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03x01 - "Hope" Is the Thing With Feathers

Posted: 11/07/21 11:23
by bunniefuu
[SUE] In the years of the Civil w*r,

Emily Dickinson reached
her greatest heights as a poet.

She wrote furiously in those years,

at a pace and intensity
unmatched before or after...

nearly a poem a day.

Her work of this period has been called

"a great and classic descent
into a personal inferno."

Yet, due to her life of seclusion,

Dickinson has not traditionally
been considered a "w*r poet."

Most people do not think
of Emily Dickinson

as a voice with the power
to speak for a nation.






Over here!



♪ The kingdom's on fire
the blood of a young messiah ♪

♪ I see sinners in a church
I see sinners in a church ♪

♪ Sometimes I might be introvert ♪

♪ There's a w*r inside
I hear battle cries ♪

♪ Mothers burying sons
young boys playing with g*ns ♪

♪ The devil's a liar fulfill
your wildest desires ♪

♪ Alone, but not lonely ♪

♪ Your truth unveils with time ♪

♪ As you embark on a journey
of what it takes to be a woman ♪

[MAN] Yes, fondly do we hope,
and fervently do we pray,

that this scourge of w*r
may pass speedily away.


Yet the Almighty has his own purposes,

and the judgments of the Lord are
always true and righteous.

So let us strive on.

Let us bind up this nation's wounds.

And let us mourn this brave young man

who gave his life for this country.

Excuse me.

Brave young man?

Yes. That's what I said.

But this isn't a soldier.
This is my sister.

I beg your pardon, madam?

We're here for the funeral
of my beloved sister,

Lavinia Norcross Norcross.

She married our cousin.

There must be some mistake.

No, the mistake is yours, Reverend.

Can we please carry on with the service

and bury our dead in
a respectful manner?

- I am terribly sorry.
- Yes.

I have no more time
for the funeral of some old woman.

- Uh...

There are noble Union men
to bury today,

- valiant warriors who have sacrificed all…
- Ah...

- for the cause of the Constitution.
- Ah, ye...

And I am running way behind schedule.



"Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.

For thine is the kingdom, the power
and the glory forever and ever. Amen."

Moving on.


That was the shortest funeral
I've ever been to.

It was awful. Just awful.

And we came all the way to Boston.

- I'm going to write a letter.
- [CRYING] My poor,

beloved sister Lavinia.

[CRYING] Aunt Vinnie. I was
named after you. [SNIFFLES]

Hey, everyone. Look.

- Bird is talking to us.

Oh, Emily, please. Not now.


[EDWARD] Let's go fetch the carriage.
We have a long ride home.

We don't want to get stuck
behind a parade.

Another parade?

Yes. All those boys
going off to join the fighting.

Civil w*r ruins everything.

- Go on.

Don't stop.

[LAVINIA] Emily.

Come fetch the carriage!



Oh, God, we have so much to catch up on.

Like this bird I just saw.

This little bird just landed
on Aunt Lavinia's coffin.

It was like a… hmm, a symbol
or a... a... a metaphor.

It was like a message from
Aunt Lavinia herself,

telling me to keep writing,

to keep shining a light in the darkness
and to never give up hope.

Death, are y...

- Are you okay? [CHUCKLES]
- No.

I feel like sh*t.

Oh, no. What's wrong?

[SIGHS] It's this damn w*r.

It's just dragging on and on,

and it's taken all the
fun out of my work.

I used to have so much fun coming up

with creative ways to k*ll people.

This person will fall off a bridge.

This fool will drink a little poison.

These two k*ll each other out of love.

But now it's just the same
thing over and over again.

b*llet, gangrene.

- b*llet, gangrene.
- Mm-hmm.

It's so repetitive.

[SIGHS] I think I'm depressed.


So even Death has bad days.


- I need some advice.
- Advice?

Yeah, that's what I'm here for.
I need your help.

Okay, yes. Ask me... Ask me anything.

- So you write poems.
- Yep. That's right.

- Brilliant ones.
- Hmm.

- Unique ones.
- Thank you.

- Very inspired.

Even though you live
a pretty uneventful life.

Uneventful? I... I...

I'm not sure that's…
[CHUCKLES] … the case.

I mean, come on now.
Your life's pretty boring.

You barely leave your little town.

You still live in your dad's crib.

Every day is pretty much the same,
but you still stay inspired.

Where do you get that fire from?


while I'm here,

I want to do something that matters.

And I mean something
that really matters.

It's bigger than fame or money.

It's about actually
changing people's lives.

It's about helping them heal.

Helping them survive.


I want to be that little bird.

That source of light in the darkness.

I want to give people hope.

Hope. Hmm.

I believe poetry can be powerful.

Even more powerful than you.


I mean it.

Death can tear people apart.

Poetry can put them back together again.

So what you're saying is…

I inspire you.



Home again, home again.
Thank God we're home again.

- It was a lovely funeral.

It was not. Stop gaslighting me.

It was a fiasco. Your mother's right.

I've been more ceremonious
while swatting a fly.

What the minister said doesn't matter.

I could feel Aunt Lavinia's
spirit there. I could.

I could... I could... I could feel it.

Mom, you know she always
told us to find the light.

Right? And to move towards joy and hope.


I need a pencil.

If Aunt Lavinia's spirit was there,
why didn't she contact me?

Emily, don't upset your mother.

I'm not. [STAMMERS] I'm
just trying to help. Mom…

Where the hell was Austin?

- Can't make it to the funeral of his aunt?
- Hope is…

- Hope is a Bird… No, that's…
- [EDWARD] Ugh! It's disrespectful.

It's embarrassing. I
could hear those Boston

gossips whispering to each other.

He's let us down again.

- Leave him alone, Edward.
- No.

- I won't lower my expectations for my son.

- Someone's here.
- I'll get it.

His behavior is getting worse and
worse. He's drinking all the time.

- I can't bear it.
- It is what it is.

No. I will not stand by and
watch this boy disintegrate.

- Especially when, as we all know…
- Sue.

… his wife is about to have a baby.

over here like a bloody walrus.

You're a cute walrus.

Come in.

- Emily, who's here?
- It's Sue.

- Oh, nice of her to show up.

How was the funeral?

Horrendous, Sue. And so
kind of you to make it.

I was ready to go this morning.
Your carriage never came to get me.

We assumed that you'd be taking
your own carriage with Austin.

Well, Austin arrived
home late last night.

And this morning, he was indisposed.

Ugh. Unacceptable.

I'm... I'm very sorry to have missed it.

Oh, thank you, Sue.

I didn't know Aunt Lavinia that well,

but I, um... I always admired her.

Everyone did. She was iconic.

How are you feeling, Sue?

- You look as though you're ready to pop.

Yeah, I'm definitely at the point
where, uh, this isn't fun anymore.

- Mm-hmm.
- Can I get you something? Water? Any...

I'd actually love to lie down.

I... I know it's a short walk
between our two houses,

but I feel like I climbed a mountain.

I'm sure. Well, let's get you
upstairs so you can rest.

- [SUE] Yeah.
- No, that's rude.

You both need to stay down here
and say hello to our guests.

Well, I really...

She'll just rest for a little bit,
and we'll be ready to entertain.

She's missed the funeral.

The least she can do is
be here for the reception.

I'd say the same of Austin,
but where the hell is he?

Edward, it is a woman's job

to make sure everybody else is happy

at all times no matter the cost.

I'm sorry, but that simply
doesn't apply to men.

Sue has every right to feel tired.

- Just look at her.
- I don't care if she's the size of Kansas.

Mmm, thanks.

Oh, come on. Everybody loves Kansas.

It just became a state.

I'll take you upstairs. We'll rest
a li... Mom, I'll be right back.

- Let's just get you…

How was the funeral?

[SOBBING] Oh, God.


I can't stay long, okay?

My mom really needs me.

Well, I need you too.

It's hard to believe we used
to fit into this tiny bed.

- Well, now there are three of us.
- Almost.


Sue, Sue…


You know I really want to
make out with you right now?

But… you're having my brother's baby.

So what? That doesn't change anything.

I only love you.

Look, it... It was an accident.

It was stupid. It never even would've...

No. I don't even want to know.

Emily, listen to me.

I love you.

I will always love you.

And this baby is going to love you too.

Pregnancy makes you hotter.
It's kind of messed up.

Do you feel this?




It's a whole little person in there.

Coming so soon.

Are you scared?

No. Not at all.

This whole time I've been pregnant,

I have just felt this...
this strange sense of peace.


In the middle of a w*r?

I'm honestly as happy as I've ever been.

Except I wish this baby was yours.

I mean, I...

[SIGHS] I wish it belonged
to you and me, together.

Why can't a baby have two mothers? I…

I would like to live in
a little house, just us,

and raise this baby together.

Well, I never wanted children.

I mean, I already have so many.

My poems are my children.

Boy, do they take all the energy I have,

feeding them, helping them grow.

[GASPS] I got a whole burst of poetry
at Aunt Lavinia's funeral today.

I... Oh! I've got to write this down.

Hope, hope. Hope is a… Hope is a Bird…


Hope is a… a little thing.


I hope this baby comes soon. [SIGHS]

I suppose you won't have as much time
for my poems once the baby comes.

Emily, that isn't true.

I will always have time for your poems.

I promise.

Well, in that case,

I guess I can try and make
a little time for your baby.

Oh, would you?

Just... Just a little?

I just hope this kid looks
like you and not Austin.

- [AUSTIN] Hey, everyone. I'm home.

- [SIGHS] Oh, God. He's here.
- [MAGGIE] Welcome home, Mr. Austin.

I cannot deal with him.

I should probably go downstairs.

Would you just...

Won't you come and kiss me, please?

Mom. I'm sorry.

- Austin, where were you?
- I overslept. I'm an assh*le.

But I... I got you flowers.

Well, I forgive you, and I
still love you unconditionally.

Austin, could you join me in my office?

Yeah, I guess so.

But, Dad, keep in mind
my head is k*lling me.

please put these in some water.

- Quite a loud bouquet, isn't it?
- Oh, yes. So thoughtful of him.

I may have lost a sister, but
I still have a perfect son.

I'm going to be honest with
you, Austin. I'm troubled.

I'm deeply troubled.

Stomach problems again?
You got the runs?

Could you be serious
for a moment, please?

Diarrhea is pretty serious, Dad.

Austin, I don't want to turn this
into another scuffle between us.

But I need you to understand
that I'm frightened.

- Hmm?
- Mm-hmm.

No, your behavior. My God, man.

The... The... The drinking,
the womanizing…

I'm watching you turn into
my father in his darkest days.

Look, look.

I understand sometimes a man
needs to blow off a little steam.

- Hmm?

I've even had fun once or twice myself.

But your situation...

You're not a child anymore.

Austin, you're about to become a father.

I don't even know if that baby's mine.



- Dad, are you okay?
- Yes.

I'm fine, Emily. I'm fine.

- It's nothing.

- There's someone here. Um...
- [MOUTHING] Okay.

It's nothing.

- I'll get it.
- Okay.


Betty! Welcome. Come in.

I brought your mother's
new funeral bonnet.

- Oh, she'll be happy to hear that.
- Mmm.

Or not happy, but

whatever the appropriate
emotion for a funeral bonnet is.

It has the weeping veil
attached, as she requested.

I'm sorry it's a few days late.

There's been such a run on black crepe.

Widows everywhere these days.

I swear I can't remember what it's like

when a woman just looks happy.

I feel pretty happy today.

Which I... I know is strange.

Didn't you just bury your aunt?


Yeah, but that's... That's the thing.

See, I felt like I connected to
Aunt Lavinia at the graveyard.

Like she was sending me a message.

And that message was, "Be
cheerful. Give people hope."


That is strange.


heard any word lately from Henry?

No. Not for weeks.

- Oh, but he writes to you so faithfully...
- To Helen.

He writes to Helen. And
it means everything to her.

But it's been a month without a word.

Helen is beside herself.

I almost want to write
her a letter myself

and pretend it's from Henry,

just so she doesn't cry
herself to sleep every night.

Betty, listen to me.

Henry will be okay.

He'll survive. Okay?

Another letter will come.

Brighter days are on the
horizon, I'm telling you.

We must keep hope alive.

I thought poets… [CHUCKLING]
… were supposed to avoid clichés.

Now, shall I deliver
this to your mother?

- Whew.
- Yes, she's just in the kitchen.

It's time to bring the tea
cakes into the parlor, Mrs. D.

Yes. And... And the spoons
need polishing. The spoons!

She's not responding to the
urgency of the situation.

Mom, Betty's here. She
brought your new bonnet.

Oh, who cares about bonnets?

Wow. She's in bad shape.

I'm in despair.

- I'm in abject, bottomless despair.

You still have a bottom, madam.

And you need to get
it out of that chair.

Mom. Listen to me.

Aunt Lavinia always told us
we have to do what we love,

and you love serving tea.

- No one's gonna show up.
- That's not true.

Why should they come?

[CRYING] What meaning can the
death of an older lady have

when brave young men are
perishing every minute?

Okay, they might not
care about Aunt Lavinia.

But I told them all that
there would be scones.

We're here.

Where's the coffin?

Come on in. Here.

More bad news today from Virginia.

They sunk two Union warships.

[SIGHS] I can't even read the
news anymore, I swear to God.

This w*r just does not end.

I know. It's, like, when do
we get to go back to normal?

I'm afraid we may never
go back to normal.

Or perhaps this is normal now.

A new normal.

Yeah. This normal sucks.

So, it's been two years
since my husband d*ed,

so I think my deep mourning
phase is, like, over.

So I need to replace all my grays
and black with some color.

What do you think?

If you're asking me to make you a dress,

you should know I won't
get to your order for weeks.

- I'm so backed up at the shop.
- I figured.

Everybody needs mourning clothes.

Yep. Business is booming.

This whole w*r just came out of nowhere.

I'm not sure about that.

It was pretty clear we were
headed in a bad direction.

Yeah, duh.

Since, like, the founding
of the country.

I just don't understand why this
has to be happening in our s.

We could be having so much fun.

Yes, it's true.

My God, if this would have
happened to me in my s…

I would have k*lled myself.

It's always the hot ones
who die. Do you notice that?

Like, can't the Lord take
someone I'm not attracted to?


Uh, Vinnie, that reminds me.

Super sad news.

- What's up?
- Joseph Lyman is dead.



Sorry, what?

I-I was at the general store, and
someone got a telegram about it.

I guess he got sh*t in a
battle down in New Orleans.

But Joseph Lyman? [CRYING]
Gone from this world forever?

[GASPS] Oh, God, this can't be true.

Jane, I loved him.

Babe, I get it.

- I'm a widow.

I am a widow. A widow
a thousand times over.

is gone and now Joseph too?

Do you guys realize every
boy I ever kissed is dead?

You did more than kiss them, honey.



[SIGHS] What's wrong, Mom? Can I help?

It's just as I predicted.

Nobody came.

What? The house is filled with people.

Those are just your friends.
They're not mine.

They're not Aunt Vinnie's.

The world we grew up in, it's lost.

And nobody will have
remembered my sister.

Are those the beautiful
Dickinson ladies I see?

Oh, Mr. Conkey. You came.

Yes, I did.

Oh, it's so lovely to see you, Ithamar.

And so kind of you to come,

to share in the dreadful
loss of our dear Lavinia.


Well, uh, as a matter of fact,

I'm actually here to see Emily.

- Me?
- [CONKEY] That's right.

Is there someplace the two of
us might converse in private?

Um, I'd, uh…


I suppose you could go
out on the side porch.

Perfect. Ideal. Shall we?

Go ahead.


Oh, and, uh, m-my
condolences, of course.


Austin, we can't.

[WHISPERING] Oh, everyone knows.

Come on, Jane. Just kiss me.

No, it's unseemly.

Your wife is about to burst.


Sue doesn't care.

Well, I do. Think of your child.

I'm thinking of my godson.

Did Billy like the rocking horse I sent?

- He loved it.

Well, then I'll come by this
evening and see him ride it.

No. We can't... We
can't do this anymore.

Jane, come on.

You know Sue and I
don't love each other.

Yeah. Well, you still managed
to get her pregnant.


- Sue!
- [BREATHING HEAVILY] Ah, hello, Jane.

How are you feeling?

Uh, I'm all right.

I'll be feeling much better
when this baby comes out.

[CHUCKLES] Should be any day now.

Any day now.

[WHISPERING] I'll see you tonight.

No, you won't.


- Evelina.
- Emily.

Yes. I know how long you've waited

for us to be able to
have this conversation.

- Mmm.
- Of course, I...

I wanted to be respectful of your aunt.


But now, I can finally come to
you in the full light of the sun

and express to you…

my hope.

Your hope for what?

My dear Ev... uh... Emily, you
must know how I admire you.

I actually was not aware.

You are such a bright little spirit.

Such a wholesome, loving daughter
who flutters around her nest,

chirping her sweet song
and making everybody smile.

Pretty sure nobody has ever
described me that way, but okay,

I'll take it.

Yes, you are.

You are a loving songbird.

And that is why I would be made
so happy if you were to… join me

in my empty nest.

- Oh, no, no, don't! You... You really...
- No. I can do it,

despite my bad knees.

E... Emily, my little parakeet.

Marry me?

Um, I... [STAMMERS] I don't...

Oh, I know how long you've waited.

You've grown old.

Me, old? You're old.

No, for a man, I'm
actually still quite young.

You, on the other hand, are
elderly and frail, uh, for a girl.

B... But I believe there is still
life in that sweet heart of yours.

Tweet for me, little bird.

Mr. Conkey, please get up.

[CHUCKLES] Thank you.


I really was in quite a lot of

I'm not gonna marry you.

Say it again?

[SHOUTING] I'm not gonna marry you!

Oh. Hmm.

Why not?

Well, because…

I can't.

I need to be here for my family.

Things are so dark and terrible
with the w*r and losing Aunt Lavinia.

They need me here. They really do.

So then I have no hope.

"'Hope'" is the thing with feathers" -

- I don't know what that means.
- I'm not totally sure myself.

- Excuse me. Sorry to intrude.
- [CONKEY] Y-Yes, go away.

You're not intruding. Please.

It's just, I'm leaving shortly,

and, Emily, we still
haven't gotten a chance

to discuss your new funeral bonnet.

Fu... Betty, I didn't... I...

My... My new... My new bonnet!

Oh, that's... That's right!

Uh, I... I... Well, that's
rather urgent, isn't it?

Mr. Conkey, if you'll excuse
me. It's women's business.

- You wouldn't understand.
- What? I can't hear you at all.

[SHOUTING] Got to go! Later!

[LAUGHING] How did
you know I needed you?

Oh, I know what happens

when Ithamar Conkey takes
a young lady out on a porch.

- Oh, so you think I'm young? Wow.
- Yeah! Well, not that young.


Right. I'm a bona fide
spinster. Single AF.

Yeah, well, that makes two of us.

I'm telling you, Henry will write.

Don't give up.



Come on, now.


Is that way south?

You're gonna want to go that way.

That's south?

But I just came from there.
I'm trying to go south.

Well, what would you
want to do that for?

[CHUCKLES] Thanks.


Austin, would you pass me the carrots?

This is our little secret,
don't tell anyone.

Do you want to try a pea?

Is that good? Do you
want to try another one?

How many cats do you have now, Vin?

- Um…
- So many.

I might adopt a fox.

- It's chic.
- Mmm.

- Family, if you please…
- [Kn*fe CLINKS]

… a few words.

This has been a sad day
in a string of sad days.

And when this w*r began, many
thought it would be over quickly.

And now we find ourselves years deep

into its darkness with no end in sight.


Every society, in its own
way, is... is like a family.

And it seems that our American family

can no longer tolerate each other.

Can only see the bad in each other
and none of the good. 'Tis a pity.

I don't know what the future
holds for this American family.

But for the sake of all of us,

especially for the sake
of that little one

growing right now inside of Sue's belly,

for his sake most of all,

I hope that we can remember to
see the good in each other, hmm?


And remember our duty,
hmm? To one another.

- That's all. [INHALES] That's all.

- You know, it could be a girl.
- Oh, I hope so.

Then we can name her Lavinia.

- Uh…

[CHUCKLES] Well, let's eat. Let's eat.

Oh, no. Don't eat yet.

I have something to say.

Well, I hope it's about my sister,

since Edward failed to
specifically mention her.

Excuse me? I said it was a sad day.

- What did you think I was referring to?
- Not a word.

Not a loving memory.

Don't blame me for the fact
the funeral was too short.

Emily, please say something
about Aunt Lavinia.

- I wi... I will, actually.
- I am kind of starving.

Does anyone mind...

Don't you dare touch that food

until Emily has finished
with the eulogy.

I have something I want to
say in honor of Aunt Lavinia.

Um, Dad, like you said,

this is a very dark time.

But I... I think it's a good time to be

sitting around this table together.

Losing Aunt Lavinia has reminded
me how much I love this family.

And just like how Aunt Lavinia was such

a source of joy and... and light,

I want to be that for all of you.

There is nothing that matters to me more

than the people gathered here tonight.

And all I want to do is find a way
to keep hope alive for you.

My dear, eloquent child.

Emily, that was beautiful.

Really sweet, Em.

- Wow.

That was some bullshit.

I beg your pardon?

You know, I expect this
kind of garbage from him.

But you, Emily?

I hold you to slightly higher standards.

I meant every word I just said.

"All I care about is the family"?

- Yes.
- [SNICKERS] Are you kidding?

This family is a joke.

This family hates each other.
This family is a big pile of lies.

Hell, my marriage is a lie.

- But you know that, don't you, Emily?
- Austin, stop.

He's drunk. Good. He's drunk again.

[GROANS] So what?

Why shouldn't I drink?

Just like your dad did.
He was miserable too.

All the Dickinsons have
always been miserable.

[CHUCKLING] You made
sure of that, didn't you?

[LAUGHS] Yeah.

You wouldn't let me be happy.

None of us could be
happy, thanks to you.

That's right. You kept us in cages.

You clipped our wings.
You wouldn't let us fly!

Austin, please.


look at yourself.

You're alone, unhappy, lost.

- Just like Emily. Just like me.
- You need to stop.

I had dreams too, you know?

I... I wanted to go out west!

You remember?

But he wouldn't let me.

Oh, I went west, all right.

I went all the way across
the g*dd*mn street.

Austin, that is enough!

Don't you speak to me like that!

Don't you speak to me like a child!

I am a man, g*dd*mn it!

I'm a broken, miserable man
in a broken, miserable country

whose life was ruined by his
pathetic excuse for a father.

You will stop this!

You will stop thi... [GRUNTS]


Oh, my God! Dad!

Austin, you k*lled him. You k*lled Dad!

Dad? Dad, are... Can you hear me?

Dad, are you alive?

♪ O say can you see ♪

Austin, get out of here!

- ♪ By the dawn's early... ♪
- Get out! Get out!

You don't have to tell me to
get out, because I'm leaving.

I secede. [CHUCKLES]

Do you hear that, Dad?

I'm seceding from this family.



Oh, he's still breathing.

Okay. He's still breathing.
Don't give up, Dad.

- Oh, God.


[EMILY] "Hope" is the
thing with feathers -


[EMILY] That perches in the soul -

And sings the tune without the words -

And never stops - at all -