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04x03 - Barry

Posted: 11/11/21 08:08
by bunniefuu
Previously on Cardinal.

- Why are you doing this to me?
- I'm not.

Robert Quillen died of exposure.

Then she could be
the target. She has enemies.

Please, let me have Robert back.

If the cops start
asking you about your past,

I'm not part of it.

I was offered a job in the city.

How does your
partner feel about it?


It's good to see you, Josh.

You still working with your dad?

Yeah, you'd think he'd cut
me some slack with the baby.

Same old Ken.

I think the battery's dead.


76 years old.

We know what he has in store for her.

I don't
understand what I did wrong?

You didn't do anything wrong.

38 below
tonight with the windchill.

He could be taking her anywhere.

How are you doing, John?

It's going down to 40 below,

wind's picking up.

She's 90 pounds, 76 years old,

been out here all night.

When my Katie died,

we kept the fire burning for
four days and four nights.

Sat beside it the entire
time and never felt warm.

Was that way a long time.

Hello, Ms. Pine.

They found her.

Same winter
clothes as Robert Quillen.

Same colour, no tag.

Restrained with a cable like him.

So there should be another video coming.

Clearcut was close to the road

and now this place.

He had to know somebody
would be out here soon.

He wants them to be found.

Is there anybody
you want us to call?

It was just me and my mom.

Always been just me and Mom.

I need to go see Father Beckett.

Of course.

I'll drive you.

have you checked your email recently?


Would you let us have your password?

Can I ask why?

Sheila Gagne received
an email from the k*ller.

What kind of an email?

It's not anything you'd care to see,

but it might help us to
find who's doing this.

What if we can't find him?

What if he keeps doing this?


Do you have any reason to
believe he'll keep doing this?

No. I-

I just hope that no one else-

Whatever they send, I don't
have to look at it, do I?

No, no you don't.

I'll drive you.

I love you, Barry.

I'd like to be alone, if that's okay.

Yeah, sure.

Have you found her?

Adele was,

she was a fixture here.

Please, can you make sure he gets home?

I'll send a unit if necessary.

Thank you.

I know, I shouldn't have come.

And yet here you are.

You know, I'm doin' 'em
exactly how you said.

And I'm set up for the next one,

if that's what you're worried about.

It's not that.

You're every bit as good
as Wade said you'd be.


Now you're connected to this.

Your coming here puts us both at risk.


Out with it.

What do you want, Scott?

It's not enough.

What's not enough?

I need them to know why
I'm doing this to them.

That's not what we agreed on.

Well you can carry out the plan,

I won't get in your way.

But you work for me,

remember that.

I remember you needed
someone with the balls

to do what you couldn't.

My father used to have a hunting
lodge behind those hills.

It was untouched forest all around it.

And now it's a concrete plant.

I don't know why you're
tellin' me this, Scott,

and I really don't care.

I'm telling ya why I'm here.

Because of those people and
what they did to this place.

And to me.

And to her.

I need to be closer,

I need to be a part of it.

I need them to,

I need them to see me,
I need them to know.

It's just the way it
has to go from now on.

Do you want me to finish this, Scott?


Then go home.

I'm so sorry, Barry.

I'm sorry, too.

About Robert.

I wanted to call, but-

Now what have the police told you?

That my mom got left outside in the cold.

Did you tell them we know each other?

Just that we went to school together.

You know why this is happening.

It has nothing to do with that,

not after all this time.

It's not a coincidence.

I shoulda said something back then.

But I was too scared.

There is more to it than you know.

What does that mean?

It's not like it said in the paper.

I found out what they did after.

I don't understand. If-

If the others did something,

why punish us for it?

Because we did nothing, we said nothing.

We let it happen.

I think about it every day.

No, listen, you are upset.

You're feeling guilty,
but your mind is spiralling.

Barry, this is not your fault or mine.

We need to talk about this.

Somewhere where we
can't be seen together.

Okay, okay.

Listen, okay.

But until we do, you just-you
just stay away from the others.

We deserve this.

But Robert didn't.

Mom didn't.

She was all I had.

Both victims left in
the elements to freeze to death,

then the videos are
sent to family members.

It's planned out, professional.

But the lengths he goes
to to make people suffer,

doesn't quite fit with that.

Where are we with ViCLAS on
the k*ller's exposure M.O.?


No hits but I'll
broaden the search terms.

McLeod, check court cases,
newspaper articles,

anything to link Robert to Adele,

or anything else on Barry and Sheila.

Anything on these
feathers he leaves behind?

I took them to an ornithologist.

They're from a Peregrine Falcon.

Native to the region.

They used to be endangered,
but not anymore.

So, what do we think that means?

It's a bird of prey, a hunter.

Maybe that's how he sees himself.

Wade Kleiss doesn't quite
fit with the others.

Maybe that makes him our
best chance at a lead.

I cross-referenced
people Robert Quillen

put away as a prosecutor

and people Kleiss went to prison with.

Eight men are on both those lists.

Let's start there.



Wanna go over it?

Yeah, come in.

I brought some-

- Yeah, come in.
- Yeah?


One of Wade's
cellmates said he knew people.

Implying, the kind of
people that k*ll for money.

If we think this is a professional,

he's probably not from around here.

Wade was born and raised in the area,

so he'd know the town,
the land around it.

If someone local wanted
Robert and Adele dead,

maybe they went to Wade
and he connected them

with someone from outta
town to do the job.

Might even have found the k*ll sites

and the stolen snowmobile.


Um, I-I realized that I still
had some of your things,

mostly books.

I just wanted to get them
to you before you went away.

It's heavy.


So, um, when do you leave?



I haven't really had a
chance to think about that.

Um, actually, I was just
in the middle of work.

I didn't just come here
to bring you the box.


Look, um-

I was pissed
at you for a long time.

I blamed you for most of it.

But the truth is, I had a part in it.

I pushed for the kid thing.

I never really listened
to what you wanted.

And I guess I just-

I wanted to clear my side of the street

before you went away.


I'm happy, Lise.

And I know how happy you
must be about this new job

and moving away from here.

I'll let you get back to work.

I'm glad that you found what you wanted.

Thank you.

Everything okay?


Yeah, maybe we, uh-

We should call it a-

Call it a night, huh?


You can-

You bring the files?

Yeah, I'll take care of that.

See ya tomorrow.


Hey, Barry.

I just didn't wanna have to
deal with any cops in my face

comin' to see my friend, right?

Mind if I come in?

Sorry about your mom.

Had to make sure my
buddy was okay, right?

I thought we should probably
take a drink to her.

On the wagon five years, but thanks.

I didn't know that.


A real shame.


I'll get some glasses.

Your mom was here a long time, huh?

Over 30 years.

I moved back in with her a while ago.

Yeah, I heard.

And all that money, it's gone?

You keepin' tabs on me, Taj?

Oh man.

To Adele LeBlanc.

Oh, that's good.

Barry, it's sick what happened to-

to your mom.

It ain't right.

I'm guessin' the cops are pokin' around?

I didn't tell them anything.


Just that Sheila and I
went to school together.

That's it.

I didn't say anything about you and Ken-


Or anything that happened, okay?

you've been talkin' to Sheila.

She came to see me at the church.

She came to see you or
you asked her to come?


See, Barry,

I mean, you and Sheila
talkin' out in public,

it's-it's-it's not a smart move.

Did you tell the cops
you're in love with her?

Why are you here, Taj?

Look, I'm gonna take care
of this guy, all right.

I promise.

Until I do, I need you
to keep your head down.

I've worked too hard to build what I got.

I'm not about to lose everything
because of all this crap

that Ken got us mixed up in.

You were a part of what happened,

you know you were.

Oh, come on, Barry.

You know I never laid a hand on anyone.

Come on.

But if I have to-

Again, my sympathies.


Hey, Dad, hoped I'd catch you.

You look rough.

Getting any sleep?

Here and there.

What's up with the house?

Oh, I haven't had the right offer yet.

But you've been looking
for something new?

I'm not sure what I want.

Maybe I should come
up there and help ya look.


Uh, why not come up during spring break?

No, I wanna see you before then, Dad.

Well, me, too.

Me, too, I want that, too.

Okay, great,
so make some space in your spare room.


Once I get past this-this
case I'm workin' on.


Okay, I, um, should get to class.

I'll talk to you soon, Dad.

Okay, Kel.

Love you.

Yeah I love you, too.


No sign of Mr. LeBlanc
since he came home last night.


Ah, this guy doesn't
seem to have many friends.

And Dispatch called for a wellness check.


Okay, I'll look in on him.

Mr. LeBlanc?

Mr. LeBlanc.

Little cold to be sittin' out here.

Mr. LeBlanc.

You okay?

Ah, Christ.

Dispatch, he's TC.

Roger, copy that.

This is not like the
other exposure victims.

No abduction, no warm clothing.

Maybe he got drunk.

Went outside and passed out.

Maybe he did it on purpose.

Two sets of large boot prints though.

Almost dry.

Been here a while.


Yeah, yeah, I noticed those.

And I got the same large prints outside.

Mr. LeBlanc had company.

Maybe someone dropped by
to pay their respects?

Nobody comes
to the back patio door

in the middle of winter,

so whoever it was didn't wanna be seen.

Okay, so someone comes in,

has a drink with him-


And then Barry goes out the back door

with a bottle of whiskey

and freezes to death.

Maybe our visitor had
something to do with that.

Detective Cardinal,

it's good to see you.

I just wanted to let you know,

Barry LeBlanc died last night.

Was he-

Of course you,

you can't tell me.

He was here yesterday.

Did you happen to speak with him?


He was in so much pain over
what happened to his mother.

Father, do you-

Do you think that Barry was capable

of taking his own life?

I've given up guessing what
people might be capable of.

But Barry had his struggles.

Addictions, depression.

Spoke of suicidal thoughts in the past.

I think he carried a great deal of guilt.

Guilt over what?

I don't know, it's just-

Something you sense in my line of work.

I guess we have that in common.

Did anyone else speak with him?

Some people from the
congregation came over

to give their condolences, yes.

I need names, Father.

The choir director, Glennis Hiltz,

Max Westfelt.

Sheila Gagne, she dropped by.

She sat with him for a while.

Any idea what they might
have said to each other?

With what they've both gone through,

I can't imagine what
they'd say about that.

Thank you.

The priest says Sheila
showed up at the church

shortly after Barry.

I went through
Sheila and Barry's work records

going as far back as I could,

and they both worked for a company called

Watershed Forestry

from 1998 to 1999.

Well, Robert was found near a clear cut.

I suppose they could
be a coincidence, but-

Neither one of them mentioned this.

That's not a coincidence.

Last year alone,

Algonquin Bay Police received

over 1500 domestic v*olence calls,

and those are just the women who called.

Trillium Haven will provide
victims and their children

with safe, secure housing,

along with support services-

to help them heal.

Thank you for your generous donations.

Together we can offer
victims of domestic v*olence

hope for a new beginning.

So, why didn't you
mention that you and Barry LeBlanc

worked together at Watershed Forestry?

To be honest, I forgot about that.


Barry's so quiet.

He never made much of an
impression, even in school.

But you went
to meet him at the church.

The mother of one of my constituents

was brutally m*rder*d.

I would've gone to see
him even if the same thing

hadn't happened to my husband.

It's part of my job, detectives.

What was your job at Watershed?


And accounting and bookkeeping.

And what about Barry LeBlanc?

I was in the office, he was in the field.

You'll have to ask him.

Barry's dead.

We found him this morning,

frozen to death in his backyard.

Like Robert.

That poor man.

His mother.

My husband.

The man you had in custody.

How many more until you can stop this?

Sheila, did you see
Barry after the church?


You didn't visit his house,
have a drink with him?

No, I told you I was just trying to help.

I barely knew him.

Yet you went to school with him.

You worked with him.

You sat in church with him.

We think somebody
out there hired a professional

to m*rder Robert and Adele.

But it's possible they
weren't the real targets,

that you and Barry were.

The videos.

Someone wanted you and Barry to see them.

Why would someone wanna
hurt you two so badly?

I would like the answer to that question

as much as you would.

The feather we found in
Robert's hotel room,

one was left when Adele
was taken as well.

It's from a Peregrine Falcon.

Does that mean anything
to you, Ms. Gagne?

A falcon is a sacred bird.

But I-

Robert, Adele, Barry,

I don't know if it would
mean anything to them.

Listen to me, Sheila.

If you hold anything back from us,

the man that m*rder*d your
husband goes free, all right?

This could happen again.

What you've gone through,

what happened to Barry, Adele.

It's gonna happen to somebody else.

I'm not holding anything back.

Now if you'll excuse me,

I need to smooth things
over with our donors.

We need a warrant.

Taj Roy.

It's Sheila.

Thought you didn't want
anything to do with me.

You heard about Barry?

Yeah, yeah, his mom, sad news.

No, not his mother.

Barry, he's dead.

You there?


He froze to death in his backyard.

That's all they told me.

Barry's a drunk, right.

He's always had problems, so.

This thing with his mom, it's no wonder.

Jesus, you can't even
pretend to care that he's dead?

All right.

Have you talked to Ken?

Look, trust me,

Ken can take care of himself.

That's what Ken does best.

Barry told me some things

about what happened
in the woods that day.

Oh yeah?


And he was gonna
tell me more but now he can't.

Sheila, take it from me, okay?

Just stick with ignorance.

It weighs less.

This isn't gonna stay buried.

You have to know that.

I know you think we're vulnerable,

but we're not, okay?

Not if we're smart,

and I'm here if you need me.


Oh, um-

Don't make anymore calls from
your personal phone, okay?


He the last one on your
list of Wade's prison associates?

Alibied out.

Our k*ller is not on the list.

Dyson wants to see you guys.

Okay, where is she-
-The boardroom.

I've been tryin' to back you guys up,

but did ya have to go after her in public

after all she's been through?

Jerry, it wasn't personal.

You guys went a little too far here.

We don't believe Sheila's
being honest with us.

Why would she lie to
us about her connection

with Barry LeBlanc?

She didn't lie, she forgot the guy.

They worked together.

She forgot about that, too?

You know what she's going through.

You especially.

We are just trying to connect
our victims to our k*ller,

or possibly our k*ller's employer.

You think these are contract killings?


And we haven't ruled out that
Sheila had Robert k*lled.

We-we can't.

Come on, you don't believe that.

We believe she's holding back.

we could really use your help on this.

You know you have it.

She's behaving strange, yeah,

but grief does that to you.

If you have
suspicions about Sheila Gagne,

keep doing what you're doing.

We're working on an ITO
for a search warrant on her.

Well then, you'd better come up

with more than what you've got.

Thank you.

Josh, pick up the phone.

I'm on my way to you.

I want you to pack a bag

and get Julie and Alex ready to move.

Just do it.

And don't go anywhere until I arrive.

♪ One fell off and bumped his head ♪

♪ Mommy called the doctor
and the doctor said ♪

♪ No more monkeys jumping on the bed ♪


Yeah, Dad's cooking.

♪ Four little monkeys
jumping on the bed ♪

♪ One fell off and bumped his head ♪

♪ Mommy called the doctor ♪

♪ And the doctor said ♪

♪ No more monkeys ♪

♪ Jumping on the bed ♪

♪ Da da ♪

♪ Da da da ♪

♪ Da da da da da ♪

♪ Called the doctor and the doctor said ♪

♪ No more monkeys jumping on the bed ♪

♪ One little monkey lolling on the bed ♪

♪ He fell off and bumped his head ♪

♪ Mommy called the doctor and the doctor ♪

♪ No more monkeys jumping on the bed ♪

♪ No little monkeys jumping on the bed ♪