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03x09 - The Grand Jury

Posted: 11/07/21 09:06
by bunniefuu



LINDA: No, rotate.


You have to rotate it.

Jesus Christ. May I?




Oh, thank you.


That's Linda Tripp.


- Morning, Ron.


Hello, Ken, it's Linda Tripp.

Again. It was alarming enough
to be asked to write a how-to

manual for my own job,
but it has now been nearly

one month since I requested
the materials I need to even

attempt to start on this,

and-and still I've received nothing.





At a minimum,

I will need my correspondence books

and all volumes of the archival
histories of JCOC and .

If anyone cast the slightest
glance at my cubicle,

they would easily find
all of these on my desk there.

BOB GOODMAN: Lucianne,
have you had any occasion to

talk to Linda recently?

I haven't talked to Linda
since, uh, uh, the day

she wore the wire
to the Ritz-Carlton Hotel.

Judge Starr asked her
not to be in touch.

- With anyone?
- Right, with anyone.

GOODMAN: Are you surprised that only one

out of ten Americans view her favorably?

No, not with how the White House

and sundry sympathetic people have

framed the discussion
of Linda in such a negative way.

GOODMAN: Do you think it also
might be that people don't

like people who tape their friends?


♪ ♪




- Hello.
- Hi.

This is all that there was.
Nothing from your office...


Oh, and I, uh... I checked the machine.

This lady named Jane
from The New Yorker,

she left, like, four messages.

- She's writing an article about...
- Fabulous.

There's absolutely nothing
I can do about that.

Well, you could at least
call her back and talk to her.

Allison, my attorney made it
very plain. It would be unwise.

I would lose my immunity.

Meanwhile, the Clintons get to turn me

into Joseph Goebbels.

And the whole world believes them.

Mom, just come home already.

- I'm sick of staying with Dad.

Can't blame you on that.

- -Look, the reporters are gone

from our street and I go by every day.

Well, you shouldn't.

It's not safe.

But there's no one there anymore.

- I mean, come on. Mom?

This? This is not healthy.

You have your grand jury thing,
you are under

so much stress and you are
just sitting here alone

all day, reading articles
about yourself.

It's not just my testimony.

I'm going to make a statement.

What do you mean?

I've decided, once I
have my freedom back,

I'm going to give a speech.
I'm going to address the nation.

What are you going to say?

I'm simply going to tell my story.

♪ ♪


It's not fair.

He didn't get paraded
down to the courthouse.

He got to testify at home.

I'm not the president.

Okay, no, really... how do I look?

I'm going for "not a deranged whore".

Okay, what do you want me to say?

I'm about to be questioned
by strangers,

and whoever they are,

I'm sure they already hate me.

PLATO (CALLS): Are you ready?

BILL (ON TV): We committed ourselves
to a comprehensive strategy

to lower the crime rate and make
America a safer place to live.

- I gave him that tie.
- What?

... has shown remarkable results.

It's Zegna.

I bought it at the Neiman's
in Mazza Gallerie.

Does he know that she
is testifying today?

I'm sure.

Do you think he's trying
to send her a message?

I mean, is that even legal?

- Should I tell someone about that?
- Mom.

BILL: We should resolve to do better.

It's fine. I'm not going
to let it mess me up.

REPORTER: She's here,
she's here! She's in that car!

- WOMAN: Monica!
- MAN: Hey, Monica!


I can save you, Monica!


You are going to hell!

Monica, how are you feeling?


Monica, are you in love
with the president?

Feel ready?

I'm just excited to see
the inside of a courtroom.

You know, this is the first time
Starr's given me anything

to do beyond secretarial work.

He is old-fashioned.

And look, Monica and I are familiar,

but Starr does have a point.

It's better that a woman asks
some of these questions.

- She's here.
- Okay.

You can bring in the jury.

- Are they already in there?
- Yes, they've just been seated.

We'll be right out here,
anytime you need.

EMMICK: Good morning.

You can have a seat right there.

Can you raise your right hand?

Oh, sure, yes.

Do you, Monica S. Lewinsky,
swear to tell the truth,

the whole truth and nothing but
the truth, so help you God?

I do.


Now, uh, Ms. Lewinsky,
what we're going to do

is we're going to start off

talking about your relationship
with the president.

Do I not get to learn people's names?

Uh, the answer to that is no.

Um, I know it seems kind of...

Kind of awkward.

It's important that the record
have no identifications.

Oh, okay.

Now, as we have discussed,
our office feels you'll be more

comfortable getting certain
questions from Ms. Immergut,

so I'm going to turn it over to her now.

Ms. Lewinsky,
can you tell the grand jury:

when did your relationship

with the president of the
United States start?

November , .

Um, it was during the shutdown

when I was assigned to the West Wing.

Can you tell the grand jury
what happened?

Around... uh, around : in the evening

I was headed into
Mr. Stephanopoulos's office.

The president... was in there.

He invited me into
the next room and then...

we kissed.

IMMERGUT: Did anything else
happen between you?

(SIGHS) Um...

And we were more...
physically intimate after that.

And what do you mean by that?

On that occasion, did you

perform oral sex on the president?

God, this is embarrassing.

I assure you
we won't be dwelling on this.

Yes, I did.


Was there any other
physical intimacy performed?

Everything up to oral sex.

Now, to avoid you having
to go into each subsequent

act of physical intimacy,

we'll introduce what we
have marked as Exhibit ML- .

♪ ♪

IMMERGUT: Did you provide
all the information listed

on this chart?

Yes, I did.

This details each of
your sexual encounters

with President Clinton.

To the best of your knowledge,

is it all accurate?

Yes. I want to hide
under this table, but yes.

Ms. Lewinsky, did your
relationship with the president

have a... non-sexual component?

- Yes, it did.
- Could you describe that

for the grand jury?

Sure, um...

It was more than just...

We enjoyed being with each other.

He'd... we would tell jokes,

talk about our childhoods,
current events.

Sometimes we'd just...

Um, we'd just be affectionate.

He'd push my hair out of my face.

I think back on it and...

he always made me smile
when I was with him.

It was a lot of, uh...

He was sunshine.

- We okay for a break?
- Uh, yeah, ten minutes?

Ten minutes, everyone.

EMMICK: Moving through your affidavit
here, let me ask you a question.

Paragraph eight begins,

"I have never had a sexual relationship

with the president".

Is that true?

- No.
- Okay,

so the next logical follow-up is:

why were you willing to
say something false

under penalty of perjury?

Uh, I did not think my...
my private relationship

was anyone's business.

No one asked me to lie...
not the president, not anyone.

I made that decision. By myself.

And I wish I hadn't, to put it mildly.

Thank you.

Now, the grand jury has
some questions for you.

- Okay.
- Did you and the president

ever talk about denying the relationship

if anyone asked about it?

I offered that on-on my own.

I always told him I would deny it.

Why did you keep
that stained black dress?

- It's a blue dress. - Blue.
- Blue.

Answer the question, please.

Well, I have a lot of clothes,

and so I don't usually dry-clean things

until I'm going to wear them again.

Like, I don't know how you guys are,

but you have clothes to dry-clean

and you kind of keep them
in your closet until you

dry-clean them all together
when you need them.

And now I feel like I'm talking about

dry-cleaning too much and
the process around dry-cleaning.

Anyway, with that dress...

I was going to wear it again

and when I told Linda that,

she told me I looked heavy in it.

Um, so I-I never
ended up wearing it again.

Ergo I never cleaned it.
Does that answer your question?

Ms. Lewinsky, did your mother
ever discourage

your relationship with the president?

Oh, yes.

Well, then, what kept it going?

I fell in love.

I have a question.

You said you felt you were in

a real relationship.

A real connection.

- Yes.
- With this married man.

- Yes.
- It's been in the papers

you had a relationship before.

Similar to this, a married man.

The way Kate and Andy Bleiler
made it seem on TV,

it's-it's not entirely accurate.

I-If that's the part that you're, um...

The only part I know is that

he was a married man and had a family.


Like I know about the president.

We're asked to trust
your version of events,

but it seems you arrived
in D.C. and sought out

a-an affair based on deception and lies.

Did you not believe that this was wrong?

My intention...

... when I came to Washington
was to start over.

I did not want to have another affair

with a married man
because it was horrible.

And I don't know why I did it again.

I just know that I did it again.


And I know a lot of...
a lot of people think that

that's wrong, and so do I.

I know there's a lot of work
I need to do on myself.

I just feel I had to ask
the question because

a lot of us are confused.

- I'm not.
- No need to be rude.

Oh, it's okay.

In a way, I really, I really appreciate

you asking me where I'm coming from,

'cause most people just assume
when it comes to me, so...

Um, I really respect your question

and I-I appreciate what you're saying.

Whatever your name is.

Oh, Ms. Lewinsky...

Can you, can you guys call me Monica?

Are-are they allowed to call me Monica?

If you say so.


I'm just . Please. (CHUCKLES)

But you'll be Ms. Lewinsky
whether you're or or...

- Not when I get married.

Monica, do you still love the president?

The day they held me at the Ritz,

they wanted me to turn on him.

I said no.

I-I did not want to do anything
to let him get hurt.

And then when this all came out,

the-the people that worked for him,

they trashed me.

They claim that they haven't,

but they call me a stalker.
They called me a liar.

They say I'm inappropriate.
I mean, you all know. (SIGHS)

And then he makes this speech.

And he says...

He makes it seem like...

all that he cares about is
how unfair all of this

- has been to him.
- Mm.

So to... sorry...
to answer your question, um...

... it turns out he's not
who I thought he was.

Monica, about that day
you just mentioned

when you were approached by Mr. Emmick

and the OIC, can you tell us
a little bit about that?

Oh, um...

If I could ask, uh, what areas are you

wanting to get into?

Because we're already
tight for time and, uh,

well, you know, there were...

many hours of activity.

Just want to know about that day.

Okay, well, how about we
table that for now...

No, I want to hear about that.

We should be able
to hear about that day.

MALE JUROR: Let her talk. Why not?

OTHERS: Let her talk.

All right, go ahead.

So, you were approached
in the food court

at Pentagon City by two FBI agents.

Linda Tripp had lied
to get you there. Is that right?

Uh, yes.

And then they proceeded
to take you up to a hotel room.

Why didn't you ask for your lawyer?

I did.

But they told me
I was in trouble and that

I wouldn't be able to help
myself with my attorney present,

so I just did what they said.

It was the FBI and I was really scared.

What happened when you got up there?

(SIGHS) S-Sorry.

Would it be okay...
uh, can you step out?

Karin can take over from here, right?

Karin can take over.

Karin can stay.




EMMICK: Thank you.

They said if I called my lawyer,
I wouldn't be offered immunity.

Did you feel threatened by that?

Did they offer you a chance
to call another attorney?

They suggested one.

Did you take them up on that?

- No.
- Why not?

- Because I didn't trust them.
- Hmm.

It sounds as though they
were actively discouraging you

from talking to an attorney.

Well, from talking to Frank Carter.

Yes, Frank Carter, my only attorney.

Are we due for a ten-minute break?

No, ma'am.


It lasted about hours in total.


And they told me over
and over that I was free

to leave, but I didn't.

I didn't understand
because they also said

they were prepared
to indict me and I could

spend up to years in prison
and that they would

prosecute my mother if I didn't
help them, you know? So...

I was, uh, confused and, uh...

FEMALE JUROR: Were you angry?

(SNIFFLES) Yes, mostly at myself.

For ending up in this situation.

And for putting the president at risk.


And-and for, uh,
doing this to my family.

Monica, they set you in a trap.

- Mm-hmm.
- It's what they do.

Monica, is there anything else
you'd like to add

to your testimony?

We want to give you
the fullest opportunity.




I guess I want to say
that no one asked me to lie.

And I was never promised
a job for my silence.

Mostly I'm sorry.

I'm really sorry for
everything that happened.

- And I hate Linda Tripp.

FEMALE JUROR: I know that's right.

- FEMALE JUROR : Forget her.

- What goes around comes around.
- FEMALE JUROR : It does.

I am going to go in and remove some

extra cartilage and bone right here.

Then I'm going to go ahead
and pull the skin

off of the issue so I can
chisel that bump down.

Then we fracture it
so that we can close the roof,

much the same way you would on a house.

Does that make sense?



Dr. Loeb does wonderful work.

Oh, thanks. Okay, I'm going to go ahead

and step out and do my final prep.

I'll see you in there.



- Where's Steve?
- Oh, he didn't want to come.

Is he still in a funk
about losing his job?

Gosh, yes, he's...

blaming my case and says
the airline fired him because of

pressure from Clinton, but, Susie,

he wouldn't work the hours
that they wanted him to.

I think that's all that it is.

Well, did you tell him that?

He won't listen to me. (SCOFFS)


Hey. You nervous?

I'm just glad that
people'll stop making fun

of my big ol' awful nose.



♪ ♪

♪ ♪



HILLARY: I'm told there is a Russian
children's verse that says,

"What do we plant
when we plant a new wood?

Boats in which waves
can safely be withstood".

In both our nations,
music education is that

sturdy boat that lifts us up,

that carries our unique cultural
treasures into the future.

And now, it is my honor to
introduce to you Bill Clinton,

- president of the United States.

Mr. President, Mr. Bowles
said you wanted this list...

I know what it is. Thanks.

Betty, would you ask
the first lady to come see me?

BETTY: Right away, sir.


You wanted to see me?

I wanted to say something.


years, you're the one
opinion I give a shit about.

Most men of our age, they...
they find their wives so dull

they cringe when she talks at dinner.

I pity those men.

They don't have what I do.

I gave in to a disgusting impulse.

Because I didn't know
how to walk down the hall

and say to my best friend

that this job is lonely

and I'm worn to the bone...

... and I'm dead inside half the time.

There's been hell raining down on us

from the day we walked into this place.

You know, every move
we make... the right,

the press, they seize,
attack and drag us

through the streets over nothing.

And I know it's stupid, but when
Newt shuts down the government,

and Starr has slithered into our lives

to look for malfeasance
in every line of every receipt

of every piddly thing we've ever bought,

I thought I had to be strong for us.

And instead, I f*cked it all up.

♪ ♪

When it first came out,
I was so ashamed I wanted to

crawl in a hole and disappear.

I couldn't bear what I'd done
to you and Chelsea.

I couldn't face telling you,
I just couldn't.

So I made it worse and I lied.

Everything good in my life
comes out of us together.

I don't know who I am without you.

I know you said you
didn't care why it happened.

But I wanted you to know.

Is that all?


I love you.

That's all.


- Mom?
- Busy.

There's all this stuff in here.

I didn't know that you were arrested.

It was a teen prank.

Some boys put things in
my purse as a joke.

Okay, but this part about your dad...

I mean, you don't talk about him
my entire life and I have

no idea why until someone
writes an article about it.

Oh, my God.

Jesus Christ.

- Unbelievable.
- What?

None of this is what I asked for.

They know what I need
to do my job and they...

they send me a completely
useless pile of paper.

And look at the shape it's in.


This is a message.

Could just be one
of the lazier secretaries.

Bring my purse.


- Oh, my God.
- Linda,

I didn't know you were coming in.

I need to see Ken.

- Excuse me.
- I work here.


No, I have to go.
Okay, it's just... Leave us.

Linda, you know you cannot just...

Did you oversee and
approve this shipment?

- What?
- It's a simple question.

Did you oversee
and approve this shipment?

- I can't say that I have any...
- Because I asked for the basic materials

I need to do my job and what I got

was random printed email traffic.

Some JCOC participant list
thrown violently into a box.

- Linda.
- This is chilling.

This is veiled hostility
from my colleagues,

simply because I'm a cooperating witness

in a federal investigation.

I'm sure it was just an honest mistake.

- We are past that, Ken.
- Listen.

Just write down exactly what you need

- and then we...
- What I need

is to come here like normal
and do my work.

And I do not doubt that
you'll be able to do that soon,

and that things will settle down,

but DOD just opened this investigation

- and until we...
- What?

What investigation?


They'll be contacting you.

When you were hired,

you affirmed on your DD that
you had never been arrested.

Now, The New Yorker has come out...

It was a teen prank!

- Linda...
- On me!

The charges were dropped.

Linda, you cannot lie
to the Department of Defense

on a security clearance form.

That is a serious crime.

I see.

I see now.

You see what?

They're really coming after me.

Okay, well...


Good afternoon, ma'am.
I'm Special Agent Irons

with the Federal Bureau
of Investigation.

This is Special Agent Fallon.

FALLON: Do you have
a moment to speak with us?

Thank you, ma'am.

We're detailed with the Office

of Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr.

Perhaps you've seen
Judge Starr on the news.

Well, he's finishing up
his investigation,

preparing to make a report to Congress.

We're just here following up
on some threads.

Ma'am, as you may know,
the president and others

are in legal peril because
of false affidavits

filed in the Paula Jones lawsuit.

We're just dotting our I's,
Ms. Broaddrick. You understand.

FALLON: Now, here is
your Jones affidavit.

You swore this a few months back.

Here, you state that
President Bill Clinton

never made any unwanted
sexual advances toward you.

Ma'am, were you being truthful
when you signed your name

to this statement?

- PAULA: I don't...

I don't get it.

Okay. Thank you. Bye.

(SIGHS) How was your audition?

It sucked.

- Who was that?
- The lawyers. They said...

... the judge did a summary judgment.

Mm. What is that?

It's... it's bad.

It means that she threw out the case.

The Supreme Court said you had a case.

But now the judge says I don't, so I...

I guess it's over.

What? What-what do we get?
How much money we get?

Well, that's what I'm saying. Um...

It's nothing. We get nothing.

- The f*ck?!
- I know.

- I know, I need to call Susie.
- Oh, yeah, great idea.

Smart. She always makes things better.

- Steve, don't.
- No, no, we need to go back

and we need to take Clinton's deal.

I wanted that money.

What? No, no, but you and Susie

told me that I shouldn't take it, so...

I don't wanna hear your f*cking voice.

Wait, but that is not fair
because I... gosh,

I only ever started doing this
'cause you wanted me to.

I-I did... I did all this for you.

You sound pretty stupid
right now with your face

all broken from a nose job.

Because I got a bad nose,

which I didn't even know I had

until you made me do this and be on TV

and people laughed at me, but...

but I did it, like I always
do what you say.

You think I liked moving to California,

where I've never seen so many people

who smile while they hate you

and it makes my skin f*cking crawl

and it's sunny all day and it's...

You think it'll be better
if we move home,

where everyone knows exactly
who you are and what you did?

What do you mean, "what I did"?

What do you mean?

Say it. Say it, Steve.

You think I did it.

You think I went up there
and I gave him a blow job.

Yeah, okay, okay.

I can take this from Jay Leno

and people laughing at me
at Vons, but...

from you?

You're supposed to believe me!

We are fighting to show people
that he did me wrong!


And in reality, all-all this is...

all the press conferences
and all the magazines

and-and the TV shows

and the lawyers and more lawyers
and more lawyers...

it's just me trying to get you
to believe me!

Which we both know you
never did, so you know what?

If you want to say I'm stupid,
well, f*ck you!

But most of all,
if I'm stupid on one thing,

it was believing that you were any more

than a chickenshit assh*le
who cared about me at all!


Oh, you think
I'm gonna ask you to stay?!


EMMICK: Okay, it's pretty simple.

You listen to all of
these tapes. After each one,

you sign the tape, as well as sign

and date those documents,

confirming that the voices
are you and Linda Tripp.

I have to listen to all of these?

They're all evidence.

Karin here will sit in with you.

I would, but I gotta get
to the courthouse.

What's happening at the courthouse?

FOREWOMAN: Do you, Linda R. Tripp,
swear to tell the truth,

the whole truth, and nothing
but the truth, so help you God?

I do.

You ready?

- LINDA: Hi.

How are you?

EMMICK: Uh, now, with
Mr. Wisenberg's assistance,

I'd like to read to you

what the grand jury has
come to know as Tape .

You have a, uh, transcript there.


"Linda, I got the creep a tie.

It was bucks at Marshalls".

"Oh, good, who makes it?"

"Calvin Klein. It's gorgeous, Linda".

"Yeah, Marshalls generally,

every now and then, you can hit".

EMMICK: "It's really different from
all the other ones I've given him.

I'm putting a note with it.

I wrote such a funny card to him".

WISENBERG: Linda Tripp laughs.

- MONICA: I said, "This tie will

look good with either
a taupe or navy suit

and a white or a light blue shirt.

- That is, if you like it".
- LINDA: Mm-hmm.

"And then do you know what I wrote?

I said, 'And just think,
now you can pay homage to me

if you want by having
a work week in which you

wear one of my ties every day.'"

Linda Tripp laughs.

Ms. Lewinsky laughs.

- LINDA: 'Cause this is the fifth one, right?

You have to give him one
for the weekend days, too.

"That's what I want. That's my fantasy.

To have the creep wear
one of my ties every day".

Um, Ms. Tripp, who was the creep?


The president of the United States.

EMMICK: Was this typical
of the sort of subject

you and Monica Lewinsky would discuss?

Yes, we almost never
talked about anything

aside from the president. (SCOFFS)

She shared a lot of intimate
details with you, did she not?

She did.

MONICA (CRYING): I was upset before,

but not like I am now.

LINDA: Oh, man.

MONICA: It's too much for one person.

LINDA: Oh, it is too
much for one person.

Yes, it is.

EMMICK: Moving into November .

Is it fair to say that
Ms. Lewinsky was increasingly

distraught on her calls with you?

Yes, she was obsessed with
the president's lack of contact.

And what typically would happen
when she tried to make contact?

She would call Betty Currie
and then call me

to tell me she called Betty.

And then, if Betty hadn't
gotten back to her

within an hour, she would get angry

and call Betty again,
then call me again.

Crescendoing to some sort
of nuclear outburst.

Okay, now I'd like to move...

Sorry, can I ask a question?

Did you want Monica to stop calling you?


Her behavior became volatile.
Very erratic.

So why did you not just say,
"Please stop calling me"?

(SCOFFS) That's what my kid said.

So why didn't you?

Well, at a, at a certain point,

you can't unring a bell.

You talk like this was a grave situation

and harmful for Monica, right?

- Yes, very.
- But earlier

we heard you encouraging her

to buy him a tie for each day
of the week.

Well, that...

I was joking.

And when Monica said,
"I got the creep a tie.

It was bucks at Marshalls",

you replied, "Oh, good".

Well, I was being...

That was more of a pro-Marshalls.

So, was this a serious situation
or was this a joking matter?

That's one moment out of context.

Or were you just trying
to keep her talking?

Because by then you were taping.

I prefer to call it documenting.

MALE JUROR: Why did you tape her?

We'll get to that in just a little bit.

I documented our phone calls
because I knew

- I needed evidence.
- Evidence for what?

Well, for... so when I came forward...

- But it was a private matter.
- I don't think you comprehend...

It was between Monica and the president.

No one needed to know.

Actually, this was a very young staffer

in a workplace with
the most senior official

in that workplace making choices

that were causing her severe distress.

She told me on more than one occasion

she wanted to k*ll herself.

And still, the president
of the United States

used her to meet his needs.

He had total control.
His behavior was unconscionable.

It was an abuse of power.

- Mrs. Tripp...
- I had to end it.

I had to end it.

Mrs. Tripp, when you chose to...

begin documenting Monica,

you were under enormous stress, correct?

I was terrified.

I knew if I came forward
with no evidence,

they would destroy me.

When you say "they",
who are you referring to?

(SCOFFS) Bill Clinton.

And, uh, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

- Oh, man.

The president's lawyer had already made

a defamatory statement
about me in Newsweek.

I was sure I was going to be subpoenaed

in the Paula Jones case.

I felt, if I told the truth under oath,

I would lose my job.

Or worse.

You thought if you told the
truth in the Paula Jones case...

I was afraid I wouldn't even
get the chance.

Are you... are you saying you
thought you would be k*lled?


- Why?
- I have what I consider

well-founded fears

of what this administration
is capable of.

Can you give an example?

I have, uh, reason to believe

that the Vince Foster tragedy was not

depicted accurately by
members of the administration.

Are you... are you saying
he didn't commit su1c1de?

(CHUCKLES) We will never know.

Mrs. Tripp, do you have information

about the White House
and the death of Vince Foster?

I'll just say this.

The day after that tragedy,

the behavior I saw in
the West Wing frightened me.

There was a flurry of activity, boxes

and secrecy behind closed doors.

I was concerned, and I was alarmed.

Because people were
meeting behind closed doors?

(SCOFFS) It was far more
ominous than that.


I am telling you, under oath today,

that I felt threatened.

And I was angry. And I resented it.

- And still do.
- JUROR: I have a question.

Did you ever think
about what would happen

to Monica when all this came out?

♪ ♪

LINDA: All right, call me back, you nut.

- MONICA: Ugh. I will, I will.
- Bye.

- Done.
- Your attorney

has a car waiting for you out back.
If you want, I can...

I know the way.


I thought, uh, if this became public,

Monica would not be
in any sort of danger.

But you said you felt dangers,
both personal

and professional, could befall you.

What crossed your mind
that would befall Monica?

Uh, what-what would befall her?

JUROR: Did you have any fears for her?

All these details in the public.

LINDA: She was... I-I think I said this.

Uh, she was suicidal.

JUROR : You're not
answering her question.

What Monica was going through
was extremely unhealthy.

But you didn't think
it would bring her harm?

Well, not compared to...

- No.
- Why not?

Uh, pardon?

Why would you not think about her?

♪ ♪

I was thinking that she was
in a tremendously bad situation.


And do you feel now she's better
off because of what you did?

Do you feel her life is better now?


- How'd it go?
- Ready, Linda?

You sure?

You don't have to do this right now.

ZACCAGNINI: We understand

there is some interest
in hearing from Ms. Tripp.

She will not be taking
any questions today.

She has, however, agreed
to make some brief remarks.


Good afternoon.
I'm not a public speaker.

I'm going to have to refer to my notes.

Please bear with me.

I understand that there's
been a great deal of speculation

about just who I am and how I got here.

Well, the answer is simple.

I'm you. I'm just like you.

I'm an average American
who found herself in a situation

not of her own making.

Because I am just like you,
I ask you to imagine how you

would feel if someone
you thought was a friend

urged you to commit a felony.

Imagine how you would feel
if your boss's attorney

called you a liar in front
of the whole country.

And imagine if that boss

was the president of the United States.

Imagine how you would feel
if your employer demoted you

and cast you aside,
for daring to tell the truth.

Imagine how it would feel to see
the pain in your children's eyes

when they hear
a seemingly endless barrage

of lies about their mother.

A mother who is not
going out to defend herself.

I've been vilified for
taking the path of truth.

I've been maligned
by people who have chosen

not to tell the truth,

and who know they
are not telling the truth.

To cast me in the role of the villain,

they have enlisted
legions of paid prevaricators.

Not surprisingly, many
from the entertainment industry

have chosen to ridicule me as well.

Going so far as to even
make fun of my appearance

in a manner so mean and so cruel
that I pray none of you

is ever subjected to it.

Despite all of that,

I bear no malice towards
anyone in this case.

I believe in our country.

As I said, I am no different
than any of you.

I believe you have the right
to tell the truth under oath

without fear of retribution or worse.

(SIGHS) I hope that when all
the facts are revealed,

you'll understand that it is a right

all of us should be fighting for.

Thank you.

Why did you betray Monica Lewinsky?

We're not taking any questions.

Linda, do you regret taping Monica?

REPORTER: Isn't it true
you manipulated her?

REPORTER : Did you do
all this for a book deal?

NEWSMAN: The atmosphere
feels very different

- among the party now.
- NEWSWOMAN: Look, I've read

the deposition and it's very clear...

NEWSMAN : Members
of President Clinton's

own party are now wavering
in their support,

including my guest,

Congressman Jim Moran.

MORAN: The fact is he lied
to the American people.

That is undoubtedly going to

necessitate impeachment proceedings.

Andrew Johnson... worst leader
this country ever had.

r*cist to his core, drunk as hell

the day he took over for Lincoln.

Congress finally impeached his ass.

Only president
that's happened to, only one.

Till now.

I hate it when you're like this.

We have not lost anything, not yet.

I'll call Jim Moran.

What'll you say?

I will say that if he thinks
he is fighting for me,

then he needs to fight on my side.

And the way I see it,

there are forces that have
been trying to take my husband

down his whole life
and I don't want them to win.

And I won't let them.

And yes, the right's got the votes,

and I'm sure they will do their worst.

But to state the obvious,

you are not Andrew f*cking Johnson.

And the last billion times
the GOP has tried to destroy us,

we have wiped the floor with them.

Have you seen the polls?

Every step they take towards this

moronic idea,
your approval jumps a point.

Nobody's looking at the polls.

My own party isn't looking at the polls.

They just need
permission to forgive you.

Which is something
that you can't give them.

But I can.

This is all the FBI interviews?

We're waiting on a few more.

We have a problem.

We need to put Monica back under oath.

- Why?
- Our perjury charge rests on the president

claiming that technically he
didn't have sex with her because

he never touched her
with intent to arouse.

He's lying, but here's hours and hours

of Monica's testimony,
and she never once

speaks about all the times

that he touched her
with intent to arouse.

It was implied on our chart.

That's weak shit. We need her
under oath, in detail,

on all the sex, proving him wrong.

Okay, let's bring her back in.

Gosh, who's going to
handle asking her about that?

We are on the record.
Monica, you're still under oath.

First, I want to start by
asking you a general question.

Did your relationship
with President Clinton

start with sex and then evolve into

a friendship or the other way around?

It started with a physical attraction

which led to a sexual relationship.

And then the emotional and...

friendship aspects of
that relationship developed

after the beginning of
the sexual relationship.

Why don't we start
with the first incident

of physical intimacy: November , ,

which you've already
testified some about.

- Okay.
- Can you tell me

how the physical intimacy
between you two

began that night?


Well, we were, uh...

in an office alone.

Kissing, you know?

And then what happened
after the kissing started?

Um, he started untucking my shirt.

And then what?

I'm sorry. For legal reasons,

I need to get specifically
what happened.

Each physical interaction.


(SIGHS) Um...

So, he took off my sweater
and, you know...

Did he touch your breasts?

- Yes.
- With your bra on or off?

(SIGHS) I...

I-I... (SIGHS) I don't remember
if I unhooked my bra

or if he, um...

... lifted my...

bra up over... This is embarrassing.

I know.

I'm sorry.

But he...

He lifted the bra over your breasts.

Um... sometimes...

... he would lift my-my breasts
out of my bra. God.

Did he touch your breasts
with his hands?


Did he touch your breasts
with his mouth?

- Yes.
- Did he touch your genital area?

Uh, I-I know this is...

It's just, um, thinking about
other people reading this...

I understand, but I've been instructed

to question you on these details.

- And I have to answer?
- Pursuant to the agreement

you have with this office, yes.

Do you understand?

- Yes.
- Okay.

Did he touch your genitals on this date?


Can you describe exactly
how that happened?

He, um...

The president...

uh, got a call, so we moved
into a back office.

While he was on the phone...

... he put his hand, uh,
down my pants and he...

stimulated that area.

Directly on your skin
or through underwear?

It was, um, touching...

through my underwear
at first and then he

placed his hand under my underwear.

And did he bring you to orgasm?

- (QUIETLY): Yes.
- Okay.

On this night, did you perform
oral sex on the president?


Who initiated that?

I did.

Did the president say
anything to you during this?


He was on the phone.

Would you like a break?

IMMERGUT: Moving to March , ,

did the president
stimulate your genitals?


Was that through clothing?

Not through clothing.

And he stimulated your
genitals with his hands?

Yes. And...


He used, um...

He had a cigar.

I'm sorry, could you speak just
a little louder for the tape?

Okay, sorry.

He had a cigar.

Did he insert the cigar
into your vag*na?

I'm sorry, I'm gonna need you
to answer verbally.


Whose idea, um... ?

How did that... ?

Um, we were talking, um,

in the Oval Office...

one day and he was,

uh, he-he was chewing on a...

cigar and he looked at it
in a sort of...

... naughty way and I said,

"We can do that sometime". So we did.

Did you understand it to be arousing?

- Yes.
- Then what happened?

(QUIETLY): Um...

He put it in his mouth.
He said it tasted good.

Okay, I have just one last question.

It goes to your motivation.

Do you for any reason
want to hurt the president?

No, that's the last thing I want.

All right.

Thank you. You did really well, Monica.

That's all I have.
I have to run this in.

Pam can help you see yourself out.

Is it a boy or a girl?

Uh... It's a boy.

Mazel tov.

For your sake, I hope this is goodbye.

♪ ♪

I want the full report ready
for Congress by Labor Day.

Judge, that's two weeks from now.

Any closer to the election and it will

appear like a political hit
on the Democrats.

Brett, please make sure
everyone has their drafts in

by September th.

- Got it.
- Our FBI guys just sent this .

It's a new interview with Jane Doe .

Real name Juanita Broaddrick.
She's changing her statement.

- What she's saying?
- That Bill Clinton r*ped her.

This is that same woman who,
back in January,

signed an affidavit saying
nothing ever happened.

Right. Now she says that was a lie.

Why is she lying?
Was she coerced by the Clintons?

- No.
- Was she offered something?

No, no quid pro quo.
She's saying she lied at first

because she didn't want to be involved.

She's had no contact with
Clinton people since the ' s.

Well, if he didn't pressure her,

then it doesn't go to his criminality.

Except for the raping.

H-He r*ped her.

We can't be cluttering
the report with all

the various sexual experiences
from his past.

Yeah, there's only so much
ink in the world, Sol.

I just... Judge, read the ,
read what he did.

Perjury and obstruction of justice.

Those are our grounds for impeachment,

not some lady who changes her mind

about what happened one night.


Okay. So, should we not
put her in the report at all?

It can be an appendix if you want.

Put her in a footnote.


♪ ♪