07x01 - The Hands of Time

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu". Aired: January 2011 to present.*
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"Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu" revolves around the adventures of six ninja: Kai, Cole, Jay, Zane, Lloyd, and Nya.
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07x01 - The Hands of Time

Post by bunniefuu »

SENSE WU". Right on time.


Long time no see.

Master Wu?

You look old.

As if your best days have passed.

Not unlike your monastery.

I still have plenty of days left.

Shall we finish what we started?

I've been waiting decades.


It doesn't feel that long to me.

This ends now.

JAY". This ends now, Samukai!

Nope, pretending this is
the actual Samukai

doesn't make cleaning up
the museum any more interesting.

This is so lame.
We're Ninja, not janitors.

Come on, Jay, we're all kinda responsible
for the damage to the museum.

After all, if we hadn't had
that massive battle

on the Day of the Departed,

this place would still be in one piece.

Yeah, and whose fault is that, Cole?

Okay, how many more times
do I have to say I'm sorry

for accidentally unleashing
the ghostly forces of evil

that att*cked Ninjago?

How high can you count?

Uh, and speaking of which,

you still not used to having
your old non-ghost hands back?

Well, I'm working on it.

This is exhausting.

If I could go back in time,

I'd tell Dr. Saunders
we were too busy to help.

Nya, you may recall that
the rest of us once time-traveled.

It can have devastating effects
and should not be used lightly.

Certainly, not to get out of labor.

It's just an expression, Zane.

I... I don't believe it.

What is that?

I think it's a portrait of

our parents.


This dates to when
I was, like, three years old.

Shortly before they disappeared.

We know so little about them, Nya.

Father was the Elemental Master of Fire.

Mother was the Master of Water.

And they left us the old blacksmith shop.

And little else.

They left us our powers.

COLE". Guys, look what I found.

Uh, isn't that Garmadon?

It is. Lloyd, that's your dad.

And there's Master Wu.

He looks so young.

Look at them, my father and my uncle.

Ninjago's two greatest Elemental Masters.

I wonder if I'll ever
live up to their legacy.

First, Kai and Nya. Now, Lloyd.

It's family picture day at the museum.

Does anyone recognize this battle?

P. l.X.A. L., analyze.

Facial contour mapping

this scene takes place 40 years ago
during the Serpentine Wars.

During the Serpentine Wars?
But Ninjago was at peace.

Who would they be fighting?

Refreshing time.

Hot sweaty work deserves a cool drink.

Oh, thanks, Dr. Saunders.

Enjoy the pickled beet tea!

Uh... Oops!

New hands, so clumsy.

Eh. Mmm.

What's this painting?

Oh, this? Nothing.

Minor skirmish,
no historical significance.

That is why I don't hang it
in the main gallery.

It looks pretty significant to me.
This thing is huge.

Yes, a huge myth. The folklores.

Even if it is a myth,

who are these men Masters Wu
and Garmadon supposed to be fighting?

I have no data on them.

There is a legend.

Twin brothers called the Hands of Time.

"The Hands of Time."

They could allegedly
manipulate time itself.

Speed it up, slow it down.
All sorts of things.

See what I mean? Manipulate time.

A ridiculous fairy tale.

Who's this one?

Oh, this handsome-looking fellow? Hah.

The legend says his name is Krux.

And who's the nasty-looking guy?

In the stories,
he's called Acronix.

You might as well give up, Wu.
I'm the superior fighter.

And your brother isn't here
to bail you out.

No, but neither is yours, Acronix.

And whose fault is that?

Garmadon and I did
what we had to do to protect Ninjago.

And I will do what I have to do.

More spry than I would expect.

Let's see if you can keep up.

Where do you want this last one, Misako?

Anywhere you can find room.

Ronin, Dareth, thank you again for
helping me set up our new Ninja temple.

- Happy to do it.
- Do what?

Three-hundred boxes
airlifted into this place

and you didn't carry a single one of them.

I told you, I got a bad back.

Besides, this unpacking
isn't gonna supervise itself.


This came to the wrong place.


Sweet sword-fighter.
Get a load of that thing.

Nya's samurai suit.

This should've gone
to her Samurai X Cave.

What for?

I thought she gave up being Samurai X
for the Water Ninja.

Hmm, she did.

But she kept the mech
so I'm sure she'd want this, too.

If nothing else,
it's a souvenir of a past life.

If it were me, I'd sell the
whole kit and caboodle online.

One-of-a-kind tech like that,
some collector would pay a fortune.

With that kinda cheese, she could buy
all the souvenirs she ever wanted,

fill the place with snow globes.

Uh, tell me, I'd be happy
to broker a deal.

For a small fee, of course.

Sell it?

This baby belongs in a museum.

Or my dojo.

Look out, Ninjago, here comes Samurai D!

- Uh...
- Huh?

Samurai D.

The "D" is for Dareth.

Give it up, old man.
I've got decades on you.

I'm faster, stronger!

That's your mistake.

You assume your youth is a greater w*apon
than my experience.

Arrogant to the finish,
just like your brother.

"Arrogant"? No, confident!


It was Krux's downfall,
and now it's yours.

Do you yield?


There's no escape this time, Acronix.

Do you yield?

I yield.

So, 40 years after it began,

the battle of the Elemental Masters
versus the Hands of Time

finally ended at precisely 6:00 p.m.

Dareth, please give me that back.

Oh, allow...

- ...me?
- Oh! My back! My back!

When did I get on top of Dareth?

-6:00 p.m.
- Quittin' time.

What just happened? Time just--

Moved forward?

And at 6:01, the battle began again!

How did I get this?

I have the strangest feeling.

It's like déjé vu, but in reverse.

It's like time skipped a beat.

No, it skipped an entire minute.

Please, get off of me!

Um, weren't we just outside?

- When did we get here?
- How did we get here?

My circuits are picking up
an energy displacement.

There was a displacement, all right.

It displaced us right in here.

What is going on?

I don't know, but it's loud!

You had your chance, old man.

You should've let me drop.

Now, let's see if your experience
is more powerful than

the Time Blade.

These energy readings are off the charts!

Where is it coming from?

I'm trying to pinpoint the location!

How about pinpointing the location
of the off button?

These alarms are giving me a--


Thank you.

Hmm, this is surprising.

No, it's not, I've always
had sensitive ears and--

I meant, lthink I know

how we suddenly appeared
on the Destiny's Bounty.

H ow?

The displacement we experienced
was not caused byjust any normal energy.

It was temporal energy.

Oh. Well, temporal energy,

of course, everyone knows
that's, um, powerful.

You have no idea
what "temporal" means, do you?

- I do not.
- It means "time."


Whatever created that displacement
can work the very fabric of space-time.

Which is powerful, right?


All the normal rules of existence
no longer apply to such a force.

Told you it was powerful.

That's right.

Flee, Master Wu.

"Master." Ha!

To think my brother and I
ever took orders from you!

Weak, afraid, lacking any ambition.

Your only ambition was to rule.

Because Krux and I deserved to rule.

Do you recall what we said
on this very ground 40 years ago?

Control time...

Control everything.

Excellent memory, old man.

And look who controls time again.

Just need a moment
for my Time Blade to recharge.


It ends now, Acronix.

It certainly does.

No, no, no.

I'm not there now.

That's where I was then.

You know what that means.

I'll see you in just...

...a moment!

Control time...

Control everything.

Okay, yes. There was
a little hiccup in time, but just one.

I'm sure it was nothing.

They probably happen all the time,
and we don't realize it.

You know, like déjé vu.

Can we go home now?

- Hmm.

- Hmm?

Seriously, we just cleaned up
an entire museum!

Aren't you guys tired?

- Well...
- Well?

I've located
the surge's epicenter.

Where, P.I.X.A.L.?

The old monastery.

The monastery?
That place totally burned down.

Why would anyone or anything be up there?

We should find out.

Oh, why? Cole's right.

There's no reason for anyone
to be up at the monastery.

Zane's probably malfunctioning.

Self-diagnostic indicates negative.

- How about now?
- No.

I agree with Lloyd, we should go.

Where there's smoke, there's usually fire.

And where there's
massive energy displacement,

there's usually trouble.

Well, maybe, it's like, you know,

uh, a harmless massive
energy displacement.

Come on, seriously. I'm exhausted.

We did our good deed for the day.

Wait, Master Wu said
he was going to the monastery.

Something about finishing an old fight

He said this was something
he should do alone.

What are you waiting for?

Get us to the monastery!


That last hit hurt, didn't it?

The Blade gives it a little extra kick.

I think I'm going to call that one
"the Time Punch."

And its effects are devastating.

I made a mistake.

Yes, you did.

You never should have challenged me.

Not 40 years ago. Not today.

Don't worry, I can be merciful.

I figure, one more charge,
one more Time Punch

and it'll all be over fast.

How I wish my brother were here
to see this.

Me, too.


You know what they say,

"lf the Time Punch doesn't get you,
the fall will."

Actually, no one says that,
but they should.


I'd like to stay to the end,
but I have somewhere to be.

I don't believe it.

The legendary Destiny's Bounty.

But what is a 200-year-old
flying pirate ship doing here?

Now, this has been a strange day.

Hey, has anyone seen Master Wu?

Hmm. I only see that guy.

Who's that?

I don't know. Let's find out.

No, no, wait. What if... Hey, hey!

Excuse me,
I'm looking for someone.

That's no pirate.

What's he doing?

Who do you seek, Ninja?

Spinjitzu master,
about yea tall, long beard.

- Goes by the name Wu.
- Haven't seen him.

Hmm. That's odd, 'causejudging by
all the slash marks around here,

I think you have.

Jayjust pulled his nunchucks.

Nya, you better get us down there, fast!

Not gonna work, there's not
enough room down there.

It's just one guy.

I'm sure Jay can handle whoever that is.



It appears to be-


"Acronix" as in Acronix and Krux,
the Hands of Time?

From the painting?

But Dr. Saunders says
that battle wasn't real.

And even if it was, it was 40 years ago.

Acronix would be
an old man today, like Master Wu.

But that guy down there is young.

But that's impossible!

Unless he time-traveled?

We have to get down there. Now!

A moment ago, I had no quarrel with you.

Unfortunately for you, I do now.

Did you see that? It's like--

He jumped forward in time.

Yeah? Let's see him jump this.

More Ninja? Curious.


You only missed me by a few seconds.

Sometimes I wish I was still
Samurai X instead of a Ninja.

You're fast, but faster than this?

Elemental Master of Fire.
I've encountered one of you before.

Huh? You met my father?

There he is.

Ninja, come out and play.

Jay, Cole, Kai. We get Acronix.

Zane, Nya, use your elemental powers
to put out this fire.

Ninja, come out and play.

Hang on, who put you in charge?

Why can't I help with the flames?

You think lightning is better than
water and ice for stopping flames?

Good point. Let's go!

You got lucky last time.

Clumsy, like a fawn
standing on her new legs.

- One!
- Two!


Yes, keep moving him back!

He's gonna have to surrender
or else the flames are gonna get him.

Here's Acronix!

It's gonna blow!

Burned down again?

Man, this place just cannot catch a break.

Neither did Acronix.

Good. You know me,
I don't back down from a challenge.

But I wouldn't wanna face that guy again.

No way!
He moved at, like, the speed of time.

Come on, guys, let's get back
to the Destiny's Bounty.

But what about Master Wu?

We gotta find him. Spread out!

Gotta hang on.

Barely made it.

Master, are you all right?

I fear not.

Why was Acronix here?

How did he do that?

Why were you fighting him?

There is much to tell you

and not much time.

Where have you been?

Sorry I'm late. Ninja trouble.

Things have changed
since I was last in Ninjago.

Indeed they have,

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