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04x05 - Charlotte's Web

Posted: 11/07/21 10:02
by bunniefuu
Let's put the dessert table there

and have the dancers
come in with the cake.

If you want to give your husband

a real birthday surprise,
you should lead them in a conga line.


Oh, I think I would give this
crowd a collective heart attack.


How about the projector screen here,

and have those pictures that I sent you

play throughout the toasts?

- Oh, that one.

You have to blow that one up.

We were .

Such a long time ago. [CHUCKLES]

And you're still in love.

Oh, this is gonna be
a fabulous celebration.

Your husband is a lucky man.




Alex, are you home?





- Mm.
- Morning.

Good morning. How'd you sleep?

- Good.
- There's coffee.

Oh, I see you're not using

the French press I got you, huh?

[SIGHS] Not a big deal, I'm sorry.


Old habits.

Maybe tomorrow.

Oh, hey, I forgot to mention.

I ran into Peter Davies yesterday.

- And how is he?
- Great.

They're looking for a new
security specialist at his firm.

He asked if you were ready
to make the transition yet.

Yeah, I don't know. Not right now.

Things are really busy at work.

I don't want to leave
my team in the lurch.

I think you should
at least meet with him.

Yeah, maybe.

Omar, we've been talking
about you making the jump

for months now.

This is a great opportunity.

I mean, it's more money, more freedom,

a whole lot less danger.


Okay, send me his number.

I'll give him a call
when things quiet down at work.


Just don't wait too long.

This job's not gonna be open forever.

I got a new case. I got to go.

- Bye.
- Bye.

All right, the victim's name
is Charlotte Kincade.

She's , she disappeared
from her house in Connecticut

sometime between when she got
home last night and : a.m.

this morning when her husband Alex

returned from a business trip

to find their home broken into
and his wife missing.

Her phone and purse were left
by the front door.

Until we have evidence
proving otherwise,

we assume she's alive.

Greenwich PD is treating this
as an abduction.

But they don't get many cases
like this out there,

so they sent out an SOS.

Yeah, so let's answer it.

Let's get her picture over
to law enforcement

in the surrounding areas,
TSA, Port Authority.

Loop your people in.

All right, tell me about Charlotte.

Respected art collector
and philanthropist.

Only child of Gavin
and Elizabeth Winshire.

Inherited her father's mining fortune

when her parents died
in a car accident years ago.

How much money are we talking about?

$ million, give or take.

Ergo, the Greenwich address.

All right, tell me about the husband.

Alex Kincade.

Commercial real estate broker
at a Chelsea firm.

They met at Columbia,
married years, no kids.

And before you ask, Alex has no record.

- [CHUCKLES] Attaboy.
- What about ransom demand?

Uh, nothing yet.

But we will be ready if and
when the perp makes contact.

Tiff and Scola are on their way
to the house with the ERT.

You guys want to talk to the husband?

See if you can get a firm timeline?

We'll reach out as soon
as we know anything.

Thank you. All right, people, let's go.

Missing persons,
first hours are crucial.

After that...

We got blood on the floor,
enough to indicate

a pretty serious injury.

Not enough to suggest they bled out.

And we got damage to the frame.

Yep, someone pried their way in.

A house this big has got
to have a security system.

Do we have any video footage?

No, the Kincades were in the process

of switching security providers.

So the attack started in the kitchen.

This blood trail continues out
onto the patio.

We have anyone running DNA?

No, we just secured the scene.


Well, send a sample to our lab,

see if it matches Charlotte
or her attacker.

Guessing the former.

Looks like he used this
to knock her out.

Perp must have wanted her to go quietly.

And he's prone to v*olence.

Woman's got to be pounds soaking wet.

I got in early and figured
Charlotte was still asleep.

Then I saw the blood.

Right, the responding officer said

that you've been out of town
on business?

Yes. I was in Newport,
checking out an investment property.

What hotel did you stay at?

Sir, we're not accusing you of anything.

It's just standard procedure to ask.

I was at the Whitmore Hotel.

When was the last time
you spoke with your wife?

Around dinnertime, you know, : , : ,

to tell her I was staying over.

How did she seem to you?

Fine. You know, happy.

Have you noticed anyone
unusual around recently?

Has Charlotte received any threats?

Or did she have any issues with
anyone that you are aware of?

No. No, nothing like that, no.


What about a reason why someone
might want to hurt Charlotte?

No, she's... Everybody likes Charlotte.

And if you met her,

you would know that nobody... nobody...

Given your circumstances, it's possible

that Charlotte's abduction
was financially motivated.

We're gonna make sure
that you are prepared

in case there's a ransom demand.

That means that we're gonna
be monitoring incoming calls.

We're gonna station an agent
with you at all times...

No. No offense.

But I've read about how this
stuff can go wrong

when you get fancy.

I just... I just want my wife back.

And I'll pay whatever I need
to make that happen.

All due respect, let us run point.

We have the resources...

Okay, which I am declining.
I can handle a simple payoff.

You should be out there looking
for the creep who took my wife.


I know he doesn't want our assistance,

but if there's a ransom drop,
we need to know about it.

We need to take this guy down.

Let's just get up
on the husband's phone,

- put a tracker on his car, yeah?
- Yep.

We didn't get any prints off the pipe,
but the lab confirmed

that the blood on the pipe
was Charlotte's.

Okay, so like we assumed,
Charlotte is injured.

- What about witnesses?
- There weren't any.

No security footage either.

I mean, the neighbors
had doorbell cameras,

but they didn't catch anything.

Elise, where are we on
the husband's alibi? Anything?

His credit card charges from yesterday

do place him in Newport,

but the Whitmore Hotel has
no record of him staying there.

And I just heard back from his firm.

They weren't aware
of any investment property.

Said he took the day off.

So what was he doing in Newport?

Well, according to his
transaction history,

running up a $ , debt
at the Tiverton Casino,

which seems to be a theme
with him, losing money.

Pulled his financials...
He lost a lot of money

trading stocks the past few years.

- Did he gamble all night?
- No, cashed out at : ,

called his wife,
then shut his phone off.

Didn't turn it back on
till this morning.

Okay, so we can't actually confirm

where he was most of the night.

Newport's only three hours
from Greenwich.

Leaves him plenty of time to get back.

Sure. Do we have any reason

to believe he would hurt his wife?

- Nothing jumps out.
- Right, okay.

So... so we have a missing wife,
a lying husband

with a gambling jones
and bad business acumen.

And no fiscal safety net.

Looks like most of the Kincades' money

came from Charlotte's inheritance.

Alex signed a pretty serious prenup too.

If they were divorced...

Yeah, he'd be playing nickel slots.

- What about Charlotte's will?
- Checking now.

Alex Kincade is the sole beneficiary.

Looks like it's time
for another sit down

with the husband. Bring him in.

That might be a problem.

The tracker Maggie put
on Alex's car just went live.

He's leaving the house.

All right, eyes up.

Follow him and see what he's up to.

We got eyes on the suspect.

Copy. We see him.

Not a lot going on around here.

Good place for a ransom drop.

Or to hide something
you don't want anybody to find.



What's wrong?

Just Mona.

She won't stop pushing
this private sector thing.

This has been going on for months.

OA, you've got to tell her

you're not interested
in corporate security.

[SIGHS] I don't know.

It sounds like
a nice cushy gig actually.

- Mm.
- Hey.

You guys seeing this?

Yeah, we are.

- Who the hell is that?
- Jubal.

Alex Kincade is meeting with somebody.

Connecticut plates.

Okay, run a Connecticut plate.

- Okay.
- Go.

Whiskey, Tango, Alpha, .

Plate belongs to Michael Barker, .

All right, OA, guy's got
priors, g*n charges, as*ault.

Assume he's armed and dangerous.

Copy that.



Get out of the car
and put your hands up, now!

I'm not gonna say it again.

Driver, out of the car!

I had nothing to do with
Charlotte's disappearance.

Sneaking off into the woods
to meet another woman

hours after your wife
went missing says different.

- I can explain.
- Great.

Why don't we start with where
you really were last night?

Like I said, at Newport the entire time.

Just not for business.

Did it have something
to do with this woman

that we caught you with?

Jamie Barker?


We were in her hotel room at
the Whitmore the entire night.

It's just a fling.

And you thought it was a good
idea to keep this information from us?

Because I knew how it would look.

Yeah, not great, man.

I love Charlotte. I do.

It sounds ridiculous, I know.
But it's true.

It's just... you know, we've been
together for years and I...

And what about Jamie? She love you?

She want to have your kids, get married?

No... the last thing she wants.

She's married too.
We were just having sex.

Neither of us were looking
to get a divorce.

Trust me on that.

I'm sorry I wasn't straight with you.

Just find my wife.


His wife?

I've never even met his wife.

What about your husband?
You had his car.

Did he know what you were doing with it?

We share the car.

And Mike's been marlin fishing
off the coast of South Florida

for the past two weeks.

And even if he knew what
I was up to, he wouldn't care

'cause I know what he's been up to.

You in an open marriage?

More or less.


So why did you two meet up today?


Alex wanted to officially break it off,

wanted to be a gentleman,

do it in person,
like I needed the closure.

We were just having fun.

There's no crime against having fun,

is there, Agent Scola?

Alex just copped to having
an affair with Jamie.

Says he never left Newport.

Yeah, we just need to corroborate that.

Yeah, just did.

Whitmore Hotel confirmed a room
in Jamie's name for last night.

Now we checked the security
footage against the check-in time.

And Alex goes into the room
with her at : p.m.,

doesn't leave till : this morning.

They were together the whole time.

So what about Jamie Barker's husband?

We just confirmed.

He's on a fishing trip with
his buddies in Florida Keys.

He doesn't know about the affair,

according to Jamie,
and wouldn't care if he did.

Did she strike either of you
as the jealous type

who'd try and eliminate the competition?


She struck me as the type
that's already moved on...

At least from the way
she was eyeing Scola.

Oh, I guess we're back to square one.

All right, folks.

Charlotte's been missing for hours.

There has not been a ransom demand.

So if this is not about money,
what are we missing?

I've been digging
into Charlotte's financials.

She's made cash withdrawals

from the same ATM on the Lower East Side

every Friday for the past two months.

It's usually late at night.

Lower East Side's
quite a ways from Greenwich.

I jog in that area.
It's just boutiques and restaurants.

Kelly, can you pull up footage
from her last withdrawal?

One step ahead of you.

This is from five days ago,
just after : p.m.

That's a little late for dinner.

Wait. There's someone behind her.

Whoever he is, he just chased
her into that coffee shop.

Elise, run him through facial rec.
Get us a name.

Grant King, years old.

Only address we have on a file
is a PO box.

Can you get a current location?

Cell phone's pinging the same
location as that coffee shop.

Okay. No sign of King.

Well, looks like
there's more going on here

than scones and lattes.

You guys members?

Not exactly. FBI.




I don't see him.

Let's check over there.

Can I help you?

Do you know this guy?


Carry on.


Uh, hi. Sorry to interrupt.
FBI. Do you know this guy?

Yeah, we're busy.

Grant King?



He's gone.

We need backup to Ludlow Street.

Suspect is fleeing on foot.

Miss Gerbier,

your venue might have been a
staging ground for an attacker.

So we're gonna need
Grant King's current address,

- his credit card information...
- That's confidential.

This place exists to create a safe space

for sexual fantasies.

Well, it wasn't so safe
for Charlotte Kincade, was it?

One of your other members
may have taken her.

A woman's life is at stake.

Our clients rely on our discretion.

If you want access
to the membership records,

you'll have to come back
with a subpoena.


We'll do that.

But while I'm at it,
I'm gonna run your licenses.

Make sure everything's up to code.

You'll be out of business by Monday.

I can get you his address.

I'm telling you.

I don't know what you're talking about.

I don't know anyone named Charlotte.

Besides, I was at the club all night.

- You can check.
- We will.

But if you're so innocent,
why'd you run?

I may have had some coke on me, okay?

But I didn't abduct her.
I'm not a predator.

Then explain to us how we pulled footage

of you chasing Charlotte five days ago.

I already told you.
I don't know who that is.

Sure looks like you do.

No, that's Astrid.

And I wasn't chasing her, okay?

It's called a hunter fantasy.

I'd pursue her, catch her,

then we'd go back to her place
to have sex.

You went all the way
to Greenwich to hook up?


No, her apartment
on the Lower East Side.

On Rivington?

Definitely a step down
from her place in Greenwich.

Yeah, I don't get it.

By the time your marriage
is bad enough that you need

a secret apartment,
why not just get a divorce?

Sometimes it's easier
just to check out, you know?

Maggie, looks like someone
beat us to it.






Clearly looks like she uses
this place to let loose.

The bed is stripped.

Did they take frames off the wall?


And it looks like someone
took a bunch of clothes

from out of here too.

So they took linen, artwork, and clothes

and then left the jewelry?

This is an odd break in.

Let's see if the security camera
in the hallway got anything.

All right, so this is the guy

that broke into
Charlotte's secret apartment.


- What do we know about him?
- Unfortunately, not much.

He never looks at the camera,
wore gloves,

and we can't get a hit on facial rec.

ERT didn't turn up anything forensic.

He was in her place
for about minutes,

threw a bunch of her stuff
into his bags,

grabbed the art off the walls,
and took off.

But there's spotty
camera coverage outside.

No way to see where he went from there.

And this was Monday afternoon?

Yes, Charlotte was abducted
later that night.

So if it is our guy, he came here

and then abducted her?

Okay, that's interesting.

You know, sh**t that video
over to Maggie and OA.

Maybe Charlotte's husband
can ID this guy.

I... I can't be sure.

But I don't think
I've ever seen this guy before.

I don't understand. Where was this?

Your wife has a place in the city.

She pays the rent in cash.

Why would she do that?

We think that Charlotte
has a pretty active, uh,

fantasy life, to say the least.

Fantasy life?
What the hell are you talking about?

You know that place?


It's behind a coffee shop
on Ludlow Street.

You sure about that?

It's a sex club.
Your wife is a member there.

You don't know that
she's involved in any of this?

Involved in a, um...

a sex club? No.

No, I had no idea.

Okay, we understand
that this is difficult,

but we need you to think.

Have you noticed your wife
with anybody suspicious?

No, nothing like that.

But I don't know, I...

I haven't been around that much lately.

Okay, what about
the last few months then?

Did you ever see her scared or rattled?

Maybe a phone conversation,
a text message, an altercation?

Come on, Alex. Think.

Look, I am thinking, I...

Last week, she went to Beulah's.

We had our first date there.

Every year, we go there on
the anniversary to celebrate.

But this year, I had to work,
and she went alone.

We contacted that restaurant
that Alex mentioned, Beulah's.

Spoke to the maître d'.

Turns out Charlotte
did have a bad run-in there.

There was a guy
that went to sit with her

and wouldn't leave her alone.

The staff ended up having
to remove the guy.

Oh, we got footage of this?

No cameras in the restaurant,
but the maître d' said that

the guy specifically requested
the table next to Charlotte.

Okay, so this definitely
could be our guy.

- We have a name?
- Not exactly.

Name on the reservation
seemed like a fake.

But the restaurant copied down
the phone number

from caller ID when he booked it.

All right. Run this.

Let's see who owns this number.

Okay, traces back
to a landline in Purchase.

Townhouse owned by a Brenda Mason.

, graphic designer.

There's no criminal history.

The suspect is a male.

Does she have a husband or a tenant?

- Not on record.
- Okay.

You said the guy gave a fake name?

Yeah. Wallingford.

Wallingford. Okay, that's strange.

Typically you use something

like Smith or Jones for a fake name.

Wallingford must have
some other significance, right?

Wait a minute.

Our victim, Charlotte...

She's originally
from Wallingford, Connecticut.

Okay, there it is.

So Charlotte Kincade's unwanted
suitor knew where she was born

and knew the time and place
of her anniversary dinner.

That's serious obsession.

Yeah. And a dangerous one.

We need to find Brenda Mason right now.

See how she's involved.

Okay, Brenda Mason's
last social media post says

she's backpacking in Vietnam.

Been out of the country for six weeks.

So her place should be empty.

- FBI!

Federal agents!

Go, go.

Let's move.



Second floor is clear.


These look like the duffel bags

from the security footage
from Charlotte's apartment.

This is all her stuff.

Looks like this room
is decorated for her.

All the way down
to the photos on the walls.

This is like some sort of
sick, romantic gesture.

Yeah. More like a prison.


Is it Charlotte?

It's Brenda.


Okay, so blunt force trauma to the head,

and they think she's been in
that fridge for about a month.

A month?

That's around the same time

that Charlotte joined the sex club.

Okay, so our suspect
must have met her there,

and then pivoted his interest
from Brenda to her.


ERT said they think
they found Charlotte's clothes

in the dryer and some
of her hair on the pillowcase.

They're fairly certain she's been here.

Agent Bell, we found
a notebook in the closet.

It's filled with information
on Charlotte Kincade...

The flowers she buys,
the paintings she likes.

Thank you.


- He's been stalking her.
- Yeah.

This is how he put that room together.

"Intimacy questionnaire.

"If you could have the
perfect day, what would you do?

What's your favorite memory?"

So he takes her hostage

then makes her lay out
her entire life story

or the pieces
that he doesn't know already.



Victim's name is Brenda Mason.

We cannot save her,

but we might be able to save Charlotte.

And we're gonna start
by trying to figure out

how he met Brenda,

how long did he hold
her hostage before k*lling her.

Okay, I just got off
the phone with the sex club.

They confirmed Brenda was a member.

So our abductor most likely used that

as his hunting ground.

Which means our abductor
has done this before.

He's prowled the night club,

zeroed in on an attractive woman,

stalked her, held her hostage.

- It's like he's collecting them.
- Curating them, actually.

Maggie said the room
Charlotte was held in

was set up especially for her

down to the flowers on the nightstand.

So he's trying to win Charlotte over,

convince her
that she's in love with him,

and once he realizes
that doesn't work...

She'll wind up just like Brenda,

and he'll move on to another woman

and repeat the process all over again.

All right, team, priority one,

track Brenda prior to her disappearance.

We find her last steps,
we might find her abductor.

Well, last post she made
on social was six weeks ago.

Said she was going to Vietnam.

Yeah, yeah. When did she get back?

I just checked flight records,

and she never left the country,
never even bought a ticket.

And she hasn't used her phone
or credit card

since that was posted.
I think it's a fake.

Yeah, yeah. Okay.

So let's assume her abductor
was in control by that point.

So go back even further.

What was the last charge
on her card, the last call?

Let's go, people. Clock is ticking.

There's this Facebook selfie

ten hours before that travel post

taken at Willy B Fitness
three miles from her house.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.


She was in here every morning
like clockwork

till, I don't know,
maybe a couple months ago.

Figured she'd moved.

It's too bad. She was a nice girl.

Did she ever come in here with anyone?

Meet anyone here?

No, she kept to herself.

She'd come in, she'd do her hour.

She'd sanitize machines,
leave with a smile.

There she is. Slow it down.


- Hold on. Freeze.

- OA, that guy is filming her.
- It's a physical match

to our guy from Charlotte's apartment.

He's gotta be our abductor.

Carl, I need all
the information you have

on this guy, phone number,
address, name, everything.

Jubal, I think we got an ID
on the son of a bitch.

Andrew Frasier, .

He's a high school dropout,
a drifter with no family.

He's got stalking collars

in Virginia, Maryland, and Rhode Island.

I just ran his profile by BAU.

If Frasier's our guy,
he's methodical, compulsive...

An antisocial narcissist
exhibiting patterns

of learned escalation.

Meaning once he finally
kills, he will k*ll again.

Okay, so where the hell
are we with locating him?

- Yeah, Hobbs, any luck?
- Struck out.

He had a membership at the sex club,

but the address they had
on file for him was bogus.


What about his spending?
His credit cards?

Just one card.

It's linked to the same fake address.

Elise and I have been going
through his purchase history,

but he hasn't used it recently.

Last activity was a large withdrawal

from an ATM a mile
from Brenda's six weeks ago.

Yeah. He's smart.

He went to ground
as soon as he grabbed Brenda.

What about a cell phone?

If he does have one, it's from a burner.

- Jubal.
- Yeah.

Three months ago,
Frasier made a sizable purchase

from an auto trader in Queens.
I just talked to the guy.

He said he sold Frasier
a decommissioned taxi.

It's not in the system,

so it doesn't look like
Frasier ever reregistered it.

But the salesman gave me the VIN.

- It's an old city cab?
- Mm-hmm.

That means it's equipped
with location services.

We could find his current location.

Okay, go.

All right, just slow down.

We're right on top of the cab's signal.

Right there, right there.



Scola, there he is. : .

Andrew Frasier, FBI. We need to talk.

- Hey!
- Frasier!

Stay where you are right now.

Drop it.


I got you.

Just stay right here, okay?



Damn it! We need backup
off of US , exit .

Subject is fleeing
in a green Ford F- ,

New York State plate,
Kevin, Larry, Victor .

You find Charlotte
in the back of that cab?

She's not here.

Where the hell did he leave her?

Okay, so Frasier is in the wind.

The good news is his bespoke
shopping spree suggests

Charlotte is still alive.

The bad news is,
he knows we're on the hunt.

Fuse on Charlotte's life
may have gotten shorter.

So let's dig in.

And when we caught up with him,
he was running errands.

It's unlikely he would leave
Charlotte alone for very long.

So we should assume
he's holding her somewhere

near the country store.
The question is where?

Where are we on the stolen pickup truck?

We put out a BOLO,
but it's a Ford F- .

There's no GPS tech on models that old.

What about the cab?

We track it back to wherever
he dropped her off?

No, he'd already dropped Charlotte

by the time we tapped into the live GPS.

It only goes back as far
as a gas station in the area.

He's been careful every step of the way.

He'd want to bring her somewhere he knew

would not be disturbed.

It's off-season in the Catskills.

Can you put together a list
of vacant summer properties?

Looking at a few thousand.

It'll take days to hit them all.

Okay, well, scratch that.

Does Frasier have
any connection to this place?

He was picked up for vagrancy
in New Paltz in .

Right. Well, okay.

Unlikely he would have any
fuzzy feelings for the place.

What about Charlotte? Any connection?

Got something.

Charlotte posted this five months ago.

Check out the caption.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

"Throwback Thursday
# catskills #sliceofheaven."

Can we figure out where she stayed?

We can't even tell
when the picture was taken.

Okay, but BAU said that they
think that Frasier's trying

to get Charlotte to fall
in love with him, right?


He designed that room at
Brenda's specifically for her.

He's not gonna move her
from that unless he's taken her

to a place that makes her even happier.


So maybe he's holding her some place

that's special to her.

All right. Talk to Alex.
See if he can figure out where that is.

Got it.

The Catskills? Uh...

Charlotte and her sister
rented a house near Woodstock

- a couple times.
- No. No, no, no.

That's too far
from where we spotted Frasier.

Any place that could mean
anything to her near Woodbury,

Bear Mountain State Park...

Bear Mountain. Bear Mountain State Park.

We spent a weekend up there, near there.

A small town right after college.

Okay. Remember the name
of the place you stayed?

Um, no, it was like an inn.

That's it?

We went up there to figure out my life.

I had a job offer
from a big Wall Street firm.

But I wasn't into it. I wanted
to work at this crazy startup.

And Charlotte convinced me
to do what I wanted.

And follow my heart.

That is when I knew

that she was the person
I was meant to be with.

I asked her to marry me right there.

Okay, there's eight inns
within a -mile radius

of Bear Mountain State Park.
Anything familiar to you?

- Yeah, the Cherry Hill Lodge.
- Perfect.

Thank you.


On my count. Three, two, one. Execute.

FBI! We have a warrant!

Federal agents!


Maggie, we got light in the room

at the end of the South Hall.

Andrew Frasier, let her go. It's over.

- Over?

It's not over.

It's just beginning.

I did all this for her.

Her favorite food,

her favorite perfume.

No one knows her the way I do.

We're in love.

Don't you understand?

She's going to love me.

Stay with me, Andrew.
Hey, Andrew, hey, hey, hey.

Hey, hey, hey, Andrew, Andrew.
Look, look, hey, hey, hey.

Okay? It's just me and you.

Forget about these guys. All right?

You really love her?

- Yes.
- Yeah?

Okay, then look at her.
Look at her, Andrew.

Look at this person that you love,

that you've done all of this for.

Look at her. She's bleeding.

Okay? She's hurt.

So if you really love her,
the only thing for you to do

is to let her go.

Okay? You let her go and then...

And then she's gonna love you
too, right, Charlotte?

- Yes.
- Right, see?

You got to let her go, Andrew.



There you go, there you go,
there you go. All right.

Okay. All right, Andrew.

Okay. Hey, hey, hey. Hey, hey.

I need the knife.

I need the knife, Andrew.

Hey, hey. Give me that...

Andrew, there is no easy way
out of this.

Please. Give me the knife.



You're gonna have to answer
for everything you've done.


Paramedics said she's gonna be okay.

She's obviously overwhelmed.

- Hell of a hours, man.
- Yeah, no kidding.

Oh, my God, Charlotte.

Are you okay? Are you okay?

You're here. [SOBS]

- Yeah. I'm here. I'm here.
- I'm okay.

Great job today.

You're still up?

Trial prep. Big day tomorrow.

Did you talk to Peter about the job?

No. Not yet.

Omar, you can't just keep
putting it off.

I don't want it.


I don't want the job.
I don't want to leave my job.

I love my job, Mona.

Why didn't you just tell me that?


'cause I know how you feel about...

things, how you feel about the FBI,

how you feel about what I do.

I am sorry, but this is who I am.

Omar, you know that I love you, right?

And I love you too.
I just don't know if...


- I just don't know...
- Yeah.


Yeah, I know.

I'm sorry.
