09x06 - The Uninvited

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dead Files". Aired: September 2011 to present.*
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"The Dead Files" features two independent investigations into locations that are reported to be haunted. One investigation is performed by a psychic medium, while a former NYPD homicide detective investigates. Each show concludes with a meeting, where they discuss their findings together with the victims.
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09x06 - The Uninvited

Post by bunniefuu »

It's another dimension.

The energy is insane.

It's attacking my kids.

The threat level is high.

He was found with his head
blowed off with a shotgun.

He met with
an unfortunate accident.

I can't sleep.
I can't do anything.

This is a very bad space.

This is not a good situation.

My name is Amy Allan.

There's death here.

Don't wanna go down there.

I see dead people.

They hide in the walls
and they watch.

I speak to dead people...

She's definitely
a serial k*ller.

...and they speak to me.

She's going to t*rture them.

But there's only one way to know
if my findings are real.

They were all m*rder*d.

I rely on my partner.

I'm Steve Di Schiavi.

I'm a retired New York City
homicide detective.

So is this the only time
you've been physically att*cked?

And I know every person,
every house has secrets.

There's no question in my mind
that he was talking about Satan.

It's my job to reveal them.

Who do you think
possessed you?

But Steve and I
never speak...

We never communicate
during an investigation.

...until the very end.

Well, you're not gonna want
to see this.

When we uncover if it's safe
for you to stay...

Hell, no.

Or time to get out.

Everyone is in jeopardy.

I'm in Slaughters, Kentucky.

It's a tiny town
with a strange name,

about 2 hours north
of Nashville.

I got a call
from a woman named Holly.

Now, she says whatever
is in her house

already wrecked her marriage

and now it's going after
her kids.

She's really praying we can
help her out.

Before Amy arrives,
I clear the house

of any leading information.

Photographs, religious texts,

even dream catchers
can influence her findings,

so it's important I cover
or remove them all.

When I'm done, the location will
be ready for tonight's walk.


Dreams -- big issue here.

There's a thing in the dreams
people experience,

and it's not good.

And the thing about the dreams

is that you can't
fully remember,

like, everything that happens,
but it's super bad.

I'm not sure about this yet,

but if it is taking
living energy from people,

in the end, they would die.

You know, Holly,
I speak to a lot of people

who really want us
to come investigate,

but when I spoke to you,

the sound of desperation
was...through the roof.

It is. We've been living
with this for a lot of years,

and it's just getting worse,

and it's time to do
something about it

'cause I can't do it

I can't protect everybody.

Now on the phone, you said
that whatever is going on here

wrecked your marriage.

How long have you guys
been separated?

About 2 years.

Who else is living here?

Well, here's a picture.

This is Frank.

Okay. So what's the story
with Frank?

He's been a good friend
of ours.

You guys aren't boyfriend
and girlfriend?

No, mnh-mnh. No, just
a real good friend.

He's like a rock.

Okay. Who else
is in the picture?

That's my son, Ryan.

- He's 11.
- Okay.

Me, and my daughter, Tila,
she's 24, and her fiancé, John.

He's 28.

Tell me what you guys
are going through.

Well, we're hearing voices.

We're seeing shadow figures.

People are having
health problems, you know,

physical att*cks
and personality changes.

When you say
personality changes,

you talking about
your husband?

Yes. Sean was
a very fun-loving man.

He was happy.

And, just, he became...


He'd pick fights with me.

If Amy comes right out
and says,

"Listen, the paranormal in this
house caused Sean to change,"

would you consider, then, maybe
trying to get back with him?

I still love him,
but I don't know.

A lot has been said and done
that's very painful.

What do you think is here?

I think that there's
something very dark.

I think it's something evil.

This is wrong.

I heard "chaos."

I heard a fight in here
between two living people.

And I see a male,

and he's extremely upset,

and he's over this...

I'm assuming, a woman,
yelling at her.

She's crying,
and he's just going off,

yelling, yelling, yelling.

Woman's freaking out,
crying, crying, crying.

All right. So what's
going on in this room?

One day, I walked in here.

I was super frustrated,

and, I said, out loud,

"I sure ain't gonna
stay here,"

and I heard this voice,
like, right here,

right next to me, "Why?"

It was a male voice,
just as plain as day,

like somebody
was standing there,

but there was nobody there.

Was the radio on,
maybe something else

that could've made
that noise?

No, there was nothing on.

That's a little creepy.
Have you ever heard that again?

Yes. He tries to talk
to me, calls my name.

All right.
So anything else?

When I'm here, I feel
sickness and, um, despair.

Describe the despair
you feel.

The other day --
I'll give you an example.

I'm cleaning in here

and I started feeling
really depressed,

and I just felt like,
"Jeez, what's it all worth?"

and just, out of the blue,
just started to cry.

You also mentioned sickness.

I have pain in my stomach,
generally on the right side.

It's stabbing, like I'm being
stabbed with something.

And how are you feeling,
now that we're in here?

It hurts.

It's just pushing,
pushing real hard.



Don't like this place.

It's almost
like you walk in here,

and it's just
squishing you down.

I don't like it in there.

İt's bad in there.

I feel nauseous, sick...

And dizzy.

Like, when I say dizzy, like,
this is...intense dizziness.

There's no ground here at all.

I feel like the living, if they
spend time in this area,

would become
extraordinarily depressed.

They would lose time in here.

That's the thing here is, like,
dreams and reality,

there's, like, no line here.

This is a very bad space.

Okay, so what's
going on up here?

One night, when I come up
to go to bed,

I'd seen a shadow figure,
humped out,

kind of leaning over like it
was gonna get on the bed.

What did it do?

It turned quick to look at me
and then just disappeared.

All right.
So anything else?

I hear my door open,

and I see this shadow
of a man peeking in.

Okay, so it looks like
the shadow figure you see.


What do you mean

Sometimes, it'd look like
Sean, my husband.

- Is he here?
- No, no.

- Are you sure?
- Positive.

I went and checked.
Nobody was here.

How the hell
do you sleep here?

Well, I have nightmares.

What kind of nightmares?

fighting something evil.

I've always remembered
all of my dreams.

These here
are very, very bad.

I love my home,
but I sometimes

just don't even want to
be here anymore.


There's a thing that's
giving everyone nightmares.

I think that thing is
on the ceiling.

Can you describe it?

The closest thing
would be, like,

a cross between a little dragon
and a gargoyle,

but it has the long arms, like,
the spider arms.

How would the living experience
the dream state from this thing?

Like they're having a dream,

but the experiences they're
having in the dream are real,

so the whole thing gets
all kinds of crazy and fuzzy

in their head as far as
what's real, what's not real.

I wouldn't want to stay here.

So, Ryan, how old are you?

- It seems like everybody

is having experiences
in the house.

Now what about you?

He had a hat on,
like a w*r hat.

Could you see through
this person,

or was this somebody
that was...

He was black.

Did you think it was
a dream?


Okay, Ryan.
Anything else?

I get tired.

What do you think
it could be?

He's trying to make me go
to sleep and give me nightmares.

Okay, so you think it could be
that man you saw.


So, Ryan, how would you feel
if we were able to get

all the bad spirits
out of the house?

I think it would make
my family feel better,

and I think the air
would let up.


It feels like I'm on

the teacup ride

when it spins like crazy.

The energy
is...insane in this room.

It's super bad.

Nobody should go in this room.

I think the living are seeing it
as a shadow person,

but it's not.

It's that...that thing is,

the dragon/gargoyle thing.

Then it gets really little

and it crawls down
the closet door.

It is affecting the living
here, where a child sleeps.

That thing enters
people's dreams,

but they don't necessarily
have to be completely asleep.

It scares the kid.

This thing is just
taking his energy.

What is this?

So, Frank, I was talking
to Holly today.

She was telling me about all
the stuff going on here.

Now she said that you guys
have been friends a long time.

Yeah, about 6 years.

Nothing romantic
with you and her.

No, no, just friends.

Okay, so I know everybody is
having experiences in the house.

- How about you?
- I have a lot of chest pains.

Can you describe how you're
feeling with these chest pains?

I got a s*ab right here,
right through.

It's funny you mention
a stabbing pain

'cause Holly told me about
a stabbing pain she gets.


Do you think it's paranormal,
you having these problems?

I think so, because when
I leave here, they go away.

Anything else?

I've been pushed down
the stairs, once.

Okay. Did you get hurt?

I grabbed the rail beside me

and put my hand on
the wall in front of me.

So you didn't make it
down the stairs.

So you're pretty lucky.
You could have got k*lled.

I feel like I'm being hit
on the left side,

in my temple,

very sharp blow
to the left temple.


Is that
the dragon-gargoyle thing?

I think so.

I think it's hitting people.

Does it do
anything else physical?


I was talking to your mom.
She's going through a lot.

She thinks that the house
changed Sean

and it destroyed
the marriage.

Do you agree with that?

Yeah, definitely has to do
with this house.

My mom and dad, all of us
have always been really close.

All right.
Now what about you?

Have you had any changes
in your personality?

I just feel really
depressed and tired,

and I'm just not me
in this house.

Seems like everybody is
having experiences in the house.

Pretty confident you have?

- Yeah.
- Okay. Let's talk about 'em.

I have these nightmares.

Okay. Can you
describe the dreams?

I've seen this man,

and he's physically
harming me.

He will choke me.

He will grab my ribs,
and he always says

if I tell anybody,
he's going to hurt me.

I've actually had time
where I have woken up before,

and I had, like,
scratches all down my neck

where I guess
I had been struggling back.

Okay, so you think
you did the scratches,

trying to stop yourself
from being choked.


And this is happening
every night?

Pretty much every night.

All right.
That's no way to live.

No, it's not.

I just
want to be able to sleep.

Yeah. It doesn't sound
like you can, honey.

Yeah. I feel like
I'm the target,

and that just everybody
is in the way.


I don't know what I did.

Anything else?

I've seen this thing
crawl across my bed.

Okay. I know you guys got
a lot of animals here.

At that point, I didn't have
no animals in my room.

So what did it look like?

Like a dog, but its back legs
were, like, very deformed.

Okay. That must have scared
the hell out of you.


It just wasn't
a good feeling at all.

Anything else happening?

Just before you got here,
I tried to lay down,

and I...
my heart starts racing

and I lose my breath,

and it feels like
a weight's on me,

and I just know
he's laying on top of me.

Is it the same man
from your dreams?


I can't sleep.
I can't do anything.

He's following me around.
He's laying on top of me.

I don't know what I did.

Sweetie, you didn't do

We'll get through this together
and we'll figure something out.


That sound like a plan?

It sounds like
a really nice one.

This is horrible.

I'm seeing a living person,
so I don't know

if this is
the kind of possession.

Like, when I think
of possession,

I think of, like, a demon.

This is an alien-type

possibly an experiment.

Is the dragon-gargoyle thing
doing this?

- Yes.
- So it's an alien?


How is this affecting
the living person?

It's erasing that person.

Like, that person
and that personality

before this
does not exist anymore.

They're not even, like,
human anymore.

To us human beings,
these things are bad.


Torturing children,

they possibly caused somebody
to k*ll themselves.

They try to k*ll people.

This town is tiny --
218 people.

Everybody knows
everybody's business,

so when I called
the local genealogist,

she knew all about
Holly's property.

Turns out, a family that
used to live there

suffered some tragic deaths

I'm definitely gonna want
to know about.

So, Mandee, this family
that suffered

right around my client's
property, who were they?

It was
Sally and A.J. Couch.

They actually bought
the property in 1910.

Okay. Now, you said
there were some deaths.

When was the first one?

It was actually a few years
prior to that.

They had a year-old son
that passed away.

Did they have
any other kids?

- Yes. They had four daughters.
- All right.

So what happened after they
moved onto the land there?

Everything was going good
until 1933.

A.J. ended up dying at 63.

He had an inflamed heart.

Pretty much this whole family
had heart problems.

I'm seeing a male here.

He lived here,

and he was probably in his 60s.

And I'm also getting
that choking feeling.

I cannot stop it.
I cannot swallow.

And then struggling.

The old man died,

and he's being taken in
by these gargoyle things.

He's just being wrapped
and taken in to the darkness.

Okay, so Sally's lost
her baby boy and her husband.

- Are there any more deaths?
- Yes.

In 1938, their daughter, Lockie,
dies of a hysterectomy

while she was actually
on the surgery table.

And then here's
her death certificate.

She was
only 40 years old.

Anything else?

In 1947 in August,

Sally actually has
a heart attack

and dies as well.

You know, I always expect
to see deaths on a property,

especially with people
there that long,

but when you said "untimely,"
you were right.

I mean, a few of these
are really sooner

than it should have been.

Do you know where
these dragon-gargoyle things

are taking the old man?

They're taking him to
this hole outside.

It's very large.

I think the hole
is another dimension.

It's been around forever.

It only lets things out
that are negative.

The gargoyle came
from this hole.

I think that thing
within this hole

can take people.

It takes the souls.

So far, I've got
a client who believes

the paranormal destroyed
her marriage

on a property where
at least two people died.

But I want to see
if there's anything else.

Searching through old records,
I come across Stephen Coffman,

who used to own
my client's land.

Turns out his nephew and his son
were brutally m*rder*d

within 6 years of each other.

I've tracked down
a local crime writer

who used to be a cop.

Now he says the family
never saw justice

for either one
of those homicides.

Well, Steve, thanks
for meeting up with me.

I appreciate that.

What can you tell me
about the family

that owned
my client's property?

Stephen Osborne Coffman

inherited the property
around 1896.

Okay, so take me through
the first homicide.

Well, the first homicide
occurred in 1899.

It involved
Oz's son, William.

He was 22 years of age.

He's in a bar with a friend
of his in Tennessee.

A guy comes out of
the bathroom.

He's 25.
His name is William Morrison.

Morrison had a reputation
not only as being this thug

but with a real nasty temper.

He feels that the Coffman boy
tripped him.

Morrison pulls out a w*apon,
fires three times.

The Coffman boy goes down,
and he dies.

Okay, so what happens?

Morrison gets convicted.

About 21/2 years
into his sentence,

he escapes from prison.

He stays a fugitive
for almost 17 to 18 years.

All right.
Now there was two murders.

- Right.
- What was the second one?

The second homicide was
involving Stephen's son,

and his son's name
was William.

- Another William.
- Another William.

- Okay.
- This occurred on May 6, 1905.

Okay, so what happens?

Well, William is riding his
horse in Slaughters, Kentucky,

and he comes upon a neighbor
by the name of Paul Campbell.

- Okay.
- There is an argument,

and the argument,
evidently, got pretty heated,

and Paul draws a w*apon

and sh**t William.

He dies.

All right. So you told me
on the phone

they both got away
with m*rder here.

So what happened
with this kid, Paul?

The grand jury came back
and rendered a no bill.

He's not convicted.

He can walk a free man.

a pretty messed-up story.

So the guy that owned my
client's property at the time,

Stephen Coffman,
loses a nephew...

...and a son
within a few years...

...both to m*rder.

And neither one of
those cases

really had
any justice at all.

That's correct.

I'm seeing a male out here.

He didn't get sucked into
the hole.

He gave it hell, and he won,

and he's here in this reality.

He was a tough...

And I do get that he was
a World w*r II vet.

Somebody says that he met
with an unfortunate accident.

He has tried to protect
living people.

He said he's tried to warn them
about this hole

and the dragon-gargoyle things,

and he said
it was a waste of his time

and a waste of his energy.

It made him sick, so finally,
he just stopped.

Now he doesn't bother.

He's like, "Trust me.
People got the...message.

They just didn't bother
to listen to it."

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I'm heading out to meet
the local sheriff.

He was digging through
old records and found a case

I'm definitely interested in.

Turns out, a beloved deputy
was gunned down and k*lled here.

But then the town took matters
into its own hands

and got revenge.

Well, Sheriff,
thanks for meeting me here.

I appreciate that.

What can you tell me about
this m*rder you found?

In December of 1898,

Town Marshall William McGary
and Deputy Lorenzo Ashby

went to Henry Gooch's residence,
a local farmer,

to serve a warrant
for disturbing the peace.
All right.

So now, how far is this place
from my client's property?

a few hundred yards away.

Okay, so what happens next?

Well, the three men were
standing out in the front lawn.

Jody, the son of Mr. Gooch,

walks up and sh**t
both lawmen in the head.

Now are they both
dead on the scene?

Amazingly, McGary ran off.

But he had to be
injured pretty bad.

- How bad was it?
- He had an eye put out.

Okay. Now what about
the other guy?

The partner, Mr. Ashby,
he went into a coma

and lingered around
for a few days,

and he died.
- Okay.

And here is some information
from the local paper.

All right.
So Jody is on the loose.

- Does he get arrested?
- Yes.

Now, Sheriff, you mentioned,
on the phone

that townspeople got

What did you mean by that?

In June of 1899,
Henry Gooch,

he was found on the south end
of town in Slaughters

with his head blowed off,
probably with a shotgun.

Here's how the local newspaper
covered the story, Steve.

Okay, so now
this guy is dead.

- Did they arrest anybody for it?
- Yes.

Eventually, they arrested
William McGary.

He was the town marshal.

- He's the guy that...
- Lost his eye.

...lost his eye.
Okay. Did the marshal
go to trial?

- Yes, he did.
- Okay?

And he was found
not guilty.

So what happened
with this kid, Jody Gooch,

who started this whole mess?

Jody was found guilty
in December of 1899

and convicted of manslaughter
and sentenced to 8 years.

Strangely, Steve,
a few years later,

he was pardoned by the governor
and released in 1902.

Okay, so this kid only serves
3 years for this whole thing?


Now when he gets out,
does he stay in Slaughters?

No. He leaves Slaughters
and never comes back.

Well, he was smarter
than his father,

that's for sure.
- That's right.

What do these dragon-gargoyle
things want from the living?

They seem to just be taking us

and causing us to die.

They're actually
taking energy of people.

So how much danger
would you say

people living here
would be in from this?

...A lot.

You have people who have been
influenced enough to die,

and you have a child
who is giving its energy

over to this thing,

so I would say that the threat
level here is relatively high.

This was
a very disturbing walk,

but the dragon-gargoyle thing
is clearly the biggest threat.

This thing was coming out
of the darkness.

Very bulbous eyes,
daddy long leg arms.

It was, like,
crawling down the closet.-

Next, I described this creature
possessing a living woman.

This person,

their bones, everything
was turning black.

Their heart has turned
fully black.

They have an evil smile.

Amy, is this what
you saw?


Now that Amy and I have
completed our investigations,

we're ready to reveal
our findings to each other

and our clients
for the first time.

Amy, this is Holly
and her daughter, Tila.

Let's just say these guys
really need our help.

They share this house
with three guys.

This is Tila's fiancé, John.

This is Holly's friend, Frank,
and this is Holly's son, Ryan,

who is 11 years old.

Everyone is
experiencing activity,

but my heart really goes out
to Tila.

She's going through
a hell of a time

and is convinced the activity
is all her fault.

Now that Amy knows
who you guys are,

I'm going to ask her
to describe her walk.

This was a very interesting
walk, to say the least.

I was upstairs in the pretty big
bedroom, and it was really big.

I encountered
a residual impression

of two people arguing.

One was a male, probably
in his mid-to-late 40s,

and he was kind of
standing over this woman,

who was seated in a chair.

He was all screaming at her
because he didn't believe

what she was describing,

She was crying
and freaking out.

And it was odd to me
because I knew

that the man had
had experiences himself,

so that was
a little upsetting.

You know, Holly,
that sounds a lot like

you and your estranged
husband, Sean.

He would get
extremely angry.

I would try to tell him
what you just described,

and he said,
"Well, call me crazy.

I don't see anything.
Nothing happens here."

- Did he have experiences?
- Yes.

He was the love of my life.

- He was just...
- I'm sorry.

...so sweet, and then
just, he was mean.

Wow, that's bad.

- Yeah.
- Very bad.

So what else?

I went outside, um,
by the little sheds,

and I saw this dead man,

and he had on overalls
and a little cap.

He used to try
and protect the living

from something
dangerous outside,

and then he said that
he stopped.

He just stopped doing it
because nobody was listening.

I got that he was
a World w*r II vet

and that he's really tough
but overall,

a really good person
at heart,

and then unfortunately,
I got that he did die

in a really terrible

I didn't come across anybody
in my research

that was a World w*r II vet.

But does it sound like anybody
you guys know?

My dad was
a World w*r II veteran.

- Wow.
- Did he die in a bad accident?

- Yes.
- Wow.

My dad was on top
of the tractor,

driving down the road,

and the man was joking around,
swerving behind him,

when he hit the back
of the tractor

and went overtop of my dad.

My god.

So, Holly, it sounds like
your Pop is out there,

looking out for you guys.

It makes me want to cry.

Were you close with him?

Yeah, yeah.

I've had a hard time forgiving
the man that hit him.

This man cheated me.
It hurts.

I know.

So what else happened
on the walk?

So the next entity that I saw
is really the main problem.

It's kind of unusual.

Like I said, this was
a very interesting case.

It can take on
multiple forms.

It looks like a cross between,
like, a little dragon

and a gargoyle with
a little bit of a spider.

Never thought of that,
to use as description for it.

It was crawling across my bed.

It had a really long face.

The only way
I could describe it

was like a dog
with d*sfigured back legs.

- You okay?
- Yeah.

The living could also interpret
this as a shadow figure.

It can cause dizziness,
sickness, and nauseous.

It's also extremely physical.

At one point, it hit me
on the side of my head.

It felt like
I was getting punched.

A lot of what you talked about

is what the family
has been experiencing.

Holly, just tell Amy
how everybody

is getting sick in the house.

I feel a stabbing
in my right side.

Frank never had heart problems
until he moved into the house.

Now you said this thing
gets physical.

He was also telling me that
he was coming down the stairs.

Out of nowhere, he felt, like,
man hands pushed him.

Tila has been
physically att*cked, too.

Yeah. It looks like a man
around 6-foot tall.

Whenever he's in my room,
he circles my bed,

and he taunts me, and I could
feel him laying on me,

and I can't breathe,
and I can't move.

I can't sleep.

The thing that was
concerning me the most,

upstairs in
the blue bathroom...

Okay. That's Ryan's room.

...I saw the same entity
slithering down the wall

to scare this kid.

One of the things
that this thing is doing

is draining the energy
from the child,

and I did
have a sketch done.

That's pretty freaky.

My god.

That's in Ryan's room?

I was worried about my brother.

I don't ever want him
going in there again.

You've seen that upstairs?

Yes, but it's...

not just upstairs.

What really freaked me out

is that it can enter
people's dreams.

It gives people horrible,
horrible nightmares.

The people don't even
have to be asleep.

I've had
some really bad dreams.

Had one last week
that Tila died.

I woke up.
My face was soaking wet.

I was balling my eyes out.

This man is always in my dream,

and he's always choking me,
or he's grabbing onto my ribs,

and I can actually feel
this pain when I wake up.

It actually feels like
breaking bones.

Now you had scratch marks.

They were all over my neck,

My mother, when I woke up,
she said,

"What'd you do to yourself?"

I was just trying to stop
from being choked.

On your property,
I saw this vast hole.

This hole has been there
since the beginning of time,

and very negative things
come out of this space

into our reality,

including the thing
I've been talking about.

This hole is basically
another dimension.

I would refer to these beings

as interdimensional
entities or aliens.

My god.

And the dreams that
you guys are having

are, in fact, not really
dreams at all.

It's actually happening
but in a different dimension.

They're taking you
into their reality,

and that's why they're
so extremely vivid


'cause it's actually something
that is happening.

Okay. And these are aliens.



I'm lost for words.
I don't know what to say.

I'm scared it's not
going to end.

Are you okay?

I'm not, but I will be.

To us, they're
extremely dangerous

because they do t*rture.

I'm seeing them
also k*ll people.

They will get people
to k*ll themselves,

and I think,
over the years,

a lot of people have died
around here because of them.


I don't know if this has
anything to do with aliens,

but there have been a lot of
strange deaths on your property.

For example, the Couch family
that lived in your house,

they moved in around 1910.

Now while they were here,

three family members died
way too young.

- Wow.
- I actually have

a stack of death certificates
right here for them.

Then we've got Stephen Coffman.

Now, in 1899,
Stephen's nephew, William,

got shot by a guy
in a bar in Tennessee.

This kid was 22
at the time of his death.

1905, his son was also 22, got
into a fight with a neighbor,

real close to where we are,

and the neighbor shot
and k*lled him.

Now, could these things
be responsible

for any of these deaths?

a huge possibility.

So on the ground level,

the small bedroom

where, when you open
the door, you hit the bed...

That's Tila's room.

This thing
is targeting you.

And I had a sketch done
of what I saw.

I don't even know if I want
to show this to you.


I knew it was targeting me.
I knew it.

What exactly is
this thing trying to do to her?

It's taking over your soul.

But it's also affecting
you physically...

...and it's starting to
strip you of your humanity,

your personality, the you.

They're working towards
making you k*ll yourself.

My god.

I used to be always happy.

When I'm at home,
I'm just depressed,

and I don't want
to do anything.

I'm so tired all the time.

You don't feel
like yourself anymore?

I'm sorry.

This is not something that
Tila brought on herself.

- Right?
- No.

We'll figure this out
one way or another. Okay?

Got to.
It's attacking my kids.

So sorry.

It's not your fault.

- I love you.
- I love you.

You know, I've worked with Amy
for over 6 years now,

and I thought I've heard
it all, but tonight,

I'm as stunned
as you guys are.

Now one thing is obvious.

You probably have a lot of
work ahead of you,

and to find out what it's going
to take to get out of this mess,

I'm gonna turn it over to Amy.

Basically, this thing
is something

that has just
been there forever.

So given that, I think the best
thing you can do is to move...

...probably as quickly
as possible.

In the meantime, you should
get religious items,

put them all over the house,

and carry them
on yourselves as well.

Have these reblessed
every week until you move.

Once you vacate
the property,

you need an exorcism done

by the religious person
of your choosing.

The second thing
that you have to do

is to have a series
of 10 Reiki sessions.

This is just to keep you
balanced, grounded.


If she doesn't do anything,
what happens?

You'll probably die.

You guys have that
shocked look on your face.

Honestly, I'd rather it be me
than my little brother.

I knew something was wrong,
and I waited so long.

So if she does all this stuff,
this alien will be out of her?


Holly, are you going
to sell this house?

- Yes.
- Okay.

It hurts, but yes.

The house is important,
but my kids are more important.

Well, the big question is,
Tila, are you going to do it?

I gotta.

I want a family some day,
and it's worth a life.

You know, I'm scared,
but I'm not going to let it win.

The only way this family
can remain safe

is to move as far away
as possible.

If they do that and contact
a religious leader

to perform an exorcism on Tila,

she and her family
can leave the aliens behind

and begin a peaceful life
someplace new.
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