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02x02 - Dancing in September

Posted: 11/02/21 10:42
by bunniefuu
♪ 1971 inna England, fresh off the plane ♪

♪ To my dame inna Brixton ♪

♪ No, she never ask about flight... ♪


Hey, Doc. Can you give me Kourtney's thighs?

I could take three millimeters.

♪ She gone a some house party tonight ♪

♪ So call me artical like... ♪


It's unethical of me to offer my professional opinion

under these conditions.


There's a Jacuzzi on the deck.

So, I say bikini up.

Let me take a look at my canvas.


WOMEN: Cheers!

This is not a bad view. (LAUGHTER)

Ten more minutes.

And then I'm gonna... aah!

A hand just rubbed my foot.

I see him.

Dr. Danny...



ROGER JR.: Why are we doing this now?

We have two more days to pack.

Yeah, well, your mother doesn't want to be scrambling

at the last minute.

Besides, we already, uh, rented out your room.


♪ ♪

You don't want to take your trophy?

From fourth grade Little League?


One box. That's all you're gonna carry?

You're 18 years old.

You can lift more than one...




TRISH: What are you doing?

Taking a break?

- No. I'm thinking. - Hmm.

About how I understand when people say

"always lift with your legs."

- No, it's your back? - Yeah.

Okay. What can I do?

Help me up. Okay.


- You did that on purpose. - New plan...


- Let's stay down here for a while. - Nuh-uh, let me go get you an ice pack.

No, it's all right.

It'll pass.


Is that RJ's Little League trophy?


Fourth grade.

I know.

And he's going to college.

Can you believe you are old enough

to have a kid going to college?

It happened when we weren't looking.

Yeah. We got two more days with him,

and then only two years with Riana.

Come on, that's not possible.

WE GOT TO MAKE A DEAL: Harper never leaves.

She stays with us forever.

Or we make another one.


- Deal. - ROGER JR.: Come on, guys.

In my room?


Can't you wait until I'm gone?

- Go on, boy, get out of here. - Yeah, go.



I don't know how to be normal.

I wake up, and...

You want to sit down, put your things down?

How you want to do this?

Yeah. Uh... (STAMMERS)

I've-I've never seen you this...

eager or this early.

Um, okay.

So, what do you mean, you don't know how to be "normal"?

All right. So,

ever since I got back from Mexico, it's...

I think we're all on the same page that I'm healthier, right?

I'm fixed.

Well, uh, Riggs.

It... that's a-a process.

Okay, whatever.

The point is, I'm normal.

Not a fan of that word.

Okay, that's your own issues.

What do normal people do?

What do they do?

Uh, they-they get up,

they go to work,

they socialize?

They date.

Eh, three out of four's not bad.

You're interested in dating.

All right, so...

I'm cleaning g*ns, sharpening knives, okay? And I see this

on the floor, so I pick it up, and I'm thinking, oh, maybe this is a sign.

Right? Maybe I should call her.

And I think maybe I-I'm gonna call her.

- But? - But.

Like, wh-what am I, what am I gonna say?

Like, you know, blah, blah, make a bunch of small talk

and ask her to dinner? It's 5:00 in the morning,

for crying out loud.

You've been up since 5:00 in the morning?

Yeah, you do seem a little...


I don't know. It's like, ever since Mexico,

I... it's like I just don't need that much sleep.

You know? It's like, 5:00, 5:30 in the morning,

boom, I'm ready to go.

You think it's possible I've gone too far?

You know? To the other side?

Like, maybe I'm... too normal?

Safe to say I... I don't share that concern.

Death by Jacuzzi.

I can think of worse ways to go.

So who was this guy?

BAILEY: Daniel Harris.

38, plastic surgeon.

Looks like a massive coronary. So possibly not even a homicide,

considering all the blow.

We're definitely dealing with a m*rder here, Rog!

Riggs? What's he doing here?

He was here when we got here.

Seriously? First one on the scene?

RIGGS: So, here's what I know.

Probable m*rder w*apon.

I'd check that for heart attack juice.

Side gate left open, bikinis everywhere,

and when I say bikinis, I mean a ton of bikinis.

And a crap-basket full of cocaine on the inside,

so I'm thinking we need to bring in the DEA.

DEA? Hold up, wait. Time out.

Are you sure you didn't

dip into that crap-basket full of cocaine?

No, Rog.


You're looking at a normal guy.

That's right. I'm healthy now, Roger.

(LAUGHING): Okay. You, healthy?

We're good to go.

Hey, what?

There something going on with your lower back?

Oh, yeah, that's just nothing.

Seems like a lower lumbar thing.

Yeah, yeah... Right back here.

You been picking up heavy stuff?

I... you know.

RJ's going to college.

Yeah, yeah. You've been picking up heavy boxes.

Yes. Time for a little

Navy SEAL first aid! What are you doing? Get...


Ah... Ugh...

What did you just do to me?

You're welcome.

Y-You know what?

This is not normal, Riggs.

Well, you better get used to it, Big Rog.

Think of it this way.

You've said you've been wanting a new partner, right?


Well, now you got one.


The normal guy.

All right, I'm gonna scour the neighborhood!

Who's in?!

I haven't had cocaine since the mid-'90s.

- And the situation - The fact that the doctor was dead

is actually right there. and there was cocaine everywhere had nothing...

Can you just get to the point where you blow up the building

and run over the pedestrian,

or blow up the pedestrian and run over

- the whatever? - Wait, well. No...

No. We didn't blow anything up.

There's no pedestrians got run over.

- What's wrong, Captain? - (GROANS)

LAPD brass is sending over a deputy chief

to evaluate and assess our entire division.


I thought we were cleared by I.A.

"Cleared" meaning "not arrested."

And now we get the full-body scan. And by the way,

nine times out of ten, an evaluate and assess

means the head of the fish gets lopped off.

- Oh, that's not gonna happen. - It can't happen.

'Cause I am not prepared emotionally or financially.

Todd just talked me into buying a boat.


What a mistake that wa...

They suck more money

than floating toilets.

So who's this, uh, deputy chief guy?

SANTOS: Hello, Roger.

Uh, D-Deputy Chief Santos.

I'm, uh, Captain Avery.

Can I get you a coffee, or, uh,

a scone, perhaps?


I'm sorry, are we having brunch?

Is that what they told you we were doing today?

- No, that wasn't... this is... - Hi. Martin Riggs.

- AVERY: This is Martin Riggs. - RIGGS: I didn't know we had scones.

We don't have scones. And of course,

you've already, you've already met, uh, Murtaugh.

MURTAUGH: We should go.

We should go, Riggs.

Where are we going? We-We're going.

It was nice meeting you.

- Yeah. - Mm-hmm.

Sorry about the whole scone thing.

I don't know where that came from.

MURTAUGH: A dead man.

You are looking at a dead man.

Oh, is it your back again?

- Here, turn around. - No, it's not that.


You were in the room with us.

Did you feel the tension?

"Hello, Roger."

Her words.

- You talking about the deputy chief? - Yes.

We have a history, Riggs.

There was a whole thing that, uh, happened.

Wow. You think you know somebody.


I mean, we worked together, years back, when, uh,

I first became detective.

On the first night, we were sitting in a car on a stakeout,

and I'm getting these vibes.

Serious vibes from her.

Not to be confused with, like, regular vibes.

Right. And then, at about 2:00 in the morning,

it happened.



Vibes confirmed.

We both reached to adjust the radio.

And boom.

Fingers touch.

Riveting. What next?


She didn't move.

Even though my hand got there first,

she allowed her finger to linger.

For about one and a half, maybe even two seconds.

So that's it. Your fingers touched.

"That's it"? Well...

Have you ever been finger-lingered?

It's a icky feeling.

And so I did what I had to do, Riggs.

I put in for a transfer because I knew,

with all those pheromones floating around,

a cop's instincts could get compromised.


Obviously, it crushed her.

Well, that's obvious. And here we are.

Intel on the dead doctor.

Watch out, Bailey.


The doctor was definitely m*rder*d,

injected with potassium chloride.

MURTAUGH: Hey, look at this.

He was being sued by his business partner.

Motive and access to the heart attack juice.

Mm-hmm. Let's go talk to him.

Uh, don't forget your body cams.

- (GROANS) - What?

Straight from the deputy chief.

Something about transparency? Oh, no.

She wanted to make sure you got them.

WELLER: Dr. Harris was a gifted surgeon,

but his lifestyle was the antithesis of what we do here.

Which is what, exactly?

Complete wellness.

We do top-end cosmetic surgery, massage rehab,

longevity, anti-aging treatments.

Anti-aging? Mm-hmm.

Who the heck wants to live forever?

I do.

I wish my back was 20 years younger.

We're breaking ground.

With growth hormones and steroid therapies.

- Hmm. - Yeah.

Growth hormones and steroid therapy.

Drug connection.

Have a good day.

And stay healthy.

LET ME GUESS: she's 96.

Excuse me?

- Don't mind him. - He's anti-health.

Come on, Riggs. Body cam.

Who are those guys?

I have no idea.

Probably new patients?


You have my information, and, Detective,

you should stop by our back pain clinic

for a complimentary session.

Oh, I-I couldn't take advantage of...

you know, job conflict.

I see. It's not a graft,

it's an AARP special for anyone over 50.

AARP. You hear that?

Come on, Rog.

You know the secret to youth is catching bad guys.

Let's go.

Hey, Riggs, remember, body cams.

By the book.


Hey, is the Fountain of Youth back there?

We were looking for it.



- (SCREAMS) - ♪ So this is what you want, then ♪

♪ You want a w*r, show me what's up then... ♪

- Sorry. - (GRUNTS)

♪ Take everything, leave them with nothing ♪

♪ They ain't gonna be no discussion ♪

♪ We ain't talking no more, we about to rush them ♪

♪ Never gonna see me coming... ♪

You broke my camera.

♪ Leave 'em with nothing ♪

♪ Leave 'em with nothing... ♪

Now nobody's gonna see what I do to you.



Don't worry, I got this!

♪ So is this what you want then? ♪

♪ You want a w*r... ♪

Here you go.

♪ Show me what's up then ♪

♪ Now we ready to bust in ♪

♪ Take everything, leave 'em with nothing ♪

♪ Take everything, leave 'em with nothing. ♪

Keep that up, you'll be young and healthy as me.


MURTAUGH: And so, uh, here I am, methodically searching

the grounds for a suspected perp.

Oh, wait, that one. Uh-huh.

And-and-and now I'm, uh,

identifying myself, you see, as a, as a

peace officer.

And then right there, I'm issuing

verbal warning to said perp.

- I think I heard it right there. - Yeah.

Let's press pause on this.


No, I mean that literally.

Detective, press pause. I-I can't watch... Oh, I don't...

Just push that one right there. Press any button!

I'll be candid.

I was led to believe that

Detective Riggs was the challenge

of this department. He is.

What? That-that was before.

I am normal now.

The film tells a markedly different story.

Detective, if you set out

to record the worst possible footage

that shows us in the least favorable light...

Well, if I, if I may interject, ma'am.

What you're not seeing in the video

is that we may have possibly uncovered

a massive drug ring, so...

Well, I wouldn't say massive and I wouldn't say dr*gs.

Well, there was steroids and hormones type stuff.

I mean, there was stuff in there

and I suggest that we get the DEA.

The DE... why would we want the DEA?

Why do you have a problem with that?

- Why don't you just call her? - Call who?

You know who.

What? Wh-Why do you slouch when you say it?

I, uh, I happen to be a fan of interagency cooperation.



make the call.

Detective Riggs.


You got a haircut.

Oh. I did it myself. Thanks for noticing.

- Uh-huh. - Yeah.

So, what's up?

Last I heard, you were headed south.

Well, that's actually why I came.

We, uh, missed you at the parade.


You had a parade?

Oh, a celebration, really.

You know, the end of the Flores cartel.

I don't know if you heard, but I kind of went down there

and I just handled that whole

Mexican drug trafficking thing, so...


You do know there's more than one cartel.

That can't be true or they wouldn't have you writing up...


Phone conversations with weed dealers?

Uh, I'm off cartel duty.

They benched you.

Oh, no. I've been benched from the bench.

Exiled. It's just me and... tech guy, Robby.

Somebody found out you gave me the Flores file.

There you go.

Taking credit for everything.

I am perfectly capable of getting myself benched.

Ah, well, you know, it was an international incident,

so I just...

Is there a reason you came by?

I did, actually.

I just came by to ask you or request

the DEA's assistance on this case.

Um, might need a whole task force deal.

Uh, pretty sure it's a major drug ring.

Is that Murtaugh?

Yeah, it's these stupid cams we have to wear.

So, this doctor was k*lled, all right? Okay.

So, we go to his clinic and we find these guys.

Well, this guy was dead and that guy got away,

but in this room,

they kept the steroids.

Um, the HGH, the HCG...

Stop, stop it. All right.

- The H-H... - Steroids? Oh, God.

Riggs, did you really bring me this?

Really... hey.

Come on, this could get you back in the game.

This could be huge.

- These guys are trafficking... - No, don't. What are they dealing?

Ointments and creams?

Come on, I'm not the FDA.

You want to do a red dye number two bust?


Maybe I came at a bad time.

Well, you are very perceptive.


Bye, Riggs.

- ♪ Don't let this love ♪ - (DOOR OPENS)

- ♪ Slip away... ♪ - (DOOR CLOSES)


Whoa, whoa.


You're missing the concept, all right?

All your stuff leaves the house with you.

College is that way.

I understand the concept.

Look, Claremont's 45 minutes away.

- What if I go to college... - Mm-hmm.

- ...but live here? - (CHUCKLES)

And why would we want that?

I mean, I saw my dorm room.

No AC, cinder-block walls.

One shower for, like, 12 guys.

It's disgusting.

Look, college is supposed to be uncomfortable.

All right? It's supposed to be disgusting and smelly

and the bathroom floor is always wet and no one ever knows why.

Don't you think I'll have a better chance

of academic success if my living situation is stable?

Be surrounded by the people I love.

I mean, I-I-I see your point.

I mean, not everything has to change.

I mean, you're gonna watch SportsCenter alone every night?

Who's gonna go with you to the car wash?

Admit it. It's-it's not a bad idea.

Well, you have a...

Step away from your father.

ROGER JR.: Mom, I-I was...

TRISH: Step away from your father

and take that box back in the truck.

Yeah, put the box in the truck.

Try to con me.


- Yep. Mm-hmm. - Mm-hmm.

Tell me you weren't encouraging him to live at home.

But, Trish, don't-don't you think maybe it's possible

- that we could... - Unequivocally no.

But we can keep an eye on him.

- He's not smart. - Baby.

Listen to me.

He needs to leave the nest.

It's the best thing for him and for you.

- Me? What-what I got to do with it? - You.

Sweetie, you can tell yourself

that if RJ lives home forever,

your bones won't get any older.

- (SIGHS) - Or you can let him go to college




...see someone about this back.


What are you doing here?

Scorsese found Russian tattoos on our guy,

so I'm looking at Russians.

Still? What, you sleep here?

It's not tomorrow yet, is it?

Close enough.

Listen, I can't leave here

until she leaves here. You have no excuse.

You okay? I mean,

as okay as you normally are?

I think that's our caviar-eating Russki right there.

Yep. And there's the other one.

Sergei Kryev.

Looks like our boys were freelancing for the mob.

AVERY: Okay, so why does the Russian mafia

k*ll a plastic surgeon?

Mm, mm? Botched nose job or a drug ring?

I got to go talk to that doctor again.

That sounds like fun. I'm coming.

What? I'm the captain.

I can still do whatever I want.

WOMAN: Mr. Murtaugh, your massage therapist is ready.


AVERY: ...the sounds, the smells, the people.

Actually, I like being in my office.

It's early. He may not be in.

Dr. Weller, LAPD.



- Palmer. - Up.

What are you doing?

I'm arresting Sergei Kryev.

Huh. This is drug-related.

- Uh-huh. - I knew it.

- You've been following me. - (HANDCUFFS TIGHTEN)

Took you long enough.

Eh, whatever. We got the band back together.

Are we doing this or what?

We are not.

What? Hey, we got a whole task force thing going.

What are you talking about?


That Agent Palmer?


(PANTING): Was that... Agent Palmer?

What are you doing here?

- And why are you carrying one shoe? - Yeah.

Can we just focus on the fact

that Agent Palmer just stole our case?

Huh? I mean, that is the most underhanded, backstabbing,

duplicitous agent ever.

Yeah, I know.

She's unbelievable.

So, the three of you went to the clinic

and you lost another suspect?

Did I get that math right?

Mm, mm, to be fair,

we didn't lose another suspect.

We lost the same suspect.

We really, we lost one suspect twice.

- The... are those scones? - You know, I am trying

to reconcile procedure here

with any police procedure anywhere.

It's nice of you to join us.

How was it that

you arrived at the clinic before your colleagues?

Well... (SIGHS) that's, uh, interesting.

See, I was there, um, on a hunch.

Uh, sort of in a...

undercover sort of capacity. Right, Riggs?

Oh, I no longer feel comfortable with deception, Roger,

now that I've turned over a new leaf.

He was having a massage,

- but he has lower lumbar issues... - SANTOS: Oh.

Don't touch my back.

The deputy chief

only wanted to know how we lost the suspect.

Oh, lost. Well, we didn't lose him.

He's actually being interrogated

by our task force partners.

We're trying to, you know,

piece together who hired him.

So, do you have a name yet?

We're close-ish.

- Call Palmer and insist... - (SIGHS)

...that she gives us whatever she gets on our prisoner.

That's not how Palmer works.

Look, if I push, she shuts me out.

- You are already shut out. - Look,

we got to find something Palmer wants.

We show it to her, right? We tease her with it.

And then it'll become her idea to share her thing with me.

I feel like I'm in the middle of your foreplay.

I don't like it.

Well, you know what that tells me?


You don't understand foreplay.

Look, all we have now is a dead body.

Who was tortured for information, all right?

We get that information, we're gold.

What is the body telling us?

The body is telling us...

...that it was tortured and it really, really hurt.

Okay, so, now it's time to make the phone call.


RIGGS: Who's that?

See, she can't get her guy to talk,

so now she's calling to see what we have.

Right, so answer the phone.

But not right away.

And act cool. Be... be casual.

What's going on here?


Hello, Palmer. What's shaking, baby?

That is way too casual.

PALMER: What isn't shaking?

Just taking a break from interrogating Kryev.

Aw, taking a break.

What a bummer. So he's not giving you anything.

(CHUCKLES) I wish. No, I got to take a break

'cause my wrist hurts so bad

from writing as fast as he's talking.

All right, well, hey, you know,

we're doing the same thing over here.

We're just, uh, you know, we're pulling clues

out of this corpse left and right.

I mean, we got fibers and...

and DNA and stuff.

Oh, you guys are still with the corpse, huh?


Wait, was he tortured?

You're giving away the farm. Change the subject.

(WHISPERS): Shut up.

Uh, hey, so it-it-it seems ballsy

(CHUCKLES) to, uh, to walk out of

an interrogation room when you got your guy talking.

I'm sorry.

Are you saying that I'm not ballsy

or he's not talking? 'Cause how else would I know

Kryev was working for Russian mobster, Christian Orloff?

It doesn't take a genius

to figure out

why Orloff's in town.

It's textbook, Palmer.

He k*lled two doctors and tortured one.

After they break into the clinic, the records room,

so, obviously, he's looking for someone.

- Obviously. - (AVERY MOUTHS)

A nurse.

- PALMER: A patient. - Patient. Patient.

(WHISPERING): A patient

who had plastic surgery,

changed their identity.

We need patient files.

Right, so... I'm just gonna subpoena

patient files tomorrow. Court's closed.

She's typing.

AVERY: She's not waiting till tomorrow.

So just gonna call it a night here.

Yeah, you know, that's really a good idea.

You should take some time off. Go get some rest.

Hey, Riggs, you sound like you're out of breath.

- Are you running somewhere? - Uh, I'm-I'm...

Are you running to Bailey?

I'm losing you, losing you, losing you. Bye-bye.

Patient names for Dr. Harris.

- 55 names. - Hmm.

Last six months.

21 names.

Okay, guy's on the run from the mob.

Probably doesn't want a paper trail.

Yeah, patients who paid in cash.

Come on, Bailey, you got this. Come on, Bailey.

ALL (CHANTING): Bailey, Bailey.

Okay, I need you guys to take two steps back.

Never mind. Got it.

One name, Sara Burns, paid in cash.

- RIGGS: ♪ Uh-oh! ♪ - MURTAUGH: Sara Burns.

That's her. Before surgery.

There's no after surgery, no address, no nothing.

W-Where did they send her, uh, her pain meds?

Her prescription, her post-op prescription pain...

'cause they-they some...

No, I had a, a little chin thing done.

- They put too much... - Okay.

- Just send us the address. - Let's go. We'll see you.

- ♪ All out like Janet at the Super Bowl ♪ - ♪ What? ♪

♪ W-W-Wilin' on these... like I'm Pete Rose ♪

♪ Bummy all day in my street clothes ♪

♪ Pull up and I'm flexin' with your little... ♪

♪ Yep, yep... ♪

Tell me you found the girl.

Kryev was arrested before we could get to him.

What? Did he give you anything?

The name of her doctor, the clinic.

Now she's a blonde.


She can expose our entire operation,

and now you're telling me you've narrowed it down

to a blonde with a new face

somewhere in L.A.?

- (g*n COCKS) - Find the girl

or I start sh**ting.

- I'm sorry. I can't help you. - (RIGGS SIGHS)

Oh, don't say "can't."

Why do you keep saying "can't"? He keeps saying the same thing.

- But we're the good guys. - Patient information...

PALMER: Is protected

by privacy laws.

Oh, I'm sorry, ma'am, there's a line and it starts outside.

Sir, stand firm. You do not have to give information

to LAPD.

Nor do you have to give information to the DEA.

Unless he wants to

because I am not here to bully the man.

Oh, no, no, no, honey, this is charm.

- (GROANS) - Southern charm.

PALMER: That what that is? More foreplay.

Where's your back pain products?

- RIGGS: I thought you... - Aisle one.

PALMER: Why do I have to check in with you?

RIGGS: Check in with me?


PALMER: Maybe I was being...


Sara Burns.

Remember me? We-we met at the clinic.


I... I have a familiar face.


Hey, guys, look.

It's Sara Burns

with the familiar face.

Well, hi, Sara.

I'm just... (SIGHS) a CPA.

I thought that I'd landed a dream job

- at Orloff. - Or with a Russian drug syndicate.

No, I had no idea that...


Okay. (SNIFFS)

It was six months before I found

manifests for undocumented product out of China.

You helped them ship in boatloads

of highly addictive poison

into this country. Well done.

Let's try maybe a little less aggressive approach.

SARA: I tried to quit.

And then Orloff himself came to see me.

He said if I quit,

I'd be k*lled.

I knew too much.

I did the only thing that I could.


You stole his money and bought some boobs.

All right, let's take five.

This little blonde thief is wasting my time.

Okay, A, that's discrimination towards blondes.

And B, look at her.

She's terrified.

PALMER: That's not my problem. My problem

is Christian Orloff. This is as close as I'm gonna get.

I need to nail him now.


- This is about getting you out of exile. - Don't...

You're not mad at her, you're mad at me

because I messed up your career.

No, this has nothing to do with you.

And I'm sorry.

Look, I knew what was gonna happen

when I gave you that file.

I'm a grown-up.

It was my choice.

I screwed up pretty bad, didn't I?

Yeah, you did.


Um, I was wondering, uh...

what now?

Um... we're all done here.

We'll put you up and we'll pick this up again tomorrow.

Wait, wait, I'm... I'm not under arrest?

For ripping off a drug trafficker?

For... k*lling Dr. Harris.

Isn't that why I'm here?

When Dr. Harris found out that Sara was hiding

from the Russians, he started to extort her.

Threatened to expose her.

So, she put a stop to it with a syringe.

m*rder solved.

It's all right here.

Technically, I guess,

I, uh, brought her in.



That's it?

No "Good job.

Have a scone."

Detective, is there a problem here?

Yes, Gina, there is.

Let's talk about the real elephant in this room.

It is apparent that ever since you arrived,

you have had it in for me,

simply because I rejected your advance.

Excuse me?

My advance?

Hmm. Come on.

You don't remember we were partners?

For, like, a day.

No, two days.

One night.

Let me refresh your memory.

Stakeout. MacArthur Park, 2003.

It is raining outside.

Is this gonna take much longer?

On the radio,

Earth, Wind & Fire's "September" plays.

But not quite loud enough.

So we both reach for the volume.

My hand gets there first.

Yours... doesn't retreat.

No, your finger lingers on mine.

And we both know that my rejection

of said finger-linger

has grown into the elephant

that exists today.


I mean, we-we

do both know that.


Some professional advice?

Always stop talking

two minutes before you think

you should stop talking.

(QUIETLY): Okay.

- You know, I'm-a go write that down. - Mm.

And-and, like, stick it on a... desk.

Packing or unpacking?

A little of both.

Can I show you something?



(LAUGHS) Senior year in high school.


And that girl loved everything about her life.

Her hair,

her glasses, her friends, her home.

I thought life couldn't get any better than that.

I hope you didn't show up to college in that sweater.

I almost didn't show up at all.

No, my dad drove me down,

and I refused to get out of the car.

Because I knew the best parts of my life would be over if I did.

So how'd he get you out?

- Well, two hours later... - (CHUCKLES SOFTLY)

he told me I only had to go to college for one week.

At the end of that week...

I could call him,

and he would come pick me up.

So you-you didn't call?

Hell no, I didn't call. (LAUGHS)

I didn't call for

- a month. - What?

Yes. They actually had to send

campus police to my dorm to make sure I was okay.

- What? - Mm-hmm. (LAUGHS)

You have no idea what's coming next.

But trust me,

it is gonna be amazing.


MURTAUGH: Hey, what's up?

Taking Sara in for booking?

I thought the unis did that.

Well, Palmer finally bought into the task force

aspect of our little group here, but, uh,

she wants to see it all the way through,

so she wants to take her in.

PALMER: Partially true.

Full disclosure,

I may have an ulterior motive.

You don't want to book Sara?

Well, look, if we book her,

then Orloff's gonna find out about it,

and he's just gonna take off for some country

that won't extradite him, and that's it.

- Do you have a better idea? - I do.

It's called, "Get Sara to help us implicate a drug trafficker."

Wow, you have an idea, like, with a shorter title or...?

- Sara doesn't have anything on Orloff. - She doesn't,

- so she will have to get something. - Come on, if we send her in there

- with a wire, Orloff's gonna k*ll her. - You boys are forgetting

the very best part of this whole thing.

She just had plastic surgery.

He doesn't know what she looks like.

So we do not send Sara to Orloff,

we send me in her place.


PALMER (OVER RADIO): I'm just saying,

if she changed her appearance,

it would make sense

that she changed her wardrobe, too.

RIGGS: And I'm just saying,

she didn't necessarily change it to look like a DEA agent.

Ha-ha, so this is about my white dress?

MURTAUGH: Hey, what the hell are you guys

fishing for, Moby d*ck?

Todd likes to be prepared.

RIGGS: I'm just saying,

you know, there's still time to change places.

Orloff doesn't know if you went full dude with the surgery.

Riggs, are you worried about me

or are you just jealous I'm having all the fun?

Sara Burns. It's a pleasure to see you again.


Your doctor does good work.


Permission to come aboard?

Yes. Please.

I got Orloff and two bodyguards.

MURTAUGH: There's three more up top.

Listen, you stay where I can see you.

Get him to cop to the trafficking,

and get off that boat.

Even in the textile business, one must be cautious.

Trusted employees occasionally steal from you.

They steal money,

shipping manifests.

Well, if you'd been more cautious

with your shipping manifest,

I'd still think you were in the textile industry,

and we wouldn't be here.

She's either baiting him, or gonna get punched in the face.

That's why you two are perfect for each other.

You are missed on the third floor, Sara.

Eric says he's been swamped the last two months.

He's testing her. This is a test.

SARA: There is no Eric.


No. No, there's no Eric in accounting.

Do you mean Susie or Phil? 'Cause they probably

could work a little bit harder.

She's good. (CHUCKLES)

I'd believe she's me.

$1 million for my copy

of your shipping manifest to stay buried.

You can call it a security fee, write it off.

I wish you'd stayed here, Sara.


You'd be a real asset.

Your fee is inside, along with a swimsuit for you.


No, no, I don't swim.

Hmm. It's non-negotiable.

The money you took...

I wish to see what it paid for.

He's checking her for a wire.

RIGGS: Don't go inside that boat, Palmer.


All right, are we all sufficiently uncomfortable now?

How about I put my clothes back on,

and you give me my money and you can

keep dealing dr*gs, deal?


I don't sell them, I just move them.

And no.

No deal.


He's gonna k*ll her.

The new deal is that Henry is going to hurt you,

and keep hurting you until you tell him exactly

where to find the shipping manifest you took from me.

MURTAUGH: Hey, the boat is leaving.

AVERY: So are we. Hang on.

Good luck.






What are you doing? Keep her steady.

It's called the ocean, Murtaugh.







We're losing them, go faster!

It doesn't go fa... it's for fishing!


Dude, I said I had it under control.

Gave one instruction, don't go downstairs.

Well, I don't take instruction well.

(g*n COCKS)

Drop the g*n, or I sh**t her.

PALMER: Riggs.

sh**t him, he's gonna k*ll me anyway.

Drop it.

Hey, Palmer?


Call him Ishmael.

SANTOS: Violations of L.A. municipal code,

the patient Privacy Act and maritime law.

If it helps, we may have been in international waters.

I was mistaken.

This is not a Detective Murtaugh problem.


- Deputy Chief... - It's a Riggs

and Murtaugh problem.

Oh, it feels so good to hear someone else say that.

Combined with a leadership deficit.

(CLEARS THROAT) Feels so good to hear someone say that.

So you think I'll get my office back, when?


We can share mine.

I want my desk.


Did you see that?

Oh, yeah. She put a picture of her dog in front of Todd.

(SINGS ALONG): ♪ Do you remember ♪

♪ The 21st night of September? ♪

♪ Love was changing the minds of pretenders ♪

♪ While chasing the clouds away. ♪


Is this the new normal?

19-hour day?

No, just finishing up some paperwork.

Getting ready to head home.

You were?

Riggs, do you have any idea what you're avoiding at home?


Look, since I got back

from Mexico, um...

it's a little too quiet when it's just me.

And it's a little harder to fake it there.

To fake what?

Being normal?


Well, if it's any consolation...

...I don't think you're fooling anyone around here.

You didn't bury your past

in Mexico.

Just a little piece of it.

You know, sometimes I...

AVERY: Armed robbery

in West L.A., who wants it?

I got it. Text me the address?


See you later, Doc.


You saw your second set of sheets, right?

Don't even worry about it.

I probably won't change them.

Okay, last box.

Car's empty. Let me take that.

Don't want to see you, uh, cramp up and collapse.


That's funny.


Hey. RJ, right?

I think we're across the hall from you.

Right. Right, uh, hey.

Let me get the elevator for you. Thanks.

- I'll be right back. - Mm-hmm.

Co-ed floor?

We're okay with this?

I don't think we have much say-so anymore.

No. This is not gonna work.

He's not ready.

I-I think you were right.

Maybe he should stay home a little longer.

ROGER JR.: Hey, guys.

There's, uh, a dorm party starting in, like, two minutes,

so, is it okay if we say our good-byes, like, now?


Yeah. It's okay. Uh...

Seems like all the other parents left.

No, he... it's... We have...

He needs an alarm clock,

and that window does not open.

RJ? Hug your mother good-bye.

♪ There's a place I go to... ♪

Okay. Let go.

I-I'm trying.

MURTAUGH: All right.

I love you, sweetie, okay?

♪ Steady on down the line ♪

♪ Lose every sense of time... ♪


TRISH: Don't forget to call me later.

- Okay? - All right, come on.

And we're walking. Don't look back.

He's not that good a son.

♪ How far to go ♪

♪ Everybody got their reason ♪

♪ Everybody got their way ♪

♪ We're just catching and releasing ♪

♪ What builds up ♪

♪ Throughout the day ♪

♪ It gets into your body ♪

♪ And it flows right through your blood ♪

♪ We can tell each other secrets... ♪

Did someone call in an armed robbery?

♪ And remember how to love ♪


See, I'm robbing the place.

And I'm armed.

Right, right.

You know,

if you wanted to call me, you could've just called me.

And what would've been the fun in that?



CLERK: Hey. You gonna pay for those?



♪ Everybody got their way ♪

♪ We're just catching and releasing ♪

♪ What builds up throughout the day ♪

- (SIRENS WAILING) - ♪ And it gets into your body ♪

♪ And it flows right through your blood ♪

♪ We can tell each other secrets ♪

♪ And remember how to love. ♪