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02x03 - Graymark

Posted: 11/11/21 07:40
by bunniefuu
ERETRIA: Previously on
The Shannara Chronicles...

Behold, the Kingdom of Leah.

But be careful. Queen Tamlin
always has a hidden agenda.

You can dress me up, Mother,

but you can't
force me to change.

A princess.

The person I was with you?

That's the real me.

You want me to marry
your daughter?

The sooner
the marriage is official,

the sooner you can secure
your people's future.

General Riga.

The madman behind The Crimson.


Allanon was taken
by The Crimson.

-Who else knows this?


What the hell are you
doing here, Bandon?

I like you, Wil.

But you have something that
belongs to the Warlock Lord.

The skull!

He told me you knew
where they hid it.

Bring me the Druid...
Or your uncle dies.

Keep moving!


-MALE SOLDIER: Move, now!


Why have I been brought here?

To stand trial.

I have committed no crime.

You practice magic, don't you?

-I refuse to answer to you.
-I forgot.

The Druids are above
the rest of us.

The Druids have faithfully
served the Four Lands
for thousands of years.

And yet hundreds of them
were slaughtered
inside these very walls.

Martyrs in their fight against
the forces of darkness.

The Dagda Mor
and the Warlock Lord
were both Druids.

They started wars
that cost thousands of lives.

They both abused
the gift of magic.

Empowering their souls
to wreak genocide
throughout the Four Lands.

And now you walk
the same path, General Riga.

Only the warped mind
of a Druid could compare me
to mass murderers.

This fortress was the palace
of the Warlock Lord.

And yet, here you sit
upon his throne,

lecturing me about
the evils of magic

while his dark stain looms
over the Four Lands once more.

Who is going to defeat
the Warlock Lord
if he awakens again?

Men like me.

I defeated you.


Tell me...

Where is the Codex of Paranor?


That's where all of
your magical knowledge
is kept, isn't it?

You'll never possess
the Codex.

Because only the Druids
can know magic's secrets
and wield its power?

Magic is not a w*apon,

it is a gift.

But it always comes
with a price.

You don't have to tell me
the price of magic.

I witnessed my men
being ripped apart by Demons
outside the gates of Arborlon.

And you dishonor your
fallen men with your actions.

Let me go,

so I can fight our true enemy.

True enemy is magic.

And once I've destroyed
the Codex,

it will be purged from
the Four Lands forever.


* I feel it running through
my veins

* And I need that fire

* Just to know
that I'm awake *




Welcome back, Short Tips.


I thought you were...


I'm here now.

How did you...
How did you even find me?



That's impossible.

She came to me in a vision...

She said you were in trouble.

MARETH: Hey! Who are you?

Do you wanna tell me
what you're doing here?

Well, I'm supposed to be here.

What are you doing here?

WIL: What's going on?

I saw him
heading for the barn.

-I thought he might
try to k*ll you.


It's your money.

This guy with you?

Wil Ohmsford, meet Garet Jax.

The Wil Ohmsford.

The Crimson's most wanted.

Haircut was a good call.

She paid me a bag of diamonds
to help track you down.

-You're a bounty hunter?
-I prefer "Weapons Master."

Weapons Master?


Tell her.

You saw what I did
back at the Rover camp.

I took down eight men.

Hardly broke a sweat.

I'm Mareth, by the way,
thanks for the concern.

Another pair of short tips...

What are the odds?

-I need to find Allanon.
-Since when?

Since Bandon took my uncle.

I have to find him
and get to Paranor.

Wait, the Crimson
grabbed him in Leah.

They're taking him
to a place called Graymark.

-You've heard of it?

It's an old gnome fortress
in the Ravenshorn.

Magic users go in,
but they don't come out.

I may have delivered them
a bounty or two.

You work for the Crimson?

Their money's as good as any.

And before you go getting
all high and mighty,

I don't do causes,
ideology, politics,

or guilt.

-You're taking me to Graymark.

You can't just walk in there,
the Crimson
are looking for you.

I don't have a choice.

My uncle's life depends on it.

Well, I definitely
don't do lost causes either.

I thought Garet Jax
didn't back down from a fight.

You don't mess
with The Crimson.

So, the Weapons Master is
afraid of some stuck up Elves?


But I'm not afraid
of anything.

That's a bold statement.

Why don't you prove it
by getting me into Graymark?

What did you say to Eretria?


Can my daughter and I
have the room, please?

Thank you.

I told her the truth,

that you've done this before

and she was just
the latest victim.

Then I offered a bag
of diamonds for her troubles.

You tried to pay her off?

I didn't have to
try that hard.

She took it gladly.

My dear,

let me be crystal clear.

You have one purpose right now

and that's
to marry King Ander.

You have never shown
any love for the Elves.

If I'm part of some
bigger plan,

I deserve to know.

The Elves are on
the verge of a civil w*r.

I doubt our aid
will prevent it at this point.

As their queen,

you'll convince your husband
to call on me for help.

I, of course,
will race to your aid.

The army of Leah
will crush the uprising.

And once we do,

you will ask us to set up
a garrison in Arborlon
to keep the peace.

Allowing you to take over
the Westland
without any resistance.

I'm securing our future.

My job is to protect
my kingdom
by any means necessary.

I expect your
full cooperation.

Actually, I demand it.

And what if I don't?

Then your rosy-lipped
Rover friend won't live
to see another sunrise.

And what makes you
think you'd even be able
to find her again?

And what makes you think
I don't have someone
watching her already?





Must be strange
for you to feel powerless.

Those collars were developed
during the Great w*r

to enslave Demons
so that we could study them.

Figure out how to stop them.

For a man who hates magic,

you know
a great deal about it.

Oh, I don't hate magic,
I respect it.

Unlike you and
your Druid brethren.

You think you can control it,
but you can't.

Tell me, General,
how is it that an Elf

has Mwellret blood
running through his veins?

I wondered how you were
impervious to my magic.

Only a Mwellret
has that ability.

Most people
can't survive an attack,

let alone take on its traits.

Oh, I wasn't att*cked...

My mother was,
when she was pregnant.

The Stors managed
to rip me from her body
before she died.

But I had already
been infected.

I was a weak child...

Couldn't stand the light.

Prone to crippling pain.


But I fought through it...

And now, I've turned my curse
into a w*apon to bring you
and your kind to an end.

I will never give up
the Codex.

You can t*rture me
all you want.

I don't need to.

Where there's a Druid,
there's always a Shannara.

How strong will you be
when I capture Wil Ohmsford?

How much pain could
you watch him endure?


You cannot see it, General,

but none of this is
by accident or coincidence.

The Warlock Lord
plans his return
once the sun turns black.

He will once again
walk upon the earth,

unless you release me
to stop his return!

We don't need you
to save the world.

We need you to leave it.



Jax and Mareth
are taking the first watch.

He says we're about
half a day away.

I went back to Safehold.

I covered every inch
of that city...

I know you did...

You were kept from finding me,
by someone who thought
was helping me.

-You were a prisoner?
-No. It wasn't like that.

I found a place
where I belonged.

When the Demons
didn't show up,

I figured you and Amberle
had saved the Ellcrys.

You thought
we forgot about you?

I thought you'd moved on
with your life, and so did I.

And I met someone.

We were happy for a while.

And then I had the vision.

Amberle told you to find me.

Did she say anything else?

She said that darkness
is coming...

I'm sorry about Amberle.

-Allanon told me
the whole story.
-Did he?

He knew what would
happen to her and
he kept it from all of us.

She made her choice, Wil.

And we're all here
because of it.

There are days
I wish I wasn't.

-This is not
the Wil Ohmsford I know.
-Who's that?

The naive guy you could
take advantage of?

The guy who believes
in the good in people.

The guy who made me believe
that I could be
more than just a Rover.

You saved me, Wil.

In so many ways.

Those marks on your arm...

They're from the Elfstones,
aren't they?

What are you doing?
Are you judging me?

Do you have any idea
what it's like

to have everything
you've ever wanted,

and then watch it all be taken
away right before your eyes?

More than you know.


I'll get some more firewood.


Thought we were keeping
an eye out for
The Crimson patrols?


What, you did that?


You know...

Ever since
the Demon showed up,

everybody with a party trick
is coming out of the woodwork.

It's not a "party trick."
It's magic.

And it should be respected.

I can't figure you out.
What's your deal?

Why are you so worked up
about some Druid?

Not your concern.

My advice, cut bait.

You don't want to mess
with The Crimson.

They're true believers,
which makes them
extremely dangerous.

Says the guy who only
believes in money.

You know, in a previous life,
I was just like them.

Just like you and
your little friends.

Had a cause and a purpose
I was willing to die for.

Sounds like the Weapons Master
has a secret past.

(SCOFFS) Nice try.

The backstories,
another thing I don't do.

I think you just did.


How are we getting inside?

We're going to use Jax's plan.

The one he started thinking
about the minute we met.

The only reason
he agreed to bring us here

is to collect
the bounty on my head.

You don't do causes,
uh, politics, charity.

You're all about
the money, right?

Smarter than you look.

I had a good teacher.

Well, sometimes even
the teacher can get fooled.

But it won't happen again.


You wanted to march
to your own execution.

I just figured I'd make
a few bucks on it.

I want to save my uncle,

and if that means partnering
with you to free a man

that I wish I never had
to see again, then so be it.

But you're going to
earn that bounty.

I need a detailed map of
that fortress and a way out.


If we have to split up,
that'll be great.

This is a terrible plan.

It's the worst,
but it's the only one
we've got.


Yesterday, at the campfire...

I'm sorry.

You of all people
didn't deserve that.

I use the stones
to see Amberle,

or at least my memory of her.

Every time I say
it's gonna be my last, but...


(SOFTLY) Yeah.

She loved you, Wil.

She sent me here to find you.

And you left a life
where you were safe
and happy to help me.

That hardly seems fair.

And who said
life would be fair?

You know what Cephalo
would say if he were here?

"Dry your eyes, kid,
tomorrow's not promised.

"You're lucky you have today."

And then he'd figure out
how to steal that
bounty money from Jax.


Can't get a read on her.

She thinks Allanon
is her father.

But she's got a past
she can't explain,

magical abilities
she can't control,

and potentially
the world's worst dad.

So, I'm giving her
the benefit of the doubt.

There's the Wil
I know and love.

Do you remember
how to use a lock pick,

or do you need a refresher?

I got it.


These might come in handy.

Hide them where
no one will search you.

But be careful.

You don't want to blow off
your precious Elfstones.


MARETH: I think we're ready.


Certainly taking her
long enough to decide.

Oh, it's just theater.

As soon as you agree
to marry her daughter,

she's giving us
all the aid we could ask for.

Have you seen Catania?

She took your engagement
to Princess Lyria hard
and returned to Arborlon.

She didn't want to be around
as a reminder to you.

I couldn't have survived
this last year without her.


King Ander,

I am pleased to inform you
that I agree to your terms.

Thank you.

I look forward
to our partnership.

I'll arrange a formal meeting
for you and the princess
to get to know each other.

In the meantime,
could I borrow General Edain
to go over a few details?

Thank you.

I need to see Riga.

Not possible.


Set the meeting.

No excuses,
or your little revolt

is going to be over
before it's even started.

Am I clear?

Am I clear?

EDAIN: Clear.

I have a prisoner.

I'm here to collect
the bounty.

Perhaps you've heard of him...

Wil Ohmsford.


No Shannara until I get paid.

I'm curious, Jax.

How did you manage
to take him down?

Why, you writing a book?



We could just k*ll him.

He's worth half as much dead.

While you and your men
were busy torching every farm
from here to Wing Hove,

I did my homework.

Knew he had
an uncle in Shady Vale.
I waited for him there.

Now, storytime's over.
I want my bounty.

Not until you hand over
the Elfstones.

The bounty was for Ohmsford,
not the stones.

I'm keeping them
as a souvenir.

-General Riga wants them.

Then General Riga
can pay extra.

Even if you had the balls
to cut my throat,

do you really think you can
slice through all these men?

We both know the answer.

You see,
I can tell a story, too.

Like the one about
the Border Legion Commander

who survived
a Demon slaughter.

Even though all his men died.




Take him to the lower cells.

We have a friend
of yours down there.





I'm trusting you
because Wil said I should
give you a chance.

You want Allanon
and I want to protect Wil,

so we're not leaving
without both of them.




-You good with a blade?
-I've slit a few throats.

Mostly Rovers, though.
No offense.

None taken.


Always watch
your flank, ladies.

You're not supposed
to be here.

-Damn right I'm not.
-What happened?

The Crimson and I
had a falling out.

Over money?

Oh, I took their money.

I knew you'd do
the right thing.

Don't speak too soon.
Let's move.



We have Wil Ohmsford
in our custody.

The Druid and the Shannara
both finally locked away.

And I have the Elfstones.


Today the world's
a safer place, Colonel.




You coming here was a mistake.

Nice to see you, too.

You shouldn't be trying
to rescue me.

I didn't come to rescue you.
I'm here for Flick.

Bandon took him.

The only way he lives
is bringing you to Paranor.

Do you understand
why he wants us both there?

I don't care.

Can you walk?


We get to the cell block door,

Eretria will be
on the other side.

And she's not alone.

Who is with her?


I can't open this.
We have to move.

Leaving so soon?

Which of our patrols
caught the Shannara?

It was the bounty hunter,
Garet Jax.

This was a coordinated plan.
There may be others.

Seal the tunnels and
instigate a full lockdown.

Yes, General.

Eretria and Mareth are
somewhere in this fortress.

Who's Mareth?

At least that collar
keeps you out of my head.

I'm going to let her
tell you herself.

They'll find a way
to get us out.


What did you do to him?

I thought you were
training him to be a Druid.

I pushed him too hard.

Went too fast.

I should have seen it,
but I was trying
to save the Ellcrys.

Someone else you sacrificed
for the greater good?

Bandon strayed off the path
because of me...

I accept that.

But it's the reason
why I tried to keep
you out of this.

But destiny is stronger
than the wishes of one man.

Don't give me that crap.

I'm here because
you screwed up.


Welcome, Wil.

I've been waiting
a long time to meet you.

Whatever you think
I can do for you, I can't.

-Don't sell yourself short.


With the valve wide open,

I can drain all the blood
in his body within minutes.

Tell me.

Where is the Codex of Paranor?

They're locking off
the tunnels.

Which probably means
Wil's gambit didn't work.

And we have no escape plan.

Come on,
the cells are this way.


I know where Allanon is.

Trust me,
if we find him, we find Wil.

I guess the longer you live,
the colder your heart gets.

Allanon doesn't give
a damn about anyone.

He didn't care about Amberle,

and he certainly
doesn't care about me.

You can drain me dry
and he still won't crack.

-He should be here.

I can sense his magic.

What are you talking about?
We're wasting time.

-Jax, lead us to the cells.

I swear, I'm not...






I know what you've lost, Wil.

I lost my family, too.

The night the Dagda Mor
att*cked Arborlon,

my men were defending
the South Gate,
and it was slaughter.

When the Demons were gone
I found my wife flayed.

She was pregnant
with our first child.

If it weren't for magic,
they'd still be alive today.

Tell me where
the Codex is hidden.

Nobody else has to suffer
the way we have.

He doesn't know anything!

Yes, I do.

But I'd rather die
than tell you.

So k*ll me.

I'm not afraid.

Have it your way.

Drain him.


Staff has no effect on me.
I'm impervious to magic.

Why don't you give me that,
before you hurt yourself.

You're not impervious to fire.




My staff.

It's not possible.

Hate to break up
this family reunion,
but we need to move.

How are we getting out?

I know a way.


The Druids escaped
into the tunnels!

I want 'em captured.
Now! Seal them off!

We're ready, sir.
Waiting for your command.


Let's go, let's go, let's go!

The ladies and I will
take care of the soldiers.

You, get that gate open.


Throw me the staff!


What do we do? It would
take 20 of us to open this.



I can't hold it! Go!

Go through! Go through!