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01x01 - NYE

Posted: 11/10/21 16:46
by bunniefuu
- No.
- Why not?

- I don't want to.
- You have to.

- I write my own destiny.

- Look, being sad
doesn't make you interesting.

- I am not sad.

I just don't observe
the Western notion

of the "New Year."

- Oh, really?
- Yeah.

I celebrate the Chinese
New Year actually.

- Oh, right.

When is Chinese New Year?

- May, is it?
- Right.

I genuinely don't have time
for this.

I look amazing,
and you look okay.

- Mm-hmm.
- I'll see you in there.

- Wha--no!



You're breaking my balls here.

- Yes!
Happy new year!

Okay, baby.

We're gonna have a good night.

- It's gonna be a really
interesting year for currency.

There's gonna be so--
there's so many currencies now

which are just on the up,
you know?

I mean, you have to know
which to go for.

You got to invest in aluminum.

That's the big one.
Then gold.

Bitcoin is--
I know it's a cliché--

but Bitcoin is the one.

I mean, that's the interesting
thing about Bitcoin.

It really is
the people's currency.

- Oh, I love it!
- Mm.

Another round?
- Yes!

I'm sorry, yes, yes.

Um, I would love
another gin and tonic.

- Okay.

- I'll have a glass
of red wine.

- Ooh.

- Oh, I will also have that--

a glass of red wine--

in addition
to the gin and tonic.

- No problem.
Whatever the lady wants.

[all laughing]

- Oh, my God.

[electronic dance music]

- Just so you know,
I'm only interested in Kate.

- Yeah, okay.
- Just Kate.

- Copy that.
- Thanks.

- What was that?

- He thinks you're fit.

- Oh, my God!

That's electric.

- Kate!

Shall we get
espresso martinis?

- [giggles]

- Yeah!

♪ ♪

- Hello?

My name is Jessie.

I just need to pee.

I'm a very normal girl.

[urine pattering]

[muted rock music]

♪ ♪

Poor Donna.

James, James Bond.

What are you doing?

You're drunk.

You're drunk.

Jessie is drunk.


[toilet flushing]


[chuckles awkwardly]


- Hi, Jessie.

- How did you know my name?

- You've said it a number of
times since you came in here.

- Oh, yeah.

Oh, yeah, yeah.

What were you doing in there?

- Peeing.

- Pee--but you can do it
standing up.

- Yeah, I treated myself
to a sit down one.

- Being able to pee
standing up is a gift.


You would pee
in a gift horse's mouth?

- Yeah, I would.

- Disgusting.

- You know, it's Bond,
James Bond.

You were doing it
the wrong way around.

- That was actually
a private conversation.

- Oh, okay.
- Yeah.

- Sorry.
- Okay.

No worries.

- You were right
about one thing though.

- [laughs]

- You do seem drunk.

- Okay.

[door creaks, thuds]




- So is it an actual coin?

- Uh, uh, no?

Uh, no.

- Right.
- It--yeah.

- So it's like modern day.
- Yeah, yeah.

It's kind of like a modern--

you know,
it's a modern currency.

It's a modern currency.

- So if I said,
"Can I have some bit?"

- Yeah, I'd say, "Yes, please,
come to my office right away."

[both laugh]

- Yeah, I'm sorry.
I'm just joking.

I--people say I kind of
random sense of humor.

- What?

♪ ♪

- You're funny.

- I--oh, that's
my library card.

I like to read.

I've got some more in here.

♪ ♪



- Hey.
Hello again.

- Yeah.

I know you.

Do you work at the
Shepherd's Bush Superdrug?

- No.

- What?

That's crazy.

Okay, well, there is someone
who works there

who looks exactly like you.

- He's not me.
- Okay.

- Is he good-looking?

- Say what?
- Superdrug guy.

- Oh, yeah.
Oh, my gosh.


- Okay.
Well, thanks.

♪ ♪

- No, it's--I mean
the Superdrug guy was hot.

- But you said
I look just like him.

- No--I mean, I feel like

you've got
a similar essence to him.

- What?
- You have a similar essence.

- Oh, right.
You didn't say "essence."

You said "issance."

- Ha ha ha.

I've got a funny accent.

all: Ten, nine, eight...

- I don't wanna lose my spot.

all: Seven, six...
- Fair enough.

- You don't have to kiss me
or anything.

- Genuinely didn't cross
my mind.

[all cheer]

- [moans]
Should we split this

or should I put some money
into your account or--

- No, it's fine.
Don't worry.

I've got it.
- Okay.

[both moaning]

- Do you wanna have sex?

- We're having sex.

- Yeah, I know,
but do you want to?

- Yeah.
- Yeah, okay.

I'm just checking
it's not a mistake.

- It's not a mistake.

- Okay.
All right.

[both grunting]

- Wait--do you wanna be
having sex?

- Yeah.


- Yeah.
- Okay.


All right.
[both moan]

[soft jazz music]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

What the f*ck?

- Yeah?

- What's your name?

- You don't know my name?

- I know who you are.

- Yeah.
I should hope so.

- You're the guy
from the thing.

- What?

- I just--oh, my--
oh, my God.


What the hell?

How could you not tell me this?

- What do you mean?

- Who you are, what you do.

- I did actually.

- What do you do?

- I'm an actor.

- Oh.
No thanks.

When did we eat cereal?

- Why are you wearing
my coat?

- This is the worst thing
that's ever happened to me.

- Okay, I'm not sure
why you're freaking out.

- Oh, my God.


I can't believe
I let you go down on me.

- Let me?
You told me to.

- Well, you shouldn't
have done it.

'Cause if I'd have known
who you were,

I would not have
let that happen.

- You didn't seem to mind
last night.

- Well--

I was acting.

- No, you weren't.

Were you?

- No, no.


Well, yes.

Yeah, I'm--yeah.

I was,

only 'cause I can't--

I can't, you know,

when I'm tipsy.

And so...I still enjoyed it.

- Okay.

- Sorry.
- No, no.

It's fine.
I mean...


Same, you know?

- Yeah.

What do you mean by that?

- I mean...

I didn't...

either, you know?

- Yes, you did.

- No, I didn't.
- Mm.

I'm pretty sure you did.

- No, I really didn't.

- No, you did.
- No.

- What?
So you faked it?

- Yeah.
I guess.

- [scoffs]

I can't--I can't believe this.

- What--you just told me you
did exactly the same thing.

- [exhales]

I must not have been
giving it my all.

- Mm, I think you were trying
pretty hard.

- Sorry, no offense,
but you didn't see me

at full tilt obviously.

- Oh, I'm pretty sure
I saw it all.

- I think,

if you would have seen it all,

you would know.

- Really?
- Mm.

Like you wouldn't
be able to walk.

- God, that sounds awful.

- Yeah, I know.

You'd be ruined
for other women.

- Hmm.
- Hm.


- Well, for the record,

I wasn't really trying either.

- Not true actually.

I specifically remember
you saying,

"This is some
of my best stuff."

- Yeah, I would never
have said that.

- Yeah, that was the subtext
of what you were saying.

I was reading
between the lines.

- Can you believe that
was still only %?

[light music]

Oh, my God.

Stop trying to win at kissing.

- You stop tying
to win at kissing.

I'm obviously better
at it than you.

[both laughing]

[doorbell buzzes]

♪ ♪

- Jesus.
You look like shit.

- Hey, it's New Year's Day.
What do you expect from me?

- To not show up to work
in last night's clothes.

- You know what, that is fair.
That is really fair.

Aren't you gonna ask though
why I haven't changed or...?

- No.

- It's a great story though.

- Kids, Jessie's here.

- I thought we were
getting Shivani.

- Oh, my God, why don't
you just marry Shivani then?

- I don't wanna marry her.

- There's nothing
in the fridge.

I'm going to bed.

- All right.
Hand it over.

Come on.
Come on.

There we go.

Now who has seen "Goodfellas?"

- That's when I knew.
- Hey!

- I just knew--

- Where have you been?

- I texted you, didn't I?

- Ugh, I can't find my phone.

- So--

If I said the name

Tom Kapoor to you,

what would that kind of--

what response would
that kind of get?

- Hot.
- Mm-hmm, yeah.

Well, you know he was there
last night.

- Oh.
That's exciting.


- Yeah.

- What?

- [whispers]

- What?

Oh, my God!
- I know.

I know!
I know.

[both gasp]

- How did this happen?

Tell me everything.

- I don't know.
I don't.

I mean genuinely I don't know.

I mean 'cause
I was quite drunk.

But I do remember
I kept asking him

if he wanted to do it, like,
while we were doing it.

- You do do that.
- Yeah.

But this morning,
I had sex with him again.

And Kate,
I was barely drunk that time.

- Oh, that is so sweet.
- Mm-hmm.

And--oh, yeah.
This is the best part.

Two hours later,
I got my period.

Like, what is that?
Touched by an angel.

Like, that's--
the timing of that.

- Will you see him again?

- Um, I don't know.

- You probably
won't see him again.

- [laughs]
Maybe I'll see him again.

- He's a famous actor,
and you're a little rat nobody.

- Oh, that's so harsh,
but it's true.

- Mm.
- But you know what?

What's done is done.

Like, he can't take it back.

I am forever a stain
on his sexual history.

- [squeals]
- I know!

I knew you were
gonna react like this.

- Ooh!
- Oh.


- Whoo!
- Oh.

[all chuckle]

- Wow, okay.

[all chuckle awkwardly]

- Yep.

- I'm gonna get
in the shower actually.

- Oh, yeah.
- Jill.

- Jessie.
- Yes.

- Close.
Really close.

- Oh, yeah.

[both laugh]
- Your, um...

Your toilet's
completely blocked.

- Popcorn and water.

That's . .
Thank you.

[light jazz music]

- Your favorite film
is "Schindler's List?"

- Oh, no.

That's--this is
not my badge.

- 'Cause it's a pretty
obvious choice, no offense.

- Again, I'm not Mike.
That's not my...

- Everything okay here?
- Yeah, totally.

I actually haven't even seen
"Schindler's List."

- You've never seen
"Schindler's List?"

- No.

I've seen "Son of Saul."
That's devastating, isn't it?

- I can't believe you've
never seen "Schindler."

What is your favorite film?

- Uh, I don't know, man.

"Rush Hour ."

It's a great, great flick.

Your film is starting now.

- Good chat, Mike.

- [groans]

- What a d*ck.

- What is wrong with me?
I kind of loved that.

That was hot.

- Yeah.
Yeah, yeah, totally.

- Oh.

- I actually love
the "Rush Hour" franchise.

- Tom?

- Hi.
- Hi!

It's crazy.

I work just there.

- Yeah, I just--
I remember you said

you worked at a cinema
in Hackney.

But there are a lot of cinemas
in Hackney.

But then I remembered you said
it was near the Overground,

so yeah.

- Wow.

Good work, Detective Morse.


Inspector Morse.

Yeah, he's not a detective.
He's an inspector.

- [laughs]

- What are you doing here?

- Actually, um,

you left this at my flat.

- Oh.

That's not mine.

- Really?

- No.
I'll have it though.

- [laughs]

Well, that's weird.

I came to return this.

It's not yours.

And now I look
like a psycho so...

[both laugh]

I should probably head off.

- Okay.
All right.

- Yeah, see ya.

- [laughs]

I'm so sorry.

I am--I'm walking
this way as well.

- Oh, okay.

- I--yeah--I'm so--

so I can walk a bit with you?

- Yeah, sure.
- Yeah.

[both laugh]

- Probably good actually.
It'll be good.

Just in case some crazy super
fan kills you on the way home.

- What if you k*ll me?

- Oh, please.
I'm not a fan.

But there is this
amazing abandoned warehouse

that I really wanna show you.

- Oh, yeah, I've actually
got a couple of auditions--

- Really?

They're probably listening
to us right now,

this conversation.

- The government?
- Yeah.

Big Brother's always watching.
Wake up, sheeple.

- Ooh, I hope they didn't just
hear you say "sheeple."

- [laughs]
I hope they did

so they can know
that I'm onto them.


- Do you wanna come in?
- Yes, no.

- I didn't mean for it
to sound like that.

Like I wanted something
to happen.

- No, no, no.
I do.

I want--I want to

have something--
have something happen.

- Oh, okay.

Me too.

- Um, great.
No, I, um...

I got my period this afternoon.

- For the first time?

- [laughs]

That's very funny.
You actually made me laugh.

I don't usually
find men funny,

so that's a real win for you.


No, I just--
I just wanted to flag it

because sometimes
people can be a bit--

- You do know I'm an adult man,
don't you?

- Wow.

I hope they heard

what you just said
for your sake.

That was great.

That was--

I liked--I liked that.


What about that?
How much did that cost?

- I don't know.
- Mm.

What about that?
- I'm not sure.

It was just here
when I got the place.

- How much was this cup?

- Yeah, it's rude to talk
about money, you know?

- Well, silence is a tool
of the oppressor.

- Uh-huh.
And what do you mean by that?

- I don't know,
but it sounds true,

and it sounds quite smart,
so that's why I said it.

- So, um, do you like
working at the cinema?

- [laughs]
So do you like being an actor?

- What?
- No, sorry, sorry.

It's just sort of
a weird question.

- Well, I just wanna know
things about you.

- Why?

- So I can describe you
to the police

when you steal my cup.

- Ah.

I won't--I won't steal it.

- What are you parents' names?

- David and Liz.

- And which one
do you like more?

- Um, my mum, I guess.

But I ruined her body,

so she's earned my loyalty
in a way.



- Do you wanna ask me anything?

- [laughs]

Yeah, of course.

Um, okay.

What is your favorite color?

- Blue.

- Cool.

Um, what is your...

second favorite color?

- Oh, come on.
- No, I--

That's a good question
to be fair.

I feel like it says
a lot about someone,

what their second favorite is,
you know?

- My second favorite color
is green.

You have five minutes
to think of a better question.

- Okay.


[door closes]

[shower pattering]

[phone vibrates]

Charge your phone,
you dumbass.

- You know what?
Can I change my answer?

I don't think blue is
my favorite color anymore.

I can't hear you thinking.

Come on.
Next question.

[camera shutters snapping]

- Over here.
Over here.

- Homewrecker.
- Homewrecker!

- Homewrecker!
- Oh, wait!

It's just the cleaner.

[indistinct chatter]

- Yeah.

Yeah, sorry.

- Sorry, love.
- Yeah.


- It's an honest job.
- Thank you.

Have a great day.

[light music]

- Jessie?

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

- [scoffs]