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09x20 - Grandma's Pie

Posted: 11/05/21 07:38
by bunniefuu
Previously on Two and a Half Men:

-Billy called.
-Billy Stanhope?

Yeah, he said
he has a business proposition for you.

How about that?

Billy Stanhope. Ha, ha.



-What went down between you?
-We built a software company... Bridget's garage,
and sold it for a couple billion.

-That son of a bitch.
-He didn't wanna sell.

We can build the electric suitcase?

Yes. We have the technology now.

I just need you
to help me write the code.

Hey, you know,
while we're on the subject--

-What, peeing?
-No, sex.

There's something you should know.
About your ex-wife.

-What, Bridget?

-I'm kind of sleeping with her.

Mom, this is Alan.

-Alan, this is my mom, Jean.
-Hi, nice to meet you.

I'll tell you what.
I will call my mom and set up a dinner.

Evelyn says there's a place
where they have music and dancing.

Why don't you fuddy-duddies run along
and let Jean and I have some fun?

You think we'll find some cute fellas
to dance with?

Oh, Jean, Jean, Jean.
We're not going to dance.

I adore your mother.

That's only because you just met her.

I don't know.
I think I got to know her pretty well.

Good morning, darling.

Hi, peaches.

Great. I'll pick you up at the airport.

I can't wait.

I love you too.

Tell Zoey I said hi.

Oh, Alan says hi.

Yes, he's still here.


I know, you're right.

She says "hi" back.

Okay, I'll see you tomorrow.

-Here you go.
-Oh, thank you.

You gotta be excited
about having your girlfriend back.

-What's it been, a month?
-Three weeks.

Still, that's like a decade
in penis years.

Yeah, to tell you the truth,
I'm a little bit worried.

About your relationship?
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

At least for guys like you.

For guys like me, absence is more often
enforced by the state of California.

Zoey doesn't know that I started a new
software company with my old partner.

With Billy. What's the big deal?

Well, there's a third partner
that Zoey is not gonna like.

Walden. You made me a partner?

All I did
was bring you two guys together.

The third partner is Bridget.

Your ex-wife? Come on,
I brought you two guys together.

She helped me design the code
for the software. I had to bring her in.

Oh, right, right.

Well, I guess that would make
a very awkward conversation with Zoey.

Yeah. I think I'm just gonna try
to slip it in without her noticing.

Hmm. Story of my life.

Listen, just remember that love will
get you through times of no money...

...better than money will get you
through times of no love.

-That's good advice.
-Thank you.

And, uh, just to be clear, I have zero stake
in this potential billion-dollar business?

Actually, I was gonna give you
a hundred shares of founder's stock.

-lf this works, it could be worth millions.

Thank you. Heh, heh.

I still gotta figure out
how to explain this to Zoey.

Dump the bitch.
Don't let her screw this up for us.

Once again, thank you for the advice.

If it makes you feel better...

...I've got my own little
relationship problem brewing.

that doesn't make me feel better.

My girlfriend's mom and my mom
have become lovers.

Okay, that does make me feel better.


-Can I ask you a question?

If we'd just had sex in England,
would I be on the other side of the bed?


Oh, God, I've missed you.

I missed you too.

And you can call me Walden.



So, what have you been up to?

I've been, like, very, very busy.

With what?

I started a new software company
with my old partner Billy Stanhope.

-Oh, Walden. That's terrific.

It's amazing
and we built this amazing product.

It's called the electric suitcase.

It's gonna completely revolutionize
the global energy market.

-Oh. Sounds big.
-No, it's bigger than big.

The three of us
could end up splitting billions of dollars.

-The three of you?

You just said "the three of you."

Yes, there are, in fact, three of us.

Who's the third? Oh, not Alan?

Oh, not Alan. God, no. God, no.

So who is it?

-It's Bridget.
-Your ex-wife?

Nothing I could do.

She helped write the original code
for the software, so she owns a third.

You've gone into business
with the woman who drove her car...

...into your living room
because you chose me?

Crazy world, huh?

But on the plus side,
she's sleeping with my ex-partner, so....

Why is that a plus side?

Well, because she's with him, so you
don't have to worry about me and her.

-I wasn't worried about you and her.

Until just now.

Why didn't you tell me about this
before we had sex?

-Do you wanna have sex now?

-That's why.
-Oh, I'm going home.

Oh, come on.
Zoey, don't make a big deal out of this.

If I was going into business
with my ex-husband...

-...would you consider it a big deal?
-Not at all.

You're a liar.

Ugh. Life would be so much easier
if I dated dumb chicks.

I heard that.

It was a compliment.

-Here you go.
-Thank you.

Given any thought
to what we're gonna do...

...about our little mother situation?

Golden Girls Gone Wild?

What? They're grown women.
They've made a lifestyle choice.

I have no problem with the lifestyle.

I've tried the lifestyle.

Really? When?

Who? College? Camp?

Shut up, Alan.

Sorry. Go ahead.

How am I supposed
to have a relationship with you...

...when your mother
is taking sexual advantage of mine?

Hang on a second. I don't think
anyone is taking advantage of anyone.

You don't? A week ago, my mother
was living in a retirement community...

...playing golf,
and watching Cagney & Lacey.

Well, I don't know.
Golf, Cagney & Lacey...

...sounds like she
was already halfway there.

Shut up, Alan.


Oh, good, you're here.

Mom, what have you done
to yourself?

Evelyn took me shopping.
Do you like my new look?

Isn't she gorgeous?

Yeah, I guess.

We also got matching tattoos.

Oh, Mom, no.

See? It's a little heart.

Ugh. With an "E plus J" in it.

-I don't see one on your ankle, Mom.
-It's not on my ankle.

Oh, glory-oski.

Mom, I thought you and I were
gonna spend some time together...

-...before you went back to Sunset Village.
-I know, I'm sorry, sweetheart.

We've been so busy.

But don't worry, you're gonna
be seeing a lot more of me...

...after I move in with Evy.



I've got this huge place.
Why shouldn't she enjoy it?

You're talking about your huge house,

We're just gonna pick up some things
here and then go close up Jean's condo.

And then we'll start our new life.
Right, peaches?

That's right, pumpkin.

Come on.

This sort of makes you
brother and sister, doesn't it?

Is it just me,
or is that idea kind of a turn-on? Heh.

It's just me.

Come on. It's not that weird.

You see your ex-husband all the time.

because we have a child together.

Bridget and I have a business together.
It's basically the same thing.

Have you been sniffing glue?

No. I-- They both require
nurturing and attention.

Difference is your kid's gonna cost
a fortune and mine, make a fortune.

-Okay. Wait, wait, wait.

-Just do one thing for me?

Let's the three of us
have dinner together.

You want me to have dinner
with you and your ex-wife.

Yes. That way, you can see
that everything is cool between us.

Come on, Zoey,
this is really important to me.

God, I'm gonna regret this.

One dinner.

Thank you.

-I will see you tomorrow.

Oh, well, done, old boy,
you dodged the crazy girlfriend b*llet.

Walden, I'm still outside the door.

-You didn't let me finish.
-All right, finish.

I love you so much.

Here you go.

Thank you.

So did you tell Zoey
about working with Bridget?

Uh, yeah.

How did it go?

Not good. But she did agree
to have dinner with us.

You're having dinner
with your girlfriend and your ex-wife?

-Bad idea?
-Well, not as bad... me trying to turn my girlfriend on
with incest fantasy, but it's up there.

What else was I gonna do?

-I believ--
-I'm not gonna dump the bitch.

Okay. Fine, fine. We'll just, uh,
keep our eyes on the prize here.

Your hundred shares
in the company?

I was more thinking about
your happiness, but, sure, there's that.

Hey, uh, this might make you feel better.

Uh, I'm having my own bad idea dinner.

What's that?

Lyndsey, her son, my son,
and the two gay grandmas.

Once again,
that does make me feel better.

Hey, hey. How about this?

Why don't we meet back here
after our dinners and compare notes?

Like a recap
at the end of a reality show.

Yeah. Yeah, we could, uh, have a little
contest, see whose dinner was worse.

Ha, ha. Shame we can't
let America vote on it.


Yeah. Heh, heh.

Or can we?

Hey, this is really nice, huh?

Zoey, uh, ahem, Bridget and l
were talking about your--

Your concerns, and Bridget
was very eager to assuage them.

-Right, Bridge?


Let the assuaging begin.


I'll take a crack at it.

No, thank you, Berta.

All right, obviously,
this is an awkward situation.

Walden and I were together
for many years.

And you and he have been dating
a few months... clearly you're insecure
about us working together.

-I am not insecure.
-Right. There's no reason you should be.

Yes, I've known this guy
since high school...

...and, yes, we fell in love and, yes,
we spent many happy years together.

But the reality now
is we're simply business partners.

And not all those years were happy.

Okay, sure,
there were some great times.

But there were also some bad times.

I mean, the point is, is that our
relationship now is just strictly business.

Oh. Speaking of which, we need to upgrade
the ventilation for the server farm.

Oh, that's a good idea.
Also, I wanna build triple redundancy.

Of course,
but we shouldn't be talking shop...

...and leaving poor Zoey
out of the conversation.

I love to hear about Walden's work.

Oh, that's so sweet.

So glad he found someone like you.

Thank you.

After I threw him out, I wondered
how he'd survive. He's so needy.

I'm not needy.

Yes, you are.

So, what's the deal?
Are you guys in it for the long haul...

...or just date and see what happens?

Well, we're just finding our way
for the moment.

Oh, good, good.

Keep it casual. Yeah.

That way no one can accuse you
of going after his money.

Excuse me?

I'm not "after his money."

Oh, no, you misunderstand.
I-- I'm sure you're not.

But unfortunately,
there's no way to prove it.

Luckily, I met him when he had nothing,
so no question about my intentions.

Are you questioning my intentions?

No, she's not. She's not. No, you're not.
You're not, are you?

Of course not.

-Are you questioning my intentions?
-Me? No.

Berta, how is the pot roast coming?

Got another 30 minutes.
You guys keep chatting.

I don't understand.

Why is my grandmother living
with his grandmother?

Yeah, I was kind of wondering that
myself but I didn't wanna look stupid.

Too late, dude.

-You wanna handle this, Alan?
-Not really.

I wasn't asking.

All right, um....

Well, fellas, um...

...your two grandmas
are, uh, both very lonely...

...and so they, uh, decided to become...

... uh, roommates, uh,
and keep each other company.

Makes sense. Plus, if one falls down,
the other can call the ambulance.

What if they both fall down
at the same time?

Then I guess they starve to death
and die.

Unless they go cannibal
and eat each other.

If that happens, I'm betting
on my grandma eating your grandma.

Dude, there is no way in the world
that your grandma eats my grandma.

My grandma
totally eats your grandma.

No. If any grandma's doing any eating,
it's my grandma.

No way.
Come on, my grandma has real teeth.

You happy?

That was great.

I'm really glad
we got to spend some time together.

Yeah, it was lovely.

Yeah. Don't forget we have that meeting
with the venture fund tomorrow.

Oh, yeah, right.

-Oh, bye.

Oh, do me a favor, Zoey, don't let him
wear sandals to the meeting.

-I really don't tell him what to wear.
-That's okay, you'll learn.

Don't wear sandals to the meeting.
Good night.

-Good night. Bye. Drive safe.
-Night, night.

-I think that went great.
-Do you?

-You don't?
-I don't.

I don't, either.

Did I miss something?

Obviously, you missed everything.
That horrible woman won't be happy...

...till she's destroyed our relationship,
has you back.

What? No. She has a boyfriend.
She's happy.

Oh, how can you be so smart
about some things...

...and so stupid about others?

Okay, wait, just to be clear.

What am I smart about
and what am I stupid about?

Oh, what? Now you can't hear me?

want more mashed potatoes?

Oh, gosh, I'm full, Jean.
But everything's so delicious.

Thank you.

How lucky were you to grow up
with Mom's home cooking?

Excuse me,
you grew up with home cooking too.

Yes, but the maid did the cooking.

It was still at home.

Make sure you leave room for dessert.

I made pie.

Oh, I love Grandma's pie.

Yeah, yeah, I heard it too.


-There's something I'd like to say.
-Oh, dear God, here it comes.

It gives me such pleasure
to welcome Jean into my home...

...and to share our new friendship
with our two families.

-Here, here.
-Here, here.

And I'd just like to thank Evy
for showing me...

...that it's never too late
to teach an old dog new tricks.

Certainly didn't teach her
to fetch a bone.

I have a question.

Oh, God, here it comes.

If you and her were cannibals,
which do you think would eat the other?

There you have it.
The upside of stupid.

I'm sorry, but Bridget's right.

You have history with her,
you have none with me.

You can't even be sure
I love you for yourself.

-What are you saying?
-I'm saying it might be better...

...for both of us
if we went our separate ways.

Okay, that's one approach,
which stinks.

So let me make a counterproposal.

Why don't you move in with me?

-Yeah, you and Ava move in with me.

I love you and I want you in my life
and I wanna have a future with you.


Mummy, Mummy, please say ''yes. ''

What are you doing out of bed?

I love you, Walden.

I love you, Ava.

Get back into bed.

Hmm, let's see. So that's one vote for "yes"
and I vote "yes."

So the motion is passed.

There is one teeny little problem.

-What's that?
-If Ava and I move in...

...isn't somebody going
to have to move out?


What's the matter?

I don't know. I just felt a little shiver
go down my spine.


Here you go.

All right, I gotta ask.
What's with the tea?

You make it for me, for Lyndsey.

Well, I've got a little philosophy.

When someone's nice enough
to let me into their home...

-...I like to show my appreciation.
-Without spending money.

You know me so well.

So recap. How did your dinner go?

Oh, pretty well, actually.

Uh, the grandmas were on their
best behavior, and the two boys--

Well, let's just say, they're gonna be
living with us for a long, long time.

-And you?
-Oh, good, good. It went really good.

-So everything's okay with Zoey?
-Yeah, it's fantastic.

Everything's great
with you and Lyndsey, huh?

Oh, yeah, more than good.

Oh, forgot the honey.

-She owns her own home, right?


I think I may be coming down
with something.