

Last night?



I shouldn't have let Zoe leave.

I wouldn't have let her go

if I didn't think she was
gonna get on that bus.

Well, is she going to
your mom's or what?


She hasn't seen my mother
since we sent her away.

Have you?

♪ Playing or what I was ♪

I don't know, she just...

She's not the same
now, you know?

Now she just... She's gone.

I just need Zoe to text me back

so I know that she's all right.

You really think that guy
I saw has something to do

with the people disappearing
in Butcher's Block?

You were the one who said

he looked exactly
like Joseph Peach.

I think this is it.

- He said his house was here.
- It was.

The real Joseph Peach, the
house was right there.

How did the Peach
family disappear?

Mm, it was 1952, two
years after I was born.

A group of workers came here to
the house looking for Peach.

They broke the door down,
and the house was empty.

Why did they go
after him anyway?

Oh, there had been
rumors since the 30s...

Weird and religious
shit, you know, like,

occult stuff and all that.

And then after his
daughters were k*lled,

he got even weirder.

Wait, k*lled how?



In Butcher's Block.

They never caught the
guys who did it, either.

And after that,

people started disappearing.

Immigrant workers, you know,

like, around the plant.

The guys who came here
looking for Peach...

they found something
in the basement.

Papers never said what it was,

but they burned the
house to the ground.


Izzy! Izzy!

- Izzy, wait!
- Alice, hey!

Hey, where are you going?


What the hell?

Hello again.

Are you all right?

Do you believe in God?



Do you believe in him?

I don't know. Why do
you want to know that?

Might be important.

I believe in a...

higher power of some kind, yeah.

So do I.

Do you believe this maggot

was created by a higher power?

Maybe in his own image.

Do you go to church?


So you believe in God

but you don't worship him?

I just do it in my own way.

You just try to be good
and take care of people?


Is it enough?

I'm... I need to go.

You don't have to worry
about your sister, Zoe.

She'll be all right.

Okay, uh, a staircase.

You didn't believe me about
the little girl either.

Does it make your job easier

to just not believe
what I'm saying?

So where is it, then?

I don't know.

I don't know how
long I was out for.

This is a big park, okay?

She got turned around.

Okay, uh, the guy on the stairs.

Yeah, um,

he was far away,
but he was wearing

like, a... A 1950s-style suit.

It was a blue suit.


Oh, man, come on...

I'm going back and forth here

what I dislike most about cops.

You know what?

It's your tone of voice.

Tone of voice, wow, okay.

Well, you know, I know exactly
who you are, and you know what?

I am so glad journalism is dead.

Were you even old enough to read

when I wrote those
stories about your dad?

Uh, who's the chief
of police right now?

Oh, my dad, and you know what?

- He cleaned up the force.
- Oh, yeah?

That is a matter of opinion.

Oh, a matter of opinion, huh?

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

But could we just please

figure out who this guy is?

Yeah, uh, this guy...
Was this, uh,

after the staircase
disappeared or before?

He knew that I had a
sister, her name...

And I know that I
didn't say any...

Shh, listen.


Oh, my God, Zoe.

Where have you... Are you okay?


Where have you been?

Alice, you don't have
to worry anymore.


I'm cured.


It's okay, buddy.

I gotcha.

Snip, snip.

Yeah, that's a good baby.

You are sweet, yes, you a...

Good, 'cause I didn't want one.

Good, so you can
watch me eat mine.

- See?
- Todd, for real.


Hey, hey, stop!

Stop! Hey.

Hey, hands.

Hands in the air now. Do it.

- Ma'am?
- Down on the ground.


Did you hear me? I said
down on the ground.

Whoa, easy, Officer Vanczyk.

You never know who you
might be manhandling.

Oh, you haven't
seen manhandling.

When I say to get down, you...

I would say you have a big
mouth for a little man,

but you don't smell like a man.


You smell like a...
Like a mouse...

Or like nothing at all.

Okay, yeah, say some weird
shit like that up in county.

See what happens.

You're gonna be
picking up your teeth

in a plastic bag
on your way out.

What's your name?


Okay, you don't wanna give me
your real name, that's cool.

See how funny you think this
shit is in a couple hours.

You know what, Officer Vanczyk?

I'm gonna make a special
project out of you.

You whore.

You whore.

You whore.

You seem to command a
lot of respect here.

Do they have nicknames for you?

If I gave you a nickname,
it would be Mouse.

Okay, be nice, Jeff.


Okay, people just don't get rid

of schizophrenia overnight...

Never in the history
of psychiatry.

You're experiencing anosognosia,

and we've dealt
with this before.

We haven't. Mm-mm,
it's different.

No, it's not.

This is a symptom
of your illness.

You are not recognizing

that you have an illness.

Ugh, God, I hate this.

I will never, ever
get used to this.

I mean, where did you
even get that shirt?

Okay, you... you left the house,

and then what happened?

I met a man.

Wait a minute. Did he
tell you his name?

Joseph? Joe?

It was like a dream.

What happened, Zoe?

Would you please
calm down for me?

What did he do?

He talked to me.

Talked to you about what?

I can't quite remember.

But the air was trembling
all around him.

And I heard, like, this
humming or buzzing.

And I realized it was flies...

Thousands and
thousands of flies.

And they came together all
in one voice and it said...

He could... fix me.

And he did.


there's something bad
happening in this city,

and I think you were
right to leave.

No, I don't wanna leave anymore.

I feel like myself again.

It's like he

extracted something
from my brain.

I'm better.

Oh, God, I am so sorry

about everything
I said before...

About you being scared.

And if you do get sick...

I'm not gonna get sick.

I can be here for you.

I can look out for you.

I can look out for you.

Are you wearing Mom's perfume?

Don't do that.

Yeah, that.

I got misophonia.

Some sounds make me sick.

I get sick.

I get rage.

So we got a problem, huh?

I don't.

To me, you're just energy

waiting to be converted into

a different kind of energy.



I hate to get blood on my suit.

I cured you.

But there is a side effect.

The process will change you.

Mmm, mmm.

- Hey, Dad, uh...
- You okay, Luke?

Yeah, yeah, um,

who's gonna take
him into the box?

It's not our problem now.

Send him for eval and NICS.

Well, what about mobile site?

Shouldn't we keep him here?

I mean, Dad, he...

He k*lled and ate a
guy in the precinct.

This could get really complicated.
I think we...

And that's why we're
kicking it down the road.

- Okay.
- Uh, I can...

Remember that little
brown and white dog,

that little stray mutt
you used to feed?

Yeah, yeah.

You came home from school

and found that little dog
by the yard, stone dead.

You tried to pick him up,

crying and puking
at the same time.

Your brothers were soldiers
from the day they were born,

but you... You were
always sensitive, Luke.

I want you to go home,

take a couple days off, okay?


Okay, talk me through this.

You think that all
these stories...

The urban legends,
the staircases...

That they're all connected
to the disappearances?

What about the police,

what about the people
in Butcher's Block...

What do they think?

There's a story the kids tell...

Kind of a bogeyman, you know,
in the bad parts of the city.

They call him The Butcher.

You've probably
seen the murals...

White face, bloody mouth.

They say it's Joseph Peach...

Went mad with grief and rage
after his daughters were k*lled.

Now, when people disappear,

they say The Butcher took them.

Zoe didn't disappear, though.

Something happened to her.

I just need to know what.

I thought you said
Zoe was asleep.

Yeah, she is.

"Join us for dinner and spirits.

Tonight at midnight.

The playground in the park."

Whatever happens, stay calm.

I really think I'd like
something completely different.

I'm... I'm bored.

Okay, I'm always bored...
Oh, boy.

Oh, here we go again.



We're waiting for you.

Some people would
say it's impolite

to bring an uninvited guest,

but I say I don't care
about what people say.

Come, come, sit down.


Make yourself at home.

I hope you're not vegan.

What did you do to my sister?

I did a procedure she requested.

What procedure?

I'd be happy to show you.

Who are all of you,

and why are you pretending
to be the Peaches?

They're not pretending.

Robert, the eldest son.

Edie, his wife.

Aldous, the bachelor brother.

Grandma Ruth.

Evelina, his wife.

And that is Joseph.

We are the real Peaches.

But you may call me Peachy.

Today we celebrate togetherness.

Each year, there is a moment
when it's suddenly summer.

The grass is a deeper green,

and the air is pregnant.

Isn't it cruel to...

To know that a day like this

could be our last?

My daughters went for a walk

to feed the swans, and
they never returned.

k*lled by vermin from
Butcher's Block,

who we punish accordingly.

Too bad they taste like shit.

Pshaw, come on.

God... The higher
power of some kind...

Bless this family,

and bless the bones
of our enemies.

Our sisters, who are not gone...

but changed a little bit

into a different kind of energy.

They dance with the fireflies

in the whispering wind.

We will always remember.


What happened to my sister?

I want to know what happened.

I lightly paralyzed you.

Don't fight.

First things first.

Let me show you.

No pain, minimal blood.

Don't be afraid.

You can look now.

All right?


Can you see it?

Now, with a little
probing, I can...

get to your deepest trauma.

Let's see.


It's your mother, isn't it?

And your sister.


We go a little deeper.

Hold on.

So much struggle, so much pain.

Let me try one more thing,

one more thing, one more thing.

Ah, there he is, Mr.

The beast in your brain.

Call him Father Time.

If he wakes up,

you'll be just like
your mother and sister.

Confusion and pain...

They'll eat you alive.

Actually, it's not
a matter of if,

but it's a matter of when.

Come upstairs.

Join the family.

Bring your sister.

You remind me...
of my daughters.

Oh, my God.