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04x06 - Episode Six

Posted: 11/08/21 05:27
by bunniefuu
- Joan's back. Have you heard?
- Back at work? Already?

Yeah. Absolutely crazy.

Will you marry me?

Her family sold her. Elena's
father owed money back in Italy.

To who?

Some big, powerful family.

I'll get the money to pay back the debt.

How will you get the money, though?






You look like you've got just
enough there to ruin Elena's life.

Hey. You're still here.

He's not coming.

I was just excited
about us having a baby.

I'm on the pill!

How could you keep
that a secret from me?


Where are you going?

(MARTHA'S VOICE) We need to talk!
Because it is not all my fault!




Are you okay? Say something!





Oh, no.



Simon! Hi!

- Hi.
- You didn't come home.

I got you a clean shirt and tie.


Don't you think we should talk?

Are these all the
admissions since yesterday?


- And they cover the entire hospital?
- You know it does.

What do you need? Maybe I can help.


DR MILLAR: Rita, this is serious.
Your baby is two weeks overdue.

If we rupture the membrane
and put you on a hormone drip,

it could bring on the labour.

No, thank you.

150 over 100.

Rita, your blood pressure's very high.

Your baby could be at risk of not
getting all the nutrients it needs.


Are you listening, Rita?
Your baby could die.

You don't need to do
anything. God is protecting me.


♪ You think that I don't feel love ♪

♪ What I feel for you is real love ♪

♪ In others' eyes I see reflected
a hurt, scorned, rejected ♪

♪ Love Child, different from the rest. ♪

MATRON: The girl is putting
herself and the child at risk.

She might be a novice nun but
that doesn't excuse indulging her.

- It's only making things worse!
- We need to tread carefully.

No, we need to fix it.

She's not going to give
birth to the son of God.

- She needs to realise that.
- She's scared.

I have guardianship over her
and I give you my full authority

to carry out an induction.

Strap her down if need be.

What, and traumatise her even more?

You'd prefer to allow her
to remain in a delusion

that is putting her
and the baby in danger?

She is fragile.

- She needs to feel safe.
- She needs more than that.

Is there anyone who could shed
some more light on her situation?

Help her?

Someone who knows a bit
more about her circumstances?

Leave it with me.


I didn't sing out loud, did I?

Actually, I couldn't keep
you away from the microphone.

It's not a bad voice you've got on you.

- You're okay to be back?
- It's worse at home.

♪ Someday I'll have money... ♪

I'm glad I'm here.

♪ Money isn't easy to come by... ♪

All right. Take it slow. If it
gets too much you tell me or...

you can come in here and
you can put a record on.

You can turn it up and you can tune out.


♪ Someday I'll have lovin' ♪

♪ Lovin' isn't easy to come by ♪

♪ By the time it's
come by I'll be gone ♪

♪ I'll sing my song
and I'll be gone... ♪

VIV: $450. A whole year's
pay. How do you save that much?

- Itchy feet?
- Itchy palms, itchy soul.

Aside from the Army base in Vietnam

I've been to Tamworth,
Armidale and Sydney.

Oh, and Wollongong once.


Hey, I don't start for another half
hour. Do you have time for coffee?


Espresso at breakfast.
How very European.

- Have you ever been in here?
- No.

Me neither. But that looks nice.

Shall we?

- Want to see what I bought?
- I'm busy.

What are those?

- Handcuffs.
- I can see that.

- What are you going to do with them?
- I don't know.

I haven't got anyone to arrest.

- Vivian!
- They're just a bit of fun.

Kate bought some, too.

She really likes you.

You mean you really like her.

SIMON: All right, Mrs Rogan.

I've ordered a anticolonergic agent

and that should keep
your ulcer in check.

- All okay?
- Yep.

This is Mrs Rogan.
She's in early labour.

Contractions 8 minutes
apart and she is 3cm dilated.

Excellent. So, this is
a, uh, duodenal ulcer.

No. Nah, it's a gastric one.

Sorry. Sorry, ah, I've...
I'll reorder her medic...

Why don't we go and have a chat.

- Now?
- Yeah. I think it's best.



I know what happened.

Crumpled clothes, the unshaven mug.

You slept in your office
last night, didn't you?

First year of marriage, it is a k*ller.

- Yeah. It is.

But work is work. You can't drop the
ball over a barney with the missus.

No. Sorry.

I promoted you, Bowditch.
Don't you make me regret it.

Worth keeping a razor and a spare
pair of jocks in your drawer,

in case you find
yourself in the doghouse.

Yeah. Ah... Good. Thanks.

Elena was worried you were
headed back to the nunnery.

No sign of Ed?


You know, he won the
fight and got the cash.

Maybe he just got cold feet.

Don't give up.

So, what's wrong with you?
Aside from the obvious.

They're saying my blood pressure is high

and they want to make the baby come out.

Well, duh!

It's gotta come out sometime. Can't
keep your legs crossed for ever.

- Do you feel sick?
- Not really.

She's just bunging on to
get out of mending gowns.

You know, we should
actually probably go,

before dragon lady finds us.

There you are.


- That's an amazing frock.
- Thank you.

Deborah Hampshire.

It's lovely to meet Rita's new friends.

- Look at you. I've missed you.
- Me, too.

I've been bursting to see her

but she's been at the
convent and then here.

They seem so strict about visitors.

Yeah. They are.

How are you feeling, darling?
You look a little bit pale.

Just a bit tired.

Well, I'm just gonna see the
matron for a couple of minutes

and then how about you
and I spend the afternoon

flicking through magazines
and eating chocolates?

- Sound good?
- Thanks, Mum.

(GIGGLES) So pretty.

Is he pregnant?

Transferred till something frees up.

Concussion. No ID on him. Hit-and-run.

We'll have to put him in C.


Did you and Simon make up?

- He won't talk to me.
- Tell him he has to.



- He'll come around.
- I've never seen him like this.



You know him?

Yes, it's Ed. I thought he shot through.

This is the best. I have to tell Elena.


I'm so glad that you called.

I've been terribly worried about Rita

but I didn't want to do anything
to disturb her time here.

Dr Millar thought you
might be able to assist.

Rita's showing signs of stress
at the length of the pregnancy.

An induction is the best
course of action for her.

Then, you must do it.

Rita's... Well, she's...


She is also incredibly wilful.

It's my fault, I'm afraid.

Her father died when she was a
tot. I guess... I indulged her.

So, her belief about her pregnancy
being an immaculate conception...

She's embarrassed.

I've got my suspicions that it's

a young boy from the church choir, Luke.

She was smitten with him.

We'd like her to agree to the induction.

Perhaps you could talk to
her. Help her face reality.

I can try.

I'm not sure that it will help.

I've asked Father Ross to come
in, too. She seems to trust him.

You've all been so good to her. I'm
really grateful. She's a lucky girl.

- Have you talked to him, yet?
- No. He's avoiding me.

It's just a tiff.

Hey. He loves you, Martha.

What if I've ruined it?

You're married. One fight
can't ruin a marriage.

I was so scared I'd do something
stupid and push him away.

Now, I have. What if he's decided
he's married the wrong person?

You made a mistake.

I kept something from
him for a whole year.

I lied.

Sort it out as soon as we get
back. You'll feel so much better.

You look beautiful.
Even with double vision.

I was scared you'd changed your mind

and that what Matron said made you go.

No. It'd take more than
the old bat to stop me.

I was running to you.

This is like that old film,
"An Affair to Remember".

- Did they find each other again, too?
- Yeah, but she was a cr*pple.

Matron tells me you aren't well and
it's time for the baby to be born.

Rita, you need to do what the
doctors ask and have this induction.


Are you scared, Rita?


Your mother, Matron, and I are
concerned about what you believe

to be the truth of your situation.

Maybe speaking it out loud might help.

We need you to be very brave.

Tell the truth. Just like you told me.

What about?

About the father of your child.

Oh! That. It's God.

You know it's not, sweetheart.

Remember what you told me?

About Luke.


- What happened with Luke, Rita?
- We're friends.

We went to the movies, the church
outing to "The Sound of Music".

That's right.

I love that movie.

It made me want to be a nun.

And God, of course.

And Luke was with you?

We sat next to each
other and held hands.

He loves singing, too.

And then you left together.

He walked me home.

But you stopped on the way.

At the park and...

Tell them what you told me,

about what happened at the
park when no one was there.

We went on the swings...

and we...

And you had relations.

Yes. We had relations.

Now that you're being sensible,

you need to let the doctors do
their job and have this induction.

- You understand?
- Yes, thank you.

Now, it's not as much as I
hoped for but it's a start.

This is what you want, too, isn't it?

- It's really what I want.
- Good.

What? Does it hurt?

Only when you stop.

Oh, I haven't got time.
I've got to go back in.

You can't keep avoiding me.

- I'm not.
- What I did...

I wasn't trying to hurt you.

Don't you just want to yell at me?

Please, Simon, I tried to tell
you but every time I got close...

I ran someone over.

- Why didn't you tell me?
- I don't know!

I was coming around the corner
and he jumped out of nowhere.

I couldn't stop. I was so
mad I couldn't see straight.

- I just left him there.
- What?

I know, afterwards I sat with him,
I took his obs. He seemed all right.

I waited for the ambulance to
arrive and then I've just bolted.

- Oh, my god!
- He's here.

I've got to go and confess.

No! Don't do anything, yet.


Mr Thornton? I just need some
details for your admission file.

- How are you feeling?
- Fine. Should let me go today.

(WHISPERS) Just enjoying
the attention I really need.

You'd better get back
before Matron sees you.

So, what was the
nature of your accident?

- I've got no idea.
- Really?

Yeah. Ah... I was in a fight.

I remember leaving, but nothing
after that and woke up here.


Yeah, they reckon someone
mowed me down, hit-and-run.

So, you don't recall
the actual accident?

Like, the name of the street?

The model or the make of the car?

Or anything about the driver?

No, nothing. Weird, huh?

Thank you. I'll put that in your notes.


SIMON: Just because he
doesn't remember now,

doesn't mean he'll stay that way.

He could have short-term amnesia
from the trauma I created.

It was an accident. He's sitting up
in bed talking, laughing. He's okay.

I ran him over, Martha!

Don't say anything, yet.

- You could lose your job.
- I could lose my job.

- Please! Let's just wait.
- All right!

Nighties, soap. Anything
you else you need, darling?

No thanks, Mum.

Right. Debbie, I'm
leaving you in charge.

I'll be back soon.

Your mum's so glamorous.
No family resemblance, then?


Oh, lighten up, church
mouse. I'm only kidding.

They must be lining up for her

whereas you have to have
God as your boyfriend.

Stop it, Debbie.

I wish my mum was like her.
You sure you're not adopted?

You shut up or I'll knock out
your teeth and burn your hair!

MATRON: Rita! You're supposed
to be resting. You, out!

- Freak.
- Deborah Hampshire!

Going, Matron.

- (QUIETLY) Can you lay down for us?
- You're doing great, Rita.

This just checks the baby's
fine before induction.

I feel sick.

You okay to lay there for just a moment?

I think so.

Then we can hear your baby's
heartbeat and see it on the screen.

You're very brave.

Okay. Now, lying still for me.



There you go. Happy baby
with a healthy heart beat.

Have a listen.


(QUIETLY) That's your baby, Rita.


It has horns!

No, no. That's just the heartbeat.
It's... That's perfectly normal.

It's not God's baby, it's the
devil's baby! I can't have it!

Okay. Sedate her. dr*gs Diazepam, now.

Please, no.

- I'm begging you, take it away. No!
- Shh.

- It's okay.
- Shh.


Perhaps it would be better to
keep her sedated. Twilight birth.

And have her wake up and find
her baby's been delivered?

And taken from her?

Believe it or not I have
her best interests at heart.

The last thing we want to
do is add to her trauma.

She will end up being committed.

We don't have the luxury of six months

so she can go and be psycho analysed.

away her choice and bullying her

is a vastly superior approach.

The girl isn't capable
of making a choice.

We will monitor her overnight.

If she is still hypertensive
then we'll have to do a caesarean.

There is not one scratch,
one dent, nothing.

Oh! Lucky.

There's nothing to show for what I did.
It's... it's... it's like it never happened.

I've got to tell him, Martha.

- Really? There's no harm.
- No.

- No evidence.
- No, no, no, that's not the point.

I can't live with this on my conscience.

- Sleep on it. Tell him tomorrow.
- No. Now.


Are you the doctor who's discharging me?

Ah... No.

- You are a doctor.
- Huh?

- Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
- Yeah. I was just joking.

Oh. Right.

Ah, no, I did want to see you,
though. I-I need to talk to you.

- How are you feeling?
- Yeah, fine.

Oh, my vision's a bit
off, to tell you the truth.


Yeah. It got worse
about five minutes ago.


Oh, no.


Help! Emergency!



Cerebral oedema.

There is no telling
what state he will be in

when he regains consciousness.

If he wakes up.

- If he dies, I'll be a m*rder*r.
- That's not going to happen.

Come home.

Just so you can have something to
eat and grab a change of clothes.



Oh! Doesn't she have it all?

Elizabeth Taylor, her 40th
birthday party in Budapest. Look.

Ha! They flew all their
family and friends over.

Look at the size of that Taj
Mahal ring Richard Burton gave her!

I thought they were separated.

- Back together now.
- Why?

They didn't love it each other
enough to stay together, before.

Adult relationships
are complex, darling.

You look a bit like her, you know.

If you made a bit more of your features.

Look, the doctors are just
trying to take care of you.


Elena? I'm so sorry to
have to tell you this.

Ed has had a seizure
and he's unconscious.

We're doing everything that we can.

I'm not sure when he's going to
wake up but I'll keep you posted.




Nude beach?

It was so much fun. The
adventure, not the sunburn.

- Or Matron's reprimanding.
- Worth it, but.

"But" being the operative word.

- Bottoms up.
- Oh!

♪ Moments ♪

♪ What would I give ♪

♪ Just to have you near ♪

♪ Tell me you will try
to slip away somehow ♪

♪ Oh, I need you darling... ♪

All right, more drinks.

Well, I need to go and freshen up.

♪ Can you slip away, slip
away, slip away, love ♪

♪ Oh, I need you so ♪

♪ Love, our love ♪

♪ How sweet it is... ♪

- DR MILLAR: Kate's great fun.
- I know.

- You two are thick as thieves.
- She makes me laugh so much.

She's obviously a little
bit in love with you.

- What do you mean?
- I...

We're just friends.

No, I just meant she adores
you. I didn't mean literally.

She's married.

It's okay. You two like each
other. Just like each other.

- Did I miss anything?
- Not a thing.

♪ I don't mean to hurt you. ♪

MATRON: I think she was prompting Rita.

You don't miss a beat, do you Frances?

Do you really think Luke is
responsible for Rita's condition?

Well, it wouldn't be the first
time a choirboy has transgressed.


- All right, doctor's orders.
- Hey!

Actually, I've got a headache.
I think it's becoming a migraine.

Oh, no. You should have said something.

It's only just come on.

- I think I should go.
- No. Come on, Viv, stay.

No, Viv.

I just need a good night's sleep.

Oh, I'll come with
you. I'll walk you home.

No, it's fine. You stay. Bye, everyone.

♪ Let's slip away, now. ♪

Did I say something wrong?

- No. It's the headache, that's all.
- Okay.

Really, I just need to walk.
You get a cab and I will be fine.

I don't want you walking home
alone if you're feeling unwell.

I would prefer it.

Okay. Fine.

♪ I will wait here for you, no ♪

♪ Yeah, no ♪

♪ Slip away ♪

♪ Ooh, slip away ♪

♪ Oh, no ♪

♪ Slip away. ♪

Don't know but I want to go
back to yesterday so badly.

Me, too.

Why didn't you just talk to
me about being on "the pill"?

You were so excited about
wanting to start a family.

I thought you were, too.

I'm excited about you.
You being my family.

Having a baby is an extension of that.

I know.


But I've been pregnant before and it
came from something ugly and violent

that I'm so scared I'm broken inside.


You're the most unbroken
person I've ever known.


You're showing a keen interest
for someone who isn't your patient.

Ah... Neurology was the other area I...

I almost specialised in that.

- How interesting.
- Yeah, it really was.

Did Martha put you up
to this, Doctor Bowditch?

Not at all.

She has a soft spot for the Stanton
house girls. I understand that.

But encouraging a romance
between Elena and Edward

won't do anything but harm the girl.

- I'm very sorry to see him back here.
- Yeah. So am I.

I suggest you maintain your distance.

I'll let you ah...
get ready for your day.

Thanks, Matron.

RITA'S MOTHER: You'll feel so
much better after this is all over.

I love seeing my girl's hair all shiny.

Brian's looking forward
to you coming home.

I'm not going home.

Well, you can't expect
the nuns to take you back.

Brian and I can take better
care of you than anyone.

No. I'm not going home with you.

You're just feeling nervous
about the birth, darling.

- It's going to be fine.
- I'm not nervous. I'm not going home.

- I'm not seeing Brian.
- Rita, calm down.

No, I'm not sitting next to him
on the couch when he watches TV.

Don't be silly.

You sit next to him on the couch

because you're scared of the scary bits.

That's not true.

You keep making up these lies and
I'll agree to have you committed.

I'm going to go and get you a juice.

Hopefully when I come back you're
making a little bit more sense.


Please, keys, please.

Keys! Please, keys!







Rita. Give me the g*n.

Give me the g*n.

You kept leaving me with
him. I cried out for you.

Rita. You don't need to do
this. It's not going to help.

You didn't come.

Sweetheart, you're not well.

He hurt me, Mum.


You let him.

All those times.

He'd lie, his sweaty body on top of me.


Make me touch him.

Do things.

"If you don't let me, your
mum won't love you anymore."

"It's for her."

I'm never going home, again!

- I...
- Go!


Rita, I've got you.

Ward B.


ELENA: Don't leave me.

It's all my fault. You
were just trying to help me.

♪ The first time... ♪

(WHISPERS) Please wake up.

♪ Ever I lay with you ♪

♪ I felt your heart... ♪


♪ So close to mine... ♪

Nearly there Rita. We need
to slow it down. Just breathe.

- Nice, long and deep breaths.
- I can't!

♪ I knew our joy... ♪

- You can do this.
- No.

♪ Would fill the earth... ♪

Please wake up.

♪ And last till the end of time. ♪

Father Ross. I'm glad you're
here. Rita's very unwell.

She's hallucinating, I think.

Brian and I would like
to adopt my grandchild.

We think it's best for
Rita and our family.



It's a boy.

♪ The first time... ♪

- Is it all right? He's not...?
- He's perfect.

♪ Ever I saw your face. ♪

I've alerted the authorities about
Rita's abuse. They'll be in touch.

- Surely you don't believe her?
- I do.

- Father...
- You should leave. Now.

♪ Your face. ♪

I'm in trouble, aren't I? The g*n.

Actually, I wanted to tell
you how proud I am of you.


There was a crime but it wasn't yours.

- Really?
- Yes.

You were very, very brave.


You know I don't really believe in God.


But if I did...

I reckon you would be
one of His favourites.




VIVIAN: Rita? What happened to
you should never have happened.

Your mum didn't protect you
and I am so sorry for that.

All children deserve protection
but there are people like me

and Dr Millar, Father Ross,

even Matron, who you are safe with.

And who will protect you.

- How's the baby?
- He is perfect.

I want him to go to a good mum and dad.

Well, I promise he will.

And he'll be safe.




Oh, there are little messages
in Italian, see?

Mine says, "Debbie is the best."


What does mine say, Elena?

"True love always finds a way."

I like that.

Ed's awake!

Oh, my god! Is he...

He is completely compos mentis.

- What?
- He has all his marbles.

I'll come and get you when the
coast is clear and you can see him.




He's okay.

He's perfectly fine.

You're okay.



Are you all good?

Let's go home.



I wanted to say goodbye.

Dr Millar's right. You're perfect.

And you're safe.

And you're going to
have a wonderful life.


Dr Faber, this is Dr Millar.

Next Tuesday.


Do you know who that bloke is?

Yeah, I do.

I used to be engaged to him.

Why is the love of her life back?

This is an ambush.

But, here I am.

What does he want?

Ronan Keating joins Love Child.