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02x03 - Born to Run

Posted: 11/02/21 10:43
by bunniefuu
This way, this way!

Shaye! Shaye!

Shaye? Shaye?

When's the next album?!

- You'll just have to wait, baby.
- Aah!

What the hell?

Shaye, somebody...

We shouldn't be here.

It's like we're going in
unarmed, unprepared.

You're gonna be okay.

And since when do you go
into anything prepared?

This is a disaster, a su1c1de mission.

Sometimes you just got to be brave.

Every instinct in my body is saying

to just floor it and
haul ass out of here.

Riggs, you are gonna be fine.

I believe in you.

And besides, worst case scenario...

- No one lives forever.
- Right.

Right. Okay, here we go.

Hey! Hey.

- Hi.
- Hey!

I-I hope we're not late.

Oh, gosh, not at all.

The brunch doesn't start until
the champagne arrives, so...


- I'm glad we're finally doing this.
- So glad.

Yeah, we were just saying
the same thing in the car.


Yeah, those exact same words.

Have you tried this yet?

This is delicious.

- Mm. It's all Roger.
- Mm-hmm.

He's become obsessed with frittatas.

What is it you keep saying, honey?

The frittata is like a quiche...

With the personality of a pizza.

I've never heard you say that.

That's because it'd be lost on you.

Oh. Oh, 'cause I can't
appreciate a good frittata?

Well, that's a pancake.

You are eating a pancake
and calling it a frittata.

Look, while I can appreciate a meal

that encompasses
both breakfast and lunch,

I just want to know what this is,

or what are we doing here?

Roger, this is what civilized adults do.

- Mm.
- Martin is our good friend.

Our good friend has met a new friend,

and I think we should get
to know each other.

Right? It's how
the world gets bigger, baby.

Yeah, Rog, it's how
the world gets bigger.

You got a problem with that?

I'm personally thrilled

that we're doing this.

Going back and forth to D.C.,

my schedule is crazy.

Oh, it's got nothing
to do with your schedule.

She can only spend two
or three days with me,

then she's got to get
the heck out of Dodge.

Treat Riggs

like a vacation.

Genius. I wish
I would have thought of that.

Well, it is kind of like a vacation.

Although, like, six months
at a time, it would be...

Is that a possibility?

You know, my supervisor

keeps floating the idea around,


He does?

Riggs just choked on his frittata. No.

- Stop.
- I-I think

it's a great idea.
I think it would be interesting,

you know, to be down at the, um...

down at the beach together, you know?

Well, I'm-I'm... Did he just
ask me to move in with him?

- I think so. Yeah.
- That's what it sounds like.

- No, I'm not...
- You did, right? Just go on record.

- Shut up. That's not what I...
- I heard it.

- Brunch just took a turn.
- I'm not in... I was just saying,

that I'm... Look.

- Just saying.
- It's gonna be fun to have you...

Oh, got to go.

- Homicide on Mulholland.
- Okay.

- Mwah.
- Bye.

All right.


You-you... Would you like to go?
You want to...?

You interested in,
like, tagging along, or...?

I'm still on vacation.

But you have fun, and let me know

if you see any dr*gs or anything weird.

It's already weird.

Very weird.

All right, what do we got?

Her bodyguard was k*lled,
but it looks like Shaye was the target.

Shaye? You mean like

- Shaye Shaye?
- Who's Shaye?

She was lucky. She walked
away with barely a scratch.

Forensics, air bag deployment,
and the guy's pants indicate

they were fooling around
in the back seat.

So is this like, uh,

Shea Stadium? Che Guevera?
Who are we...?

- Who are we talking about?
- We're talking Shaye, the pop star, man.

She has that song, "Broken Window."

"Shattered Glass." Yeah, and...

and-and she had the other hit song.

- "Pop! Pop! Pop!"
- Active sh**t!

Oh. the name of Shaye's song. Whoa.

Honest misunderstanding, but

awesome response time.

- Step back behind the tape.
- Who the hell are you?

Uh, Detective Bowman.

I transferred this morning.

The deputy chief sent me here.

Is that soup?

Yeah, yeah, I've got, uh, minestrone

and, uh, split pea.

- Why?
- 'Cause soup makes people happy.

It's like my thing, you know,
first day at a new gig?

- Hit 'em with soup.
- No.

Why did the deputy chief send you here?

No clue. Maybe 'cause she wants
me to learn from the best.

- Ooh, I'm gonna do the minestrone.
- Split pea.

You guys really are doing the soup?

What? This is a great idea.

Soup to a crime scene?

You know, most people do
coffee, donuts, bagels.

This guy... soup. That's new.

I wasn't able to finish brunch, so...

You need to get on board, Rog.

Ooh, idea man.

Keep up the good work, Slim.


I know your face from somewhere.


Got my eye on you, Bowman.

So what exactly happened last night?

Michael was driving me home.

There were g*nshots, we crashed.

How many times do you need me
to keep telling the same story?

Well, we're hoping you can
provide some additional details.

Like you were sleeping with him

when the crash happened.

That's a good detail.

Uh, please don't touch that.

That's not a toy.

- That was Bob Marley's guitar.
- Hmm.

Really? Bob? I hear
some Marley in your, uh, work.

Oh, really? Uh, which album?

I'm not... I'm not
really good with names.

- Shaye?
- Phil,

this is a waste of my time.
I have a session to get to.

It's canceled. Sweetie,
you need to take a break.

What I need is for people

to stop telling me what I need.

Phil Green. I manage Shaye.

- How's it going here?
- Oh, it's going kind of slow, Phil.

So, we know you were sleeping
with the bodyguard.

Is there maybe an angry
boyfriend, or, like,

an angry wife? Can you think of
any other angry stuff that...?

Wow. Are there other, maybe
more sensitive detectives

who can deal with this?

- No. Cream of the crop.
- We're the best.

Ray's a lot of things,

but he's no k*ller. We're
going through a rough patch

right now, but he didn't
know about Michael.

All right.

- So, where he was last night?
- Know where we can find him?

He was at work, as usual.

- As usual.
- All right.

I'll go with you.

He left me, like, 20 messages.

- Nah, it's okay. Yeah.
- We'll handle it.

- Okay, then I'm going to the studio.
- Shaye,

you deserve a day off.


- Oh, it was like a cage match.
- It was so bad.

We were just tearing into each
other at the end there like...

- Wow.
- we decided

we couldn't leave the marriage

until we were both completely unfit

to ever be with another human ever again.

- Gosh. It sounds brutal.
- Yeah, it was.

But, see, that's the beauty
of Riggs, right?

We are both pretty incapable of
a lot, so, it's pretty perfect.

Can I offer

a suggestion?

Riggs has been to this house
for maybe 100 meals.

And I think this is the first
time he ever washed his hair.

I'm so sorry. That's awful.

No. I'm just...

I'm just saying that if you do feel

that you're cut out for something else,

he might surprise you.

So I'm checking in with Trish.

You want me to tell her
to let Palmer know

we're still out on this thing?

Huh? No.

Oh, you already checked in?

Why would I do that?

Because it's what you do.

We left brunch early,
so you got to check in

and let her know that
we're still on this thing.

But she knows I'm still out
because I'm not there.

Rog, do you honestly believe

that Trish thinks
you're at the house right now?

No, of course not.

Because I checked in.

You have no clue how
relationships work, do you?

I'm looking for Ray!

- LAPD. Anybody where I can...?
- Yeah.

Hi. He's in the back, prepping
the maid of honor, okay?

All right.

It's actually called the check-in.


Ray, you in here? WOMAN: It's the cops.

What the hell? Ray?
Where... where's my dress?

Get back, get back.

Oh. Wow.

- It's quite the prep process.
- Just working.


Well, clearly, and you're naked,

and that's how most of the great

photographers did it... in the nude.

- Really?
- Yes, to

relax the models in the nude.

Oh, wow. Well, here's the thing.

We need to, uh,
ask you some questions about

...your girlfriend.

Girlfriend? You jerk!

Now, hold on. I can explain.

Yeah, she was almost k*lled last night.

Yes. I heard. I... I was horrified.

He was horrified.


All right, so,
where were you last night, Ray?

Uh, last night I was with her,

uh, at the rehearsal dinner

- taking photos.
- You weren't working!

You lowlife,

- cheating son of a bitch!
- Shaye, oh, my God,

- you're okay!
- Oh, my God, were you so worried, Ray?

- Who is she, your grief counselor?
- I-I...

She can't do that.

- No, Shaye...
- Let go of me!

- Little help here, Rog.
- I love you. I tried calling you.

Oh, was that while you were banging her,

- or did you wait till after?
- I love you, Shaye.

Rog, grab the legs.

Please? Rog? Rog? Rog?

Aw, God...

You're right, Rog.

Relationships are complicated.


Y-You might want to put that on.

In our defense, there are risks
to having outdoor weddings.

This is true... anything could
have fallen on that cake.

Including the naked man
you tossed off the balcony.

We didn't toss him off the balcony.

- Did we toss him off the balcony?
- Is Avery around?

He has a way of giving feedback

that's more like a...
a compliment sandwich.

Let me explain. You take
a slice of compliment...

- Mm-hmm.
- fill it with your ham

and cheese, which is your
constructive criticism,

and then close it back up
with another compliment.

An example.

"Great job tracking down a lead.

"Despite the regrettable chaos
and nudity,

"you cleared a suspect.


Avery's at a leadership conference,

learning how to lead.

If only someone would teach
you two how to be led.

Seriously, I have no desire

to be here any longer than necessary.

I came to get answers
and provide solutions.

The poster.

That's where I know him from.

The guy's not a cop, he's a model.

Oh, Zach Bowman is a very real cop.

No one's been promoted faster.

What about raw experience?
If any face should be

the face of the LAPD,
it should be this face.

- He is dreamy, Rog. Tall drink of water.
- Okay, all right,

this department has been tasked

for 24/7 protective detail on Shaye.

Riggs, take the first shift.

You want us to babysit?

I want you to drop no one off a balcony

for 24 hours.

Feels like an open-face
compliment sandwich.

There's no compliment in that at all.

Hey. Where's your mother at?

Had to run to a late meeting.

What you listening to?

No one you know.

You got any Shaye on there?

Some "Broken Glass"?

Oh, okay, stop. Stop.

That's so cringey.

'Kay? Don't act like
you know who Shaye is.

Yeah, you're right.

Even though, uh, she did show me
her Bob Marley guitar,

today, at her house.

- I-I probably...
- Wait, wait. The Shaye sh**ting?

You were there? You were working that?

LAPD. It's what I do.

What's she like? Is she okay?

Her car was all shot up. Can I meet her?

Yes, she's okay.

No, you cannot meet her.

And how do you know about her car?

Where do you think? On ShayeNation.

- They keep running the news clip.
- What's ShayeNation?

"What's ShayeNation"?

Oh, my God. Okay, tell me
you did not ask her that?

It's gonna be so embarrassing
when I meet her.

Yeah, you're not gonna meet her.

Show me ShayeNation.


Hey, I was just...

What, no phone call?

Wait, are y... are you serious?

Hey, Murtaugh just said the same thing.

- Like, I-I...
- Yeah, except one of us is kidding.

What would you
even be calling me to say?

Exactly. Yeah.

Uh-huh. Unless you're telling me

you're shacking up with a pop star.


More like babysitting
an entitled little punk.

Say, what about, uh,

you and I, I don't know, grab
a beer and maybe a burger later?

You know where to find me.

So, that's when she stopped dating Drake

and started up with Ray.

You know, if you put this kind
of time into AP history,

imagine the possibilities.

Yeah, right?

Here's the sh**ting.

LAPD considers this

a high-priority investigation.

We're pursuing all leads,

and we won't rest
until we find the sh**t.

Detective Bowman's a hottie.

- Is he in charge of the investigation?
- No, he is not...

Can I meet him?

What else on this Web site
do I need to see?

Uh, paparazzi sh*ts, tribute videos...

Oh, this fan was there when
Shaye got into that huge fight

- at Boyle... she blogged about it.
- A fight with who?

Hello, honeys.

I'm home. Hey.

- Hi.
- Hey. What happened?

They realized that it was Sunday,

and decided to send you home early?

Dad thinks you work too much.

I didn't say that.

- Is that Boyle?
- Yeah.

- I was just there.
- Today?

- Yeah.
- I thought you had a meeting.

I did. My boss owns the restaurant...
he likes to meet there.

Well, that sounds like a date to me.

Yes, Roger,
I was on a date with my boss,

and the CFO,

and the marketing team,
and outside counsel.

And guess what? We're doing
it all again tomorrow.

Wait, were you there
when Shaye and her manager

got into that fight?

I heard he dragged her out of there.

- Her manager? A guy named Phil?
- No, I missed that, but...

I heard it got weird.

Hey, tell you what,

next time she's there, I'll text you.

I love you.

See, Dad?

That's how parenting is done, okay?

Roger, you coming up?

You know, sweetie, I hate to say this,

but... I think I have
to go back to work.

I'm no chef,

but I hear they're better
if you heat them.

Yeah? Well, they're for you...
the bruise on your neck.

The cold'll help.

Oh. It's, uh, it's getting much better.

The car crash really did a number on me.


Except you didn't get
those bruises in the accident.

They're old.

You're... an expert on bruises?

I know they're easy to hide
with a jacket.

Even though it sucks 'cause
it's really hot outside.

You got one
on your upper arm, too, right?

See, 'cause when you grab the neck,

instinctively, you put
the other hand on the arm.

That way you can dig your fingers in.




Well... my experience,

the best way to avoid
those kind of bruises

is to avoid the guys
who are giving them to you.


Well, in my experience...

the guy giving them to you knows
you can't avoid him,

because your whole life, career,

whole world depends on him.


bruises heal.

Look, Shaye and I

are creative partners, so, you know,

sometimes we're gonna get
into creative disagreements.

No, we're talking about an as*ault.

Which never happened.

Look, I didn't make it up...
it's all over the Internet.

Oh, is LAPD investigating charges

alleged by fan sites and blogs now?

Because if that is the case,

I heard Tupac is alive and well,

and he's playing the Greek
on Saturday night.

Yeah, well, maybe I need
to investigate that.

Riggs, what are you doing here?

Did you put those bruises
on your client's neck?

Did she tell you that?

Yes or no?

Yeah, she didn't tell you that.

She knows better.

Yeah, but, see, I don't.

I don't know what to do with you, Riggs.

You hit a private citizen.

You just... flat-out hit him.

Well, not...

Not in so many words?

Is that what you were about to say?

Something like that.

Is this an act?

Excuse me?

The loose cannon.

Jumping through windows.

Flirting with police abuse.

Don't care if you die.

Is it an act?

I understand that
you were pretty messed up

when you first came here.

Yeah, I was.

Well, there are people here

who believe you put
all that damage behind you,

and that you can function

as a responsible member
of this division.

Yeah, well, there's people out there

that believe just about anything.

If you keep jumping out windows,

eventually there won't be
a cake to land on.

Just take the rest of the day off.

And find a new act.

Hey. You want to tell me what happened?

Hey. Got the rest of the day off.

No, no, no.

With Phil. You hit him.

It's like you went dead for a second.

What was that?

A mistake.

Things got out of hand, and
it will not happen again, Rog.

So that means that
you're gonna talk to Cahill

or Avery about this, right?

No, Rog, it's unnecessary.

How are you gonna deal with this?

Uh, excuse me.

It's dealt with, Rog.

Is this a bad time?

For the face of the LAPD? No.

Cool. So, I called Boyle
to get their security video,

but, um... brick wall.

They said that our request for video

needed to be vetted
by the restaurant's lawyer.

The restaurant's lawyer?


Okay. You come with me.

I'm gonna show you how
those of us not on the poster

climb over brick walls.

Can I help you?

Yes. We're looking for your attorney...

Found her.

Watch and learn.

So building to LEED specs
will cost more,

but it will pay for itself
in marketing value.

- Roger.
- Hey.

Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt.

But a-are you done?

With my sentence or my meeting?

My apologies. This is my husband.

Hey. Roger.

Or Rog.

Detective Murtaugh. You've
probably heard all three...

Detective Murtaugh, this way.

- Yeah.
- Excuse me.

I'm in the middle of a meeting.

Why does it seem that
those people don't even know

- who I am?
- Because they don't. I'm at work.


When you are interrogating
a suspect, do you tell them

- about your wife?
- Depends on the crime.

I just might.

And occasionally,
I sometimes show a photo.

Because I'm proud of my wife.

What is it you want?

Security video from the other
night when Shaye and her manager

- were here.
- Sure thing. Do you have a subpoena?

A subpoe...

What... I-I thought...

You thought what? You would come in here

without a subpoena,
interrupt my meeting,

ask me to break company policy,

possibly the law,
in front of my colleagues?


You're putting a spin on it.

I will see you at home.

And, Roger,
do not show perps my picture.

It was just that one time.

What is that?

The security video.

The hostess just gave it to me.

We were chatting, and then she said

there was something about
my eyes that made her feel safe.

The poster.

How am I ever gonna learn
how to do this job

if I just keep skating by on my...


Stop talking.

She also gave me free dessert.

Hold up. Hmm?

- What is that?
- That's new.

Oh, I got in a fight
with a vending machine.

It didn't want to drop my hot Cheetos.

I know I should have used my
words, but...


This is what this is, huh?

This is what what is?

WELL, THIS IS: we meet up after work,

have a bunch of fun,
tell a couple lies...

- Hmm.
- Cubanos and go home.

That's what we have here.

Well, we don't always
have to eat Cubanos.

We could eat pizza...

or burgers...

- Hey.
- Mm-hmm?

You're not happy with our situation?

I am.

I am, most of it.

It's just, um, you know,
we start talking

about vending machines and flex hours...

All right.


I hit a guy.

- Okay.
- Okay.

- That happens, you know?
- Mm-hmm.

Somebody resists arrest,

throws a punch at you...

Nope. Nope.

Wasn't a suspect.

- Huh.
- Mm.

What did he do?

Um, I asked him if he
roughed up his girl,

and I could tell he was lying.

Yeah, he was one of those
tough guys that, you know,

if a female doesn't
do exactly what he says

or talks back, then... watch out.

- So...
- Mm-hmm.

- Yeah.
- So they sent you home.


Is there...

anything that you want to talk about?

Uh, no.

Why would I want to...

- why would I want to...
- Stop.

- Look, I...
- That's what people do, Riggs.

But why, if I've
already said the thing...

Isn't it enough to say the thing?

Right? Like, why do you
have to say it again,

or-or dissect it?

You don't have to do anything
you don't want to do.

I was just offering to...

All right, here's the deal,
right, here's the deal.


like, we both have our issues, right?

You-you have your crap, I have mine.

I just feel that it's best, you know,

the decent thing to do

if I don't, uh, you know,
unload my crap onto you.

Well, yeah, that would be
way too much crap

for one person entirely.

Too much crap en... one... See?

All right, I'm gonna go take
a quick shower.

Hey, I was just gonna call you.

Hey, Rog. I need your help.

I think I'm screwing things up
with Palmer.

- What things?
- I don't know.

I think I'm doing something wrong.




You know what?

Forget... forget it.

And no, not sexually.

What were you gonna call me about?

Okay, I'm looking at security video

from the other night when Shaye and Phil

had the altercation at the restaurant.

He definitely got physical with her.

But it's not like he was
attacking Shaye... it's more like

he was steering her away from
this other guy at the bar.

So, who's this other guy?

I don't know.

But whoever it is,

Phil was definitely trying
to protect her from him.

Hey, so, I, uh, got a work thing.

Riggs, stop it.

If you don't want to stay,
then don't stay.

Don't make it weird.

Wha... What's weird?

You said you were gonna take a shower,

and now you're completely dressed,

you're not wet... is there
even a towel on the floor?

and you're... going to work,

but you left the water running, so...

That is weird.

- It is.
- Huh.

Good detective work.


You... are a great agent.

I'll call you later.

Who is he?

- No idea.
- Really? 'Cause it looks like

you ushered Shaye
out of the room to avoid him.

And yet, he really seems to know you.

Hey, where's Shaye?

Keep this guy away from me. Look,

see, I got witnesses this time.

Look, would you just...

How about this? Take a shot at me.

And then we're even, right?

No, come on, nobody's gonna do that.

Did you really have
to hire private security?

Well, we're not comfortable
with the LAPD.

What is going on?

Sweetie, you don't need to be here...

- Shut up. Shut up.
- It's more harassment.

- I swear to...
- This is from two weeks ago at Boyle.


I told you we've never seen him before.


I've never seen him before.

Look, someone wants you dead.

Let us help you.

I'm sorry.

I don't know him.

We're done.

Next time you come to this house,

have a warrant.

All right, we're walkin'.
We're walkin', Riggs.

My guys'll show you out.

Don't push it.

I ran it through LAPD's
facial recognition protocol.


Yeah, I've never seen him before.

In addition, Detective Bowman
also doesn't recognize him.

Oh, you're saying it's a computer thing.

Yeah, I thought you were
asking if I'd seen him before.


Yeah, I've got it now.

Riggs is calling in a favor

to get us into a federal database.

What's our guy doing right there?

Look at his hand.

Bailey, play that back.

Bam. Right there.

He's paying for a drink
with his credit card.

There's a name on that receipt.

I think you should turn it off.

Bowman, please.
You have a genius at work.

And so modest, too.

Hey... Hey.

This is... a great...

- surprise.
- Mm-hmm.

Sorry to interrupt you at work, but...

I guess it runs in the family.

Ha. Good... Got it.

Good one, good one.

Listen, I'm sorry for
snapping at you earlier.

So purely out of guilt...

I got you the security...

What is that on the TV?


that's a... a screen saver.

Mm. Roger, I'm confused.

'Cause I remember an attorney
who looks a lot like me

telling you you need a
subpoena for that video.

Would you care to respond?


But before I do,

what are the chances
that we could look at a receipt

from the credit card at that restaurant?

Bailey, can you give us the room?

Thank you. Give us...?

Thank you.


- I was just about to call you.
- Yeah?

Oh, good. Okay, I'm sorry.

I was scared it was just me.

Um, I started to feel like a freak

for wanting to talk about,

you know...


Uh, me, too.

Yeah, how we left stuff earlier.

That's weird.

Right, yes.

Exac... Yes,

that is exactly why I was calling you.


So that is clearly not why you called.

Hey, Palmer, you don't know that.

What is this, like, a work thing?

Oh, maybe I'm calling you
for a variety of reasons,

uh, one of which could be...

Riggs, why are you calling?

Okay, fine.

If I send you a photo,

can you run it through the DEA's
facial recognition database?


if you would like to talk about...

Just send me the photo.

All right.



Bobby Claypool.

Ex-con that just got out.

Do you know him?


- I-I don't know...
- Shaye, this guy gets out of prison,

and the first thing he does
is come after you.

Phil said he was gonna take care of...

What? That he's gonna protect you?

He can't, Shaye.

Now, listen, who is Bobby Claypool?

He was my first boyfriend.

We were together
when I was starting out.

So why is he after you?

He went to prison
for vehicular manslaughter.

Who did he k*ll?

No one.

Bobby didn't k*ll anyone.

I did.

Hang up the phone, Shaye.

Shaye, is that Phil?
Do not hang up this phone.

Get off the phone.

Shaye, do not hang up the phone.

Now! Shaye.

Your boyfriend's back.

You miss me?


Hey, I can't talk right now, baby.

Everything all right?

Dad, do you know
what's going on with Shaye?

Do I know? Do you know
what's going on with Shaye?

I'm watching ShayeNation's
live Periscope.

The thing we put on your phone
the other day.

Open it now. You have to.

Look at us.

Just like old times.

Bobby, don't. Don't do this.

Oh, come on. Put your
peddle to the metal.

Let's show your fans
how we used to do it.

That was a close one.

That brings me back.

Now that reminds me of a story.

Now, stop me if you've
heard this one before,

but I'm pretty sure you haven't.

Shaye kept it to herself.

East on Mulholland. Are you sure?

We're going the wrong way.

- The car just passed the 3000 block.
- All right.

It was a drive just like this.

We were out celebrating.

Shaye was behind the wheel.

Do you remember what
we were celebrating, baby?

Sure you do.

Your first record deal.

Well, she k*lled a man that night.

Didn't see him before we hit him.

- Isn't that right?
- Yes.

But who went to jail for it?

You did.


Tell them!

Because we made a deal.

Because you were supposed
to take care of me.

Five years,

not one visit or phone call.

I wanted to reach out. I tried.

Phil wouldn't let me.

That's why he's gonna die, too.

Nice try.

Drive, Shaye.

Now we're gonna see if we can fly.

Found them.

He's gonna take them over the edge.

Hey, Rog. How do
you feel about off-road?

You know I hate that question.

I told the truth. What do you want?

You ruined my life.

And now I'm gonna ruin yours.

Help me!

Please, help me. Help!

Damn. Dad.

Roger Mayfield Murtaugh.

The trunk! Phil's in the trunk.

Oh, my God.

Help me.

- Please!
- Hi, Phil.

Come on!

We're gonna die.

Yeah, now, that is a guarantee.

Maybe today, you know,
maybe later down the road.

It's not an act, is it?

It all depends on you.


Sucks being scared, doesn't it?

Did you hurt her?

Yes or no?

Pull up!

Answer the question.

Yes. Yes, I hurt her.

I did. I hurt her.

Tell her I'm sorry.

Tell her yourself. Come on.

Come on, let's go. Let's go.

Is this your doing?

It was a team effort.

I think I created the perfect cop.

Your brains, his body.

Mm-hmm. Well, you take your partner

and you teach him some paperwork.

That's right.

He's all yours now.


our recruiting numbers are
suddenly through the roof.

Hmm. You laugh.

But a couple of tweaks

and that's a very compelling poster.

You saved the girl's life.

It was haphazard police work.

Excessive collateral damage,
and nearly a lawsuit, but...

not a bad outcome.

Now, that's a proper
compliment sandwich.

Yeah, you closed it up.


Any chance you retire early

and take Riggs with you?

I can't leave.

I'm the face of the department.

Give us just a sec?

Thank you.

How you holding up?

I'm gonna lose everything.

And I'm okay with that.

I didn't deserve it, anyway.

For the record, I fired Phil.

For the record, you didn't
deserve what he did to you.

You know that, right?

Hang in there, okay?



You see your dad on that old Periscope?

Periscope, Twitter, TMZ.

I've been getting texts
about you all night.

- Really?
- Mm-hmm.

Are they saying how heroic I looked?

- 'Cause that's what they say down...
- No.

They're saying "Your dad
just k*lled Shaye's career.

"And now, no one's gonna hear
any new music from her

for decades."

- No, do... but... I...
- All 'cause of you.


I... I saved her life.

Don't tell me you're
still mad at me, too.

Hmm. Not at all.

Those of us not in your
daughter's demographic

find what you did very heroic.



You should see me on this poster.

- Poster? What?
- I got big chest, big arms, yep.

I get to sleep with the guy on a poster?

- Mm-hmm.
- Sexy.

- Guess what.
- Hmm.

I don't think I'll be making
that strategy session tonight.

It-it moved upstairs.

That's right.

- Mm-hmm.
- Way upstairs.

Yeah. Come here.

Hey. I'm right by the hotel.

Oh, I should've called you earlier.

I'm about halfway
to the airport already.

Oh, bummer.

Well, I was gonna pick you up

and see if you wanted to grab a burger,

and then, I'd give you
a lift to the airport.

No worries, it's my fault.

Murtaugh told me I should've called.

Well, I decided to take
an earlier flight.

So, when you coming back?

Um, I don't know.

Might be a while, huh?

Yeah. Uh... look, um...

when you left the hotel the other day,

that bothered me.

I know. And I'm sorry.

No, um, what I'm...

what I'm trying to say is...

thank you. Um...

I really did not think
that I was capable

of anyone bothering me anymore.

Or that I would want them to.

And it turns out,

I do.

You know? It's... it's so stupid.

It's like I want a guy that sits around

and watches dumb TV with me and
will talk about his feelings,

brings me flowers, all that dorky stuff.

That's not you.

And I would really hate anybody

that tried to change you into that guy.

You and me both.

Thank you, Riggs.

You please take care of yourself, okay?

You too, Palmer.