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06x20 - Kara

Posted: 11/10/21 05:50
by bunniefuu
Reports are flooding in...

from all around the world of people...


Authorities now believe
that two unknown Titans

battling in National City
are the cause.

The more they battle, the more

hopeless the people
of the world become.

It's like we're fading away.

[VOICE BREAKS] I'm sorry. I...

I can't.

I tried to save Lex.

Mother, don't...

You need to save your energy.

I'm dying, Lena.

Don't talk like that.

It's okay.

I'm ready to go.

But I need to tell you
something first.

I need to tell you that I knew.

I knew what your mother was.

I knew what you are.

You knew?

Your father was always happy
around you.

Your light, your intuition.

I was afraid for you,

that your powers would lead you

down a similar path as your mother.

So I put talismans around the house

to stifle what I knew was burgeoning.

And pushed you towards science.

Over time, you forgot.

Your light diminished,

and you became a Luthor.

You can hate me, Lena,

but I was trying to help the family.

To help you.

And what?

With these dying words
of this confession.

You want me to use that gift
to save your precious Lex.

I want to set you free.

I've been watching while you worked.

Consternating over
your book of spells.

You're not owning that power
fully and you need to.

Forget about Lex.

Forget about what I wanted you to do.

And live your life
the way you want to live it.


- [ALEX] Kara.
- [BRAINY] Do you have a plan?

I needed time to think.

To process everything that's happened.

See where I went wrong and...

suddenly it hit me.

My whole life as Supergirl has been

built on a premise
that is deeply flawed.

What do you mean?

I've been driven by this idea
that people need to be rescued.

That it was my job,
my mission... to save them.

I've believed it was my
calling to be... Earth's hero.

It's just so clear to me now.

We don't need to be heroes.
We need to be partners.

And we need to actively empower
every single person

to be the hero of their own life.

- That hits home, Kara.
- And it's relevant to this crisis.

Lex and Nyxly are using
their AllStone pieces,

to empower themselves by
disempowering everybody else.

So then the reverse must be true.

If we empower the people, that
will disempower Lex and Nyxly.

Given the rate people
are de-saturating,

to drain the AllStones
and stop Lex and Nyxly,

everyone in the world would
need to feel empowered all at once.

I'll speak directly to the people.

We just need to find a way to
get through to every individual.

Only a mass surge of emotion
would be strong enough

to draw out the energy needed.

I've got it.

It's, uh...

my Legion crown.

It allows me to
psychically communicate

anything I hear and see with...

as many people as necessary.

You can use it to project Supergirl's

words into everybody's mind.

Yes, but unfortunately, I cannot

make them take in what she's saying.

People come
with a lifetime of baggage.

It can take years for them
to believe in themselves.

And for this plan to succeed,
we need to find a way

around people's natural
defense mechanisms.

I may have a way.


She's gone.

I'm so sorry.

Me, too.

But I'm at peace.

I didn't get closure with my mom, but

I did with Lillian and so it's a gift.

I know a spell that will
melt people's defenses,

and allow them to hear
Supergirl's words with an open heart.

It won't last long
but it'll be long enough.

[REPORTER] The two Titans have just

crashed into National City Terminal.

It seems like a good place to
contain them while you get to work.

- Mind if I tag along?
- Us, too.

I'll go get my supplies.


Aperto corpore, apertis mentis.

[BRAINY] Whenever you're ready.

Animo, aperto corpore...

At this moment,

villains are tapping into
your collective life force.

They're trying to siphon
your truth, hope, courage,


dreams, your humanity.

They're trying to vanquish
your destiny.

- They think that you're helpless.
- Supergirl.

What they don't realize
is that your power is innate.

It's always been within you.

I know there are so many factors that

can cause people
to not feel their power

but I'm here to remind you

that none of those things
hold a candle...

to the power every single
one of you possesses within.

I thought I was supposed
to save everyone.

But I see now,

there's only one way for this
world to heal and flourish:

By all of us working together
as a team.

When each of us contributes
our unique gifts to the world

with a full heart,
together, we will shine.

The power of one individual
is enough to move mountains.

If we can all tap into
the deepest truths of our soul,

and own our magnificence,

together, we will defeat
the powers of darkness.

Together... we will be unstoppable.


we will create a better world.

It worked.

The AllStone's strength
has dropped below %.

That mean Lex and Nyxly's
powers dropped, too.


[SUPERGIRL] The people have
taken their power back.

Now it's time for you to give up.

- You're jumping the g*n, Kryptonian.
- He's right.

In my dimension,
we call this "just warming up."



Little th Dimensional for my taste.

I say "When in Rome,
bring the gladiators."



[LEX] Feel that?

The balance of power just shifted.


[g*n FIRING]

No touching without consent.


I ad regum somniorum!




Stop trying so hard, Supergirl.

You're gonna k*ll yourself.


Your big speech
made the history books.

Easy-peasy, fresh... and squeezy.

- Jimmy.
- Happened to be in the neighborhood.

[GUARDIAN] Take him, sis.

Vade retro ad regum somniorum.

You brought party crashers
to fight my party crashers.

That is a punishable faux-pas.

Not by you.

[ALEX] Now, Brainy!

This is for Legion.

Now, a blast from the past.


You'd think in another life
I was a Kryptonian.

Only in the movies.

Mitch, right on time for once.

Incinerate them all.

I'm done with toxic relationships.

- What?
- I'm with them now.


[LEX] Oh, the two with the
good hair. This should be fun.

[GUARDIAN] No, all of us.

You two ready to give up?


The Imp is right.

It's always darkest before the dawn.

Or shall I say... the infinite
night of the Phantom Zone?


Lex, what are you doing?

[J'ONN J'ONZZ] A single Phantom
almost created hell on Earth.

Who knows what will happen with more?

[LENA] Lex, don't be insane.

Close the portal now.

Once the portal's open,
it can't be closed.

Time for everyone to run along.

Feel free to leave your pieces
of the AllStone with me.

I'm not going anywhere.

Neither are we.

You can count us in, too.

Your funeral. Endless funeral.



Everyone, get ready!


Lex. No!

Why aren't they attacking us?

[BRAINY] Phantoms prey on fear.

And there's no greater cover
for fear than hubris.

- [LEX] No!
- [NYXLY] No!

[LEX] No.


[LEX] No, no!






He was an amazing man
who lived by his convictions.

We'll hold him in our hearts forever.

Set up an award in his honor.

Hey, everybody.

I just got off the phone with the
President and Secretary Brown.

They wanted to thank us for our

help with Lex and Nyxly the other day.

They were inspired by our victory...

And they want to reconstitute the DEO.

Booyah! Right?

He's right.

What? I'm from the future.
I'm from the future.

By, uh, stopping Lex and Nyxly,

we proved that "extra-normal" doesn't

have to mean "extra-terrestrial."

They're giving us carte blanche to

reimagine the DEO however we see fit.

- Are you sure that's such a good idea?
- That's what I was thinking.

The red tape,

the political infighting, and they got

in the way of a lot of important work.

I agree with both of you, but I
think we should take the offer

because what we did with Lex
and Nyxly was so important.

People all over the
world were inspired

to empower themselves and each other.

But that wasn't an all-purpose

cure for the problems on this planet.

Good feelings don't last forever.

So we have to do the work every day.

We can't let this recent
victory go to waste.

But if we do keep the fight up,

we can accomplish
the best in all of us.

Not as vigilantes...

...periodisomo de William Dey.

...but as civil servants.

Not as superheroes...

but as friends.

Well, there's our ride.

So you are coming
to the wedding, right?

Yes, of course. I wouldn't
miss it for the world.

[KARA] What about you?

You think you're gonna make it?


Unfortunately, no. Um...

After Brainy merges
with the Big Brain,

there's a whole lot on my plate
with the Legion

- after that, so...
- I see. Yes.

I actually don't think I'll
ever be back in this lifetime.

Your speech the other day...

I don't know if you realize
right now but...

it changed the course of our future.

Empowering everyone
to be a hero of their own life.

You... you inspire us.


So you really can't stay?

Even just for the wedding?

I've already overstayed my welcome.

- The longer I remain in ...
- The Big Brain is at risk.

You'll be in my dreams, Nia.

You've always been
the girl of my dreams.

I love you, Nia Nal.

I love you, too.

- [HANK HENSHAW] All right, Winn.
- Okay.

- Mr. Manhunter.
- Sir.

Miss Danvers.

And Danvers.

[MALE NEWS ANCHOR] Let's go to our

field reporter with
some breaking news.

[FEMALE REPORTER] Firefighters are
at a loss at what to do with a cat

trapped in the branches
of National City's oldest tree,

which extends higher than
firefighters can reach right now.


Hold on a moment.

It appears local business
leaders have banded together,

to create a rope and pulley system,

and they're getting Howls, the
British Shorthair down right now.


Okay, kitty,
we're coming up to get you.

[MAN ON TV] Here, kitty, kitty.



Do you know who I despise, Ker-rah?

I despise people.

- All of them. I really do.
- Ms. Grant?

People are not only destructive,
selfish, they're just so stupid.

[CHUCKLES] Ms. Grant, do you, uh...

No, no, uh-uh, ee.

I'm speaking.


Do you know that % of the
coral reefs are gone? Dead.

All because of stupid human behavior.

You want to know what's corroding
the coral, Ker-rah? Sunscreen.

Fourteen thousand tons of it.

And that is such a dilemma.

I had no idea there was so much
sunblock in the ocean.

That's terrible.

I really don't have any time to
educate you right now, Ker-rah.

As we speak,
there is a gorgeous sea turtle

being strangled by a large
abandoned ghost net,

and I have to go rescue her
with my bare hands, and...


Edgardo. Edgardo. Afilla mi cuchillo.

- Por favor.
- Si, si, senorita.

Gracias. Gracias.

Edgardo. I love Edgardo.
He's my favorite divemaster.

I've been trying to learn
Espanol for him but...

sigh, it's not going very well.

Where are you?

Nuqui, Colombia, the Pacific
Coast. But you know, Ker-rah,

I cannot stand here I'm sorry,
and chitchat. I am burning up.

I am wearing a wetsuit.
I need to get in the water.

Ms. Grant, wait. Wait.

Was there a reason you called me?

Well, Ker-rah.

Yes. CatCo was for sale
so I bought it.


- You bought back CatCo?
- Yes, I did.

Everything became clear.

I'm a reporter.

And there's no tool more
powerful for change than the press.

So you and I,
we're going to sound the alarm.

And, together, we are only
going to report on what's essential.

Oh, right. I forgot to tell you.

I am hiring you
as my new editor-in-chief.

And the contracts are in your
inbox, and I'll be home in two weeks.

Okay. Okay, I gotta go. Adios.

- Edgardo. Edgardo, I'm ready.
- Ms. Grant, that's...





[ALEX] Hey. Sorry I'm late.
The caterer broke her arms,

so we had to find a replacement
at the last minute and...

The arrangements. Kara.

The flowers aren't done.

You realize that the wedding
is in the morning, right?

Like, as in tomorrow?

Yes, I will super speed.
They will get done, I promise.

Okay. What's going on?

Uh, well, Cat Grant called me.

Um, she bought CatCo back from Andrea.

- You're kidding?
- Nope.

And she offered me a job.

As... editor-in-chief.

Kara, that's your dream job.
I mean, I'm so excited for you.

I'm not gonna take it.

I'm not taking it.

Wait, wait, wait, wait. What?
What? What am I missing here?

Ever since we defeated
Lex and Nyxly and

started the work of empowering people,

I've been amazed at how you
and all of our friends are flourishing.

You guys are living your dreams.

Somehow I feel...


Accept Cat's offer.

Maybe that'll give you
a sense of purpose.

Alex, I quit CatCo because
my attention was split.

I was never able to really do my best

because I was always
sneaking off to be Supergirl,

and that hasn't changed.

If anything, it's gonna
be worse because

I will have much more
responsibility now.

Your responsibilities
as Supergirl have changed

because you're no longer
shouldering that burden

of protecting the planet on your own.

Maybe there's a world
where you can do both.

Doing both will always require me to

lie about who I am
and where I'm going.

Who am I now?

Everybody is so empowered.

And I feel less powerful than ever.

Well, I wish that I could
give you all the answers,

but unfortunately, you are the
only one that can figure this out.

But I, for one,

I'm not worried.

Because you are amazing.

And every time you've
come to a crossroad

you have always chosen the right path.

What would I do without you?


[SIGHS] I know, but you
are gonna find out quick

if you don't get these flower
arrangements done stat.

Oh, scary!


Wow, look!

Did Grandpa J'onn do that?

Yes, he did. Isn't it so cool?




You, Alexandra,
you are a most radiant bride.

Thanks, Mom.

I know I made mistakes as a mother,

but you have already parented
with more wisdom than I ever had.

I am so, so proud of you.

[SOFTLY] Thank you, Mom.

I love you.

Guys, I want hugs, too.

Me, too.

- Come here, of course.
- [KARA] So do I.

- I love you.
- I love you.

- You're so beautiful.
- You are. My girls.



- You look radiant.
- Oh, come on.

No, no, no, I'm serious.

My baby sister has grown up
to be such a woman of grace.

Alex and Esme are so lucky have you.

Okay, you're gonna make me cry.

Dad would be so proud of you.

[VOICE QUIVERS] Dad would be
so proud of you, too.


Okay, all right. Come on.


I got something for you. As you
know, not all heroes wear capes.

It's a signal watch, upgraded by Alex,

so we can watch each other's
backs any time we need to.

Just, small caveat, Don't tell Mom

I gave that to you 'cause if you do,

she will make us portal in
for dinner every single night,

and I can't take the tacos.


I love you.

I love you too, kiddo.


Excuse me, miss?

You don't happen to have a
plus-one to this event, do you?

What are you doing here?

- What about the...
- Space-time continuum?

The Big Brain? Yes, yes,
these are valid concerns.

Logical concerns.

Sprock logic.

I love you, Nia.

I love you more than
I've ever loved anything.

I've devoted my entire life to
the pursuit of protecting people,

but when I returned to the future, I

realized that the pursuit felt hollow.

The most important thing to me
is devoting myself to you.

But what about the future? [SPUTTERS]

What if us being together
does destroy the future?

That's the thing about the future.

It hasn't been written yet.

We belong to the light
We belong to the thunder ♪

♪ We belong to the sound of
the words we've both fallen under ♪

Whatever we deny or embrace
For worse or for better ♪

♪ We belong ♪

♪ We belong We belong together ♪

♪ Close your eyes
And try to sleep now ♪

♪ Close your eyes And try to dream ♪

♪ Clear your mind And do your best

to try And wash the palette clean ♪

We can't begin to know it
How much we really care ♪

I hear your voice inside me
I see your face everywhere ♪

♪ Still you say ♪

We belong to the light
We belong to the thunder ♪

♪ We belong to the sound of the
words we've both fallen under ♪

Whatever we deny or embrace
For worse or for better ♪

♪ We belong

♪ We belong We belong together ♪

We belong to the light
We belong to the thunder ♪

♪ We belong to the sound of the
words we've both fallen under ♪

♪ Close your eyes
And try to sleep now ♪

♪ Close your eyes And try to dream ♪


[HANK HENSHAW] Wow. Just wow.

I have been waiting
for this moment for...

a long, long time, ever
since I met Alex and Kelly.

Now I know you're wondering
how I would know this would happen.

I can assure you,
I did not read their minds.


I didn't have to. It was obvious.

I've known Alex for quite some time.

And whilst I've always
known her to be smart,

and dutiful, resourceful,

and a total badass,

I have always thought that
there was something... missing.

Kelly is Alex's missing puzzle piece.

They complement each other.

In each other's company,
they find balance.

And that balance...

at a foundational level...

is love.

And now I'd like to step back

and allow Kelly and Alex
to say exactly how they feel.

Alex... you have been my person

and my rock and my voice of reason.

And occasionally, my beloved
agent of chaos. [LAUGHS]

- Yeah!
- Over the last two years,

I wish I could say
that I always knew it was you,

but I didn't know until recently.

When you came home,

[VOICE FALTERS] and you found
me distraught and heartbroken,

and you didn't try to fix me.

You didn't try to put
me back together again.

You were just there to hold me.

And that's when I knew,
beyond any doubt,

that I couldn't live
another day without you.

So I vow to be that person for you.

Someone who is there
for you when you need me.

I vow to hold space for you,
for our love,

for our family, and for our future.

I spent so long
living this inauthentic

life that I forgot who I was.

It took a long time
to figure out myself,

but I was never really, truly me...

until I found you.

You are my truth, Kelly.

And you and Esme...

have created a life for me
that I not only never dreamt

would be possible three years ago.

So I promise to show you
the love that you've shown me.

And I promise to always, always

acknowledge the abundance in our

lives and to never
take it for granted,

never take you for granted,
as I'm yours, always.

I now pronounce you wife and wife.


- We're married!
- Yeah.

Come here.

All these birdhouses are
so pretty. Who made them?

- We did! Me and Aunt Kara!
- We've been working on it as a surprise.

- It's a lovebird theme!
- Oh, thank you, my baby bird.


[WINN] It's amazing
to see Alex so buoyant.

God, you remember
how she used to terrify me?

Her death stare while
interrogating prisoners at the DEO.

The endless foot chases, the amounts

of glass on the floor at the DEO.

You know, hopefully the new one

will be a beacon of
peace, not v*olence.

It will be.

At least, that's what, uh,
yours and M'gann's son tells us.

- Papa bear.
- My son?

Uncle Jimmy, Uncle Jimmy, I made

you a special birdhouse, just for you.

I knew you were some kind of an

artist. This is amazing, thank you.

You really like it?

Anyone who doesn't like a hand-painted

birdhouse, they don't
have a heart, okay?

And I have a gift for you.

Your grandfather
had a camera just like this.

And he gave it to me.

And I figured I would
continue the tradition.

I love it. And I love you.

I love you, too.


Now, let's show you
how to take a real picture.

So I have to say, this is the
best wedding I've ever been to.

It kind of is, isn't it?

It's 'cause we have friends that

love us, friends that are like family.

Which brings us to what
we wanted to discuss with you.

- I know. You want to adopt me, right?

Well, it's something like that,
but, um, in reverse.

We would, um, we would really

love for you to be Esme's godmother.

I was just happy being the really

cool aunt but yes, yes, of course!

- I love you.
- We love you.

You guys.


Oh, and Mxy sends his
regards from the th Dimension.

- He pops by the Legion now and then.
- Ha!

For the wedding, actually he said that

he's going to give
Alex and Kelly one free wish...

- No way.
- worth $ or less.

Oh, my God.

I miss you guys. I miss
the three of us together.

The O.G. Super Friends.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Remember that room in that CatCo

where we used to hide from Ms. Grant

so she didn't know what we're doing?

- Yes, with the drywall.
- Yeah.

I learned about the
multiverse in that room, guys.

- So did we.
- I did, too. Yeah.

Man, I was Cat Grant's
I.T. guy, can you believe?

And then you two walk in
and suddenly change everything.

There I was, fighting bad guys
and making some super suits.

You make a good suit.

Thank you. What I'm saying is that...

I mean, look at us.
We've come so far since then.

I figured out
what I really wanted in life.

Hey, guys, come on.
You're missing out.

Come on.


Oh, yeah. This is a great song.


- Ms. Grant.
- Ker-rah, hello.

Are you in the hospital?
Are you in traction?

- What? No.
- Well, you haven't signed your contract

so what other explanation
can there be?

- Yeah, about that I'm...
- Oh, no. No, no, no.

Don't tell me you're stuck.

- Yes, I...
- Well, Ker-rah,

even environmental crusaders
take a day off.

Perhaps that's why you're
having another personal crisis.

Because you never take a break.

No, no, it's not that. It's...

I don't know how to explain.

Well, you're a grown-up now, Ker-rah.

Use your words. Happy face, sad face.

Get in touch with your
feelings. Give it a whirl.

I guess I just never felt whole.

I have... I have
different sides to myself.

Kind of like two different people,

but the two parts of me just...

They don't really go together.

Actually, I'm at
my sister's wedding right now,

and her life is just blossoming.

She's fully at home with who she is,

and what she stands for, and
it's amazing. You can feel it.

- I just feel...
- Bifurcated?



Well, yeah.

You know, it reminds me of a
quote from an old English lord.

"Secrecy is the badge of fraud."

And he should know, by the way,

because he used to
feed his hunting dogs

these little baby foxes for lunch.

He was a monster. But
nevertheless, there is no mystery here.

- What do you mean?
- That it doesn't take Freud to see

that you have a secret
and it's obstructing your life.

And it's not serving you
anymore, so screw it.

Not that simple, Ms. Grant.
You can't understand. I don't...

Oh. You're Supergirl.



You knew?

Please, those spectacles disguised you

as much as a pair
of Groucho Marx glasses,

and you should have just added the

bushy eyebrows and the moustache.

Well, I heard your speech here,
in Colombia.

Well... "Supergirl's" speech.

And "Supergirl" told the people

that they should become empowered and

that they should take
care of themselves.

And I'm wondering why that
message doesn't apply to toi?

You have a good point.

Oh, Ker-rah, I always have a point.

Now, let's take a look at everything

that Supergirl and Kara Danvers
have accomplished separately.

And then let's imagine
what you could do

if you became one integrated,
authentic being.

I don't know if I'm ready.

Ker-rah, you need
to stop making excuses,

and you need to decide
what your course will be.

Now, there is important work to

be done, and I hope you'll join me.

But more than that, I hope that you

will choose to become your full self,

because that would really
be something to see.

And it would be interesting
because this is boring.


Thank you, Ms. Grant.

I really needed to hear that.

I believe in you, I always have.

Here we go.

- One, two...
- Go!

- Got it!
- [WOMAN] Yes!


That bouquet looks good on you, even

if it did involve a little cheating.

I prefer to call it initiative.

Looks like you're next, Brainy.

Oh, yes. By my calculations,

there's a % chance Nia
and I will be getting married.

- Hey, you.
- Hey.

Where'd you go? You missed all
the fun. Nia caught the bouquet.

Hey, did you fly away
to rescue some people?

No rest? Even on
your sister's wedding day?

Hey, what's wrong?

I'm supposed to be
the strongest person on earth,

but I think I'm actually the weakest.

- What are you talking about?
- Ms. Grant...

My glasses...

I give speeches inspiring
people to live their best lives.

But she's right. I am
too afraid to live my own.

- No, that's not true, Kara.
- It is.

My entire life,
I've hid behind these glasses.

It's gotten in the way
of every job I've ever had,

everything I've ever wanted to do,

every relationship, every friendship.

Maybe we did have
a bit of a bumpy road.

I think hiding who I am is the reason

I couldn't pass the courage Gauntlet.

I created Supergirl that night

because the thought of saving my

sister as myself was too terrifying.

Look, you've had your entire life,

people telling you
who you're supposed to be

and that if you didn't hide your true

self then the people would get hurt.

I mean, it's tough to move
beyond those type of core wounds.

When Lillian told me she
basically programmed the magic

out of me as a child,
I felt devastated.

But I was devastated
because I realized

I didn't have a chance to grow up

to be the person I was supposed to be.

And I think it's the same for you.

For me, it was always about
protecting the Luthor name.

You know, I went from trying to make

that name stand for something good

to try to be
my true mother's daughter.

My life was always framed
by someone else.

It wasn't until Lillian
told me the truth

that I realized I haven't
been living my own life.

And finally, now I am.

And it feels amazing.

I don't even know what
that would feel like for me.

Connecting with someone
as my whole self.

To not be afraid to just be who I am.

It sounds like it could be empowering.

But what if I let myself just be
who I am and someone gets hurt?

You can't always be our savior, Kara.

You shine your light and
inspire others to shine theirs.

Your words, not mine.

If somebody does come,

if they try to mess with this family,

then we will take them on together.

El mayarah.

- Hey, hey. It's okay.

Of all the friends I have ever had,

you have pushed me the most,
challenged me the most.

You've made me a
better person. Thank you.


Kara, Lena, come on!

- You okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine.

- [BRAINY] They're leaving.
- [WOMAN] Bye.

- [ALEX] Bye, Esme.
- [KELLY] Bye, pumpkin

- [ALEX] Be good.
- [KELLY] Be good.

- [WOMAN ] Look at that one.
- [WOMAN ] Aw!

[WOMAN ] Love you, guys.

[ALEX] Bye!

- [ALEX] We're out of here.
- [KELLY] Bye, you guys.

- Bye, Esme!
- Bye! See you.

All right, here we go.

- [WOMAN] Okay, okay. Don't worry.
- Wait, wait!

I think I got it. I got it!

To Our Next Adventure.

No. It's The Adventures of Tintin.


In Kara's defense, that was bad.

Maybe I just said that because
the last six years with all of you

have been the greatest adventure
I ever could have imagined.

And I just can't wait
for the next one.

Well, if you think getting sappy on us

is going to let us go
any easier on you,

then you've got
another thing coming, so.

- She's ruthless and drunk.
- Cheers to that, girl.


[CAT] Hello, National City.

You know her as Kara Danvers.

CatCo's ace reporter
and new editor-in-chief.

But tonight, it is my great
honor to introduce to you...
