07x10 - Lost in Time

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu". Aired: January 2011 to present.*
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"Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu" revolves around the adventures of six ninja: Kai, Cole, Jay, Zane, Lloyd, and Nya.
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07x10 - Lost in Time

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Ninjago...

Previously on Ninjago...

The Reversal Blade!

You promised if we retrieved
the Time Blade we could help him!

We lied.

Four completes the set.

COLE". Where did they go?

More like, when did they go?

Kai, Nya, come back!

Kai. Nya!

Why'd they risk their lives
to go after Krux and Acronix?

It was the only way to save Wu.


Okay. I'm good with it.

Hey, wait a sec.
Who are you? And how do you know that?

I'm Maya, and this is Ray.

- We're--
- Kai and Nya's parents!

We saw your portrait at the museum.

Krux and Acronix traveled back in time
with the Reversal Blade.

- So our children had to follow.
- Why?

Only that Blade can undo
the effect of the Time Punch on Master Wu.

They're his last hope.

Master Wu is with them?

We have to go help!

We just need a time machine.

You can build another one, right?

I can't.

Oh-ho-ho, I get if.

"L can't" is business speak
for "it'll cost you big."

O-okay, businessman. I hear ya.

Umm, I've got a tenner...

No Time Blades, no time travel.

I'm afraid there is nothing to do but wait
and hope Kai and Nya return.

Okay, then, Samurai 2.0,
while we're stuck waiting,

why don't you tell us
who's really under there?


Uh, would a tenner change your mind?

- No.
- What about a piece of candy?

- No.
- What about two pieces of candy?

- No.
- What you said is true.

Kai and Nya truly are
Master Wu's last hope.

Not just his, all of Ninjago.

Ray! What is it?

On the ship,
when Acronix hit me,

he was holding a Time Blade
and something happened.

Accelerated physical deterioration.

Rapid loss of life function.

You've been hit with a Time Punch, too.

And there's no cure.

Wait, you said the Reversal Blade
can undo it on Master Wu.

Would that work for you, too?

Only if our children retrieve it
and return in time.

Ah, the majesty of time travel.

Hmm, not really capturing the majesty.

Maybe a different filter.

Gah! Put that away!

We're approaching
our temporal destination.

Prepare your troops, Supreme Commander.

My pleasure.

Ancient Ninjago,
before technology corrupted her.

Decades of preparation
will finally pay off.

The battle will be refought.

This time, no one can stop us.

Yeah? I'll show 'em no one.

No! To save Master Wu,
we can't blow our cover.

We have to wait for the exact right time.

Okay. "The battle will be refought."

What do you think that means?

I think we're about to find out.

Did Krux and Acronix just--

It appears they chose being lost to time
over facing their punishment.

The outcome is not as we intended,
but Ninjago is now safe.


They look confident.

Overly so.

Hey-ya, Ice, am I seeing things
or are those the guys we just beat?

Indeed they are, Lightning.

Why, yes, we are.

You have already stopped us once today.

But that was before we had a legion
spawn from the Great Devourer.

Oh, I thought I was gonna
finally go on my honeymoon.

Really cute guy, too.

Cliff is an actor,
and when I look into his eyes--

Stop! Focus, everyone.

Focus? Indeed.

Commander Machia, it is time!

Vermillion Warriors, to arms!


- What?
- The warriors are made of snakes.

I've never seen snakes do that before.

We have to keep them out!

Shut the gates!

The Reversal Blade!

Stupid Blade won't budge!

Step aside, sis.

Let the Elemental Master of Fire
take care of--

Masters! Watch your flank!

There's too many!

And even when you stop one,
it just forms back together.

NYA". They've never seen Vermillion before.

They don't know how to stop them.

But we do. We got to go help.

Kai, Nya.

- Master Wu!
- Where are we?

Along story, but we're back in time,
40 years,

when you, Garmadon
and the Elemental Masters

fought Krux and Acronix at the monastery.

Only this time, the good guys are losing.

We have to help you.

Not just you-you, young you, too, Wu.

- Ah, that's a mouthful.
- N0.

I have warned you before
about the dangers of time travel.

Change anything, change everything.

In this time, you do not exist yet.


Is he...

He's still here, but not for long.

Neither are they. They need us.

We can't reveal our presence.
You heard Master Wu.

"Change anything, change everything."

I also heard Krux.

"The battle will be refought."
Don't you get it?

Things are already changing for the worse.

Besides, Master Wu also says,

"Never put off till tomorrow
what can be done today."

And if we don't help today,
there won't be a tomorrow.

But we don't exist in this time.

I know who does.

We have to hide him somewhere safe.

Seize the leader!

Ray! Maya! You've returned.

Uh, yes, and we've,
uh, studied these warriors.

To defeat them,
you cannot allow them to reform.

You were right.
He thinks we're our parents.

We must work together, all of us.

I thought the forging
of the Time Blades exhausted you.

Uh, we rested and, uh...

Look out!

Use your powers to separate them.

Follow our lead!

Keep them separated, got it.

Argh! We are losing!

Well, only insofar as they are winning.

Uh-uh, temporary setback.

We did not travel across decades
to suffer temporary setbacks!

I was wondering when you would
finally tire of their incompetence.

We always knew the time would come.

So, shall I reorganize the troops?

Oh, I'm afraid we won't be needing
your services, either.

Supreme Commander Machia,
you are relieved.

On my count, three, two...

What? Why did they stop?

KRUX". All snakes, cease battle.

Return to the Iron Doom.

Iron Doom, arise!

Yes, Master.

KRUX". It is time to rule.

No! Seriously?

Normal snake samurai are hard enough.

How do we stop that?

You know this enemy. What do we do?

I... I have no idea.

Then we must improvise.

Spinjitzu, it's our last hope.


NYA". It's so big, it just towers over us!

Then let's get above it.


A futile effort.

Here are the terms of surrender.

Yield now and we will destroy
the Elemental Masters,

but spare the citizens of Ninjago.

- But... But--
- Refuse,

and we still destroy you,
but the citizens will not be spared.

Do you yield?


I yield.

No, Krux and Acronix
just altered the outcome

of a key battle in Ninjago history.

Change anything, change everything.

Guys, something's really wrong.

The city is, um, different.

Yeah, it looks old.

Like Ninjago 40 years ago.

My BorgWatch just disappeared.

What is going on?

My worst fear has come true.

The past has been changed.

Your watch doesn't exist

because your technology
no longer happened.

No computers, no telephones,

- Zane!

What do we do?

The Iron Doom is just too strong.

Not even the entire Elemental Alliance
could stop that thing.

I know, I know.

- Unless...
- Unless?

Remember how we worked together
at the Boiling Sea?

I think it's time
to bring back the big guy.

How do you know it isn't "the big girl"?

Who do we destroy first?

Garmadon or Wu?

I think we have bigger issues.

Evasive maneuver--

We gotta get that Reversal Blade.

It appears that even the mighty
can still fall.

Then perhaps there is still hope.

Krux and Acronix's overconfidence
just might be their undoing.

- This time, let's go in low.
- Got it!

Okay. Bad call. That's on me.

This time, hit it high.

Fire and Water are nearly as awful
as their little brats, Kai and Nya.

Don't you recognize the Fusion Dragon?

Those are their little brats!

Maximum barrage.

Maximum barrage engaged.

Eggs? You're getting desperate.

Actually, at that speed,

our skulls will crack
before those shells do.

Let's take 'em out!

You know what they say.
"Fight fire with time."

I hate when you make up sayings.

Fine, then how about,

"Iron Doom, full temporal energy."

Full temporal energy.

I don't know how much longer
Wu is gonna last.

- We have to get that Reversal Blade.
- You're right.

Whoa, the Dragon takes both of us.

Sorry, but you're gonna
have to do it alone.

I need you to buy me time.

- For what?
- Just trust me!


Steady, girl.
I need you more than ever.

There it is.

Distract him.

Kai and Nya have interfered
for the last time.

I will destroy them if I have to do it
with my bare hands!

We still have the Iron Doom.

We can go anywhere in time we please.

If the fight is too difficult here,

let's go to a time
where we are sure of victory.

A time where those two do not exist.

Yes. Further back in the past.

No, far into the future.

Hold together. They're getting away!

Head fake.



They... They got away.

- Kai?
- I failed everyone.

You, Mom, Dad.

And Master Wu.

Failure is often temporary, Kai.

It can be corrected,

and with effort, it can even be reversed.

- Master Wu! You're--
- Cured of the Time Punch.

- Thanks to you and Nya.
- And the Reversal Blade.

But how did you get it? Where?

Remember what Mom told us
back at the swamp?

How, shortly after
Acronix and Krux disappeared,

she and Dad found the Reversal Blade?

Right. In the woods, near the monastery.

But she said they sunk it
in the Boiling Sea.

We are in the past.

It hasn't been put in the Boiling Sea yet.

So it was still in the woods.

That's fantastic!

Krux and Acronix got away
and we can't follow them.

We're stuck here forever!

Those who don't learn from the future
are doomed to repeat the past.

Forty years from now,

I will err by trying to win a fight
on my own.

Fortunately, we can correct
this mistake because...

We still have time!

Yes. Focus.

Nya, release! Release!

- Head fake!
- Not this time!

We must make sure
the future's not affected.

Wu, catch.

The Reversal Blade. But how?

Who knows? But it's too dangerous to keep.

The Boiling Sea.

Find Mistaké. Drink Obscuritea!

Go, go, go!

Guys, you won't believe it!

Ninjago is back to normal.

My technology has returned.

I believe something
just overloaded my sensors.

Did anyone else feel
a temporal disturbance?

Kai and Nya did it!

Wanna celebrate by telling me
who you really are?

- No.
- Everything is fixed! Yeah!

Fate of Ninjago...

Not everything.

Must we go to the future?

If we travel far enough ahead in time,
there will be no one who knows us.

No Elemental Masters,
and best of all, no Kai and Nya.

You just keep getting it wrong, don't you?

That's got to be
really, really frustrating.

No! It's impossible!

It ends now!

Indeed, it does.

And we shall end it together.

You'll never interfere again.

My brother needs my help.

I'll deal with you soon enough, old man.

We are passing through the present.

Ray, my old friend.

Goodbye, children.


Ha! There is nothing you can do.

Except what must be done.


Fool! You'll destroy us all!

- How did you do that?
- Why did you do that?

You will know when you arrive.

Master! What are you doing?

Putting off until tomorrow
what cannot be done today.

As you said, Acronix,

it ends now.

- Kai?
- Nya?

- Mom.
- Dad.

Can't hold On.

I'm afraid he's close to his end.

There's nothing to be done.

Yes, there is.

Uh, my children.

- Dad.
- Dad.

Oh, you guys, let me get in on this.

Wait, what happened to Master Wu?

Oh, no!

He's still on the Iron Doom.

He stayed aboard
to deal with Krux and Acronix.

And now he's gone.

So, we don't have a Master anymore?

Yes, we do.

You, Lloyd. It has to be you.

- But...
- Master Lloyd.

Master Lloyd.

Everyone, listen up.

First, we get rid of this.
It's too powerful.

Then it'll take all our energy
and we will not rest until we know

where is Wu.
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