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03x07 - Journey of Memories

Posted: 11/08/21 06:58
by bunniefuu
♪ Opening Theme song Playing...

♪ Ngoma wa kumbe, kumbe ♪

♪ Ngoma ma tuimbe, tuimbe ♪

♪ Ma makumve! ♪

♪ Kweli kweli, Ma makumve! ♪

♪ Kweli, kweli... ♪

♪ Ngoma wa kumbe, kumbe ♪

♪ Ngoma ma tuimbe, tuimbe ♪

♪ Tutazame, Zame, Zame ♪

♪ Tutazame, Zame, Zame ♪

♪ Na farana!
Bayahiki dana! ♪

♪ Bayahiki dana! ♪

♪ Tutsiyama njama ♪

♪ Sona wana mbandi
nawa ni awa simba ♪

♪ Ma Tutawa saidia ♪

♪ Wanyama, ote wanyama! ♪

♪ Tutawese farana simba ♪

♪ Tutawese farana simba ♪

♪ Tutawese kwene, ♪

♪ Lethu wese' Ingonyama! ♪

♪ Tutawese farana simba ♪

♪ Tutawese farana simba ♪

♪ Tutawese kwene, ♪

♪ 'gonyama, Ingonyama! ♪

♪ Bayahiki dana! ♪

♪ Na simba kulindana! ♪

Ugh! Mm.



let me help you.

I don't need help.
I'm fine!

Let's just
keep walking.

Looks like Kion
could use some Tuliza.

What? I said I'm fine!

See? He's fine!


Tuliza, coming up!


Don't tell me...

I really need
to do a better job

keeping track
of our Tuliza.

Out of Tuliza again?

I'll find some.

Let's just hope Kion
doesn't decide to Roar

before we get
more Tuliza.

The journey through the desert
has been hard on everyone.

At least nobody's
too thirsty.


Water! Water!
I'm so thirsty!

Uh, except
maybe Bunga.

It's like there's a whole desert
inside my mouth.

Thee? Dry ath a thand dune.

Ugh. Put that thing away.



- Wanna thee?
- Ugh!

- Bunga!
- Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa!


calm down.

Bunga was just fooling around.

Yeah. It was just
Bunga being Bunga.

Sorry, everybody.
Sorry, Bunga.

Hakuna matata.
I am pretty good at being annoying.

Yeah. Come on.
Let's keep going.

Come on, Anga.

Find us some Tuliza.

Tuliza... Tuliza... Tuliza...


Find any Tuliza?

Yep. But it's really
far away.

How far?

Very. Way past
the sea up ahead.

A sea?
You say you saw a sea?

Big B!
She saw a sea!

Yeah, Little B.
I heard her.

But a sea means water.
And water means...



Guess we better
go after him.

Whoa! Anga was right!

It's a sea!

Like I said.

Look at all that...


Bunga, wait!
Don't drink it!

It might be salty.

This water is salty!

Blegh! Blegh!

I gotta get this taste
outta my mouth!


This rock tastes gross.

Why would I lick a strange rock?
I need water!

Oh, right. Salty.

Well, if we can't drink the
water, we should move on.

I need Tuliza.

You think Kion can
make it to the Tuliza?

Doubt it. It's still
pretty far away.

Sorry the Bunga Sea
turned out to be so salty.

The Bunga Sea?

Sure! I was the first one in,
so I get to name it!

Oh, wait!
I just remembered something!

Rafiki says that really salty
water can be very relaxing.

But you don't drink it,
you soak in it!

Come on, Kion.
Just try it. Please?

Makini's right.

Salty water should
help soothe your scar.

I should have
thought of that.

Okay. I'll give it a try.

How do you feel?

You know what? You're right.
I do feel better.


The Great Bunga Sea
is a-mazing!

Now it's
the "Great" Bunga Sea?

Uh, guys?
Something's happening.

Whoa! Check it out!
I'm floating!

Makes sense.

The saltier the water is,
the easier it is to float.


Aah. This feels great.

The Great Bunga Sea
is super amazing!


Come on, Big B!

The Great Bunga Sea's

Don't you wanna try it?

I sure do!

Last one in
is an elephant egg!

Um, elephants
don't lay...

- Twende Kiboko!
- Eggs!

Come on, everyone!
The water's poa!

Or do you wanna
be elephant eggs?

Not me!

Hmm. I usually just wade.
But it might be relaxing.

Oh. Strange.
But... nice!

Whoa! This water
won't let you sink!

Seriously, Fuli,
this is water even you would like!

but no thanks.

Besides, somebody's got
to get that Tuliza for Kion.


No. I'll go.

I'm the fastest.

You're the keenest
of sight.

I need you to stay
and watch for danger.

Come on! What could happen
at the Great Bunga Sea?

Well, Kion could float away.

Zuka Zama!

Wow! Kion,
you really are relaxed!


So, how do I
get to the Tuliza?

It's under the tree.
On top of that mesa.

Just beyond
the rock formations?

It's the only tree around!

Only tree around.
I think I can find it. Huwezi!

Now that's what
I call relaxed.

Ah! Feels so good
to really run again!


Huh. Spoke too soon.

Ah. This is better.

Argh! Seriously?

Ugh. These canyons
all look the same!

And now I can't see
the mesa or the tree!

Well, well.
Looks like we have a little lost cheetah.

Who's there?

Mmm. This is nice.

I could get used to this

if we didn't need to get
to the Tree of Life.

The Tree of Who?

The Tree of Life.
Don't forget we've got a mission.

Yeah. But this is the best
I've felt in days.

So peaceful.

Yeah, it is peaceful.

Wait a second.
What's that?


Guys! Feathers!
Beaks! Pink!


Guys? What's going on?

This is not good.

Who are you?
Show yourself!


You are in no position
to give orders.

Oh, you're a cheetah.

There is no fooling you!

My name is Azaad.

And you are in my territory.

This is a problem.

These canyons are not big
enough for two cheetahs.

If you want to leave,
it's fine by me.

You invade my territory.

My territory!
And then you make jokes?

Listen. I'm sorry I stepped
into your precious territory.

But my friends need help.
And I...

Friend? Ha!
We are cheetahs. We hunt alone.

A cheetah does not have...

Well, I do.
I have lots of friends.

And one of them needs Tuliza.

I know there's some under the
tree on the mesa. But I'm lost.


Just show me how to get there.

Hmm. You seem to care very
much for these friends.

Well, yeah, I care.
Friends help friends.

That's what friends do.

Even though
you have friends,

it is clear that you have
the flame in your heart.

The flame... of a cheetah!

'Scuse me, but... Huh?

You shall have my help.

But only if you can
best me in a race!

A race?

Hah. Okay. You're on.

What's going on?

What's all this... pink?

It's a whole lotta flamingos.

More flamingos than you
could shake a snake at.

Makini. Keep Kion away
from these... birds.

Oh, yeah.
Good idea, Anga!

What's going on?

Nothing, Kion. Shwari.
Just close your eyes.

Okay, but...

Don't worry!
It's all gonna be okay.

Just think
happy lion thoughts.

Happy lion thoughts?

What are they
doing here?

Kion's not
gonna be able to relax

with them around.

Yeah. But we have
to keep him calm

till Fuli gets back
with the Tuliza.

Leave this to me.

I'll have a bird-to-bird
chat with them.

Excuse me!

Pink birds!
Might I have a word?

Hey! Look at
the cute little birdy!

What? Aw!
He's so cute!

Uh, cute?

So, uh...

What brings you here?

Well, duh!

We're on migration.

- Migration! Whoo-hoo!
- Migration! Whoo-hoo!

And every year, we stop here.
At Flamingo Beach!

Flamingo Beach!

Uh-uh! You mean
the Great Bunga Sea.


Any chance you could keep
the noise level down a bit?

Keep the noise level down?

And ruin the best
Flamingo Dance Party

of the whole feathered year?

Flamingo Dance Party!

Flamingo Dance Party!

- Flamingo Dancy Party!
- Flamingo Dancy Party!


♪ Go, go, flamingo
Go, go, flamingo ♪

♪ Go, go, flamingo
Go, go, go ♪

♪ One leg up, one leg down
Now it's time to move around ♪

♪ Flap those feathers
Lots of pink ♪

♪ Dance and dance
No need to think ♪

- ♪ Wing salute ♪
- ♪ Point beak ♪

- ♪ Head, flap ♪
- ♪ Flap repeat ♪

- ♪ Wing salute ♪
- ♪ Point beak ♪

- ♪ Head, flap ♪
- ♪ Flap repeat ♪

♪ Go, go, flamingo
Go, go, flamingo ♪

♪ Go, go, flamingo
Go, go, go ♪

♪ Go, go, flamingo
Go, go, flamingo ♪

♪ Go, go, flamingo Go, go, go ♪

♪ Yeah, we're having
lots of fun ♪

♪ 'Cause we're
on the migration ♪

♪ Shrimp or algae
one of each ♪

♪ Party hardy
Flamingo Beach ♪

- ♪ Wing salute ♪
- ♪ Point beak ♪

- ♪ Head, flap ♪
- ♪ Flap repeat ♪

- ♪ Wing salute ♪
- ♪ Point beak ♪

- ♪ Head, flap ♪
- ♪ Flap repeat ♪

♪ Go, go, flamingo
Go, go, flamingo ♪

♪ Go, go, flamingo
Go, go, go ♪

♪ Go, go, flamingo
Go, go, flamingo ♪

♪ Go, go, flamingo
Go, go, go ♪

♪ Go, go, flamingo
Go, go, flamingo ♪

♪ Go, go, flamingo
Go, go, go ♪

♪ Go, go, flamingo
Go, go, flamingo ♪

♪ Go, go, flamingo
Go, go, go ♪

You okay, Ono?

I'll be fine.

Don't pay
any attention, Kion.

It's all
gonna be all right.

Oh! But if these birds
don't get tired of partying,

it's just a matter of time
before Kion loses his cool.

Do you see that rock?
Out there?

I see it.

We race to this rock.
Along the path.

Do you agree?

Why don't we just
race to the Tuliza?

Ah! Clever girl.

But you will never
see the Tuliza

unless you show me
the fire in your heart.

You must beat me
in this race.

That's exactly
what I'm gonna do.

Good. You show
the fire already.

But it is Azaad
who shall win.

Cheetahs don't talk.
They run.

As you wish.

On your marks.

Get set.



Not bad.

No one back
in the Pride Lands

could give me
a decent race.

It's almost too bad
you're gonna lose.

You are fast.

But this is the land of Azaad.

And in the land of Azaad,

even one as swift as you

is destined to lose.


Almost there.

Whoa! Ahh!

You must watch your step!

Azaad is victorious.

Not that there
was ever any doubt.

That wasn't fair!

You knew the trail
dropped off back there!

Of course!
This is my territory!

Thank you
for an enjoyable race.

Too bad
for your "friend."

The fire in your heart was not
enough to lead you to victory.

Alas. Now you will never find
the Tuliza he needs.

So race me again.

Surely a cheetah
with the "fire in his heart"

would not be afraid
of another race.

You challenge Azaad?

I do.

Very well. A rematch.

But first,
let go of my tail.

Quiet, please!

Keep it down.

Hey! Cool dance!

Yeah, way cool!

No, it's not a dance, it's...



Now you shall see what true
cheetah speed looks like.

And then you will know
how it feels to be...

I'm kind of in a hurry.

Mind keeping your
speech short this time?


As you have said,

"Cheetahs don't talk.
They run."

On your marks. Get set.


- Huwezi!
- Mibinamet!

She is too fast.
She has the cheetah's fire.

But Azaad cannot lose
in his own territory.

Must... take... the shortcut!






Fuli! You have come back?

Less talking. More climbing.

- Why?
- Why what?

Why did you come back?

Uh... You're welcome?

Thank you.

But still,
you could have won the race.

You could have beaten Azaad.

Friends help friends.

And Azaad has a friend now?

First time
for everything, I guess.

You are a most
remarkable cheetah, Fuli.

Azaad would be very happy
to have you as

a friend.

Now let us find
the Tuliza that you need.

Then we can take it
to your friends together.

You're on!

Want to make
it a race?


All I can see
are pink blurs.

I'm guessing
this means that

we haven't managed to break up
the Flamingo Dance Party.


This is not going well.

That's Bunga!

Sounds like
he's in trouble.

We're coming, Little B!


Are you okay?

This is un-Bunga-lievable!

Bunga! We're trying
to stop the party!

Before Kion
loses his cool?

Oh, yeah. Right.

Where is Kion, anyway?

He's right here with me.

At least he was.

Looks soft!
And cute!

Oh, it's so furry!

It makes noises!


You've gotta
come try this!

That doesn't
sound good.

Come on!

Hey! Get away! Leave me alone!

We're too late!

Kion, calm down!

Kion! No!

That's enough!

I'm warning you, flamingos.

Take off now,

or I'll send you flying!

- Like, what?
- Send us flying?

You can't fly.
You don't even have wings.

No, Kion!
Don't roar!

Easy, buddy!
Calm down!

The Tuliza's
on its way!

In fact,
here it comes!

Kion! Fuli's back.
She's got the Tuliza!

And... she's got a friend.

A friend?
You sure it's Fuli?

We need that Tuliza! Now!

Perfect timing!

Here, Kion!

Thanks, Makini.

Uh... What's with
the flamingos?

What's with
the cheetah?

You may call me Azaad.
And Fuli may call me her friend.

Then you may
call me Bunga!

And you may call this
the Great Bunga Sea!

Feel better?

A lot better.

Sorry, flamingos.
I didn't mean to scare you.

Oh, no worries.

It's totally fine.

There's enough Tuliza here
to last us for days!

Thank you, Fuli!

Thank you, Azaad.

We should get back on the
path to the Tree of Life.

Leave these flamingos
in peace.

If you want
to call it peace.

Coming, Fuli?


So I should go.
With my friends.

Yes. They are lucky
to have a friend like you.

And Azaad is lucky to have
such a friend as well.

It is my hope that one day,
we will meet again.

Yeah. That would be...

Until then...
on your mark.

Get set.

- Run!
- Run!


Bye, Azaad.