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02x06 - Crimson

Posted: 11/11/21 07:45
by bunniefuu
SHEA: Previously on
The Shannara Chronicles...

If you want the skull,
release Flick now.


-What'd you do to him?
-Infected him with a contagion.

ANDER: The Crimson attack
Human and Elf alike.

What do you suggest?

A true alliance.

If I marry him,
it's gonna be on my terms.


This is General Riga's
top Lieutenant Valcaa.

He can lead us to General Riga.
We can prevent a Civil w*r.

You want Allanon and I want to
protect Wil, so we're not
leaving without both of them.

ALLANON: The Skull. You will
need the blood of a Shannara
and a Druid to access it.


-That's Shady Vale.
-MARETH: It can't be.

Nice to meet you.
I'm Shea. Shea Ohmsford.


It hissed something at me.
Tell me, what's a "Shannara"?

You are.






If I don't make it...

There's something
I want you to know, Allanon.

I wish that when you rode into
Shady Vale all those years ago,

I wish that I had pointed you
in the opposite direction.

That was not a choice
for you nor I to make.

I did not choose
Shea's destiny for him.

Or Wil's for that matter.

Their destinies chose them
even before they were born.

So this is mine. My destiny.

Some are born for sacrifice.


To hell with you, Allanon!

All you have ever brought
my family is
misery and heartbreak.

I pray that you're not
the last thing I see
before I leave this world.


* I feel it running through
my veins


* And I need that fire

* Just to know
that I'm awake *

You're not from Barkroot?

And this...

This thing is what
brought you here?

It brought us to you.

So that you could help us
find something.
Something very important.

He's telling you the truth.

That I'm
some sort of "Shannara?"

That is the most ridiculous
thing I've ever heard.

Shea, you come from
a chosen line.

I'm a nobody. A farm hand.

You're the furthest thing
from a nobody.

You save the Four Lands.

I do?

Which is why the Mord Wraiths
are chasing you.

A month from now
the Warlock Lord
will declare w*r.

But you fight back.
You don't let 'em win.

I'm sorry. Wrong guy.

There's a darkness coming
and you have to be ready for it.

You sound like
my brother, Flick.

The Four Lands is about to face
a great evil and you are the one
who stands up to--


-I can't defend anything.

I can't even defend myself.
Or my love for Heady...

I'm not this "Shannara" guy
that you're looking for and I am
most definitely not a hero.

I get it. I said
the exact same thing
when the time came for me to--

I don't believe any of this.

When you were little there was
a summer when the crops failed
and food was scarce.

You found a rabbit
in your mother's snare.

It was enough to make a stew
to feed your family, but,

you couldn't stop looking
in its eyes.

And so you made sure
nobody was around
and then you set it free.


I've never told anyone that.

Not yet, you haven't.

The Four Lands
is going to depend on you

and now the future does, too.

I need your help.

Someone's life depends on it.

And what if I'm not ready?

I asked a Druid
the same question once.

But I've learned that
fate waits for no man.

When? A Druid?

I'm gonna let that part
be a surprise.

The wraiths
will come back for him.

Shea, you were meant for
bigger things than this farm.

But if the Mord Wraiths
are already looking for you,
you aren't safe.

We need to get you into hiding.

And what if they do find me?

What is it that they want?

They want you dead.

ANDER: You're sure
you want to do this?

ANDER: Go through
with this marriage?

My mother wants
to take control of Arborlon.

The only way to stop her
is to make her believe
she's getting what she wants.

Once our kingdoms have joined,
Tamlin will have no choice
but to back you. To back us.

And together we can defeat
the Crimson and bring peace
to The Four Lands.

What about Eretria?

To choose a marriage
of convenience over love.

This is the only way
to make sure that she's safe.

Lyria, if we do this
we have to be
friends and partners.

No secrets. No lies.


You have my word.
Our people come first.

So what do you say?

I say you're gonna make
one hell of a queen.

The Warlock Lord's power
was once unmatched.

If he is reborn, then he will
use anything within his reach
to reclaim that power.

I would never help him.
You know that!

You might not be able to resist.

So you're saying
that I'm doomed
to be his puppet?

I'm saying that your power
makes you an integral part
of what is going to unfold.

Be that as a vessel of darkness
or a protector
of all that is good.

What can I do?

Get prepared for what's to come.

The greatest battle you'll face
is within you.

You could end up being all that
stands between the Warlock Lord
and Heaven's Well.

If he corrupts the Well,

then Human, Elf, Gnome,
all living things
will be consumed by darkness.


MARETH: At least we don't have
to swim in this time.

SHEA: You've been here before?

WIL: It's a perfect hiding spot.

Is there anywhere in here
where you might have
hidden something?

You mean the thing
you're looking for?

Are you gonna
tell me what it is?

It's a skull.

A skull? I don't know
anything about any skull.

We're running out of time.
My uncle won't last much longer.

We know the skull
is hidden somewhere
in Shady Vale, right?

I mean, why else
would the time portal
have brought us here?

We just need to keep
following the clues.

Except the only clue
we found so far is--

I told you.
I don't know anything
about a skull.

WIL: Please.
Try and remember.

It's a matter
of life and death.

Has anyone unusual,
anyone at all, come through
Shady Vale lately?

Other than you two?
Not a soul.

Anything out of
the ordinary?

Look, I want to help you.
I do, but I have to go.

I have to meet Heady
at the Solstice Festival.

You can't,
it's too dangerous.

But we've entered
a scarecrow in the competition.

We've been working on it
together for months.

Scarecrow competition?
You really need to rethink
your seduction techniques.


That'll teach you
to mess with Wil Ohmsford.

We need to check
the scarecrow.

You think a future him
went all the way back in time to
hide the skull in a scarecrow?

So far that's the only
hunch I have.

Hey. You.

Wait here, we'll be back.

No. I'm coming with you.

Heady's heart is set on winning
and if we don't go--

-You can't go!
-I have to go,
if we don't win this--

You do win, okay?

You win the damn competition
and Heady tells her father
that she's in love with you.


I've heard the story
my whole life.

How could you know that?

And what do you mean,
your whole life?
Who are you?

I'm your son.

Make sure the Elven Ambassador
is situated at the front.

This wedding will be the first
to bring our people together

and no one can appear
to be slighted.

The bride and groom.

To what do I owe the pleasure
of your presence?

Diplomatic relations.

The time has come
to eradicate the Crimson,

and General Riga,
once and for all.

We'd like your support.

Of course.
Consider my weapons stores
at your full disposal.

We need a brigade
of Leah soldiers as well.

It's "we" now?
My, how things have changed.

Your Majesty.

It appears the East Wing
of the palace was breached
last night by the Crimson.

They tunneled in with expl*sives
and broke out
the prisoner, Valcaa.

Ten of our men were k*lled.

Consider three brigades
at your service, King Ander.

Thank you, Your Highness.

Or, should
I call you "Mother"?

"Your Highness" will suffice.


It's time to end this.

Bring me Garet Jax.



None of these are the one.

Are you sure?

I'd know it anywhere.

Have either of you seen Shea?
The judging is about to start.

Uh, sorry. No, we haven't.

Wait, Heady, I could've sworn
I saw another scarecrow
out here earlier.

It had a green vest,
wooden buttons.

The Ohmsford Scarecrow.

It's out in the south field
just beyond the pond.

-Thank you.


If they don't make it back,

we're both gonna die in here.
You know that, right?

The longer we stay,
the weaker we get.

It's kind of poetic really.

You know, if I'm being honest,
you're the closest thing
I've ever had to a father.

How tragic is that?

And what about
the Warlock Lord?

Do you think he has
the answers you seek?

He will betray you.

It's not too late, Bandon.

You're yet to cross
the threshold into darkness.

You can still be saved.

By who? You?

I'll take my chances
with the Warlock Lord.

That is a decision
you will live to regret.

It's not like you
to give up so easily.

What's wrong, Allanon?

Stay away.

You look older.


Time itself has begun
to consume you.

I knew something was different.

You're dying, aren't you?


Even a Druid's life must end.


-MARETH: It's not here.
-Are you sure?

It's not here, Wil.


It was not a good hunch.

But I doubt Allanon and Shea
would've hidden the skull

where it could be
so easily found.

(SIGHS) You're right.
I guess.

That's it!
The scarecrow is the clue.

Wil, I told you
it's not in there.

Not in. Under.

-(SCOFFS) You think they'd bury
it in a cornfield?

And even if they had,
wouldn't they have just taken us
here in present day?

Of course it would.

But this,
it isn't a field anymore.

It's a lake.

My mom always talked about
how the week after she
and my dad won the competition,

the dam upstream burst.

Half the Ohmsford's fields
were permanently flooded.

They almost lost everything.

Everything except
the old scarecrow Flick found
down river on his way home.

So, if the portal
brought us here now...

We'd be ten feet underwater.

It's the perfect
hiding spot.


All right.

TAMLIN: The hem isn't right.

It needs to be perfect.

This is all wrong.
Start over.


GARET JAX: I kind of like it.

Who's wearing the dress,
you or Lyria?

Leave us.

You got here quickly.

I know what happens to people
that keep you waiting.

I'd like to stay pretty.

What's the job du jour?

General Riga.

That's quite the reversal.

I thought you two were tight.

Where's your loyalty,
Your Highness?

Coming from the man who measures
his loyalty in gold.


General Riga has outlived
his usefulness.

And what exactly
was his "usefulness"?

Riga wants
to eradicate magic users.

I'm in the weapons business
and magic is bad for business

Plus, I needed Arborlon unstable
to secure Lyria her king.

A real win-win.

But now he's over-reached
and his ambitions
need to be clipped.

I'd love to help,
but the General's holed up
in his fortress.

And I've already
made it out of there once.

Only a fool
would tempt fate again.

He's not in Graymark.

Today, he sent word for me
to meet him at this location.

(SCOFFS) Clandestine trysts
with fanatical Elves.

You've really
lowered your standards.

I want him handled.

Consider him dead.

WIL: Shea?
We found the skull.

(PANTS) Where is he?

-He's gone, Wil.

He probably
went to the festival
to meet up with Heady.

He was supposed to stay put!

Like you would listen
to two time travelers

from the future
rather than your heart.

If the Mord Wraiths
get to him...

-We can't let that happen.
-He won't survive.

He doesn't have
the Elfstones yet. Come on!



Think you're gonna need
a few more bodyguards, General.

Where's Tamlin?

She's done with you.

Thinks you've become...
How did she phrase it?


Why are you helping her?

When you and I, Jax...

we're no different.

You're a soldier
who's lost good men.

Save the speech, General.

There's nothing you can say
that'll change the outcome here.

So, you're just
going to k*ll me?

That's the plan.




Valcaa? Thought your
miserable ass was locked up.

Oh, I wouldn't miss this.


Tamlin will pay
for her betrayal.

Take care of him.




Heady, wait.

What do you want?

I'm sorry I got upset.

The thought of losing you
just sent me over the edge.

Can you please forgive me?

Oh, God.








WIL: This wasn't supposed
to happen.

HEADY: Oh...

MARETH: Let's get him
into the barn.


HEADY: Is he gonna be okay?

He's lost a lot of blood.

MARETH: Wil's a trained healer.
He's in good hands.


It's a miracle.

Try magic.

WIL: But then he should be
good as new.

I will never forget
what you've done for us.

You and Shea are not gonna have
an easy road.

Together you'll have
a lot of tough challenges.

Because his destiny,
it carries with it
tremendous responsibility.

And a whole host of trouble
that he won't always
handle well.

WIL: He'll need you.

WIL: But as long as you remember
how much you love him,

there's nothing
you won't be able
to get through.

You're a special man, Wil.


I can't take all the credit.

I had an amazing mom.


She's the one who taught me...

Taught me how to be.

I thank her every day.

VALCAA: I'm going to
take my time and enjoy this.

Any last words?

Not off the top of my head.

How about you?





Where did you go?


You in here?


Wow. Remind me never
to piss you off.


ERETRIA: How'd you find me?

GARET JAX: I'm a bounty hunter,
finding people is what I do.

What was that thing?

GARET JAX: Guess it
doesn't matter now.


What happened to you?

Had a little run-in with
General Riga and his friends.

Are you all right?

GARET JAX: Ego's a bit bruised,
but I'll live.

Tamlin sent me to k*ll Riga,
but that went south.

GARET JAX: My bet is
he'll go after the Queen.

We have to warn them.

Why do you think I'm here?

ERETRIA: You're doing
the right thing, Jax.

GARET JAX: I'm not letting Riga
get away with this.

GARET JAX: Not on my watch.

WIL: I guess this is it.

HEADY: We don't know
how to thank you.

WIL: You don't have to thank me.
I'm just glad
I was here to help.

We should really get going.

SHEA: I wish you didn't have
to go so soon.

I feel like I'm just starting
to get to know you.

Yeah. Me too.

I was wondering, uh...

I mean, I know how much
I love Heady, and we've always
talked about having kids.

What kind of father
do I turn out to be?

You're gonna be a great one.

The very best any kid
could ask for.


I figured I can't be too much
of a screw up if I end up
with a son like you.

Take care of yourself, Wil.

You too, Dad.


MAN 1: Be careful. Come on.

Are you okay?

WIL: Yeah.

You're a terrible liar.

MARETH: What you did back there,
with your parents...

MARETH: It was pretty amazing.

All in a day's work.

Don't sell yourself short.


Is that...

I'm looking for
the Ohmsford Farm.

I'm Flick Ohmsford.

It's about a mile south.
Red barn. You can't miss it.

And so it begins.



WIL: Uncle Flick!

It's so good to
see your face, Wil.

You hang in there.

BANDON: He doesn't have
much time.

The spell is reversible,
Wil, I swear it.

I only want what I came for.

Double cross me,
and I'll k*ll you.

WIL: Let Bandon out.
You said Allanon taught you
the incantation.

Wil, it's a mistake.

I'm sorry, there's no other way.

Mareth, don't.

Now, or Flick's gonna die.

MARETH: Wil, are you sure?

You have to trust me, Mareth.

ALLANON: Mareth,
you don't have to do this.

ALLANON: It's not too late.




Give me the skull.

Not until you heal him.

I want the skull first.

I told you, I'll keep my word.

Forgive me if I don't put
a lot of stock in that.

BANDON: Every second you stall,
your uncle inches closer
to death.

Pretty soon not even I
will be able save him.



I love you, boy.



You're gonna pay.

The Sword of Shannara.





Your magic is strong.

BANDON: You should come with me.

Let the Warlock Lord train you.
He can make you more powerful.

And lose my soul in the process,
like you?

I think I'll pass.



Last chance. What do you choose?





MARETH: I'm so sorry.

He helped raise me.

He never let me down.

This is how I repay him?

You did everything you could.

MARETH: Flick knew exactly
what he was doing.

MARETH: It was his choice.

He didn't want you to have to
shoulder that burden.

Yet here we are.

ALLANON: We need to talk
about your visions,

when you were
fighting Bandon.

How many times
do I have to tell you?
Stay out of my mind.

This is not
only your truth, Wil.

It will affect all of us.

For the greater good.

I know.

What you saw in that
was important.


MARETH: Allanon.

WIL: He's been cut by
the Warlock Lord's blade.




Shall we begin?


RIGA: Ander.

Your reign of terror
ends today, Riga.


SLANTER: Princess!


You don't deserve that crown!


I'm gonna end this royal line!
