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06x19 - The Last Gauntlet

Posted: 11/10/21 05:48
by bunniefuu
Previously on Supergirl...

Thousands of years
ago there was an evil Imp.

He created an AllStone to
give mastery over everything.

The other imps found out about it

and they blew up the AllStone,

scattering the pieces
throughout the known universes

where they became Totems.

Nyxly needs the Totems
to make a new AllStone.

[LEX] My only desire is to rule
by your side

while destroying everyone
who gets in our way.

And after we've rebuilt the
AllStone, you're going to betray me.

Betraying you is inconceivable.

[NYXLY] The Love Totem disappeared.

The Totems' powers are so elemental

in nature, they can't be destroyed.

They only reconstitute in a new form.

I'm an ex-con. I don't really have a

place to live and I take care of Joey.

That's exactly why the Heights is

gonna need a new council member.

CatCo reporter William Dey
has leaked Lex's private journal.

This is my reputation.

You used my name to
validate an unethical story.

[LEX] I had to prevent your
friends from understanding

how important the little girl
was until I got what I wanted.

- To Andrea Rojas. Here's your real story.

- Esme is gone.
- Oh, my God!

[LEX] Well, this is awkward.


I can only imagine emotions
must be running high right now.

If you hurt my daughter,
I will k*ll you.

- Do you hear me?
- Alex.

No, it's just a recording.

He's too much of a coward
to face us in person.

Now, there's no need to worry
about the little alien.

She's safe and won't be harmed.

Baby Truth Seeker.

I cannot tell a lie.

Seven Totems.

Courage, Hope, Humanity,
Dream, Truth, Destiny and Love.

You are in possession of five of them,

while Nyxly and I are in
possession of just one.

The Love Totem
has merged with the girl.

You bring me your five, plus
the Totem still to be found,

the Destiny Totem,
and I will trade you Esme.


Now, before you go screaming "trap,"

let me assuage your fears.

There is one place on this planet

where we can't harm one another.

A lovely bridge near
the Fort Rozz crash site.

The Omegahedron expl*si*n
from, what? Six years ago?

Well, that expl*si*n rendered all tech

and super powers in that area inert.

It is indeed a dead zone.

I will bring the girl there
noon tomorrow.

Enough time for Nyxly and I to

have safely retrieved the Love Totem

and for you to have done the same

with the Destiny Totem.

You fail to show up or you turn this

exchange into something unpleasant,

the girl will end up
like your friend...

William Dey.

Be safe out there.

Would be a shame
if something happened to you

before we get to see each other again.

Okay, we are going to find them
and we are going to get Esme back.

I will fix this.

Brainy, start scanning
every inch of this globe

for Lex, Nyxly, Mitch and Esme.

We need to find them.

I'll search every place
that Lex has access to

and try to track him down

with one of my mother's spells.

I always knew Lex was dangerous,

but this is going too far.

We need to find that Destiny Totem.

Nia, can you dream their location?

I can try.

But it didn't work last time,

even with Lena's magic.

Now we have the Dream Totem.

I can build you an arm shield
like I did for J'onn and Supergirl

and you could wield
the Totem's power to find it.

[ALEX] We don't need it.

Because Lena can conjure up

a decoy Destiny Totem

and I will take it

and rest of the Totems to the bridge,

and I will get Esme to safety.

And then I will k*ll Lex
with my bare hands.

Nothing will work on the bridge, Alex.

And even if it did,
Lex will figure out it's fake.

Then we give him what he wants.

No, Alex, we can't give
Lex and Nyxly a Totem.

We can't give them more power.

They'll use it against us.

They'll destroy this world.

I don't care about anything

other than getting our daughter back.

And we will get her back.

By finding the Destiny Totem

and using it
and the rest of the Totems

to power me up.

And then I will find them,

I will get Esme back,

and I will stop Lex and Nyxly
once and for all.

- Kara...
- No, I know you're panicking.

We are all devastated right now.

But I am trying to keep a clear head

so that no one else gets hurt by them.

You just need to trust me, okay?

Just trust me.
I will get your daughter back.

I put out snacks for the little one.

I do hope she likes canapes.

They're delicious.

She's already quite spooked

without having to look
at you two ghouls.

Please leave.

I'll try not to be offended
by that remark.

You see, Esme?

I told you there'd be a
tea party waiting for us.

I'm never going to see
my moms again, am I?

Of course you are.

This beautiful, kind woman
will make sure that you do.

Nothing good has
ever lasted long for me.

Maybe we should get on with this.


Do you want to try and say a
funny word to cheer yourself up?

Sometimes when you say a funny

word, it can put a smile on your face.

No? All right.

Maybe I'll just try it for you.



[LEX] The tattoo is losing its petals.

And you don't have to have
seen Beauty and the Beast

to know that when it loses them all,

the Totem will find
a new host and be lost to us.

We need to get it out now.

What is taking so long?

I don't know.

It won't show me the gauntlet.

I can't get the Totem out of
her until it's revealed to me.

Maybe we should just cut it
out of her while we...

I will not let you hurt
that little girl.

If you know me as well as you claim,

you would know
hurting an innocent child

is something I would never,
ever agree to.

In the future,

our demise hinges

on how you come into possession
of the Love Totem in this time.

You used magic to end-run the gauntlet

and as a result, you perished.

And I will not
let that happen again, ever.

Maybe I need to get it out this time.

I can try to access the gauntlet.

You get it? [LAUGHS]

Is this some sort of setup?

You want the Totem for yourself?

No. I just want what's best for you so

that we can have
the future we deserve.

What's best for me
is no man doing something

I'm quite capable of doing myself.

The girl is scared.

Once I gain her trust,

the gauntlet will be revealed to me.

And then I will get the Love Totem.

I just need your word
that you will not hurt her.

I would never betray the woman I love.


[LENA] Don't move.


What are you doing here?

How did you find us?

William sent me a video
of him and Lex.

I followed William's trail.

I should have known I'd be too late.

William was already gone
when Supergirl got here.

[INHALES SHARPLY] Instead of hedging,

you should've just told me
the truth when I asked you.

I am a monster.

William said I stood
for nothing, and he was right.

No, you're not a monster, Andrea.

Lex is. He did this, not you.

Whenever my back is to the wall,

I do whatever I have to do
to get out from under,

no matter who I hurt.


You're right.

So what are you going to do about it?

It's too late.

I can't fix this.

I can't bring William back. I...

I can't fix anything I've done.

No, there's still time for you
to be a better person, Andrea.

I have stood where you are.

I have made worse mistakes.

Rationalized more.

You can still make amends...

to yourself and the people
that you've wronged,

and live a meaningful life.


Got to embrace the person you want

to be and the choices
you want to make.

And still stay mindful

when that darkness wants to take over.

So you can move forward,

never back.

This is my worst nightmare.

Someone I love, dying on my watch.

It never gets any easier.

But we have to stay focused.

I must have circled the globe a

dozen times just listening, scanning.

There's no sign of Lex
at any of his hideouts.

I knew. I knew I shouldn't have taken

my eye off the ball,
even for a second.

J'onn, it's my job to keep my
family safe. [BREATHES SHAKILY]

He died protecting Esme.

Yeah, I let my guard down too.

You know, I'm done. I'm done.

I am so tired of this fight.

Whatever I need to do,

whatever power I need to claim

to rescue Esme and stop Lex and Nyxly,

even if it means using
the AllStone myself,

I will take it.

And I'll be right by your side.

If she can gain the child's trust
and access the gauntlet, great.

If not, she'll have to agree

that the only way to get the
Totem is to k*ll the little brat.

I see you've forgotten
the most basic rule of chess.

If you touch a piece...

You must make a move or
capture that piece, if legal to do so.

Hello, Mother.

This is a surprise.


Bobby Fischer made that exact mistake.

- Buenos Aires, .
- , yes.

Cost him the match with Unzicker.

Speaking of terrible moves,

there are reports

that you m*rder*d a CatCo
journalist and kidnapped a little girl.

What's the play this time?

There's no play.

I'm in love, Mother.


So that leaked journal

with those treacly love poems,
it's actually yours?

And this Nyxly, she's...

Like no woman I've ever met.

We're halves of the same whole.
Yin and yang, alpha and omega.

She's fierce, brilliant...

And an alien.

You don't understand.

[EXHALES] With Nyxly, I finally feel

like I am the man I'm meant to be.

No one has ever had my back like her.

Certainly not you or my dear sister.

Time after time,

you and Lena have stabbed me in

the back when I needed you the most.

I know it was a different Earth,
but you did try to poison me.

What you should be
concerned with is the present,

and the m*rder and kidnapping
charges you'll be facing.

If I'm caught, which I won't.

Our lawyers say
you can plead insanity.

And I agree.

My love for Nyxly is real.

Drop her.


[CHUCKLES] I'm not
taking orders from you.

Besides, I have been to the future
where Nyxly and I rule together

as the most powerful couple
in the universe.

It's destiny.

Your true destiny is with your family.

You, me, your sister.

We are powerful and can
accomplish great things together.

The choice is easy.

Your family

or the imp.

You're absolutely right.

The choice is easy.

I choose Nyxly.

What's that you're drawing?

My moms.

I want to remember them.

Well, you will be with them again.

I will make sure of it.

You know,

when I was your age,

I loved nothing more than drawing.

I would sit by the lake for hours
and hours and I would just draw.


I had pencils in every color
you could possibly imagine...

until one day they were gone.

What happened to them?

My father had them destroyed.

He thought art was useless.

And that as a princess,

I shouldn't be wasting my
time with such nonsense.

And then he tried to slit my throat.


I don't like that story.

I don't blame you, little one.

My point is,

just because scary things
happen to us sometimes,

it doesn't mean that we're
always destined for only bad things.

You can be reunited with your family

if you believe it.

So, why don't we smile

and try and say that funny word again?







I came in here, um...


...looking for weapons.

You know, just anything
that I could take on that bridge.

I keep thinking
how scared she must be.

You know, we promised her
that she would never leave us.

What she must be thinking...


Kelly, powerless.

There is my Kryptonite.

I know.

I just, I have to believe that
things are going to work out.

Because if I believe anything else...

I know. I'm going through
all of the what ifs.

I mean, if I had listened to Kara,

if I had put on the power dampeners,

if I had kept her safer,

then maybe she wouldn't have
turned into the Love Totem.

There are so many ifs.

Okay, we can't play this game.

Don't doubt what you did for her.

How much we love her.

It's because of that love.

That Totem seeks out love.

It's because of how much we love her.

Whatever it takes,

we're going to do it.

Whatever it takes.


See, it fits perfectly.

Like Cinderella...

without the gender inequality
through patriarchy

- and sexual objectification.

Brainy, what if I dream
something terrible?

About Esme. What if I dream that

we never get her back or that Lex...

Ever since I saw William
lying there... What if I see...

Then you'll see it.

Good or bad,

knowing the truth
allows you to deal with it.

Like with us.

I would have been called
to the future regardless,

but knowing allows us
to deal with things.

In our case,

treasuring the time
we have left together.

Whatever you do see in your dream,

I will be by your side.

Then come with me.

I can bring you into the Dream
Realm just like I brought Maeve.

And we'll face it together.


- Hey.
- So, did the tech work?

Did you find the Destiny Totem?

Not only that, but...

I was able to sense Esme too.

She's safe.

- Thank God.
- So where is she?

I don't know.

[BRAINY] But we discovered
the Destiny Totem

is at the ruins of St.
Vassily's Cathedral in Prague.

Home of the Statue of the Three Fates.

Those three fates are
Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos.

Clotho was a spinner.
She spun the thread of life.

Thread of Destiny.

I'll go get the Totem
and then we'll get Esme back.



[MAN] In order to take the Totem,

you must face your destiny without it.



What are you doing?

Whatever it takes
to get my daughter back.


Alex, give me the Totem.

I can save Esme.

Esme is gone.

And the only way to keep her safe

is by giving Lex what he wants,
which is the Totems.

And then I'm gonna bring
my daughter home.

Listen. Please, wait.

When I activated the Destiny
Totem, it showed me my destiny.


Lex and Nyxly are all-powerful.

Governments waging w*r against them.

The world is in shambles.

And the only way to prevent that

is by using the combined power
of the Totems against them.

She's my daughter, Kara, my daughter.

I would risk the world

rather than losing her

by paying his ransom.

If doing that puts my little
girl back in my arms again,

then that is exactly
what I'm going to do.

[SIGHS] Alex...

I won't be able to stop them.

Not once they're all-powerful.

Okay, so what if your plan fails

and something happens to Esme?

I would never forgive myself.

And I could never forgive you.

Are you % certain

that Lex will hold up
his end of the bargain?


Are you % certain
that you could save Esme?

I didn't think so.

I'm sorry, Kara.



Lex didn't tell me
you were going to drop in.

I came to see you.


So, you're Nyxly.


I can see why you caught
his eye. You're quite beautiful.

But you're an alien,
and my son loathes aliens.

I'm a princess. And your son loves me.

Lex is incapable
of loving anyone but himself.

Well, he can be charming,
but he's a sociopath.

And they're very good liars.


I see what you're trying to do.

You know, if you're
so compelled to meddle

in your son's life and love,
you should just go talk to him.

He's using you.

I'm a th Dimensional imp with powers

you can't possibly
even begin to fathom.

I'm nobody's fool.

But you don't have any powers
at the moment, do you, dear?

I've read all about your daddy
issues and thirst for revenge.

Let me guess, Lex promised
to help you in exchange for...


- Nothing.
- Mmm.

Are you sure about that?


Don't say you weren't warned.


[DREAMER] Did you get
the Destiny Totem?

Yes, I did.

But then Alex took it, along
with the rest of the Totems.


Alex and Kelly are gonna pay the ransom.

Give the Totems to Lex
in return for Esme.

We have to go after them, stop them.

I know we should, but...

[SIGHS] I had to let her go.

And once Lex gets the Totems

and he and Nyxly create the AllStone,

I won't have the power to stop them.

There has to be some way,
with science or magic,

to stop the power of the AllStone.

There might be a way.

The US government has
an experimental solar satellite

they use for enhancing crop growth.

If we could adjust its orbit
and repurpose its output,

the satellite could
filter a portion of

the sun's energy
directly into Supergirl.

Supercharging you.

And what would that do?

Your brain would process
information quicker.

Your super hearing
would increase fifty-fold.

More importantly, th Dimensional

magic will have no effect on you.

You'd be invincible.

It'll take four minutes for the
satellite to fully charge you.

Then you'll be able to find Esme,

neutralize the threat of the AllStone,

and defeat Lex and Nyxly.

Brainy, that's great. Why
didn't you think of this before?

There is one tiny drawback.

It'll take the sun six months
to regenerate.

The sun is responsible for ocean

currents, for climate, for plant life.

Any disruption would be devastating.

Not to mention that the
sun's orbit could be altered.

So I'll put it back. I'll fix it.

Because if we don't act
before that ransom exchange,

we'll have no hope of stopping them.

Kara... Kara, listen to me. You

can't do this. You'll be playing God.

I went down that path with Non
Nocere, and you saw what happened.

And I saw what will happen
if they get the AllStone.

It's global destruction, Lena.

I hear what you're saying. I
do, but I have to do something.

[LENA] I'm gonna go to the bridge to

help Alex and Kelly get Esme back.

I'll go with you.

The satellite will be over
National City in ten minutes.

J'onn will move
the satellite into position,

and from the ground I'll
calibrate the signal with a remote.

But this satellite is a joint project
between the US government

and South America,
which means it falls

under the jurisdiction
of the Department of State.

The moment we take control
of that satellite...

Secretary Brown will be all over us.

And with her, the entire US Army.

Let's go catch a satellite.

I know what I need to do, but...

Can I get you anything, sir?

If I do it, she won't like it.

I said I wouldn't.

Gave her my word.

She'll have to understand
our future depends on it.

Philippe, I need you to keep
Nyxly out of Esme's room

while I access the gauntlet
for the Love Totem.

Very well, sir.

It's showtime.




Lex, what have you done?

I know I promised,
but I knew that Mxy's essence,

a burst of th
Dimensional energy would

grant access to the
Love Totem's gauntlet.

I wanted to save you from yourself and

what you did to get it in the future.

By sneaking behind my back?

You don't care about me at all.

You just want the Totems for yourself.


Your mother was right.

My mother? Whatever
she told you, don't believe it.

That woman would rather
see me dead than happy.

You're scaring Esme.

I get that you don't want to hurt

the kid, but we are out of time.

No. No!


I won't let you harm this child.


[MAN] Fill your heart with love.

Only then will love be given to you.

The Love Totem.

See, I was right to break
the crystal ball.

I got you the Totem,
and it's perfect timing.

We have got to get to the bridge.

I told you there is no "we."

No more.

Come on, Esme. Esme?

Let's get you back to your family.

All right? Come on.

The plan worked!

That proves I didn't
betray you. I couldn't. You...

You have to believe that!

From the moment I met you, I
knew you shouldn't be trusted.

You're nothing but a foul little man

who lies and cheats and plays
mind games to get what he wants.

You're just like my father.

I could say I hate you,
but the truth is I pity you.

No one will ever love you.

Goodbye, Lex.


I heard from Philippe
that the imp broke up with you.

- Have you come to say I told you so?
- Of course.

And to say you're lucky I'm your
mother, because I forgive you.

I was sure you'd be busy
packing an arsenal to k*ll her.

Timing is everything, Mother.

Do you like watching fireworks?

We're not crazy for doing this, right?

We're getting our daughter back.

Anyone care for some backup?

Is, uh, Kara...

She's preparing to fight Lex
in her own way.

No matter whose plan works, we
are going home with Esme tonight.

They're here.

They came!

Satellite is in position.

I'm turning it on now.



Supergirl, the clock
to four minutes has begun.


Bring the Totems
to the center of the bridge

and I'll let Esme come to you.

Where's Lex?

I'm done with him.

Are you ready?



Give me the Totems.

Give us our daughter first.

[NYXLY] No, we do it at the same time.

All right, little lamb.

Off you go.

Come here, sweetie. Come here.

Come here.

[NYXLY] The AllStone.

The bad man is here.

It's a trap!


[BRAINY] Your brain would
process information quicker.

Your super hearing
would increase fifty-fold.

- [MAN] What's up there?
- [WOMAN] It's her!



Supergirl, two minutes and
seconds until the solar flare blast.

[MAN] Why is she doing this?



Madam Secretary.

I don't know
what you people are planning,

but can't you see you're hurting

the people you're trying to help?

If we don't do this, Lex
Luthor will do much worse.

That's not a good enough answer.

Drop the remote.

I am not going to tell you again.

I'm sorry, Madam Secretary.

We can't.

What's happening down there?

[BRAINY] Nothing I can't handle.

One minute.

[DISTORTED] Mr. President, we need

to call in an air strike on Supergirl.

I thought Supergirl was our friend.

Supergirl, please stop.


Thirty seconds.

[GIRL] Supergirl, please stop.


J'onn, you can release the
solar flare blast in six seconds.

Just give me the go-ahead.

Five, four...

Brainy, J'onn...

This isn't right, shut it down.

You said this is the best way.

No, seizing power
is what our enemies do.

We're defined by our choices,
and this is the wrong one.

Turn it off. [INHALES DEEPLY]



I'm sorry. We were wrong.

What do we do now?

We help Alex get Esme back.


That was for Esme.



[ALEX] Guardian!





The Brat of Brawn.

I was wondering when you'd show.

Leave my family alone!

Esme, no!


I deserve the AllStone.

I waited an eternity
in the Phantom Zone for it.

Give me your piece.

Or I will destroy everything
and everyone you ever loved.

Since you think I am incapable
of loving anything or anyone,

I guess that doesn't apply to me.


[J'ONN J'ONZZ] Lena, can you help?







[DISTORTED VOICE] That's what happens

when you let your mommy
do your fighting for you.




Lillian is stable,
but it's not looking good.

Lena's trying to find a spell
that could maybe save her.

What's happening here?

Lex and Nyxly have taken
their fight public,

and are using portals to parry
and then retreat.

Makes it nearly impossible
to get a lock on their positions

so we can launch a counteroffensive.

What's happening to them?

Whatever it is, I think it has
something to do with this.

The more Lex and Nyxly use
their pieces of the AllStone,

the more they'll
drain the world of the

very elements the Totems represent.

Soon those things
will be lost forever.

You're talking truth and love...


They're empowering themselves
by disempowering everyone else.

We're looking at the
worldwide loss of the very things

that make humans human
in the next hours.

Okay, so what if Nyxly goes back

to the th Dimension,
would that at least spare ours?

They each only have
a third of the AllStone,

which gives them power,

but not enough to tear open
a new dimensional doorway.

Neither can win
if the other fights on.

Which means they're going to

need your piece of the AllStone, too.

You could fight them with it.

You could win.

No, no.

We tried fighting power with power

and we just ended up hurting
the people we were trying to help.

I'm not making that mistake again.

Then what do we do?

I need to think.

Perhaps we should call in
some measure of reinforcements.

We wait.

Give Supergirl a chance.



[GIRL] Mama, why isn't anyone
helping us?

[MAN ] I have no power to fight this.

I give up.

[MAN ] But you can't give up!
We can never give up.

Like the world around you
is crumbling,

and I know exactly
what you're thinking.

How can I tell you it's not

when you see it all falling
apart before your own eyes?

I am not telling you
to deny your reality.

I'm only telling you
to embrace your strength.

They cannot make you feel hopeless.

They cannot take your ability to love.

And they cannot convince you
that the truth is a lie.

Not when you know it in your heart.

Your power is yours, and
no one can take that from you.

So stay strong. Be strong.

And live on to fight another day.



I know what we need to do.