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03x08 - Hot Chocolate

Posted: 11/05/21 08:54
by bunniefuu
- Previously on "Dark Matter"...
- Okay.

- [blaster sh*t]
- Ah!

[blaster sh*t]

I don't regret what I did.

It was in the best interests

- of my Emperor.
- The important thing is,

we're making progress towards
an Interplanetary alliance

that could see us gain entry

into the League of Autonomous Worlds.

I've lost one of my best operatives,

as well as the means to tracking "Raza."

Given time, I believe I'll have
another way to locate the ship

and, with your help, take it.

[overlapping arguing]

Our fastest ship at your disposal,

and all we're getting in return is dirt!

That dirt is more fertile

than anything your rock can produce.

This is nothing but hypothetical

until we can guarantee our shipments

won't be confiscated
by corporate patrols!

That is exactly what I'm talking about!

How can that be the
least of your concerns...

[overlapping arguing]

This won't be an issue

once we've established trade routes.

And with their combined resources,

you can stay self-efficient
and independent.

What happens when Ferrous Corp

or one of the other corps
decides to force the issue?

Then you show them a united front

- and stand up to them.
- Well, that's assuming

some of us don't find it more profitable

to sit back and watch.

The best alliances are those
formed from necessity...

not convenience.

[detonations booming]

What's that?

We're under att*ck.

- What did I tell ya?
- All right.

Let's fall back to my ship.

[alarm blaring]

[dramatic music]

What's going on?

A Ferrous Corp destroyer
is attacking the colony.

- They just launched missiles.
- Can we intercept?

We neutralized one.

The others are headed
for Six's location.

- Impact in three minutes.
- Open fire.

Grab a seat.

[power up thrumming]


[electrical sizzling]

[alarm blares]

They're returning fire.
Shields are holding.

"Raza", this is the "Marauder."

- We're prepping for launch.
- Make it quick.

There's a m*ssile headed your way.

[alarm blaring]

Their shields are almost depleted.

I'll put ourselves in between them

and the "Marauder's" escape trajectory.

Picking up two more FTL windows.

They're Ferrous Corp destroyers.

"Raza", we're coming in
hot and fast for docking.

Dropping shields.

[blasters f*ring]

[suspenseful music]

The "Marauder's" docked.

Jumping to FTL.

[rock music]
Hey, kiddo. Oh...

If you're headed to the
mess, I'd reconsider.

- Debate club's in session.
- How's it going in there?

Well, 'bout as well as you'd expect,

which is somewhere between
hopeless and terrible.

I don't believe that.
This is too Important.

If the colonies can find
a way to work together...

You're kidding me.

They can't even agree on lunch.

- How did they find us?
- It's obvious.

- Someone talked.
- You think it's one of us?

We were all down on that planet.

That location was known
only to the delegates

and their top aides.

So one of us has a
traitor in their ranks.

I hand-picked my team.
I trust 'em with my life.

Maybe that wasn't such a good idea.

- Or maybe it's one of yours.
- Okay, right now

we have no way of
knowing who's responsible.

So pointing fingers isn't
gonna accomplish anything.

We do know it was a Ferrous ship,

and there's only one
person at this table

- from a former Ferrous colony.
- What the hell are you saying?

If they wanted to buy somebody off,

they'd start with one of their own.

- Say it again.
- All right, everyone relax.

Let's calm down.

This is exactly what Ferrous wants...

- To drive a wedge between us.
- What they're trying to do

- is scare us into submission.
- And I'd say it's working.

No other colony has gone independent

since that att*ck on Sigma-9.

We're about ten hours out

from the Minori-7 planetary station.

I'd like to use your
ship's communications

to let my people know what's going on.

That's not gonna happen.

They need to know I'm not dead.

And they will, when you
show up back on your colony.

We've assigned quarters to each of you.

When you would like to finish
these discussions, we can go.

I think now would be a good time.

Let's reconvene in the morning.

All right. This way.

You didn't actually think
it'd be that easy, did you?

I assumed we'd be
fighting the corporations,

- not each other.
- Well, we're workers,

not politicians.

You can't expect much
in terms of diplomacy.

I'd have settled for
a little compassion.

[dark music]

I don't know.

I don't know if I can do this anymore.

Please... don't give up on us.

We need you.

Frankly, I'm surprised
that the crew of the "Raza"

is willing to help broker this alliance.

Given your reputation, I'd assumed

you'd just assume cut
our throats as save us.

Guess it just goes to show how
badly we wanna see this work.

[hydraulic hiss]

And if a bunch of...
self-serving outlaws

are willing to help your cause,

maybe that could inspire
you to make an effort.

- It's not that simple.
- While you and your buddies

sit around a table
arguing, people are dying.

Provoking Ferrous Corp

- isn't the answer.
- You already provoked them,

the moment you declared
your independence.

- They need us.
- They don't need you.

They need your minds
and your facilities.

Who's gonna run those
minds and facilities?

Whoever the hell they hire,

once they get rid of the troublemakers.

Life is cheap, but
since the w*r started,

Tarium is up 200%.

Do the math.

[edgy music]

[edgy music]

Did you finish reconfiguring
the infirmary's database?

Android, did you hear me?


That operation has been completed.

- Are you okay?
- I was in the process

of adjusting how my sub-net categorizes

and stores my memories.

Is the upgrade causing problems again?

I thought I cleaned up that code,

- but I can take another look.
- That won't be necessary.

Everything is working as it should.

Well, whenever you're done,
I'm all set up in my quarters.

Set up?


You said you wanted me to do
your hair, try something new.


Of course.

Are you sure you're okay?

You seem a little off.

I'm fine, Five.

But thanks for asking.

[dark music]

I'll see you later when I'm done.

All right.

See ya later.

- Six? Over.
- Yeah?

You on your way? We're all here...

- except you and Wren.
- Where is he?

How the hell should I know?

[sighs] Wren, you there?

Wren, are you on your way?

All right. I'll go get him.


[hydraulics hissing]

[dramatic music]

[tense music]

Is it really necessary?

Necessary? Nah.

It's kinda cool, though, huh?

I'm talking about the fact

that you're keeping us under guard.

It's for your own protection.

Do you expect us to believe that?

One of your buddies just got k*lled.

Any one of you could be next.

[pops lips]

And having a known
m*rder*r hold us at gunpoint

is supposed to make us feel better?

I didn't k*ll anyone.

Not recently.

[dark, heavy music]

[knock on door]

Come in.

Hey... you find anything?

Nothing useful on the
surveillance cameras.

- What about the w*apon?
- The Android checked.

No DNA, no fingerprints.

Any reason you can think of

why one of them would
want this guy dead?

I don't know. I mean,
they been squabbling

- since day one, but...
- Wait. Didn't you tell me

one of them was fighting for
reconciliation with Ferrous?

Yeah, but that's a
reason to vote him down,

not put a Kn*fe in his back.

They're not diplomats.

They've had to fight for
every scrap they ever had.

Yeah, I know.

- We can't hold them.
- So we're supposed to

just let a m*rder*r walk out the door?

Better than keeping one onboard.

What do I tell Wren's people?
They'll never accept this.

[scoffs] So you think
the colonies will be okay

with you holding their
delegates hostage?

- [sighs]
- I know how hard

you worked for this, and I'm sorry.

You aren't a cop anymore.

It's outta your hands.

[edgy music]


Good morning, Five.

Where were you?

I was just fixing a faulty relay switch.

No. Where were you last
night? I waited for you.

Last night?

To do your hair, remember?


I changed my mind.

You asked me. You said you'd come.

I had more important
matters to attend to.

I'm sorry.

[tense music]

Once you reach the station,

take separate transport ships out.

Do not contact anyone
till you're en route.

Now, before you go, I
just wanted to say this.

One of you may have
just caused your colonies

their best sh*t at survival.

I hope I'm wrong, but either way,

you're gonna have to work
long and hard to get past this,

and I wish you luck...

'cause I'm done with you all.

- [beep]
- [clanking]

Android, we are having a
problem with the airlock door.

[edgy music]

[electronic thrum]

Android, are you
detecting any power issues?

Android, do you read?

Hey, something weird's
going on with my computer.

The system's... not working.

- I checked the...
- [static, voice breaks up]

What was that?

Five, your signal...

[voice breaking up, static]


[power thrums]

Five, come in.

Six. Three?

[power thrumming unsteadily]

- Oh, man.
- All right.

Let's get everyone back to the mess.

- Why? What's going on?
- Just move.

[tense music]



[dramatic musical sting]





[intense music]

- [metallic clang]
- [footsteps]

[weapons clicking]

Welcome, your Excellency.

It's nice to be back.

[intense music]

[suspenseful music]

Remember, I want them alive.


- Why isn't the ship locked down?
- It's the Android's doing.

She must have initiated
a series of firewalls

when she detected my intrusion.

Can you get around them?


Good. Now let's get this Blink Drive.

[suspenseful music]

- [click]
- [inhales]

What's your name?

It's etched on my g*ns.

- You wanna see 'em?
- Your name!


Wanted to make sure
we weren't dealing with

another system glitch... a second
reset of our neural imprints.

- They were erased, remember?
- Yeah, well, stranger things

- have happened.
- Yeah, we were waiting

to load onto the "Marauder"
and the doors wouldn't open,

then coincidentally,
the comms went dead.

I hate coincidences.

Yeah, well, power's out on
multiple decks and corridors

but not all of them.

This isn't a power failure.
This was intentional.

We need to get to the bridge.

- Where's Six?
- He's taking our guests

to a safe location.

[dark music]

[hydraulic hissing]


All right, grab a w*apon.


I'd rather have a g*n.

The g*ns stay with me. Now, move.

Let's go.

[dramatic musical sting]

[dark chords]

It's gone.

They knew I was coming.

- That's impossible.
- Think.

Did anyone take note of your behavior

or sense anything wrong?

No, I...

[dark chords]

That little bitch.

[suspenseful music]

[low tone]

[pad beeping softly]

[hydraulic hissing]

[exciting music]


[intense music]

[both grunting]

How'd you get access to the pods?

I had a little help.

[rock music]

[both grunting]

[exciting music]


[weapons f*ring distantly]

Is that g*nf*re?

[footsteps approach]

Android. It's okay.

What's happening?

[dark, intense music]

[weapons clatter on floor]

[low tone]

Sarah, what's going on?

It's Ryo Ishida. He's taking the ship.


The Android reactivated
the transit pods.

She had weapons waiting for them.

Why would she do that?

I don't think the Android you
know is in control anymore.

[energy crackling]

We're within weapons range of the Raza.

[labored breathing]

[engines whooshing]

- [grunts]
- You know why I'm here.

You think we're just
gonna forget the fact

that you betrayed us?

After the coup, I could
have held you prisoner,

forced you to give up the drive.

Instead, I came to you and asked.

[scoffs] Yeah.

And then stole it when I refused.

You gave me no choice.

What choice did you give
those people who d*ed on EOS-7?

Corporate puppets and mouthpieces.

No one mourns them.


[both grunting]

[both panting]

[both grunting]

What about Nyx?

Do you mourn her?

More than you'll ever know.

- Then why?
- I didn't k*ll her!

I didn't even know she was
dead until the Android told me

during your att*ck on
my research station.

I too was betrayed by someone I trusted.

[door hisses open]


Your Android managed to
lock down several key systems

before losing control,

including the isolated section

containing my consciousness.

She also initiated
several security protocols

that will automatically execute

whenever any attempt is made

to enact certain ship functions.

How did he get to her?

I'm not sure.

I need to find a way to
access her neural matrix.

I've got to go back.

No, you don't.

[electronic chimes]

[tense music]

Find the girl.

Restore systems.


The Cruiser is awaiting your order.

Open up a comm link.

Colonel Strom, we've taken the ship.

Inform Zairon, then send the
rest of the reinforcements.

Yes, Heika.

[electronic whooshing]

How the hell'd they get onboard?

Why didn't the Android detect them?

They got to her.


She must be under their control.

She could have activated
those transit pods.

That's how they got here.

You sure about that?

About the Android?

They had to have had
help from the inside.

And given how quickly
they took the ship, well...

Let's just call it an educated guess.

Man, he is one vengeful son of a bitch.

It's not revenge he's
after. It's the Blink Drive.

- No, it's both.
- I don't' think so.

He sent an assassin to k*ll us.

To take back the Blink
Drive at all costs.

Same difference.

You going soft on him now?

- [scoffs]
- He k*lled Nyx.

I'm not so sure about that either.

Five, it's Ryo.

I've taken the ship.

The rest of your crew are my prisoners.

And as you've probably
already figured out,

the Android is under my control.

You're a remarkable girl

and I have no doubt you'll
be able to elude my men

for quite some time,

and even put up quite a fight
when you're eventually captured.

Make no mistake.

Sooner or later, you will be captured.

Reinforcements are already on their way.

Our... disagreement

has gotten out of hand.

Fueled by misunderstandings
and, I'll admit,

overreactions on both sides.

Now, I'd like to offer a truce.

Give up the drive and, in return,

I will give up this ship.

I'll release you all, unharmed.

Fat chance.

We'll go our separate ways
and never cross paths again.

You have my word, as
the Emperor of Zairon.

What do you think?

I think he's full of...

Ship is registering
strange power fluctuations.

- What's causing them?
- I don't know.

Well, then, find out.

And then head down to
meet the reinforcements.

I have one more pitch to make.

[labored breathing]

He's awake.


- [grunts]
- Come on.

What did you get us into?

You mean by saving your
lives down on that planet?

What's your conflict with Zairon?

What does Zairon have to do with this?

[door hisses open]


Six. It's good to see you again.

Emperor Ishida?

We don't know what your
issue is with this ship's crew

and, frankly, we don't care.

This has nothing to do with us.

On the contrary.

It could have everything to do with you.

How far would you go
to save your people?

Imagine them under thr*at.

They turn to you but the
odds seem hopeless until...

you discover a piece of technology

that could change everything.

What would you do to get it?


Now imagine you had
this piece of technology,

the means to save them,

only to have someone take it from you.

- You have this device?
- Yes?

- Give it to him.
- No.

What he's not telling you is

this device is incredibly powerful.

In the wrong hands, the
results could be disastrous.

You're gambling with our lives.

I wanted you to understand
why I had to resort

to these extraordinary measures.

But your lives aren't at risk.

In fact, I'm here to offer you a deal.

What kind of deal?

One that will help them
save their people as well.

Admittance to the League
of Autonomous Worlds

and all of its benefits:

official recognition of
your independent status,

the backing of 27 allies.

It hasn't helped Zairon.

Ours is an internal
conflict between signatories.

The rest of the League has
elected to remain neutral.

But not for long.

I've heard the rumors.

Some of your former friends
in the League are starting

to turn against you.

They're tired of this w*r,
and Pyr is pushing them

to impose a cease-fire.

If they do, you lose
half your territory.

See, he wants your support

so he can continue to fight
a w*r that he can't win.

Oh, I can win, and I will.

Once you become full members
in the League, with my help,

you will be free from
any corporate harassment.

You think Ferrous is just
gonna sit still for this?


You let me worry about Ferrous.

Your Excellency.

What it is?

The airlocks are in lockdown mode.

The reinforcements are unable to board.

Is this another one of the measures

the Android put in place
before you took over?

No doubt.

Have the reinforcements
stand down for the time being.

We need to find the girl.

It's no use.

Every time I think I've
found an access point,

whoever's controlling
the Android locks me out.

Maybe it's not the ship we
should be trying to access.

[tense music]


[eerie music]

[inhales deeply]

[inhales and exhales deeply]

- Emperor.
- Yes.

I just thwarted an attempt
to hack the Android.

- [scoffs] Five.
- Very clever.

She identified and then exploited

the same vulnerability I used.

I told you not to underestimate her.

She's good, but I'm better.

Her intrusion left her
momentarily exposed.

I know where she is, and
I'm on my way to get her.

- Where?
- A sublevel utility room.

On my way.

They're slipping.

I have access to some
minor ship's systems...

Temperature controls, communications.

Where are they keeping
the rest of the crew?

Two and Three are locked
in an upper level storeroom.

Six and the delegates are in the mess.

The bottom line is
if we join the league,

Ferrous can't touch us.

If we don't, they're gonna
pick us off one by one.

This deal puts you in Ryo Ishida's debt.

It's not a place you want to be.

I know it may seem like
the easy answer right now,

but sooner or later,
you will regret this.

- Six, it's me.
- Five, where are you?

I'm safe for now.

I'm working on a plan to free you.

Ryo and his soldiers are clones.

They got onboard with the
help of the Android,

but it's not really her.

She's been hacked.

Five, you need to wake
up. They're coming for you.

- Wake up!
- [gasps]

[dramatic music]

Got you.

Is the Blink Drive card with her?

- Yes.
- Good.

Don't hurt her. I'm almost there.

You're a troublesome girl, aren't you?

I want my friend back.

Your friend?

You're referring to this Android?

I'm taking her back.

And how're you going
to do that, little one?

Hot chocolate.

[electronic warbling]

[systems powering up]

[dramatic music]

[sparks crackling]

Five, I can't stop him
from taking control.

You have to pull my chip.

No. I need your help
to take back the ship.

- But I can't. He's too strong.
- Listen to me.

I need you to open a neural pathway,

send Sarah an access code,

then wipe your memory
stores of this conversation.

- But that won't...
- I know what I'm doing.


[electronic warbling]

[dramatic tones]

What happened?

Well... sh*t.

Access code is primed for trigger.

- You ready?
- Yes.

You're on.

It was a latent,
voice-activated command prompt

she implanted, but I've
scanned and scrubbed

the neural matrix for
any hidden viral triggers.

[electronic crackling]

I'm in complete control now.

There'll be no more
setbacks, I promise you.

I'll shuttle over to maintain
contact while we jump to FTL.

We should reach Zairon
in approximately 36 hours.

[distorted screaming]

It worked. He's trapped.

Android's back!

Close that door.

After today, I don't want
to hear any more complaining

about the arsenal I have in my quarters.

We really gotta get that fixed.




[tense music]

I'm honestly saddened
that it's come to this.

What? You losing again?

[chuckles] Losing implies a finality.

This is a temporary setback.

The Drive is damaged,
probably beyond repair.

- Hm.
- She's not lying.

The Android and Five
have been trying to fix it

ever since we took it back.

Your scientists are to blame for this.

The Drive is useless now.

So then give it to me.

Maybe we should just destroy it.

End this.


Blink Drive or not,
you know this won't end

until one of us is dead.

I wish it wouldn't come to that.

I'm going to transfer back to Zairon now

with the memories of this encounter.

Unless any of you object?

Take this message back with you.

You come after us again,

and I promise you,

I will end this.

[door closes, hisses]

[engines whooshing]

It was actually Sarah's idea
to target his consciousness.

We sent a neural feedback
pulse through the connection

that effectively fried his cerebellum.

So he's not dead?

No, his mind's still intact,

but it's permanently
cut off from his body.

Basically, he's a prisoner
inside his own head.

That seems almost cruel.

After what he did to you?

Admittedly, it was a very
unpleasant experience.

I was conscious of my actions,
but unable to stop them.

Well, hopefully the colonists understand

that you weren't responsible
for k*lling their man.

But Five, I didn't k*ll him.

[dark music]

So, did you decide to take the deal?

Not yet. Care to come with us

and try to convince the
others it's a mistake?

I've said my piece. It's up to you now.

So that's it? You're
just gonna walk away?

There's only so much talking I can do.

I understand.

I'll do my best to help you.

But I think my best is
when I'm aboard this ship.

[door hisses open]

[engines whooshing]

The Android's trying new recipes.

This one features Kikula root.

It's only grown on Ermalla-4.


- Cheers.
- Cheers.

What do you think?

I think there's a reason
it's only grown on Ermalla-4.

I don't know.

Better than anything I
had down in the colonies.


I think sometimes it's
just easy to forget

how good we have it here.

Much worse places to be.


So we just got word.

12 independent colonies just
applied for joint membership

to the League of Autonomous Worlds.

What about Ishida?

Less than an hour
after the announcement,

he launched a massive
att*ck against Pyr,

pretty much ending all
hope for a ceasefire.

Well. Like I said.

Much worse places to me.

Here, here.


Android, Five, how's
it going down there?

We've made several
changes to the Blink Drive

that I believe will overcome the damage

done by the Ishida scientists.

How will we know for sure?

First we'll run a full diagnostic,

followed by a series of simulations.

If the instability persists,
we should be able to detect it,

long before we attempt a live test.

All right, let us
know what happens.

That's it, we're ready.

I have a good feeling about this.

[machinery humming]

So far, so good.

[electricity crackling]


[electronic pulsing]

[dark music]