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10x06 - The Lady in Black

Posted: 11/09/21 12:18
by bunniefuu
There is a dead dude...

he is freaking out.

There was a force
that smashed my face

I'm sorry.

It is trying to k*ll us.

She had been hit multiple
times in the head.

I'm seeing, like,
flesh being, like, opened.

Somebody is going to die
in this house.

This is like Grand Central
Station for the dead.


My name, Amy Allen.

I'm seeing, like, blood.

The house just feels bad.

I see dead people.

This man is completely insane.

I speak to dead people.

she doesn't like it in there.

And they speak to me.

He likes to twist that Kn*fe.

But there's only one way to know
if my findings are real.

Something paranormal
is trying to k*ll them.

I rely on my partner,
I'm Steve DiSchiavi.

I'm a retired New York City
homicide detective.

Now, does he die right there
on the spot?

I know every person,
every house has secrets.

I think it's trying
to steal my soul.

It's my job to reveal them.

Did you ever get touched like
that again?

But Steve and I never speak.

We never communicate
during an investigation.

Until the very end.

I'm as stunned as you guys are.

When we uncover if it's safe
for you to stay...

I don't want anything to
happen to my daughter.

Or time to get out.

His goal is to k*ll you guys.

I'm out here in
Marshalltown, Iowa

It's about an hour
outside of Des Moines.

I got a call from a
woman named Kelly.

Now, she sounded pretty
bad, but get this-

Her and her husband
are both professional
paranormal investigators.

Now, you'd think they
wouldn't need our help,

but Kelly says she's in
way over her head.

Whatever is in that house
is going to

take one of them out
unless we can do something fast.

Before Amy arrives I look for
any leading information--

religious icons,
family photographs,

and even medical equipment
can influence her findings

so it's important to cover
or remove them all.

When I'm finished the location
will be ready to tonight's walk.

A lot of things that were
negative happened here.

Bad things happened
with living people here

and the house took it on,

and the energy
that's left here

is too chaotic.

Kelly, it sounds like you've
got a pretty bad situation.

Um, tell me what's happening.

We are being physically
att*cked in the house.

Our health is declining.

We are desperate...we need
you and Amy to help us.

You have to wait a minute.

Take this.

I'm Sorry.

Don't be sorry.

You okay to go on?


All right-- so Kelly,
who lives in the house?

This is me, my husband Mike,

and our youngest son, Chris
who is 29.

Is everybody in the
house being affected?

I think I'm getting the brunt
of the physical att*cks.

But I think Chris is
getting mentally affected.

What do you mean?

I've watched Chris' personality
change since we've been here.

Usually he's very pleasant

but sometimes
he just gets very angry.

Do me a favor and give
me a run down on what you
guys are experiencing.

We are hearing
disembodied voices,

shadow figures
and apparitions.

We're being
physically att*cked,

and our health
is declining.

I got to address the 800
pound gorilla in the room.

You guys are paranormal

Why can't you fix this?

Every time we try
it just gets worse

It's like a doctor
getting sick

and not being able
to heal himself.

Now, it sounds like
you're going through
a pretty tough time here.

Why don't you just sell
the freaking house and leave?

I don't want to give up.

Every room in this house
means something to us.

I'm fearful that...

that somebody
is going to die

in this house.

I'm sorry.

Everybody needs help
once in a while, okay?

We do need help.

There's a lot
of dead people here

who didn't necessarily
die here,

so I'm thinking that someone
drawing them in

leads me to believe
medium on site.

Whoever is here doesn't know
how to help them.

And I hear from
this living person

"No time for this...too tired"

This living person already
does a lot for others.

It's like I can't ever
not be helping people

whether living,
dead, whatever.

So Kelly it's never
really good when people
take me to a staircase.

So, what's going on?

If I stay in this area
I get a tight pressure

on the outside of my head.

I know you're on
a lot of medication.

You sure it's not
a side effect?

I don't take any medicines that
have side effects like that.

Anything else physical
happen to you?

There was a force that smashed
my face into the step.

One these steps right here?



That is from something
smashing me into the step.

This is pretty bad.

Kelly, I've got to play
devil's advocate here.

You sure you didn't just
lose your balance and fall?

I've fallen many times.

And there was a big difference
in the way that I fell.

Anything else?

I was in the refrigerator
getting a drink.


It was like 3 fingers,

pinched and pushed me
out of the refrigerator.

It really looked like
a burn or a brand.

Did it stay on your
body for a while?

It did-- for 3 or 4 hours.


There's a dead dude in there.

He is just freaking the...out.

He's moving so fast
he's literally just blurs.

I think the living would be
affected by his emotional state.

In what way?

He could cause physical harm.
He is a cutter or a burner.

He likes to hit people in
the head to cause headaches.

He puts off all of these
different emotions.

Extreme agitation,
outbursts of v*olence.

Mostly anger--
that feeling doesn't really
go away here, and it's scary.

Steve, I need to sit down.

Go ahead...
you okay?

There you go.


So, what's going on in here.

I've seen a black shadow figure.

Describe the black figure
for me.

No arms, no legs,
no eyes, no facial - nothing

And I could see through it.

And as soon as I looked at it
and made eye contact with it,

it went away.

Anything else?

When I'm laying in bed

the sheets get tugged on
and pulled off the bed.

How the hell are you
sleeping at night?

I don't.

If it's not tugging
on the sheets or the bedspread

it's poking me
and pinching me,

and tapping on the bottom
of the bed.

It's constant--
all night long.

Do you think those
investigations that you do

maybe you brought
something here?

It is possible.

That something is
trying to communicate
with me in this house.

With all this going on, how the
hell are you handling it?

I'm not handling it.

The stress and the
anxiety are overwhelming

That's why
I need you guys here.

Medium is in here.

It is a female...

It gets very bad
in here sometimes.

This is like Grand Central
Station for the dead.

There's a bunch
of random dead that

try to come in here, and so
that causes stress and chaos.

They hear things--
they see things.

What kind of specific
experiences might they have?

I think that they would hear
many people talking
at the same time.

They would feel many
people in the room

if not even see some of them.

Feel their bed being shaken.

I think that most nights this
person doesn't get any sleep

I think this person has tried
to ignore her abilities.

What's going to happen
to this medium

if they don't deal
with their abilities?

It can lead to panic att*cks.

The person can get, like,
violently ill and start producig

and the heart
can be affected.

I don't like this.

So Mike, I was talking
to your wife earlier

and she told me some horrible
things that she's going through.


You must be worried about her.

Very much worried--
she's scared.

She's being terrorized
in her own home,

and there's nothing I can do.

So Mike, I know you're
part of the paranormal team.

What's your role in it?

I videotape-- I also help
to review the evidence,

and try and decide
whether it's legitimate

paranormal activity
or can it be debunked.

So, have you had experiences
in the house?

There's some things that
happened that I don't
have explanations for.

Okay, like what?

I was scratched once.

You have a dog.

All right. Is it possible
the dog could have did it?

I don't think
that's a possibility.

Okay so, you've been scratched,
anything else?

There's an attic door
that's about 6 to 8 feet away
from our bedroom door,

and occasionally it would just

kind of creep open on its own.

Activity got to be
to the point where

I finally just kind of put
a latch on the door
so it would stay shut.

Do you think you guys
maybe brought something
from an investigation?

I think it's possible.

So, what if Amy does tell you
you guys gotta leave?

I don't want to leave--
we love this house.

I'm going to push Amy
to give us some other options.

We want to fight--
we want to stay.

There's a dead lady
who is all in black.

This is her house

She is pretending that
she has a life here.

Does she do anything
to the living?

The living here
would hear conversations

her walking around.

They would hear her laughing,
crying, yelling.

The lady that's all in black--

she likes this area.

So, I think the living would
see, like, all this blackness.

There's a thr*at I think she
feels it's a male

that's the thr*at.

I think she might have
issues with males in general.

She is pretty aggressive.

She is trying to keep people
away so she can be bad

and be k*lling people.

So Chris, I was talking
to your mom earlier.

She's convinced that your
personality has changed.

Do you agree with that at all?

I think theirs have.

Okay, so you think that your
parents are the ones
who have changed.

What do you mean?

They get agitated.

It's always just bickering,

and I can't take it anymore.

That's funny because that's
what they're sayin' about you.


The paranormal activity that's
going on in the house,

do you believe it's happening
to your mom?

I don't disbelieve it,

but I haven't experienced
any of it.

You've had no experiences
at all?

Not a single one.

You're not...and trying to be
like "Nothing happens to me."

No. I've been here
longer than anyone.

I'm here more often
than anyone,

but I've not experienced

But you do believe your mom
is going through something?

Yeah, I believe that.

I don't know why she'd lie.

You know,
talking to your mom,

all she was saying was
she was worried about you.

Most people should
be worried about her.

The dead lady
does sleep in here.

She's bothering somebody
in here-- a living person.

This is not good.

She's reaching down grabbing
this person

and literally
sucking the life out of them.

Is this living person aware of
what she's doing?

Yes and no.

That person thinks
that they're having

a good experience with her
but its not.

So Nikki, I understand you're
Kelly's daughter.


The times that you've spent
here, have you had
any experiences?

Something always
follows me upstairs.

I won't go up there.

I feel like it will
push you down the steps.

I feel that.

So you feel it's a he?


Okay, anything else happen to
you while you were here?

Something scratched me.

It was four scratch marks
and they were about this long...

and they were all red.

Did they stay for a while?
Did they go away?

A couple of days later I had,
like, a scab on all of them.

She mentioned your
brother has changed a lot
since he's been here.

Have you noticed that?


He has big outbursts,
and then he'll come
back downstairs

an hour later--
he's fine.

So, do you think
its something in the house
influencing him?

I believe so.
He gets very angry.

Your mom...she doesn't seem
too healthy

and she's a young woman still.

That's happened since she moved
into the house.

She feels like something
in this house

is going to eventually
try to k*ll her.

I knew it was bad,
but I didn't think
it was that bad.

I want her to move.

I hope she understands
that she means a lot to us.

I always feel like
I'm the oldest child

and I need to be the one there
to protect her, and I can't.

I hope you guys can help her out
and get my mom back.

My kids need their
grandmother alive.

This dead lady is really
fixed on the male here.

Do you have any idea
what it is about this person?

I think she does prefer
younger people.

How would this affect them?

I think it would make them
sick-- drained, depressed,

and after some time would
get progressively sicker.

She is weakening them, and
she is trying to k*ll them.

So, I always start
my investigation

by calling a bunch on
a bunch of the locals--

cops, reporters,

In this case, it's paid off.

I'm heading over
to meet an historian

who says one of the original
owners of Kelly and Mike's land

was a faith healer
who is responsible

for the deaths
of some of his followers.

Now, you mentioned on the phone
that my client's property

used to be owned
by a faith healer.

Who was this guy?

His name was Kendall Roberts.

He was a farmer.

He was married to a young woman
by the name of Angie Braddock.


Somewhere in the 1880s
he became the head of

the Christian Science movement
in the Marshalltown area.

One of the tenants of the
Christian Science

is that disease
is really a myth,

so he spent his time trying
to cure people by prayer.

Does he have any kind
of medical background?

He has no formal
medical training.

What happens is
he's so involved
in this traveling around

that people started
to think of him as a doctor

and referred
to him as a doctor.

But, unfortunately, several
people d*ed under his care.

Does he get charged
with any kind of crime?

Yes, there are three instances
where he was charged

and not found guilty.

Let me get this straight.

This guy gets charged 3 times
for people dying under his care

with this prayer stuff,
but he gets off?

So, now how's his wife
dealing with it?

We have to assume
she was embarrassed.

And on top of that, she has
her own personal tragedies

that she has to cope with.

Okay, which is what?

The death of two
of her small children.

One child dies in 1891,
an infant daughter.

In 1896, her three year old son
dies choking on a button.


Okay, when did they wind up
on my client's property?

They moved in there,
I think, in 1918.

They weren't there
all that long.

In 1922, Angie dies in your
client's house of breast cancer.

What about him?

He actually dies of kidney
failure in 1923.

So those prayers didn't
help him out.


This weirdo dead lady...
she ain't so mentally sound,
this one.

Can you tell me anything about
her from life?

She lived here at some point.

I know she was married.

She drags around this dead kid
about 5 years of age,

and then a dead baby
in her right arm.

They d*ed,
and she lost her mind.

She had a mental breakdown

I think she d*ed
in the 20s, 1920s--

Do you know how she d*ed?

I'm thinking like cancer.

Yeah, this is not
a good situation.

All right, so I just spoke
to a local cop, and he sounds
like a real stand up guy.

He went digging through
the files for me

and found two murders
that happened right near
Kelly's house.

So Adrian, on the phone you
mentioned this homicide

took place right near
my client's property.

What can you tell me about it?

The victims name
was Susan Vickers.

She was 31 years old.

She was a single mom
of three kids.

She lived
a couple of blocks away
from your client's property.

Tell me what happens the night
she gets m*rder*d.

On August 22,1980

she left on foot
to the Iowa Veterans Home

where she worked.

She never showed up
for her 11 p.m. shift.

She was found later on
that evening on the grounds

of the Iowa Veterans Home
in the cemetery.

I've got Susan's death
certificate right here.

She had been hit multiple times
in the head.

How close did this happen
to my client's property?

It actually took place
about 2,200 feet
from your client's property.

Did they make a collar?
Did they like anybody?
What happened?

Well, they had a suspect
at the time.

His name was Jerry Sumter, Jr.

All right, so where's this
scumbag now?

He was sentenced
to life in prison.

I almost feel like there's
a b*ating happening.

I'm getting pain,
like, here really bad.

I'm feeling a female--
I'm just hearing
a woman crying and yelling.

She was younger,
maybe 20s.

I'm feeling impact
to the mid section.

And then I'm, like, seeing,
like, flesh being, like, opened.

The guy doing it to her
he had PTSD,

and something was
wrong with his mind as well.

I think he m*rder*d her.

All right, so tell me
about the next m*rder?

The victim's name
is Richard Tassler,

and he's a 43-year-old native
of Marshalltown.

He lived a couple
of blocks away from
your client's property.

He was involved
in the drug trade.

All right.
So, what happened?

On April 24, 1986,

he's on the way to
his parents house.

That's the last time
he was ever seen.

Did they ever make an arrest?


His name was Joel Smitherman,

and he was locally involved
in the drug trade as well,

and he was also the last person
that was seen with Tassler.

Did they find the body?

Yes. They exhumed Tassler's body
on Smitherman's property.

I've got his death certificate
here for you.

All right-- multiple g*n sh*t
wounds to the head.

Okay. Does he ever get
convicted of it?

Yeah. He got life in prison
and he's been

in the Iowa State
Penitentiary ever since.

I'm seeing a big guy
who is kinda roundish,

and I would put him
probably being in his 30s.

Maybe early 40s.

All his clothes are really
dirty, and he was a hobo con ma.

It seemed like he bought land

or got land here

and he was actually
trying to get his...together.

and then I felt like
I was being get choked.

And then I know there
was a g*n in my mouth

all the way
shoved in there.

And then,
lights out for him.

He says that
"The ground ate him."

And so, I'm thinking they just
buried him on the land.

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So far, I've got clients being
physically assaulted in a house

where a faith healer lived,

on a property near the site of
two grizzly murders,

but I want to see
if there is anything else.

Searching through old records
I find a tragic fire

that took the life
of a young man.

Turns out, it happened
less than a mile from
Kelly and Mike's property.

So I got a genealogist looking
into his death for me,

but he says there's
a lot more to the story.

Turns out the victim's dad
used to own my client's
property, and get this.

He also had a pretty
unforgettable run as
the mayor of the city.

Well Marty, I appreciate you
looking into this death for me.

What were you able to find out?

Well Steve,
we're talking about

a young man by the name
of Ross Ingledue.

Ross was the son of a very
popular mayor here

in Marshalltown by the name
of Oliver Ingledue.

Steve, Mayor Ingledue
and his son Ross are just
buried right over here.

So they were buried together.


So, tell me about
this deadly fire.

Ross was also very active
in the local fire department

In 1903, he was fighting
a very large fire
in the center of town,

just about a half a mile
from the property
you're talking about.

Ross and his colleagues
were able to put the out,
but they suffered

long-term health issues
with it?

All right so with these health
effects, what happened to him?

The result of the fire
was he suffered lung damage

leading to tuberculosis and
passed away four years later.

I have a copy of his
register of the death.

All right.
So, he was a young guy?

Yeah, 24 years old.

Boy. There's this burning.

I don't know if it's,
like, the whole place

or just this person somehow.

Somebody did, they did--
they d*ed in the fire.

I think it's a male.

Terrible, terrible, terrible.

All right. So, now the kid dies.
What happens?

Well, shortly after
Ross Ingledue dies,

his father Oliver Ingledue
buys your client's property

and that's the same time that he
wins re-election as mayor.

Steve, here's a photo
of Mayor Ingledue.

All right. You mentioned
on the phone that this guy

had a pretty colorful mayorship.


He had his own sense
of lawmaking.

A very, very corrupt individual.

When you say "corruption",
what are we talking about?

It was still prohibition,
and Mayor Ingledue

was still
allowing alcohol to be served.

So, the Feds sent an agent in
and Mayor Ingledue

had that agent thrown in jail
on bogus charges.

All right.
What happens to this guy?

In 1923, he passed away

of complications from diabetes.

Here's a copy of
his death certificate.

So, he d*ed pretty young--
he was 61.


I'm seeing
the blurry dead guy again.

Do you have any idea
why he's here?

I think he lived
here at some point.

I feel like he's older,
age-wise, and definitely
didn't die well.

He feels physically sick, dizzy,
panicked. I don't like him.

I feel like he's bad.

He had a lot of
problems, you know?

I think he did bad things.

I saw several disturbing
things during my walk,

but, two had me
really concerned.

First, the group of dead
in the master bedroom.

There were a lot of dead people
in the room.

They want to talk to the
living person in the bed.

There's a conflict
between them.

And then the living
person in the bed
is just like freaking out.

Next, I describe the dead lady
tormenting the living person.

I was upstairs
in a very small room

and she, like,
comes from the ceiling.

She kind of hangs from
the ceiling.

And she also happens
to always carry around

these, like, shells
of these dead children.

Amy, is this what you saw?


Now that Amy and
I have completed our
own investigations

we're ready to reveal our
findings to each other

and our clients
for the first time.

So Amy, this is Kelly
and her husband, Mike.

They live here with
their adult son, Chris...

who is right here
in the photo.

This is Nikki,
Kelly's daughter.

She lives nearby.

Now, these are not
our typical clients.

Kelly and Mike
are professional
paranormal investigators

so you can imagine
things are really bad

if they couldn't fix things

That's why
they called us in for help.

Now that Amy knows a little bit
about you guys

I'll ask her to describe
her walk through.

One of the first individuals
that I came into contact with

was a male-- I would put him
in his '30s or 40s.

He told me he was a
hobo and a con man.

He wasn't a great person
for most of his life.

But that he had been trying to
turn his life around.

But, unfortunately he ended up
getting m*rder*d.

Initially, I felt that
he was being choked,

and then I felt, actually,
a g*n in my mouth,

and then it was lights out.

I believe he was buried while
he was still in his body.

He said the ground ate him.

So now, the guy
you're describing sounds a lot

like somebody I came across
doing my research.

This guys name
was Richard Tassler.

He was a 43-year-old local guy.

He lived a couple of blocks
from here, actually.

He wasn't a hobo, but he was
definitely a con man.

Tassler was involved
in the drug trade in town.

On April 24, 1986
he goes missing.

Four years later the cops
got an anonymous tip

that Tassler was
buried on a farm
15 miles from here.

And that's exactly
how they found him--
buried in the dirt.

Now the farm they found him on
belonged to a guy named

Joel Smitherman.

Now, he was involved
in the drug trade with Tassler

and they worked together.

Now you said the guy
was sh*t in the head.

That's exactly how Tassler
got k*lled.

I have his
death certificate here.

Took cops nearly 15
years to build a case

on Smitherman, but in 2005
they finally convicted him,

and he's in jail now.

Now I managed to track down
a photo of Tassler.

Any chance this could
be the guy you might have seen?

I think it could be.

This is really interesting.

So then, I go upstairs,
and I got another guy.

I called him the blurry
man because, like,

literally that's
how you see him.

He's super angry,
frustrated, emotional.

He's, like, freaking out--

So, being around him
could affect your mood

and make you feel a
little bit unstable.

And that would be specifically
when he was around.

And then when you're
not around him, then you're
normal again like that.

Now, one of the main things
that you guys

have been experiencing
are the mood changes.

The mood changes are exactly
what you've described.

The worst of the mood changes
are with Chris.


The scary thing,
with this guy, that I got

was that he can be
extremely physical.

He can hit people--
I got heads, eyes,

give people headaches,
burn people and/or cut them.

Both of these ladies
have been att*cked.

Something scratched me--
it was four scratch marks,

but they were all in different

I looked at it--
it was red.

Tell her about the incident
with the refrigerator.

I bent down into the bottom
shelf to get a soda
out of the refrigerator

and something pinched me
and pushed me out
of the refrigerator,

and what it left
was almost, like,
a burn or a brand mark.

She mentioned something
about headaches.

It's like a really tight
swimming cap...


the top of my head.

Now, all the things
that we just discussed, could
this be the blurry guy?


Anything else?

Early on in the walk
I got that there was
a medium living in this house.

The individual sleeps upstairs
in the bigger room.

That's your room--
the master bedroom.

I walked into that room
and it was like Grand Central
Station for the dead.

This person doesn't know
how to deal with their abilities

so this is big problem.

Now, the dead are collecting
in the bedroom

and they're getting pissed.

The way that I felt, like,
you would experience this

would be feeling that the room
was filled with people.

Possibly seeing some of them.

Hearing people talking,
possibly yelling.

The bed moving or shaking,

and I don't think anybody would
get any real sleep up there.

I mean, constant exposure
to the dead is not good.

That'll make you sick.

Obviously, Kelly's the
medium we're talking about.

I think so, yeah.

Tell Amy how your bedroom
makes you feel.

Tormented in the bedroom--
I don't sleep.

I'm pinched. I'm poked.

I usually don't go to bed until
4 or 5 o'clock in the morning.

I wake Mike up all
the time at night--
"Did you feel that?"

I didn't know it was that bad.

I'm scared for her.

Amy, is Kelly's bedroom
always filled with dead people?


So, I had a sketch done
of what I saw.

Scary. I feel things...
you know.

I have asked Mike, you know,

"Don't you feel
that on your leg?"

I quit asking him because
he always says "No."

I encountered a female and was
dressed all in black.

She also carries two dead
children with her all the time.

One was a baby, one was
about 5 years of age.

Maybe she had an emotional
break down when they d*ed.

Like, maybe that's why she's
crazy now.

And, she really feels like
this is her house.

She possibly lived here
at some point.

I got that she d*ed in her 20s.

The woman you're describing
sounds a lot like a woman who
used to live here.

Her name was Angie Roberts.

Now, she did come from
a wealthy family,

and she married a local farmer
named Kendall Roberts.

So, this guy thought that
illnesses was a myth and that

he could heal people
with prayer.

Problem was, instead of healing
people he was k*lling them.

At least three people
d*ed under his care,

and it got him arrested three
different times.

Found an article about this.

Now, he was never convicted,
so he kept traveling
trying to heal people.

You saw the lady that had two
dead kids with her.

Angie lost two young children.

She lost an infant baby in 1891,
and then

her three year old d*ed
choking on a button in 1896.

Now, Angie ended up dying
in this house
of breast cancer in 1922.

Here's her death certificate.

Now, do you think it's
this woman Angie Roberts
that's the woman in black?

I mean, it sounds like her.

So, as far as this woman
is concerned, there is a lot

of different ways that you could
have experiences with her.

The attic is her favorite.

So maybe you guys would hear her
walking around up there.

Might hear her talking
crying or yelling.

Possibly you might
be able to see her.

I thought you would see
her a black figure or mask.

Now, you mentioned
the attic, right?


I don't know if you've noticed
it, but there is a hook
on the attic door now.

The door would just
open on its own,

and it got to the point
where it bothered her so much

that I had to put the hook on it
to keep it secure.


She's very protective
of the upstairs area.

What she was showing me was her
either pushing people
down the stairs

or scaring people so much
they fall on their own.

She did. Tell her what
happened to you, Kelly.

There was an invisible force
behind me

that smashed my face
into the carpet.

I mean it smashed
me like a Mack truck.

Here's a photo to show you what
happened to her.

My goodness.

Now, as far as Kelly getting
pushed could that be caused by
this woman that lived here?


Did she do anything else?

So, I saw her getting aggressive
with a living person

and that was in the bedroom
at the top.

You go to the top of the
stairs and make a right.

That's Chris's bedroom.

That person, if they're having
a dream or they're aware
feel good.

Like, feel like this is
a positive good experience.

But, in reality it's not
a good situation at all.

Like, this person is actually
being att*cked.

Amy, one of the biggest reasons
Kelly called us in

is because she's worried
about Chris.

Now, these three all say that
he's become angry, depressed

and withdrawn since
moving into the house.

I am worried.

You know, the weird thing
is when I interviewed him,

he told me he had
no experiences-- nothing.

So, is it possible
that Chris is having experiences
but don't know it?

Yeah, sometimes
these things can happen
when people are sleeping.

I saw her attacking
the person in bed,

and I had a sketch done
of what I saw.

What does she want?

Basically, she is, like,
sucking energy from him.

So draining him physically.

Her goal is to make this person
sick and eventually cause death.

You know Kelly,
you told me you don't like
asking anybody for help,

but after what Amy told us
tonight, it's a good thing
you did.

Now we know the problem isn't
just the house, it's also you.

So now, for the big question--
is there anyway to fix it

so you guys
can stay here safely
as a family

or do you need to pack up
and get out while you can?

For that answer I'm gonna turn
it over to Amy.

So, the first thing is
you need to deal with the fact
that you have abilities.

What I would like to see you do
is to begin seeing
a psychotherapist

after you start working with
your abilities--

the dead in your the room,
you're gonna start
moving them on

without you even
being aware.

So, should these guys cool off
with the investigations

til her abilities
are taken care of?

I want my mom to

work on her abilities
and do what she has to do.

Okay, now...what we
are going to do about
the crazy man and hobo guy--

you do need a medium.

The hobo guy is going to be
really good to go.

So, he'll be able to move on
rather quickly.

The crazy blurry man will put up
a little bit more of a fight.

Now, the crazy lady she doesn't
want to leave.

Dealing with her is going to be
a little harder,

so a demonologist does need
to come and deal with her

because she's functioning
on that level.

Once she goes,
will Chris go back
to being his old self?


Now Kelly, I gotta ask you.

That's a long list
that Amy gave you.

I mean, are you gonna take her
advice and do it?

Absolutely. I have to
for the house-- for our family.

For everything.

Things will get better.

You're not going to be cured,

but things will be
much easier to manage.

So Mike, "Mr. Debunker",

what are your thoughts on
everything you've heard tonight?

It's not good news,
but Amy's given us

specific instructions
to fix everything.

We have to do some work,
all three of us.

It's all doable.


Having the answers
is what I've needed.

Kelly and Mike have a lot of
work ahead of them,

but if they contact a medium
to remove the hobo
and the blurry man,

and a demonologist to
banish the lady in black,

Kelly can focus
on managing her abilities

and this family
can find the peace
it's been searching or.