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02x07 - Swept Away

Posted: 11/08/21 06:28
by bunniefuu




THURSTON: Well, everyone,

I'm afraid we have
no other choice.

(DEEP BREATH) Panic and...

Stop! You can't run!


(SIGHS) We can still panic.

You don't need to panic.

We just have to figure out
how to get you unstuck.

I simply don't understand.

There used to be
a river here.

But now everything
is so dry.

That's because
it's the dry season.

Ah, the dry season. I see.

But where'd all the water go?

(SIGHS) Maybe it panicked
and ran.

You know what we could
really use? Some rain.

Oh, yes. Capital idea.

Well, obviously. (SIGHS)

Is no one
listening to me?

We need to hurry, Kion.

This mud's gettin' drier
by the second.

If it dries up completely,

we'll never get
all these zebras out!

Actually, all we need
is one dark cloud.

You mean like that one?

What are you
thinking, Kion?

I'm thinking
Bunga's right.

We need it to rain.

Okay... So where are we
gonna get rain from?

The Roar.


It's made it rain before.

What? This I gotta see!

Do it, Kion! Do it!
Do it! Do it! Do it!

Do it!
Do it! Do it!

Okay. Everyone,
prepare to get wet.




The Roar can make it rain!


Ugh. That's rain,
all right.




Oh! Huzzah!

Nice job on the rain, Kion.

Thanks, Beshte.

(SHIVERS) Now if only
there was a Roar
to make it stop.

It'll stop any second.



Poa! This is great!

The ground is really thirsty.

The ground might
be thirsty, Beshte.

But it's so dry, it can't
absorb all this water.

And there's nowhere
for it to go.

Oh, it's going somewhere,
all right. Look!

Hapana! (WHIMPERS)

Lion Guard! We gotta get
these zebra to safety!

Fuli! Round up the zebras!

Beshte! See if you can
block the water!

You got it, Kion!

FULI: This way! Huwezi!

I don't understand.

You said it was
the dry season.






Ki... Bo...






Whoa! (GRUNTS)


That was the craziest
water slide ever!

Right, guys?

Guys? Wait...

I'm in the Outlands!

I better get back
to the Pride Lands

and make sure
everyone else is okay.

Anybody hurt?


We're okay.


See? You didn't have
to panic and run.

Hmm. You're right.

Zebras, remember that
for next time.

Panicking was enough.


That was un-Bunga-lievable,

The Roar made it rain!

Yeah. But it was
a lot more rain
than I was expecting.

Good job blocking
that wave, Beshte.


Hey, Big B?
Where you hiding?

Big B?

Big B!

How'd we manage
to lose a whole hippo?

All that water.

It must've
swept him away!


Washed away?

Nah... He's Big B!

You know... Big.

Then again, that was
an awful lot of water.

And it was moving
awfully fast.

Heyvi kabisa.

I should have thought of that
before I used the Roar.

But you saved the zebras.

Let's just hope
Beshte's okay.

'Course he's okay.

He's Big B.
He's gotta be okay!

Uh, he is gonna
be okay, right?

Ono, take a look and see
if you can spot him.


Come on, Beshte.
Where are you?


It's really hot!

The sun's gonna burn me
if I'm not careful.

I better find some shade.

The riverbed might be
the fastest way home...

But at least this way
I'll be able
to find some shade

and see more of the Outlands!


♪ Poa! That sun is hot

♪ Got to keep moving
Long way to walk

♪ Can't see shelter
I've looked a lot

♪ No time to waste
No place to stop

♪ 'Cause one thing hard way
I've learnt

♪ If I'm out in the sun
too long, I get burned

♪ Loving every bit
of this welcome breeze

♪ But what I need
is shady trees

♪ But it's okay
and it's all right

♪ I'll push it along
till Pride Land's in sight

♪ Need a break
Take a rest real soon

♪ Till then I'll be singing
this tune

♪ Got to look
on the bright side

♪ This shining sun
will never get me down

♪ Got to look
on the bright side

♪ A happy song
will help me get around

♪ Flood plains would be
great right now

♪ How about a cloud
so rain come down?

♪ Even a shadow
that will hit the ground

♪ Not a place
that's to be found

♪ Wait a minute
I think I've found a place

♪ Great rock space
I can take a break

♪ Love the scenery
I mean to say

♪ But got to stay safe
while I'm on my way

♪ Got to look
on the bright side

♪ A long way home

♪ Got lots of things to see

♪ Got to look
on the bright side

♪ Spirits high
is how I'll always be

♪ Phew! Now that hit the spot

♪ Catch my breath
and rest and cool off

♪ Stretch my leg
Step I can't stop

♪ Home on my mind
Time to move on

♪ Pride Lands bound
Be home with ease

♪ Love that sun
But love shade and trees

♪ Back real soon
Had time to breathe

♪ Found that shelter
No burns for me

♪ Got to look
on the bright side

♪ This shining sun
will never get me down

♪ Got to look
on the bright side

♪ A happy song
will help me get around

♪ Got to look
on the bright side

♪ The long way home
has lots of things to see

♪ Got to look
on the bright side

♪ Spirits high
is how I'll always be ♪

Who knows how far
the rushing water took him.

KION: At least we know
what direction he went.

Yeah, that's good, I guess.

Unless that direction
was the Outlands.

No sign of Beshte.

And the water's
already drying up.

Hippos don't do
so well in the sun

without any water or mud
to cover their skin.

Then we've gotta
find him fast. Come on!

ONO: Wait for me.


That's better.

SHUPAVU: What are you doing
in the Outlands, hippo?


Oh. Hey there,
little lizard.

I'm just looking for shade
on my way back
to the Pride Lands.

We could use you
for shade!


I bet you could!

We can help you find
more shade if you like.

You can?

Of course we can.

Poa! Like my dad says,

"You can make friends
wherever you go."

(CHUCKLES) How sweet.

Now, follow me.

He's got to be
around here somewhere.

(GROANS) Better tell Kion.

I looked all over
the Outlands,
and there's no sign of him.

I feel terrible.

Don't beat yourself up, Ono.

This is my fault, not yours.

(SIGHS) He's out there
all alone.

Wait. Beshte's probably
the only hippo
in the Outlands.

So even if we can't
find him,

we should find
signs of him.

Ono, could you look
for hippo prints?

If we find those,
they should lead to Beshte.

I wasn't even looking
for footprints.

You got it, Kion!

And maybe you and I
can track him by scent.


Good thinking, Fuli.


You smell him?

I don't smell him.



Whoa! What is that smell?


(SIGHS) That's you, Bunga.

Oh, yeah.


Pure Bunga.

Bunga, why don't you stay
downwind of us

so we can track Beshte
without any...


Hmm. Got it.

I know!
I can shout for him

so he knows
we're looking for him!




Oh, yeah.
That's much less annoying.




It don't matter what he says.

You two always gotta
listen to me.

You got it, boss.

What'd he say?

He said, listen to me.

Uh, Cheezi?
I was listening to you.

Not me-me. Him-me.

Who me?

So sad.

Psst. Ushari!

I'm right here.

Yeah, well, I got a secret
you might wanna know.


That hippo from the Lion Guard
is stuck in the Outlands.


Is he, now?

Shupavu's keeping an eye
on him right now.

Who cares about a hippo?

I care.

Oh, yeah! Yeah! I care tons!

Me, too!

Uh... why do we care?

Because if the Lion Guard's
strongest is alone
in the Outlands,

it's the perfect opportunity
to eliminate him!


It will weaken the Lion Guard.

Correct, Ushari.

And then you hyenas will get
to eat whatever you like
in the Pride Lands.

Whatever we want?


we gotta take out Beshte.

But he's the strongest.

How are we supposed
to do that, boss?

Don't call me "boss"
in front of the boss.

In case
you fools haven't noticed,

it's the dry season.

Too much sun
makes hippos weak.

Since Beshte already seems
to trust you skinks,

we can use that
to our advantage.

I have a plan.

Listen to him, boys,
he has a plan.

Him you? Or Him-him?

Just listen.

Scar always has a plan!
Big plans!

Correct. Big plans indeed.

Now, here's what I want
you to do.

Thanks again
for finding me shade.

The Pride Lands are
all the way on the other side
of Rocky Plateau.

But I don't think
I can make it across
without getting burned.

I got ya covered!

Literally! I know a shortcut.

Through the caves
under Rocky Plateau.

You do?

And you're sure that's
the right way to go?

Sure I'm sure.

It'll keep Beshte outta
the sun so he won't burn.

Trust me.

That'd be Poa. Let's go.

The cave's this way.
Follow me.

Who knew folks were so helpful
in the Outlands?

Lucky I found you guys.
I mean, lucky you found me.

Whew! Let's go.

Yes. Totally lucky.

This way.

He's falling for it! (LAUGHS)

This plan's gonna
work out great.

I dunno, Janja.

Your plans don't usually
work out so good.

This ain't my plan,
fur-brain, remember?
It's Scar's.

Oh, yeah, right.

Then maybe it will work.



(SIGHS) Never mind.

Come on, fur-brains.
Let's get over
to Rocky Plateau.

We got work to do.



I thought I had him,

I'm not having much luck
tracking him either.

It's hard to smell
somebody's scent

when it's been washed away
by so much water.

(SIGHS) I hope
Ono's having better luck.

Come on, Beshte...

Where did you go?

Those look like
Hippo prints!

Of course!
Beshte went into the cave
to get out of the sun!

Kion! Kion!
I know where Beshte went!

You found him?

Not exactly. Just follow me.

His tracks lead in here.

Nice work, Ono.

Whoa! Look at that!

What is it?

Big B...
He has really big feet!

Because he's
a hippo, Bunga.

Oh, yeah.

Beshte must have gone in
to get shelter from the sun.

Come on!

So are we getting close
to the end of the caves?

Oh, we're getting close
to the end, all right.

You got a plan, right?

Oh, yeah.

Hurry up.



That was a tight squeeze.

Uh-oh. Hey, little skinks?

I think we made
a wrong turn somewhere.

This is a dead end.

JANJA: You got that right!


And us!


You gotta get outta here!

Back the way we came,



Little skinks! Look out!


That's right! You're trapped!

And we got lots more rocks
up here!


But not for long!

At least those
little skinks got away safe.

But I thought
the skinks was with us?

The hippo don't know that!

Come on,
we got more rocks to push!


Oh, boy! I don't think
I want to be around
when that rock hits!

I just gotta unblock
the entrance.

Twende Kibokoooo!

(ECHOING) Twende Kiboko...

ALL: Beshte!



Bunga! Not helping!


It's not, huh?

glad to hear you're okay.

Thanks, Kion. But, uh...

I've kind of got a "hyenas and
falling rock" situation here.

They're pushing down rocks
from an opening
to Rocky Plateau.

And I'm pretty sure
they're trying to hit me!

I know where that is!

I flew over it while
I was looking for Beshte.

Hang in there, Beshte!
We'll handle those hyenas!


But hurry.

I'm runnin' outta places
to go!

Let's go!

Till the Pride Lands end...

ALL: Lion Guard defend!

This way!

Ono, wait!
We can't just fly up there.

You can't, but I can get
pretty close to flying.

Follow her.

(LAUGHING) Heh-heh. That one
hit real loud. This is fun!

This is fun.

Who cares how loud it is,
fur-brain? Hit the hippo!

We could if he'd stop moving.

Hey, Beshte. Maybe you could
hold still a second?

I don't think so.

Ha! He's running outta room!

Now for the big one.




One smooshed hippo, comin' up!

Not so fast, Janja!

Fuli! Try to keep
that rock from falling in!

On it, Kion!

Totally on it.

(SNARLS) Back away, Janja.

Hey! Stop with the pecking!



Beshte! Get out of there!

Twende Kiboko!

Thought you could hurt one
of the Lion Guard, did you?

Oh? Is the hippo down there
one of the Lion Guard?

I had no idea.

We were just havin' some fun.

So I got nowhere to run,
eh, cub?

Actually, you can have all
the room you need.


I never get tired of that.

No rain this time, though.
Oh, well.

Least we got rid of the hyenas
and saved Big B.



Big B?

BESHTE: Boy, that last rock
sure was a doozy, huh?


I thought
I was gonna have to
be Big B from now on.

Nah... I'm still here.


So much for that plan.

I guess Scar's plan worked out
as good as one of yours.

(LAUGHING) Huh, Janja?

Think he's gonna be mad?

You know, maybe we don't gotta
go right back to the volcano.

USHARI: Janja? Hyenas?

Scar wants to see you.


And he's not happy.

(GULPS) Oh, boy.

Beshte, I'm so sorry I got you
swept into the Outlands.

That's okay, Kion. It's not
like you did it on purpose.

You were helping the zebras.

Yeah, and it all worked out

Plus, we got to see all
the hyenas go flying!


Yeah, and that never
would've happened

if you guys hadn't come
to look for me.

You can always
count on us, Beshte.

You know it, Big B.


Ooh. You really did get burned
out there.

Yeah. It's good to be home.

Where there's lots of shade.

And mud!

Oh, yeah! Gotta love it!

(SIGHS) Do we?



♪ Look out
Here comes the Lion Guard ♪