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03x09 - Mama Binturong

Posted: 11/08/21 06:59
by bunniefuu
♪ Opening Theme song Playing...

♪ Ngoma wa kumbe, kumbe ♪

♪ Ngoma ma tuimbe, tuimbe ♪

♪ Ma makumve! ♪

♪ Kweli kweli, Ma makumve! ♪

♪ Kweli, kweli... ♪

♪ Ngoma wa kumbe, kumbe ♪

♪ Ngoma ma tuimbe, tuimbe ♪

♪ Tutazame, Zame, Zame ♪

♪ Tutazame, Zame, Zame ♪

♪ Na farana!
Bayahiki dana! ♪

♪ Bayahiki dana! ♪

♪ Tutsiyama njama ♪

♪ Sona wana mbandi
nawa ni awa simba ♪

♪ Ma Tutawa saidia ♪

♪ Wanyama, ote wanyama! ♪

♪ Tutawese farana simba ♪

♪ Tutawese farana simba ♪

♪ Tutawese kwene, ♪

♪ Lethu wese' Ingonyama! ♪

♪ Tutawese farana simba ♪

♪ Tutawese farana simba ♪

♪ Tutawese kwene, ♪

♪ 'gonyama, Ingonyama! ♪

♪ Bayahiki dana! ♪

♪ Na simba kulindana! ♪

Looks like Beshte's
made another friend.

Everywhere we go.

So Tenuk, there a lot of good
plants to eat in this forest?

Ah, the best!

Fruits, berries, leaves.
You name it.

How are the bugs?

Uh, couldn't tell ya.

Tapirs don't eat bugs.
Common knowledge, really.

You don't know
what you're missing.

Gonna be
in these parts long?

I'd love to introduce you
to my friends.

Hey, guys,
say hi to my new friend, Beshte.

- Hi, Beshte!
- Hi, Beshte!


Folks sure are friendly here.

Yeah. And you're welcome
to stay here

as long as you like.

Yeah, well,

we're just passing through,
right, Kion?


Okay. Well, if there's
anything you need

while you're here,
just let me know.

And I mean, anything.

Oh, we can always use
more Tuliza.


I take it back!

Go away! Leave me alone!

Was it something I said?

Good gracious!
What's going on?

What did you do to Tenuk?

Nothing. We didn't mean
to scare him. Honest.

Yeah. I guess,
he just doesn't like Tuliza.

- Tuliza!
- Tuliza!


What's going on
around here?

Yeah. Everybody's running away from
Makini whenever she says Tuliza.

Ah, Tuliza! Ahhh!

I don't think
it's about Makini.

Beshte's right.
It's something about Tuliza.

- Tuliza?
- Maybe they're scared of Tuliza?

Scared? Of a flower?

Well, they're sure scared
of something.

Oh, ho, ho, I gotta tell Mama.


- Hey, watch where you're going.
- Let me through.

I gotta talk to Mama.

Oh, Mama!
Mama! Mama!

Yes, dear. What is it?

There's a bunch of strange
animals in the forest

and they're talking
about Tuliza.

Tuliza, you say?

The most wonderful,

delicious flower there is.

Do these strangers have some?
Or, do they want some?

I don't know, Mama.

Well, if they want some,
they can't have it.

And if they have some,
then I want it.

And we all know why,
don't we?

Because the Tuliza is all...


- Yes, Mama. - Yes, Mama. - Yes, Mama.
- Yes, Mama. - Yes, Mama. - Yes, Mama.

You're all such good boys.

- Thank you, Mama. - Thank you, Mama.
- Thank you, Mama. - Thank you, Mama.

And you all know your place.

That's right.
You're the boss!

Yes. Mama's the boss.

And nobody messes with me...

Or my Tuliza!

♪ You best not mess
with Mama ♪

♪ 'Cause Mama's always right ♪

♪ And if you mess with Mama
You're gonna lose that fight ♪

♪ Now Mama loves her boys
They know that she knows best ♪

♪ When you're on Mama's
♪ ood side ♪

♪ She'll take care
of all the rest ♪

♪ No, yeah, you best not ♪
♪ mess with Mama ♪

♪ You'll find out if you do ♪

♪ A whole mess of trouble ♪

♪ Will come raining
down on you ♪

♪ And if you mess
with my Tuliza ♪

♪ Well, you know
that's just as bad ♪

♪ There's nothing else
you can do ♪

♪ That makes Mama more mad ♪

♪ My Tuliza's so delicious ♪

♪ A delectable delight ♪

♪ So keep your paws off it
or you're gonna get a fright ♪

♪ Don't even say its name ♪

♪ 'Cause every flower's mine ♪

♪ Unless you wanna meet the
quills of a loyal porcupine ♪

♪ Oh, yeah, you best not
mess with Mama ♪

♪ You'll find out of you do ♪

♪ A whole mess of trouble
will come raining down on you ♪

♪ And if you mess
with my Tuliza ♪

♪ You know that's just as bad ♪

♪ There's nothing else ♪
♪ you can do ♪

♪ That makes Mama more mad ♪

♪ Now you know Mama's
always right Right ♪

♪ And she's got quite
an appetite Tite ♪

♪ So you boys are gonna feed ♪
♪ Feed ♪

♪ Her insatiable Tuliza need ♪

♪ You best not mess
with Mama ♪

♪ You'll find out if you do ♪

♪ A whole mess of trouble ♪

♪ Will come raining
down on you ♪

♪ And if you mess
with my Tuliza ♪

♪ Well, you know
that's just as bad ♪

♪ There's nothing else
you can do ♪

♪ That makes Mama more mad ♪

♪ You best not mess with ♪
♪ Mama You best not mess ♪

♪ You best not mess
with Mama ♪

♪ Oh, you best not mess
with Mama ♪

♪ You best not mess ♪

Now, let's find out what these
strangers want with my Tuliza.

Ooh, ah.

Oh, guys, guys,
guys, guys, watch this.


Did I surprise him!



Oh, no,

- he fell into a river.
- Bunga!

I got him.


Anga lenga!

Let me go!


You're welcome.

Please, let me go!


Sorry about that.

So, little civet,

why is everyone here
so afraid of Tuliza?


Like I said, "Wee-ird."

What did you tell
those strangers?


We heard you
say Tuliza.

I just said the word.

When will
you civets learn?

It's not nice to fool
Mama Binturong.

Mama Binturong,
I promise,

I didn't tell them anything
about your Tuliza.

Then why are they talking
to you about Tuliza?

I don't know. I don't know!

No more joking
around, okay, Bunga?

We don't have time for jokes.
We gotta keep going.

Mama, the strangers!

Let him go. I want to see
these strangers for myself.

Oh, right.

Have some Tuliza, Kion.


get me that staff.

- Yes, Mama. - Yes, Mama.
- Yes, Mama.

We don't have much,
but you can have a little.



Yeah. Thanks, Makini.

Okay, now, let's go.

Uh, Makini.
Forget something?

No. I don't think so.

I... My staff!

Thanks, Fuli.

I was sure
I put it on this log.

Where could it be?

Hmm, Tuliza!

Good boys.

Now, back to the hideout.

You're sure you put it
on the log?

Yes. It was right here.

Guys, look, tracks.

Porcupine tracks.

The tracks end here.

And I can't smell
anything but Bunga.

You're welcome.

You really think some
porcupine stole Makini's staff?


Anga, see if you can spot
porcupines with Makini's staff.

Oh, I'm so sorry, Kion.

My staff had
the rest of our Tuliza.

And nobody here
will help us find Tuliza.

It's okay, Maki...
But what if you need some more?

And my staff makes the moja kwa
moja paintings come to life, too.

- Makini, it's not your...
- But I think the only place

I can find a new bakora staff
is in the Pride Lands.

We'll never find
the Tree of Life now.

Makini, shwari.

Oh, yeah. Thanks, Beshte.


What'd I miss?
Nothing much.

Any sign
of the staff thieves?

Nope. Too many trees and plants to
see much of anything from the sky.

What do you think, Fuli?

Uh, well, we do need Makini's staff
to find our way to the Tree of Life.

We could ask the animals
who live here.

Maybe they know
who took it.

You mean, the animals that run
away every time we talk to them?

Only when we mention Tuliza.

They might help us find
a missing staff.

Good idea, Beshte.
Let's go ask around.

Maybe this guy can help us.

Hey, there, Mr. Gibbon.

Oh, uh, hello, again.

My friend Makini
lost her staff.

Maybe you've seen it?

A staff? What's that?

It's a stick, with a couple
of gourds hanging on it.

Uh, why would somebody
hang gourds on a stick?

That's where we keep
our Tuliza.


Don't worry, I got this.

Zuka Zama.

Hey, gibbon,
I didn't mean to say Tuliza.

It's not about
the Tuliza.

No, no, no.
No, no, no, no no!

Forget I said "Tuliza."


Stop saying Tuliza.

Guys, you're not supposed
to say Tuliza, remember?

Oops, I said Tuliza.
Oops, I said it again.

Go away!

Forget the other thing I said.
We're just looking for the stick.


We just want to talk.

Fine. You got me.

But I don't know anything
about anything.

You, uh... You should talk
to the mongoose.

The mongoose?

This is where he said
the mongoose lives.

Who said that?
Who says I live here?

A gibbon said
you could help us.

We're looking for
a missing staff.

Not me. I can't help ya.

But I know a guy who might.

A... A civet.
He'll talk to you.

- The mongoose sent me.
- Not you again!

Easy, little fella.

We just want to talk to you
about a lost, uh, stick.

Lost stick? Hmm.

I know a guy, a mouse deer.

A mouse?

Why'd you call me dear?

No, a mouse deer.

He's the guy
you should talk you.

You need answers?

I got answers.

Oh! I get it now.
A mouse deer.

It's not polite
to point.

The guy you need to talk
to about the stick,

lives in that cave,
right over there.

Great. Thanks.

Hey, you!
We see you there.

Are you the guy who knows
who took our staff?

Uh, yeah, that's me.


Why didn't you just
talk to us before?

'Cause this is
the only place I know

that her porcupines
aren't listening.

I don't want her to know
I'm helping you.

"Her"? Her, who?

Mama Binturong.

Mama been there what?

Mama Binturong.

She controls all the...

in this forest.

So that's why everyone's
scared when we mention Tuliza.

Yes. Everyone's scared
of Mama Binturong.

She's so mean, nobody even
wants to say Tuliza,

in case it makes her mad.

She's very mean
when she's mad.

Yeah, if she catches anyone
with Tuliza,

she sends her porcupines
after them.

That explains
the porcupine tracks.

And why they took my staff!

There was still Tuliza
in the gourd.

So how do we find
this Mama Binturong?

Her hideout is deep
in the Stone Forest.

But, uh, you'll never
reach it.

- Why's that?
- The Stone Forest

is almost impossible
to get through.

Only Mama and her porcupines
can get through it safely.

Well, we're the Lion Guard.

We can do anything.

maybe not anything.

What do you think, Kion?

I think we have to get
through these.

these rocks are sharp.

Maybe Beshte can get through.

Hippos have very thick skin.
Common knowledge, really.

I'd be lucky if I could
get a toe between those rocks.

they are close together.

I don't know
if I would fit.

Anga, maybe you can
get through from above?

I'll see.

Nope. Not gonna fit.

Hmm, Tuliza.

Lots of Tuliza.

I can't get through the rocks.

But, I'm pretty sure I found
Mama Binturong's hideout.

That'd be good news
if anybody could get to it.

So, we need someone

who's not bothered by sharp
rocks or porcupine quills,

and can carry Makini's
staff back here.

There's only one choice!

Oh, that feels good.

Oh, yeah, that's the spot.

You think he can handle it?
Of course, he can.

Right, Bunga?

Of course, I can do it.

Uh, do what?

Go through
the Stone Forest

to Mama Binturong's

and get Makini's staff back,
all by yourself.

Yes! You're right.
I could totally do it.

Show me the way.

Straight through there.

You'll see Mama's hideout
when you get close.

There's lot of Tuliza.

Go straight, look for Tuliza.
Got it!

Zuka Zama!

Good luck, Bunga.



Hmm, which way do I go?

Which way do I go?
Which way do I go?

Don't ask me.

Don't ask me.
Don't ask me.

Hey, that's my voice.

- Hey, that's my voice. Hey, that's my...
- Zuka Zama.

Zuka Zama. Zuka Zama.

Bunga, shh!

Bunga, shh.
Bunga, shh.

- Okay.
- Okay.

Yup! Whoa!

A-ha. Tuliza.

That's gotta be
Mama's hideout.

That's a long
way down.

This is gonna be fun!

Zuka Zama!

Perfect landing.

All right, porky-orcupines,
let's do this!

Huh? Where is everybody?

Hello, I'm here.
Anybody home?

Hey-hey! Look at that.

This is gonna be easier
than I thought.

Welcome, Mr. Bunga.
We've been expecting you.

Uh? Who said that?

I did.

A-ha! You're Mama Binturong.

That's right.

Hey, wait,
how'd you know my name?

It's been echoing all over
the Stone Forest.

Oh, yep.

All right, Mama,
just give me that staff back.

Or, we'll have trouble.

I have a better idea.

Why don't you go back
where you came from,

and I keep the staff.

Why would I do that?

Because around here,

everyone does what Mama says.

Well, I'm not
from around here!

So we can do this
the easy way,

or we can do it
the hard way.

I choose the hard way.

Or the sharp way.


Go on, boys,
you know what to do.

What is this?

Oh, I expect you'll soon see
my point, Mr. Bunga.

Hah! You expect me
to be scared of this, Mama.

No, Mr. Bunga, I expect you
to be poked!

That tickles.

Zuka Zama.

Zuka Zama!

You're gonna need more
than porcupines to beat me!

Now, hand over that staff!

Come and get it.

All right,
you asked for it.

Made it! Whoo!

Just give me a second.

I don't think so.

Oh, no, you don't!

I'm here to get
my friend's staff...

and I'm not...

without it.

Now, give me that staff!


Okay, fine.

If you're not gonna
give me the staff,

I'm gonna
eat all your Tuliza.

Don't you dare touch
my beautiful Tuliza.

Ugh, this is gross.

I don't now how Kion does it.


Get your filthy paws
off my Tuliza!

Silly honey badger,

did you really think
you could get away

with eating my Tuliza?

Silly Binturong,
missing something?

Oh! You might
have the staff,

but you're not going anywhere.

Pfft! You guys, again!

You see, Mr. Bunga,
there's no way out.

That's what you think.

Think I'll take
some Tuliza to go.

You lose,
Mama Binturong!


Which way did he...

My Tuliza!

It's ruined!

Don't fret, Mama.

We'll get you
more Tuliza.

No! I'm through
with Tuliza

and this whole forest!

There's just one thing
I want now.

I want to get that Bunga!

The forest won't be
the same without her.

Somebody lose a staff?

You got it!


Ad you filled it
with Tuliza.

That's right!


Great job, Bunga.

Now let's go find
that next moja kwa moja stone.

You'll never guess
how I got away.

You used
your stink, right?

You know my secret w*apon?

Not that big
a secret, Bunga.

Sync corrections by srjanapala