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02x02 - Nice Neighborhood

Posted: 11/11/21 17:56
by bunniefuu
You didn't think I'd let

the whole summer go by
without coming home, right?

- I'm, like, your only friend.
- Oh, thanks.

You leaving already?


My dad died.

Actually, I found him.

Have you ever heard
of the No-End House?

It's six rooms,

and each is supposed to
be scarier than the last.

Most people don't even
make it to the sixth room,

and the people who do...
never seen again.


Hey, it's Jules.
Leave me a message.

Hey, uh, I've tried you
a couple times already.

I just wanted to see how
orientation is going.

I just really need
you right now,

so if you could
give me a call...

Yeah, actually you said
Tuesday was good for you.

I just really need
you right now.


You crashed out on the couch as
soon as you got in last night.

- Oh.
- We got pizza from Sciscilo's.

Your welcome home feast.

Okay, I'll eat.

Mom's gonna get angry with you.

Get up, go.

Come have a meatball.

Uh... hey, Mom.

It's medicinal.

She threw out her back really
bad at the restaurant.

It's not a big deal.

You don't have to
worry about me.

Like you don't smoke at school.

I actually don't.

You know, I see Margot when
she comes in for lunch.

She's always by herself.

You gonna see her
while you're in town?


Of course I'm gonna see her.


Why are you acting
weird about it?

I'm not.



What the heck are
you doing here?

You didn't see
anything in Room Five?

It was dark, and I just...

I just kept going.

Hey, Margot?

Hey, Jules.

Sit down. I'm making breakfast.


Are you okay?

Yeah, yeah.

Just that, um, that last room,

it freaked me out
pretty bad, you know?

What one?

In Room Five, with the mask.

What mask?

It was the same guy
as the second room.

He took it off.

There was another
mask on underneath.

This one was... it was, like,
a latex skin kinda thing.

What was the mask of?

Let's just get out of here, man.

What... what about the girls?

They're not out?

No, their car's still here.

You wanna go back in?

I'm not waiting around.

That's what they got Uber for.

What, to get away
from haunted houses?

What the hell?

I'm gonna go see if I
can find a signal.

Yo, are you serious?

They have the keys.

What's wrong with you, man?

The second mask looked like me.

It was me, like those heads.

f*ck that. I'm
getting out of here.

Well, I'm gonna wait to
make sure they're okay.

I get it, you're a hero.

What would you girls
like in your omelets?

Uh, I'm okay. Thanks.

Just surprise me.

That I can do.

What am I missing?
What am I missing?

What am I missing? Uh...




Remember that time
when you snuck

a whole carton of eggs
up into your room,

and you put them under
your desk lamp all day

because you knew that
they would hatch?

Took three weeks to
get the smell out.

Yeah, I forgot about that.

Did you?

Do you know where you've
been for the last year?

Right here.


Let's eat.

What's wrong?

Tastes like nothing.


It's perfect.

Oh, God, baby.

Thank God you came.

I'm so glad to see you.

You wore that shirt
the day we met.

The show at the Gaslight.

I was covered in sweat.

From dancing.

First with my friends.

Then with you.

That shirt's still
in the closet.



Come here.

Come here, buddy.



Mom? Dad?

Sorry, I just need a minute.


She just needs a minute alone.

Besides, I want to talk to you.

I lied before.

There's a gap in my
memory, and I realize

I'm not supposed to be here.

But it is really good
to see Margo again.

Do you think it's good
for her to see you?


You think you're such
a good friend to her.

Excuse me?

I have always been
here for Margot.


Especially after you died.

And her grief didn't start
to feel like quicksand,

that she might be
dragging you down, too.

She's my best friend.

And that summer when it was
time for you to leave,

you didn't feel somehow lighter?

No, I... I wanted her
to come with me.

Like we always planned.

Yeah, you wanted Margot.

Just not that Margot.

Not a Margot that was
covered in something messy

and uncomfortable and
sticky like real pain.

This Margot needs me.


Come in.

Okay, what kind of flowers
grow in your backyard?


What are those?



All the flowers here,
they're all orchids.

White orchids everywhere.

And go out front,
they're there, too.

See I think the house
manipulated space

inside its walls, right?

We all saw different Room Fives.

So... what if this is Room Six?

What if we're still
inside the house?

No, that's obviously
not the case.

I think we need to
find the exit door.

We're not in a f*cking
house right now.

No, this is not your home.

And that is not your dad.

Okay, well, I can't just
walk away right now, okay?

Do you know how long I've wanted
a second chance with him?

Okay, look, I understand
how you're feeling, I do,

but right now you
need to just think,

because whatever
is going on here,

we should be terrified of it.

I am terrified.

He k*lled himself.

A week before he died,
my mom was out of town

and he had a really bad reaction
to some prescription meds.

He made me promise
not to tell her,

'cause he thought
it would scare her,

and then five days
later I found his body

and I knew he had just
taken the same things,

and he knew exactly what was
gonna happen to his body,

and he took triple the dose,

and everybody thought
it was an accident,

even my mom.

Okay, why didn't
you just tell me?

Jules, I didn't tell anybody.
I'm the only one that knows.

Okay, and I know I can't
stay here forever,

but I just feel like...
I don't know,

I just want to ask him questions

and, like, talk to him
again a little, you know?


Well, like you just
said to me, Margot,

your father is dead.

That thing inside, he
can't tell you anything.

How do you know that?
He's right there!

He knows me. He's
standing right there.

You're talking to him.
You're my best friend.

Friends don't let friends
stay with dead things.

Stop calling him that!

You've spent the last year
wallowing in the past

hoping time would go
backwards or your father

would just miraculously
rise from the grave,

but that is not how
reality works.

You need to snap the
f*ck out of it.

You just don't understand

'cause you don't
actually have a dad.

Well, neither do you.

Just go, Jules.

Look, I know you want to, so
I'm giving you permission.

Run away. You're really
f*cking good at it.

I... I went to college, Margot.
That's something people do.

Okay, but all of last summer...
all of last summer, Jules,

from the funeral on, you
pulled away from me,

and what's when I needed you.

That's when I needed
you, and you acted like

I was some person that
you didn't even know,

and every single day you
knew me less and less,

and I was just me,
I was just me,

and I was in a lot of pain,

and I just needed you,
and you walked away.

- You're not thinking right...
- Just go, okay?

I'm not coming with you,
so it doesn't matter.

It's my life. I don't
need to live it with you.






Thank God you're okay.

I'm sorry it took me so long.

How do you know my name?

It's me.

I'm here to take you home.

I am home, and I don't know you.

Look, you and I
came here together.

I got out, and you didn't.

This house, it looks
like our house,

but it's not.

This street looks like
ours, but it's not,

but it's not in
our neighborhood.

It's not in our reality.
You don't belong here.


I swore I'd find you.

My husband will be home soon.

I'm your husband.

So you know you died?

So how are you here?

Where, the dining room?

I'm sorry.

The truth is, I don't
have any idea.

I just... am.

And I know that doesn't make a
whole lot of sense right now.

Where's Mom?

I have no idea.

I think it's just me.

Yeah, well, how do I know
if it's actually you?

All right, you're gonna just
have to figure that one out

for yourself, Martian.

All I know is I
love you very much.

And I'm not going
anywhere this time.

Where's the house?

I don't know.

Houses don't just get
up and walk away.

Where did it go?

Yeah, well, it wouldn't
be the weirdest thing

I've seen today.

Where'd Margot?

She's... she's at her
house with her dad.

Her dad? Didn't she
say that her dad...

Yeah, he did.

She's with him?

It's him, but it's not him.

You know, just like all this.

Where do you think we are?

I think we're still
inside the No-End House,

and I think it wants us to stay.

Where are my parents?

They're not here.

I get that, but...

Did you do something to them?

No, man.

They're not, not here because
something happened to them.

They're not here because
something happened to you.

You came here.

And this... this isn't
actually your house.

Or your neighborhood.

What the f*ck is going on?

Good question.

Do you know the answer?

Well, I think it was
made from your memories,

all that stuff that
makes you, you.


I don't know.

I'm just here.

Okay, what's my favorite
type of ice cream?

Pistachio, right?

Why would this place
make another me?

Is that what I am?

Or am I the version of
you that you want to be?

The alpha version.

Weird thing...

I don't actually know what
pistachio ice cream tastes like.

I can remember eating it,
like I'm watching a movie.

But I can't really access
the sense experience.


Philosophy of Art.

What was that professor's name?


I have the memories.

What I don't have is the qualia.

Pistachio ice cream
is really good.

Good to know.

When am I gonna wake up?

Tomorrow morning.

Then you'll come downstairs
and we'll have breakfast.

This can't be real.

Have you ever seen the stars
from inside the water?


I drank water!

Yes, and you spit
most of it on me.

Serves you right
for dunking her.

Mommy, watch me!

I'm watching, Margot.

- Okay.
- Okay. Okay.

- Do you trust me?
- I trust you.

Okay, count, one, two, three.


It's okay.

Do you trust me?

Yeah, I do.

We should probably
sleep in shifts.

Just in case.

I'll go first.

Keep watch.

I don't know why I suggested it.

I can't sleep.

What do you dream about
when you're trapped

inside of a dream?

Yeah, you're not really helping.


It's okay if you're
scared right now.

I am.

Yeah, I'm not really
scared for me.

Oh, that was amazing.


It is all amazing, Martian.

Uh, I'm exhausted, so...


It's fine. It's
just gonna bruise.

I... never want to see you hurt,

not even a bruise.




Can I join in?

Just like that?

Well, didn't I make her
up like I made you?

I don't think so.

I think she came from the
real world just like you.

And she doesn't talk?

I don't think she has
anything to say.

Why not?

Maybe she forgot.

I don't know, she seems to
think that this is her house.

Maybe it was.

I don't know, maybe it changed.

Whatever the case, she
seems pretty relaxed

about the whole thing.

To be honest, I'd prefer
if she were into you.

She hasn't looked at you once.

Look... look, you're not real.

You're just an
echo or something.

You said so yourself,
you're just a copy

that I made up in my own mind.

No, what I said was I'm the
better version of you.

It's kinda funny if
you think about it.


I'm probably better at
being you than you are.

But in a way, I kinda
made you up, right?

And maybe I did that
so you could teach me

to be better.

Like for example,
when I meet a girl

I like to try and think
a few steps ahead,

but I always f*ck it up.

Maybe if you taught me...

You think I could help?

I think that's your purpose.

You know what?

I really want to know what
ice cream tastes like.

Well, okay.

- Throw me high.
- Okay, I'll try.


Wait, is this it?

Is this... It finally came out.

And now you take one of me.

Okay, so just press this button.

It's really easy.

I'm gonna put this around your
neck so you don't drop it.

How could I forget this one?

Try not to auction yourselves
off online or anything

while I'm away.

Love you.