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03x01 - In the Same Boat

Posted: 11/02/21 11:17
by bunniefuu

you can stay if you want,
but I have yoga class.


Got a big meeting with investors
in the a.m.

♪ But I know how to have fun,
yeah ♪

♪ I been running far from home ♪

I'll call you.

♪ So come with me,
show you how to dream... ♪

Like sh**ting fish in a barrel.

Am I right, bro?

Central Intelligence.
The Rock. DVD.

Action, comedy, romance.

I got The Rock.
Central Intelligence.


DVD. Action, comedy, romance.


Hello, mister.

If you like taking pictures,
you got to love movies.

And if you love movies,
you got to love The Rock.

I'm not interested.

You don't like The Rock?

That's not what I said.
I love The Rock.

People think he's just
an action star,

but he does comedy, drama.

He does movies
for even kids.

Did you even see Moana?

He has range, man.

Okay. I-I'll buy
a couple movies from you

if you just get off my back.

- Deal?
- Deal.

Hanni. Come on.

He's buying.

- Rafi, come on. He's buying.
- Hey, hey, hey.

I'm just buying
some badass action movies.

I'm not causing any trouble.

Sorry. That will never,
ever happen again.

All my movies are 100%
guaranteed badass.

You come back and tell me
these are not badass,

I will give you a full refund,
minus restocking fees.

Restocking fees?

All right.

This looks nothing like
The Rock.

It's an artistic rendering.

Where's my change?

I will have to pay
you back somehow.

Maybe with information.

Oh, yeah?
What kind of scoops

is an eight-year-old kid
gonna give me?

I'm nine. And I know you're not
a journalist, American.

Do you, now?

What if I told you the bad
people you are watching

know you are here and planted
a b*mb in your car?

Why are you telling me this?

I told you.
I know things.

And I don't want to lose
a valued customer.

See you around.

Or not.

...comedy, action and drama.

Dude. He got away?

Saw what he was doing
to your car and I was like,

"Not cool, bro."

Not to my best tenant
and best friend, Cole.

Nah... It's not a big deal.

Happens all the time.

Dude, I appreciate your Zen.

It's like one of my favorite
things about you, but, like...

I'll take care
of it, George.

Trust me.

Oh. It's-It's Gus, dude.

I got... a badge.

But, hey, man, that's my other
favorite thing about you, dude.

You just power through
adversity, Cole.

♪ When you see me in the city
and we're broke, no ♪

♪ Please don't let 'em in
if we don't know them... ♪

Did you make coffee?

Oh, hey, Mom.

Nice blouse, hey.

Dad, you know
you look good in gray.

Single origin Ethiopian

light roast, anyone?

Thank you.

It's a big day.

Yeah, it is.

You're up before noon.

Call that a national holiday.

So you, you guys
remember when I, uh,

when I dropped out
of college, right?

- Remember that.
- Do we remember that?

- I have nightmares. Yes.
- Do you? Me, too.

Oh, yeah. So, you know,

I've been searching for
what to do next.

You're going back to college.

- He's going back to college.
- No, no. Better.

- Better?
- Yeah.

I'm going to Costa Rica to
apprentice in the coffee trade.

Yeah, get a little education
while I work.

- Honey, Costa Rica.
- Yeah.

That's, that's big.

And that's dumb.

- Hon...
- I mean, what's there to learn about coffee?

It's black, it tastes like
battery acid,

but everybody loves
the caffeine.

There, apprenticed.


Wh-why would you...

- Why can't I just...
- I'm just giving you the wisdom

of my experience.

That's what parents are for.

To advise you that this is a dumb idea -

- and that you're not gonna do it.
- What your...

- That's what we saved up for.
- No, honey.

What your father's saying...

No. What he means is
do it his way.

That's what I mean.

If you want to live in
the same place your whole life,

that's good for you,

but I'm not making
that mistake.


So it's a mistake
to pay your bills

and keep a roof over
your family's heads.

It's a mistake
to build a future.

Look, I didn't
even mean it like that.

You know why I didn't go
traipsing around the world?

Because I was
here raising you.

So that you could have the
privilege of talking back at me.

Well, I signed the paperwork.

All right? I'm going.

My mistake.

- I don't make mistakes.
- Oh.

- What's that? Coffee?
- Here you go.

I don't even
want to smell it.

I'm switching to tea.

That was my... Listen.

This is important, okay?
The victim...

You see, Scorsese,
this is what a man

who makes mistakes
looks like.

Morning, Roger, Scorsese.

Wh-wh-wh-what happened?

Huh? The car?

- Yeah.
- Nothing.

It's something.

Did you get into an
accident on your way here?

No. I found it like that
this morning.

A hit and run?

You're police;
you can find this guy.

I know who it is;
the guy's got his reasons.

The guy's got his reasons.

Can we... Is the m*rder this way?

Yes. Murtaugh,

the victim is a male
in his mid-30s.

He just left
a woman's apartment

after picking her up
from the bar.

Stabbed in the middle
of his throat.

And we found him with
a note in his mouth,

that reads...

"I'm a pig
who must die."


I'm feeling left out.

Ten years ago,

we had a serial k*ller that was
preying on womanizing men.

He k*lled four in a row.

He got away?

Hell no.

I put that son of a bitch
in jail.

He's there now.

Or did you...

Detective Murtaugh?

Oh, and Leo's here
for some reason.

Yes, because I represent
Dan Harrison,

a man who, years ago,

you wrongfully convicted
for four murders

exactly like this one, hmm?

Dan Harrison is guilty.

This is a copycat.

And how are you here?

Because Leo Getz has a
police scanner in his apartment,

and by apartment,
I mean my car.

Holy Magic Mike,

you must be
the new partner.

How do you do?
I'm Leo Getz.

I'm part of the team here.

You're not part of the team.

I'm-I'm-I'm a...

a sidekick, at-at least.

You and I should get lunch,

break the ice,
get to know each other.

I'm not big on lunches.

This is L.A.,
nobody says that.

What I meant to say is that
I'm not big on

ambulance-chasing lawyers.

But thank you.

And now I have your DNA.

So you know, my friend,
I also happen to be

the host of a moderately
successful true crime podcast.

Detective Murtaugh,

did you or did you not put

an innocent man
behind bars years ago,

leaving a serial k*ller

to roam the streets
of Los Angeles?

Speak right into the thing
and answer in, like,

a complete sentence,
if you can.

I need a damn coffee.

Rafi? Hold on.


What are you doing here?

Just picked him up on
a felony vandalism charge.

He trashed someone's car.

What? That can't be right.

I didn't report anything.

It must have been
the motel manager.

You need to release him.

I can talk to
the arresting officer.

No. I need to be booked.

- Okay.
- No.

- Release him.
- I need to be booked.

Well, then I'll post his bail.

I don't want his money.

I take full responsibility.

Felony vandalism,
I plead guilty.

Okay, hold up, hold up.

Give us a moment... Please.

Rafi, come on.

This is not where
you want to be.

Let me get you out.

You just don't learn.

You keep throwing money at me

like there's a price tag
you can't see.

Know why I trashed your car?

'Cause ripping up the first five
checks you sent

didn't stop them from coming.

I wanted to help.

I know you enrolled in
college here, I just figured...

You figured...

if you paid for my college

you might forget you got
my brother k*lled.

- No.
- You figured I would.


Stop trying to make it better.

Just be the bad guy.


In a case

that rocked Los Angeles,
our corruptjustice system

convicted bartender
Dan Harrison.


Or did a rogue cop railroad
an innocent man

to get injustice?

Sponsored by Marty's Muffins.

That's me? A "rogue cop"?

You're featured heavily
in episode three,

"The Dirty Detective,"

where he makes
this crazy case

that you framed Dan Harrison.

- You listen to his podcast?
- You listen to my podcast!

I have a long commute,
and Leo is

a much better podcaster
than he is an attorney.

I mean, it's complete fiction.

This is ridiculous.
His footprints

were at every crime scene.

A lot of people wear shoes.

He had contact
with every victim,

and a 15-page typed manifesto
indicting womanizers.

The evidence was overwhelming.

You say overwhelming.
I give you the theory

that the k*ller was
actually... a woman

who wanted
vengeance on men

and knew that she
could frame Dan Harrison.

My audience


you reopen the case.

Well, you can tell both of them

it's not gonna happen.

I put the right man behind bars
ten years ago.

Excuse me, Detective.

We got lucky.
Gas station camera

picked up a car leaving
our scene this morning.

DMV got us an address.

Well, if you'll excuse me,

I have to go put
another k*ller away.

Totally on board
with the copycat theory.

I noticed that one
of the original victims

- was the district attorney at the time.
- McGregor.

He made the case
more high-profile.

And, before you ask,
the answer is no.

There was no rush to judgment.

I wasn't gonna ask.

But everyone makes mistakes.

Well, I didn't.


All right.



Come out, come out,
wherever you are.

Well, this looks
vaguely suspicious.

That's a good picture
of you. You look handsome.

It's a m*rder board.

Hey! Stop!

Stop! LAPD!

I said stop, man!


Move! Move!

Get out of the way! Move!

I can see why
you ditched the hoodie.

I mean, who would want to hide
that gorgeous head of hair?

I didn't do it,
all right?

I-I borrowed my mom's car

to go after the
security footage.

See, there's this podcast...

Hey, Roger.

Come on!

We got our guy
right here.

I think he might
want his hoodie back.

I may have made a mistake.

What am I looking at,

- good news?
- Nope.

The security cam video
of the m*rder.

The k*ller's face
is hidden,

but look at what's
in his hand.

Double-bladed garnish knife.

Yep, the very same
specific w*apon

used at the original murders.

We never released

that info to the public...
which raises questions,

How did
the k*ller know that?

What are we gonna tell
ADA Turner?

Uh, Tur... I don't know.
Nothing. Why?

He's coming this way.
Don't look.

Don't look.
Don't look.



- Yeah.
- A new k*ller with the same w*apon.

Murtaugh, please tell me

you gave me the right guy
to prosecute back then.

I gave you?

We put Dan Harrison
away, together.

My case was only as strong
as the evidence you brought me.

All of which pointed to Harrison
being guilty, and it still does.

There are... there are
other theories out there.

Enlighten me.


Uh, well, in,
uh, theory of...

theories on
a short list is, uh...

- Captain?
- Uh, the grooming...

- theory. Mm.
- Yeah, grooming theory.

- Excuse me?
- I mean, it's very possible

that from
behind bars,

Harrison is grooming someone

to k*ll on his behalf.

- I mean, it's not unheard of with serial K*llers.
- Yeah, and anyone

- in law enforcement would know that.
- We all know about it.

- Situation.
- Situ... It's a...

Yeah, they...

Fine. Just find
the k*ller, Murtaugh.

And make sure it's
the right one.

I'm not taking the heat
for your mistakes.

- A grooming theory, is that what you think it is?
- I mean,

it always sounds really good
in true crime podcasts.

You need to get better hobbies.


What are you doing here?

I'm living a true nightmare.

What's every lawyer's
worst fear?

Overturn on appeal?

I might have an innocent client.

I'm gonna make
myself at home here.

I need help
from a brilliant colleague.

Oh, no.

No, I will not help you
tear apart my husband's case.

I don't even know
why you came to me.

Because I want
to protect Roger.

Oh, really?

"The Dirty Detective"?

Yes, I heard that.

Cheap theatrics.

If the original case
was flawed,

then any other attorney
will rip Roger to shreds.

But I know that you...

will be fair.


I'll look it over.

Thank you.

That's all.

Get to work, counselor.


So you think this copycat
might be this prison guard?

Jacob Porter. He worked
Dan Harrison's cell block

for nine years.

He got transferred,

but he's been back to visit
every month.

Sounds like a
grooming situation.

Or it could be a book club.

I don't know which
one is crazier.

I'm here

with Jacob Porter,

Dan Harrison's
prison guard

for nine years.

Jacob, give me
your impression...

Who's gonna play me in the show?


th-this is the show.

It's a podcast,
so this is it.

You know, let's do that
one more time.

Um, Jacob,

what did you learn...

from nine years
of guarding Dan Harrison?

And the question
on everybody's mind:

Is he innocent?

Well, Dan Harrison
should be free.

Because he was
wrongfully convicted, right?

Because he is misunderstood.


because he's innocent, yes?

Dan Harrison
isn't afraid

to say what's wrong
with society.

That womanizers deserve
to be punished.


so when you say "misunderstood,"

you mean...?

Willing to do
what society was not.


Oh, wow, look at that.

East Side, uh,
East Side High.

Yeah, I work security there now.

That's a crazy coincidence,
because, um, Beth Geary,

who was the girlfriend of
the copycat k*ller's victim,

wasn't she... is she a teacher
over there at East Side High?

Beth was not his girlfriend.

She wasn't.

Beth is a nice girl.

I'm sure, I'm sure that she is.

- She's a nice girl.
- You know what,

I... Jacob, I'm gonna run,
I'm gonna...

that's... little boys' room,

I'm gonna run to the
little boys' room.

I got an irritable bowel

like you would not wish
on your enemy.


the answer's still no,
I don't want to do

your stupid podcast.

I think I found your k*ller.

What the hell's going on, Leo?
Where are you?

I'm interviewing Dan Harrison's
prison guard for my podcast.

Leo, what's the guard's name?

Jacob... Porter.

He k*lled the guy
in the elevator.

We're on our way.

Oh, thank God.

Just a second!

- Everything okay in there?
- Hey, Jacob?

I got some ceviche
at a gas station.

Got some fierce squirts happening.

I could be
a while.

Listeners, it's Leo Getz

with In-Justice,

and I am in Jacob Porter's
bathroom right now...

...trying to create a diversion

and buy myself some time.

Looking for any means.
This can...

Hey, Jacob?

I'm gonna need
some briefs.

If you don't mind
running out.

If there's a...

a st... a men's store,

or even a husky boys' store...

If you need to go
out or something,

you just leave me here
and that's fine.

- You go ahead, you take your time.
- Okay.

I'm, uh, just trying
to find my pants.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God,
listeners of In-Justice,

I have just found
what appears very much to be

a set of...
of blood-soaked gloves.

That's gonna be considered
People's Exhibit A.

- I'll take this side.
- I'll go the back way.

No, no. Please.

I have... I have a wife who's
about to maybe get out of jail.

- Please, could we just talk...
- Freeze!

Drop it!


Come on, Jacob,
drop the knife.

No one has to get hurt.

- Dan Harrison is a hero.
- Okay. Okay.

- He understands Tell your listeners that.
- Okay. Okay. Yeah, yeah.


Why don't we both put
our weapons down together?

Or-or maybe even just
he puts down his w*apon.

It's okay, Leo.
We got him.

It's not okay.

I wasn't recording.

Now I'm recording.

Would you guys mind doing
one more of those?

At that moment,
I knew that I was to become

the k*ller's next victim.

And the last thing
that any podcaster wants...

is to become part
of the narrative.

Well, sources say Dan
Harrison groomed Jacob Porter

to k*ll as he k*lled.

Do you still claim
Dan is innocent?

There are a lot of questions
that need to be answered,

and my expert defense team

will not rest until they are.

- Thank you. I'm...
- And I'd also like to point out

that this podcast
is brought to you

by Marty's Muffins.
Make it Marty's Muffins,

or make it nothin'.

Marty's Muffins,
the muffin of truth.

- Enter "Getz" in the box, and you...
- Marty's Muffins?

Are you part of
Leo's defense team?

I am Leo's defense team.

Honey, listen,

he asked me for a favor,
and I'm just...

I'm just looking over
some files.

You know, his whole mission was
to prove me wrong and vilify me.

Why would you help him do that?

I don't think
that was his mission.

And even if it was,
it isn't mine.

Someone was gonna take
another look at your case,

Roger, and for good reason.

It didn't have to be

the lawyer that I
share a bed with.

Well, better her than someone

- who doesn't have your best interests at heart.
- Oh, well, lucky me.

Yes. Lucky you.

I am a damn good
defense attorney.

- How that... What?
- And I can tell

even from a preliminary look
at Dan Harrison's case files

that he had a bad one.

It doesn't matter
who his lawyer was.

- Everyone knew he was guilty.
- Okay, Roger,

he says he had an alibi
for one of the murders.

His attorney
didn't even follow up.

No case is perfect.

You can always look
back and poke holes.

Maybe you should try it.

Don't come looking
for Hanni again.

- I don't want him involved in this anymore.
- Okay.

Look, I totally get it.

But the intel he's been able
to get has been very valuable.

- Valuable to you.
- And to you and your brother.

The information
he can provide...

you guys can
leverage this thing.

You don't like to listen,
do you?

I know you want
out of here, Rafi.

Go to college,
maybe even the U.S.

I can talk to my people,

get you visas,
resettlement allowance.

That's a pretty
damn good trade.

There's a hard drive
we're looking for.

A lot of lives are at stake.

- Maybe Hanni can get a location.
- We're not interested.

I know you're scared, okay?

I know I'm asking a lot of him.

But you have to know

that I would never let
anything happen to Hanni.

I promise.

Think about it.

You guys would love California.

Look at them.

These are your victims, Dan.

This guy was a district attorney

- that you m*rder*d in cold blood last Thursday night.
- No, no.

I wasn't even in town
Thursday night, I swear.

- Hey.
- Hey.

What are you doing here?

Just putting this case to bed.

I mean, it was already in bed,
but it got up.

Had a bad dream.
Now it's back.

Closed. Shut.

Cool. That's what I
thought you were doing.

I mean,

we had him on multiple murders.

DNA evidence. Eyewitnesses.

The jury took
all but a half-hour to convict.

I mean, so if there's anything
to this alibi claim

that Trish keeps talking about,
then it would've came up.

We followed every lead.

I know we did.

I think we did.

Did we? Did...
What do you think?

Roger, you're a
great detective.

Question I'd be asking

is why are you torturing
yourself over this one?

What if I was wrong?

What if I made a mistake?

What kind?

'Cause there's only two.

Mistakes you have to live with

and mistakes you can fix.

If it's one of those, consider
yourself lucky and fix it.

That's a good plan.

Hey, Mom.

with a floral undertone.

♪ Then I got to hold you ♪

♪ You don't want to come... ♪

It's good, right?

- Very good. Thank you, baby.
- Okay, good.

- You're excited about this, aren't you?
- Yeah.

Anything you want?
Anything you need?

Um... Dad's support
would be great.

I will see what I can do.

- Okay? Yeah.
- Ding-dong. Shabbat shalom.

In the kitchen!

I brought
some muffin refreshment

for my co-counsel.

- We are not co-counsel.
- Yes, we are.

The dream team.

- I'm the face, you're the brains.
- Hmm.

What is that amazing smell?

- Wait, wait.
- It's, um...

Don't tell me.

I get hints of...

- asparagus?
- No.

- And a whisper of...
- Don't.

A whisper of sausage.

floral undertones.

- Oh. Well...
- Try that.

Tell me what you think.

Oh, so hot!

It's very good, though.

- You should tell my dad.
- I will do that.

- Come on.
- That is a life-changing cup of joe.

- RJ.
- This is what I'm trying to do.

- Excuse us for a second.
- Oh.

Okay. Want to see
something I learned

in the French part of Canada?

Bonjour. Okay, so, innocent?

Don't tell me.

Tell me. Don't tell me.

- Tell me.
- Okay, Leo.

- Mm-hmm.
- After poring over the files,

- there are some glaring mistakes.
- Mm-hmm.

- Like the alibi.
- Yes.

Okay. Visiting his
sister in Arizona?

She's dead.
I can't prove it.

- What about the witness to the McGregor crime scene?
- Okay.

He was a vagrant.
Nobody could find him.

But I got a pretty good episode
out of it

because he said he saw somebody
put on giant shoes

like a clown and go
traipsing through the blood

and then take off in a North
Valley Sanitation truck.

I called that one
"Red Nose, Red Herring."

Dan Harrison wears
a size 15 shoe.

Well, why would somebody
put on Dan's shoes unless...

They were trying to frame him.

I think I'm having indigestion.


What is so big you needed
to call me in on a Saturday?

I think I need to recuse myself
from this case.

What are you talking about?

I spent the night
looking over Harrison's alibi

- for the McGregor m*rder.
- And?

I got a record
from a-a car rental company.

It appears
that he was in Arizona

on the night of the m*rder.

Or at least his license was.

Okay, so we reopen the case.

I messed up.

I mean, I'll face
whatever disciplinary action

is appropriate.

I mean, it's only right.

What's right
is having my best detective

working this case.

I don't think Turner's
gonna feel the same way.

You go tell the ADA you have
my full and unwavering support.

Narrowed down the McGregor
murders to two main suspects.

How do you have
suspects already?

Well, I was thinking that if
Harrison didn't k*ll McGregor,

then maybe it was somebody
he was prosecuting at the time.

That's a good idea.
You have any leads?


The Orasco brothers

were facing
racketeering charges,

and the Van Nuys
exotic pet smuggling ring.

Was there a zebra?

What about weasels?


Rog. Cappy. Magic Mike.

- I'll sit.
- Okay, Roger.

I am sorry, I know you
don't want to hear this,

but we have a lead.

And I might have

an innocent client.

I know.
I never wanted this for us.

A vagrant
in the McGregor m*rder

says he saw someone tamper

with the crime scene
and take off

in a North Valley Sanitation

- North Valley.
- Mm-hmm.

That's the Orasco Brothers'

Well, bring them in.

- Come with me.
- And I'll talk to Turner.

What do I do?
I-I get an agent?

You file an appeal,
Leo. Let's go.

- Hey.
- Yeah?

I made a mistake.

Thanks for pushing me.

I'll always push you.

That's when you know
I have your back, hmm?

LAPD. Hands in the air.
Against the wall.

Everybody up.

Let's clean them out.
Hold on. Leave him.

What you got?



Just as I suspected.

Jelly doughnut.

J... Jelly doughnut?

Or cream-filled.

You were eating it

before we got here.

Then you realized,

"Oh, boy. It's the coppers.

I got to hide some stuff fast."


Why don't you open that up

and show us where you stashed
the rest of the doughnuts?

I appreciate
you coming in on a weekend.

But it's important.

No problem.
What's your big news?

I was wrong about Dan Harrison.
He didn't commit the murders.

k*ller's still out there.

Come on. That's ridiculous.

- This case is closed.
- I'm afraid not.

There's evidence

that Harrison had an alibi
for the McGregor m*rder.

So, you know, we have to look
into other suspects.

I'm sorry.
I screwed up.

You know, Murtaugh, I was afraid
you were gonna say this.

You know what I think
your problem is?

You're just too good a cop.

Detective Murtaugh,
meet the Orasco brothers.

Anything good in there?

Well, these guys
were into all kinds

of illegal activity...
extortion, bribery.

I mean, this ledger
shows payments

to some high-up
government officials.

Everything just went away
with McGregor's death?

Unless... Wait.

Mike Turner's in here.
He took over the case

from McGregor
and dropped all the charges.

Murtaugh's with him right now.

Move! Let's move.

So you k*lled all those people,

and framed Dan Harrison, and

I put away an innocent
man for ten years?

Oh, Harrison was
a real-deal psycho.

He k*lled three people,
probably would've k*lled more.

So you just tacked on
McGregor's m*rder,

made it look like one
of Harrison's victims?

Turner's idea.
Worked, too.

So you just
sh**t me, huh?

Nah. You're beloved.

LAPD won't rest until
they find the k*ller.

Ah, it's much easier
if you off yourself.

- Nobody's gonna buy that.
- No?

Depressed cop who couldn't
hack it as captain,

scorned by a public
that thought he was corrupt

and responsible
for framing a man.

You jump off the
courthouse rooftop?

There's a kind
of symmetry to it.

You want to do the honors,

Why don't you come get me?

Oh. That's why
I have these guys.

Don't get my hands messy.

LAPD! Hands in the air!


Cover me! Rog, hold on!

Grab the rope!

Hold on, Rog! I got you!

Oh! Oh. Oh.

I need Fire and Rescue on the
west side of the building now!

I can't hold on!

I'm gonna get you through this.

Just talk to me.

About what?!

I don't know. Anything.

Where would you rather be
than here?

I don't know. Home?!

- That's not very exotic.
- Well, forgive me for not being so exciting.

I think I'm gonna die!

All the more reason
for you fantasize.

You ever been to Borneo?

No. Where's that?

Just a hop, skip
and jump from the Philippines.


The most beautiful
beaches you've ever seen.

Sparkling blue water.

We should go.

Yeah. Sure, whatever.

Turner, hands in the air!

Okay, don't sh**t!

Let's move!
Go! Go! Go!

Cole, let go, or we're
both gonna go over!

Sorry, Roger.

I made a commitment to take you

to Borneo...

...and I intend to keep it.

- Let's go!
- Come on!

- Move it!
- Yeah, set it up!

I'm never
leaving my house again.

- Hey, guys, can I try that again?
- No.

Leo, not everything
belongs on a podcast.

I almost died.

Come on,
just-just one interview

to seal your legacy
as the hero

of this macabre tale.

Leo, I just did my job.

And there you have it.

He just... did...
his job,

the same way
that we did

our job, clearing a man
of one of the four

of the murders
of which he had been accused.

And there he is.
Oh, hey, Magic Mike.

Hey, Cole, Cole, I hear

that you are ex-CIA.

You must have a lot of
stories to tell, huh?

- Hard pass.
- Oh, come on!

Let me tell your story.

The world needs a
good guy to root for.

How do you know
I'm not a bad guy?

So you think

you're one of the bad guys, huh?

No, I just didn't want
to star in his podcast.

Yeah. You want to get
those checked out, huh?

No, I already did.
It's... not a big deal.

It's just a little rope burn.
Thank you.


Yes, please.

Why-why don't you
let me, uh...?

- Yeah. Do you mind?
- Yeah.

So, are we gonna
do this thing or what?


There's a red-eye tonight.

We can be there in two days.

You're wrong.

No, I'm not.

I've been there
a bunch of times.

We can even use miles.

Not that.

You're one of the
good guys, Cole,

whether you want to
believe it or not.

Hey, hey, hey, hey,
let me help you out.


So I guess this is it.

Mom told me she's gonna
take me to the airport, so...

Hey, listen, man,

you know I don't like
to admit stuff like this,

but you were right.

I've had my share of mistakes.

You? No.

I'm still not convinced about
this whole Costa Rica thing.

It feels a bit impulsive to me.

I mean, where...
where are you gonna eat?

Hmm? Where are you gonna stay?

Well, I'm gonna stay on a farm
with some of my friends, and

I don't know what I'm gonna eat,
but I promise, I won't starve.

Did you just slip
me some cash?

Yeah, some walk-around money.

Maybe get yourself
a meal off the farm.

Thanks, Dad.

And call. A lot.

Not text message, you know?

Like real verbal communication.

- You got it? Okay.
- Got it.

And, um, about what
I said the other day...

It's just you al... you always
know what you wanted to do,

and I-I don't, so...

I got to go look for it.

Come on, Ma.

No, you promised
you wouldn't cry.

And I'm not.

- All right, take these to the car, okay?
- All right.

- You need help?
- I got it.

I love you.

I'm proud of him.

He should see more
of the world than me.

Baby, you're an L.A.
police detective.

You see more in one day than
most people do in a lifetime.

Mom, Dad,
I don't think I can go.

- Uh...
- Okay. Well, you know, just stay here.

I mean, there's plenty of coffee
right here in Los Angeles.

- Mm-hmm. Mm.
- No, that's not it.

Passport expired last week.


Yup. Last week.


No, I... No, I-I get it.
I get it.

No. No, I feel you judging.

- I get it. No, I made...
- We abs...

- I made a mistake!
- We didn't say anything.

- We...
- I made a mistake.

♪ When you're feeling low ♪

♪ And there's no one around ♪

♪ When it looks like it's over ♪

♪ And life got you down... ♪

It's not a bad
flick, huh?

♪ I'll be here if you need... ♪

Hanni would have loved it.

Yeah. Rock
was a badass.

♪ Everything, everything is
gonna be all right... ♪

No. I mean...

he would have loved it here.

Yeah, he would have.

♪ When you're feeling low
and you can't see the light ♪

♪ Everything ♪

♪ Everything
is gonna be all right... ♪

Where is your car?

Finally took it to the shop.

Seems like someone took out
a little aggression on it.


It was a lot of aggression.

It felt good.

♪ Things are moving so fast... ♪


How good?

I suppose it depends
on how much anger

and frustration
you have inside.

I have a bit.

And I also got the insurance.

♪ And I truly believe
everything... ♪

♪ Everything's gonna be
all right... ♪

You're right.
That felt good.

You're nuts, man.

The headlights were
the most satisfying part.

♪ Everything is gonna be
all right... ♪

Good tip.

♪ Oh-oh, oh, oh... ♪

♪ Hey, hey, hey, hey... ♪

Seems like
I made a small mistake.

♪ Everything is gonna be
all right... ♪

See you around, Cole.

♪ Oh-oh, oh, oh... ♪

I'm gonna leave a note.

♪ Yeah... ♪

It's-it's not even
the same color.