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08x09 - A Good Time in Central Africa

Posted: 11/03/21 08:40
by bunniefuu
[SLURRING] Yeah, hi. I'm watching
your commercial for the Shake Weight.

Yeah, I gotta tell you...

my brother does basically the
same thing in the shower every day...

and he has absolutely
no muscle tone in his arms.

- All right, I'm out of here.
- Hold on a sec.

What does this look like to you, Berta?

Your brother in the shower?

You hear that? It's not just me.

Thanks, Berta. I'll see you tomorrow.

No, you won't.

I told you, I'm going to a family reunion
for a few days

But what about me?

All right, let's go through this
one more time.

I arranged to have a friend
fill in for me.

Her name is Esmerelda.

I have given her
detailed instructions...

about how you like things done
around here.

Did you tell her to roll me over
on my stomach...

so I don't choke on my own vomit?

That's number one on the list.

- Is she hot?
- She was in the '70s.

I guess it's better that way. Yeah.

Yeah, it's tough enough
that you and I have sexual tension.

Oh, by the way,
you promised me vacation pay.


How much did we agree on?

That looks about right.

- Bye.
- See you tomorrow.

- Uncle Charlie in there?
- Yep.

- Drunk?
- Hammered.

- Did you clean him out?
- Would I do that to my little buddy?

Thank you, Berta.

Your muscles expand and...

- Have a good weekend, Uncle Charlie.
- Enjoy your family reunion.

- What?
- What?

You owe me for that pizza
from the other night.

Oh, yeah, sorry.

- How much was it?
- That'll do it.

Jake, let's go. Your mom's outside.

JAKE: See you, Uncle Charlie.
CHARLIE: See you, buddy.

Thanks for the pizza.

- When did you guys have pizza?
- I have no idea.

- Hey, Charlie, you remember Lyndsey?
- Nope.

Hey, look.


I'm exercising.

Oh. Maybe you ought to sit down
for a minute.

Good idea. I'm getting a little dizzy.

- I hope I don't have a heart problem.
- No, you have a drinking problem.

Well, that's a relief.

So who's this Lyndsey?

You remember. Lyndsey.
Early 40s, blond, pretty?

No recollection.

I b*rned her house down, she left me
and went back to her ex-husband?

Keep going.

Nice, full, very natural-looking C cup?

- Oh, right, Lyndsey.
- Here we go.

- What are you doing?
- Childproofing you.

Thank you.

So you're dating Lindsay Lohan?

No, no, Lyndsey Makelroy.

Anyway, she called, and things
aren't working out with the ex-husband.

And though she didn't say
she wanted to get back together...

I am gonna meet her for dinner.
- Well, that's great.

- Mm-hm.
- Good for you.

How do I look?

Like Lance Armstrong
after a three-day drunk.

- Nice.
- Mm.

You are a good brother, Alan.

Have some money.


[MUMBLING] If I were really a good
brother, I'd stage an intervention.

Thanks for the pizza.


I've invented the drinking helmet.



Man, did I go to Tijuana last night?

Me, you, not married, are we?

I guess if the answer was yes,
she wouldn't be polishing the piano.

- Hey, Alan, quick question.
- Yeah?

Who is that in our living room?

- That's Esmerelda.
- Gonna need more.

- Berta's friend.
- Keep going.

Berta went to her family reunion.
Esmerelda's filling in.


Would've been nice
if she'd given me a heads-up.

- Aren't you gonna ask about last night?
- Oh, yeah.

What did I do last night?

Somehow I spent
almost all my money.

No, I meant what I did last night.

Oh. No.

Lyndsey wants to get back together.

- C cups.
- Right, Lyndsey.

She did split up
with her ex-husband, Chris.

Said she realized
she didn't wanna go backwards.

In what universe is dating you
not going backwards?

I know.
This guy must be some kind of mess.

Breakfast, Se?or Harper?

Why is she saying breakfast?
Am I supposed to make her breakfast?

She'll make it for you.

Mm. Try the huevos rancheros.
They're amazing. Uh...



Where did you learn
to speak Spanish?

Junior high, high school, college...

two years of chiropractic school
in Mexico.

You say that
like I'm supposed to know.

You are supposed to know.
You're my brother.


Oh, no, no.




What's so funny?
Are you talking about me?

She says she likes your hat.

Alan, come here, quick!

Please, God, don't let it be a dead girl.

What is it?

Open my door
and tell me what you see.

Why? What do you see?

Just look.

- Are the flying monkeys back?
- Don't joke about that, Alan.


- Esmerelda did this?
- Can you believe it?

The fresh-cut flowers,
the carafe of lemon water.

- She laid out my slippers.
- Since when do you have slippers?

I don't know.
Is it possible she made them?

- She put a chocolate on your pillow?
- Yep.

See what it says?


- That means "merry Christmas," right?
- It means "happiness."

You sure? What about that song
"Felicidad Navidas"?

"Feliz Navidad"?

Tomato, tamale.

The point is,
Esmerelda is a terrific housekeeper.

I didn't get a chocolate.

- You're not Se?or Harper.
- I'm a Se?or Harper.

Yes, but you're not the Se?or Harper
that pays her.

Come on, you gotta see this.

Still could've given me a chocolate.
How much could it cost?


That's not a swan. That's my towel.

- Nice touch.
- Had me fooled at first.

I tried to k*ll it.

And look, she folded my toilet paper
into a little point.

After breakfast I used some,
stood up, shaved...

and when I looked back,
I swear it was pointed again.

- Is that a votive candle?
- Yep.

She's praying
I have pleasant bowel movements.

- Oh, please.
- No, no, no, it's working.

This morning, soft, firm, easy-peasy.

But wait, there's more. Come on.

- Ta-da.
- She bought you a new grill?

No, no, this is the old grill.
You know what she did?

- What?
- She cleaned it.

She cleaned the grill?
Berta never cleans the grill.

Tell me about it. She only comes out
on the deck to smoke pot.

Se?or Harper.

- Yes?
- She's talking to me, Baba Louie. Yes?


Hell, yeah, botanas.

- What's that mean? "Screw you"?
- Basically.

Ha, ha. I love this woman.

Esmerelda, te amo.


- Thought you didn't speak Spanish.
- I don't.

I know how to say "I love you"...

and "how much for a happy ending?"
In like 17 languages.

You're kidding.


In case you ever wanna have
a good time in Central Africa.


CHARLIE: Alan, get that.
Esmerelda's giving me a pedicure.

Pedicure? I can't even get
a freaking chocolate.

Hello, Alan.

Chris. Hey. Uh, what brings you by?

Lyndsey mentioned
you two were dating again.

I wanted to let you know that if
I had to lose her, I'm glad it was to you.

Thank you.
How'd you get my address?

Not important.
Here, I brought you a little gift.

Okay. Ha, ha.

- Nothing in here's gonna bite me, is it?
- Ha-ha-ha. Open it.


Look at that.
It's a picture of Lyndsey and you.

Yeah, look how happy we were.
We just found out she was pregnant.

It looks like she's glowing,
but it's lights...

from the Ferris wheel
on the Santa Monica Pier.

- I can't accept this.
- Oh, I want you to have it.

You need to see how happy Lyndsey
made me so you can be that happy.

Okay, I'm not quite sure
I follow the logic, but thank you.

See you around.


Ah, it's too late, Alan.
You're already dead.

Well, that was a bit disturbing.

Hey, one decaf Grande soy chai latte
with extra whipped cream.

- And a black coffee for the lady.
- Thank you.

- I don't know how you drink that stuff.
- Back at you.

- Name?
- Alan.

What's so important that you didn't
wanna talk about it on the phone?

It's not that it's important,
it's just that it's...

If you dragged me here
to break up with me, I will m*rder you.

Oh, no, no, no. Nobody's breaking up.

But speaking of m*rder,
I saw your ex-husband yesterday.

I'm sorry, "speaking of m*rder"?

Oh, oh. Maybe I should back up a little.

Chris showed up at my house...

and handed me what I consider to be
a very inappropriate photo of you two.

That bastard. He told me
he threw those pictures away.

Okay, I don't think we're talking
about the same pictures.

But the point is,
before he left, he sh*t at me.

He sh*t at you?

Not with a g*n, with his finger.
But the implication was pretty clear.

Okay, let me get this straight.
I wasn't naked in the picture?

No, you were at the Santa Monica Pier.

But not naked, right?

Right. But my concern here is that your
ex-husband seems to be threatening me.

Oh, Chris is harmless.
His bark is way worse than his bite.

- So you're saying he does bite?
- Alan, you have nothing to worry about.

And if it'll make you feel better,
I'll talk to Chris.

- Talk to me about what?
- What the hell?!

- How long have you been sitting there?
- I just got here.

I was gonna say hi,
but thought it was a little creepy.

- Ex-husband, new boyfriend.
- Are you following us?

No, I just stopped in
to have a cup of coffee.

- You live on the other side of town.
- But I like the coffee here.

Okay, I don't know what you're trying
to accomplish, but it needs to stop now.

Uh, I've got this, Lyndsey.


listen up, pal.

I'm dating your ex-wife,
and there's nothing you can do about it.

Do you understand me?

Police! Police!

Calm down.

- Chris, get out of here.
- I'm leaving.

- Oh, Alan?
- What?

See you around.

- See? See? He sh*t me again.
- Calm down.

Calm down? This guy is crazy.
We need a restraining order.

- I don't think that's necessary.
- Of course it's necessary.

This is unacceptable behavior.
I am not putting up with it.

Forget the restraining order.

I'm gonna pay him a visit and make it
clear he's messing with the wrong guy.

- Alan?
- Aah! Police! Police!

Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy.

Breakfast time.
Esmerelda's huevos rancher...

Whoa. Berta.

- Hey.
- I thought you were at a family reunion.

Came home early.
Turns out I don't like my family.

So you came back. Yay.

So Esmerelda's not coming in

No, I called her.

She didn't mess things up too bad,
did she?

No, no, no. I mean, she's not you,
so there was a little adjustment.

What's that you're eating?

- Western omelet.
- Oh.

- Looks good.
- It is.

Which reminds me, you're out of eggs.

ALAN: Charlie?
- In here.

Staring at me while I eat
is making me very uncomfortable.

- I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
- Charlie, I've got a problem.

How about that?
The problem's got a problem.

Berta's back. Yay.

I'm going somewhere
I can eat in peace.

I thought my family was annoying.

- Can you believe it? Esmerelda's gone.
- Yeah, boohoo.

Lyndsey's ex-husband
threatened to k*ll me.

How is that a bigger problem than me
having to make my own breakfast?

I'm serious. He's crazy.

Of course he's crazy.
He's an ex-husband.

The words go together.
"Crazy ex-husband."

- I'm an ex-husband.
- There you go.

What're we gonna do about Esmerelda?
It's not like I can fire Berta.

Sure, you can.
Frankly, I never cared for the woman.

What am I gonna do?
I don't wanna lose Lyndsey. I love her.

And I love huevos rancheros
and chocolate felicidadas on my pillow.

Okay, we seem to be talking
at cross-purposes here.

Because you're not focusing
on the real issue.

I've just lost the best housekeeper
since Wilma Flintstone.


What the hell?

- What was that?
- A rock. Oh.

It's gotta be Chris.

- How can you be sure?
- Who else would throw a rock at me?

Good point.
I'm here and Mom's out of town.

I ain't cleaning that up.




Up, up and away in my beautiful balloon



Okay, whoever this is, you should know
that you're not scaring me...


Esmerelda. Come on in.



Yeah, yeah, me too.



Charlie, what's going on?


From now on,
Berta will be our day housekeeper...

and Esmerelda will be our
night housekeeper, capiche?

- Does Berta know?
- Berta doesn't need to know.

Um, so, what's she gonna think...

when she sees pointed toilet paper
and swan towels?

Way ahead of you. I'll just unswan and
unpoint everything before she gets here.

Then why do it?

Is it worth the trouble
to sneak around behind Berta's back?

I know it's crazy...

but the woman makes me happy.

Botanas, Se?or Harper?

Oh, s?... vous pla?t.

How about that?
I'm starting to pick up the language.

It's a shame the language is French.


Alan, relax. If Chris wanted to k*ll you,
he'd climb through your window...

while you're sleeping
and smother you with a pillow.

Thank you, that's very helpful.

At least
that's how I always imagined doing it.

You rat bastard.


- It's not what it looks like.
- Is that so? Then what is it?


It's purely sexual.

I'm not stupid, Charlie.
I know when I'm being two-timed.

Charlie, I'm shocked. Shocked.

Berta, I had no idea this was going...

- Stay out of it, Zippy.
- I'm out.

- What do you have to say for yourself?
- I am so sorry. I got carried away.

I think if we all sit down like adults and
talk this through, we can make it work.

Uh-uh. It's either me or her.

Oh, please don't make me choose, Berta.
I love you both.

- Goodbye, Charlie.
- No, wait, wait, wait.

It's you, Berta. It's always been you.

I'm sorry. It's just not our time.

Please tell her how sorry I am.



Adi?s, Se?or Harper.

Arrivederci, Esmerelda.

Okay, then, I'll see you tomorrow.

Good, good.

- I'll be late.
- That's okay.

You might wanna clean that hair up
off the floor before I get in.

- Sure, I'm on it.
- Okay.

Oh, Esmerelda.


No, I can't let her go.

Oh, hey, Chris. Pillow's on the couch.
Alan's in his room. Esmerelda!