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04x05 - Part V

Posted: 11/11/21 07:01
by bunniefuu
Do you know anything
about night swimming?

Well, we do have our share
of tree huggers out here.

Last night, somebody broke into
the house where I'm staying.

Did you see them?

No, I wasn't there, but they
looked through my stuff.

This brings up a lot for me.

An intruder in the house? A lot.

I can't walk away from this.

I don't think that I can
keep going on like this.


Where was that?

- In your jacket pocket.
- Percy worked on Don's crew.

Well, they used to go up
together a lot on their own.

What is this shit?

You're telling me someone didn't
poison her mind with that shit?

That wasn't Percy.

Somebody had control over her.

The ancient lunar goddess is represented

by the ouroboros...

a snake swallowing its own tail.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪



♪ ♪


♪ ♪


You didn't see this,
unless you want one.

No, I don't smoke.

Well, neither do I. I quit years ago.

I leave Sean in charge for a week.

Turns everything to shit.

Your boys, it doesn't bother
them, me being around here?

I don't care what they think.

Please tell me you found something.


Now, this family crest,

that's, like, from a boat, right?

- You know whose it was?
- I don't know it,

but they do have retired boat logs

down at the harbor master's office.

Okay, great. Thanks.

Where'd you find it?

Oh, I just... I've been curious

about these off in the woods areas

that have these ritualized
arrangements and things,

and it was around one of those.

Yeah, we get those new
age hippie types up here.


You think this has something
to do with Percy?

Can't tell.

I'm gonna track this boat thing down.

- It's probably nothing.
- I'll come with you.

I don't think you need to.

I know everybody at the office.

♪ ♪

My unloading time is at : every day.

And that Brandon Keyser
is always blocking me.

We've been here before.

- You can file a report online.
- I filed three.

Nothing happens.

They're backlogs. They'll get to it.

Yeah, right.

Hey, Mike.

- Hi, Mrs. Muldoon.
- Hi, Patrick. How you doing?

- Good, good.
- Good.

We have a question. We're trying
to find the boat this is from.

Does it match anything in your records?

We log boats by registration
numbers, not insignia.

Right, but you might recognize
it from somewhere.


To me, it reminds me
of the Henderson boat.

The one d*ck used to captain.

Yeah, yeah. But that's not quite it.


Hey, the other harbor master
who's usually here,

what's her name again?

Em Castillo? She's off today.

I could dig through some files,

- see what I come up with.
- Yeah, that'd be great.


She's weird about people
touching her stuff.

No problem, no problem, mate.
Thanks for looking into this.

Meg, we'll be in touch.

Oh, all right.

♪ ♪



♪ ♪










- _



♪ ♪

Is that for me?

Was it you that broke into
the house the other day?


Guess you're making enemies around here.

These weren't yours to take.

Well, they're evidence now.

- Of what?
- They were out on the cliffs.

Percy had these with
her when she jumped?

They were set out by
her or someone else.

Maybe it was you?

Is that why you're investigating me?

Your relationship to Percy.

- Why are you hiding it?
- I'm not hiding anything.

Well, then, maybe you could
tell me what you're doing here?

I thought we were playing a game

where we break into each other's houses,

see what we can find.

I see.

Your hut by the water, I found it.


I saw your notes on Percy.

What was that? Some kind of conversion?

I'd call it growth.

At the hut, I found blood on the rocks.

I'm not the person you're looking for.

♪ ♪

And if you come by my house
again, I'm gonna sh**t first.

♪ ♪

About that blood,

Chief Raskin is gonna
run forensics on it

and see if it's a match for Percy.
It's gonna take four or five days.

But somehow, this case leaks,

and people are gonna find out sooner.

- Are you threatening me?
- No.

I'm just being honest with you.

Look, you're an outsider
here. Same as me.

And any sign that you
might have hurt her,

people are gonna assume
the worst about you.

Just like you are.

♪ ♪

Well, maybe.

This is your chance to set me straight.


♪ ♪

I always saw her from
afar down by the dock.

♪ ♪

She was and loving being in charge.

At least that's how I saw her.

And then something in her changed,

like, around two years ago?


It's like she became a
totally different person.

Started drinking. dr*gs too, probably.

♪ ♪

She became completely withdrawn.

♪ ♪

And then she was gone.

♪ ♪

She left the island.

Probably a few months went by.

And when she got back, she was worse.

It's like she was a shell
of who she'd been before.

♪ ♪

That's where you'd
see her, by that dock?

Yeah. I was working nights,

so I'd always see her there alone.

Why that spot, do you think?

Something happened to her down there?

I don't know what.

At some point, you
started to talk to her

and thinking you could help her, right?

She's the one who started it.



♪ ♪


♪ ♪

What are you doing?

♪ ♪

Nothing. Just, uh, taking a moment.

What's that in your hand?

♪ ♪

It's embarrassing I don't know this

after seeing you around all these years,

- but where are you from?
- Baltimore.

Why'd you leave?

I needed to do my own thing
away from my family.

Yeah, I tried that.
Didn't work out so well.

What are they like?

My family? Uh, like most.

You know, they try.

But they damage even
when they don't mean to.

Damage how?

You know, they're so caught
up in their own pain,

they end up hurting
everyone around them.

Maybe they don't know another way.

That's the whole point though, isn't it?

You gotta try.

My aunt was different.

She, uh, introduced me to
just other ways of being.

Is that what you do here?

Is it like Wiccan or something?



I don't know anything.

I just... I've seen some
things around the island.

Women doing things.

It's only women, isn't it?

I just pull from things that inspire me.

It's mostly just about embracing nature.

But not a lot of people are open to it

because it means accepting destruction.



Yeah. It's nature's cycle.

Without death, there's no rebirth.

We just try to tap into that.

♪ ♪

But why?

To feel whole.

To understand our place in all this.

♪ ♪

Can you teach me?

I don't... you know, it's
not really about teaching.

♪ ♪

Just tell me how to start.


you gotta respect the ocean.

Can't overfish.

Like me and my family?


♪ ♪

I wanna learn.


I really need something like this.


♪ ♪

I haven't slept in two years.

♪ ♪


Point to the first thing
that you notice,

that you're drawn to.


Don't think.

Is that wrong?

What do you feel?

I don't know. A dead tree?

Try to feel its pulse.

It's like listening.

I don't get this.

Just stay with it.

I feel stupid. It's a dead tree.

It's a reflection of you.

You chose it.

Are you f*cking with me? Is this a joke?

- What? No.
- I can't do this.


Just... sit.

Just sit.

Imagine that the ocean...

the trees...

the birds you hear right now...

everything around you is
reaching out to you...

and touching you with this hand.



This is love.

♪ ♪

Your whole life, you've
been looking for it.

And it's been right here all along.

You don't have to do
anything to prove yourself.

You don't have to be
anything you're not.

♪ ♪

You already belong.

You always have.

♪ ♪

We worked together for a couple months.

You were friends?


Not exactly.

There was something in her
that she wanted to exorcise,

and she wanted my help.

Right. Yeah, what was it?

"Free the bone from the flesh."

Those your words?


She latched onto that.

And all these things were
used in your sessions?


♪ ♪

I can't talk about those.

♪ ♪

They're personal to Percy.

Yeah. But she isn't
here to talk about it,

but maybe she'd want to.

I don't understand.
Why are you holding back now?

You wouldn't understand
even if I told you.

Maybe I wouldn't at first...

♪ ♪

But I'll try.

♪ ♪

I can't.

Hey, look, I understand.

This is a risk for you, going back.

You tried to bring something
out of Percy, right?

Something that she was
so afraid of, right?

You were so close, but that thing,

whatever it was,

it's what I've been
trying to figure out.

♪ ♪

The only way I can trust you...

is if you do the things she did.

♪ ♪

It's the only way you'll understand.

I'll do it.

It means we'll have to humble ourselves.

It'll be painful.

♪ ♪

It's okay.

I'm ready.

♪ ♪




The water's only degrees.

It's gonna feel like you can't breathe.

Don't fight it.

You have to fully submerge yourself.

A lot of people give up at this
point because of the cold.

You don't have to keep going.

♪ ♪


That area that's so tight right here,

that's our pride.

We let our ego control us.

You're not ready.

♪ ♪

You're still not ready.

♪ ♪


- You enjoy this?
- Honestly? No.

♪ ♪

Let go of what you think should happen.



♪ ♪

Just wait.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Stay with it.


Good. Keep going. Let it through.

- Breathe.

Let it through.

♪ ♪

Stay with it.



After two months of working together,

she was still blocked,

so I had had her pick five objects.

Each one would represent a relationship

that was holding her back.

These are people in her life?

So she could release them.


♪ ♪

This one CJ's.

♪ ♪

That first night I went to apologize...

but I just made
everything worse for him.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


- You slept here?
- I'm sorry.

♪ ♪

Who do you think you are?

What are you doing in my room? Get out!


Percy, don't leave.

I didn't mean to. I'm so sorry.

You don't go near him ever again.

You hear me?


What the hell's wrong with you?



I feel sick thinking about it.

♪ ♪

Keep going.

♪ ♪

I knew leaving Clark Harbor
would make him worse,

but I wanted to go anyway.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

My Percy.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Oh, f*ck.

We managed to avoid each
other until a few days later.



- Hey.
- Hi.

I've been looking for you.

You, uh, you weren't in your usual spot.

That beach down by the docks.

I pay attention sometimes.

Does Grams need me?

Ah, no, no, um, she's just closing up.

And Colin's finishing
up his haul right now.

So, uh...

I was on the office computer,

and I saw you left your browser up.

You've been looking at
apartments in Portland?

Oh, no.

I mean, um, I just do that
when I'm bored sometimes.

You know, Zillow daydreams.

If you're thinking of leaving,

maybe you should.

- I can't leave.
- Why not?

Um, what about Grams? And... and...

and you and Colin

- and the business?
- Percy,

you gotta start taking care of yourself.

If you don't...

you'll just end up like me.


♪ ♪

You have to pay a deposit
on a place in Portland.

It may take a while to find a job.

Dad, I can't take this.

Let me do this one thing for you.

Just go.

Don't tell Grams.

Just do it.

♪ ♪

What's gonna happen to you?

♪ ♪

I'll figure it out.

I will.

♪ ♪

Dad, it's...

it's my fault.

That night.

I mean, if you had... if
you hadn't gone there,

you never would've needed those pills.

♪ ♪

Everything that's happened
is on all of us.

♪ ♪

This felt like the right symbol for her.

"Ties that bind," all knotted up.

Mothers and daughters.

It's never easy.

You're back where you're supposed to be.

Because I can't handle anywhere else.

No, you're just in a rough patch.

You'll get through. You're a Muldoon.

You know, when I lost your grandfather,

I was in a black hole.

I couldn't see the horizon anywhere.

I had two little kids,

and everybody in town was
talking behind my back,

saying I was gonna fail
because I didn't have Jerry.

You know how I got through?

Yeah, you've told me this
like a million times.

'Cause it's true.

Work keeps you strong.

It's in our blood.

Yeah. And we need you back.

What if I don't want it?

Of course you do. You're a born leader.

Grams, um...

I've thought about it,

and I know I'm the only one after Colin,

but I don't want it.

I think you're just tired.

I'm serious.

Just thinking about it makes
me feel like I'm drowning.

I don't want any of it.

So what are you gonna
do? Just let it all die?

No, the Keysers could take it over.

- Brandon would want it.
- You do realize

I'm doing everything for you?

This house, the plant, the boats.

- It's all for you.
- But that's what you want.

You have no idea how lucky you are.

Four generations of Muldoons
have built this business,

this house, this room.

You're living on their backs.

And what are you gonna
do? Throw it all away

and go back to folding
clothes at a mall.


I'm not talking about this anymore.


Meg was never gonna let her go.


♪ ♪

This is for Colin.

No, this is Colin.

♪ ♪

I tried to apologize.

Like we talked about.

♪ ♪

- Hey.
- How's it going?

I got shrimp frying. What's up?

I just wanted to say...

I'm sorry.

I really do appreciate what
you're trying to do for me.


Look, I know recommitting to
the Church has helped you.

And I'm happy you found something.

But it just wasn't working for me.

Well, to be honest, uh,
you never really tried,

so what do you expect?

I don't know. I...

I guess I don't see the
world the way you do.

Oh, and how's that?

- It doesn't matter.
- No. No, tell me.

I'm not sure the world
is so black and white,

right and wrong.

So what, you don't believe in God?

Look, I feel judged
enough as it is, okay?

- Oh, we all do.
- Yeah.

Well, you don't have to
deal with it like I do.

Do you think this has been easy on us?

Cleaning up your shit?

Someone died.

Quit feeling sorry for yourself.

Grow the f*ck up.


Someone died?

♪ ♪

Is that who this is?

♪ ♪

None of this will work

if you're not willing to
face what happened.

♪ ♪

Whatever it was.

I can't.

♪ ♪

Take it.

We haven't been working for
months for you to give into fear.


♪ ♪

Percy! Percy, stop!

- You're hurting yourself!
- I can't do this!

♪ ♪

Wait. Wait, don't go like this.

Please, please!

I never should have
pushed her the way I did.

It was my fault.

♪ ♪

Percy said that she was responsible

for somebody's death.

She never told me who.

♪ ♪

Do you know if that person's
name was Valerie?

I've never seen that before.

She must have written
this after our ritual.

♪ ♪

Do you think you can push
someone to su1c1de?

♪ ♪

I know you can't save someone

who doesn't want to be saved.

♪ ♪

Then why are you still here?

So we're the same, you and I.

We're both guilty.

I don't know.


I wish you could let Jamie go.

- Don't.
- And Sonya.

- Don't start.
- And Faye.

- Over and over and over she died.
- Your mother.

- No, you stop.
- I can't.

I'm living in your mind.


♪ ♪

It's like a spiral going down.

If you don't stop, you're gonna
end up doing what I did.

Maybe that's what I deserve.

♪ ♪

No one deserves that.

♪ ♪

I k*lled a man when I didn't have to.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪





Where are you?

Running an errand.

Oh, yeah? Where are you going?

Where are you?

I'm still here.

I finally slept last night.

That's good.


So I, uh... I actually
was gonna call you.

It turns out, they did take something,

whoever broke in.

A stack of photographs that I
had printed and a thumb drive.

What would they want with your pictures?

I don't know, Harry.

I backed them up on the cloud.

I can send them to you

so you can, I dunno, check

for whatever it is that
you're looking for.

Yeah. If you wouldn't mind.


Well, I'll go now if
that's... if that's all.




♪ ♪


♪ ♪


Good morning.

You know why I'm here.

I thought we had an arrangement.

You've been lying to me.


Then what were you doing
with that witch woman?

What do you mean?

I knew something was up

when you left the
harbor master's office.

What did she do to my granddaughter?

She didn't hurt Percy.

Percy came to her for help.

And you believe her?

She wouldn't even say that much to me.

You talked to her.

Well, I'm not gonna sit around

and wait for you to
decide what to tell me.

I needed to talk to her.

- Just one-on-one.
- And what did you learn one-on-one?

Do you know anything about this guilt

that Percy was carrying around?

Most women are raised to
feel guilty about everything,

but I taught Percy different.

But for some reason,

she felt responsible
for somebody's death.


Is there anyone in her life

that... maybe recently who died?


And that nut job is leading
you down the wrong road.

- I'm taking this to Lou.
- Meg, just... hold on.

Sonya took some photographs
while she was here.

- This is one of them.

Two boats pulled together that way.

Anything strange about it?

I don't know about the other
one, but that's a Keyser boat.


- Whose?
- Brandon's. Why?

During the break-in, the only
thing taken were these photos.

♪ ♪

Brandon brings his haul
in around lunchtime.

His boat's coming in right about now.

♪ ♪

I don't know what to think
about any of this anymore.

It's like the vertigo
I felt after my stroke.

No solid ground.

Yeah, I'll bet.

I don't blame you for not trusting me.

I haven't been completely
honest with you

about Sean and Percy's time off-island.

But you have to understand
that this is a very small town.

People talk.

They smile at you, but they
don't wish you the best.

It's made me a private person.

I know how that can happen.

There's the Keyser clunker.

What the hell?

He's not turning. Brandon?


There's no one behind the wheel!


♪ ♪

Set to autopilot to return
itself back to the dock.

What is it? How does
it work? Is it real?

What is that?

No idea what the hell cryptocurrency is.

No protection, no...

Right. No centralized structure.

- This cryptocurrency...
- It's just a speaker.

♪ ♪

What am I supposed to be looking for?

Well, you know what usually a boat has.

What looks strange? Anything outta place

or something shouldn't be here, I guess.

These are Lam traps.

They're the only ones that are yellow.

It's like a w*r back and
forth with these traps.

I keep telling my boys
they gotta stop...

Now, this is strange.

Brandon knows better than that.


Hey, pull me some slack.

♪ ♪

All right.


♪ ♪


What's going on?

♪ ♪

Oh, my God.

♪ ♪

Keep it coming.

- Keep it going.

We gotta get him out of there.

♪ ♪

Oh, my God.

Oh, God.

You don't wanna look at this.

♪ ♪

How does something like this happen?

♪ ♪

He's so clean.

This is... blue is concerning.

♪ ♪


Oh, no.

He took a b*llet in
the back of his head.

♪ ♪