07x06 - The Attack

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu". Aired: January 2011 to present.*
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"Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu" revolves around the adventures of six ninja: Kai, Cole, Jay, Zane, Lloyd, and Nya.
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07x06 - The Attack

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Ninjago...

Previously on Ninjago...

Time to make this place a snake-free zone.

- That symbol.
- The next Time Blade has arrived.


- What is that?
- Huh!

We got the Time Blade.
Let's get out of here!

Whoa! Amazing.

It is unlike anything I've ever seen.

So cool.

I must urge caution, Jay.

The Time Blade is a powerful w*apon.

Uh, you think I don't know that?
Check this.

Boom! Ha, ha.

Eight bull's-eyes in a row, beat that.

- Oh, I did.
- Oh, really? When?

When I got nine in a row. Huh.

Okay, yeah, if you want to count that.

Yeah, but watch this.


Ha, ha, you missed!

Did I?

Slow-moving target. Easy-peasy, lemon...

And that's how you recycle an empty box.

That box was not empty.

Mr. Cuddly Whomp!

Ahem, it's a teddy bear I used to love.

When I was five,
but now he's totally lame and--

We know you still sleep with him.

And I don't care who knows it.

- Mr. Cuddly Whomp.
- Switching to playful mode.

Hey! Watch it, I'm working here.

Sorry. "Ya-

What's with Nya?

She's been on her computer since
we got back from the desert.

Her attempt to locate her stolen
Samurai X suit is consuming her.

She's as bad as her brother.


Aha! I've got a clue!

- I haven't got a clue.
- He's been reading those

Ninjago history books all day.

I don't get those two.
We finally get a victory, and they choose

to celebrate by dorking out
instead of doing something cool?

Let's run straight at each other
and see if this will

slow us down before we collide.


I really think I'm starting to get the
hang of this whole Master thing.

So then I come storming in on my jet,

maintaining a low altitude
for tactical benefits.

And I just completely ovenlvhelm the snake
army, samurai fighter, whatever they are.

You know, until they leapt into
our vehicles and crashed.

the Blade ends up in the sand.

- And General Whafs-His-Face...
- Lloyd, dear.

Perhaps it would be better to tell him
your amazing story when he can--

Close your loop, slow all of
them down like a bunch of slugs,

and we fly out of there.
Pretty amazing, right?

- I'll make some more tea.
- Mom?

You lost the Time Blade.

We had the Time Blade
and now we do not have the Time Blade.

- Why?
- Because you dolts lost it.

- To a bunch of kids.
- Kids!

It was the Blue Ninja, he came flying in
on some weird super-fast bike.

- I definitely want to get one.
- So I did the whole time bubble thing.

He did do the whole
time bubble thing, so did I.

You used the Time Blade?

You were not given permission
to use the Time Blade.

Because you do not know
how to use the Time Blade.

Because if you knew how
to use the Time Blade...

You would not have lost the Time Blade!

Now that I think about it,
maybe we didn't use the Time Blade.

Yeah, I don't think we did.

Use the Time Blade, lose the Time Blade,

then lie about using
and losing the Time Blade.

Okay, yes, true, but we have come up
with a way to get it back.

We lure all the Ninja here by telling them
we'll trade the blade for Cyrus Borg.

We need Cyrus Borg!

Without his apparatus, my plan won't work.

Yeah, I know, um,
then we take the Time Blade

and don't give them Cyrus Borg.


Has it occurred to you that if we do that,

the Ninja will learn the location of our
secret headquarters, see our master plan

and try to take our Blade?

It has not.

Furthermore, we need all the Time Blades!

Including the one you lost!

This is your chance, Cyrus.

Time for a little industrial espionage.

Are you sure you want to cut those wires?

They look rather important for
the apparatus to properly operate.

The way lungs are important
for a human to properly operate.

Okay, Plan B. Hear me out.

Operation Fudge b*mb.

We just need 1,000 gallons
of chocolate ice-cream or--

Or a plan that will actually work.

You have my attention.

Because of your BorgWatch's
temporal scanner...

Regret adding that.

We know the Blade's location.

Now, we just need to go and get it.

Let's do this!

Time Blade ready?

Faster, Jay.

You're so slow, Cole.

Hey, I told you guys not to mess
around with the Time Blade.



- Ow!
- Ha, ha!

I said to hide it someplace safe.

- And we ignored you.
- Besides, we're, um, skill-building.

What skill? Room-destroying?

This Blade is extremely powerful
and highly coveted.

Nothing this valuable
will be so easily conceded.

"Nothing this valuable
will be so easily conceded."

Sounds to me like someone's earned
his black belt in being a wet blanket.

What's that supposed to mean?

I believe Cole's intent is to describe you
as a blanket which has become wet.

Not for the purposes of
putting out a fire,

-but rather to extinguish our enjoyment.
- Ugh!

Oh, seriously, Lloyd, lighten up.

It's not going anywhere.

Ugh! Hey!

Ahem! See?

I see that after victory, some of you
have chosen to amuse yourselves.

I encourage you not to be so careless.

Nothing this valuable
will be so easily conceded.

Uh, sorry, Master Wu.

- Well put, Master.
- Ah, "Well put"?

I just said the exact same thing! Ugh!

Kai, Nya, join.

This is important.

You have had a victory, a well-earned one.

But Krux, Acronix and their
forces remain a threat.

Do not allow your confidence
to cloud your vigilance.

I made that mistake once.

Kai, is something troubling you?

Uh, the marking on this helmet,
do you recognize it?

You do recognize it.

What do you know? Tell me, please.

This means...

This changes everything.

What was that?

I've run a fourth-level analysis.

It appears the snake warriors
have returned to retrieve the Blade.

Really? I could have told you that
with a third-level analysis!

Or a no-level analysis!

We're all the way up here
and they're all the way down there.

No chance they could reach us.

Oh, come on, they got catapults?

Whatever, it's just a bunch of snakes.

Remain on guard, Ninja.

There is more to your adversaries
than you may think.

Uh, whatever,
they're just a bunch of warriors.

I mean, they're not armed, but we are.

Big mistake.

Never bring fists to a nunchuck-sword-
scythe-katana-shuriken fight.

Oh, wow! They went from unarmed snakes
to fully-weaponized Vermillion Warriors

-really, really fast.
- Doesn't matter. We can--

Wait, that's what they're called?
Vermillion Warriors?

I know, right? So lame.
There are so many better names.

Actually, the name is quite clever.

You see, vermillion is a shade of red
with a slight orange tint.

A color which symbolizes
life in eternity.

So in that sense, they should
actually be commended for--

Guys, focus. Everyone ready?

I will sit this one out
to preserve my strength.

Good idea, Master.


- Great plan, General Machia.
- Yeah.

It took the Ninja, what,
three seconds to defeat them?

See, this is what happens
when you put her in charge.

That was merely the first salvo.

Next, we bring in the big boy.

Okay, that was a lot easier
than I thought.

Awesome work, everyone.

Now can you tell me what
that marking means?

Yes. You must know that--

We have another concern.

No, I do not like where this is headed.

The big boy.

Hey, Nya, do you remember
our old babysitter, Mrs. Grumiller?

- The mean one with the mole on her--
- Yeah.

Do you remember what we used to do
when she made us go to bed early?

Of course.


Hey, you! It's not my bedtime!


'Cause I've still got plenty of energy.

But it's lights out for you.

Oh, man!
Whatever they paid Mrs. Grumiller

wasn't nearly enough.

Come on!

We can use Destiny's Bounty
to fly above all this

and get a good view
of the others' positions.

Oh, no!

- Or not.
- What?

JAY". No, no, no!

Overwhelming force, do not stop
until the mission is complete.

Oh, hello.




We have to go on the offensive.
They're bringing everything up here,

which means that we have to go down there
and take out their equipment.

- Uh, but how?
- Like this.

Lloyd, I really don't think
going down there is a good idea.

Especially on a dragon.

In the past, your fear has caused
your dragon to vanish and--

That was a long time ago.
I am now a Master.

- In training.
- And our temple is under attack!

I don't have time for fear.
I'll take care of the ones down below.

You guys hold them off up here.
And protect the Time Blade!

You do have to admire
his unfounded moxie.



Ugh! The Ninja are not
the only ones with air power.

Sky team, go.

Stay calm, Master-in-training.

No time for fear.


Lloyd, conjure the dragon again.

I got this.

Faster, faster.


Oh, no. He's too far!

Look, Nya was right. The Vermillion
Warriors did steal her Samurai X suit.

Oh, so not fair.

What is taking so long?

A mere setback.

A good general changes her strategy
to reflect the conditions on the ground.

A great one uses every w*apon at hand.

Samurai X just saved Lloyd's life.

Whoo hoo! All right, that was...

Highly illogical.

So Samurai X is not one of them.

- Which means Nya must be Samurai X again!
- For sure.

She probably faked the whole
stealing thing to throw us off.

- What are you guys looking at?
- Or not.

Hey, you! Suit thief!

You owe me an explanation. I have a
right to know who you are! Tell me!

I got this. Who



Huh. How did that not work?

Well, Samurai, whoever you are, thank you.

"Thank you"?
Samurai Whoever-You-Are stole my suit!

Yeah, and saved my life.

I get that, and we're all
incredibly grateful.

Really, it's just... Ugh!

You stole my stuff!

- No!
- No!


Ninja... Ugh!

Look what I found.

- Thank you, Kai.
- You're welcome.

Now, please, Master,
tell me about the marking.

- What does it mean?
- Uh, yes, of course.

- Your father--
- Time is up!

- The Hands of Time!
- Get 'em!

- All we need are a few moments, brother.


- Good bye.
- Master Wu!

Lucky old man.

But your luck is finally about to run out.



I'm too weak to fight.

Restraint with this w*apon,
but careful, Kai.

- Not so fast.
- Well, look at this.

A child pretending to be a big brave hero.

Underestimating my fighting skills
is a mistake.

Says the boy who fell off his dragon.


Zane, Cole, Nya, look out!

See you soon, boy.



Lloyd, Wu, they need my help.


Yield, boy.

Ninjago shall be ours!

No, I won't

give up!

Sorry, but it's gonna be pretty
hard to control Ninjago

when you have absolutely
none of the Time Blades.

Do not be blinded
by pride, Ninja.

Now is the time
for the greatest vigilance.

Ninja, look out!

- Oh, no!
- Oh, yes.

As I promised,
the Time Blades are yours to keep.

Indeed, and let's also take him!

Brilliantly ex*cuted, Machia.

Forward, we are wasting precious time.

Thank you for your hospitality.

Wu! No!

Be strong, Wu. It isn't over.

All that fighting...

Just so we could end up losing everything.

Master Wu, both Time Blades.

The Destiny's Bounty and our temple.

They beat us. They won.

Even Samurai X has been destroyed.

Maybe not.

They didn't win.

We lost because we got over-confident.

We've got to regroup.

They're gonna Pay-

The marking.



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