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02x09 - Wilderun

Posted: 11/11/21 07:50
by bunniefuu
ERETRIA: Previously on
The Shannara Chronicles...

You're not the first girl
to fall for Wil Ohmsford.

Let's just say
I've been there.

I trained Bandon
believing he was the one.

I said another had emerged.

Bring me the Codex
or your daughter dies.

Burn the Druid
and his daughter
at the stake

and scatter their ashes
in the wind.

COGLINE: With your
mother captured,

you're the key
to Heaven's Well.

If the Warlock Lord returns,
he will be coming
for the Well and you.

Why has a mortal boy...


...awoken the Warlock Lord?

I can feel it trying to
get inside my head.

That's because it senses
the darkness in you.

MAN: And I'm on the hunt
for magic users.

RIGA: Take him!


The Four Lands will not
be purged of magic.



I'm sorry I couldn't
protect you.

It wasn't meant
to end this way.

This isn't the end.


Your mother
would have been proud.

I guess I can ask her that
myself soon enough.


Burn, you abominations!



GARET JAX: Don't breathe.





Are you all right?

Riga has the Codex.

Big book of magic.

If it falls into the hands
of the Warlock Lord,

this w*r will be over
before it's begun.

We must get to Greymark.

* I feel it
Running through my veins


* And I need that fire

* Just to know that I'm awake *


COGLINE: It's good to
have you back again.

You and I have
much to discuss.

Yeah, you're damn right
about that.

If you knew who I was
the entire time,
why didn't you say anything?

Would you have stayed
if I had?

In my experience,

runaway princesses
don't usually like
too many questions.

The truth is,
your royal blood
didn't matter then.

All I cared was that
you were happy here.

Unfortunately, that's
all changed now.

With the Queen dead,
you've inherited
more than just a kingdom.

You're the only one
that can open Heaven's Well,

which means the Warlock Lord
will stop at nothing
to get his hands on you.

I didn't ask
for any of this.

Real heroes never do.

If I'm such a hero,
then why am I here hiding

while everybody else
is out risking their lives?

Because you have
no other choice.

I am the Queen of Leah.

And I will do
whatever it takes
to protect my people.

If the Warlock Lord finds you
then your people will die,

along with
everyone else you love.

I know it's hard,

but do not underestimate
our enemy.

As long as this enclave
remains a secret,

it's the only place
in the Four Lands
that is safe for you.

I can feel his eyes sometimes,

the Warlock Lord.

It's like he's searching
for me in the dark,

but he just can't see me.

Your mother's necklace.

Its golden Elfstone
will protect you
from his prying gaze.

Now, you must never remove it
under any circumstance.

It's your
last line of defense.

ERETRIA: You know
you haven't said a word
in the last three hours.


I wasn't complaining.

You were thinking about her,
weren't you?


I've made my peace
with Amberle.


if anything happens to me,

will you keep an eye
on Mareth?

What are you talking about?

Nothing, it's just
with everything
we're up against,

you never know
who might get hurt.


Don't even say that.

As long as I'm around,
I won't let
anything happen to you.





I'm okay.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure
that's not
what okay looks like.

What's going on with you?

I think I'm losing my mind.

It's more than that.

Something's been
bothering you
since we left Arborlon.

I need the truth.

Tell me.

I'm not who you think I am.

I'm not good.

Her darkness grows stronger.

A child of Armageddon,

her mind speaks to me.

Let me show you.


She's with the Shannara.

She is resisting me,

but not for long.

Why are you
wasting time with her?

She's nothing
but a worthless Rover.

I sense your contempt, boy.

But what is it you desire?

I desire to serve.


You will tell me the truth.



What do you desire?

I resurrected
he most powerful Druid

so that I could
learn from him.

So that I could
be as strong as him,

so that no one
could ever hurt me again.

So it is power you desire?

Come then,

let me show you
the answers you seek.

The Druid's Codex.

Did General Riga have that?

The sum of all magic.


Thank you, master.

I understand now.


What a fool I've been
this entire time.

Searching for someone else
to lead me,

to show me my destiny.


You understand now, child?

I am no child.

It was my power
that resurrected you,


And how did you repay me?

By humiliating me,

just like all the others.

By desecrating Catania.


I am my own master now.



Allanon was right about you.

Cogline tried to teach me
how to control it,

this thing inside me.

I'm trying,

but ever since the eclipse
I can feel
the Warlock Lord's magic.


It's like a chill in my blood,

spreading to my heart.

You are the strongest person
I've ever met.

You can b*at this.

No, you don't understand.

Sometimes I like
the way it feels.

I know that feeling.

It almost destroyed me.

But I refused to let it win.

But what if my darkness
is stronger than me?

What if I end up like Bandon?

I cannot sense
the Warlock Lord's presence.

He has left this place.

I have failed you.

Over here.


I was hoping I'd have
a chance to k*ll Riga myself.

The Codex.

It's gone. We're too late.

Whether the Warlock Lord
has it or not,

he still needs Lyria
to open Heaven's Well.

Then the Well's safe.

Cogline has the girl hidden.

Then we need to get to her
before the Warlock Lord does.

Well, what are we
still standing here for?

No, wait.
Mareth and I will find Lyria.

You two must
get to Leah immediately.

What for?

If we fail,

you'll be the
last line of defense
for Heaven's Well.

You must protect it
from the Warlock Lord.


Leah is still crawling
with Crimson soldiers.

Back in the Border Legion,

I used to tell my men
that an army is like a serpent.

All you have to do

is cut off its head.



Oh, you made it.

Wil, Lyria.


Took you long enough.

The Sword of Shannara.

Please tell me
the Ellcrys restored it?

-BOY: Whoa.

We may just
win this w*r yet.

COGLINE: Oh, well done lad.


Looks as new
as the day I forged it.

What, you made this sword?

Allanon didn't tell you?

The Sword of Shannara
was my greatest achievement

before I left the order.

Its blade is infused
with the sacred knowledge
of the Druids.


Perfect congress
of magic and science.

Next time I'll try to be
a little more careful with it.

-Thank you.

Did the Ellcrys reveal
what you needed to see?

What, you mean you're
actually going to stay
out of my head for once,

instead of just
reading my mind?

As my magic wanes,

certain abilities are
no longer within my power.

Well, I guess there's
a silver lining to all this.

Yes, the Ellcrys showed me
what I have to do.

I'm ready.

Then we leave at first light.

What about Lyria?

The queen will stay here.

Rest now.

You'll need all your strength
for the battle to come.


This is it, old friend.

One last stand.

Magic and science, united again.

I have to admit,

Wil isn't quite what I expected.

Was Shea?

What about you?

Are you prepared
for what's next?

I still have
a fight left in me.

I'm not talking
about the fight.

We both know what happens
when you skip
the Druid's Sleep.

What will become
of our ancient order
once you're gone?

My daughter, Mareth,

she will carry
the Druid torch.

LYRIA: It's strange
being back here again.

After all the nights
we spent here together.

Those memories feel
like they're
from another lifetime.

Then maybe we should
make new memories.

I can't do this again.

Do what?

Lose you.

It's not gonna happen again,
I promise.

There's nobody left
to stop us.

You and I are
meant to be together.

I'm getting tired

of people telling me
what I'm meant to be.

What are you talking about?

I'm the one
who chooses my future.

Do you understand that?

Me, and no one else.

All of this will be over soon
and we can go back
to Leah together.

And then what?

We live happily ever after?

You're talking about
a fairy tale.

So what?

Don't people like us
deserve happy endings?

It's not that simple.


it's a yes or no question.

What are you doing?


will you be my queen?

I know where you are.

Our master needs you.

You really must have
a death wish coming back here,
Weapons Master.

I'm not here to fight you.

I came here
to deliver a message.

Your w*r is over.

The rest of your men have
already surrendered their arms
to my Gnomes.

I suggest you do the same.

So we can rot in a cell
while we wait
for our execution?

I would rather my men
d*ed in battle, with honor.


Go on then. Do it.

After everything
the Crimson have done,

the gallows is better
than you deserve.

But we're facing
a much bigger thr*at now.

We didn't k*ll Riga,
the Warlock Lord did.

And he's coming for Leah next.

It's time to unite or die.

Fight alongside us,

and your crimes
will be forgiven.

We swore an oath.

I was a captain too, once.

I know how much
these soldiers' lives
mean to you.

But if we're going to survive,
we have to start fighting.


And who is going to lead us
in this coming battle?


It's a weird feeling.

If all these people die,

if the Four Lands
burn to the ground,

it's all on me.

Listen to me, Wil,

your father

always blamed himself
for every failure.

But he couldn't accept

that his triumphs
were just as important.

What a minute,
did you just give me
a pep talk?


I thought you
were supposed to tell me

I still have so much to learn,
and, miles to go, and all that?

I need to tell you something.

Right before
the swords shattered,

I had a vision,
it was about you.

Whatever the Sword
of Shannara revealed,

that is for you and you alone.

But there is one truth
that I must share with you.

I understand how Mareth
feels about you.

I felt the same way
about her mother.

But I always thought of it
as being a weakness.

The truth is,

once I'm gone,

the strongest part of me
will live on

because of what
Pyria and I had

and what we made,

our daughter Mareth.

I promise,
I'll look after her.


Who's there?

Eretria, what's wrong?

I need your help.

When did this start?

It's getting worse.

Even with the training
you gave me,

I still can't
control it yet.

I thought I would have
more time to teach you.

No one should have to
bear a burden like this.

Just tell me
how to fight this.

Have you been
experiencing visions again?

Seeing things?

The Warlock Lord is trying
to infect your mind.

The closer he gets,
the harder it will be
for you to resist him.

For your own safety,
you have to stay here.

Wil and the others will
go after the Warlock Lord
on their own.

No, I'm not abandoning
my friends now
when it matters the most.

There are lives at stake.

Why are you talking to me
like I'm some kind of monster?

I asked you
how to fight this,

not how to accept it.

You're the one who said
I could control my destiny.

I'm afraid we may be
past that point now.

Well, if you won't help me,
then I'll b*at
this thing myself.

Eretria, please.


With moves like that
I should just give you
the Sword of Shannara.

The Warlock Lord
won't stand a chance.

Oh, I'm so... Can...
May I come in?

Tell me first,

did you see Amberle
inside the Ellcrys?

Yeah, I saw her.

How'd it feel?





I loved Amberle.

But she's also the one
who showed me that
the past isn't what matters.

It's what we do now.

So what'd you have in mind?

I have to
tell you something first.

King Ander is dead.


Which means you're the heir
to Arborlon's throne.

It's true...

Your Majesty.

Whoa, No, no, no.

No, that's impossible.

I don't want that.
I'm supposed to be a Druid,
not a queen.

And I was supposed to be
just another healer.

But sometimes
our fate chooses us instead.

What do you mean
we are in danger?


If the Warlock Lord has
gotten his claws
into her mind already.

He could know where we are,
and she can't be trusted.

What are you suggesting?

She's like a daughter to me.

But measures must be taken.

I showed this to Lyria
before you
and the others arrived.

The electric current will
prevent any Mord Wraith
from passing through.

She'll be safe in here
in case there's an att*ck.


Find Lyria
and you keep her safe.

I'll find Mareth and Wil.

The Sword of Shannara
is our only hope now.

-What's happening?
-The Warlock Lord. It has to be.

How did he find us?


We need to
get you out of here.

Cogline showed me
where to go.

You go with them,
I need to find Allanon.


(SOFTLY) Mareth.

Hello, my old friend.

WIL: Run!

LYRIA: Hurry!

In here.


Don't worry.

It can't get in
as long as the current's on.

We're safe in here.

RED WRAITH: I found you.

You can't hide from me.


Your blood
brought me back, Druid.

Nothing can disguise
the blackness of your soul.

You are weak,

like your pupil.

You will pay
for what you did to Bandon.

You cannot
defeat me, Allanon.

Perhaps not alone.

But you've always
the importance of allies.

Alliances are for those
who are too weak
to empower themselves.

Eretria, don't fight me.

Embrace the darkness.

Stay here with Eretria.

That thing's still out there.

I have to go back
and face the Warlock Lord.

I'm the only one
who can end this
once and for all.

-LYRIA: Eretria!

You're not going
anywhere, Shannara.

Every second we waste,
Lyria is in danger.

Her fate is
in Wil's hands now.

We have our own w*r to fight.



Get up.




My turn.




Get out of here.



Eretria, stop.
What are you doing?

I know you're
still in there, Eretria.

You are stronger
than this thing.

You can b*at it.


No, no. Eretria.


Please, it's me.

I know you're in there.


I'm so sorry.

I can't control it
any longer.

You have to
get out of here, now.

I don't care
who you look like.

Nobody messes with my family.


So much pain inside of you.


Stay, stay away from me.

I promised I wouldn't
leave you again

and I meant it.

Whatever is going on
you don't have to
face it alone,

okay, but you
have to trust me.

Sweet Lyria.

You should have
listened to me.