09x13 - Easy Prey

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dead Files". Aired: September 2011 to present.*
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"The Dead Files" features two independent investigations into locations that are reported to be haunted. One investigation is performed by a psychic medium, while a former NYPD homicide detective investigates. Each show concludes with a meeting, where they discuss their findings together with the victims.
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09x13 - Easy Prey

Post by bunniefuu »

It's all about revenge,

revenge against people.

I really think it's
going to k*ll one us.

He's going to hit somebody,
push somebody, scratch somebody.

I have had scratches
from my neck

down to my back.

"I'll k*ll you.

I'll take you away
from everything you love."

I think this thing
wants me dead.

Their life source is being
sucked out of them,

and they're turning
into mummies.

This is not a good situation.

My name is Amy Allan.

There's death here.

Don't wanna go down there.

I see dead people.

They hide in the walls
and they watch.

I speak to dead people...

She's definitely
a serial k*ller.

...and they speak to me.

She's going to t*rture them.

But there's only one way to know
if my findings are real.

They were all m*rder*d.

I rely on my partner.

I'm Steve Di Schiavi.

I'm a retired New York City
homicide detective.

So is this the only time
you've been physically att*cked?

I know every person,
every house has secrets.

There's no question in my mind
that he was talking about Satan.

It's my job to reveal them.

Who do you think
possessed you?

But Steve and I
never speak...

We never communicate
during an investigation.

...until the very end.

Well, you're not gonna want
to see this.

When we uncover if it's safe
for you to stay...

Hell, no.

Or time to get out.

Everyone is in jeopardy.

I'm up here
in Grant Township, Michigan.

It's about 70 miles north
of Detroit.

I got a call from a woman
named Rene.

Now, she and her husband
have been kicked,

scratched, choked...

You name it,
they've got through it.

She says it's tearing
her family apart,

and she desperately
needs our help.

Before Amy arrives,

I have to remove
any leading information.

This home has a lot
of antique portraits,

personal items,
and religious symbols,

so it's important that I cover
or remove them all.

When I'm done, the location will
be ready for tonight's walk.

The first thing is, like,
an earth, elemental thing.

It's angry and vengeful.

I think it's something that was
originally part of the Earth,

and then it split off
and is now just kind of evil.

It's all about revenge,

revenge against people.

So, Rene, when we were
talking on the phone, um,

it sounded like you were
going through hell here.

We are living in hell.

It's attacking myself,
my husband,

and if we don't get help
to reclaim our house,

reclaim our lives,

I really think it's gonna
k*ll one of us.

I believe it's evil.

How long have you lived
in the house?

Three and a half years.

My sister actually bought
the house for my husband and I

so the family could be
close together.

So, Rene, who lives
in the house?

It's me, my husband,

and a family friend
lives with us also.

Is everybody in the house
being affected?

Everybody in the house
is being affected,

but it seems to be mostly
directed at my husband.

So why do you think that is?

Because Edward had
a really rough childhood,

and he's vulnerable
because he's bipolar.

If you can, give me a list
of what's going on here.

Well, we hear voices.

We're seeing shadow figures,

and we've been having
physical att*cks,

and our health is declining.

What's the worst
health issue for you?

Complete lethargy,

like someone's
just taken my energy

and wants to live off
what I have.

All right, so what do you think
whatever's in this house wants?

I think it just wants
to k*ll, destroy.

Tell me how
I can fight and win.

I want to win.

this one person here,

a dead dude,

who's psycho
and causing problems.

He looks like a preacher
or a pastor.

He's really bad.

He says, "I'm gonna k*ll you,
and I'm gonna make you

"...feel the pain of, like,

saying goodbye
to all of your loved ones."

So, Rene, I know you're worried
about your husband Edward,

but what about you?

What experiences are
you having?

Things break here
all the time,

and there's no explanation.

Now, you got animals
in the house.

Are you sure
it wasn't them?

This was happening before
we even got the animals.

Okay. Anything else?

Well, my animals have d*ed
without explanation.

So obviously, like me,
you're an animal lover.

What do you have here?

We have dogs. We have cats.
We have chickens.

We have a couple pigs,
a sheep, and goats.

If we show any kind of love,

- this house, it -- it...
- it will know.

- It will be dead.
- I'm sorry.

That's okay.

Okay. Anything else?

Well, I seen a shadow man
walk across the kitchen.

Is it something that has a shape
to it, or is it just...

He has a shape
like Abraham Lincoln.

How often do you see this?

We all see it quite a bit.

All this stuff going on,
how are you dealing with it?

don't really understand.

And you're supposed
to be safe in your house.

It's supposed
to be your comfort zone.

Come here. You'll be all right.
Don't worry about it.

- We'll fix this, okay?
- Okay.

I'm seeing
a shadow figure in there.

I think it's the pastor dude.

I think the living see him
as a shadow,

so he's like,

"I want to show you.
Like, look a what I can do.

"I can be, you know, project
these images and...with people."

He's reading their minds.
This is what scares them.

Like, he's even, like,
like, challenging me.

"I'll k*ll you. I'll take you
away from everything you love."

Okay, Rene, so what's
going on up here?

I've seen an apparition
of a woman

sitting on my bed
right there,

and she just sat down...

On the edge here?

...right here,
and just stared at me.

Her hair was
in a disheveled bun,

but she had huge teeth.

All right. So anything else?

I sometimes get the sensation
as if I'm being choked.

Okay. So can you
describe it for me?

It's like somebody
is taking their fingers

and shoving them
down my throat.

Anything else physical like that
ever happened to you?


There have been a couple
of times that I woke up,

and when I woke up, I felt as
if I'd been punched in the face.

So I gotta ask, how the hell
are you sleeping

with all of this going on?
- Well, I barely sleep.

When I do lay down to sleep,

I'm just overwhelmed with
all kinds of negative thoughts.

Me being hurt in car cashes.

People leaving me, and people
saying that they hate me,

just feeling abandoned
all the time.

What the hell
you still doing here?

Well, I believe my God is
stronger, so I'm gonna fight.

I won't let it get to the point
where it kills my husband.

- Okay.
- I know that Jesus can win.

I know Amy can win.

It's not good up here.
Mnh-mnh, no.

It's really bad up here.

I don't know how...any living
person would come up here.

The pastor, this is his area.

The living people here,
I think he tortures them.


With nightmares, going, like,
into their dreams.

He is literally
in their mind, doing this.

I think that
he would be capable of...

harming living people up here.

If he's gonna do anything,
he's gonna hit somebody,

push somebody, scratch somebody.

You know what I'm saying?
So this is not good.

So, Patricia, I understand
you're Rene's sister,

and you actually bought this
house for her and Edward, right?


I feel really guilty
because I brought them

to a place where it's dark.

So what about you, Patricia?
Any experiences?

- Yes.
- Okay.

In the hallway,
I saw a shadow figure,

and I thought it was Eddie,

but come to find out,
he was sound asleep in the bed,

and there was nobody
in the hallway.

Talking to Rene, she's pretty
convinced that whatever is here

is trying to k*ll
or really hurt Edward.

- Do you agree with that?
- Yeah.

Eddie is very vulnerable,

and his history with
his family is horrific.

It att*cks the vulnerable.

This pastor is like, "I can
do this. This is my domain.

I can do this."

You know, he's like,
"I can be everywhere,

and I can be nowhere,"
and I do think he can.

He goes, "I see their fears."

This shadow person
that I saw here,

sitting here, it looked like,
almost like a man.

It's something familiar
to the living people here.

That it would be like...
"That's so-and-so,"

and somehow slightly familiar
where it's disturbing.

He likes to...
twist that Kn*fe.

So, Edward, I was talking
to your wife, Rene,

and she was telling me

that she thinks you're,
like, the target here.

- I mean, do you agree with that?
- Yes, I do.

I think that whatever is here
is focusing in on me.

So tell me
about your experiences.

What have you had?

I've seen shadow figures
in our bathroom,

blocked out the window
for half a second,

and I thought, "What
in the world was that?"

Sure it couldn't have been
maybe a car going by

or somebody walking
along the road?

No. No way.

Our windows are very high up,

so it's not like
it was somebody outside

that had passed the window.

What else is going on?

I have been
physically att*cked.

I have had scratches
from my neck down

to my back and bruises.

What kind of bruises?

I would wake up, on my legs,
big bruises,

and not have a clue
as to where they come from.

Gone to the doctor's
about this?
Yeah. Yeah.

And he says,
"You're healthy as a horse."

Anything else going on
as far as physical att*cks?

One time, I was walking
through my kitchen.

It felt like I got
kicked in the stomach,

and I flew back about 15 feet
and hit my head on the table,

and just about
knocked myself out.

You could've been k*lled.

I'm afraid for my life
in this house.

I feel very confined,
just, like,

something is just
around me all the time

and won't leave me.

This pastor,

now he's showing me
more the image of him --

cape, hat,

very tall,

covering the, lights,

end of the hall.

So I'm thinking that
this is an image

that this person would see.

This living person feels
trapped by

this -- this presence.

Interesting that as soon as
I try to tap the living here,

I'm having issues.

Something important out there.

They don't want me to see it.

I feel like it's still, like,
a living person

that doesn't want me to...

deal with that
or see that or something.

This is something personal,

something they're
connected with.

It's something they
don't want...

Maybe their emotional issues.

Rene explained that you had
some mental issues

from a tough childhood.
- Yeah.

My mother
was clinically insane.

I was put in the orphanage
at the age of 1.

I didn't get adopted
until I was 9 years old.

My father,
he m*rder*d my brothers.

They were 23 months old,
started the house on fire.

You're breaking my heart,
listening to this story.

Do you think because of
your traumatic background

that you're vulnerable?

Yes, I do,

and I think this thing
att*cks the vulnerable.

So would you say that
your mental state

has really deteriorated more
since you moved in here?

- Yes. Yes. Absolutely.
- Okay.

It makes me sick.

This house -- I've gotten,
just for no reason,

I'll run to the bathroom
and get sick.

What do you think
whatever here wants?

I think it's trying
to steal my soul.

I think this thing
wants me dead.

This elemental thing
I saw earlier is bad news.

It makes people sick
and it makes people angry.

Damn. And it -- it --
it causes, um, anxiety.

That thing makes them
more vulnerable.

It wants to k*ll
a living person here.

One thing it kept
showing me was, like,

sacrificing someone
in the house.

So my old friend and author
T.J. Gaffney called me

when he heard I was in town

Rene and Edward's house.

Now he did some digging for me

and says one of the original
owners of the property

had nothing but years
of death and bad luck.

Well, T.J., it's good
to see you again.

You mentioned on the phone that
this Balmer family had nothing

but bad luck when they got
on my clients' property,

but before we get to that,
who are these people,

and when did they get there?

Well, Alexander Balmer
is a Scottish immigrant

who moves to the area
in 1851.


He buys 80 acres that includes
your clients' property,

and they move into
and build a log cabin,

just like the one
we see over here,

with his wife Isabella
and 12 kids.

- In -- in a cabin that size?
- In a cabin that size.

What do they do
with the property?

Well, he's a farmer,
and as you know, back then,

farming was a tough life.

Alexander passes away in 1887
at the age of 84,

and it all starts to go
downhill from there.

What happens with the farm?

Well, it passes
to his son Andrew.

And how does it go for him?

Well, not well.

About 3 years later, his mom
passes away on the farm as well.

Okay, so do we know
what she dies from?

Unfortunately not.

There's no death record
that we've been able to find.

He's got the property.

Both the parents are gone,
so it's his free and clear.

Well, not totally.

He's got three spinster sisters
he's got to take care of.

It's so bad for him
that he never marries,

never gets to start
a family of his own.

I'm getting
so much loss and sadness.

I saw bunches of dead bodies.

I think it has something to do
with this elemental thing.

What does it look like?

Like a cross between

an insect, a snake,

and a tree.

I think it doesn't like
living people.

The other thing
it showed me is that

it can make minis of itself,

and these smaller beings can
be dispatched to do...

bad things,

I'm thinking to the living,
to make them leave.

All right.

So Andrew is there with his
three spinster sisters,

and he's got the farm.
I mean, what happens now?

Well, in 1913, we get
one of the biggest storms

to ever hit the state.
- Okay.

It was so devastating that
the farm never really recovers.

So what happens after that?

Well, one of
the sisters, Janet,

ends up passing later that year
of an abdominal aneurysm.

All right,
says here she was 71.

- Did she die on the property?
- Yes.

What happens with
the other two sisters?

Isabell ends up passing away
3 years after that.

She ends up dying from,
an intestinal cancer,

and again, she passes away
on the property.

Okay, so there's
one sister left.

Does he just cut his losses

and sell the property
with his sister and move on?

Nope. He stays on the property
right until the end of his life,

passes away in 1928 from
pneumonia, also on the property.

You weren't kidding
when you said

their family had
a lot of bad luck.

It seems like every time,
you know,

they started to get ahead

or were moving
in a positive direction,

something negative
happens to 'em.

The elemental thing lives
in this tree.

It's impacting
the living directly.


I hear, "Break things.
Make it hard."

Things will go horribly wrong,

like, you know,
the sewer system went.

Not only did that happen,
but also the car broke.

And not only did that happen,
but also all the TVs exploded.

It's obviously impeding
their lives. It's that bad.

Why is it doing this?

It's saying that the living
started this,

and now it's acting on...

this revenge.

So before
I even got into town,

I reached out to
a local genealogist

and had him start looking
for the property's history.

Now, he just called back
and said, "In the last 50 years,

"four people have d*ed
on Rene and Edward's property,

and two of 'em, way too young."

Well, Walt, it's good
to see you again.

You mentioned on the phone
there were four deaths

in about 50 years in connection
with my clients' property.

- Yes.
- What's the first one?

Well, it was a young couple,
John and Barbara Grimm.

They bought
the property in 1963.

Tragically, in 1967, Barbara was
diagnosed with ovarian cancer.

Two weeks after the diagnosis,
she d*ed in the hospital.

She was only 43 years old.

Okay, so what happened
to the husband?

He started drinking heavily,

and five years after her death,
in 1972, he sold the property.

Three years after that,

he d*ed of
cirrhosis of the liver.

He was only 55 years old.

So that's two
pretty young, sad deaths.

What about the other two?

The third death was a homemaker,
Marguerite Girardi.

She d*ed in 1999 of
a heart att*ck on the property.

She was 67 years old.

All right.
So what about the fourth one?

The fourth was
a World w*r II veteran,

Chester Ulrich.

He had bought
the property in 2002,

and three months later,
he d*ed.

He'd also d*ed
of a heart att*ck.

You know, Walt, I just talked to
another guy a little while ago,

and he told me
about five deaths

associated with
the Balmer family

that used to live
on the property,

and with this four,
that makes nine.

- That's a lot.
- I agree.

A lot of whatever
it's doing now is revenge.

What does this elemental
thing do to the living?

It gets its energy from
the living,

like, energy vampire
kind of thing, I think.

So how would the living
be affected?

It would drain them.
It makes people sick.

Their life source, like,
is being sucked out of them,

and they're turning
into mummies.

It's almost like the person's,
like, dehydrating

and, like, starving to death,

so then it would affect living
people's organs after a while,

so, like, kidney function,

like, issues, okay?

I feel like I was having
a heart att*ck.

After a while of consistently
being exposed to this thing,

the body's not able
to stabilize itself.

The body shuts down.
People die.

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So far, I've got clients
being physically att*cked

on a property connected
to nine deaths,

but I want to see
if there's anything else.

Searching through old records,
I come across a gruesome m*rder

where a husband bludgeoned
his wife to death.

Turns out, the homicide
took place less than a mile

from Rene and Edward's property.

I'm meeting a local historian

who says the story
of this m*rder is so crazy,

it could be made into a movie.

Well, Chris, thanks
for meeting with me.

I appreciate it.

This crazy m*rder you talked
about to me on the phone,

before we get to it, what do
we know about the perpetrator?

Well, his name is
Elmer Smith.

He had a 208-acre farm
about 3/4 mile

from where you guys are

He's got a psycho look
on his face.

You think that's bad,
wait until you see his wife.


In 1937, Elmer marries
Helen Forrest.

She moves on the farm
right away.

As soon as she moved
on the property,

the two began
to fight constantly.

Now they're only married
not even a year,

and she's already
filing for divorce.

Now, Chris, take me
to the day of the m*rder.

What happened?

Well, on Thanksgiving night,
November 24, 1938,

it all kind of came to a head
when a huge argument broke out

between them
about how the farm

was gonna be settled
in the divorce.

The argument raised to the point
where she comes at him

with a kitchen Kn*fe, screaming,
"I've got m*rder in my heart!"


Well, he picks up a piece
of wood from the stove,

hits her upside
of the head with it,

and murders her.

Does he confess?

Well, not right away.
He panics.

He takes the piece of wood,
her clothing, and burns it.

Then he takes the body,
puts it in a large burlap bag,

takes it to the back end
of the farm,

and drops it
in an abandoned well.

So obviously,
he gets arrested,

so they must have
found the body.

- What happened?
- Well, he cracks under pressure,

and he admits to the whole
thing to the sheriff,

and tells them
where the body is at.

Okay, so now, Chris,
does he plead out

or does he go to trial?

There's a 2-week-long
jury trial.

Okay, so what happened?
He gets convicted?

The jury acquits him
of the m*rder.

They acquit him?

The minister
of the Methodist church

that he attended
testified that

he was a religious man
and well-respected,

a mild-mannered individual
who attended church regularly

until the time of the m*rder.

- So now, he's acquitted.
- Yes.

Does he stay on the property,
get married again?

What happens to this guy?

As far as I know,
he stays on the property,

and he lives to the ripe
old age of 72 years old,

passing away in 1955.

There's his death certificate.

He wind up getting away
with m*rder.

You're right.

This could be made into
a movie of the week.

I'm trying to get more on
who this pastor guy was in life.

He's got the Bible in his left
hand, and he wears this outfit,

you know, like the pastors
used to wear

with the big black hat
and the black suit.

Do you get any time period?

I'm gonna place him
in 1940 or on.

Do you know if he has
some connection to the property?

I feel like there was
a different structure,

but he is associating
himself with this place.

I don't know why, yet.

I don't know, so I guess,
he's, like, a psychopath.

And there's another
dead person here.

It's a female.

It's, I think, like,
maybe a wife?

It feels like they might
have been married,

but it wouldn't have been
a real marriage.

I don't know how this person
who d*ed in here d*ed,

but it was not good,
and I'm freaking out

because it was, like,
a struggle.

He's yelling at her.

I could say he was abusive.

I'm seeing him throw
this chick out, outside.

Something about the floors...

He's like, "I keep trying
to clean 'em,

"and I can't get 'em clean.

I can't get 'em clean.
I can't get 'em clean."

I think he k*lled her.

Boom. Done.

I saw a lot of disturbing
things during my walk,

but two stood out.

First, the vengeful creature
I saw outside.

He has created himself
in the image of the tree,

so his skin takes
on the bark appearance.

All right.

His face is
more insect-looking.

There's no nose or mouth
or anything,

and it's kind of
a V-shaped.

Next, I described
the angry pastor.

He has the black jacket

and a white,
buttoned-up shirt.

It's got
that wide-brimmed hat.

Looks like he's been,
like, b*at up.

Amy, is this who you saw?


Now that Amy and I have
completed our investigations,

we're ready to reveal
our findings to each other

and our clients
for the first time.

Well, Amy, I'd like you to meet
Rene and her husband Edward.

Now we're sitting here,
so obviously,

the activity
in this place is bad.

In fact, Rene told me
it's tearing their family apart.

But the real reason
she called us in

is because she thinks
that whatever is here is deadly,

and she's convinced
it's going after Edward.

So now I've introduced
Amy to you guys,

I'm going to ask her
to describe her walk with us.

Interestingly enough,
on this particular walk,

a living person actually
put a little bit of a block up

so that I couldn't get a lot
of, like, personal things.

I got that this person has
a lot of emotional issues

that they don't want
to deal with or discuss.

So you know I told you
how Rene thinks

Edward's the target, right?
- Right.

Well, she also thinks

it's because Edward's got
some emotional problems.


My father m*rder*d
my two brothers in a fire.

I spent 81/2 years
in an orphanage.

It has been a struggle.

It feels like the world
is on top of me.

Amy, do you think Edward
is the person that blocked you?

It's possible.

It's something that you might
be doing inadvertently

as a protection measure
for yourself.

What else was going on?

One of the things
that I saw during my walk

was a deceased female,

and I saw her in
the upstairs bedroom,

the very back one.

That's their bedroom.

She was going through
extreme despair,

and also, I think if anybody
was even slightly sensitive,

they would occasionally
see her.

So, Rene, you told me about
the woman you saw in your bed.

Tell Amy about that.

She turned and looked at me,

and had these, like,
piranha teeth,

and then
she just faded away.

You get any idea who this woman
might have been?

I believe that she was
the wife of a dead male

that is in this house.

I was able to get a lot more
on him than her.

This is not a good guy.

I got that he was from
probably around 1940,

and he kept showing me
a different structure,

but for some reason,

he was associating himself
with this place.

He was wearing a black suit,
round, black hat.

His dress reminded me
of a pastor's dress,

and he kind of claimed
to be a man of God.

And then I got that
at some point,

he changed direction
in his life.

He's extremely angry,
very abusive,

had some serious issues
with his wife.

It didn't feel like
a real marriage.

I saw them fighting
in the back room.

I saw her falling
to the ground.

I saw him throwing her out
of the door and yelling at her.

The woman kept saying,
"I want to die. I want to die."

And then I saw the man trying
to clean the floors inside,

and then he was screaming
at me to get out.

Like, he didn't want me
to see

what the hell
was going on there.

That's pretty interesting stuff
she's just talking about...

because she reminds me
of a homicide

I came across in my research
that happened about 3/4-mile

from where your house is.

Perp was a guy named
Elmer Smith. He was 55.

In 1937, Smith married
a woman named Helen Forrest.

Now as soon as she moved there,

they started fighting
like cats and dogs,

and after less then a year,

Helen told Elmer
she wanted a divorce.

On Thanksgiving night,
November 24, 1938,

Elmer and Helen
had a horrible fight.

Things got violent,
and Helen grabbed a Kn*fe.

Elmer grabs
a piece of firewood...

...and bashes her brain in
and kills her.

The guy you saw
was cleaning the floor

and trying to hide something
from you, right?

Elmer tried to cover up
the homicide.

He took Helen's clothes
and the wood

that he bashed her brains in
with, and he b*rned it.


Then he put Helen's body
into a burlap bag

and basically dumped it down
an old well on the property.

In March of 1939,
he got acquitted by a jury.

Turns out, he was very
well-liked in the community.

In fact,
the local Methodist minister

spoke on Elmer's behalf.

Now, Amy,
you said the guy you saw

was a man of God
until they went crazy.

Well, the minister said in court

that Elmer was in church every
week up until the homicide,

then he stopped going.

Now I was able to track down
a photo of Elmer.

He's a real peachy-looking
type of guy.

Is it possible Elmer's
the guy you saw?

I had a sketch done.

This guy's creepy looking.

You guys take a look.

- Wow.
- I can see it.

Mouth's perfectly the same.

The nose is perfectly the same.

It's him.

So does this pastor guy
do anything to these two?

I think
there's a couple of ways

that you would be able
to interact with him.

You would see him,
more than likely

as an apparition
or shadowy figure

with his hat.

Sometimes, we will see
a tall shadow figure

with a hat.

One of the things that he was
very proud of is that

he can go inside
of your minds

while you're asleep
and enter your dreams,

and he can manipulate them,

so I would assume that you would
have serious sleep issues.

When I'm trying to
go to bed,

the thoughts will start
flying through my head,

just terrible things
of car crashes,

and I've actually
heard in my head,

"You know, you really should
k*ll yourself

and do them a favor."

The thing that
concerned me the most

is that he could potentially
get physical with the living,

and what I got was
specifically pushing,

punching, and scratching.

I woke up and have felt that
I've been punched in the face.

You also get the feeling
of being choked, right?


I mean, like, the finger
down the throat.


Edward, do me a favor,
and tell Amy about

when you got att*cked
in the kitchen.

I got kicked violently
in the chest.

I flew back, hit my head.

And it totally
knocked me stupid.

This is all being caused
by this pastor guy?

- Yeah.
- I'm frightened.

The next thing I saw
is a huge problem

and has me very concerned.

So what I ran into outside

is what's called
an earth elemental.

So this is being that was
originally part of the Earth,

but something
caused this thing

to separate itself
from the Earth,

and it became its own
conscious entity.

I think that this thing,
more than likely,

has affected every person
who's ever lived here,

and what it likes to do

is create hardships
in people's lives.

And in some
very extreme cases,

it could cause death.

I did see a lot of
dead bodies during my walk,

and I think they might
be from this thing.

There have been a lot of deaths
on the property over the years,

but individually,

none of them are
that shocking to me.

But the sheer number of
the people who have d*ed here

is what stands out to me.

I'll take the Balmer family.

They bought this property
back in 1851.

Now, five of them d*ed
right here on the property.

I've got
their death certificates.

It's just a whole bunch of 'em.

So I had
a local genealogist look into

the more recent deaths
on your property,

and he came up
with four in 50 years.

- So I got...
- Wow.

...another bunch
of death certificates

to go with the property.

And the causes of death
cover the spectrum.

I mean, we're talking
heart att*cks,

abdominal problems,
intestinal cancer, you name it.

Now, is this elemental thing
possibly the reason

for the deaths
you're talking about?

It could've caused
some of 'em.

Could people see this elemental?
What does it look like?

I did have a sketch
of what I saw.

The hell is this?


This thing's alive?

In a way.

Does this thing live
in the tree in the backyard?

So why don't we just go outside,
cut it down, and get rid of it?


Why not?

Well, it'll just go to another
tree, or it'll go in the Earth.

When he's collected
enough energy,

he can break off into
little miniatures of himself,

and these are
the parts of him

that are able to
create chaos in your lives,

and so kind of
what I got was that,

all of a sudden,
everything will break down.

Your car will break
down one day.

The next day, it'll be
your A/C, which is not good.

I'm so tired of living like this
because now I'm right back to,

"My gosh,
the car is broke now.

"The freezer
is full of maggots.

"The dishwasher broke,

and the sink in the bathroom
broke today."

The other way
that it can harm you is,

when it cut itself off
from the Earth directly,

it lost its source of food,

and now what it has to do
is feed off of living organisms,

specifically living people
and occasionally animals.

So, Rene, can you tell Amy
about the animals,

situations going on with them?

They die mysteriously.

We don't understand
what or how they die.

So, Rene, can you do me a favor,
and tell Amy

how you feel drained
all the time in the house?

Yeah, absolutely.
No energy whatsoever.

I'll get up after
sleeping 12 hours,

and within three hours,
I'm back in bed.

Long-term exposure to
this thing can lead to death.

I saw very specifically
organ-function issues,

liver, kidneys, your heart,

so that's why
some of these deaths

may have been caused by it,
you know,

especially people who are
already compromised.

Your health has declined
since you've moved to the house.

Yes. I just feel like
it's attacking me personally,

physically and mentally
and emotionally.

All right.
So what does this thing want?

It blames living people
for ruining its land.

It actually became
fueled by revenge,

and it's trying to stop
at nothing to get you to leave.

If you stayed here long enough,
it would suck you dry.

- It is, yeah.
- That's exactly what we say.

And it's, "My gosh,

is the light being sucked
out of us?"

Are they in a lot of danger?

Yeah. Yeah.

It wants you to die.

So, Rene, you called us in

because you thought Edward was
in danger and needed saving.

You were right about that,
but based on what Amy told us,

you're in a lot of danger, too.

So now the big question is, can
you stay here and fight back,

or do you need to get out
while you still can?

So for that answer, I'm gonna
turn it over to Amy.

My overall suggestion

would be to move.


This would leave no energy
source for the elemental,

and I think he would
then pass away.

But if you wanted to stay...

you would need to have
a male voodoo priest come

and do a ritual
in order to expel him.

Why do you need a male voodoo
priest to get rid of the pastor?

Because it's something that
would absolutely terrify him.

He thinks that he has
religion on his side.

The second thing
would be to find

a Native American
holy person

to try to deal
with the elemental.

I don't know if that person
would be 100% successful,

so that's where
you're taking the chance.

It's a 50/50 sh*t,
and if it doesn't work,

that thing will eventually
k*ll you if you stay here.


You really want to take
a 50% chance on your life?

- No.
- No. It's not worth it.

I want to live.
I wanna be happy.

This thing has tried to k*ll me
a couple of times,

and I got lucky.

I want away from it.

You kind of gotta make
a hard decision.

I don't see a way out.

We've been looking
at houses already.

We'll be prepared,
at least emotionally.

It's been a 4-year nightmare,

and this is the first help
that I've received.

It's a miracle that
we're sitting in front of you.

It really is, and I can't
thank you enough.

I'm all right with
the answer, though.

Didn't end well,

but we do
have a new beginning.

Rene and Edward
could have a voodoo priest

remove the pastor guy,

but there's no guarantee
a Native American holy person

could get rid
of the elemental,

so I really hope they take
my advice and move.

If they do that, they should
be able to lead

a safe and peaceful life.
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