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02x07 - Blood and Lies

Posted: 11/10/21 05:45
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Walking
Dead: World Beyond"...

Are we leaving or are we staying?

- We have to stay.
- We need answers.

I told Silas not to wait
for us if we didn't show.

That's okay, Dr. Bennett. I got it.

LYLA: I just got word.
The new TS has arrived?

I realize this is my last
chance to get this right.

Came to you for answers,
not the other way around.

- Like it or not, you're in it now.
- JADIS: Jennifer!

Warrant Officer Stokes.

Am I your investigation?

Your mother asked me
to keep an eye on you.

FELIX: Whatever they
used to take out Omaha,

there's more of it.


LYLA: Assuming no abnormalities
show up in his bloodwork,

he should be suitable for our purposes.


I have my dinner with the Bennetts.

I'll check back later. [SIGHS]

We'll begin at dawn.







BARCA: You're going to hell.

You know that?

I am, too.

Maybe we're already there.

That plan is bullshit.

What we do now matters.

'Cause if tomorrow...

if it's built with blood and lies,

that's all it'll ever be.

That's all it'll ever be. No, please...

Test subject A .

years of age.

No discrepancies in bloodwork.

Lung function normal.

Heart rate elevated but normal.

Standing by to proceed
with exposure to trial . .

It should only take a few seconds.

- IRIS: Wait. That means it's...
- Chlorine.

They gassed everybody back home.

That's how they did it.

That's how they k*lled that many people.

Massive amounts can be produced
with very little effort,

very little expensive resources.

- The gas... it chemically bonds itself

to moisture inside the body,

triggering severe bronchial spasms.

Your lungs overproduce fluid,
causing you to choke,

until essentially, you drown
from the inside out.

They can't just get away with this.

They already have.

Unless we do something about it.

Liquid chlorine is supposed
to be colorless.

Why isn't this?

I was just wondering the same thing.

Something must've been added to it.

We'll need to keep this safe
until we figure out what.

Time of death... : a.m.



This is how we have tomorrow.

This is how we have tomorrow.

Dr. Belshaw, I'm afraid
we have a problem.

JADIS: You got strong feet.

I can see them from here.

Good on ya.

They tell you why they took your boots?

They said it was, um, so I wouldn't run.

I bet you could've, though.

Look at those clompers.

You could skip through
a rock pile with those.

I'm Warrant Officer Jadis Stokes.

You're Silas Plaskett.

You're not where you're supposed to be.

Yeah. I was... I was just lost.

You like it?

Cull Facility # ?

Yeah, it's okay.

I mean, it's kind of like
living in a junkyard.


You say that like it's a bad thing.

Not bad. Just, uh, different.

You're different, aren't you, Silas?

Me, too.

When you're not like other people,

you can show them different
ways of doing things,

sometimes before they
even know what hit them.

What were you doing outside
the Detritus Terminal

without clearance?

I told you, I was... I was just lost.

And I was afraid to ask
for directions home

'cause I-I didn't know if
I was gonna get in trouble.

Maybe if I had just asked,
I'd have my boots, and...

- Nah, you'd still be in here.
- Dennis is here.

Yes, send him in.


You're sh1tting me.

I shit you not.

Been a long time, Jadis.

You here on an audit?

Yeah, there's been some
issues I'm checking out.

When I saw your wife,

she wouldn't call me by my first name.

Well, she is a soldier.

And I heard you just make soldiers now.

Think you could be a good one?

Heard he showed up yesterday.

Means I should've been
notified yesterday.

There a reason he's been locked up...

They were getting around
to questioning him.

And then long-range
security had an incursion,

which resulted in a fatality.
So, that's taken priority.

He said he was lost.

Said he was truing to decide
if he should ask for directions.

You believe that?

It tracks. He hesitates.

Well, you can't do that, Silas.

Come on. We're done here.

You didn't answer my question.

Do you think he would
make a good soldier?

Maybe. He could be.

I agree. I just... got a feeling.

And if you make me
regret this in any way,

you'll regret it more.

So will he.

You won't get another chance.

Don't get lost again.

I'll get your boots.

Hope. Hey.

Hey. Mason.

I-I-I was... I was looking for you.

Yeah? How... How...

You know, I've been wondering
how you've been,

and I heard your sister was coming in.

Oh, and that...

your yeast theory might've
sparked something.

That's... That's huge.

Yeah. Yeah. Thanks.
It's just been a lot.

- In general.
- Yeah. No, I'm sure.


- So...
- You were looking for me?

Right. Yeah. No, I was gonna see
if you wanted to hang later,

- but there's totally no pressure.
- Yeah. No, no. Yeah. Yeah.

I'll... Um, I'll be back
here catching up

on some microbiology later tonight,

so yeah, you could stop by any time.

- Great.
- Great.

Well, uh, I'm... I'm gonna go now.

Great. I mean, uh, okay.

Yeah. Um, I'll... I'll see you tonight.

- _



- Lyla.
- Please.

- What...
- We don't have a lot of time.

They're coming any second to
take you in for questioning.


I know that you or Felix or the girls

took that vial from my lab.

- I don't know how you did it...
- What...

- But...
- What vial?

- What are you talking about?
- Leo, please.

They are coming.

They brought me in this morning.

All of the vials containing
important specimens

associated with CRM operations

are stored in a refrigerator
with security sensors.

They know a vial went missing
during the blackout.

Specimens associated
with CRM operations?

Just stop.

You don't have to pretend.

Just listen, because they are coming.

I told them I misplaced it.

If you just give it back to me,

I won't be in danger anymore.

You and your daughters
won't be in danger anymore.

- You can...

Okay. Okay.

I was an hour late for dinner.

Look at me. Please.

Just let me hide and answer
the door and tell them that.

- If I have meant anything to you...
- Go.



Dr. Bennett.

We need you to come with us.

We have some questions for you.

IRIS: My dad has always
seen the good in people,

always tried to see the world
through other people's eyes,

and this is what he gets for it.

You know, my uncle was the same way.

You know, granted, he
was usually doing that

to con people out of all
their shit, but still.

You okay?

Yeah. Still hurts.

I'm okay.

Better when you're here.


FELIX: What is this?
Where are you taking him?


Officer Carlucci, you can
go back to your apartment...

Yeah. No. Wherever the
hell you're taking him,

- I'm going.
- Felix, it's okay.

- I suggest you stop, Officer.
- I'm not gonna stop.

I'm his security detail.

You're not taking him
anywhere without me.

Fine. Have it your way.

What is it with Dr. Bennett

and his security detail, huh?

They just keep asking for it.

- Felix?
- They got your dad.

- Tell your sister.
- Well, what can I do?

Maybe Huck knows what's going on.

All right, you find
Hope, I'll find Huck.

Wait. It shouldn't be you.

Yeah, this ain't about me.

Not yet.



What's going on?

Lyla wants to make us an offer.

LYLA: I need the vial you stole.

I know I haven't given you
any reason to trust me,

but whatever you want to know

about who I am or
what I do, I'll tell you.

Why should we believe anything you say?

Come with me and I will show you.

You need to decide now.

Your dad's life depends on it.

You wanna tell me what's going on?

You look tired. Late night?

Dressed in a hurry.

That agent you sent said
some shit was going down.

During the power outage,
there was a security breach.

Last night?

Where was the breach?

From an area that houses
sensitive research material.

That's why I called you here.

You've been apart from this place.

That may help me see some
things that others may miss.

It also makes you uniquely qualified

to take point on this part
of the investigation.

- Take point?
- Mm-hmm.

Something valuable is missing.

I need to know if someone took it.

And I need it back.

I'd like to see if you
can help me with that.



- What the hell is this place?

LYLA: The vial that one of
you stole that I need back?

I developed its contents right here.

The lab that no one here
is supposed to know about,

your dad included.

We never said we took your vial.

And you said you'd talk,
so what happens here?

I study reanimation.

But in order to understand

what causes someone to
come back after they die,

I need to observe what
happens to a subject

while they are dying.

So, you k*lled all these
people for research?


Most were found bitten out in the wild.

They would've died in vain.

But this place made it so their passing

could be a gift to science.

To tomorrow.


You need to understand.

This is what we're up against.

Eventually, the rat will get tired.

But the dead won't.

Not ever. They're perpetually in motion.

None of us will be safe

as long as this exists in the world.

Tell us about Omaha.

How does this tie into that?

I'd developed an
intra-cerebral injection

of algae-derived chemical extracts

that showed promise in delaying the time

between death and reanimation,

but I needed more test
subjects to be sure.

A lot more.

So, the CRM told me and
my colleague, Dr. Abbott,

about a secret military operation

in which tens of thousands would die.

We were assured that this operation

was critical to the survival
of the human race

and that we were being
let in on something

that almost no one outside
the military knew about.

It was our chance to test
the formula out in the field.

So, you just went along with it?

We were horrified.

The CR's government has no idea

what its military does
outside its walls.

Dr. Abbott threatened to tell them.

So they made sure he never would.

Why would , people need to die?

LYLA: I asked them that.

They warned me to never ask them again.

If I could've stopped it,

- I would've.
- You could've.

You put your own safety
before those people's lives.


If I resisted, they
would've k*lled me, too,

and what was going to happen
was going to happen.

I could end up dead,

or I could try to turn something
that I couldn't stop

into something that could help humanity.

But did you?

Did you find the answers
you were looking for?

It's not about answers.

It's about data.

So, what? We're just
supposed to trust you?

I'm telling you the truth.

Giving me that vial back
will save your father.

I told them that I misplaced
it during the blackout.

Showing them that I have it

will take all the suspicion off of him.

This is me putting his life before mine.

I am doing this to save him.

You are doing this to save yourself.

No, I care about your father.

You giving me that vial

is what keeps both of us alive.

Maybe all of us.

It's in the Bunker.

- Hope...
- It's the room under Lab H

where the kids hang out.

It's inside one of the speakers.
That's where I hid it.


Thank you. It's best if you wait here

for a few minutes after I leave.

We shouldn't risk being seen together

more than we already have.

Can you do that?


- There wasn't another choice.
- Do you actually trust her,

- after everything she's done?
- Of course I don't.

I couldn't do nothing.

Iris, we came here to keep Dad safe.



You're on guard duty tonight.

There's a big supply drop
being flown in tomorrow.

I need the north pads cleared off.

I wasn't lost.


I know.

You went trying to find
your friends again.

You backed me up.


'Cause I didn't know what would
happen to you if I didn't.

Kid... [SIGHS]

I can't make you want this.

I do, but...

what if the CRM isn't
what you think it is?

Why would you ask me that?

I-I-I don't... There's no reason.

I'm sorry I lied to you.

That was wrong.

You're a good kid.

I don't want to see you
screw shit up for yourself.

I think you're a good solider.

One of the good ones.

You could be, too.

There's just some shit you gotta let go.

I told you I don't know anything

about any missing research,

and I'm not answering anymore questions

until my security detail's here.

- Where is he?
- Officer Carlucci is here,

but he won't be joining us.

The Science Exchange
Agreement stipulates

I'm not to be denied access

- to my security detail.
- It also stipulates

no unauthorized communication

in or out of CR jurisdictions,

a rule you violated on...
separate occasions.

, doctor.

Each instance is punishable
by long terms of imprisonment.

So, perhaps you'll give us
a pass on having Carlucci

sit in an adjacent room.

Now, where were you last night
between : p.m. and midnight?

You're in a relationship
with Dr. Belshaw.

You see her at all last night?

I invited her over to meet Iris.

Anyone else with you?


What about Elton and Felix?

Felix was with you.

On patrol.

What time did Dr. Belshaw show up?


It's a simple question.

Dinner was scheduled for
: , but Dr. Belshaw...

got caught up in some work

and showed up an hour later.

HOPE: For what it's worth,
I don't think she'll sell Dad out.

I think she really does care about him.

Why is it you are so willing

to give everyone here
the benefit of the doubt?

- Ever since you got here...
- Iris, that is not fair.

She let an entire city die
and did nothing to stop it.

I'm not saying that I want to trust her.

I'm saying that we don't have a choice.

You shouldn't have made
that decision without me.


You mean like you did
with the dead drop note?

It's been long enough.

Let's just go.


Maybe they're already looking for us.

Or her.

After your wife died, you date much?

- What the hell kinda question is that?
- Answer it.


You know that.

Turns out I do.

So after years of
being a single father,

what was it about Dr. Belshaw
that you found so special?

She was kind.


What else?

Come on. I'm interested.

She'd laugh at my jokes.

I'd tell her things about myself.

Stories about my family.

My daughters.

The smallest things.

She'd absorb every last detail.

Like she was there, part of the family.

Like... she wanted to be.

So, I wanted her to be.

Sounds like you loved her.

- Maybe I did.
- JADIS: "Did"?

You fall out of love with her, Doctor?

You're twisting my words.

I think you did that all by yourself.

So, what do you think?

I think you're right.

He used to love her,
but he doesn't anymore.

And yet, they had dinner
together last night

so she could meet the family.
What do you make of that?

It doesn't add up.

He's lying.

Their stories match,
so she's lying, too.

But why do you think they'd be
sharing that particular lie?

She still cares about him,

so she's covering for him.

Because she thinks he took the research.

And if she's right?

That'd explain why he
fell out of love with her.

Well, there it is.

Have my team find Dr. Belshaw

and have her collected immediately.

We've found our conspirators.






How many times do I have to tell you?

I'm not working with Dr. Belshaw
to cover up anything.

It's obvious that you are, Dr. Bennett.

Jennifer helped me see it.



Something interesting that
I read in your file...

you confided in Dr. Belshaw
about your daughter's gifts,

and what did she do?

She went straight to Lt.
Colonel Kublek with it.


I don't think that you
know this woman, Leo.

You don't.


MAN: All units, disengage.

Suspect's been located.


Officer Stokes.

I, uh, wanted to let you know
I found the missing vial.

So I see.


Where'd you find it?

I have to be honest with you.

Dr. Bennett stole it.

With the help of his daughters
and his security detail.

They became suspicious I was
involved in classified experiments

and took it from the storage freezer.

I'm so sorry.

No more lies.

No more deceit.

I thought I could manage
this to everyone's benefit.

You can't hurt him.

He's too valuable. We need him.

He can help with Project Votus.

Project Votus?

Dr. Belshaw, not another word.

It's a project that involves

studying live test
subjects through death

to further research on reanimation.

That's what I've been hiding.

Now you know the truth.

And now, you are going to let him go.


Tell me why, Doctor.

Because I think I'm on the verge

of a significant breakthrough.

My test subject's going on a full
eight hours without reanimating.

That is rare, but it's not unheard of.

This could be the step forward
we've been waiting for,

and with Dr. Bennett helping me openly

and passing on that
knowledge to his daughter,

think of the progress we could make.

I need him.

We do.

We need them.

In the position I hold,

I've proven my use to the CRM

by making the right
deals on their behalf.

I believe what she says.

And per the Lt. Colonel,

Project Votus is the ultimate priority.

So, here's the deal.

You walk today.

You get away with another capital crime.

Your daughters and your
security detail do, too.

And we focus your efforts
on said ultimate priority.

Do we have a deal?

- Do we have...
- Yes.

Are you motivated?


Can you move past all this

and see what you're
doing for what it is?


So, what is it, then?

Saving what's left.

Whatever "it" is.

It's life, Leo.

That's the w*r.

It's life versus death.

It doesn't mean some of us
won't die along the way.

Release his security detail.

I look forward to seeing
the fruits of your labor.

Same goes for you.

Stick around.

After I've dealt with some
business with my team,

how about we go and
see that test subject?

It does sound like historic progress,

and I would love to share the news

with Major General Beale.

HUCK: My mother knows about this?


She founded the project
with Beale eight years ago.

It's been a lot of work
over a long time.

And if we have a breakthrough
on our hands today,

I feel lucky to be here to see it.



It didn't even break eight hours.

You got me excited about delivering

- some good news to Beale today.
- We can still crack this.

With Dr. Bennett's help, our chances...

Dr. Bennett will not be
helping you, Doctor.

Jennifer, remove the TS's restraints.

- Sorry?
- Do it, Jennifer.

What? What? What?


I don't understand. What?

My job is to eliminate security threats.

You were sloppy with sensitive
research. You lied to us.

Thankfully, you've already handed
on the baton to your successor,

a man of greater intelligence

with two easy-to-squeeze
pressure points.

He's the better bet.

Easier to control when
there's family to thr*aten.

No, no, no. No.

No, no, no. Please. Please.

Please don't do this. Please. Please.

No, no, no. Please. Please. Please.

Please, don't do this! Please!

Please! No! Please!
Please don't do this!

Please! Please!


"The rat will eventually get tired,

but the dead won't."

Couldn't have put it better myself.


Please help me! Help! No!


Please help me! Please help me!


Another tragic accident,
but these things happen.

You knew from the start
she was covering for Leo.

Still smart as hell.

If your mother had any doubts
about your allegiance,

she'll be pleased I helped
you put them to bed today.

This was all about testing me?

Not all.

It was clear from the start
that she was covering for him.

She had to go.

So I used you to help me install Bennett

as Belshaw's replacement.

Productive day.

I think it's only fair that
you should be debriefed

on the entire scope of the project.

I want you to be part of it.

You've earned it.

There's more?

The Campus Colony? Omaha?

All part of a tactical
military operation.

What comes next won't be easy,

but it will secure our future
for centuries to come.



I was looking for you earlier.

And Iris thought you were
gonna help her dad.

But she didn't think you were gonna
be the one to interrogate him.

Heard some hardhats
outside the security wing.

Well, they weren't
saying "Leo" or "Felix",

but, uh, it was obvious who
they were talking about.

I sat around long enough,
heard your name mentioned.

Lead interrogator, huh?

[g*n COCKS]

If you're gonna k*ll me, then do it.

It's the p*stol I shot you with.

Your uncle, too.

Before I used the kid's wrench on him.

Go ahead.

We both know I deserve it.

Or maybe you don't do it.

'Cause you'd just be doing me a favor,

and then it plays out you don't
leave this building alive.

There's something you should know, kid.

And there's nothing me or you

or anybody can do to stop it.

Stop what?

HOPE: So, what happens now?

I'm not sure.

Lt. Colonel wasn't there.

This Jadis told me to
take a couple of days

and report back to work on Monday.

I don't know if I'm gonna have

armed guards at my elbows or...

Then we get outta here before then,

have Huck get word to Silas.

Percy went to talk to her this morning.

I haven't seen him since.




You okay?

What is it?

Percy, what did you do?

HUCK: Hey.



What's wrong?

I don't really know where to start.

It's okay. Just start.

It was all bullshit.

Everything that we did...
it was all for nothing.

There's not gonna be
an alliance anymore.

What does that mean?

Maybe the CRM never
intended to have allies.

Maybe they just... wanted to find
out who their competition was.

Percy, what are you telling us?

It's gonna be just the Civic Republic.

And they're gonna wipe out Portland.

HUCK: Using gas they've
been storing at the RF.

Using the empties to cover it up.

That's how they wiped out Omaha

and the Campus Colony.

- Why?
- Don't know.

She hasn't sat me down
yet for a full briefing.

But the plan is to k*ll , people.

There's no way to warn 'em.

A wire'd get intercepted.

It... It'd take months on foot.

They won't see it coming.

They won't know what hit 'em.



- How soon?
- I don't know.

That's all that Jadis lady said.

We know where the gas is.

So, we destroy the gas?

And we take this place out with it.

This isn't just about saving Portland

and getting out of here.

We can't let them keep this place.

What are you trying to say?

We have to get the scientists out

and their research.

We take it and... and we keep it going.

But how would we even do that?

Not sure, exactly.

I just know I can't do it alone.

IRIS: We let the scientists in on this,

one of 'em could talk.

And even if we did pull it off,
these people aren't fighters.

However this plays out,
I'm seeing it through with you.

Even if it's not what we were thinking.

You were gonna k*ll her
today, weren't you?

I wanted to.

And I didn't.



I wanted to see you again.

And that wouldn't have happened
if I pulled the trigger.

I don't wanna leave tonight.

Then don't.

Gotta admit, I wasn't sure you'd show.

Me, neither.

It's not 'cause of you.

It's just 'cause of this place.

It can take some getting used to.

Sometimes, it feels normal,
and sometimes...

it feels like a prison.

[CHUCKLES] Oh, man.
If my dad heard me say that.

- Your dad?
- Oh, yeah.

I'm sure I'm just a big
disappointment to him

for not being all in on the military.

But whatever. Enough about me.

What's going on with you?


Is your dad in the military?

Yeah. Yeah, he's Major General Beale.

I thought you knew.

DENNIS: Just wish I'd known sooner.

HUCK: Yeah.

I wish a lot of things.

I should go.

I'll talk to the others,

reach out as soon as we have a plan.

Guess we got some shit to talk about.

LEO: We're working to stop the monsters

and to save people from
turning into monsters.

But we need to save ourselves
from that fate first.

The nonaggression pact we struck...

I'd like your word that
you'll continue to honor that.

IRIS: There's a lot that could go wrong,

but we do whatever we have
to do to make sure we win.

I'm concerned Dr. Bennett is not
keeping quiet about what he knows.

- Want me to sniff around?
- Well, we're way past that.

Initiate full facility lockdown.


- Synced & corrected by[font color="#E "] MementMori [/font]-
-- [font color="# CE "]www.addic[/font] --


Eventually, the rat will get tired.

But the dead won't.

Not ever.

NEGRETE: Lyla is a very complex person.

You know, she has done horrible things

that I think that she has
a lot of guilt about.

Standing by to proceed
with exposure to trial . .

NEGRETE: We see Barca starting
to get to her a little bit.

And it's that mantra that she has,

that she has to tell
herself over and over.

LYLA: This is how we have tomorrow.

NEGRETE: That's what
gets her through it.

It's that reminder

that despite the horrible
things that she's done,

it's all for a greater purpose.

And as long as she keeps
her eye on that purpose,

in the end, it's all worth it.

JADIS: You got strong feet.

I can see them from here.

The thing I love about Jadis

is even though she is a
villain in our season,

there's something about her
that she likes to poke at people

- to see how they'll react.
- Look at those clompers.

You could skip through
a rock pile with those.

In a way, that's what
she's doing with Silas.

Even though she's in the military,

her thought process and
the way she does things

isn't so conformist,

and I think that she sees
that Silas is different

the way she is.

Do you think he would
make a good soldier?


- He could be.
- I agree.

I think that, you know, she's
always playing a game of chess.

She's always thinking five steps ahead,

and maybe there's something
with Silas she sees

that maybe she can use someday.

Where was the breach?

From an area that houses
sensitive research material.

That's why I called you here.

You've been apart from this place.

That may help me see some
things that others may miss.

Huck is really walking a serious
tightrope in this episode.

She's no good to our group

- if she exposes herself.
- Something valuable is missing.

I need to know if someone took it.

And I need it back.

I'd like to see if you
can help me with that.

The question is, can
she get through this

in a way that doesn't show

that she's kind of been
on our group's side,

that she knows more about
this vial than she's let on?

But at the same time, she
doesn't want to expose Leo.

And she knows that Leo
wasn't directly responsible,

but he's involved with this.

It's really, really a tricky
situation for Huck,

and as she's trying to navigate this,

I think she has no idea how
she's gonna get out of this.

There wasn't another choice.

Do you actually trust her,

- after everything she's done?
- Of course I don't.

This argument that Hope and Iris have...

it's really the most intense argument

we've seen them have,

where they are not on
the same page anymore.

Why is it you are so willing

to give everyone here
the benefit of the doubt?

- Ever since you got here...
- Iris, that is not fair.

She let an entire city die
and did nothing to stop it.

I'm not saying that I want to trust her.

For Hope, she's coming of a
place of "We need to do this,

because Dad's life is on the line.
We have no other choice."

But for Iris, she sees Hope
as drinking the Kool-Aid,

and Iris is feeling in this moment
that she doesn't trust her.


So when everything starts to go wrong

and it's like their whole worlds
are closing in on them,

it's really them together
against the CRM.


At the end of the day,
they're still sisters,

and they still love each other,

and they'll still have
each other's backs.

So that's really what
that moment is about.

I, uh, wanted to let you know
I found the missing vial.

Where'd you find it?

Dr. Bennett stole it.

Leo was stunned

when it appears that she throws
Leo under the bus for a moment.

But what we realize
that she's really doing,

in her eyes, at least, is saving him.

You can't hurt him.

He's too valuable. We need him.

He can help with Project Votus.

And in order to protect himself
and his family and Felix,

he has to go along with it

as much as he wants nothing
to do with this Project Votus,

which has led to the death
of so many people.

With Dr. Bennett's help, our chances...

Dr. Bennett will not
be helping you, Doctor.

Jennifer, remove the TS's restraints.

- Sorry?
- Do it, Jennifer.

NEGRETE: It's ultimately
such poetic justice

for Lyla to be k*lled by Barca.

We see her k*ll him with this gas.

At the end of the day,
that her own experiment

is the thing that kills her.

Please don't do this! Please! Please!


"The rat will eventually get tired,

but the dead won't."

Couldn't have put it better myself.

NEGRETE: We imply that
Jadis somehow heard.

Maybe there are recordings
in that lab we don't know.

So it really is everything coming
full circle in that moment.

Please help me! Please help me!


That bloody hand against the glass...

it's such an iconic just
horror-movie staple.

You know, for a show that, you know,

felt a little lighter last season,

it's an indication that we're going

towards a much darker place

as we get into these final episodes.

Another tragic accident,
but these things happen.