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01x26 - Ono the Tickbird

Posted: 11/08/21 06:27
by bunniefuu




ONO: This way everyone!

What a mess!

The rhino's headed
for the baboons' tree!

Then we better
get there first.

On it.


What just happened?

We're too late!


It's raining baboons!

Not exactly. Look!

BESHTE: Hey! That's Kifaru!
But he's a nice rhino.

Why's he smashin'
into things?

I dunno, Beshte.


But we've got
to stop him

before he really
hurts somebody.
Come on!

Hey, you know,
we could just
catch the baboons...



Or maybe not.

Stop shaking that tree!

Don't yell at me.
I didn't put
the tree here!

Hey, Kifaru?
What's the kerbubble?

Oh, Beshte. It's you.

I'm kinda stuck.

Don't worry.
Everything's gonna be okay.

The Lion Guard's here now.

We'll get you loose,

Then you can tell us
what happened.

Oh, that would be wonderful.

Beshte, you push
the tree that way.

Fuli, Bunga, and I
will move Kifaru
the other way.

Ono, watch his horn
but don't get too close.

You don't have
to tell me twice.

Everybody ready?

Now, go!


Okay, doing great...

So close...


Thank you!

You don't know how it felt
to be stuck like that!

I kinda do!


Sorry, Bunga.

And I thought your pointy end
was the dangerous one.

So what's going on, Kifaru?

Why're you causing
so much trouble?
What trouble?

You shook the baboons
out of their tree.

So that's what
they were shouting about...

Not to mention
knocking down

a whole bunch of trees
before that.


I thought it was odd
that so many trees

were growing
on the path to Lake Matope.

Hey! Look out!
Oh, sorry!


Watch where you
point that thing!

Sorry! Sorry!

I better be on my way.

He's going to run
into another tree.

It's like he doesn't
know it's there.

He doesn't!

He doesn't have
his tickbird!

Kifaru! Stop, stop!

What's wrong?
You tell me.

What happened
to your tickbird?

You mean Mwenzi?

BESHTE: That's right. Mwenzi!

I see you guys
together all the time.

Not anymore you won't.

He left me this morning.

No reason or anything.
He just flew away.

That explains everything!

It does?

Rhinos have
very poor eyesight...
Ono! Shh!

He's standing right there!

Believe me,
I know all about it.

My eyesight's worse
than most rhinos!

That's why rhinos
partner with tickbirds.

The tickbirds
ride on the rhinos

and warn them
about dangers

that the rhinos can't see!

Common knowledge, really.

That's awfully
nice of them!

What's in it
for the tickbirds?

Ticks, of course.

And all the other bugs
they find on our backs!

They eat 'em all up!

Mmm! Sounds like
a good deal to me.

Oh, it is!

¶ Tickbirds and rhinos

¶ Were always a pair

¶ Together we go

¶ Everywhere

¶ He's always guiding me along

¶ Cleaning all the pesky bugs
right off of my back

¶ Tickbirds and rhinos

¶ We're always a pair ¶


So you didn't mean
to cause all that trouble.

You just can't see
where you're going.

That's right.

I'm really sorry.

I was just trying
to go to Tamasha.

What's Tamasha?

Every wet season,
all us rhinos get together
near Lake Matope.

And we all spar
in the mud. (SOBS)

It's great.

Poor guy seems awfully sad
he won't get to go.

That's why we need
to find Mwenzi and
get him to come back.

But what if we can't
find him in time

to get Kifaru to Tamasha?

I know! We find him
a temporary tickbird
to take him there.

A tickbird like me!


Riding around the savannah
with all the bugs I can eat?

What could be better?

Kifaru! Say hello
to your new tickbird!

Zuka Zama!

Bunga? But you're
not a bird!

Trust me! I'll getcha
to Lake Matope
and have a snack!


Uh, well, bye, Kifaru!

See ya, Little B!

See ya!

I think Bunga's gonna do
a great job guiding Kifaru.

No, he's not! Kifaru!

Kifaru, stop!

Huh. Look at that.

Step back slowly.

Uh, okay, Ono.

That's it, keep going.

Sorry, Kirafu.

I was having
so much fun snacking,

I forgot to look
where we were going!

Wow! Kifaru really
listened to you, Ono.

Well, you know.
It's a rhino/bird thing.


You'd be great
at helping Kifaru
get to Lake Matope.


You want me
to be Kifaru's tickbird?

You are the keenest
of sight...

Which is why you need me
to help find Kifaru's
real tickbird!

Kion and I
can track Mwenzi by scent.

And I know
what he looks like.

He's got
a bright red beak.

But I'm a member
of the Lion Guard.

I can't just sit around
on some rhino's back
all day!

You won't be just
sitting around, Ono.

By guiding Kifaru
to Tamasha,

you'll be protecting
the Pride Lands.

But... But...

And protecting the Pride Lands
is the Lion Guard's duty.

Yeah. You're right.

Hey, Ono. You, uh,
want some tips from
a former tickbird?

You have tips?

You nearly guided him
off a cliff!

Okay, fine, no tips.

Suit yourself.



I got the scent. You?


Yeah. Let's go find Mwenzi.

See you later, Ono!

Save me some ticks!

Okay Ono.
Which way
to Lake Matope?

(SIGHS) To the right.


No! No!

Your other right!
Other right!

Oh, my other right!

Why didn't you say so?

(GROANS) This is going
to be a long trip.



Everything okay, Ono?

Fine. Fine.
Everything's fine.
Just keep walking.



Okay. We want
to take the path
to the right.


No, the other right.
The other right.

It's this way!

Okay, okay.
You don't have
to shout.

Mwenzi never shouted.

Until... (SNIFFLES)

Until he decided
to leave.


Oh, I'm sorry. I just...



Ono? I have an itch.


When rhinos have itches,
their tickbirds scratch them.

Mwenzi did it for me
all the time.

I see. Okay.
Where's the itch?

Inside my ear.

Of course it is.


There you go.

You didn't get it.


Up a little...

Wait, now down
just a little...

Okay. Why don't
we get going
to Lake Matope now?

But Mwenzi wouldn't
stop scratching
till I told him to stop.

Kifaru, I'm not Mwenzi.

No. No, you're not...


Excuse me.

I hope the guard
finds Mwenzi soon.

Ono, I may not see very well,
but my hearing is perfect.

And Mwenzi would never mutter
under his breath!

(SIGHS) Sorry.


I think I've seen
this tree before.

You have.

We're just going around
in circles.

We just can't seem
to get a good scent!


Hey, I think Mwenzi's
been here!

(SNIFFS) Yeah.

Pretty recently too.

Maybe he's still here!
I'll check it out!

Zuka Zama!


Nope! No sign of...
Hey, look!


Is that him?

I didn't see it!


I saw a red beak!

Big B, you know Mwenzi.

Is that him?
I'm not sure.

He flew by so fast.


I don't know
if that's not Mwenzi,

or he's just ignoring me.

I have an idea.

BESHTE: Oh, no! I'm
a lonely little rhino
covered with ticks!

If only I had
a tickbird
to help me out!

Don't worry,
little rhino!
I'll help you!

Hey! I don't have
any ticks back here!
What gives?

Hey, there, Mwenzi!

But you're not a rhino!

But you're just the tickbird
we've been looking for!

Uh-uh? Lion Guard?

What do you
want with me?

Sorry we tricked you, Mwenzi.

But it was the only way
to get you to stop
and talk to us.

Talk about what?
Uh, Kifaru.

Oh. Him.
What about him?

Well, without you,
he's causing
all sorts of damage.

He really needs
his tickbird.

You have
to come back to him.

After what he did?
No way!

What'd he do?

He said you just flew off
for no reason.

No reason?
No reason?

Is that what he said?
No reason?

So you're saying
there was a reason?

Uh, yeah!

We were running late
for Tamasha,
and he blamed me!

We're always late.

It's always Kifaru's fault!

But he always blames me!

So what would you do?

(SCOFFS) I'd leave
and I wouldn't look back.


But, uh, that doesn't mean
it's what you should do.

Yeah, Mwenzi.

You and Kifaru were
such good friends.

He seems pretty lost
without you.

And not just because
he can't see!

Though he really
can't see!

Doesn't seem like
you're doing so great either.

Looked like you were
just flying around aimlessly.

Well, uh, I am used
to having a job to do.

Looking after Kifaru, right?


Just come with us
and talk to him.

Real friends work things out.

You really think
he misses me?

Of course he does.

Look how much time
you spent together.

How could he not?

(SIGHS) Okay.

I guess it wouldn't hurt
to talk to him.


Whew. (SIGHS)

Here you go!

What are these?

Jackalberry leaves.

You asked for them.

I had to fly halfway across
the savannah to...

But I like the dark green
jackalberry leaves.

How am I supposed
to know that?

Well, Mwenzi knows.

I'm not Mwenzi!

Hmm, you know, Ono...

I should actually
thank you.
You think so?


If you weren't so bad
at being a tickbird,

I'd never know how wonderful
Mwenzi really was.

Well, you're welcome.

Wait, what?


Ah! Kifaru!
What's wrong?

All this walking's
got me overheated.

Oh! Uh, well, the lake's
not too much farther...

Mwenzi'd always
make sure I was near mud
to cool off.

Maybe I can dig
for some mud.

Huh. Here.
Let me help.

Oh! Oh, this is nice!

Mwenzi's so much
smaller than you.

He could never
do something
like this for me.

(SCOFFS) Did you just say
I was better at something
than Mwenzi?

Oh, yeah.

Little Mwenzi
couldn't do this
if he tried.

Ono, you're the best.

Ono's the best?

I thought you said Kifaru
was lost without me?

But he was!
You should have
seen him...

I do see him! And I see
that he's doing just fine!

Well, if that's
what he wants...

Huh? Mwenzi?

Mwenzi! You came back!

Only to say this.
Goodbye forever!

Mwenzi, wait!


Well, Ono,
looks like you'll have to be
my tickbird from now on.


Wait, wait!
We need to talk!

Ono, stop!

What about Kifaru?
It's not safe to
leave him alone!

Then you four
take care of him!

I'm getting
that tickbird back!

Hey, Kifaru!
We're back in business!

Bring on the bugs!

Hey! Did Ono eat 'em all?

You okay, Kifaru?

Well, I just
lost my tickbird
and my backup tickbird.


How do you think I feel?

Know what'll
make you feel better?

Sparring with other rhinos
at Tamasha!

Come on, Kifaru.

Let's get you to Lake Matope.

Oh, okay...


Maybe Tamasha will make me
feel better.

Hop down, Bunga.

Go straight!
Go straight!

Whoops. My bad.



What are you doing?

You can't stay here.

You can't
order me around, Ono.

I'm not your rhino.

I don't have a rhino.

And I'm not
ordering you around.

It's just not safe here.

Makuu and his crocodiles
hang out here.

If you don't want
to get eaten,
you have to move!

Oh, yeah? Why would
I listen to you?

You were trying
to take my place!

I wasn't!

And I couldn't, anyway.

The whole time
I was with Kifaru,

all he did was complain
and wish I was you.

That's not what
it looked like to me.

I couldn't do
anything right.

Speaking of right,
how do you get him
to make a right turn?

Why should
I tell you?

So you couldn't get him
to turn right either?

Of course I could!

You just make him
turn three lefts!

Three lefts?

Why didn't
I think of that?

See, that's
what makes you
a great tickbird.

I did my best.

Kifaru never was good
with directions.

So how do you
handle the noises?

You know, the...

(LAUGHS) No, no,
it's more like...



Yes! Yes! That's it!

That's totally it!

Yeah, he's a mess.

(SIGHS) He's kind
of my mess, though.

¶ Tickbirds and rhinos

¶ We're always a pair

¶ Together we go

¶ Everywhere

¶ Takin' me for a ride
while I eat all those bugs
right off his back

¶ Tickbirds and rhinos
We're always a pair ¶

(SIGHS) There's something
about a tickbird
and his rhino.

You miss him, don't you?

Oh, he drives me crazy,
but he's my best friend.

Does that make sense?

One of my best friends
is a honey badger.

(CHUCKLES) You should
hear the noises he makes.


Hmm. Lunchtime.

I'm sure you two
can work things out.

Just come back
with me and talk to him.

You know what?
I will.

Great! Let's go!

Ah! Ono!

(GASPS) Hapana!

Hold on!


Ono, my wing!

I can't fly!

Just stay here.
I'll go get help!

(STUTTERS) Okay, Ono.


Hey, look, Kifaru!

We're almost there!


Take our word for it.

Everyone, everyone!

Mwenzi's in trouble!

Who cares about him?

Makuu's got him trapped!

Makuu the crocodile?

Mwenzi doesn't
stand a chance!

I gotta save him!

Any chance
he's going the right way?

Mwenzi! I'm coming!

Amazingly enough, he is!

And we better
go with him!

Till the Pride Lands end...

ALL: Lion Guard defend!


Oh, why don't you just
give it up, Makuu?

I'm not about to fall,
and I'm too high
for you to reach.

I might have a trick
or two that'll
surprise you.




You won't be
so lucky next time.

There won't be
a next time, Makuu!

You came for me?

Leave my friend alone!



Nice try, rhino.

But this does
change things.

It's no longer
a small snack...


A great big meal
like this

is gonna take
more than one croc
to bring down!

(GRUNTING) Just wait
till I get loose, Makuu!

No, I don't think
we will.

Think again, Makuu!

the Lion Guard...

This isn't
your business, Kion.

Back off!

No chance, Makuu!


Pick on someone
your own size!

Twende Kiboko!


It's okay, Kifaru!
You can do it!


Move your foot back
and to the right!

Your other right!
Your other right!
Got it!

Now brace yourself
against that rock
and pull!




What'd I hit?


No, you did great!
Keep swinging!
Keep swinging!





No meal's worth this.

Forget it!

Too late, Makuu!


That's what you get
when you mess
with my best friend.

Great job, guys.

I couldn't have done it
without my tickbird.

And I couldn't
have done it
without my rhino.

¶ Tickbirds
¶ And rhinos

BOTH: ¶ We're always a pair ¶

Uh, Ono?

I'm sorry, but you can't be
my tickbird anymore.

I hope you're
not too upset.

Oh, I think I'll manage.


Yeah! Go!

Hmm? Oh. Whoo-hoo!

Yeah! Go!

Gotta tell ya, I'm surprised
to see you here.

I heard
you two split up!

Who, us?
BOTH: Never!


Looks like they're
having a really great time.

(CHUCKLES) Totally.

I'm glad they
made it here together.

It must be great to have
a friend with you
all the time.

Yeah! Hey, Ono!
Wanna be my tickbird?


I'll always be
your friend, Bunga.

But my tickbird days
are over.



¶ Look out
Here comes the Lion Guard ¶