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04x05 - The Getaway

Posted: 11/04/21 06:59
by bunniefuu
Good morning.

- That desk is private.
- Of course.

You're doing a wonderful job with Eliza,

but I think we've got it from here.

Are you asking me to leave?

I understand you want to seal
the road to our cemetery.

We got big plans to boost the
economy here in Whyhope now.

When the time comes 'round,

I'd like to think that I've
got a friend in council.

I don't want to be you.

If it means I lose sometimes,

I'm okay with that.

I just want you to know
that I support you.

It's time we had our own place.
We need to move out.

You've been tightening the
circle ever since you came back.

Matt's with me now.

We might have to have a
little chat about Penny,

you and me, man to man.

Oh, I really don't think we do.

Do you want to kiss me right now?

I now pronounce you husband and wife.

You can't marry him.

I already did.

Honeymoon, day two.

I vote we don't leave this bed.

- Hugh?
- Hm.

- Hmm?
- Hugh?


- Hugh?
- Mm?



Hugh, wakey-wakey, hands off snakey.

Um, my hands were nowhere near

anything resembling a snake.

You're only doing what comes naturally.

Ugh! Ugh. And she is awake.

You know why her schedule is so erratic?

- You let her sleep in.
- I let her sleep in

because intentionally waking babies

goes against everything
that is sacred on this earth.

One minute, Daddy's begging me to stay.

The next minute, I'm a headache.

Maybe I'll take a day trip, then.

Check out one of these cellar
doors I've heard about.

No, no.

Wait, wait. I...

I'm still getting the
whole daycare thing sorted,

so if you could be on nana duty
today, that would be great.

Never call me Nana again.

Don't worry. I'll finish in
plenty of time for the flight.

Three boring admin loose ends to tie up.

Otherwise, I won't sleep all week.

Well, you can take a break. All right?

This hospital will function without you.

Four. Four loose ends.

Hey, Hugh. Hey.

Ah. Hey.

Didn't recognize you.

Must be the newlywed glow.

Penny always glows.

Ha ha.

So, when do you fly
off for your honeymoon?

This arvo. Rain's already checked out.

Ha. Looks that way.

- Ah...
- Hugh, have you got a second?

Ah, let me guess. You need someone

to run the clinic while you're away.

Look, as much as I do love
extra thankless work,

in between single parenting
and my volunteering

at the animal shelter, I really can't.

It's not that.

I already asked Tara.


You head to work. I'll fix this up.

- You sure?
- Yeah.


- See you in a bit.
- Yeah.

Your office.

Might take a sec.

After you.

Oh, Hugh.

Can I get you to sign...

Be ready to call security.

This could get ugly.

All right.

Let's get into it, then, man-on-man.

Look, we got some new people
starting in the morning.

I need to run some pre-employment
medicals, like, today.


Yeah. Drug testing mainly.

I mean, you wouldn't
believe some of the gear

that these blokes get on.
You know, the...

I'm sorry it's late notice,
but I've just had so much on.

Yes. Unfortunately,
I am in the same boat.

- You know.
- He'll do it.

Ken, you are no longer required.

Correct me if I'm wrong,
Jarrod, but the hospital

gets around $900 per
applicant for drug testing?

Give or take, yeah.

So you're doing it.

Fine. Yes. Count me in.

Anything to help the w*r on dr*gs.

Leave the details here with Ken.


So, I'm your supervisor, but
this week, you're my boss.

Do I have that right?

- It's a beautiful paradox.
- Ah.

Well, given you're still on probation,

I'm surprised Penny didn't
ask someone more responsible,

like a wino; Dora, the family goat.

It's pretty simple.

She was desperate. I put my hand up.

So, why don't we celebrate
your unlikely promotion

and our impending lack of supervision

the Whyhope way... Dinner,
dancing, amphetamines?

Believe it or not, Hugh,

I take running this hospital seriously.

Ha. That's funny. Pick you up at 7:00.

I'm so excited for you.
This is, like, the first time

you've used personal leave
in, what, like, five years?

Four, but who's counting?

High-powered woman striking a
blow for the work-life balance.

Look at this. Brand-new,
and the ink's run out already.

Ken's lost his favorite pen.

Ken doesn't lose anything.

It was obviously stolen.

In your absence, Penny, I'm
really gonna ramp up security.

You'll get regular updates.

No. She's on her honeymoon.

Go for it.

Anything dodgy happens, I want to know.

Well, I'm off to piss-test some FIFOs.

You said yes?

Who could say no to Jarrod?

- I'm coming with you.
- No.

Surely you are more
useful here at the clinic

doing whatever it is you do.

Noted, but this is a great
business opportunity,

and I want to get to
grips with the process.

Fine. You're on urinalysis.

Ah. That's...


Well, have a fantastic time.

I will.



- So you're off, then?
- Yeah.

That was for the house, not you.

Oh, well, do you want something to eat

before you head into that
wide, unforgiving world

beyond the fence? Some scrambled eggs?

Yeah, I think that might be nice.

No. And so you know,
we're not coming back.

Obviously, we have to
find accommodation first,

and then we'll come back
and pack our things.

Yeah, but after that, we're gone.

Unless we forget something.
Then we'll come back

and get it and go again.

Don't mind me. Diaper hunt.

There will always be a room here for you

if things don't work out.

I'm guessing they won't.

We're moving out, Mum.

Live with it.


We'll be okay.

Ajax has a plan.

I hope.

Every parent has to deal

with empty-nest syndrome at some point.

It's a long way from being
empty as far as I can see.

Wow. You are looking
very cute right now.

Is it my jeans or knowing
my way around a pump?

You want to jump in the back of my ute?

I feel like we've been a bit slack

on the baby-making front lately.

- Mm, have we?
- Mm-hmm.

What if someone else sees?

Well, the cows won't look.

They're very prudish.

No, no! I'm really sweaty!

Plus, I can't leave this half-done.

All right. Well, I should
probably get to the brewery.

Keep fixing your little
pump in your little jeans.

Hey, did I say give up?

How about I finish up here,
head home for a shower,

and find you there waiting for me?

- No, no, no!
- No, no, no, no, no.

- Before you say anything...
- We have done this already.

I'm definitely leaving
town, like, right now.

- April could be here any second.
- I just had to grab my desk,

which is harder to get
into my car than I thought,

and I was sure you'd be at the brewery.

- Except you're not.
- Seriously?

I could have sent this desk
wherever it is you're going.

Well, I don't know where
that is right now, okay?

I wasn't thinking straight.

So the quicker you help
me get it in the car,

the quicker I'm gone.

Come on.

Your bag's in the way. Hang on.

And cough.

Dry cough.

Bit nippy this morning, eh?

Piss on.

Sorry. Just came in from a ride.

Yes, you did. Can I take
a look at your helmet?

Are you into mountain biking?

- I'm into surveillance.
- Oh.

Uh, j-just urine, mate.

Well, there's a slight murmur there.

Your heart rate's a little fast.

Yeah, it's been like
that since I was a kid.

I'm actually part hummingbird.

It's not gonna disqualify
me, though, is it?

No, but testing positive for
cocaine and marijuana does.

Oh. sh*t.

Oh, I had a mate's bucks last weekend.

I'm guessing you didn't
want the job that badly.

No, no. I do, mate. It's just,
you weren't at the bucks.

It was insane.

Ken, why don't we
double-check those results,

give Robbo here a fair shake?

What would you say if I brought

you back in for an ultrasound

on that heart murmur in, say, two weeks?

Two very clean weeks.

I would say that's very generous.

The thing is, Robbo,

I've recently had a mate leave town.

He was the kind of guy who

could procure certain things.

I'm thinking you might
also be that type of guy.

I might be that type of guy.

Dinah, what's up?

Did you talk to Meryl about my staying?

Uh, sure.

Well, no. Not yet, anyway.

Why? Is she giving you grief?

I feel like a cockroach,

and she's gone looking for bug spray.

Until I get to talk to Mum,
just try and avoid her, okay?

Take Eliza into town.

We have this new textile museum.

Actually, Dinah, I suddenly
have to work late tonight.

Can I count on your support?

Well, I guess.

You're a gem.

sh*t. Sorry.

It's okay. There's no rush.

Well, you know, there
is a rush 'cause...

I got to help the brewery, and...


- All right.
- sh*t.

Oh, it's not happening.

I was quite enjoying that,
but don't worry about me.

- You okay?
- Yeah. No, I'm fine.

I'm just thinking about work now.

Let's try again later, yeah?

I know it's go time on
your baby-making cycle.

Whoa. You're all over my cycle,

and you keep saying "baby making."

What's the big deal all of a sudden?

Because we've been
trying for months now,

and we haven't, you know,

kicked it through the posts.

Well, your ex lurking around the house

kind of shriveled up my ovaries.

Yeah. Well, Charlie's
been gone for days, so...

- Yeah, you don't have to worry.
- I'm not worried.

You're the one whose
equipment malfunctioned.

Wow. Thank you for your sympathy.

I'll see you up there.

This vote on the next
phase of development

of the old farmers' market site

is the culmination of months

of planning and public consultation.

Before the vote, I would like

to apprise council of a proposal

that's just been
brought to my attention.

Council or not, this is not
on the approved agenda, so...

Every voice must be heard, surely.

You have 1 minute.

What if, instead of devoting
our scarce local resources

into a retail development, which

has no guarantee of success,

Whyhope Mining commits to building

a boutique hotel/motel on the site?

As you can see,

it'll be a perfect getaway for tourists

and much-needed accommodation

for the increasing numbers

of mining employees.

We're not all so excited about

the influx of itinerant miners.

I daresay you'll appreciate
the tourist dollars,

and it's a solution to
our dire housing shortage.

It was going swimmingly
until I mentioned FIFOs,

and however unfairly, they're just seen

as mercenaries and troublemakers.

Well, if you can't talk them 'round,

I can't justify sealing
that road of yours.

I mean, I've done my bit.

Please. Your bit has hardly begun.

You see, Nancy's got a good PR team,

and I think what we need is a...

I don't know...
A hearts-and-minds campaign.

Possibly even a mascot.

What, like Fiona the Friendly FIFO?

Yeah. That's not such a terrible idea.

The point is, it's gonna be
a very tough battle to fight

while you're on a beach in Vanuatu.

- Lombok.
- Well, wherever.

We need to follow up all
the individual councilors,

and most especially Rod Eagle,

because he's got half
of them in his pocket.

All right. I'll see if
I can push the flight.

At least Penny will be happy.

All right, Meryl.

Perfect timing.

I need a PR brainstorm.

Meryl, I can't work for you anymore

until we resolve the issue of back pay.

Rent in Whyhope is a little
higher than I anticipated,

and I've calculated that,
over the last few years,

my hourly rate is almost
half the minimum wage.

Look, the way I see it,

I've paid you in political
expertise and social acumen,

and you and Ajax have lived
in my house rent-free.

And now this very late
rebellious adolescence

has ruined a perfectly good system.

You're his wife. See if you
can talk some sense into him.

You're right.

I am his wife.

And he's capable of so
much more than you know.

We both are.

Oh, you'll have to excuse me.

I can see my granddaughter
there, who needs a cuddle,

but thanks so much for your feedback.

Hello, darling!

How's my little angel?

- How's my little angel?
- Maybe we should go grab

a couple of flat whites,
talk things over.

Oh, I don't know what
there is to talk about.

Oh, I don't know.

How I helped you win
your little election,

how I'm single-handedly
raising our granddaughter,

why you dislike me so much.

You Americans. You're so dramatic.

I don't dislike you.

I just don't trust you.

And I didn't trust
your daughter, either.

Well, I'm lucky Hugh doesn't

share your paranoid delusions.

Luck runs out eventually.


You, uh, getting into the
furniture-removal business?

Mm. I came to say goodbye.

For realsies this time.

How do you keep getting to
leave, and I'm still here?

You tell me.

So, you and my brother?

Dead in the water.

April's amazing and
basically perfect for Matt,

so it's time to concede.

You've still got friends
in the city, right?

Yeah. It's not the same, though.

They're all married with kids.

Or divorced with kids.


Embrace the rock-star lifestyle.

I tried that.

You know, writers need routine.
Not eternal chaos.

I don't know where I fit in.
It's kind of weird. Come on.

Hey, if you wanted somewhere
to crash for the night,

you know, get your head right,

I do have another option.

VoilĂ .

Don't worry. Haven't had
patients back here for years.

That's reassuring.

Why don't I just stay at a hotel?

They have a minibar. And carpet.

Because this is much more fun...

And I am having a private
party here this evening.

Very exclusive.

And we offer late checkout.

Well, I am ready
to drown all the sorrows.

There you go.

- What's going on?
- Ken, Ken.

Charlie's going to crash here tonight.

- Don't tell Penny.
- Or anyone.

You're lucky I like you, Charlie,

because we're in the midst
of a security crisis,

and this puts me in a very
compromising position.

Ken, what is this about?

Exactly what it says. My pen is missing.

If it happened here,
I reckon he should sue.

You should put one of
those in the staff room.

Put an end to lunch theft forever.

- That's brilliant.
- I'm kidding.

Hey, shouldn't you be in Lombok?

I thought it was Fiji.

Jarrod had to delay.

We're flying tomorrow morning now.

- Oh.
- Which is for the best.

I left a ton of admin work behind, so...

... just go about your business.

Pretend I'm not here.

What happened to work-life balance?

- We've got this.
- Close the door.

I kissed Hugh.

I knew it!

You did not know it.

Your aura has been very muddy lately.


Before the wedding.

He kissed me first, but there was...

- Kiss-back?
- Fairly major kiss-back.


You can stop fake sorting
files, by the way.

I can't go on the honeymoon now.

Not with this hanging over me.

You can't tell him.

I think I have to.

This wasn't some run-in
with a hens-night stripper.

- Do you love Jarrod?
- Of course I do.

- Do you love Hugh?
- Definitely not.

Then take it from someone
who's been married four times.

This was pre-wedding jitters.

In pash form.

Don't let it ruin your bliss.

Made you a tea.

Thank you.

I don't do caffeine after 4:00.


Maybe I haven't been
completely honest with you.

I don't know if Harriet ever

talked to you about me, but...

... I was not a model parent.

Always busy. When I was at
home, total control freak.

Well, you were on your own, and

that would have been difficult.

When she was about 15,

the drug stuff started.

I did a complete 180. Kicked her out.

Cut off contact.

Now she's rejecting her daughter.

I've been trying to
change her mind, but...

You never got to meet my Jim.

His fathering technique was simple.

He ran the boys like sheepdogs
until they got tired.

When they fell, I patched them
up and gave them my love.

I mean, we barely knew
what we were doing,

but I don't think it matters very much.

They turn out the way they turn out.

Eliza is my chance for a do-over.

You see?

This is a rather lovely G&T.

Would you like one?

Okay, back it up, Ajax.

Keep going. That's it.

Hey, there you are.

- Further.
- What's going on here?

Oh, I'm just helping Ajax
move out of home. Yep, stop.

Okay, I wasn't gonna say
anything about baby making,

but you said you were giving up bacon.

You told me that processed
meat is a sperm k*ller.

Yeah, well, caffeine is
on the naughty list, too,

but you're still throwing
down about 5 cups a day.


But just keep in mind...
I'll be too tired

and grumpy to have sex.

Welcome to our new home.

Now, it's not for forever,
but right now, it's free.

It's really close to my work.


But, Ajax,

I thought the whole point
was to get away from Meryl.

We can practically see
the homestead from here.

Not really. It's on the
other side of those trees.

Gonna go find us some dinner.

Do you want anything?

Oh, God.

You look like you need a break.

A break? I've barely started.

How did Penny get through
this sh*t every day?

Oh, she's a ginger
cyborg that hasn't taken

a holiday in five years.

Come on. There's a friend
of mine I want you to meet.


What friend?

Piercing blue eyes, funny,

abs like Captain America, but no.

If you're busy...

That is "For Whom the Bell
Tolls." Do you know it?

Sure. It's Hemingway.

Nah. It's Metallica.

Oh. My mistake.

Yeah. The crap you get
when you're 19, eh?

- Mm.
- You got any?

- Any?
- Any tats.

Oh, I can't remember.

We could check later.

You do realize what an
assh*le move this is, right?

My first night running this place,

and you bring in your
homeless ex and your dealer.

Please. Charlie is an
accomplished author.

And Robbo is an aspiring miner
and an all-around dark horse.

I mean, if you weren't up for the job,

then you shouldn't have taken it.


Penny getting married really
scrambled your eggs, didn't it?

- No.
- Mm-hmm.

At least your dealer's hot.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

This is the d-floor now, mate.

You have very lovely hands.

- They're very elegant.
- Oh. Thank you, Robbo.

Yours look like you slam
them in doors for a living.

I do.

Tara might be cutting your grass there.

More like Robbo's cutting yours.


There's nothing going on
between me and Tara.

All right, she may have
thrown herself at me

- a few times, but...
- Right.

Then, somehow, you ruined things.

What are you basing that on?

Every relationship you've ever had.

I only ruin the good ones.

Cheers to that.

But that doesn't have barbecue salt.

It has this sweet and sour
pork thing, and it's...

- Right.
- Whoa-ho!

- When in Rome.
- Oh, look.

Our Rover's here.

- Oh! Whoa!
- Ah.

Oh, sh*t.

Oi, somebody left the keys in it!

Thanks, driver.

Oh! Hey! Robbo!

That was Robbo!

Robbo! Robbo! Rob...

Aah! Aah!

Let's... Oh!


Aah! Oh!

- Whoa!
- Yes!

- I mean, look at that.
- sh*t. Give me a hand.

You all right, mate?

Oh, sh*t. Come on. Run.

Come on, Robbo. Get your ass up.

Oh, I don't feel so good.

Officer, we've got a problem.

Tara's not answering her phone.

Well, stop calling her.

It's the middle of the night,
and you're on holidays.

I just want to see how it went today.

Hey, I booked that Pengsong temple tour.

Apparently it's home
to hundreds of monkeys.

Please, no monkeys.

A g*ng of them stalked
me once in Thailand.

They're vicious little sex pests.

Do you even want to go on this trip?

Of course I do.

It's just not a good time. That's all.

Tell me why it's not a good time.

Um, the day we got married...

... Hugh came to see me at the brewery.

And something happened.

A kiss.

And it was a terrible, awful mistake.

I'm sorry.

Do not answer that.

- Don't.
- It's the hospital.

I'm sorry. I have to get this.

Okay. Well, I'm going.

No, wait a second. It could be nothing.



Hello. Penny here.

Looks like the cavalry's arrived.

- What have we got?
- This is Shane.

32-year-old male, heavily intoxicated,

short of breath, GT of 13.

He just collapsed.

We got a blood pressure of 95 under 82,

and we've got a temperature of 38.

- Might be septic.
- Good call.

- 1 liter fluid bolus.
- Same page.

Like minds, et cetera.

Listen, Shane.

He prefers Robbo.

I'm Dr. Cartwright.

We're gonna take a blood sample, okay?

Friend of yours?

Oh, you know, it's early days,

yet we do have a few similar interests.

Just F.Y.I.... He may have
had a little bit of...

nose stimulant, if you know what I mean.

I shouldn't even be here.

Where the hell is Tara?

Tara. Tara went home with a migraine.

I think we should focus more on Robbo.

I'm thinking manonia... Pneumonia.

What do you think?

I'm so stupid.

Why do I let
you keep f*cking up my life?!

Or... Or am I just making it
really, really interesting?

Let's prep antibiotics.

Officer, can you please
take Dr. Knight home?

Or, ideally, put him in
the lockup for a week?

Righto, mate.

- Off we go.
- All right.

Uh! Not necessary.

They work you to the
bone in that clinic.


Oh. Oh, yeah.


Life of a doctor and all that.

But if we could just, um...

You're drunk.

That's not what it looks like.

Don't bullshit me.

I'm Harriet's mother. I've seen it all.

Well, then you know the difference

between recreational use
and an actual problem.

And when Eliza finds one of your baggies

and uses it as a chew toy...

Don't be rid...

No, no. I will do it, okay?

I've been doing it for a
year before you got here,

and I will do it again when you leave.

Whenever that is.



Oh, I'm sorry. Sorry.

Oh. It's okay.

There we go.

Whatever time it is, it's too early.

You're still asleep. It's all a dream.

- I taste coffee.
- No, you don't.

No, you've been drinking coffee.

Okay, look, I had a
really sleepless night.

I was worried that my
hydraulics wouldn't work again,

so I sucked down a Moccona.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I will make you a coffee.
Do you need a coffee?

No, I don't want a coffee.

I gave up coffee, like we decided.


We missed our flights.

I thought it would be
harder to track you down.

You know, I've never
been a jealous bloke.

Never understood the point.

People are always gonna
do what they want to do.

Maybe it's naive of me to
think that everything's okay

when it's just... It's not.

I don't think it's naive.

You don't play games.

And I love that about you.

So why did you make that choice?

I think...

... it's only been in
the last couple of years

I've realized how much
I love my independence.

Living completely on my own terms.

So maybe,

in a totally messed-up way,

I was making sure that getting

married was the right thing.

And it was.

I get that we're not spring chickens.

You know, I understand
there's gonna be baggage.

God, I hate that word.

I don't want to have baggage.

I want to pretend we're
18 and madly in love.

I want you.

How about I

book us on the next flight out of here?

- Okay.
- Yeah?

So, how much longer
do we get to hang out?

Oh, we'll be pumping
you full of antibiotics

for the next couple of days.

Lucky boy.

So, what shall it be...

Wiggles or Nicki Minaj?

Oh, she's got way better musical taste.

You put Human Nature on
the jukebox last night.

So, what's the deal? You lose
your free American nanny?

No. Eliza's been hanging
to do some work experience

at the clinic.

You're welcome, by the way.

For what?

Penny bought my story
about you going home

with a migraine last night.

Really? Because I had this weird dream

where she and Ken were watching
my pub dancing on CCTV.

God, sounds terrifying.

No. Penny is probably
on a plane right now.

You can relax.

Uh, Daddy will be right back.

His blood pressure's through the floor.

Inotropes... now.

- Got to intubate.
- Okay.

Well, it's not pneumonia.

Infective endocarditis.

Infection of the heart.

This could k*ll him, Hugh.
He needs a valve replacement.

Mm. Today, if possible.

Let's get him on some heparin.

He may be injecting dr*gs,
as well as snorting.

Probably pairing dirty water
with something or other.


I saw the splinter hemorrhages

under his fingernails last night.

Classic symptoms of a heart infection.

- This is my fault.
- No, no.

Look, he mentioned a congenital
heart condition yesterday.

I never followed up.

Okay? Stay with me.



Robbo, I'm gonna send
you to the second-best

cardiothoracic surgeon in the country.

Who's the best? Ah.

I see what you did there.

Do you want me to organize the transfer?

No, no. I'll do it.

Hello. It's Hugh Knight here.

I'd like to organize a...



Anyone see a little baby?

Wearing pink, speaks nonsense.

Huh. First, a missing penis.

Now a missing baby.

This is crazy.

Like, how fast can she crawl?

I don't know. I haven't
timed her lately.

Don't panic. One of the nurses

has probably taken her for a walk.

Or she had a developmental leap

and then went for a walk herself.

sh*t. sh*t.


What were you doing driving a tractor

- in the middle of the night?
- Mum,

did you come past the
hospital and take Eliza?

No. Have you lost Eliza?

Is Dinah there?

Oh, she's gone.

Everything is gone.

Hugh, you have to see this.

I've got to go.


... there.

Isn't that your mother-in-law?


What the ever-loving f*ck?

Go, go.

Thanks, Ken.


By the way...

- Under the photocopier.
- Oh!

Not stolen.

Under different circumstances,

this might have restored
my faith in humanity.

Are you sure that she's
headed to the airport?

Mum found a copy of her
itinerary in the bin.

Good thing old people
always print things out.

It's, like, 10 minutes till takeoff.


We're looking at clear skies,

a very light easterly, about 5 knots.

Should be a nice, relaxing flight.

10 minutes, my ass. There it is.

Head for the runway.


What does he think this is...
"Mission: Impossible"?

Need to get in front of him.

This is "Mission: Impossible."

Pull over!

Hey! Stop! Stop!

Stop the plane!

Pull over! Pull over!

Pull over!

My baby's in there!

Hey, dickhead, just letting you know...

- We've called the cops.
- Good, 'cause there's someone

on this plane that can't leave Whyhope.

- Hugh?
- Penny?

Did you seriously chase my plane down?

What? No, this isn't about you.

You've gotta be f*cking
kidding me, don't you?

Where's Eliza? Dinah's kidnapped her.

This is a charter flight.
There's no one else on here.

Don't you hate it when
your flight's delayed?

Where were you going to take her...

Back to the States?

Sydney. To see her mother.

Harriet's in Sydney?

Did she put you up to this?

She's in rehab.

Of course.

I told her as soon as she gets out,

she's got to fight for custody.

A recovering addict and a kidnapper?

Not a good look in court.

I need to get Eliza away from Hugh.

He's not fit to be a parent.

Don't blame Hugh for your past failings.

My failings?

So, what, yours don't
even get a mention?

Hugh wrote the manual on failure,

chapter and verse.

If Harriet wanted to be with Eliza,

she could have come here herself.

I just...

I want her to see her.

Get to know her, like I have.

Sounds like you're still trying
to control your daughter.

Maybe it's time to let go.

Bye-bye, little one.

Nana has to go now.

Well, Dinah was even more
batshit than I thought.

I have to say, it does give me

more sympathy for Harriet.

Dinah was misguided, and
she was driven by loneliness,

but she was right about one thing...

You're not fit to be a parent.

Not right now.

Good one, Mum.

You serious?

You get what you need,
and you get off this property,

and you don't come back until you've

got your head screwed on again.



I need the sleep anyway.

You know, except I won't get it

because you're gonna call me

in the middle of the night,
begging me to come get her.



As you were. Don't mind me.

What's happened?

Don't ask.