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01x25 - Beshte and the Hippo Lanes

Posted: 11/08/21 06:26
by bunniefuu
Making the hippo lanes
after a big rainstorm

has been a hippo tradition
for a long time.

It sure would be easy to
get lost in all these reeds.


Flattening all
these overgrown plants

helps everyone else cross
the flood plains safely.

So I try to make 'em
straight and true.

And that's what they are,
straight and true.

I do my best. And someday you'll
be the one making the hippo lanes!

Help! Help! I'm stuck!

It came from back this way!

Let's go, son!

Somebody! Anybody?

Twende Kiboko!


- Where are you?
- Over here!

Mmm. Lunchtime.

We're coming!

They'll never find
him in this mess.

This way, Dad!

- Hey!
- Stay away from him, Makuu!


Think about it, Beshte.

There's two of us,
and only one of you.

Back off, Makuu.

The flood plains are a
safe zone after a rainstorm.

You know Beshte's right, Makuu.

always obeying the rules.

Come on. One little rhino's
not worth the effort.

- You sure they're gone?
- Yup. So what's the kerbubble?

I got tangled up
in the reeds and mud.

And I can't get free.

Well, maybe you should have waited
for me to finish the hippo lanes.

Just like all the other animals.

But I was in a hurry!

I know.
I should have waited.

Don't worry.
We'll get you out.

What was that?

There you go!

I'm free!
Oh, oh, thank you!

- Don't forget...
- I know!

Wait to cross until
the hippo lanes are done.

That's right.
Won't be long now.

- Hey, Beshte!
- Kion!

We heard an animal
shouting for help.

Yeah. But it's taking us forever
to get through all this muck.

Don't worry about that.

Me and my dad saved
the little guy.

And scared off Makuu.

You and your dad did all that?

Maybe Basi should be on
the Lion Guard too, Kion.

I don't think so.

I've got my jaws full
making the hippo lanes.

And speaking of the hippo
lanes, I need to get back to it!

- Whoa! You okay, Dad?
- I'll be fine, Beshte.

That little rhino just
scratched me with his horn.

Dad? Looks like more
than just a scratch.

Basi, you probably shouldn't
be walking on that leg.

I'm afraid
the hippo lanes can't wait.

Dad, there's no way
you can make the hippo lanes

if you're having trouble
just walking.

I'm afraid you're right.

So? What's the big deal?

The flood plains
will dry up soon.

There's not a cloud in the sky.

You know what they say.

If you don't like
the weather on the savannah,

just wait a few breaths.

Beshte? It looks
like someday is today.

What do you mean?

I've always said you'd take
over the hippo lanes someday.

But today? Right now?

Dad, I don't know
if I can do it.

The Pride Lands need
those hippo lanes, son.

And I know you can do it.

Beshte, you're the
strongest in the Pride Lands.

We all believe in you.

Right. It's my responsibility
as a hippo.

I'll do it.

- That's great.
- All right!

That's my boy.

And I can help!

- It's really stuck in there.
- Come on, Bunga.

Something tells me
we'd only slow Beshte down.

And you know I'm never
one to slow anyone down!

Thanks, guys.

We'll help your dad get back
to solid ground so he can rest.

Sounds good to me.

My first time
making the hippo lanes.

What a big day!

Thank you, Lion Guard.

I'm sure if I stay off it,
it'll heal up quick.

Happy to help.

Everyone! Everyone!
We've got a problem.

There's another
rainstorm on the way!

We heard.

It is the rainy season, Ono.

Yes. But the sable antelopes'
grazing grounds

were already flooded out
in yesterday's rainstorm.

So they've got nowhere to eat?
That's horrible!

And if I know the sable antelope,

they're probably
too stubborn to move.

Exactly! They're just standing
around in knee-deep water!

Even the little
baby antelopes!

So when the next
rain storm comes...

They'll be completely

We need to get that herd
to higher ground.

You should bring them here.

The herd's on the other side
of the flood plains.

Well, sure. But by the time you
go around and lead them back,

Beshte will be done
with the hippo lanes.

Right. Then they can get
across the flood plains quickly.

Before the rain gets here.

Great idea, Basi.
Thanks for your help!

Sure. Just wish I could be out
helping Beshte with those lanes.

Don't worry, Bigger B.

I know Big B
can handle it.

Come on, Lion Guard.
Let's go help those antelope!

Till the Pride Lands end...

Lion Guard defend!

Hi, Beshte!

Hey, Laini.

Check it!
I'm makin' the hippo lanes!

Oh, good! I've been trying to get
across the flood plains all day!

Think I could hitch a ride
to Ndefu Grove?

Sure! Helpin' other animals is
the whole point of the hippo lanes!

Aw! Thanks, Beshte.

- Any time, Laini.
- # La, la, la, la, la #

This way!

Antelopes, listen up! You
need to follow us to higher...

- And drier!
- ...ground. Let's go!

"Let's go?"
Maybe we don't want to go.

Maybe we're fine right here.

You're knee deep in water.

You really need to come with us.

Do we now?

There's another rainstorm
on the way.

The water here
will only get higher!

So follow us. Come on!

We don't take orders from you.

I know you're
tired and hungry.

But if you follow us
to higher ground,

there'll be plenty to eat.

And you won't
be standing around in water.

It might be nice to get the
young ones out of the water, Bupu.


You heard Kion.
Let's follow the Lion Guard!

Was that so hard?

Let's go anty-lanty-lope!

- Ono, report.
- So far so good, Kion.

Wait a tick...

- Rock slide!
- Back! Everyone back!

What is it with you?

You just told us to follow you.

Anyone hurt?

- Nope.
- Fine.

- Ono, how's the herd?
- They look fine.

But there's no way
they can get past those rocks.

Is there another way around?

I don't see one.

And it looks like
the storm's coming in fast!

Too bad Beshte's not here.

He could move
those boulders easy.

We don't need Beshte.

Kion can just Roar that
rock away. Right, Kion?

I could, if the antelopes
weren't on the other side of it.

Oh, yeah.

But I can use the Roar
from that side of the rock!

Come on!

Excellent work, Beshte.

I didn't think he was
going to make that one.

What are you talking about?

He's Beshte!
Strongest in the Pride Lands.

I suppose. But I was afraid
we were going to get stuck.

Nah. Don't listen to her.
You're doing a dandy job.

Heh-heh. Thanks, Chura.

Except I was headed that way.

No problem.
I'll get you there in a jiffy.

Oh. Then can you drop me off
over by Ndefu Grove?

Sure thing, Laini.

- You sure you don't mind?
- 'Course he doesn't mind!

It's no problem for the
strongest in the Pride Lands.

Aw. The whole point
of the hippo lanes

is to help animals get where
they need to go.

♪ Hey, I'm ready to push
Through these plains ♪

♪ Clear the way
And make some new lanes ♪

♪ With a one, two
One, two, one, two ♪

♪ Pride Lands massive
Yo, we come through ♪

♪ We crave days
When the rain come down ♪

♪ Stomp the way
Smash reeds to ground ♪

♪ Clear the plains
'Cause pound for pound ♪

♪ Nobody gonna do it
How we get down ♪

♪ So let 'em know
How we making that path ♪

♪ We come through
And we flatten that grass ♪

♪ And when we're done
There's space to run ♪

♪ The reeds gonna grow
In the Pride Lands sun ♪

♪ Whoa-ah
It's what you got to do ♪

# Whoa-ah
We're coming through #

# Making hippo lanes
In the flood plains #

# Clearing the way
After heavy rains #

- # Everybody front to back #
- # We got it #

- # All y'all stand on track #
- # We got it #

♪ 'Potamus got this
Just how we rock it ♪

♪ Coming through
Nobody gonna stop us ♪

♪ We sing a song
That's a tune of home ♪

♪ 'Cause when we're done
There's room to roam ♪

♪ With a zig-ziga
Let's use that girth ♪

♪ Make way for a hippo
We putting in work ♪

♪ Whoa-ah
It's what you got to do ♪

# Whoa-ah
We're coming through #

# Making hippo lanes
In the flood plains #

# Clearing the way
After heavy rains #

♪ It's the hippo way
To help others ♪

♪ Tough as it is
We look out for one another ♪

♪ And we stick together ♪

♪ 'Cause we got to get over ♪

♪ Since I can remember
And now we can show you so ♪

♪ Step, step, step, step,
Step up ♪

♪ We can lay it out flat
So you won't get stuck ♪

♪ 'Potamus up
Let's show our stuff ♪

♪ Pride Lands hippo
doing what we love ♪

♪ Whoa-ah
It's what you got to do ♪

# Whoa-ah
We're coming through #

# Making hippo lanes
In the flood plains #

# Clearing the way
After heavy rains #

# Whoa-ah
It's what you got to do #

# Whoa-ah
We're coming through #

# Making hippo lanes
In the flood plains #

# Clearing the way
After heavy rains #

# Making hippo lanes
In the flood plains #

# Clearing the way
After heavy rains... #

- Thanks for the ride, Beshte.
- Any time, Chura.

Oh! My den's not far from here.
I'll get off, too. You mind?

Thanks again.

My pleasure.
But I better get goin' and

make another lane
back to the other side.

You're going to
the other side? Perfect!

Just drop me off at the patch of
bristle grass on the other side.

Sure thing.

Good thing
you came along, Beshte,

or I never would've gotten
across the flood plains.

Come on, everybody.
Up. Up!

What's the point?

The path is blocked.
We're tired. We give up!

- Seriously?
- Eh, Kion's got this.

Hang on to your antlers.

Uh, for one thing, they're
horns. And for another...

Come on. Let's get you
to the flood plains.

This way.

Uh, guys?

The path is clear!

We've already come so far.


I suppose we could follow
a little longer.


I just hope we beat that storm.

Almost there.

We just have to take the hippo
lanes across the flood plains.

Huh? This can't be right.

I better talk to Beshte.

There he is.

- Hey, Ono!
- Beshte? Um...

- So, are you all done with the hippo lanes?
- Sure am. Whew.

I must've gone back and forth
I don't know how many times!

But I got to talk to a lot
of nice animals along the way.

I'm sure you did. And I know
you've been working hard. But, uh...

- But what?
- Well...

Why don't you take
a look for yourself?

I didn't think of that.

Oh, no, Ono!

I must've gotten distracted
by all the rides I was giving.

Those lanes aren't
straight and true at all!

I let everybody down.

Well, at least
they're kind of pretty.

That one kind of
looks like a flamingo.


Wait. But hippo lanes aren't
supposed to be pretty.

Hippos lanes should be
straight and true.

- And useful!
- I know. That's why we just

led a whole herd of
sable antelopes to them.

A whole herd?

If they go into the flood plains
now, they'll get totally lost!

I gotta make a new lane.

But what if I mess it up again?

- No! I can do this.
- Uh, Beshte?

Ah! I did it again!

Dad's going to be so disappointed.

Wait. Dad'll know
how to fix this!

I gotta go talk to him.

Ono, go warn Kion.

Don't let any animals
into the lanes yet.


This way. This way.
Step right up.

One new Beshte-made hippo lane
for all your crossing pleasures!

Moms and babies first!

Okay. Now you.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Everyone! Wait!

Don't go in the hippo lanes!

Ono? What's going on?

The lanes! They're not
exactly straight and true.

More like
a curly elephant's trunk.

Actually, they're more like
a bunch of elephants' trunks.

All twisted up together.

And stuck in
a Baobab tree's roots.

But I just let an antelope
and her baby go in!


They'll get lost in there!

Not if we can help it.

Bunga, Fuli,
you two stay here.

Don't let anyone else in.

Ono, you're with me.

Right behind...
Uh, above you, Kion.

So we're not going in now?

All day they've
been telling us what to do.

"Get out of the water
so you won't drown."

"Follow us to higher ground
so you won't starve."

"Don't get hit
by falling rocks."

I don't know about you,

but I'm sick and tired
of being told what to do!

Are you serious?

Those were all good things!

Now I bet you're going to
tell us to get out of the rain.

Well, we're not going anywhere!


That's kinda what we wanted.

So, now the herd
is waiting on the other side.

I let everyone down.

Especially you.

You didn't let anyone down,

If anything,
I let you down.

I never should have sent you
out there alone, son.

Dad, your leg!

Son, you're the strongest
hippo in the Pride Lands.

Look. If you'll help me,
I'll help you.

Of course I'll help!

All right.

Then together we can make a lane
straight enough, true enough,

and wide enough to get
that whole herd through.


I found him.
Right ahead, Kion!

And he needs help!

You okay?

Now where's your mom?

She was right behind me!

Somebody help!

I'll go look for her.

No, Ono!
Stay with this little guy.

Guide him back to safety.

You got it.

Don't worry.

I'll find your mom.

And I'll help you
find your way out.

Follow me.

Help, please!

I'm on my way!

Dad, you okay?

I just need to stop
and catch my breath.

You keep going, Beshte.

I'll be right behind you.

We're already halfway across.

I know you can do it.

Okay, Dad.

And this time
they'll be straight and true.

I'll make you proud.

Twende Kiboko!

You always make me proud,

I'll be right behind you!

Get rid of the hippo,
get rid of the rules.

Then we can do whatever we
want in the flood plains.

We could've stayed home
and been soaking wet there.


We'll tell you
when it's safe to go.

For now, do you think you can
just stand there and be quiet?

Not again! Stand up!

What a surprise.

The Lion Guard
is telling us what to do.

Come on! Get up!

You heard me!

Do this. Do that.

Fuli, what are you doing?

I'm trying to get this
stubborn antelope to stand up.

Blah, blah, blah.

Hey, everybody!

Big B!

We did it, Dad!

Straight and true!


Where's he going?

Oh! He did it!

Beshte's new hippo lane
is straight and true.

All the way across
the flood plain!

Ya hear that?
Beshte's showing us the way!

Come on, everybody!
Follow that hippo!

But the flood plain looks so wet.

You're already wet!
We're all wet!

Here we go again.
Go on, yell at us.

Just like
you've been doing all day.

Sorry I yelled.

It's been a long day.

And I know you're all tired,
wet, and hungry.

Truth is, so am I.

But if you want to be a little
less wet and get something to eat,

you can just use that hippo lane
to get across the flood plain.


- That's all we wanted to hear.
- Really?

Of course!
It never hurts to be polite.

You heard the cheetah.
Let's go, everybody!

Go! Go! Go!

There you are! Don't ever
scare me like that again.

- What's going on?
- Beshte did it.

This one goes straight
across the flood plain.

something's gone right today!

Gotta go help Beshte.

What's the hurry?

We've got a nice, big meal planned.

And you're the guest of honor.

Makuu! Leave my dad alone!

This time we've got
numbers on our side.

And we're crocodiles!

We can handle 'em, son.

But Dad, you're hurt.

Nowhere to run, hippos!

I think we need a new lane,
Dad. Stick with me!

Twende Kiboko!

You can't escape that easy!
After them!

What are you doing, son?

Straight and true, remember?

Not this time, Dad.
Trust me.

Dive! Dive!

- You hear something?
- No.

Good thinking, Beshte.

Makuu? We went
to a lot of trouble

to make these lanes
nice and safe for everyone.

So why don't you use them
and get outta here!

You guys did a great job.

I'll say. Everyone
loves the new hippo lane!

Guess you're pretty good at
making them after all, Beshte.

- Thanks, Ono.
- I never had any doubt.