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02x26 - Pride Landers Unite!

Posted: 11/08/21 06:32
by bunniefuu









Boboka. What's going on?
Why are you stampeding?

Somebody saw jackals.



Did she say, "jackals"?


Galagos, scatter!


Jackals, huh?

No jackals in sight.


But look out for the galagos!


Hey! Watch where you're goin'!

Bunga, round up the galagos.

You got it, Kion.

Oh! This way. No. Look out!

First jackals,
now galagos? Ugh!


Zuka Zama!


(SIGHS) Thank you, Bunga.

No biggie, little guys.

Galagos are safe.

Now let's stop
these antelopes.

Turn 'em, Fuli.

You heard him. Turn!

Slow down, everybody.


Whoa. Whoa. Whoa.


You forgot to say, "please."

Bupu, you can't just stampede
for no reason.

You almost stomped
on the galagos.

Well, they almost tripped us.

Besides, I still think
we saw a jackal.

Next time call for us.

Don't just start running
and putting others in danger.

(SIGHS) Fine.

Herd? You heard?


It's not just
the antelopes, Kion.

All the herds are on edge.

Can you blame 'em?

They never know
when the Outlanders
are gonna attack.

They're scared.

And it's getting worse

now that they've all teamed up
to work for Scar.

They've teamed up.
That's it!

The Outlanders
have the Pride Landers scared

because they're
working together.

But we can do that, too.

Unite the Pride Landers.

If we stand together
we stand stronger.

And we'll be prepared
for any attack that comes.

That would bepoa!

Kion, not all of
the Pride Lands' herds
get along.

You really think we can
get them to work together?

Sure we can.

When they find out
we're up against Scar,

they'll all wanna
work together.

Except, my dad doesn't want
anyone to know Scar's back.

He thinks
it'll scare 'em too much.

Oh. He's probably right.

I doubt they'd even
believe Scar's back.

I mean, a giant lion's head
made of fire?

(SCOFFS) I'm not even sure
I believe it.

And I've seen him
with my own eyes.

I know the Pride Landers
will want to

protect their home
from any threat.

All we have to do
is ask 'em.


So what are we waiting for?


Time to unite the Pride Lands.

♪ Can't ignore
What's goin' on here

♪ att*cks and fire,
We gotta fight that fear...

You want help defending
against the Outlanders?

Whatever it takes,

you can count
on the elephants.

♪ And join the fight

♪ When there's darkness,
We'll be the light


Very well.

We will join your cause.

♪ Pride Landers unite


♪ Pride Landers unite

Uh, I'm not sure
we'd be much help.

What do you think, Kifaru?

Sure. Let's go.


Anyone seen my tick-bird?

The rhinos are in.

♪ Fight for what's right

♪ So rise up

♪ And join the fight...

So, who's with me?

We are!



♪ What's right

♪ Pride Landers unite


♪ Pride Landers unite


♪ Pride Landers unite


♪ Pride Landers unite

♪ Pride Landers unite


♪ Pride Landers unite


♪ Pride Landers unite ♪

This is such an honor.

Who better than the elephants

to help defend
the Pride Lands?


Bupu, what are you doing here?

I didn't realize that Kion
had asked other animals

to help defend
the Pride Lands.

Neither did I.

Why would he need anyone
besides us antelopes?

It was the antelopes
who gave me the idea.

Of course it was.

But a threat
to the Pride Lands anywhere

is a threat
to Pride Landers everywhere.


And we're happy to help.

Good. We can use
all the help we can get.

LAINI: Coming through.

Galagos reporting for duty.


Not them again.

Kion, I know you said
all the Pride Landers, but...

Whoo-hoo! Isn't it great?

They couldn't wait
to help out.

They are Pride Landers.

Besides, how much trouble
can they be?

Okay, everyone, listen up.


You'll do.

"Do" what? What...

Now just a minute.
Hold on, there.

I am holding on.

Now, go!

I most certainly will not.
Get off of me.

Now, Laini.

(GRUNTS) Hey! Un-trunk me.

Um, Laini?

Yes, sir.

Just trying to
get this team going, sir.


Well, one thing I've noticed
about the galagos...

You're very fast.

Yes, sir, we are.

So do you think you could get
all the galagos

running in the same direction
at the same time?

Yes, sir, sir.

One thing that always
helps me in a crisis

is to remember to stay calm.

"Stay calm."

Got that, everybody?

Uh-uh. Yeah.


So, let's say
the hyenas are attacking.

The hyenas are attacking?


It's just pretend.

I don't see 'em.


Guys, no. Wait.

(SCOFFS) Rhinos.

Watch it.



Hey! Hey!


I know what you're thinking.

But don't worry.

We'll get them
working together.

KIFARU: Mwenzi?


BUPU: Watch that horn.


Okay. We're gonna try
something different this time.

Remember, working together

is an important part
of being a team.

So whenever
there's an emergency,

you have to
get there together.

You hear that, everyone?

Kion wants us all
to get there together.

And you gotta get there fast.

See Bunga up there?

Hey, everybody.

I'm over here.

By this tree!

See me?

He's a little hard to miss.

Now, when I say "go,"
all you have to do is
get over there

fast as possible, together.
Got it?



On three.

Got it?

On three, we're gonna
run to that hill

as fast as we can.

One, two, three!



Remember, stay together.




KIFARU: Look out
for the galagos.



What's goin' on?





Look out. (GRUNTS)

No. I'm over here!



What was that?

Blame the galagos.

They got in our way. Again!

Kion, you still think we can
get them to work together?

We have to.

For the sake of
the Pride Lands.

They're all trying.

They're just not
used to being on a team.


Maybe they need to learn
from some other Pride Landers

who are used to
working as a team.

You're not thinking about

who I think you're
thinking about, are you?

And why should I help
other Pride Landers

learn to work together?

We crocodiles take care
of ourselves,

and nobody else.

Makuu, you've trained
your crocs

to be a strong
and unified team.


And I think the rest
of the Pride Landers

could learn a lot from how
you train your float.


Perhaps you could.

KION: Okay, everyone,
good news.

The crocodiles
have agreed to help.

Help whip you soft and fluffy
dirt-dwellers into shape.

I'm not soft.

And I'm certainly not fluffy.

Ooh, I'm soft and fluffy.

What Makuu means is

he'll have you wrestling
like crocs in no time.

Let's not expect
too much, Kion.


Why don't we start
with some basic training?

Ma Tembo, if you...

I got this, Kion.

You, you, and you.

With me.

Do we have to take orders
from Makuu?

He's so... rude.

I know,

but he can give us
some good tips

on how to work together
to protect the Pride Lands.

Just give him a chance.

Very well.

For you, Kion.

You sure about this, Kion?

Makuu is a good leader
when he needs to be.

No. No, no! No.

Swing your tail fast.

Like this! See?

Maybe go keep an eye on him.

Just in case.



You call that a jaw vice?

We don't have jaws
quite like yours.

Reverse tail whip. Now!

Well? Do it!



I'm waiting.

It's a simple move.

Not if you don't have
a long tail.

You think excuses
are the crocodile way?

In case you haven't noticed,

we're not crocodiles.

And that's why you'll lose.

And those Outlanders
will have you for breakfast.

And you for lunch.

And you for dinner!

And the rest of you
for a late-night snack.

You wanna be
a late-night snack
for an Outlander? Hmm?

Of course not. But...

I didn't think so.

Now, do it again!


Okay. Let's see if we can

at least coordinate
your kicks.

On three, ante-lanty-lopes.

One, two...



Bunga. You okay?

(WEAKLY) Three.

You think training's going
any better with Makuu?

Can't be any worse.

I wouldn't be
so sure about that.

Kion, you should see this.



You're even worse
than Ma Tembo.



I'm doing my best.

Your best is worse
than my worst.

Now, get it right!

Or I'll have you for lunch.

Makuu! That's no way to talk
to a fellow Pride Lander.

It's the crocodile way.

But this is my team.

We have to work together,

not thr*aten each other.

Tell you what, cub.

You defend your territory
your way,

we'll defend ours our way.

Makuu, the Pride Lands
belong to all of us.


We'll take our chances.

Crocodiles, let's go.

So the Pride Landers
are training for battle

to defend themselves
against me?



Yeah. They should know
they don't stand a chance.

Don't be so sure, Janja.

Pride Landers working together

could pose a threat
to my plan.

Of course it could.

Although, if Kion's alliance

with the crocodiles
is already fraying,

this could also be
an opportunity.

You mean...

Yes, Kiburi.

Now is the time we take
Makuu's watering hole.

Makuu won't know what hit him.


MAKUU: What a waste of time.

I can't believe Kion wanted me
to train the Pride Landers,

and be nice to them.

Hey, we'll be real nice to ya.

Right before we kick you
out of your watering hole.


You really think you stand
a chance against crocodiles?

Maybe not. But we do.





What's this?


Kion! Kion!

The Outlanders are attacking
Makuu's watering hole!

Let's go.

Kion, it's a lot
of Outlanders.

As in, all of them.

We might need a lot of animals
on our side, too.



Trust me, Ono.

This crew isn't ready.

BUPU: Don't be so sure.

We have to be ready.

After all, a threat
to the Pride Lands anywhere

is a threat
to Pride Landers everywhere.

The sable antelopes
are ready.

Makuu may be brusque,

but he was trying to help us.

The elephants are ready.

Same goes for the rhinos.

And you know
the galagos are ready.

All right, then.

Pride Landers, follow me.

We'll fight for what's right.

Pride Landers unite!





Just give up now.

(SCOFFS) "Give up"?

That's not the crocodile way.

Or have you forgotten that

in your time
in the Outlands, Kiburi?







That's enough, Kiburi.

You too, Janja. Stop!


Who's gonna stop us,

the five of you?

Yeah! Five against...

Two, three, four, uh... Heh.

Against a lot of us.

It's a little more than five.


That's a lot more than a lot.

Everyone, let's go.


I sure hope they're ready.





Fuli, have the antelope
clear a path.

On it.

Bupu, Boboka.

Wanna take these guys
for a little spin? Please?

Thought you'd never ask.

BOBOKA: Antelopes, together!


Whoo. I can see
my den from here.



Kion. The Outlanders are
breaking into smaller groups.



Have your guys take out
those crocodiles and hyenas.

You bet, Kion.

All right, guys.
This is what we trained for.

Stopping the Outlanders.

Just point me at 'em.

That's what I like to hear.

Remember, stay calm.

Calm, right.

Calm, but strong.






Don't worry, galagos.

We'll get in there.


(STAMMERS) Eventually.





Get their trunks.

That's the most
delicious part.






Elephants in trouble!


Kion, we wanna help.

Great. I need you to do
what galagos do best.

Get underfoot.

Sir, yes, sir.

But we need somebody
to get us to the right feet.

Bupu, over here.


Yes, Kion?

Think you can give these guys
a lift into battle? Please?

I suppose this one time
wouldn't hurt.










Just 'cause you're big
don't mean you can't fall!




Let's go, galagos.



Hey. Watch where you're going.


Uh-oh. Whoo!




Now who's falling?

Whoa, Nelly!

Wow! That was amazing.

It was fun.

Let's go, galagos.

You trip 'em up,
I'll toss 'em out.


This is what I call teamwork!





Reverse tail whip's no good

when you got someone
on your tail.

(GRUNTS) Good to know, Kiburi.



Now, where was I?

Oh, yeah.

Reverse tail whip.

You mean like this?




I call that the
"reverse-reverse trunk whip."

Most impressive.

But you're not
a crocodile yet.

Get off me!




Now, out of my watering hole!


Outlanders, regroup!

We're leavin'
the watering hole?



Everyone, get to
higher ground.

All right, we got 'em now.


Outlanders, don't mess
with the Pride Lands.

'Cause when you mess
with the Pride Lands,

you mess the Pride Landers.




Uh, what can I say?

You saved our watering hole.

And my float.

You can say thank you.


Thank you.

You're welcome.

Glad you're part of the team.

You would've done
the same for us.

I will now.

If there's ever trouble
for anyone in the Pride Lands,

we'll be there.

You will?


Because a threat
to the Pride Lands anywhere

is a threat
to Pride Landers everywhere.

Yep. And by working together,

we can all defend
the Pride Lands.

We'll fight for what's right.

ALL: Pride Landers unite!




♪ Look out
Here comes the Lion Guard ♪