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03x04 - Ghost of the Mountain

Posted: 11/08/21 06:54
by bunniefuu
♪♪ Opening Theme song Playing...

♪ Ngoma wa kumbe, kumbe ♪

♪ Ngoma ma tuimbe, tuimbe ♪

♪ Ma makumve! ♪

♪ Kweli kweli, Ma makumve! ♪

♪ Kweli, kweli... ♪

♪ Ngoma wa kumbe, kumbe ♪

♪ Ngoma ma tuimbe, tuimbe ♪

♪ Tutazame, Zame, Zame ♪

♪ Tutazame, Zame, Zame ♪

♪ Na farana!
Bayahiki dana! ♪

♪ Bayahiki dana! ♪

♪ Tutsiyama njama ♪

♪ Sona wana mbandi
nawa ni awa simba ♪

♪ Ma Tutawa saidia ♪

♪ Wanyama, ote wanyama! ♪

♪ Tutawese farana simba ♪

♪ Tutawese farana simba ♪

♪ Tutawese kwene, ♪

♪ Lethu wese' Ingonyama! ♪

♪ Tutawese farana simba ♪

♪ Tutawese farana simba ♪

♪ Tutawese kwene, ♪

♪ 'gonyama, Ingonyama! ♪

♪ Bayahiki dana! ♪

♪ Na simba kulindana! ♪

- BUNGA: Ha!


- Yow!
- Ha, yourself!

- ANGA: Heads up!
- Huh?


Anga! No fair!


What's wrong, Bunga?
Snow slowing you down?


- Poa!

ONO: What is it?

BUNGA: Really tall grass!
Or super skinny trees.

It's bamboo.

Makini? Ono?
What do you think?

Should we find
a way around it?

Oh! Oh!
I remember this!

Me too.

The next moja kwa moja stone

to the Tree of Life
is in there somewhere.

We should go through it.

Through it, it is.

Let's go!

And stay alert. No telling
who or what's in here.

Anga, keep a lookout.



No moja kwa moja stone,
but I found some tuliza.

Oh, good! I only have
a few blossoms left.

Where's the tuliza, Anga?

On that ledge.

I'll get it!

Zuka Zama!

(GRUNTING) Got 'em!

Yeah, just don't...



Still got the tuliza!

- RED PANDA 1: Sonnesen Khun!
- Huh?

Sonnesen Khun!

Uh, you lookin' at me?

Sonnesen Khun!

Sonnesen Khun!

Uh, "song soon kuhn"
to you, too.

Sonnesen Khun!


ANGA: He's here.

Bunga! Are you okay?

What in the Pride Lands?

We're definitely not
in the Pride Lands anymore.

- ALL: (CHANTING) Sonnesen Khun.
- I think they love me.

(SCOFFS) They must not
be able to smell.

Aw, don't stop!

Oh! Mmm, thanks.

ALL: Sonnesen Khun.
Sonnesen Khun.

Hey! Whoa! (LAUGHS)
That tickles!

Ooh, Bunga,
you look so pretty!

Pretty? I think
you mean tough!

What's going on? I

can't see Bunga.
Why is he pretty?

You wouldn't believe
it if I told you.

He's being painted by
a pack of little, uh...

I don't know what they are,
but they sure are cute.

They're about
Bunga's size. Red fur.

White marks around
their eyes and tails.

Hmm. Nawaza,
nawaza, nawaza...

They must be red pandas.

I've never seen one,
but they fit that description.

But red pandas
are solitary animals.

I wonder why there's
a whole pack of them.


What do they want
with Bunga?

Come on.



Yeah! I like it!

Sonnesen Khun!

Sonnesen Khun!
Sonnesen Khun! Sonnesen...

Okay. So, what's next?

Uh, excuse me?

Whoa! Who are you?

I'm Beshte.
We're Bunga's friends.

- Who?
- Uh, Bunga.


Oh! You mean Sonnesen Khun.

The Chosen One.

Chosen One?

Oh, yes!

Legend foretold, the Chosen One
would be a gift from the sky!

And here he is!

Here I am!

And none too soon.

We have been waiting
for the Chosen One

ever since we were forced
out of our homes!

So, what exactly
has he been "chosen" to do?

To fight and defeat

the Ghost of the Mountain!


You want me to fight a ghost?


Where is it?
Let me at it!

are we just gonna let them keep Bunga?

(GASPS) Can we?

Hi, everyone. I'm Kion.
And we're the Lion Guard.

I know you think Bunga
is your Chosen One...

He is the Chosen One!

Well, he's actually part
of the Lion Guard,

and we need to get going.

The Chosen One
cannot leave

until he defeats
the Ghost of the Mountain!

You heard him, Kion.
I gotta fight the ghost!

There's no such thing as a ghost.

DOMOG: No such thing
as a ghost!

ALL: Domog! Domog!

Is that me, too?

No. It's him.

I am Domog.
Keeper of legends.

It is an honor
to meet you, Lion Guard.

(GASPS) How did you know
we're the Lion Guard?

Uh, because he's the
all-knowing legend keeper? Duh.

Actually, I heard you
introduce yourselves.

I was just behind
that bamboo.

Oh. Right.
I knew that.

It's nice
to meet you, Domog.

Now, about the Ghost
of the Mountain...

You must learn the legend

of the Ghost
of the Mountain.

♪ Our legend begins
not too long ago

♪ We red pandas met
an invisible foe

♪ It came and destroyed
what we treasured most

♪ Our homes and our peace

♪ And we named it the Ghost

♪ Ghost, Ghost
Ghost of the Mountain

♪ Who knows where
it will appear

♪ Ghost, Ghost
Ghost of the Mountain

♪ Has us all living in fear

♪ We can't return home
it keeps coming back

♪ The Ghost won't give up
'cause it likes to attack

♪ Living in hiding
is all that we dared

♪ We're tired and hungry
and so very scared

♪ Ghost, Ghost
Ghost of the Mountain

♪ It could be anywhere

♪ Ghost, Ghost
Ghost of the Mountain

♪ Lives behind every scare

♪ It's a threat
that you can't see

♪ Who knows where it could be

♪ Lurking behind any tree

♪ Is it coming for me?

♪ So now we wait
for our hero to come

♪ Out of the sky
like the rising sun

♪ You drive out the ghost
and act like it's fun

♪ Sonnesen Khun
The Chosen One

♪ Ghost, Ghost

♪ Ghost of the Mountain

♪ Who knows where

♪ It will appear

♪ Ghost, Ghost
Ghost of the Mountain

♪ Has us all living in fear

♪ Ghost, Ghost
Ghost of the Mountain

♪ It could be anywhere

♪ Ghost, Ghost
Ghost of the Mountain

♪ Lives behind every tear

♪ So be aware and prepare
for the ghost

♪ Ghost of the Mountain ♪

There's only one
who can defeat

the Ghost of the Mountain
and give us back our freedom:

Sonnesen Khun.
The Chosen One.

(LAUGHS) Yeah!

Thank you, Domog.
That's a very...

Interesting legend.

Yeah! Specially the part
where I defeat the ghost!

But if you don't mind,

I need to have a talk
with the Chosen One.

Take your time.

We have lived
in fear for many moons,

we can survive
a few more minutes.


What do you think, Kion?
Can I fight the ghost?

Bunga, there is no
such thing as a ghost.

Come on, Fuli. Don't you want
to help the red pandas?

How? By fighting something
that isn't real?

We do need to get Kion and
Ono to the Tree of Life.

But they're so cute.

I think we should
help them, too.

All right!


Kion? You really think the
Ghost of the Mountain is real?

I think something's scaring
the red pandas from their homes.

And whatever it is,

it doesn't respect
the Circle of Life.

Even if we're not
in the Pride Lands,

we're still
the Lion Guard.

We defend
the Circle of Life.

We're gonna find
this "ghost,"

and make it leave
the red pandas alone.

Domog, if it's okay
with you,

the Lion Guard will help
the Chosen One

find the Ghost
of the Mountain.


The legend
never mentioned

the Chosen One's
followers helping him.


But it never said
they didn't.

Why not!

Go, Sonnesen Khun!

Take your loyal followers and
defeat the Ghost of the Mountain!

All right!

- ALL: (CHANTING) Sonnesen Khun!
- Bye! I'll see you soon!

I'll miss you, too!

Come on,
loyal followers,

we've got
a ghost to catch.

Loyal followers.

Farewell, Chosen One!

May fortune favor you!

I'm just sayin'.

If it's true that
I'm the Chosen One,

which it obviously is,

then it's also true

that the Ghost of the Mountain
is really a ghost.

Well, I'm just sayin',

there's no such thing
as a ghost!

(GRUNTS) What was that?

What was what?

You okay, Fuli?

Keep a close watch,

I think
we just met the Ghost.

Yes! Finally!


Maybe it really
is a ghost.

Told ya!

Anga? Anything
from up there?


Whoa! (GRUNTS)


What's that sound?

look out!


Ha! Not today,
falling ice thingy.


Oh! My staff!

Leave it, Makini!

But the tuliza!

I got it!
Keep running!



Oh, thank you, Fuli!

Thank you, thank you,
thank you!

No problem.

Sorry, Kion.

It's not your fault.

Yeah, Big B,
it was the Ghost's!


It's back.

Circle up!
Backs together!

It can't sneak up on us

if we're watching
every direction.

So, what are we lookin for?

I don't see anything.

Now you know
how I feel.

We're not just looking.
We're listening.




(GASPS) Gone again?

ANGA: There.

I saw it!

You can see ghosts?

It's not a ghost.

It's a big cat
with white fur.

I only saw it because
it ran in front of that rock.

It might be a snow leopard.

Their fur allows them
to blend in with the snow

and essentially disappear!

So? Even if we know
what it is,

we still can't see it!


Nawaza, nawaza,
nawaza... Oh!

We might not be able
to see the snow leopard,

but we can see
where it's been!


Good thinking, Ono.

Fuli? Let's try to catch
the snow leopard's scent

- while we're looking for footprints.
- Right.

Yeah! Ghost prints and ghost
scents, here we come!

It's not a ghost.


No prints here.

None here either.

A-ha! Got 'em!

Zuka Zama!

Hey, Bunga!

Those are my footprints,
not the Ghost's!

A-ha! So you admit
there's a ghost!




Just Bunga.

I've still got it!

ANGA: There! Tracks!
But they end just ahead.

Let's go.
And stay close.

The snow leopard
could be anywhere.

Makini, stay back with Ono.



(GRUNTS) Got it!

Got it where?
Where'd it go?

I don't know.
It was just here!

Whoa! That all
you got, ghost?

It's over here!

Twende Kiboko!

And, now it's not.

I got it! Anga lenga!

There it is!
Fuli, with me!

Beshte, Bunga, on the left!

We see you now, Ghost!

(SCOFFS) Ghost?
The name's Chuluun.

You must be friends
of the red pandas.

That's right! And we need you
to leave the red pandas alone.

(CHUCKLES) Oh, why?
I'm just having fun!

This isn't about fun.

This is about
forcing them out of their homes.

Yeah! Haven't you ever
heard of the Circle of Life?

Circle of Life?

I follow my own rules.

And maybe it's time I teach those
furballs my most important rule.

To never challenge me!

Chosen One!


Oh, yeah! Chosen One's got you now!




Bunga? Little B!

You okay?

I'm fine.

But she ruined
my Chosen One paint job!

Phew! It's just the paint.

Don't worry, Bunga.

We'll stop
that snow leopard!

I don't know.

Maybe I'm not
the Chosen One after all.




It's Chuluun!

She's going after
the red pandas.

But Bunga's paint
rubbed off on her.

Anyone can see her now!

Let's go.

Even if they
see Chuluun,

I don't think those red pandas
can handle her themselves.


And I got a legend to fulfill!



- BUNGA: Hey!

That's the Chosen One's rock!

You'll still have to see me

to catch me! (LAUGHS)

Everyone okay?

Chosen One,

thank you for chasing
off that angry cat.

Did you find the Ghost of the
Mountain while you were away?

Uh, that cat
was the Ghost.

But we all saw it.

Yeah, yeah.

'Cause the Chosen One smeared
the Ghost's fur with paint.

Now you don't
have to be scared.

You can see it!

Oh! All hail
the Chosen One!

Now the Chosen One
will rid us

of the Ghost of the
Mountain for good!


That's what I'll do!

So, Kion,
how do we do that?

You tell me, Chosen One.


Oh, I know!

The Ghost made you
live together,

let's see how she likes
it when you fight together!

Everyone, follow me.

Let's go stop the Ghost.


Stop the Ghost!

ALL: Stop the Ghost!

Stop the Ghost!
It's still not a ghost.

ALL: Stop the Ghost!

Stop the Ghost!

Stop the Ghost!

Stop the Ghost!

- Stop the Ghost!
- Shh.


They'll never
see me coming.

Okay, there she is.

We can see her coming!

Follow me!

ALL: Stop the Ghost!

Stop the Ghost!

Stop the Ghost!

You can see me?

Now we've got her!

Everyone, spread out!

ALL: Stop the Ghost!

- Stop the Ghost!

ALL: Stop the Ghost!

Hiya, ghosty ghost.

Not so brave now
that we can see ya, huh?


Bravery's overrated

when you're the Ghost
of the Mountain!


She's disappearing!
She really is a ghost!

Not to worry.

The Chosen One
will do something.



But I need your help.

Keep the Ghost surrounded,

the Chosen One will
take care of the rest!



The Chosen One? Really?

Are you really a ghost?

(YELLING) Chosen One!



What is that?


Chosen One!



Sonnesen Khun!

Sonnesen Khun!
Sonnesen Khun!

Sonnesen Khun!

Sonnesen Khun!
Sonnesen Khun!

The Chosen One's
legend is fulfilled.

Though it was a lot
stinkier than I expected.

Sonnesen Khun!

Sonnesen Khun!
Sonnesen Khun!

Sonnesen Khun!

So, what's next
for the Chosen One?


Um, well...

Next, the Chosen One
continues on his way.




You've left us with something
even I didn't foresee.

The power of stink?


The knowledge
that although

we red pandas
prefer to be alone...

We can come together
when we must.

We won't have
to be afraid.


The next moja kwa moja stone!

It was here
the whole time!

- BESHTE: Poa!
- FULI: Nice!

Ono, where to next?


The next landmark
is through the bamboo,

then around a big mountain.


Let's go, everyone.


Farewell, Chosen One!

Did the Chosen One's legend
mention the stink?

Who cares?

The Ghost of the
Mountain is gone!



Who are you?

I'm Makucha.

Seems you and I
have something in common.

And what's that?

We both have a score to
settle with the Lion Guard.

I'm following them
to the Tree of Life.

Join me.

Together we'll get revenge
on the Lion Guard...

And so much more.

Lead the way.